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10.86% The Overlord of Mysteries / Chapter 2: 2. The Game

Capítulo 2: 2. The Game

If you notice any errors, please feel free to give me constructive feedback. English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please mention them in the comment section at the end of the chapter.

Word Count: 3800 Approx


"No, I was not joking when I said that. You are dead. Do you think that a driver going at the speed of 435Kmph can survive the crash"

"No, wait. Even if I were to believe you, then where am I? if not a dream. You are just a figment of my imagination, just like that man in my car"

"Ohh! Now? So do tell me, if this is also a part of your dream?"

Just as the Mysterious voice stopped speaking, the was a ripple in space and it contracted and expanded. Before long I was able to see the solar system, at least what I believe is the solar system. I am not sure about it. Before long I was able to see Earth. At least the planet which resembles Earth, I have seen in textbooks and on the internet. The expansion didn't stop till I could see a road, with a truck and a car crashed into it. The road was packed with ambulances, police vehicles and fire trucks.

So an accident, seems similar to what happened to me, just that "Wait is that my car?"

"Yes, the whole body of the car was nearly destroyed. So do you think that your body can survive that"

"Am I dead? And this is reality and not my dream?"


"So then, who are you?"

"I am what you would call as an Omnipotent Being, or a ROB, to make things simpler for you. Though this is my first time doing something, that could categorize me as ROB"

"So this is real. My car, my f*cking car. See what have I done to her. She was so beautiful. This is your fault. If it wasn't for you, I would have never.."

"Well yes, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be dead. You wouldn't have been in that crash and gone ahead with your life and lived the rest of your life as some zombie"

"Yes but my f*cking car"

**A couple of minutes later**

"Have you calmed down now? Let's just continue, maybe this can help you. You do know that I have brought you here on a whim. Though the plan is to reimburse you by letting you reincarnate in any fictional world, you know of"

"But my car.."

"I'm Omniscient, I know everything, young man. You are trying to get sympathy there. I know that you love your car but is it more important than your life"

"Yes and No"

"I know that, So fine, how about I give you a gift"

"A gift"

"Yes an extra, besides what we were about to do earlier"

"But a gift can't replace my car. I had my feelings attached to it. My Koenigsegg Agera R. My heart, my life and my soul"

"Well, you do know that I can just reverse the time and send you back and just go back to, something similar to what your lesser life forms call as sleep. Also, it hadn't been more than an Earth day since you bought that car"

"So what is this gift that you were talking about? Also, can we move on to the main issue at hand? We have wasted enough time as it is"

"Fine, well the gift I am going to give you is a cube and a book. The book is an extra, for you trying so hard to keep me entertained." As he said that a cube and a book materialised in front of me. "They don't have any design and why do they look like I'm watching them in some old black-and-white movie"

"Well, you can design it to look however you wish. While I do know the final product, let's say the reason I'm letting you design is related to the world you will be going to"

"Interesting, so what do they do"

"The cube can transform into any vehicle of your choice, with the condition that they should exist in some universe. Also, you can't create a vehicle of your design"

"But why?"

"Let's say, that your acting annoyed me because I'm Omniscient. This is my way of punishing you"

"But you did enjoy me playing with you right?"

"Yes your acting was good but I'm Omniscient and I hope I don't need to explain the rest"

"Yes I understand, I was just trying to have some fun. My life is already filled with misery. I can't afford to go back now, I sold everything to buy that car. I had to arrange the money urgently, my house, my car, and the farmland that my family left for me. I'm broke beyond measure, to go back now. Who would have thought I would end up here? If I had known, I would have quit my job and given everyone my piece of mind. Let off some steam and then maybe get on that road"

"Well you can think of it this way, you are here because of your past actions. The butterfly effect, any small change in any action you performed might have changed the whole result. Also, your thought of trying to gain some sympathy from me was amusing. I am beyond or it would be better to say that the emotions are beneath me. I am above and don't feel empathy, boredom, sympathy, anger, sadness, or happiness. I am beyond them. So how do you like my acting?"

" Acting? "

" Yes because even getting amused is also among those I have previously mentioned. Also because I don't feel anger, the punishment I have imposed on you is light, if you could even call it a punishment."

"I understand, I should just see the bright side. I have a lot of options to choose from, there are way more variety of vehicles in existence. Getting to ride any vehicle from any universe is great. A big upgrade to my car. The best part is that I can turn it into Jesko, or Agera or any other car or even a spaceship."

"So onto the main topic, we were talking about giving you a second chance at life. I have created an Omniverse, with all the fiction verse to ever exist in it." Just as he was saying that a small sphere appeared in front of me. "So this is Omniverse with all the fictional worlds in it?"

"Yes, but you will be reincarnated in any one of the worlds in this sphere that you already have watched or read about. Well to make it easier for you. Also to answer your query, don't worry I am not doing this to get anything out of you."

"Well there are no free lunches in this world"

"That's a quote by a 3-dimensional being, do you believe that it applies to me, An Omnipotent being is not bound by anything. I am Everything and also nothing at the same time, I am death, creation, destruction and life. Everything is just a fragment of me in various forms.

Also if you are thinking that I am doing this for my entertainment, then you're wrong. As I said emotions are something your kind has. To me, a pebble or a bacteria is no different than you. You all are the same to me. As I was saying, I am Omniscient, I know everything there is to know, all the knowledge there is of everything. Even about nothing and I'm Omnipresent. I am everywhere, I am in that asteroid, I'm in you and I am even in that car and the bacteria and Peebles."

"Well it doesn't make sense but neither do you. So just tell me how are we starting this? "

"It's going to be a spinning wheel game" Just as he said that, the very same man who got in my car appeared in front of me. He looked just the same, wearing a 3 piece suit and was holding a cane and had a hat on his head.

"Why isn't there anything on the wheel?"

"Don't worry every angle of 0.1 degree has a name on it. So after stopping, the whole board will display its name"


"It's your fate, so take the fate in your hands and give it a push"


"Well here I go"

I just need a good world to be reincarnated into.

"So I forgot to ask, but am I going to get any powers"

"Yes, while the wheel may take some time to stop, till then let's proceed to the next stage. So just choose any number you wish?"

"Any number"

"Yes, you can think of it as a test, well to be precise it is related to the test you are going to give for your powers"

"A test?"

"Yes a test"

Hmm! That's a tough one, I have to take a test now to get a cheat for my reincarnation. I have no idea what the test is going to be, so it is safe for me to not go for a big number. What if he, asks me to memorize something or if I have to take that many numbers of tests to be eligible?


"So 24 it is, you can't change the number later. So are you sure about it?"


"That's good. Now you will have to roll a dice, to decide the number of cheats you are going to get. The dice will have 24 sides"

"What? So if I had chosen 1000000, then I could have had a chance to get a million cheats"

"Yes, but sadly you can't change that now"


"Let's go for it."


"I got a 6, that's not bad. So I am getting six wishes"

"No, you are getting 6 chances to get a cheat power and not 6 wishes. This is where it gets interesting, the first one is going to be you picking a scroll from the box, and in the next turn, you can make a wish. The same will apply for the next consecutive turns, it will be alternate turns till you run out of your chances."

"So for the wish, is there any limit to what I can ask? For example, if I were to ask to be given the powers of TOAA, Hajun, Anos, Rimuru, Yogiri, The Presence, Scarlett King, Akuto Sai, Void Shiki or Alien X."

"I was getting to that, for your wishes you can ask anything that is not considered as a power. You can ask for an item, but it shouldn't be a weapon. It could be, anything like a vehicle or a carpet, that can create any food of your choice infinitely. You can ask for money and all the riches. Anything which can help you or fulfil your desires"

"So a doll."

"Well, the wheel's momentum has slowed down. Any moment now"



"Overlord, huh! That's a great and crazy world. So where are you sending me, the new world or the 22nd-century Earth"

"Oh, you will be going to Earth, where you can play Yggdrasil or not. It's your choice, but you will be sent to the new world at the time of the closing of the game server. But there are fixed points in the universe, that can't be changed, no matter what you do. I've set it as such, imagine it as a 2-dimensional graph of x and y. There are certain main points on the graph (x, y), when drawing a line from the zero point through them, it creates a straight line. Now those main points have a certain distance between them, where a certain number of small points lie in between each main point. Those main points are the checkpoints of the story and those small points are the events which lead the story to those checkpoints."

"Okay, so are those checkpoints absolute"

"Yes and no. Those main points are in a way absolute but if you were to give your best then you might be able to disrupt the line. For example, you can disrupt those small points then the line joining the main points might not end up in a straight line. But it can still be considered a straight line, from a higher perspective. Any small disruptions are bearable. While you can disrupt those main points if you try too hard what you can't change is the start and the end point. The start point is you getting reincarnated and the end point is you getting summoned from earth. So they can't be changed, it is inevitable. It's all in your hands but the changes it will bring can be extreme"


"Yes, for example at the endpoint you can get summoned to some other universe, rather than New World. You could end up in the DC verse, right in the middle of the fight between CAS and Mandrakk, or drop in the Tensura verse, Misfit of the Demon King Academy verse or Instant Death verse. Better it transports you to sixth heaven of Masada verse."

"No thank you, I would very much appreciate it if the main points weren't disrupted. I will have to control myself, won't I?"


"Let's get to the draw now"

As soon as I asked him about the draw, a polyhedral box with 24 sides appeared in front of me.

"Ahhh! Seeing this 24-sided box still makes me regret my choice of number. 24th is my birthday. So I went with it."

I took out a scroll from the box. It was,

<An Assistant>

"An assistant?"

"Well similar to Wisdom Lord Raphael or Manas Ciel"

"That's great, but I didn't know why I needed one anyway let's move to the next one. This is where I make a wish right?"


"Well knowing my luck, I am sure that all the remaining draws will be something similar. Since I can't ask for power, let's just create power using monetary power. I wish to have unlimited wealth in this reincarnation. The never-ending well of money"

"That's simple, granted"

<Infinite pool of money/Unlimited Wealth>

Let's just make the strongest character in the whole of Yggdrasil. Ainz Ooal Gown and Momonga, who are my competition weren't the strongest guild and player in Yggdrasil, but were still the strongest in the new world, at least till now. We have yet to see them face off against PDL, BDL those other dragon lords and finally the Dragon Emperor. With this money, I can make even stronger characters than Touch Me and Rubedo, the strongest player and NPC in the Ainz Ooal Gown guild. Even my NPCs are the are going to be stronger than them.

"Let's get to the next round"

The next scroll,

<Satoru Gojo template>

"Interesting, definitely something that I wasn't expecting. Infinity will sure come in handy. So for the wish, can I get a skill that lets me create anything I wish for? It is destructive but it's not a weapon. Sure it can be weaponized, but it isn't a weapon by virtue"

"You don't learn, do you? Do you think that you can fool me? You know that it can be classified as power right."


"Fine, I'll allow it, since I am also making you play this game."

"Thank you"

"But there is a catch, I won't be giving the ability or the skill to create. I'll give you a book, through which you can summon anything from the Omniverse, but each summon will have a price proportional to the summon. It is in a way similar to your vehicle cube."

"I'll make do with that. Now that you speak about it, is it because you knew that I was going to get Overlord that you let me design it myself and did not just give me the final product that I would have preferred"

"Yes, so here you go"

<Grimoire: The Book of Summoning>

"Congratulations, you have a book as your third wish. Now onto the next and the last draw"


<Fate Gilgamesh Template>

"How the f*ck did my luck get so better. I just wasted my 1st wish, asking for wealth. So do I get his avatar or just some of his powers also what about Gojo"

"You won't be getting their avatar but only their powers and abilities. As for your avatar, you will have to design it yourself"

"Okay, that is acceptable, but I know that you wouldn't care whether I accept it or not. So for my last wish, I wish for super strength, the strength capable of smashing Saitama, Goku or any other fighter and infinite mana"

"Good try but sorry it's a no, for the same reason as your previous wish. You never learn, do you? Well, you are surely playing with me here. I won't be giving you another chance, you can have No limit and exponential growth for your last wish, you should be grateful for this. I'm only doing this because it's your last wish. Also, it was me kidnapping you by killing you. You can think of this as my apology gift"

"Thank you very much ROB. So I have been meaning to ask you, but I didn't wish to waste much of your time"

"There is no concept of time here, and I know what you're up to, anyway go ahead"

"Thank you, that is a nice-looking cane you have also your suit is great"

"Yes it is"

"The design is marvellous, I am sure that there is only one of its kind. It's such an exquisite piece of art. Even your suit, it's just marvellous"

"I know what you're doing here, you can have it. When you wake up, you will have them with you. Also, the cane functions as an umbrella. Think of it as a bonus. A reminder, you can't use any of your tools or powers on earth, except the boon of unlimited wealth."

"That's good to know, I was lamenting having wished for unlimited wealth upon getting the Gilgamesh template. I guess everything happens for a reason. It's great. So now that the game is over, I will be sent off right?"


"Ahh! I forgot to ask you an important question, I won't be losing my memory after reincarnation right? "

"Well you have two options, you can either reincarnate or get transported"

"I would choose transportation since I will be leaving Earth at the end of the game, I don't wish to go through the pain of separation from my family once again. Feeling that pain once is more than enough for me. Also, can I have my situation similar to Bruce Wayne's and transport me to the future after his parents are killed"

"That's acceptable, also you will have the suit and the cane on you after you go there. As for your memory question, there won't be any point in erasing your memories if I am specifically sending you to a world that you have prior knowledge of"

"Good point, and lastly what about the book that you mentioned at the start"

"Well it's a gift for you, I'll be giving it to you, but you won't be able to open it. It will only open after you complete a quest. Before you ask what the quest is, it is only a quest and not a quests."

"Okay, so what is the quest"

"Right, just as I was telling you, the quest is unknown. I won't be telling you what the quest is. After the completion of the quest, you will receive a key to open this book. The key can be anywhere in the Omniverse"

"Isn't that very optimistic of you? How am I supposed to find the key, what am I even supposed to do in this quest? You are telling me that the quest can be anywhere in the whole Omniverse and I am supposed to find it. That's just bull shit. Why would I even waste my time completing this quest? What is in that book anyway that I should complete this quest for you"

"The book has the power to grant you power. It will replace the heart of anyone who opens the book with the heart of the Omniverse. Making you an above-tier 0 being. They shall be the Sovereign of the Omniverse and have all the powers, items and abilities of everyone and everything in the Omniverse. They shall become Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent being. The true ruler of the Omniverse. "

" Well, that settles it. I am getting that key. But did I hear it right, that anyone, not just me can open the book but should just have the key"

"Yes and don't worry no one can erase or steal your powers"

"Thank you, but that still doesn't ease my mind that anybody can open that book with the key. How am I supposed to remain calm knowing that"

"Well, that is for you to worry about. So off you go"

A portal opened up just beneath Mc, and he was gone.

Silence descended in the space. The Mysterious Man who introduced himself as the ROB was just standing and hadn't moved an inch. It was baffling that the Man had no face. It was pitch black, while Mc made no notice of it.

Before long cracks started forming on ROB's body. The body disintegrated and disappeared. As if the whole exchange between the MC and the ROB wasn't reality but a dream.

Leaving behind a whisper, the sound travelled from all directions and across all dimensions.

"What an interesting dream he had, but such is fate. If he had wished for Omnipotence, he could have attained it. He could have acquired any power he had wished for. For if he truly deemed it necessary, the whole the whole game and the dream were in his control, to begin with. He was the one to limit his powers and potential, such is the fate of man. Challenging oneself is also interesting"

Sooner had the whisper ended, the whole space collapsed. The universe where the exchange took place disappeared.

**The End**

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