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90% Grand Admiral / Chapter 27: Chapter 26 - Slaughter. Part one

Capítulo 27: Chapter 26 - Slaughter. Part one

Kept you waiting, huh? Enjoy reading.

During his turbulent youth spent on the deck of a Carrack-class light cruiser, and then on the bridge of a Victory-class Star Destroyer, Captain Morgoth Astorias, upon seeing the disposition data received from Grand Admiral Thrawn's flagship Star Destroyer, would have surely panicked. In fact, if the "Stormhawk" had to face such forces alone, or even in the company of another "Imperial," he would have thought a hundred times before rushing into the devil's maw.

And there was a lot to think about — after all, in fourteen minutes and fifty-one seconds, the "Stormhawk" would emerge from hyperspace right into the center of this carnage. The "Sentinel" had already transmitted the vector of its gravitational anomalies, and the navigator's response was positive. So, as soon as the Star Destroyer enters their range, the standard hyperdrive protection will activate, and the "Stormhawk" will find itself in real space. Its turbolasers would come to life, and fighters, interceptors, bombers would pour out of the hangar to engage the enemy's aviation in battle. Of course, it would be nice if assault shuttles with stormtroopers stationed on the destroyer would follow, but all of them, like their comrades from the "Nemesis," stayed to guard the technicians and the "Dreadnoughts" of the "Katana Fleet." As well as both Corellian corvettes CR90 assigned to the destroyers. Honestly, a weak defense if someone decided to attack the Dark Forces. But soon, another pair of destroyers would arrive, bringing a contingent of technicians and parts to revive the ancient ships. Accompanied by the "Imperious" and "Inflexible," part of the Rendili starships needing minimal repairs would be sent to the Morshdain sector for repairs and upgrades. And as soon as they awaken from their slumber and are brought to a condition where they can make the flight to the base on Tangrene, the most interesting part will begin — Grand Admiral Thrawn will move to active combat operations. It is a pity that the other three pairs of "Imperial" Star Destroyers are currently en route to the location of the "Katana Fleet" and will not be able to arrive at the battle site by the deadline set by the Grand Admiral. Thrawn calculated so that each new batch of starships with parts and technicians for repairs, as well as stormtroopers for guarding the ships, would arrive every two days, ensuring a continuous supply of resources necessary for the prompt repair of the trophy starships. It's doubly a pity that only four out of the one hundred ninety-six available Dark Forces starships can independently move on sublight engines and in hyperspace. And in a full-fledged battle, none of these ships can participate — only a fool would send them into the heat of war without major repairs and with a minimal crew. It's a pity — the quartet of "Dreadnoughts" could have spiced up Thrawn's "party" in the Rugosa system. But bringing those ships there now is not only impossible by the deadline — second-class hyperdrives are far from installed on heavy cruisers, and after so many years of inactivity, the ships' systeMC could fail at the most inopportune moment, resulting in the loss of not only trophy starships but also their crew members. And yet, if these ships were operational and with relatively functional armament, the "Slave Chain" computer system could be used, allowing each of the "Katana Fleet" ships to be controlled from the flagship within one star system — this would solve the crew shortage problem. But, like the other equipment on the starships, this system is also considered conditionally unreliable. For this same reason, no one seriously considered the possibility of repairing the "Dreadnoughts" on-site and transferring them to Tangrene under the control of the flagship heavy cruiser. Well, maybe one day Thrawn will implement this feature of the Rendili starships.

Of course, if he survives the confrontation with such a massive enemy fleet caught in his ambush.

Conditionally, the enemy forces can be divided into two groups.

The first one included an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer. Previously, during its service in the Imperial fleet, it was named "Virulence ." Now — "Errant Venture"

Little remained of its standard armament — the Grand Admiral's fleet scanners noted that only two tractor beam projectors, ten ion cannons, and no more than ten heavy turbolaser batteries were operational. The rate of fire was much lower than the passport indicated, unequivocally hinting that the ship either lacked enough crew members or was in less than optimal technical condition. However, what can one expect from its owner, who painted the ship red? Spending millions to turn a combat starship into a fancy aircar... Better to have bought more weapons. But what can you expect from smuggler scum who got such a valuable asset as an "Imperial-II" for free?

The ship deployed two squadrons of TIE fighters and one squadron of Z-95 Headhunters against the Empire's forces. The air wing was also incomplete.

The next formidable opponent was a Neutron Star-class cruiser. Built at the end of the Clone Wars, this type of starship was not very popular in military circles. Slow, capable of deploying only three full squadrons of fighters, armed with thirty quadruple medium-caliber laser cannons, this type of cruiser was designed and manufactured based on technologies outdated even at the time of the Clone Wars. And after the reorganization of the Old Republic into the Galactic Empire, it no longer met the sharply increased Imperial requirements for warships of this class. However, this did not exclude the fact that the starship was procured by the Imperial fleet. Or inherited from the Old Republic, which managed to buy a considerable number of such starships in the last year of the Clone War. On the wave of rearmament and unified standardization, the New Order sought to profitably dispose of non-liquid ships, and so the Empire began selling some outdated starships to planetary governments, companies, large corporations, and even private traders. The key condition was loyalty to the Empire. Therefore, it is not surprising that "Neutron Stars" for many decades formed the core of fleets and squadrons of pro-Imperial systeMC and sectors that could afford to purchase such a ship for five million credits. The "Neutron Star" was inferior in armament and armor to the even more outdated "Dreadnoughts," but significantly won out due to its low cost and small crew requirement. The Corporate Sector, for example, massively acquired decommissioned Imperial weaponry. At the moment, they have the largest fleet of Victory-class Star Destroyers. "Neutron Stars" were also spotted on the side of the Rebel Alliance, pirates, and neutral states. Anyone with enough money to buy this six-hundred-meter starship, with its imperfect, slow, and monstrously voracious engines, eventually realized how expensive it was to maintain such a ship if it did not fulfill its primary function.

Actually, that's why the Galactic Empire used them as stationary units in remote systems and sectors, as well as armored transports. However, due to the lack of large and small artillery, this ship could do nothing against higher-class opponents and enemy fighters. In the latter case, the hope was only on the three squadrons based in the ship's hangar. But against corvettes and frigates, this starship, with its one hundred twenty artillery barrels, could handle them very quickly. However, as is often the case with Rendili-built ships, the rear hemisphere of the "Neutron Star" is open to unimpeded firing.

Neutron Star-class cruiser.

Three Carrack-class light cruisers — this is a very serious problem for small aircraft. They specialize in destroying fighters and other aviation thanks to their rapid-fire guns. Carracks were loved and built in large quantities in the Empire. Speed and maneuverability made them excellently suited for escorting larger starships, like a Star Destroyer. Moreover, one cannot discount the fact that these ships, combined into a flotilla and targeting a single starship, could even thrash a Star Destroyer. Military history knows such cases when quantity turns into quality. And this trio could easily deal with any of the "Strikes."

Twelve modified and armed freighters. Rabble, old cargo ships with armament ranging from one to three or five laser cannons, capable only of destroying small aircraft. They won't last even a few minutes in battle, but like the "Carack-class light cruisers," they can seriously harass the air wing. Not to mention that pirates and smugglers tend to stick proton torpedo launchers on their rusty buckets. One or two hitting the hull is manageable, but they could target more vulnerable parts of the starships — like the hangar, for example. It's quite challenging to hit the bridge and superstructure of an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer with small aircraft — the presence of anti-aircraft rapid-fire artillery almost always justifies itself. It's a different story with the "Chimaera" — it can rely only on the protection of its artillery, air group, and perhaps a corvette if it brought one along. The Imperial design philosophy of "a turbolaser can shoot down a fighter" found its realization in the Imperial II-class. The commanders wanted more main caliber guns — they got them. But as for point defence... Here they had to rely either on the accuracy of the gunners who could shoot down enemy small aircraft with turbolasers, firing at reduced power more frequently than at maximum, or on the skill of the pilots, or even on the cover from escort ships. However, as Morgoth heard, Thrawn demanded the engineers at the Tangrene shipyards to solve this issue by returning medium-caliber turbolasers and anti-aircraft artillery to the Imperial II-class. Well, if it works out, then the Imperial I-class and Imperial II-class will only differ in their superstructures and the number of ion cannons.

Three full squadrons, consisting mostly of either obsolete fighters of the Old Republic or those equipped with hyperdrives — otherwise, they simply couldn't have made it here — are still the same "Headhunters."

But the second group, identified as the pirate association "Invids," is a much more dangerous enemy. At least because of its sheer numbers.

Astorias was familiar with the intelligence data on this organization. It represented a collaboration of several — more than a dozen — smaller pirate groups. A strict hierarchy in target selection and subordination, but not the highest combat efficiency due to the pirates' lack of discipline.

Their flagship is a fully-fledged Imperial II-class Star Destroyer. A full air wing — six squadrons. But pirates do not use bombers, so here are only the ugly, clandestinely manufactured fighters — the offspring of an illicit union between the Imperial TIE fighter and the Rebel X-wing. It's painful to look at this monstrosity.

Two DP20 Corellian-built frigates. Guns and missile armament. Against Star Destroyers, not a significant problem. Both "Imperials" and "Victories" and even "Interdictors" will fend them off without issues. The "Strikes" as well. The "Tartans" — here, it's a lottery. And as for the dozen pirate ships fighting on Thrawn's side and marked as "allies," Morgoth didn't even bother to worry. They aren't Imperials. Their level of usefulness is about the same as that of armed freighters on the side of Booster Terrik and his smugglers.

Six Corellian CR90 corvettes. Tough and capable of causing trouble for both small aircraft and medium-sized ships.

Two MC30 frigates. Strong shields, cluster bombs. The countermeasure against these outdated and long-decommissioned starships is simple — massive shelling until the shields are completely destroyed, followed by methodical elimination of engines and artillery. Thrawn's order is extremely simple — warships must be captured. Destruction is allowed only due to a threat to their own starships.

And the latest arriving opponents are ancient. But, meanwhile, not having lost their relevance.

An Acclamator-class assault ship. A veteran of the Clone Wars, essentially an armed and well-armored assault ship.

Acclamator II-class assault cruiser.

The Empire received many such ships after the end of the Clone Wars. Some were sold off, while others ended up in the Imperial fleet as military transports. However, there was also a significantly armed modification used to breach planetary shields with massive proton torpedo volleys. Judging by the nature of the battle from the transmitted telemetry, the enemy has precisely this variant. The "Acclamators I" have almost disappeared from the galaxy, rebuilt and modernized into "twos."

Twenty-four turbolasers in quadruple side-mounted turrets. A pair of proton torpedo launchers, with a standard load of a hundred warheads each. But pirates are unlikely to afford such an expensive product of the military industry. Whether there is military equipment and an assault force on board is an open question. But it's unlikely there are the sixteen thousand assigned assault troops. The absence of an air wing is already a considerable plus — this veteran could transport up to two hundred fighters. With its standard 0.6 class hyperdrive, it was one of the fastest starships in the galaxy.

However, one glance at its companion from the Clone Wars is enough to understand the reason for the absence of small aircraft on the Acclamator II.

It's unknown where the pirates got this old-timer, but... They have a Venator-class Star Destroyer.

Venator-class Star Destroyer.

A little over a thousand and one hundred meters in length from bow to stern. A first-class hyperdrive. Deflectors roughly equal in power to those on the "Victories."

The standard armament includes sixteen heavy turbolasers mounted in eight twin turrets along the sides of the superstructure. Two medium turbolasers. Fifty to sixty-four anti-aircraft laser cannons. Four heavy proton torpedo launchers. Six deck guns. And possibly a plasma cannon from a Clone Wars-era self-propelled gun. Judging by the faded orange spots on the covers of the nose hangar and the side "wings," once red paint, this ship looks like it emerged from the turmoil of the Clone Wars.

But Morgoth Astorias didn't believe in time travel. Most likely, this ship was captured by pirates or other criminal elements many years ago, right after the proclamation of the Galactic Empire. Then, over a decade and a half, Imperial commanders massively got rid of irreparable Star Destroyers and other outdated fleet ships. First, the "Venators" were withdrawn from the Central Worlds fleets, then from the Inner Rim, and so on. The more modern starships appeared in the fleet, the fewer Clone Wars veterans remained operational. Some were sold off, some were scrapped. "Venators" began to appear with the Mandalorians, among various criminals. The same Tyber Zann Consortium used them as carriers during their galactic conquest. However, by now, most of these ships have either been destroyed in battles, melted down for scrap, or are in the hands of such scum — pirates.

And there's a reason to value this ship. Its spacious main hangar, along with the side and lower ones, can officially accommodate thirty-five full squadrons, not to mention that there were transport and assault shuttles. However, neither during the Clone Wars nor in Imperial fleet service did the "Venators" ever carry their full air group — the group was placed not only on the main flight deck but also underneath it, and after launching the first wave of ships, it took considerable time to lift and dispatch the second wave. In most cases, the latter took off when the first wave was already returning for refueling. Given that the primary launch and landing of the air group took place through the main hangar's sliding doors, the resulting congestion led to losses among fighters and interceptors. In other words, "Venators" almost never managed to launch their entire air group — in the best cases, only half. Therefore, neither the Republic nor the Imperials ever fully loaded their small aircraft. And the time it took for the ships to launch from the hangars left much to be desired.

Nonetheless, this ship can still cause problems despite its venerable age — at least twenty-eight to thirty years old since it was built (Venators were no longer built during the New Order). Strong shields, a large air group — even if only half of the standard complement is on board, that's still TOO MUCH for the limited number of fighters and interceptors available to Thrawn, even considering the arrival of twelve squadrons on the "Nemesis" and the "Stormhawk."

Strangely enough, the veterans of the Clone Wars had to be decommissioned almost first. Otherwise, they, especially the latter, could cause a significant amount of trouble.

Morgoth glanced at the updated telemetry. The battle was in full swing. Thanks to the "Interdictors," Thrawn was able not only to pull the enemy ships out of hyperspace but also to block their escape by creating an artificial gravity well. Usually, this tactic was used exclusively to contain one, or rarely two, ships. But to contain an entire fleet...

This was something new. The captain of the "Storm Hawk" looked at the ship's chronometer. Thirteen minutes and fifteen seconds until they exit hyperspace. Thrawn would have to hold out in the minority for quite a considerable time. No matter how much the "Storm Hawk" and "Nemesis" pushed their hyperdrives to maximum speed, nor how much they took responsibility for hastily packing people and spare parts into shuttles and leaving them to deal with the Dark Forces on their own, they were still late.

One "Chimaera," two "Victory-class Star Destroyers," three "Interdictors," two "Strike-class Frigates," a couple of "Tartans" a CR90 from Thrawn's flagship, and a DP20 from the "Steel Aurora." And ten rusty pirate tubs allied with Thrawn for the next fourteen minutes.

Against them — two Imperial II-class Star Destroyers, a "Venator," an "Acclamator II," a "Neutron Star," three "Carack-class light cruisers," twelve armed freighters, thirty-six fighters, two DP20 frigates, six CR90 corvettes, and two MC30 frigates. Not to mention the armed transports and almost every one of these starships has its own air wing.

Twelve against eighteen. The enemy has the advantage in the number of ships, aviation, and artillery... The outcome of the battle was predetermined long before it began. In fourteen minutes, there won't be any remnants left of Thrawn and his fleet.

And yet the oath required Captain Astorias to follow the orders of a senior officer. Perhaps by the time he and Schneider arrived, they might at least be able to save the survivors.

Grand Admirals might be tactical geniuses, but they are certainly not wizards.

Without a miracle, there's no victory here.

-The enemy fleet has sustained minor damage,- Captain Pellaeon reported, approaching my chair. -The 'Errant Venture' and 'Invidious' have hull breaches, with two turbolaser towers taken out of action each. Seventeen fighters shot down. The 'Carack' and two armed freighters damaged. The 'Venator' and 'Acclamator' have sustained numerous damages around the superstructures and command bridges.

-But none of this makes them retreat, does it?- I smiled without even looking at the 'Chimaera's' commander.

-Exactly, sir,- he confirmed. Hesitating, he added, -Sir, we lost eight fighters during the 'Scimitar' squadron's raid, but failed to hit the Star Destroyers' command bridges.

-Recall our fighters, interceptors, and bombers,- I ordered. -The first and second are to organize the defense of the carrier ships. Inform Captain Tomax Bren that his squadron should return and fall back under Captain Vayne's cover, then wait for further orders. 'Chimaera' and 'Sentinel' are to focus fire on the 'Venator' and 'Acclamator,' respectively. Leonia Tavira will throw these ships to break through our right flank — I want them both sufficiently weakened by that time.

-Yes, sir!- Pellaeon vanished.

-Escort,- I addressed both Molo Himran's soldiers without turning around. -Take our guest to the cabin prepared for her. Her guards are already waiting.

After Mirax Terrik-Buster was taken from the bridge, I finally turned my chair. Towards Master Joruus C'baoth.

The old man was frightening to look at. He sat, clutching the armrests, unnaturally straightening his back. Under closed eyelids, his restless eyes were clearly visible. His cloak, soaked in sweat, clung to his body, and droplets of sweat glistened on his face in the artificial lighting. Even his hair and beard hung limp, dampened.

-What's the matter, Master C'baoth?- I inquired. -Is your Battle Meditation failing?-

-The second Destroyer...- the clone croaked, almost in a sepulchral voice. -There... someone sensitive to the Force... He... they... are interfering with me. I... can't... it's very difficult to instill panic... in the pirates...-

-Is that why our bombers couldn't hit the command bridges?- I asked. The plan was that disabled Star Destroyers would cause general panic in the fleet, making it much easier to deal with our 'guests.' I suspected that if Leonia Tavira arrived, the Jensaarai would be on the 'Invidious.' Perhaps they were also on Buster Terrik's ship. That's why I ordered the bridges of the 'Errant Venture' and 'Invidious' to be attacked — restoring them would be simple, and the starship could be controlled from the backup bridge. But other Jensaarai besides those on the command bridges were unlikely. Leonia probably wouldn't allow them to wander the ship, surely keeping them close.

-Yes,- C'baoth pronounced shortly and sharply. -They... shield the pirates... from me... weakly... but effectively... The pirates... are focused... Not panicking...

-If we make at least some of them angry — will that help you?- I asked.

-D-don't know...- C'baoth said. -Maybe... Yes! Strong emotional shocks... will help... These weaklings... just... many.

-Excellent,- I said, looking at Lieutenant Tschel. -Get me the 'Errant Venture.'

While the watch officer carried out the orders, I contacted Major Himran.

-I need the detonation codes for the explosives on the 'Pulsar Skate,'- I explained the reason for the conversation. The commander of the Imperial Intelligence special forces group promptly sent me the necessary data and the frequency of the remote detonators. -Thank you. Head to the cargo hangar with your men and prepare the 'diggers.' This also applies to you,- I looked at Mara Jade standing next to me. -The ysalamiri cage is already waiting for you in the cabin.

The girl, after looking at me for a split second, headed for the exit from the bridge.

Almost immediately, after Major disconnected and Tschel reported the communication line was established, a hologram of a massive middle-aged man with a prosthetic instead of one eye appeared on the armrest.

-Buster Terrik,- I greeted the commander of the 'Errant Venture.'

-And you must be that Imperial bastard who tried to fool me with Ferrier and captured my daughter?- growled the smuggler.

-My name is Thrawn,- I introduced myself with the name that had rightfully become mine. -Grand Admiral Thrawn.

-I don't care,- snorted the smuggler. -Give me back my daughter and I promise you can get out of here on some barge before my guys tear your fleet apart.

-Interesting proposal,- I assessed. -But it will not be implemented. Surrender the 'Errant Venture' and your other ships, attack Leonia Tavira's fleet, and your daughter will stay alive.

-I recognize the old good Empire,- Terrik chuckled, but it was clear from his expression that he was ready to rip my throat out. -If a single hair falls from her head, Thrawn, I will turn you inside out!

-Your ship's scanners have surely detected the location of the 'Pulsar Skate' by now,- I ignored the threat. -Your daughter is there. In fifteen minutes, her ship will run out of oxygen. You can't break through our blockade — not in fifteen minutes. Surrender your ships, or she will die.

-I know well when people are bluffing,- Terrik said after a pause. He might not have been lying, but in matters of their children's safety, parents rarely rely on guesses based on their own experience and ability to read others. -And you are bluffing right now... Damn you! You Sith spawn! I will strangle you with my own hands, and then...

-Disconnect,- I ordered Tschel. The watch officer obediently cut off Buster Terrik's stream of curses vividly and colorfully describing what he would do to me.

Looking at C'baoth, who appeared more relaxed, I turned my gaze to the tactical screen reflecting the positions of the starships in space. The mark of the 'Pulsar Skate' disappeared — the detonators worked as expected.

-Enough, Master?- I asked.

-For the fleet with the red destroyer — yes,- he croaked. -They are confused and enraged... Those weaklings on the second destroyer can no longer shield their minds from me. But... I need more, before those weak youngsters, feeling the Force no more than a glass containing water, start calming them down again.

-Well then,- I concluded, mentally calculating how I could once again provoke an emotional storm in Buster Terrik. -Crush their scrap. But the Star Destroyer must remain intact. Captain Pellaeon,- the 'Chimaera's' commander gave me a tense look. -Make sure that Mistress Terrik-Horn is maximally comfortable observing the consequences of her decisions in the quarters she occupies.

Giving me a confused look, Gilad made the most sensible choice in this situation.

He simply followed the order.

The guns of "Wild Karrde" were continuously spewing streams of crimson laser fire, preventing Imperial TIE fighters from approaching the flagship "Claw." However, it didn't help much — two starfighters were already destroyed by dagger-sharp, and more troublingly, accurate fire from Imperial starships. Just after Terrik's squadron emerged from hyperspace. This couldn't help but lead to certain thoughts.

-We were expected,- Talon said, seated in the captain's chair of his ship, which struggled like an enraged banta to break free from the sea of green fire. The screen was obscured by an orange-yellow flash — another of his starships had just exploded. Now, only nine remained. Eight of them had their hulls breached when an Imperial fighter rammed through the bulkhead of another freighter.

-Yes, boss,- Aves tensely replied, his hands on the controls trying to maneuver away from the designated area and get as far away as possible. -Three interdictor cruisers, that's hefty! The gravitational field here is as massive as that of a moon!

-Thrawn decided not to be subtle with Booster and didn't leave him a way out of the trap,- Karrde said. -Move left — away from the Interdictor.

To say that the entire fleet Terrik assembled to rescue his daughter found theMCelves ensnared in the trap set for them — would be an understatement.

At the center of the semicircular formation that enveloped all arrivals — both Booster's allies and those who came to confront the brash Ferrier, "Invids" — was an Imperial Star Destroyer type "Imperial II". "Chimera". The flagship of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Could there be a more audacious Imperial commander in this galaxy who dared to lure Terrik into a trap? And for what? For buzz droids needed by Ferrier, who serves the Empire? Not the "Invids" — that was easily discerned. Booster contacted one acquaintance, who connected him with another, and so on... As always in the world of smugglers, someone in this chain knew the wise ones, who in turn knew those who know... Rumors that Booster Terrik was searching for the "Invids" responsible for his daughter's abduction reached Leonia Tavira. Or, more likely — reached someone among her people scattered across multiple worlds. Not that Leonia feared Terrik — people like her fear no one, considering men merely as accessories to herself. And purely in supporting roles.

His former wife, an Imperial moff, loved revenge. Especially against those who considered themselves smarter than her. So, like Booster, knowing that the coordinates provided by Ferrier were a trap, she brought significant forces of her hangers-on — to spill blood against anyone who dared to involve her in an operation that would make all Outer Ring smugglers hunt her. Some feared the master "Errant Venture", others respected her. Well, and some Booster just paid or demanded an old debt to acquire additional strength.

A Corellian corvette CR90 hung beneath the "Chimera's" bottom, its purpose clear — to shield the Grand Admiral's flagship from fighter assaults from the lower hemisphere.

At a significant distance from the Star Destroyer was an "Interdictor", creating a gravitational shadow encompassing the pirates' central formation. Compared to a standard "Imperial", this ship had fewer artillery pieces and a mediocre air wing. But on either side of these ships were two "Tartans", organizing a formidable laser screen against attacking aircraft. Further, at the opposite ends of the "horseshoe", were two "Victories", whose turbolasers and proton torpedoes mercilessly shredded pirate starfighters. And slightly behind and above them were two more "Interdictors", whose gravitational projectors' work closed the mousetrap, creating an even greater gravitational field behind the pirates' starships. Fighters from the "Venator" had already tried to attack the right "Interdictor" but had encountered a fierce missile screen, organized by the DP20 frigate that appeared from nowhere.

The Imperials' tactics became clear from the first moments.

Using their light ships and consequently the defense of the SFU attackers, star destroyers fired on the fleet's light ships. The freighters of some pirate group, which was under the Empire's service, were blown up by the explosion of starships that materialized in normal space, laser cannons, proton torpedoes, and impact rockets.

What was supposed to be retribution for the Imperials threatened to escalate into a prolonged confrontation. The preventive measures of Thrawn's ships prevented the pirates and smugglers from retreating, while their ships had already suffered losses. An unexpected bombing raid from the rear disabled part of the "Neutron Star's" engines, and it was now barely hovering, under the dagger fire of the two terminal "Interdictors."

The Imperials realized the constructive advantages of their ships — they kept their bows to the enemy and unleashed the fire of their heavy turbolasers upon them. The enfilade fire was terrifying in the first moments and managed to cause a lot of harm before the deflectors were lifted.

One of the "carracks," hit by a partial torpedo salvo from the "victory," froze in place with a hull ripped into pieces, exposing the interior compartments. This ship not only could continue the fight but was no longer present than a pile of scrap metal.

Terrik's and Tavira's star destroyers, though they did not suffer significant losses, still had punctures in their hulls and sides. But they held, sharing targets.

If Booster had decided to attack the "Victory" from its starboard side, diligently attempting to maximize the turbolaser fire from his weakened artillery, Tavira immediately realized that something was amiss and that continuing the fight here would be futile. The Immersian fleet, after delivering its initial and practically devastating strike, withdrew into the protective sphere of its closest ship defenses, allowing the Imperials to continue creating a fiery pocket without fear of hitting their own starfighters. Unfortunately, nothing could stop the old smuggler now — after the "Pulsar Skate" exploded, he had completely lost control. Tavira, calculating and unscrupulous, was only interested in her own gain. Booster was devastated. Neither of them could fathom the scale of the tragedy about to unfold. Nothing could be that simple. Anyone but Thrawn.

One MC30 exploded into fragments in a bright flash — its attempt to approach the second "Victory" and bombard it with cluster munitions failed. Whoever commanded this destroyer had no problem playing by the rules. Maneuvering with its engines, the "Victory" turned its side towards the approaching starship at medium range and unleashed a half-salvo of proton torpedoes. The crew of the MC30 met a swift and decisive end.

Karrde executed the same plan as Tavira, with one exception — he led his ships against an entirely different "Interdictor."

The plan was absurdly simple — force the enemy to maneuver and break formation. If the battle devolved into a more classical melee, there was a chance to thoroughly disrupt the Imperials with overwhelming air support and pick off their star destroyers one by one.

Eight armed transports attacking the "Interdictor" — that was power. Especially considering that two-thirds of the independently arriving "Bounty Hunters" had decided to support them in this endeavor. Obviously, they too believed that Booster Terrik was important, but self-interest always took precedence.

-Connect me to the 'Errant Venture',- Karrde said, noticing the nearest "Strike" beginning to maneuver to prevent the transports from passing "Victory's" starboard side and striking the cruiser-interdictor. Considering that "Victory" had just chewed up and spat out the second of three available "Carracks," while simultaneously continuing to strike at Booster's ship with the "Tartan" and two surviving squadrons of TIE fighters from their own wing, this star destroyer was fully engaged in a duel with both the "Errant Venture" and three CR90s. Not to mention the sheer volume of air support swarming like a quagmire in a bog. But "Victory" showed no signs of drifting. On the contrary, it was bolstered by the support of two squadrons from that same "Strike" that had come out against Karrde's flotilla. And all of this smelled very, very bad.

As soon as Terrik's tiny figure appeared on the projector, Karrde calmly said, without resentment, - We need to retreat.

-'Claw', are you out of your mind?- Booster roared furiously. -The fun is just beginning! Soon we'll send every Imperial out there to take a walk in vacuum without a spacesuit!

-Instruct your people to support our attack,- Karrde ignored his emotional outburst. -We'll pass by 'Victory', 'Strike', make 'Interdictor' turn off its projectors and retreat, or destroy it — and break free from this trap. Trust me, it's going to get hot here soon!

-Don't give me vacuum talk, 'Claw',- Booster replied gruffly. -My girl's somewhere here — I caught her ship's signal! It's in orbit around Rugosa. We just need to deal with the Imperials, and we don't have much time left. We still outnumber them! My boys just tore apart five out of ten of their freighters and sent the rest fleeing! There's nothing holding us back from aft. While the corvettes and gunboats attack the Imperial destroyer, we'll smash their fleet to pieces and then board the flagship!

-Booster!- Karrde raised his voice slightly. He knew he couldn't reason with the old smuggler. But he would try at least. -I know that flagship. I know who commands it. They're the ones who destroyed the Republican fleet in the Daphilvean Sector! And what's happening now is clearly part of a larger plan! Not to mention you've practically dragged me and my people into skirmishes with the Empire! We need to retreat, regroup. We'll exact revenge another time, when...-

-Do whatever you want, Karrde,- Booster interrupted, suddenly serious, his voice full of anger and fury. -I'm here for my daughter. That blue-faced bastard killed her. So I won't back down until I've killed him. Personally! But first, I'll destroy every one of his fleet's starfighters. And those that survive my wrath — I'll capture. Throw their crews out the airlocks, gather my team, and together with Tavira, we'll wreak havoc on the Empire's worlds. If you're a coward and your 'neutrality' prevents you from acting as you should — get lost, Karrde! Yeah!- he exclaimed fiercely, baring his teeth. -What do you say now, 'Claw'?

Talon quickly glanced at the scanners.

The pirate-smuggler group had just avenged the loss of their ships. A concentrated assault on the Imperial left flank had literally bombarded "Strike" and "Tartan" with proton torpedoes and cumulative rockets. Despite massive losses — more than a hundred blips had disappeared from the scanners across the battlefield — the "Invids" had achieved their goal — a breach in the enemy's formation. And into that breach now charged the "Venator" and "Acclamator," poised to attack the "Interdictor" from its starboard side, closest to the "Chimaera." Their firepower should suffice for such an attack. And considering they were covered by two DP20 frigates and one MC30 — this was a success.

The star destroyer "Invidious" under Leonia Tavira, slightly advanced, concentrated its fire on the nearest "Victory," while its starboard side fired upon the "Chimaera," while the ponderous "Neutron Star" accompanied by the last "Carrack" and three CR90s bore down on the second "Interdictor." At the same time, the "Errant Venture" and three CR90s converged on the second "Victory," inflicting damage on the "Tartan." Karrde and his crew were left only with the "Interdictor." And the "Strike" cutting its course.

— I heard you, Booster, — he said calmly. — Good luck to you.

Ending the communication, Talon remarked:

— We'll attack the cruiser and retreat.

— Boss? — Aves blinked. — But we're winning this...

— Are you sure? — Claw inquired. — Thrawn always has a couple of interesting tricks up his sleeve. Looks like before we get out of here, we'll witness one of them, — he tapped the scanner screen. The pilot of the Wild Karrde stared thoughtfully at the panel, watching the armed freighters loyal to the Empire unexpectedly get very close to the stern of the Neutron Star, which was heavily engaged with the Interdictor. Marks of TIE bombers flashed nearby...

— This isn't what I think it is, is it? — Aves asked. — There are too few of them for such a huge target...

— They're not going for a boarding action, — Karrde calmly noted.

And a minute later, everything became finally clear.

The "Scimitar" squadron reports that they have only six bombers left, - Lieutenant Tschel approached me and said. - The "Neutron Star" has breaches in the stern section, engines are damaged. The torpedo attack has depleted their shields. The cruiser escort is suppressing their artillery. Yazuo Veyn's ships have lost two freighters...

- Ensure Captain Tomax Bren and his pilots can retreat, - I ordered. Losing the last six bombers was something I really didn't want.

The enemy had an overwhelming number of SFUs right from the start of the battle. According to the "Chimera" scanners, they had deployed more than five hundred fighters against us. All we could oppose them with were seventy-two interceptors, one squadron of TIE bombers from the "Chimera" with thirty-six fighters each on three "Interdictors" and "Strikes", and two squadrons on each of the two "Victories". The "Tartans" lacked air wings. In total, three hundred ships against nearly twice as many diverse SFU, including those equipped with deflector shields. And we were taking losses. Already at this moment, we had lost over a hundred craft, predominantly TIE fighters. However, we also destroyed more than two and a half times the number of enemy ships. Considering the pilots' not very high qualifications and the complete ineffectiveness of the fighters under enemy fire, this was a very impressive figure. Interceptors are significantly more capable of standing up to superior enemy forces. This unmistakably hints that we should not only expand the fleet of large ships but also update our air wing. Well, let's hope that on Lianne, we will be able to purchase the orbital factory we need, and at least some of its production lines can be repurposed to produce interceptors. Buying ready-made and necessary production lines is too expensive. Just like buying interceptors alone.

-Small forward. - I ordered. Pelleon, passing the command to the helMCmen, returned to command the battle.

Well, I didn't expect such a large fleet to fall into the prepared trap. And with such a huge number of SFUs.

We have already lost one "Strike" and one "Tartan," not to mention Yazuo Veyn's ships. The enemy lost support from the "Neutron Star," two "carracks" have turned into scrap metal, as has one of the two MC30s. Numerous losses among armed freighters. Yet we are on the brink of defeat.

The "Venator," following in the wake of the "Acclamator II," realizing that the advancement of the "Chimera" forward means that in case of continuing his maneuver, he will expose his stern to our guns, which we will instantly turn into ruins and immobilize him almost in the center of the battle, began to turn to the right. He lacked space for maneuver, and he could not orient his ship to fire enfilade from all towers. We forced him into a battle side by side. And his captain was not stupid at all, realizing that he would not come out of this duel victorious.

The deployment of escort ships — two DP20 frigates and the last MC30 in the upper echelon over the "Venator" — was supposed to force us to distribute fire between these ships. Because enduring rockets from Corellian ships is quite an experience.

The "Crusader" reports that its shields have dropped to fifteen percent and proton torpedoes are running out, - Pelleon reported. - All three CR90s accompanying the "Errant Venture" have been destroyed. Captain I-Gor reports multiple damages on all decks. A third of the artillery is broken.

But that's not the saddest part — a group of freighters, in which it is easy to visually identify the starfighters of Talon Karrde, attacked our last "Strike." The ship, having received three proton torpedoes and two cumulative rockets, almost instantly lost mobility and slowly, describing a circulation to keep its undamaged side towards the artillery fire, withdrew from the battle, dangerously approaching the overturned right side to the "Errant Venture." Our remaining aviation and the suffocating "Tartan" repelled the attacking enemy fighters. Which is not in great shape either.

And yet, Booster Terrik's ship held the blow and, like a beast smelling blood, struck from the last intact tower on the starship "Strike," approaching its end.

- Order the "Crusader" to engage the "Errant Venture" and enter into a shootout, covering the retreat of the "Strike" and "Tartan." Notify the cruiser escort attacking the freighter: "Deactivate generators, maneuver, fend off freighter attacks. Release them into hyperspace, then support the "Crusader" with fire and deploy the artificial gravity field on the previous vector."

I didn't believe that the freighters could destroy the Interdictor almost half as weakened compared to the standard "Imperial" one. It has almost the same characteristics as its prototype and can withstand the blow. However, damaging this ship would be an almost irreparable loss — and Karrde understands this, so he attacks it. Now he only has a couple of ships left. Therefore, he is trying to break out of the fire trap and escape. Perhaps he didn't even believe that by coming here he and his people would have to fight the Empire and ended up here by coincidence. But he received damage to his organization for intervening in Imperial affairs. Therefore, in the future, we should expect his retaliatory moves.

- "Sentinel" reports damage to the bow sections, - Tschel reported. - "Acclamator" fired proton torpedoes at him.

- Order to conduct suppressive fire, - I ordered.

Meanwhile, the slow movement of the "Chimera" forward brought us into the right position. Now we have come out on counter-courses with the "Venator," and our turbolasers literally stripped its armor from it — thanks to the previous bombardments, the deflectors practically did not represent anything. The port side guns were firing at the port shell of the "Errant Venture," forcing it to shift fire from the "Crusader" to us, thereby facilitating the task for Captain I-Gor in dealing with the enemy SFU and bringing down Terrik's ship's shield.

The turrets of the port side of the "Sentinel" remaining aft received orders to fire at the MC30, which was opening fire range at us from its cluster ammunition launchers. Considering that they are designed to combat aviation, it is unlikely that we will receive serious damage, and yet I ordered to shift the fire of the starboard side turrets to the Mon Calamari-built ship. But the eyes grind DP20s that have gathered to us. One of them entered into a shootout with our corvette, agilely jumping out from under the belly of the destroyer, but the second...

- Gravity beams control point, - I turned to one of the officers in the pit. The young Imperial looked at me with some skepticism. - Catch the second Corellian gunship with your installations. We don't have time to hunt it, adjusting to their maneuvers!

And as if in mockery, the vile pirate ship slammed two rockets into the "Chimera." Kinetic projectiles slipped under the deflector shield and smashed the armor, splitting the armor plate with a double blow. Like a giant vacuum cleaner, the vacuum tore several crew members out of the ship's innards, air, and pieces of the interior and equipment maimed by the explosion.

It took a little less speed for this ship to take aim... And this moment was enough for the controlled operators of the K'baot attraction beams to capture the ship with invisible forces and stop its movement.

- Artillery! Disable it with ion cannons! - I ordered. We have already lost two starfighters, and another two will go into repair for a long time. Trophies won't hurt us.

A quick glance at the tactical monitor showed me that the enemy is currently using his remaining light ships to deliver strikes at close range — seeing the number of losses, Leonia Tavira was taking measures to deal with two of the three restraining her Interdictors. Because the third turned off its generators after receiving several holes in the hull.

- Armed freighters from Talon Karrde have switched to lightspeed! - Tschel's cry reached me. Well, that means only the "Errant Venture" is left on the left flank. Well, he found them — without ion guns, Captain I-Gor's "Crusader" was showering him with remaining turbolaser salvos, finally turning the red paint on the destroyer's hull into black traces of scorched wood. And patiently receiving rare salvos from turbolaser batteries in response. The "Strike," barely recovered after the damage, turned a whole side towards the star destroyer of Booster Terrik and visually demonstrated to him what he thinks about the abilities of his artillerymen, often pouring over the superstructure with tiny ion bursts compared to the scales of the starfighter. Swiftly returning to the position of the "Interdictor," which added from its own forty ion guns. The ships of Yazuo Veyn, of which there were only two left, emerged from the stern of the "Errant Venture," killing several enemy fighters with their short and swift dash, trying to hide behind the starship's hull.

Well, it's all clear here.

- Magister C'baoth, - I addressed the Jedi clone. - Inform all fleet ships to "Use attraction beams to immobilize corvettes and frigates."

We'll need them later.

The Star Destroyer "Invidious," belonging to Leonia Tavira, effectively resembled a vacuum against the "Steel Aurora." Captain Kalian, having lost almost all artillery on the port side, stoically endured the blows, allowing his thinned wing to engage in its own skirmishes with the "monstrosities" of the pirates. The "Interdictor" arriving on the scene effectively exacerbated the situation. The battered artillery of the "Invidious" could no longer guarantee unequivocal dominance over the surrounding ships. From three sides, it was being bombarded by the "Chimera," "Steel Aurora," and the cruiser escort. By effectively depriving Leonia of maneuverability, we forced her to disperse her fire in different directions, preventing her from concentrating it on any one target.

Reports of damages poured in behind me. The Hutt's MC30 frigate finally got us with its cluster bombs, destroying one squadron of interceptors in one go and tearing a substantial section of armor from the Star Destroyer with its shockwave. Concentrated fire, combined with a dagger attack from the remaining bombers of the "Scimitar" squadron, brought down the shields of the ship just as proton rounds detonated upon hitting the hull around the bridge. The flash of blinding light dissipated almost immediately, revealing a massive crater in the body of the wounded ship, which split in half moments later.

The main obstacle eliminated, we could now execute on the "Venator" what I had planned for the "Errant Venture," although the latter was already in dire straits and its fate sealed...

At that moment, several actions occurred simultaneously.

First — K'baot slumped from his chair with a bubbling wheeze and convulsions, shaking his head as if shocked. But I barely had time to be surprised by this, because the second action occurred.

From the bridge, a choice selection of curses erupted from Chimera's Captain Pellaeon.

- The "Acclamator" is ramming the "Sentinel"! - Pellaeon cursed, drawing my attention to the tactical hologram. - Bastards!

In the modern reality, ramming is not the weapon of heroes. Ramming is a last resort, after which no one survives within a couple of hundred kilometers. Especially if the solar ionization reactor ruptures. And judging by the trajectory, the assault landing craft is precisely aimed at it, just a few kilometers away. The "Interdictor" simply wouldn't have time to deactivate its projectors and maneuver.

The "Sentinel" requests permission to eject the reactor! - Lieutenant Tschel shouted across the bridge. His voice jumped a couple of octaves higher, failing for a moment to reflect the full horror of the critical situation we now found ourselves in. - Gravity anomaly power is dropping...

- The "Acclamator" will pierce its armor with a ramming strike on the bow! - Pellaeon grimly pronounced, finishing at the communication terminal. - Surely, all protection and reactor control systems will be destroyed. Unless we detach it...

But I had already seen it myself. The countdown was ticking.

- Eject the reactor! - I ordered. There was simply no other choice.

In the vacuum, sound does not carry. So no one heard the colossal sphere in the lower part of the cruiser-trawler, obeying its own engines, suddenly appearing hundreds of meters away from the bottom of the "Sentinel." Just as the grey hull of the pirate ship began to slide against our "Interdictor" with a glancing blow from its upper hemisphere.

All of this took just a few seconds. And the result was evident.

The blunt nose of the old cruiser barely peeked out from under the left side of the ship, while the superstructure of the "Acclamator" almost hooked onto the right side like a hook. Sly

- The "Sentinel" — take measures to save the ship, - I ordered, trying not to reveal the overwhelming emotions within me. Without the main reactor — this is what was being discussed — the cruiser escort is useless for creating gravitational fields. And essentially defenseless against the attacking ships, as its remaining energy reserves post-reactor shutdown won't sustain either weapons or defenses.

And what's worse — most of our trap preventing the enemy's hyperspace jump is now non-functional. And "Sentinel" is beside "Acclamator," which is more than happy to unleash all its artillery might upon it...

Shifting all artillery fire to the ATS (Assault transport ship), we will leave "Invidious," "Venator," and remnants of Leonia Tavira's fleet alone. And I have no doubt she has ordered them to act exactly like this — because as soon as "Chimera" stops crushing her starboard side, this lady's Star Destroyer will correct its course, hit "full throttle," and rush out of the gravitational anomaly zone, covered by the remaining starships, allowing her to escape.

As if confirming my concerns, "Acclamator," still glinting with deflector shields, began to torment the hull and superstructure of the remaining artillery of the cruiser-trawler with its remaining artillery.

We cannot let "Sentinel" perish — it's impermissible. At the very least, because there are thousands of men aboard who trust me and obey me. And if it comes to choosing between capturing Star Destroyers with remnants of pirate fleets and saving the loyal crew, then under normal circumstances, the choice is somewhat predictable — we need to grit our teeth and watch as "Offensive," having finally crushed "Steel Aurora," practically disarmed with the loss of almost all artillery on the port side, proudly steaMC away from us along the exit vector, damaging the second "Interdictor" with its turbolasers and ion cannons, throwing all remaining fighters and starfighters at it: three CR90s and the battered "Carrack," which doesn't need much. But Tavira doesn't need victory — she sends her people to be a shield, forcing the unprotected cruiser escort left behind by the "Steel Aurora" to maneuver to remain combat-ready. I'm sure that Captain Kalian and his crew, now witnessing the escape of a starship they've practically disarmed at the cost of their own destroyer's combat capability, are now incredibly angry.

And how mockingly the "Venator" looked as it turned to follow its flagship, leaving us only one choice — to cease its bombardment, rid itself of the "Errant Venture," a couple of corvettes, shot from ions, shutting up for the sake of saving its life "Neutron Star," and to save "Sentinel." For the latter, we only have — it is necessary to transfer the fire of all guns from "Venator" to the superstructure and artillery of "Acclamator," and to destroy the central posts, after which it will be possible to add this starship to the number of our trophies.

But in this case, quantity does not equal quality.

- Major Himron, - I activated the comlink. - Activate your transport. Target — Acclamator's bridge. Captain Pellaeon! - the commander of "Chimera" seemed to have grown out from under the deck. I turned my chair towards him and could fully see my flagship captain. Angry as hell and with eyes burning with rage. I could see how exhausted his watchmen were. I understood that Leonia Tavira, somehow with the help of jensaarai, managed to neutralize the cloned Jedi, causing us to be disoriented, and "Clock" exposed itself to the blow. - Maximum speed — we're following "Offensive." Pass to "Crusader" order to...

S-Sir! - stammering, Lieutenant Tschel spoke up, pointing his hand towards the main viewport. - There... reinforcement!

Looking in the indicated direction, I saw how an Imperial Star Destroyer's grey wedge appeared from hyperspace. Just one.

Pellaeon and I, without speaking, looked at the tactical screen, where the onboard computer provided us with the identification data of the incoming starship. Is this some kind of joke?

And a moment later, alongside the Star Destroyer "Freedom" of Captain Saira Yonke, a Mon Calamari star cruiser materialized.

The New Republic has paid as a visit.

P.S. Translations now will be twice a week. On Wednesdays and Sundays.

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