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31.61% Mind and Magic / Chapter 49: 47

Capítulo 49: 47

First of February, Evening, Hogwarts Castle, Dungeons.



 The creaking of the closing door that led to the kitchen was heard, it seemed, throughout the entire castle.



 The first point of the plan is ready, it's time to move on to the next one.



 The question may arise, what was he doing in the kitchen? The answer is quite simple. Every day of his "training," Calder ate dinner in the kitchen, so as not to waste time going to the Great Hall, no matter that it was closer to the hall than to the kitchen. Wizards know how to value personal space and secrets, which is why they don't interfere. Everyone is in the black, especially him. That's why the guy is here, the elves will be able to confirm his presence here, as well as at other times, coinciding with training.



 Having cast his magical vision around the space next to him, Calder was convinced that there was no one nearby. And he sees elves, it was checked. Well, we can move on.



 Turning towards the corridor that led to the stairs, the boy walked forward. In general, his path lay to the wing of the castle where the library was located, which is where he spent time training. The reasons for this were simple - a small number of people, as well as the lack of paintings. I don't know why, but they are not there. More precisely, they were not in one specific part, and the very number of portraits was small for a wing of the castle, suspicious. Although he is better, there is less cause for concern. But there was another reason for placing the "training" class here, and it is almost decisive in the whole picture. The presence of a hidden passage outside the castle, which was located nearby.



 The last point was the most important, because going out through the front door is too noticeable. yes, everything ingenious is simple, but there is one small problem. After his demarche on October thirty-first, a dense network of spells appeared at the entrance. I don't think it's worth saying what kind of enchantment this is, right? Moreover, the control threads went exactly towards the director's tower. That's why Calder has no way through the front door.



 About ten minutes later he arrived at the required class. Having entered it and examined everything, Calder began to prepare. First of all, I cast a set of standard enchantments on the room itself, which are used here, and there were a decent number of them, both for a first-year student and not only for him.



 The second is a change in appearance. Cancels metamorphism, casts a stealth charm. Thanks to this, the chance that he will be recognized is extremely small. It is possible to identify him by traces of his aura, but he controls it, and few people have magical vision. So, if someone comes across it, they will not be able to find out later.



 "It seems like everything is ready, it's time to move out. Dinner is in full swing, which means there are minimal people in the castle. The best time for a sortie," flashed through the boy's head.



 Glancing at the piece of parchment, Calder was convinced that no one was nearby. Yes, this is a Marauders map. It was incredibly easy to "confiscate" it from Filch. Perhaps the easiest point of the "plan". All you have to do is go into his office when he is not there and use Accio's non-verbal charms and the card is in his hands. No scam, just magic.



 Approaching the door, Calder pointed his wand at her and said:



 "Tangibilia," a barely audible whisper broke the silence enveloping the castle walls. As if responding to this whisper, the door trembled slightly, became covered with haze and seemed to become slightly transparent. Indeed, through it one could, as if through a cloudy glass, see an inaccurate picture of the corridor wall opposite the door.



 Putting his wand away, Calder stepped forward and walked straight through the door. Now she was no longer an obstacle for him, because the door had become intangible. The spell worked as it should, as before, during training.



 These enchantments were specifically aimed at tangible objects; they made it possible to pass through thin objects that were not enchanted at a sufficient level, simply making them intangible.



 Well, as a matter of fact, perhaps most of Hog's students will not be able to enchant the door so that the given enchantment does not work on it. Control is important here, and Calder has plenty of it.



 With a quiet step, without hurrying anywhere, he moved forward along the given path. A few portraits flashed by that could not see him because of the spell, but after a couple of minutes, they began to appear less and less until they disappeared completely. Only bare walls and rare statues with armor, that's all that accompanied him on this journey.



 His journey did not last long, literally going halfway in the opposite direction, towards the stairs, but along another corridor that ran parallel to this one, and you will find yourself in front of a niche in which the armor stood. Going behind the back of this armor, Calder touched an inconspicuous section of the wall, which in magical vision looked like an interweaving of several hundred threads. A kind of magical switch that burned brightly in magical vision, as if hinting at its purpose.



 "It worked," flashed through his head. And yes, quietly, almost without noise, the wall moved to the side, right inside another wall, opening behind it the mouth of a passage that seemed to stretch into a dark eternity, but this is just an illusion.



 Having stepped into it, our hero followed a route known to him, after all, this is not the boy's first foray, we need to check where the passage leads, right?



 The wall closed behind me, still quiet. What can I say - magic, it's incredible.



 Twenty minutes, that's how long Calder walked along this passage, kicking up dust with his steps, but immediately putting it back, you shouldn't leave traces, and telekinesis is his helper in this. And all this without a drop of mana. Another plus of Psi development.



 But this part of the path was behind and ahead of the passage appeared, which marked the exit from this tunnel.



 Night, stars. Snow lies ahead, covering all the roads and paths, in general, everything that the observer's eye fell on. The trees, which had stood guard over the Forest for centuries, did not hide from him either. He lay on them with feather caps, covering the trees from the sun and stars.



 The contrast of black and white is beautiful as always, and it's not just the contrast of snow and night, no. The Black Lake was still blacker than the darkest night, fully justifying its name. It was to its shore that the secret path that led our hero led.



 "I've seen it so many times, but I still can't get enough of this fascinating view. Beautiful, as always" - exactly, and such a thought played in his head. But shaking his head, he drove away these thoughts. We need to move on.



 The Thestral camp was open, that is, without barriers. These Horses did not tolerate corrals or anything that limited their freedom of movement. They escape from their pens all the time, which is why they were, at the moment, in conditions of "freedom" of movement; of course, they were still being watched.



 Their camp was not far from the forester's house; after all, it was he who had been watching and caring for them for many years now.



 Approaching the forester's house and not noticing anything strange, Hagrid was at home, as evidenced by the light falling from the window of the hut, as well as the smoke that was pouring from the chimney, Calder went towards the Forbidden Forest. 



 "Next I should go deeper into the forest itself," he thought.



 Walking through the forest and looking out for danger, Calder realized one thing that he had not taken into account in his calculations and plans.



 "Distance," he thought, deflecting branches with telekinesis and covering his tracks behind him. - "Not far from the hut is their habitat," these are the words of Hagrid himself. But what is not far in the understanding of a half-giant and an ordinary schoolboy? Of course these are completely two different concepts. What stopped me from checking this? That's right, nothing," he had been walking for twenty minutes, therefore, not an easy path, in this impassable forest, and he was angry. - What else did I miss in my plans, huh? How will this come back to me in the future? - Still angry with himself, he still moved forward. We need to finish the job to the end.



 The expected fifteen minutes had already lasted almost half an hour, but this did not turn out to be the most unpleasant discovery; what was much more terrible was the Web, which the nearest trees were literally entwined with, and the further you went, the more there it was. As it becomes clear, the camp of these horses was not far from the possessions of the acramantulas, possibly near their nest, which does not inspire optimism.



 "Wonderful," he thought, looking around. - What else will stand in my way? No, well, so what? There are spiders, maybe we can add a dragon or a Manticore? Or all at once?



 There was only one reason for such thoughts - a flock of acramantulas is no less dangerous than a dragon or a Manticore, provided that the dragon or manticore is young. After all, their numbers are incredible, especially in large nests. And this nest does not have much left to achieve such a title, especially since they are located in the Forest that was overflowing with mana. The most favorable place for their development.



 "And how were Potter and Ron able to escape from Aragok? — still moving forward, Calder thought. - One answer suggests itself - Aragok simply intimidated him. Perhaps thereby hiding its existence, because fear has big eyes. And the heroes later didn't tell anyone about the spiders' nest. Imbeciles, there was a growing flock of monsters near the school, and they, out of fear of him or for themselves, it doesn't matter, didn't say anything. Or Aragok couldn't harm them if this is a DDD performance."



 Sooner or later, the goal will still be achieved, one way or another. The same is true in our case. Literally ten minutes later, Calder reached his destination.



 "Beautiful," flashed through his head, and for good reason.



 The clearing is in the shape of a circle, with a diameter of about six hundred meters. Large spruce trees with incredibly thick trunks grew along its perimeter. And in the gaps between them grew bushes of a magical variety of rose hips that did not let anyone into the clearing.



 The clearing itself was incredible. There was no snow here, nor, indeed, grass in the usual sense. No, there was "dead" vegetation here. Looking at her, the first thought that will enter your head is "death." And so it is. All stunted and withered, pale gray in color, this grass did not inspire confidence. There were also fragments of stones lying all over the area, that is, fragments. The chips of these stones were too expressive.



 "It's amazing. This grass "lives". Like thestrals. How is this possible? Can the magic of death give birth to life? - Standing on his haunches by a bush of grass and looking at it with magical vision, Calder reasoned.



 "Fir," was heard behind our hero.



 Freezing in place, Calder carefully, slowly, turned to the source of the sound.



 Muddy, "dead" eyes that were filled with death and a certain pride met with gray-blue eyes that glowed in the darkness and reflected the very soul of a person. Two completely different and dissimilar views met.



 "Handsome," Calder whispered.



 Majestic, twice the size of ordinary horses, the thestrall stood in front of him. The dragon's head was covered in black scales, as well as spikes on its forehead. The whole body was not as thin as the others, but more "athletic" and strong. It hid hidden power within itself. A huge network of black and terrible scars was spread throughout the body of this handsome man; he participated in more than one hundred battles and came out of them at least alive.



 The wings were open, it seemed they could cover the entire sky. They were so huge and black.



 This representative of the "dead" horses did not have any ulcers or anything else. No, he was harmoniously built and incredibly ferocious. The true Leader, and this is exactly him.



 And mana, she inspired. In magical vision, he is simply overwhelmed with the mana of death. He poured it into space, it was so concentrated that it curved the magical background of the Forest, and he was incredibly strong.



 Part of his mana went to other thestrals that stood right behind him and looked at our hero. And he regulated this process himself. Bilo can be seen taking turns handing over Mana to the small thestrals that were hiding behind the main herd.



 "Probably children who were born not so long ago," Calder thought.



 Gathering his thoughts, the guy carefully reached for the bag that hung on his side. The leader closely watched his actions, however, he did nothing. Although, most likely he will have time to react to any danger.



 Opening the bag, Kol began to take out the treats that he had "confiscated" from Hagrid. Half-rotten meat appeared half by the light of the stars.



 Carefully holding it in his hand, the hero held it out to the leader.



 Pulling its muzzle towards the meat, the thestrall sniffed it and, snorting with satisfaction, immediately licked it off. He had a good half kilogram of meat in one bite.



 Having become a little bolder, Calder began to take out all the meat that he had in store. And there was quite a lot here, about fifty kilograms, if more, praise to the charms of lightening the weight and expanding the space. Having carefully folded it, he stepped aside to give the leader access.



 After checking the meat, the thestral waved his head in the direction of the pile and snorted something. As if on cue, the whole flock approached the meat and began to eat it.



 Moving a little further, Calder took out more meat, but this time it was fresh. For the future, so to speak.



 Having completed this action, the hero approached the leader. Thestral turned in his direction. Looking into each other's eyes, they stood opposite each other for about five minutes. All this time, Calder, with the help of Psi, tried to convey why he came here. He didn't want to make an enemy, but rather a friend, so he tried to convey why he came here. Psi is not perceived as hostile, at least he thinks so.



 "Sniff," the thestral snorted somehow mockingly. Moving away from the hero, he turned his head towards his torso and sharply bit through his shoulder. Black, thick blood flowed from the wound. She colored the gray earth, giving it the color of night.



 Nodding at the wound, he turned to Calder and looked at the head. As if to say: "Take it while I'm good."



 The boy, without wasting any time, quickly took out a pre-prepared container for the blood and began to collect the black liquid into it.



 Observing the leader with magical vision, Calder became more and more surprised. The mana that had previously simply flowed from the thestral was now directed into the wound and the blood. Because of her, the blood became darker than the waters of the Black Lake, she was saturated with it and seemed to breathe it. The mana was so thick and concentrated.



 "For what?" - Kol thought, but after a couple of seconds he saw the answer. As soon as the required amount of blood was collected, the thestral stopped pouring Mana into the wound, and it, in turn, overgrown in two seconds, leaving no trace. Perhaps he did not allow the wound to heal immediately?



 "Amazing regeneration. Perhaps it is not inferior to that of a troll."



 Closing the bottle, Calder carefully moved away from the Thestral and bowed his head slightly as a sign of gratitude.



 "Snort," a snort was his answer, only this time without mockery, but with some kind of laughter, or something.



 "He's definitely intelligent," Calder concluded after observing him. In response to his thoughts, the Leader somehow looked at him mockingly.



 At the same time, the rest of the thestrals finished eating. Standing behind their leader, they stared at the boy.



 "As I understand it, I have nothing more to do here," he closed the conclusion and turned around on the spot and headed back to the castle.



 The way back was much easier, the road was familiar, and because of this less strength was needed. In half an hour he returned to the castle.



 Having once again cast a spell on the door, Coder entered the classroom. Having returned to his normal appearance and having removed all the spells from himself, he sighed.



 "Well," he thought out loud. "I did it," Calder smiled slightly, looking at the black blood in the light. It was so thick that the light that came from torches and candles could not get through it.



 "There's only one thing that bothers me," Kol thought, putting the blood away in his bag. Her time will come soon. In the meantime, let him lie down. — If a Thestrall has such regeneration, then where did the network of scars that littered his entire body come from? They didn't arise out of nowhere."



 It started snowing. Snowflakes fell from the sky, starting a new dance for the owls. The wind added new elements to the dance, bringing chaos. And our hero stood at the window of the castle and watched this splendor, but still his gaze kept slipping to the forbidden Forest, which, from here, was perfectly visible.



 His thoughts were far from the snow.

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