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17.64% Hachiman Hikigaya Can Level Up / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: The Dungeon

Capítulo 6: Chapter 6: The Dungeon

I slid open the door to my homeroom and saw that I was the first to arrive. Walking over to my seat, I took off my bag and sat down. I brought my arms over the table and leaned my head on them. I was a little tired due to waking up earlier to complete my daily strength training quest. After the incident with Suguru Kamoshida, I decided it was a good idea to finish my daily quests early in the morning. That way, I wouldn't have to stress about completing them towards the end of the day.

"Stats." I whispered.





[ HP: 100 ]

[ MP: 10 ]

[ LEVEL: 1 ]

[ FATIGUE: 12 ]

[ STRENGTH: 33 ]

[ AGILITY: 37 ]

[ SENSE: 33 ]

[ VITALITY: 34 ]



It's been an entire month since I found the location of the E-Ranked instance dungeon. After grinding away at my stats, I finally reached an average of thirty on each of the five stats. I was as ready as ever to go into the Dungeon. But I still couldn't help but feel a high level of anxiety within me. Regardless of the help I got from the System, I was still consciously placing my life in harm's way. Awakened human or not.

At the sound of the class's sliding door opening, I raised my head and saw Ms. Sadayo walk into the class with a box. Her eyes were tired, and slight bags were beginning to develop on her lower eyelids. Sadayo turned to me, surprised at my early presence.

"Ah, Hikigaya. You're here early. You mind doing me a favor?" Sadayo said. I nodded and walked over to her desk. She smiled tiredly at me and dug into the box she had placed on her table. "Can you take these to class 2F and hand them to Ms. Hirastuka? I'd take them myself, but I'm a little swamped."

"Sure." I grabbed the large stacks of papers from her hands. "Thank you, Hikigaya." Sadayo said and sat down. She pulled out several papers and began grading them. Ms. Kawakami looks like she hasn't slept in a while.

With my small side quest acquired. I left class and headed to the second floor, where class 2F would be. As I was turning the corner, I saw one of my classmates, Iroha Isshiki, walking towards me. She seemed lost in her thoughts because she walked directly into my chest before she realized it. I had raised my arms above my head to ensure the stack of papers wasn't damaged by the collision.

"Ow!" Iroha said and took a back step. "Watch it!" I lowered my arms and looked at her with confusion.

"Me? You were the one who wasn't paying attention to where you were going." I said in a matter-of-fact tone. It seemed Iroha realized I was right and blushed in embarrassment. She sighed and bowed to me slightly.

"You're right. I'm sorry about that." Iroha said and stood straight. I sighed and shook my head in dismissal. "It's alright. No one got hurt, so it's fine." I walked around her and began heading to the second floor. That was until Iroha walked beside me.

"Hey, where are you going? Homeroom is back there. Or have you forgotten?" Iroha said playfully and walked beside me. I looked at her oddly and couldn't help but be reminded of Komachi slightly.

"Ms. Kawakami asked me to take these to class 2F." I said and motioned to the stack of papers in my hands. Iroha's eyes widened and made an 'Ah' sound. "I see! Well, we should hurry and get them to her then!" Iroha chirped and followed me as we walked up the stairs to the second floor.

Did this girl just invite herself? "Whatever." I said and ignored that she decided to join me for some reason. As we walked through the second-year halls, several of our upper classmates turned to us in confusion. I heard mumbles and quick whispers about why the E-Rank was on the second-year floor. I quickly tuned them out. I stopped caring what my fellow students thought and said about me.

"There it is." I said as I saw the small sign for class 2F hanging over the classroom door. I turned to Iroha and saw her trying to peer into the class excitedly. Her cheeks had begun to blush as she smiled in infatuation. What is she? A stalker?

Whatever Iroha was doing was none of my business. Without wasting another second, I walked into the class and saw several of the present students turn to me. I ignored them and approached the teacher, who was going through several stacks of documents.

This was Shizuka Hirastuka, an A-ranked hunter. Shizuka's long black hair reached her lower back, and her unkempt bangs covered her pair of purple eyes slightly. She had a long white lab coat that covered her uniform, which consisted of a black vest and tie over a white dress shirt, loose black pants on her legs, and black indoor shoes.

"Sorry to bother you. Ms. Kawakami asked me to bring you these." I said and held out the stack of papers. Shizuka nodded and looked up from her document. Her purple eyes grew wide when she saw my face.

"Hachiman Hikigaya." Shizuka stated. I wasn't surprised she knew my name. "I've been meaning to meet you, but I've been up to my neck with work." She stood up, walked around her desk, and accepted the stack of papers. Shizuka hummed and placed them down over a blue folder.

"Is that so?" I said slowly. Shizuka didn't seem like Suguru, but I'd keep a cautious eye on her.

"That's right!" Shizuka roared and patted her chest with a fist. "You're going to be a Hunter, right? I should be the one to prepare my students for that harsh world! Oh, that reminds me! Hayama! Get over here and meet Hikigaya!"

I raised an eyebrow in confusion and turned to see a student with blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Hayoto Hayama, B-Ranked. I watched as Hayato walked over to Shizuka and me; he held a hand out and smiled charmingly.

"It's nice to meet you, Hikigaya. I'm Hayato Hayama. A fellow awakened human like you." Hayato said with a smooth voice. I stared at his hand; I was inspecting for dirt or germs. You couldn't be too careful around these normies. After a second, I shook his hand.

"Hachiman Hikigaya. Nice to meet you." I said and let go of his hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Iroha staring at Hayato with puppy love eyes. So that's why you followed me here. How sly. "Well, I should be heading back. Homeroom is about to begin." I said and bowed slightly to Shizuka. She nodded at me with a smile and began walking towards the door.

"Eh! What's Hikki doing here?!" Yui shouted with a surprised face as she walked into the class. I paused and turned to her. That's right, this is her class. She jogged up to me, and I had to look away from her bouncing boo-assets.

"What are you doing here, Hikki?" Yui said with a smile. Off to the side, an attractive girl with wavy waist-length blonde hair styled in twin curls at the button watched Yui with suspicion with her olive-green eyes. Next to her was a girl with short, bobbed brown hair. She watched us with curios green eyes behind her red half-framed glasses.

"I was just dropping off some paperwork for Ms. Hirastuka." I said. Yui nodded, and I turned to Iroha. "Let's get going, Isshiki. We're going to get marked late."

"Ah! Okay!" Iroha said and began following after me. I popped her out of her love bubble. She walked in front of me and opened the sliding door.

"Hah? Get out of my way." A deep voice said from behind the classroom door. Without warning, he grabbed Iroha's shoulder and shoved her back. Iroha gasped in surprise and was about to fall on one of the empty tables.

Before I realized it, I dashed behind her and caught her. But due to my footing, I ended up falling on the table. Before we could fall on the floor, one of my hands grabbed the end of the table and steadied us. I looked down at Iroha's stunned eyes and inspected her. "You okay?"

"A-ah. Yeah, I think so." Iroha said with a nod. I stood up and let her go. Behind me stood Hayato. He had a relieved expression. If I hadn't caught Iroha first, he would have done so himself. I just happened to have been closer to her.

I turned to the student who shoved Iroha and saw a tall, well-built male student. He had short, straight black hair. His messy bangs covered his forehead, and sharp, orange eyes stared at me disinterestedly.

"Hikki!" Yui yelled and ran to my side. "Are you okay?!"

I ignored her in favor of glaring at the student behind me. "What the hell is your problem? She could've gotten hurt!" I took a step forward but felt a hand land on my shoulder. I turned to look at Shizuka in confusion.

"Hatanaka." Shizuka said sharply. "What do you think you're doing?"

Wait, as in Touji Hatanaka? The other awakened student? I watched as Touji yawned lazily. He stepped into the class and closed the door behind him. He then looked over at Shizuka and grinned. "I'm so sorry, Hirastuka! I tried to move her out of my way lightly, but my strength slipped! You know how it is, right? Accidents like these happen." Touji said in a mocking tone. I grew angry and stepped forward, slipping out of Shizuka's light hold.

"Accident? You expect me to buy that?" I said lowly, and the temperature in the class began to increase. The rest of the class looked scared and walked towards the back of the room. They were worried a fight between awakened humans was about to begin. "You're supposed to be a C-Ranked, and you're telling me you can't control your strength? Maybe they mis-ranked you?"

"The fuck you say?" Touji dropped his bag and stepped forward. I felt sweat grow on my brow and took another step. "You know who I am, and you still wanna talk to me like that?" A vein began to pulse on Touji's brow as he glared at me. Suddenly, his eyes glowed in realization.

"You must be that new E-Rank loser that joined the school! Am I right?" Touji laughed, and all the anger in his face vanished. "This is rich! Listen here, Hikitani. How about you take that bitch and yourself back to the first floor, and I'll forget about this. Not a bad offer, huh?"

I grit my teeth, and my hands tighten into fists. Who does this guy think he is? I looked back at Iroha and saw her in Yui's arms. Her chest was moving quickly, and her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. I won't just stand by and watch as those around me get pushed around and hurt. The memory of the group of girls bullying Shouko sprang to life in my mind. Not anymore!

I moved forward and raised my fists. Touji grinned and advanced as well. A heavy blue aura sprang around his body as he raised a fist over his head, a wide grin spread over his face. But before he could snap my neck with ease, Hayato blurred in front of him and grabbed his wrists in an iron-clad grip. Around him was a bright yellow aura that swayed in restricted power. I found myself unable to move as well and looked down at the arm wrapped around my chest. I looked over my shoulder and saw Shizuka glaring at me lightly.

"As awakened humans, we find that we give in to our basic instincts much easier. We're more prone to attack, making it easier to fight within a dungeon." Shizuka said and looked up at Touji, who glared at Hayato. He couldn't move his body within Hayato's grasp. "Since you're both awakened humans, I'll look past this and give you both a warning. The next time you two try anything like this on school grounds. Prepare yourselves for the consequences. Am I clear?"

Touji yanked his hands away from Hayato and sucked his teeth. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, teach." He then looked over at me and grinned wickedly.

I sighed and nodded at Shizuka's words. "Yes. I'm sorry." Shizuka nodded and let me go.

"Come on, Isshiki." I said and walked over to Iroha. She nodded and followed close behind me as we left the room. Yui looked at me worriedly, and I shook my head at her. I'm alright. She seemed to have understood me and nodded. As I closed the door, I saw Touji eyeing me carefully.

This wasn't over. Not even close.

x x x

[ (!) Notification ]

[ You have entered the instance dungeon ]

I looked around the large, brick hallway. Spiderwebs and dust lined the dirty ceilings as several torches hung on the right side of the walls. Illuminating the hall in a low, orange light. I stepped forward, and my shoe crunched on the small sand pile underneath. The floor was composed of cobblestone and dirt with scattered piles of sand.

"So it starts." I whispered and looked back to where I stepped in. The large green portal became smaller and smaller until it vanished, leaving behind a dirty brick wall.


[ You cannot exit the Dungeon. You must either defeat the dungeon Boss or use a Teleportation Stone. ]

"Just my luck." I said with a nervous smile. "Looks like I'm in it for the long haul." I began walking through the lowly lit hallway with caution. I held my hand out, and the ATLANTEAN BLADE shimmered into existence. I grabbed the blade and looked around with caution.

Today was Saturday. My confrontation with Touji had happened two days ago. Shouko, Ryuji, and Yui had tried to talk to me about it, but I told them I didn't want to talk about what happened. They didn't like my answer but respected my wishes nonetheless. During that time, the two girls met Ryuji and came to accept him as a friend. His charisma and character were akin to a golden retriever, so it wasn't hard to believe they both accepted him as a friend.

I noticed that Iroha had been throwing me glances during those two days before the weekend, but I didn't think too much about it. No, I focused on the Dungeon I was walking through right now. I had to focus and prepare myself for whatever I found. I had to grow stronger and level up.

Otherwise, I wouldn't stand a chance against people like Suguru Kamoshida and Touji Hatanaka. And if people were like them in my school, it was safe to assume several more were out in the world. Not to mention all the Monsters and Gates that threatened the world as we know it. I had to grow strong to protect those who mattered most to me: my parents, Komachi, Shouko, Yui, and Ryuji. I wouldn't let anything happen to them.

"Let's level up." I said and felt a wave of cringe swim up my body. How creepy.

I saw that the hallway began to split in different directions further down and gripped my dagger tightly. My breath quickened as I saw a tall, naked skeleton in loose, broken armor walk out from the darkness. In its hands was an old, rusty sword and broken shield. The skeleton gurgled a low, monstrous tone and looked at me with its deep, dark pits for eyes.

[ Armored Undead Troop ]

Above the skeleton's head was a red title that sent a wave of fear down my back. I tried to move as it began to move in my direction, sword held high and shield raised in front of its bony body. I-I can't move. Why can't I move? Am I frozen in fear? The Undead Troop lunged at me and swung his shield right into my body, launching me into the tough brick wall with a resounding crack.

"GAH!" I grunted as all the breath left my lungs. My eyes flew to the Troop and saw it bring down his rusty sword towards my head. I jumped back several feet and slid to a stop. I breathed quickly and glared at the Undead Troop. "Thanks for that. That jolt was exactly what I needed to get my head in the game."

I dashed forward and slashed across the skeleton's neck. It tried to raise its shield to block my strike, but I didn't raise my Agility stat for nothing. My blade cut cleanly through the skeleton's bony neck, and its skull flew off his shoulders. Like a puppet with its strings cut off, the skeleton's body crumbled onto the floor.


[ You have defeated [ Armored Undead Troop ] ]

My breath came out in quick hitches as the adrenaline that filled my body began to stop. I looked down at the remains of the Monster in shock. I did it. I actually did it! I smiled and pumped my arms in victory.

[ You have leveled up! ]

I saw something shine within the pile of bones and picked it up.

[ ITEM: Undead Troop Femur ]


[ CATEGORY: Misc. ]

[ A Undead Femur. It can be placed in the Inventory or sold in the Shop ]

"A mob drop!" I smiled and placed the item in my Inventory. I was already aware of the Systems Shop, but it was locked. I had to reach level five to be able to access it. I grinned in excitement and stood up. From behind me, several more Undead Troops marched out of the darkness. Their low moans and groans echoed out through the hall.

I bent my knees and grinned; excitement and thrill filled my chest, and the dagger in my hand shook in anticipation. At that moment, I knew that this was what I was born for. I was born to become a Hunter and to fight monsters! I dashed forward and slashed one of the Undead Troop's shield in two. With nothing to protect its body, I swung my blade and cut it down in half.

Without waiting to see its body crumble, I moved to the next Monster and slashed off its arms in one fast swoop. I jumped in the air and kicked its skull with a powerful kick. My body is so light!

Two skeletons dashed after me and tried to cut off my legs, but I performed a flawless backflip. A wide smile stretched my cheeks as I swiped my arm and removed the tops of their skulls with my dagger. What is this feeling coming over me?

I landed on the sand-covered floor and swiped widely behind me. The body of the Undead Troop sliced in two, Its shield and sword falling uselessly on the ground with a metallic clang. This wild throbbing in my heart. I moved my head to the side to avoid a forward thrust of a sword and grabbed the skeleton's forearm. With a strong yank, its entire arm came off its shoulder. I used that same arm to knock off its skull. Sending it flying directly into another Undead Troops skull and knocking it to the ground.

This rush! This sensation! I grabbed the dropped shield and used it to block a fast swing from a skeleton that crept up behind me. I stabbed forward and sunk my blade deeply into its chest: the daggers plus fifteen undead damage made cutting down these monsters easy.

"Is this the exhilaration of a real fight!" I yelled loudly and smiled childishly. I looked around and saw all the defeated enemy corpses sitting lifelessly on the floor. Several mob items shined underneath their old bones, waiting to be picked up.

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ You have leveled up! ]

I huffed and picked up all the mob drops. When I was done, I turned around and walked further down the hall, where a bright light could be seen. When I stepped into the light, I saw a large room with several cylinder pillars at the corners. A grand chandelier hung high in the center of the room with countless candles burning bright yellow flames. The floor was covered with mounds of sand, and a large number of monsters turned to look up at me.

Aside from more Undead Troops, there were large dog-like monsters with massive human-like arms and legs. Their bodies were covered with brown and black fur, and a white cloth wrapped around their waists. Their ears twitched in my direction, and their sharp teeth clattered as they growled lowly at me.

[ Pyramid Hounds ]

[ Armored Undead Troop ]

My level and strength had risen to the point where their once red-colored titles had shifted to silver, meaning they were all well within my level, maybe even below my level. Let's do this.

I jumped in front of a Pyramid Hound and slashed one of its arms off. Before I could swipe at it again, the Hound's body jerked back as my blade's critical effect doubled the damage. Add on that the weapon's original damage became poison damage; it all but guaranteed that the Hound fell forward in a garbled mess. Dead.

I grinned at how ridiculously broken my blade was and turned to the other monsters. I took a step forward and loomed over my enemies. Without wasting another second, I moved.

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ You have… ]

x x x

I looked at my Inventory and counted thirty-eight Undead Troop Femurs, twenty-seven Dog-Fangs, A dessert cloak, and finally, a Teleportation Stone. I pulled out the Teleportation Stone and looked at it thoughtfully. I got one sooner than I expected.

Or maybe not. I have been relentlessly fighting monsters for several hours. I sat against one of the large pillars and drank some of the most delicious water I've ever tasted. In my rush to get to the Dungeon, it slipped my mind to pack a bag with food and water. But thanks to the Systems shop, I could buy several bottles of the cleanest, tastiest water I've ever had. The System's unique currency comprised whatever items you collected and sold.

I looked at the pile of corpses with no emotion. I would have thought that the sight of all this death and carnage would have affected me, but I found myself to be at ease. Strangely enough, I also had a sense of pride. I was capable of all this. Me, Hachiman Hikigaya. The person no one expected anything from. At some point during the intense battle, I had also earned a title.


[ A title given to those proficient in fighting the undead. Your stats will increase by 40% when fighting the undead. ]

I can't leave just yet. I finished my water and stood up. I felt my body grow tired, but I still had enough energy to take on the Dungeon Boss. I looked up at the broken chandelier and grinned. During the battle between the countless numbers of monsters, I had jumped on the chandelier to escape a close call from one of the Pyramid Hounds and ended up activating a secret mechanism.

I stepped over a mangled corpse of one of the Pyramid Hounds and walked down the secret passageway the chandelier mechanism activated. The passage was dimly lit with blue torches. This hallway was clean and free of any sand. I continued onward and gripped the ATLANTEAN BLADE.

Once I reached the end of the hallway, I came upon a large, circular room made up of clean, smooth stone. Extravagant and complex artwork lined the walls, depicting a story of one of the Egyptian gods. Is that supposed to be Anubis?

Before I could continue to look around, my enhanced senses yelled at me to move. I dashed forward and slid to a stop. There, falling from the dark, endless ceiling of the room, was a massive horrendous monster. It was a mix between a giant serpent and a leopard. It stood on four muscled legs covered in spotted yellow fur and rough, red scales. A long, fur-covered snake tail swung behind it with scales shimmering underneath. A rattlesnake-like neck slithered in the air, and a massive leopard head bared its sharp, yellow teeth at me. Its slitted yellow glowing eyes glared down hatefully as a low growl escaped its scaled throat.


The Monster's title was colored orange. I shifted back and raised my blade towards the Serpopard and waited. The Monster growled and released a deafening roar. It ran towards me with frightening speed. I dodged to the side as it slammed a large paw onto the ground, shattering the tough brick floor. It's strong!

Before I could move, the Serpopard's tail sliced through the air and slammed into me. Several of my ribs cracked as I slammed hard into the curved wall. I fell onto the ground, and dust and debris fell over me. I gasped in pain and looked up just in time as the Monster's sizeable teeth-lined mouth flew at me. Fuck! I rolled forward and barely avoided the Serpopard's attack. I looked down and saw my left shoe missing.

The Serpopard turned to me with its mouth full of bricks and rock. It bit down and crushed the contents of its mouth into dust. That could have been me. I got up and rushed the Monster and swung my blade towards one of its legs and cut deeply into its thigh muscle. The Serpopard roared in pain as it jerked again, and my blade's poison effect kicked in.

Now's my chance! I slashed away at the Monster's right side at incredible speeds. My blade's special effects stacked in one another, and the Monster yelled in agony. That was until its long neck flew through the air, and the Monster's long, sharp teeth sunk into my left arm and tossed me across the ground in a bloodied heap. My blade flew to the side, sinking deeply into the far-off wall. Damnit!

I stood up on one knee and grabbed my arm. Blood was freely flowing from the deep gashes, and I glared hatefully at the Serpopard. It growled at me and limped slowly; my blade's poison effect was working away at its health. Add on to that all my slashes had dug deep trenches into its body, causing it to bleed intensely. You should be close to death's door now, you furry-scaly bastard!

I stood up and began walking slowly towards the Monster. My walk became a jog, and the jog became a run. I jumped into the air and punched the Serpopard's cheek, sending its head flying up. But the Monster wouldn't take a hit without sending one in return. Its right front paw swiped at my chest and cut into my chest, leaving behind four long, bloodied gashes. Hissing in pain, I jumped up the Serpopard's shoulders and swung up to its long neck.

The images of my family and friends flashed through my mind, and I grew furious. I swung my good arm around the base of the Monster's neck and tightened my grip. My arm muscles bulged, and my hoodie sleeve strained and ripped under the strain.

"I'm not dying today, you hear me! I'm going to get stronger! I'll become the strongest!" I yelled and felt the Serpopard thrash under me as it tried to throw me off its neck. Its large head moved around, and its enormous maw bit into my left leg with incredible pressure. "DIE!"

I squeezed even tighter, and my hoodie sleeve exploded into large tears due to my muscles expanding beyond what it could hold, and pieces of fabric flew through the air. With a loud crash, the Serpopard fell onto the ground. Its body was unmoving, and its chest no longer rose. I breathed quickly and slowly released my hold on its crushed, bruised neck. I rolled off its large body and landed on the cool, bloodied floor.

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ You have leveled up! ]


[ You have defeated [ ANUBIS'S HOUND - SERPOPARD ] ]

"Alright. Time to get up." I whispered and rolled over to my stomach. I tried to stand, but my left leg and arm pulsed in agony. So, after struggling to stand for five minutes, I limped my way over to my ATLANTEAN BLADE and pulled it out of the wall. Having no more use for my weapon, I dismissed it into my Inventory. I looked to the side and saw two windows displaying my rewards from the Boss fight.



[ CLASS: C ]

[ +5 Curse Damage ]

[ +10 Paralysis Effect ]



[ CLASS: C ]

[ +10 ATK Against four-legged monsters. ]

[ A cloak made from the hide of the mythical beast, Serpopard. ]

I smiled at my rewards and summoned the SERVANT OF ANUBIS DAGGER. It was an orange and golden curved blade with a sand-colored grip and a golden bolster. I dismissed it and then called the CLOAK OF SERPOPARD. It was a long black hooded cloak with a large leather shoulder pad on the left side. It resembled the outfits those assassins wore in that popular American gaming franchise. I winced in pain and dismissed the cloak in favor of leaning against the wall.


[ As the Boss has been defeated, the Dungeon will revert to its original state. ]

I watched as the Dungeon began to disappear in digital glowing blue squares. Slowly, the space around me returned to that of Tsubakimori Park. But instead of the bright blue sky I saw when I entered the Dungeon, there was a blanket of darkness and a splattering of stars. Oh no, Komachi might kill me. Instead of worrying about what my sister would do to me, I was curious about my stats level.

"Status." I said tiredly, suddenly aware of my body's sluggish state. My eyes felt like heavy sandbags, and I began to sway in my spot.





[ HP: 550/4040 ]

[ MP: 670 ]

[ LEVEL: 18 ]

[ FATIGUE: 98 ]

[ STRENGTH: 61 ]

[ AGILITY: 53 ]

[ SENSE: 49 ]

[ VITALITY: 50 ]



I smiled in pride, and my vision began to swim. I saw the world around me blur, and I fell onto the soft grass-covered ground below. I succumbed to my exhaustion and fell asleep. I was completely unaware of the nonstop buzzing from my phone from where I tucked it away under a bush.

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