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Capítulo 24: 24. The End of The Beginning

Hello, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. If you notice any errors, please feel free to give me constructive feedback. English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please mention them in the comment section at the end of the chapter. Let's begin the story!

Word Count: 3400 Words

Note: Just a reminder that I've changed the Guild Auxiliary chapter. I've made some changes to it. I've removed a couple of NPCs and added a few.


Last Day of Yggdrasil

Bruce logged in, as usual, it was the day where no matter the cause he did not wish to miss.

It was his last day on Earth.

He had a good talk with Alfred before logging in.

He roamed the city and even went on a drive before heading back home. He had made peace with the World and everyone he knew.

It was evening by the time he logged in.

He met up with World at the Throne Room of Arcadia.

"World I think I will challenge World Devourer before leaving."

"What brought this on, S?"

"Just a whim."


"Fine, BabaYaga was on his way to challenge World Devourer but he sadly wasn't able to.

He was to join my company, which restricted his actions a lot. He can't play Yggdrasil because of me. So, I plan on fulfilling his dream. That's the least I could do."


"I want to go all out. I wish to Battle World Devourer, the Final World Enemy as an equal. I wish to fight him with my all strength. As a World Enemy."

"Things are never as simple with you. Fine, I'll cover your tracks and go all out."


"S, all the best"

"Thank you, World. Don't you dare disconnect this time? I will be needing your help there."

"I promise"


Though it was left unsaid, it is what he and Domitor had promised to do before the End of the Game.

LordofTheMysteries nodded at World as he teleported outside World Devourer's Home.

He checked his console for any other item he might require before he entered.

His eyes wandered to the friend list.

'Still not online.'

Bruce walked in the space, as he headed towards World Devourer. He did not wish to waste his time clearing the mobs on his way, so he had the World deactivate them.

He finally entered the arena.

He looked at World Devourer as he entered.

'This is not going to be an easy fight. Fafnir was a kid in front of World Devourer. I can't imagine what would happen if he were to get teleported to the New World.

His flavour text and the lore dwarf Cthulhu only because World has put extra work into him for me.

World Devourer would dwarf Fafnir many times over than it should.

The most difficult battle for every player in Yggdrasil.

His throne room of Arcadia Castle was big enough to host Fafnir.

The Arcadia's Castle was big. The Throne Room only covered 20% of the whole Castle.

It was a big floor. The biggest floor of The Root.

Similarly, the Castle was located at the centre of the Floor.

There was a sky and everything else that most would expect a World to have.

It was more than an Amphitheater of the Ainz Ooal Gown or The Nazrick.

A Giant City surrounds the Castle with a giant plain lawn and a garden in between the Castle and the town.

It would be a lie to call it a town.

The Castle ground covered 35% of the town area.

The town covered 50% of the area of the floor.

In the open area between the castle and the town, the Castle garden and the open space are twice as big as the Castle.

And if the World Devourer was to enter his Guild, it would occupy the whole floor. It would occupy most of the Floor Arcadia.

The size difference was too much.


Bruce did not wish to waste much time here. He still had to get back to the Guild. After all, it was the last day of the Game.

He couldn't hope to miss it.

He wished to start the Battle with a bang.

{Super-tier Spell, End of Earth}

Beckoning his call, Nine Meteors were summoned.

World Devourer sensing the spell, woke up. He glared at the meteors as he roared at them.

Answering his roar, lightning strikes the Meteors.

Four out of five Meteors failed to survive the lightning as they disintegrated.

World Devourer was one of the original reasons why the concept of Guild Alliances was formed. The other reason was forming Race Alliances. For same-race players to unite.

As the Game Name suggested, it was a Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.

World Devourer was the Massive Raid Boss.

The Final End Boss.

'This is not going to be an easy fight.'

LordofTheMysteries switched to his Demon Avatar as he cast,

{Spell, Grand Catastrophe}

He continued the Battle without waiting for the spell to show its might as he used his skill,

{Skill, The Scarlett Archon Desptopia}

He switched back to LordofTheMysteries as he cast,

{Skill, Summoning of The Dark One, spawn of Yog-Sothoth}

He turned to Vishanti as he casts,

{Super Tier Magic: The Promised Star Fall, Stella}

He teleported from his position to avoid the World Devourer's strike.

He teleported himself up above.


Hovering in the air, he retrieved his grimoire,

{Super Tier Magic: Ten Thousand Swords of Demeter}

He dispelled Fly, as he switched Avatars again.

As light radiated from his body, after it died down a Gaint was seen falling.

{Skill, World Break}

To'kustar did not stop at it. He drove the sword in the World Devourer as he fell using his fall.

He slashed repeatedly as much as he could.

He jumped back as World Devourer struck him with lightning strikes.

Ice spikes were launched at him.

He jumped around dodging as circled on World Devourer getting in as many slashes as he could.

World Devourer roared as it took to the skies.

They were currently in the Void between the Worlds.

Outside any of the Nine Worlds.

At the time he met World Devourer, World Devourer was resting on a leaf of Yggdrasil.

World Devourer used his Dragon's Breath to distance itself from him.

To'kustar jumped from World Devourer's back.

He switched avatars again before reaching the ground.

LordofTheMysteries now stood on his back. He had no other choice. Not like he had any platform here in the Void to stand on.

{Skill, Magnum Tenebrosum}

Darkness clashed against World Devourer.

"It's time now, World."

He switched again as he turned to his last avatar.

The sequence zero of his pathway, in a way.

The Fool now hovered above the World Devourer as he watched the tentacles clash against the World Devourer.

'Now let's see if this Reality Manipulation or as you called it Acausality and Causality Works on World Devourer?'

<You said it.>

{Skill, World Apotheosis}

As he activated the skill, he saw World Devourer's Body and his Glitch.

He lost sight in the game. All he saw was darkness.

This was the second time he had experienced something like this.



'What the f*ck is happening?'

<I'm not sure. This was not supposed to happen. There seems to be some problem. Maybe because of the closing they are closing some of the game features.. >

As he was conversing with World, he regained vision.

But unlike before, the position of World Devourer and his was switched.

He teleported as he saw World Devourer open its mouth.

Not a second later, it fired Dragon's Breath.

'I guess it might have been a glitch. Everything is okay now.'

<No, something is not right. World Devourer is being treated as a player entity by the system. It is being classified as a player, World Enemy and Raid Boss.>

'What the fu*k'

World Devourer, unlike its past movements, razed past him as it tried to devour him. But due to his World Enemy Status, he was able to escape.

The game glitched as World Devourer moved past its predesignated moves.

{World Break}

'Fu*k it is using World Break against me. I know that World Devourer is supposed to have all the skills and Spells except for World Classes. It has all the skills in Yggdrasil but not the World Break.'

<Yes it is not supposed to have World Classes skillsets, spells and other World Enemies skills. I'm not sure of the reason but it has been isolated from the system. It is infringing upon others' World Enemies and the Skill and Magic System of Yggdrasil. Attaining other skills from Yggdrasil all on its own.>

'So what am I supposed to do now? I don't know why but I am unable to teleport out of here.'


Bruce kept on dodging as World Devourer attacked him repetitively.

Unsure of his chances he looked at the timer. Only 5 minutes remained before the Game Ends.

"World, how the fuck is this possible. Last I checked, before blanking out I still had 3 Hours."

<Even I am not sure of it. You weren't the only one who lost time.>

At the same time, World in The Root was panicking. This wasn't how it was supposed to play.

She was losing control of the Game.

She was being denied access to the Game System, and her administrative privileges were denied.

She was not able to bring S out of the Battle or stop the fight.

While Bruce kept teleporting to get away from World Devourer.

<S, I might have a way>

"What is it?"

<I will have to access World Devourer and control it. After, all it is being treated as a player account by the system now.>

"Good luck, but what about your Avatar in the Guild? I can't lose you here. You are coming with me to the New World."

<Don't worry. I can handle them both. I can control two accounts simultaneously. I have already controlled 99 player accounts before. >

"Fine, do it. But promise me. You will come with me."

<I promise>

As soon as he said it, World Devourer stopped in his tracks.


World Devourer spoke in its horse voice. Its speech resonated through the space.


"You can leave now."


Bruce sighed in relief as his hands went to his console, he saw it.

In the Friends List, Domitor had logged in to the Game.

He saw it when he clicked on the leave icon.

It was not a conscious action but as soon as he saw it, he looked up at World. World who was in World Devourer's body.

She couldn't delete its character or leave its control open. It would again start its rampage.

As his body faded in specs of light, he heard her.

"I'm sorry, S. May be I should have never.. "


Outside the Raid Arena, in the Yggdrasil.

The Fool appeared as he looked around his surroundings. He checked again to make sure Domitor was in the Game.

He then looked at the timing. Only two minutes were left before Yggdrasil shut down.

Could he make it?

Also, why did World apologize?

As he was in his The Fool Avatar, Domitor would not be able to check his status.

Unsure of his actions.

He was running out of time.

He looked at the chat section.



A lone octopus-shaped humanoid player walked the streets of Asgard as they had just logged in to the game.

The player teleported to a rocky region as they walked ahead a bit further. They stopped near a rock as they looked at the surrounding scenery.

Reminiscing of the past.

"Hades, Aria, VladKing, Helios and lastly Vishanti."

Domitor got lost in nostalgia as she thought of the past. As she relaxed and sat on a rock.

"Who is it?"

She had some unwanted company. As she got up to defend herself, she relaxed as she saw who it was.

"Ai and Akira. What are you guys doing here?"

"Same reason as you."

Ai answered her as she sat with Akane on the rock.

"We thought we could find you here.", Akira told her as he sat on an adjacent rock.

"We miss those days, though not as much as you."

Ai spoke as she looked at her.

"So, Arisu... "

"They are not coming, Akane."

Ai did not let Akane finish as she spoke before her.

"They have gone their own way. They won't be coming back."

"They won't huh!"

Akane replied as her voice got weaker by the end.

"Don't fret about them. Tell me how is life treating you, Akane?"

She tilted her head at the question. Unsure of what to answer.

"What happened after your parents found out? I heard that you have a fiance now."

"Well, they rushed me for marriage but I have kept them at bay for now."

"Are you still thinking about Vishanti?"

"Yes and No."

"Care to elaborate?"

"Not now"

"Fine, if you don't wish to answer it then it's your call. Just tell me how is this fiance of yours?"

"He is good. A handsome man who is both kind and wealthy. He cares for me. We have already gone on a few dates. He was good."

"Then what is your problem?"

"I just wished to meet Vishanti once. I wish to close the chapter and move on. But I have been unable to meet him. It's been months now.

The last I saw him was before the fight. I thought of leaving him a message but he hasn't come online. Also, I was afraid to do so. I wondered if he would ever see my message or if it would be too late before he saw it. Would I have moved on before he saw it? Then what use it to bother him?

Well, to be frank, I did send him a message but I deleted it not long ago."

"So you still have not met him?"

Akira asked shockingly.

Akane was startled hearing Akira shout out his question.

"What is it with you, Akira?"


"It's not nothing. I'm sure you are hiding something from me. Ai?"

Getting no answer from Akira, Akane moved to Ai.

"As Akira said. It's nothing."

"Okay, if you say so. So, enough talking about me. Tell me about yourself. I heard that you both got engaged last week. So when's the wedding?"

Both Ai and Akira blushed at the question.

"So, Akira you have scored a great girl. I'm not sure if you can even get someone like her again. So don't ever let her down."

"I know."

Akira got serious as he answered her.

"So, when are you thinking of tying the knot?"

"Soon enough."

"Are they going to come to the wedding?"

"I will send them the invitation. But I'm not sure if they will show up. He was very pissed last time."

Akane nodded.

"I understand"

Ai got a bad premonition here,

"So what about Vishanti?"

"Vishanti huh! I do wish to send him the invitation but he is The Bruce Wayne. I'm not sure if he can make it?"


It was too late before Akira realised his mistake.




They had lengthy talks before they sorted out the information.

"Are you angry, Akane?"

"Surprisingly not. He is Bruce Wayne, so what does it have to do with me? These past few months after calming down, I thought about it.

He knew it. He knew that I had feelings for him, yet he ignored them. Treated me the same.

Now, it explains it. He is the Owner of the Wayne Enterprises. He must have a line of girls waiting for him to go out with. Why would he even bother with nobody like me."

"I'm sure he was not thinking about it at the time."

Akane got up and turned to face them as she spoke.

"I'm done with it. I have made my peace."

Ai confused asked her.

"So what is it?"

"I'll say yes to him. I'd rather have someone who cares for me. Who will put me before himself and everything else than someone who.."

"Someone who?"

"Never mind"

Akira got up,

"That's good. You were so engrossed in your talk that you forgot to check the time. There's only two minutes left before Yggdrasil Ends."

"That's right. So what do you guys say we do a countdown?"

Akane asked as she turned to them.

"I'm fine with it."

To which they both agreed.

Time passed as they turned to see her doing something with her console.

"What are you doing, Akane?"

Ai asked her curious.

"So what if is he offline? I'll just send back everything that he has given to me. Every item that he gave me and even those that he helped me get."

"It's your choice. He won't even find out about it. Before he logs in to find it, the game would be gone."

"It's okay. I'm doing it for myself."




"So let's start the countdown."








As they continued their countdown, Akane heard it.

"I'm sorry."

She heard someone apologize to her.

She turned around to find Akira and Ai continue with their counting.

'So they did not hear it.'

She looked around, seeing her distraught. Akira and AI were going to ask her before they all found themselves back in their bedroom.

| Thank You for Playing Yggdrasil |

Yggdrasil had ended and there was nothing she could do. She won't be able to find the owner of the voice now.

'She was a woman.'

As Akane contemplated her situation, Akira and Ai called to check up on her.

She said it was nothing but there was nothing she could do about it.

The least she could do was, not worry her friends.

After all, they did not hear it.

It might have been a figment of her imagination.

"All right. It's time to move on from Yggdrasil."


Bruce read through the messages.

Texts that should have existed, weren't there.

As he went by it, he received multiple gifts for his Vishanti Avatar.

Akane aka Domitor had sent loads of items to him.

He did not know what they were but he did not care now.

He had to get to his Guild.

{Greater Teleportation}

He tried teleporting to his Castle in Arcadia but found himself right outside his Guild.

He checked the time as only 18 seconds remained in the Game.

He couldn't afford to miss his ticket. He couldn't afford to go to the New World without his Guild.

What was the whole point of building it if he couldn't take it with him?

He sacrificed a lot of things to get it done.

He could have gone just like Momonga and enjoyed Yggdrasil with others. And also make some friends along the way.

But he chose the loner path.

He used Lopt this time, he wished to teleport to the Throne Room of the Castle in Arcadia but the Game glitches again.

Above all, he wasn't able to contact World.

As luck would have it, his character suffered another glitch. Luckily it wasn't outside of The Root.

As he was wearing the ring of his Guild, he was able to enter but not where he wished.

He found himself in Sefirah Castle.

He looked at the table and chairs neatly arranged.

They were the same as when he left it.

'I can't risk using teleportation again. I was lucky enough to find myself in my Guild when it glitched. I don't know if I will be so lucky again.'

His character kept up with the glitch issue, he walked to his seat. He had a difficult time controlling his Character.

As pulled the Chair to have a seat, he heard the roar of the Dragon.

Whether it was his lucky day or not, he knew of the owner of that Roar.

Time ticked, as only 3 seconds remained.

He was able to identify the owner of the roar.

It was of the very Dragon he faced a couple of minutes before.

Time moved and the clock hit midnight.

Yggdrasil Ended.

And he remained in his Avatar in his Guild.

He had made it.



This marks the end of Yggdrasil Arc.

I was hoping for your feedback on something.

I was hoping to do a Mutliverse thing in this fic. The MC resuming or living up to his Name, The Fool.

Start the Tarot Club or the Fool's Gathering.

Rather than the usual World residents being the members of the club. I was hoping to bring them from other verses.

A Mutliverse Tarot Club.

Which will in a way add Mutliverse Travel function to this Fic.

If you do agree then can you suggest names for who will be part of the Club. Please keep it to anime and some famous Marvel or DC characters. I have read the comics but not every one there is. I have not even read them in order. I have only read a few of them.

So, Adios.

I have my End Semester Exams from day after tomorrow. I will be busy next two weeks.

After which I will have semester holidays, so more chapters then.

See you guys after two weeks.

Though I will try to reply to your comments if I get time in between or when I'm trying to refresh my mood from continuous studying.

In this gap I would appreciate if you guys can drop a review. Sharing your feedback of the fic. What you liked and disliked?

Any improvements that you can suggest.


**The End**

Drop a comment and leave a review. Be it negative or positive but make sure to give constructive criticism. Also if you think you can add anything of value to the fic, then you are more than welcome to comment. Any thoughts or questions, ask them in the comment section. I'll try to answer them as soon as I can.

ChaosVoid_24 ChaosVoid_24

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