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4.34% The Overlord of Mysteries / {Index-2: World Items}

{Index-2: World Items}

1. The Fire Dragon's Heart:

A World Item when equipped grants the user the ability to create, dispel and manipulate Fire.

Ultimate Skill/Spell: Sol Nirvana

Acquired: After defeating Fire Dragon[Sutur's Pet]

2. The Divine Tree of Immortality:

A magical tree from Norse Mythology linked with the fruit of Immortality. This tree produces two types of fruit.

Golden Apple: Grants you immortality, player faces no penalty upon death if consumed beforehand. Player after dying will be revived once, with no penalty. The fruit is produced once a week.

Silver Apple: Grants experience equal to level up from Lvl 1 to 40. The fruit is produced once a day.

3. Well of Urd:

A well, flowing with the cosmic wisdom connected to the void beyond Yggdrasil. The water flowing in the well contains the forbidden knowledge of the cosmos.

The well can be used in two ways.

The Riddler: Can ask any questions to the well, the well shall answer in riddles or by presenting visages, glimpses of location or scenery to your answer except being repelled by World Item. It may fail or provide partial answers when related to World Items or Players, Guilds or any entity equipped with World Items. Can be used once a week.

Blind God: No limits, Can answer any one question. When a colour that shouldn't exist, the cosmic entity, Eldritch God is summoned. They shall answer any question you may have with no Limit. Can only be used once, after usage the well shall be lost. One-time use, ability.

4. Gjallarhorn:

A higher level version of the Super-Tier Magic <(Written: Summoning of an Avatar of God) Call Avatar>

5. Sword of Ra:

The Sword of Ra is a divine weapon that belonged to the God Ra. Ra is the all-powerful God of the Sun and Light. Among the first and oldest gods, Ra has existed for eternity. This Sword is believed to be the most powerful weapon in existence.

Ra's sword is known to change into two different forms.

First Form: The first form of Ra's sword is that of a gold sword-like blade.

Second Form: The weapon's second form however takes on a form much bigger than that of an average mortal's height. The spearhead is much larger and long, as is the staff that's held by the wielder. Also in this form, it glows with the fires of the sun, which only gods can wield. The weapon can also produce either beams or bolts of sun energy.

Acquired: After defeating Sutur.

6. The Eye of The Blind Idiot God Azathoth:

The Most powerful Divination Tool.

7.. Trident of Poseidon:

The Trident of Poseidon is an unbreakable three-pronged leister that serves as an extension of the god's own power.

The power of Poseidon The Greek God.

8. Helm of Darkness

The Helm of Darkness is one of Hades' Symbols of Power. The Helm allows Hades to melt into shadows and pass through walls. While wearing it he cannot be touched, seen, or heard, and he can radiate fear so intense that it can easily drive a person insane or stop their heart.

The Power of Hades.

9. Zeus Wrath:

The Master Bolt is the symbol of Zeus' power, which all other lightning bolts are patterned after.

The power of the God of Thunder, Zeus.

10. Kronos' Scythe:

The scythe with the power of time. It can stop time, bypassing those with time-stop resistance, sparing only those with World Items. Has the power to attack in the past and set up an attack in the future.

For example, in a battle, the opponent has a shield or is escaping the scythe can be used to attack in the past where he was defenceless. Causing the player to sustain damage in the present.

11. The Children of Yggdrasil:

Let's you create 9 Max-Level NPCs, not tied down by any Guild except the player. Though players can assign them to a Guild, the guild's destruction won't cause them any harm.

Each NPCs have access to a single rare class, by default. The player can assign other rare classes later.

12. Excalibur:

Acquired through the defeat of The Great Ancient Red Dragon. A Legendary Sword.

13. Rhongomyniad [Caloric Stone]:

Not a World Item by itself, but is a World Item due to the material used to build it.

Caloric Stone was used to create such a magnificent Lance.

The Lance That Shines to the End of the World

14. Fruit of Yggdrasil:

A World Item that lets the user turn into a World Enemy.

Upon activation, the user can replace any one World Enemy that he has fought against.

With its Activation, the user's stats are increased to match that of a Boss Monster. With it, the User is to challenge the selected World Enemy to replace him.

Upon defeat, the process fails and the World Item is lost across the Yggdrasil. Leaving the Player with Boss Monster stats till it finds itself a new Owner.

15. Longinus:

It has the power to completely remove any target from existence at the expense of the user's own existence. There was no way to restore the data of anyone deleted by the World Item, other than by using the resurrection powers of other World Items; neither cash items nor resurrection spells would work. If someone were to use it on an NPC of a Guild, it would even reduce the maximum creatable levels of NPCs — the special feature of a guild's home base.

16. Gleipnir:

A formidable World Item against the Warriors. Anyone bound by loses their Physical Strength stats till untied.

Obviously, players who possess World Items are exempted from its effect.

17. Ring of Draupnir:

A ring that multiplies the amount of coins received by 8 times. Also, it produces gold coins every day. Negative, it only multiplies coins or in-game money and not magical items or other loot.

18. World Savior:

A club-shaped item, which is very weak in its initiatory stage, but gets stronger with time. It can become so strong that it could even conquer Nazarick with all the members of Ainz Ooal Gown combined.

19. Gungir:

The Spear of Odin.

20. Sword of Freyr:

A sword that can fight on its own.

21. Laevateinn:

A Staff. It's World Item specialising in Illusion and Trap settings.

22. Achilles Shield:

said to be able to stand against nearly any attack by deploying a miniature world. Described within a hundred lines of text in Book 18 of the Iliad, it is the world Achilles lived in that was reproduced by Hephaestus into a miniature form in the shield, featuring swirling ocean currents on the outer circumference due to the sea god. It is said that "to oppose this shield is the same as making the world your opponent".

23. Standard of Conqueror, is a Flag World Item, when used, the user could summon an army of soldiers.

24. Relic of Another World:

It is yet another item inspired by those Mecha Games.

XXX the parent company of Yggdrasil were planning on building a Mecha game, as it rose to popularity but refrained as they couldn't allocate more resources to another game, while their prior game is still in popularity. It's a Giant Mecha, with many sci-fi weapons on it. Plus it can also be converted into a siege weapon, a heavy blaster for more damage.

25. Jewel of Souls:

It is a World Item that lets the user use summoning magic or skills without any cost. With the limitation of maximum summoning being Level 900 per day.

26. Spring of Calamity-The Hex of Slight Goddess:

It is a miniature statue of a beautiful-faced goddess holding a jar and pouring black liquid into a vessel, the item has the appearance of a fountain.

It's an item that, when activated releases negative energy and miasma into the world. Given time, it can span the entire world. All those without instant death protection will perish and those with instant death resistance will have a curse inflicted on them with constant damage, poison and acid damage. When activated a purplish fog is released from it and shall cover the whole world unless stopped.

Once the fog has managed to reach the end of the world, the goddess shall appear to collect the souls.

The Goddess though has a beautiful face, her body is very hideous.

27. Key to Glory:

A World Item shaped as a key. A large, golden key is ornated like a gilded skeletal hand. Its power is to be a 'skeleton key' for everything that is "locked" in YGGDRASIL. It also has a compass-like ability (visualized as the key glowing brighter when it's pointed in the right direction) to guide its holder through the safest route in an unmapped location. Its "unlocking" ability extends to include magical barriers and it can unlock things like the isolation effects of Ouroboros.

28. Call of Abyss or Apocalypse Bringer:

It is a World Item when activated can summon a legion of Demons till the user is killed and ownership of the item is transferred. It's a superior version of Armageddon Evil, a 10th-tier spell.

29. Ahura Mazda:

Ahura Mazda is capable of inflicting a massively powerful area of effects on targets with a negative karma value across the entire world.

30. The Ravens of Knowledge:

A monocle with a twin Raven design on its sides. Designed as a telescope but is a monocle that reads the lore the stats, and the character sheet of the players and monsters, NPCs and items.

31. Five Elements Overcoming: (Not in Possession)

It has the power to request the developers to change the magic systems of YGGDRASIL.

Bruce has used it once to get some changes done to his guild.

32. Endless Abyss:

A World Item, one of the twenty. A single-use type, will consume any target and seal them in the Abyss. When sealed in the Abyss, the player or target dies. The only possible means to revive is to use a super-tier spell corresponding to it. Equivalent to the True Death spell but a higher version of it with 100% accuracy. With the penalty of setting the level of the target as 1 after revival. However, the character may lose any one job class and a piece of equipment. Plus the curse of requiring twice the experience to progress each level.

World Enemies are immune to the effect, while World Item holders experience death but are immune to the other effects of the item, nor would they be considered defeated by the opponent.

33. Ouroboros: (Not in Possession)

It has the power to alter YGGDRASIL's game mechanism, in more ways than Five Elements Overcoming. This item once prevented Ainz Ooal Gown guild members from entering a certain area.

34. D'endrrah:

It's a World Item similar to Avarice and Generosity. But unlike them, this item could store HP, MP, EXP, and Stamina and convert it into Cosmic Energy.

As per its description, the Cosmic Energy could later be used for any purpose. It can also act as a substitute for any of the mentioned sources.

The Item absorbs all types of energy, which later is used for casting Spell or Skill with HP, MP or EXP cost.

A player couldn't absorb the said energy for experience but could use the energy to cast super tier spells like Wish Upon A Star that require experience or any other skills.

35. The Caduceus:

A World Item that has the power to revive players, Monsters, summons and NPCs. No Limit to amount of players that can revived once activated. Usable only once per day.

Those revived face no experience penalties.

36. Aegis:

A Shield World Item, similar to Achilles Shield but unlike it, this can reflect all skills and spells. The user can't equip any other weapon when holding the shield. This can be used to reflect all attacks but is of no use against physical attacks.

37. Anubis:

A long obsidian black staff. A red orb at the top held by grey roots coiled with the Staff.

An undead summoning staff. The symbolisation of the Power of The God of Death.

38. Erebus:

Erebus is capable of inflicting a massively powerful area of effects on targets with a positive karma value across the entire world. Alternative of Ahura Mazda.

39. Morpheus:

A World With the Power of Dreams. Can be used to put the players or targets to sleep, spanning the whole world. An item that can be used to control their dream. Plus the ability to show a good dream or experience nightmares.

Can also be used to create a phobia. The phobia or the fear inflicted upon the target is random.

41. Styx:

A World Item, that can be used by a player to drag any target into a spiritual realm. The river separates the world of living and dead. Both the user and target aren't able to use their power here. While their body is immobilised in the Real World. A sitting target for the allies of the user or the target pulled into the space.

The spiritual realm cannot be breached by anyone, even those with World Items.

The target is not affected by the pull if he so possesses a World Item. Other World Item holders or other entities can't spy on or detect the realm or its activation.

42. Bow of Artemis:

The legendary Golden Bow from the Greek Mythology. Never misses a target. The bow does not require arrows. The Bow has the strength and prowess to affect the terrain and afflict different conditions to the target.

43. Holy Grail:

A healing type artefact. A World Item with the power to heal.

44. Atlas:

A World Item that has the power to locate any player, object, monster, or NPC. With the power to teleport the objects and players as per user discretion. Also, can be used to teleport the user to the said object, player or location with no Limit. Even has the power to bypass barriers created by Other World Items like Ouroboros.

45. Yggdrasil Leaf:

The World Item, with the power to create a barrier. A dome barrier blocks players from entering or leaving the dome. The land is transported to different dimensions. It's a shield or barrier-creating item to protect against intruders.

Similar to the World Separating Wall, a Wild Magic spell was used by PDL.

46. The Form of The Rising Sun:

The Form of The Rising Sun, a World Item that embodies the power of the Sun. A small cube-shaped item. Its power spans the entire world. It's a Rubix cube, the player has to first solve it to activate the World Item.

The World Item after activation, when commanded creates a massive explosion. The blast engulfs the Whole World.

Resulting in The Destruction of The World.

All the players in the said World die, except for those with World Items. World Item holders are teleported to a different World, the last World they had been to. The players who died in the explosion are respawned to the last World they had visited after death.

The World stays in a state of destruction for One Day. Later the World is revived by Yggdrasil. A Weapon created by a Dwarf though has the power to destroy a World but its power dwarfs the power of Yggdrasil. Unlike The World Devourer, whose prowess influences Yggdrasil.

One of the Twenty World Items.

47. Snow Queen's Spirit:

A World Item that embodies the power and the essence of Snow Queen's Wrath. Once activated its aftermath spans the whole world. It contains her anger for the treatment she received. Her curse caused everything she touched to turn into ice. With enough time, the item when activated covers the whole world in ice. Upon activation, the raging Blizzard strikes the World.

48. World Gun:

Bruce created it using Caloric Stone, a World Item. He modelled it after the gun Klein or The Fool used in Lotm's novel.

Just another toy for his inner role-player to play with.

49. Crown of Shadow:

A World Item received from a high-level Dungeon, with the power to control darkness and shadow. Can summon Shadow Beings and is also said to be able to grant the user dominion over the Shadow Realm.

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