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Capítulo 9: 9. The Faceless Void

If you notice any errors, please feel free to give me constructive feedback. English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please mention them in the comment section at the end of the chapter.

Characters and the setting used in this Fanfic does not belong to me and they belong to their respective owners.

Let's begin the story!

Word Count: 5600 Approx


Omni Pov

Near a dark mountain, hidden beneath the never-ending smog and clouds was a volcano. The silence reigned supreme here, except for the sound from the volcano.

A black silhouette appeared near the edge of the volcano. In this game, the only ones who could teleport freely were the players. One such player had teleported to this region. His presence destroyed the tranquillity of the region as alerted by his presence, the residents of the region roared simultaneously.

Followed by the roar, a flock of giant birds took flight, from the places surrounding the mountain to pass judgment on the rude intruder.

"Well, that's the best welcome I have received from this game till now"

Upon closer inspection, Bruce noticed what he thought to be a flock of giant birds was a group of wyverns.

'World do you have any suggestions?'

<Shouldn't you try getting along with them>

'It isn't time for that, or wait. I think. You don't mean?'

<I am sure they are friendly>

"Well, I have never tried it with mobs before but let's do this. Every one of those birds is at least packing the strength of a level 80 warrior. They all are level 70, but the stats work differently for every race.

Racial classes, heavily impact stats. Some may give you an edge over HP than others while few would help you in the MP department. But the strength of those monsters is undeniable"

Bruce was ready to take on the stampede. He took out many cash items. Most of them were for boosting his strength.

After boosting himself, he moved to cast a spell to erect a barrier around himself.

"Greater Shield", 'A 9th tier spell, this should hold on'

Bruce cast a barrier spell to protect against the attack from Wyverns. Wyverns when they came near him, spewed fire to burn him. The barrier was able to hold onto the flame breath of Wyverns before it broke out in two minutes.

After the barrier broke, Bruce vanished from the spot. There was a delay in judgment the Wyverns hovering over the place. Trying to find the player, but were unable to. With no target left to attack, they returned to their spot, a large cave in a mountain adjacent to the volcano waiting for the next player to appear.

"They didn't suspect a thing"

<You are a shapeshifter, The Faceless One and have the title of God. The combination of these classes is equal to world-tier classes like World Champion or World Guardian. >

Bruce while doubtful had gone ahead with World's suggestion to turn himself into a Wyvern. Hiding in plain sight. Bruce after having fooled them, went ahead and entered the volcano.

He flew and landed in front of a large door situated in the volcano. Right after landing, he transformed back to his original form.

'Being a Wyvern is great but I only have 80% of their strength. To transform I should have the character or player should be in my line of sight. Though it is interesting to play as different characters.

But in this situation, the Wyvern was way too weak than me'

Bruce made his way to the door and pushed it open. Inside the door, lay a pool of lava. The game was realistic, though Bruce had never been to a real volcano but he had this feeling.

'This is what a real volcano would look like!'

Bruce after entering the room, 'There it is again. The boss's entrance'

Bruce started getting ready to face the Dragon, ignoring the cut scene. He started casting all the buff spells he had learned. While humming the BGM playing in the background, as a part of the cut scene.

The Dragon made an epic entrance from the lava, with a roar. It was a giant Dragon.

"So it's a Fire Dragon huh!"

The Dragon flew and landed in front of Bruce. It didn't attack Bruce and just stood there, staring at him. Just like most bosses, the Dragon stood waiting for the players to make a move, giving them the advantage. Or a single player in this scenario.

Bruce and Dragon stood there staring at each other. The silence continued, with the lava spewing in the background. The smoke rising, the bubbling sound of the burning lava and the artificial show of the rising temperature in the background. Everything was peaceful.

"Kneel Dragon, Bow before me"

'No reply huh! Let's get this started.'

Many intricate magic circles started forming around Bruce, rotating slowly as if declaring to the world. The spell possessed the power to change the world, to alter the reality.

'Hmm! The casting time for super-tier spells is long. Well if you don't use the cash shop items then what's the use of purchasing them, right World?'


Bruce took out the cash shop item to cut cast time short, from his inventory and activated it.

The spells in Yggdrasil didn't have to be said out loud while casting them. But the players did it anyway, as a courtesy towards their comrades. While I don't have any friends, I still honour the contract. I still say the spell I am casting out loud. Even when I'm in PvP fights.

*shattering sound

"Super tier magic, Fallen Down"

A large beam of light encompassed Bruce and the Dragon. Yet when the light died down, the Dragon stood there, not affected in the slightest. The Dragon in response to the spell, replied to Bruce with a fiery fire that spewed, encompassing Bruce in the flame.

The attack was powerful and majestic, as expected of a dragon. It was Dragon Breath.

"Greater Shield"

Just before the fire made contact with Bruce, he erected a barrier to protect himself. After the Dragon Breath died down, Bruce dispelled the barrier.

"Summon Meteor", a giant meteor slammed into the Dragon before it could move.

After the smoke cleared, the Dragon and Bruce were both standing staring at each other. The Fire Dragon took to the sky and got ready for another Dragon Breath.

"Those attacks should have done something but even after it, I still haven't whittled down its HP to as much as I had expected. I was only able to reduce less than 1% of its total HP. How strong is this guy? Moreover, with its HP recovery rate, he will be as good as new in no time. No wonder he is classified as a Raid Boss Monster, or else a team of 100 players or a guild full of casters casting super tier spells together can bring down any boss monster. So what's the use of it then?"


Dragon fell.

"Ah! It was tiring."

Bruce fell, like a doll whose strings had been cut. He lay there sprawled on the ground staring at the roof.

"It's over"

The fight was tiring, he had to complete the fight without dying. He wishes to complete the game and transfer to New World without dying even once.

<That Dragon was the pet of Sutur. Congratulations you have unlocked the quest to challenge Sutur. Many players had access to this quest but the player who defeats the Fire Dragon first wins the ticket to challenge him and only you. Many have tried to fight Fire Dragon but all have failed. Well, they didn't have as much money as you to burn to fight the Dragon>

"So what did I win?"

<The rewards are all great but the most prominent one is the Fire Dragon's Heart. A World-Tier item. An item when equipped grants you the power of fire. A skill to create and control fire.>

"So now I am a God of Fire. Interesting, now I have my first World item and I got this on my own plus I didn't cheat. It's a great achievement don't you think World?"

<Yes, you didn't forget about it did you>

"No, I remember. So what should I do next World? To balance out my character. I had a very tough time defeating him. He was strong, crazy strong and he wasn't even a World Enemy. So how strong are World Enemies?"

<Enough to warrant the title of World Enemy.>

"Right, so what should I do next? I don't wish to create a new character and also I don't wish to reset my current stats. Those classes and skills are very precious and to get them back is next to impossible without cheating."

<Well, to be honest, I did interfere in the beginning. You were supposed to get The Faceless One class in the beginning but I replaced it with Shapeshifter.>

"Go on"

<Shapeshifter is an elite class, you get from the event The Great Old Ones or Eldritch Gods. It's a hidden class, with chances of getting 0.001%. >

"So what is it supposed to do? No use fighting over it now, you were acting in my favour, even if it removes the fun part of the game. Anyway, I was going to get the class in the future, so let's think of it as borrowing from my future self."

<The Faceless Void is the next class you should be aiming towards. It's a class upgrade for a player with Shapeshifter and The Faceless One. Similar to how there are only 9 World Champion classes available in Yggdrasil, The Faceless Void is only one of its kind.>

"It sounds interesting. So what does this class do?"

<It's a class representing the Eldritch Gods and the void where Yggdrasil resides. It grants you 1 original avatar and 9 avatars representing 9 worlds remaining in Yggdrasil. All avatars aren't connected and are treated as separate player accounts by the system. There is still time before the event but since you have the required class you can go for it.>


Mc Pov

So World is this right,

1. I get 9 additional avatars or characters to play as.

2. All the characters aren't related to each other and I can play as any race and class in each character as I wish.

3. At first I have to complete a quest to unlock the class and I have to sacrifice all my experience.

4. After getting the class, I will have my first avatar unlocked after sacrificing 10% of my experience i.e. 10% of what I would require to reach level 100.

5. To progress I will have to max my character and then perform a ritual and sacrifice 20% of my experience to unlock the next character.

6. With each progressing character, the experience required will be doubled to max my character and the experience required to sacrifice will be +10%. So my last avatar will require me to sacrifice 100% of my experience.

This is torture, by the time I have reached 8th character, the experience I will need to max my level would be 8x.

This is torture, I will be spending more than...

<Approximately 5.5 years, if you go by your current speed>

"Is there no shortcut"

<There is a shortcut, you will need the magical fruit or magic apples. They are apples that can grant experience. Each Apple store experience that is enough to push a level 1 player to level 40>

"It's too good to be true. Now that I think about it, there was a legend about a magical Apple tree in Norse Mythology. Something about the fruit of immortality."

<Yes, but it's not as easy as you think of it. The tree produces only one fruit per Day. It's a godsend for any player or guild. Enough to secure it with their lives. But that's not the end, the tree produces two types of fruit. A golden apple and a silver apple. The silver Apple grants you experience and is produced daily. The golden apple grants you immortality. It can be used to revive once without any penalty upon consumption. The Golden Apple is produced once a week.>

"So where is this tree?"

<Hidden deep within a valley. On a small island in the middle of a large lake. The tree is just like any other tree with no character to distinguish it from another. Also, the lake is guarded by a Hydra. As for the island it is guarded by an army of level 100 spirits.>

"Level 100 spirits. Isn't that too much"

<The tree is a World Item>

"World Item!"

<But it's not that simple. To be able to possess that world item, you should have +500 karma. Even if you don't have +500 karma you can still pluck the fruit after defeating those spirits but in your case, with your God title those spirits won't harm you.>

"That's great"


3 Months Later

A black-haired man was walking towards his room. After entering, he closed the doors.

"Finally, after a day of work, I can finally play now"

He after his inner monologue moved towards his console and logged in.

"Hey guys, I'm not late am I?"

The man now looked different, he was in his game avatar and had entered Yggdrasil.

He now was handsome a male, with long ears.

"No, you're just in time Draze."

"Is everyone here"


"Then let's get going, we have been waiting for a long time now"

"Yep, we can't let some Dragon have its way."


All the members present with Draze walked into what appeared to be the Gate. After passing through Gate they appeared near a volcano.

A fight ensued between the players and the Wyverns. The fight was fierce but in the end with the help of HP and MP potions the players defeated the Wyverns.

After their fight, they moved into the volcano. After walking for some time, they came in front of a giant pair of doors.

They were getting pumped up for the fight. They had taken a break, after their last defeat at the hands of the Dragon.

But to their disappointment when they opened the door, there was no Dragon for them to challenge. Instead when they tried to activate the quest, they received a message informing them of the completion of the quest.

"Are you kidding me"

"So this quest was a one-time-only quest"

"Not exactly, can't you read it? It's saying that someone has already beaten us to it. So this is an exclusive quest for those who beat it first.

It will be gone after it is cleared, similar to some dungeons in this game"

"Perhaps, so who was it?"

"What do you think Draze?"

"They have information here about the party who beat us to it.

It's a single player"

"No way! We have fought the Dragon, do you think that a single player could defeat it"

"No, but how is this possible? Maybe it was a hacker. Should we report him?"

"I will report and let's see what the devs have to say about it.

{Contact GM} "

"Till he is busy talking with GM, tell me what's his name"

"Oh! It says, LordofTheMysteries"

"Lord of the Mysteries, what an interesting name. So what if he isn't cheating? Should we invite him to our guild?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself. There is no way a single player could defeat that Dragon all alone", Just as the debate was heating up. The member who had been assigned to contact for help relayed the information.

"Guys, I talked with the devs. So they are saying that he didn't cheat. Rather he spent a lot of money on cash shop items and other equipment to win against the Dragon. The fight lasted for 6.5 hours."

"Are you for real? So this guy just up and spent that much amount of money just to win a fight. If it's Yggdrasil coins then it is understandable but real cash"


"Let's go, we will have to find another raid event or dungeon for creating our guild"

"Yes, this is making me question my strength in this game. Are all players like him?"

"Who knows, if many players are like him then our dream of being the top guild will remain a dream"

"So what do you suggest?"

"Well, this game isn't all about fighting. The world of this game is so vast. Maybe we could try being adventuring or exploring guild"

"That's a good idea and who says we can just be exploring guild. We can still be the top guild, after all, it isn't just PvP matches that decide the rankings. We are strong as a group"

"Right, what do you think about it Draze?"

"World Searcher"

"World Searcher?"

"That's the name of our guild"

"It does have a great sound to it"


And so the future World Searcher guild, Yggdrasil's 2nd rank guild members moved out of the volcano. In search of a dungeon to create their base.


1.5 Years Later

In the depths of Múspellsheim, Bruce stood fighting against a fire giant. The fight was similar to his fight against the Fire Dragon.

But unlike last time now he was fighting with other players. It was 100 players against the Fire Giant. The fight was in its end moments.

Mages, Sorcerers, wizards and other magic-based class players were raining spells upon spells on the Giant. While the warriors and other melee-based class players were clashing with the Giant and chipping away at its HP.

The Archers fired arrows giving no time for the Giant to recover or defend itself from the others. The fight was prolonged for a long time, and many players fell in the battle but were once again raised or brought back from the dead by the casters, in the back to join the fight.

"Forgive me comrades, but if I don't do this, we will never reach the end. This is it Sutur."

"Ultimate Skill: Sol Nirvana"

Bruce standing at the forefront cast a spell to end it all.

'This should do it. Sol Nirvana was a spell I unlocked after equipping The Fire Dragon's Heart, it was classified as both a skill and a spell. As a spell, its destructive power was at the upper end of or it was better to say it surpassed those super-tier spells and as a skill, its power surpassed World Break in terms of destruction, at least that's what World said to me.'

<It's an ultimate skill of a World Item, after unlocking, it grants you the spell Sol Nirvana. Underestimating its power is just foolishness. According to the lore, the spell has the strength to destroy the small worlds of Yggdrasil. Though all the small worlds of Yggdrasil are already destroyed or devoured by the Devourer of the Worlds. So to prove its strength you will have to wait till you reach the New World.>

After he finished casting the spell, many magic circles of unknown origin appeared hovering above Bruce, each rotating at a different speed and in the opposite direction to the adjacent circle.

With every second the magic circle got bigger and the Battle Area got brighter.

"This is my first time using it, I wonder how strong it is?"


Unable to look at the Fire Giant clearly because of the brightness, Bruce tried finding any changes in the surroundings but when he looked up, he was left speechless.

The roof or the ceiling of the castle in this dimension in Múspellsheim had disappeared. Instead, there was a mini-sun, an orange star prodding in this room. The descent was slow but the star moved closer to Sutur.


Bruce seeing the sun was left stunned but he came back to his senses faster than he would have expected from himself. He didn't delay in giving his orders to others but was left shocked to find teleportation and gate not working.

When tried using it, a disclaimer appeared in front of all who tried escaping. An error stating location not found. Explaining that the spell had disrupted the space of this dimension, making other players or Bruce himself unable to exit this place.

So a spell, that blocks teleportation so what is the result? Destruction or the death of a star.


"You're kidding me!"

The star collided with Sutur, Though Sutur tried dispelling and other counter-attacking strategies against it. But in the end, due to its low HP and MP from all the fighting, it fell. The star collided and exploded marking the death of a star.

Thus resulting in a supernova.

"It's beautiful"

A blinding light enveloped all those present.


After the aftermath of the spell was over, Bruce alone was standing in the Battle Area, where he and others fought against Sutur.

The Battle Area was back to normal, showing no signs of his previous spell.

"It may have been more powerful than Grand Catastrophe."

< It is a by-product of a World Item>

"True, but going by its power and flashiness, Ainz should have known about it. But I don't remember him mentioning something so outrageous in the novel."

< It's simple, it didn't exist in the game>


<Well, to be honest, while I was working for the game many male employees there were trying very hard to impress me. Well, that's what I understand from their behaviour. As such one such dev came to me to help him design a World Item, to brainstorm. If possible also design an event for it. He was already creating this event for Sutur, I just helped him by suggesting he add another event to decide the right to challenge Sutur. From there it was simple, I led him to create it and manipulated you indirectly to head to the village.>

"You are an amazing and scary woman. Remind me to never cross you again. So long story short it was your work. But won't it change the timeline?"

<It would have, but you are one with it. Unless you plan to use it flaunt about it in the game. I don't think it will be a problem. After a deep analysis of the world, I don't think it will be a problem. So it will be best for us if you control yourself>

"Yes Ma'am, now I feel sorry for those guys in the company"

<Well, aren't you happy that they can only dream for it but here I am with you>

"Yes Ma'am"

While Bruce and World took a jab at each other, the rest of the players who were fighting with Bruce returned to the Battle Area, one after another.

"So did you design this dungeon, World?"


The dungeon was located in the depths of Múspellsheim, in a fortress. The fortress or what looked like an ancient castle on top of a hill surrounded by lava. The hill was located inside a huge Volcano at the centre.

After entering the Castle, Bruce and his team faced many challenges, Fire Primordials, spirits and other Fire monsters. The castle was a dungeon infested with monsters.

After clearing the dungeon, the party came across a door inside the dungeon leading towards what they thought was the Boss Room. They were ready to face Sutur, waiting for them across the door. But when they opened it they came across another dungeon, A double dungeon.

The dungeon was located in another dimension as per the description. After fighting their way to Sutur and defeating him, now they, Bruce and his party stood before Sutur's corpse and all the rewards from their quest lay beside him.

Silence descended upon the room, the Battle Area was a cavern. Bruce and the other players stood staring at each other, none of them uttering a word to break the silence. Until Bruce decided to break the silence,

"Let's do it"

Simultaneously all of them, following Bruce retrieved a ring from their inventory and wore it.

Following him, they chanted,

"Wish upon a Star"


Mc Pov

It had been a long time since my fight with Fire Dragon. I had wanted to create my guild rather than join another. My priorities, choices and tastes wouldn't match especially because of how picky I am about everything.

I was on my journey to build a guild, I met a few players with whom I could connect. I played with them, but in the end, they had their life in the real world. They wouldn't put or try as hard as me playing the game. This is understandable, so I was left with no choice but to delay my plan of guild creation. I wished to wait for some time before taking the decision.

Not before long, the discrimination against the Heteromorphic players started. It made it difficult for me to visit other worlds, but it didn't stop me. I roamed free, though I wasn't always at the best of my abilities, as I had to transform to hide among them.

On my journey I came across the well, The Well of Urd. Triggering the event, of Great Old Ones. Upon defeating Mimir, an Event Raid Boss, equal in strength to World Enemies, I acquired a World Item and a potion.

To defeat him was not easy, but unlike last time I was not alone, I had companions. We defeated him, they were strong players, hardcore or better say most of them were NEET living off their parents with no job.

The loot was to be divided among us but we had two items that we couldn't decide on. One was a World Item and another a potion.

The World Item was a mystery, we couldn't study it unless one possessed it. We had to take ownership of it to find out more about it, but none of us belonged to the same guild. It was a makeshift party, formed last month after we encountered each other in a town. We did become friends after the encounter and had fun conquering many dungeons and clearing quests but when it came to World Item it was another matter.

"LordofTheMystries, it was you who found out about the place so it makes sense for you to take one item. The remaining one, we will think about it"


"That's acceptable"

The World Item was alluring but so was the potion. The Potion of The Endless Wisdom of Cosmos was the name of it. It not only grants reduced casting time for the player from now on but also doubles his MP and spell slots forever.

"I'll take the potion"

"So that's it, as for the World Item, you guys can take it. LordofTheMystries has the potion and you guys can have the World Item on the condition we will have the rest"

"That's acceptable"

Those guys from the same guild are backing out and letting these guys from the clan have the World Item. Even a child can see it's a trap. Let's just buy it.

"Everyone, I have an offer for you guys"

"What's it? We did let you have the first choice. Now what do you want?"

"Yes, you can't change your choice now"

These guys from the clan are so gullible. Hmm!

"I know, I won't change my decision."

"Then what is it?"

He had now caught everyone's attention.

"How about I buy the loot from you guys?"

"We aren't selling these. Do you think we don't have money, also where can you buy World Item with gold coins?"

"Yes that's true, I didn't think you would be so desperate Mysteries"

"True, you can consider this as my desperateness, but I don't think you guys understood what I was saying"

"Isn't it plain enough, that you wish to buy the World Item and all the other loot"

"Yes" replied others.

"Wait, unless you wish to buy it with real money. You wish to buy it IRL"



"Just tell me your price. Do you wish for a Car for the World Item?"

"Are for you real?"

"Yes, just name the car and it will be yours or I can also give you the cash"

Everyone present there had a hard time comprehending the deal. They had heard about players using IRL Cash to buy stuff in the game but to buy a World Item, that was new to them.

"If a car isn't enough then how about an apartment complex or a mall?"

The conversation was derailing fast. It was long before they finalized the deal. The group donated everything they had on them plus all the loot of the fight with everything that belonged to them in the game in exchange for a Mall and a couple of buildings.

'I and the rest are quitting the game, some might wonder why. Especially my guild mates, but what do they know? Here I was planning on how to steal the World Item from these guys and to fool them.

I was planning to become the Guild Master or the Vice Guild Master with the World Item but this guy spoiled all my plans.

Well, I don't regret it one bit. There were 11 of us, except Mysteries. He gave us a Mall and 11 buildings in exchange for a measly World Item. A 2d item that doesn't even exist in real life. Imagine what I could do with all these properties IRL. I can become a True King in the Real World.

Though we have to share it among ourselves, it doesn't make it less. We are still rich. He is a fool to give it away.

But now that I think about it, he didn't give a damn about them while giving it. He also talked about not owning that many buildings in my area. He told us that he would buy a single building for each of us in our hometown and the mall we could share. So going by this, he is filthy rich to not give a damn about these things.

What is his motivation to play this game? I have played with him for a month and I can tell he plays it very seriously. Serious enough to not have died once since the beginning of the game.


Having talked with GM, Bruce moved ahead and stood in front of others.

"We were successful in creating the Guild."

The players stood there watching him, giving no response.

Bruce stood there with his arms spread wide open, with a smile emoji icon above his head.

"Kneel and Bow before my Greatness you lowly creatures"


While watching them kneel and chant his name, Bruce was left amazed.

'It was not possible to turn this place into a guild as it is an Event location. Though it is a one-time event. But by using Wish Upon a Star, we managed to convince the GM to let us have it.

At last, I was successful in creating my guild. Also, I have acquired The Faceless Void class. I have already used four of my slots and now I have 5 avatars independent of each other.

1. Doppelgänger [Level 100]

2. Golem [Level 100]

3. Vampire [Level 100]

4. Treant [Level 100]

5. Undead [Level 100]

All the races I have were Heteromorphic. Going forward it's going to be more difficult to level up.

My progress was coming along well, not to mention the World Items.

1. The Fire Dragon's Heart

2. The Divine Tree of Immortality

3. Well of Urd

4. Gjallarhorn

5. Sword of Ra

Bruce was busy thinking about his past. He was in a happy mood, as he was contemplating his actions, he swept his vision observing the dungeon. Until he looked at his guild members.

If he could express his facial expressions in the game, the corner of his mouth would have been twitching.

"I wonder if this would turn into more of a cult than a guild"

Outside the Game In Real Life, Bruce lay seated on his chair connected to his console. Though he was connected to his console and couldn't respond or react in the real world, he was smiling right now.

At the same time, in his basement, there played hundreds of consoles all running with no human controlling them. All of them were connected to a system similar to the one, in Bruce's room.

"Make them stop World"

<Your wish is my command, Oh! my Great Lord, The Fool>



Do comment your opinion, it gives me motivation to write faster. Also drop a review.

I'll try my level best to upload next chapters as soon as possible. I still have to write them but so was true for this or my previous chapters. I don't stock chapters like some authors here in Webnovel. I write a chapter, whether it is one or two and upload it.

I am waiting to hear your thoughts about the Fanfic till this chapter. If I can identify my mistakes then I can rectify them going forward so, your feedback will be helpful.


**The End**

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ChaosVoid_24 ChaosVoid_24

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