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Black Cat, Kuroka


Ken was seen eating his meal in the dining room with Shuri sitting on his lap and feeding him.

Ken savored every spoon Shuri put into his mouth.

Shuri was seen still wearing an apron, which showed that Shuri was the one who cooked this meal for him.

After the grueling session they had from morning to noon, Shuri took the initiative to cook a meal to restore their stamina.

Even though Ken didn't break a sweat after his sex session with Shuri, Ken still received the royal treatment.

Who wouldn't want to see a naked woman, wearing only an apron, cooking for him and feeding him while sitting on his lap?

Therefore, Ken was not going to miss this opportunity.

As Ken savored every spoonful Shuri gave him, a circle of magic energy appeared in the living room.


The sound of the wind gently blowing was heard as Grayfia's figure emerged from the magic circle.

Grayfia came out of the magic circle and headed to the dining room after sensing Ken was there.



After arriving at the dining room, Grayfia was a little surprised to see Ken and Shuri making out.

Grayfia saw Shuri who was only wearing an apron sitting on Ken's lap and feeding him.

Although there was a slight feeling of jealousy, Grayfia quickly dispelled the feeling of jealousy in her heart.

Because after all, her relationship with Ken was confirmed.

Although it hadn't crossed the final 'Line' like Shuri did, it was only a matter of time until she crossed the final line of her relationship with Ken.

Therefore, Grayfia considered that her relationship with Ken was confirmed, even though it was not yet 'Official'.

"Ken, I've gotten word from Serafall, the location of the 'someone' you wanted to meet has been found." Grayfia said and walked over to Ken.

Once beside him, Grayfia felt Ken pull her waist and hug her.

Soon, Grayfia fell into his arms and sat on one of Ken's thighs, while Shuri on the other.

Ken didn't give Grayfia time as he immediately kissed her sweet red lips.

"Mmmhh~" Grayfia breathed her hot breath into Ken's mouth.

As soon as their lips interlocked, their tongues collided and danced rhythmically.

Grayfia felt herself like melting wax as the kiss intensified.

Her body was pressed against Ken's, which made Ken feel tight as Grayfia's large breasts pressed against his chest.

A few moments later the two pulled their lips to each other.

Grayfia was as cheerful as ever, as if her jealous feelings from earlier, when she saw Shuri making out with Ken, never existed at all.

For a woman in love, they are very quick to change their mood.

Give them a kiss and say a few sweet words, and they'll be as cheerful as before.

After her kiss with Ken was over, Grayfia caught her breath which had started to catch.

"Serafall has found 'their' location?" Ken asked.

Hearing his question, Grayfia nodded her head and leaned into Ken's body.

"Yes, Serafall just told me that 'they' are in the custody of the Naberius clan branch, which is why I came straight here to tell you." Grayfia replied.

Ken smiled and caressed Grayfia's beautiful face while nodding his head.

Ken could of course find out on his own and would soon discover 'their' location, but Ken dismissed that thought and preferred to let Serafall do it.

Why would Ken have so many women if they were all useless?

Therefore, in addition to loving and giving them a proper 'home', Ken would also use them wholeheartedly.

What is meant by 'use' here is for the common good, not like disposable 'goods'.

Because as we already know, Ken himself wants to create a world where the inhabitants are his own people.

Of course, everything has to be female.

It was for this reason that Ken created his personal world, Yggdrasil.

If Ken wants to create a 'big family', everyone, including himself must work hard, no one can be lazy.


"Alright, I'll be leaving tonight. Shuri, you can stay home and wait until I get back." Ken said.

Shuri who was on his lap nodded obediently and sank into her husband's arms.

Somehow, Shuri became addicted to the scent of Ken's body.

This could be seen from the way Shuri sniffed Ken's neck.

"I'll come with you." Grayfia said.

Hearing her words, Ken thought for a moment.

"Okay, if you have nothing else to do, you can come with me." Ken said.

"I don't have any business that I need to take care of right away." Grayfia replied and smiled sweetly.

Ken just nodded his head and smiled back.

After that, Ken continued eating with Shuri and Grayfia taking turns feeding him.


After finishing eating, Ken then got ready and was helped by Shuri and Grayfia who put on his clothes.

After his preparations were complete, Ken walked out of the house escorted by Shuri.

"Hey, I'll just be gone for a while, no need to be sad like that." Ken said to Shuri.

Ken then held his waist and hugged Shuri.

Hearing his words and receiving treatment from him, Shuri dispelled her sadness of not wanting to part with that man.

"Okay, hurry back, I'll give you a surprise when you come back." Shuri said as she smiled mischievously and winked at Ken.

"Haha, well, I'm looking forward to your 'surprise'." Ken laughed and said.

After that, Ken crushed Shuri's lips to give a deep and passionate kiss.

"Mmmpphh~" Shuri sighed softly and her body writhed like a caterpillar.

A moment later, the deep and passionate kiss of the two of them stopped.

Both of them pulled away from each other and left a spoiled peck on each other's lips.

"Alright, I'll go now." Ken said.

"Un, be careful, take good care of yourself." Shuri replied.

With that, Ken and Grayfia walked into Grayfia's Teleportation magic circle.

"Hey! Don't drink too much of my wine if you're not strong with alcohol." Ken said loudly again to remind Shuri.

On the other hand, when Shuri heard his shout, he could only giggle.

"I knew it." Shuri shouted back at him.



The sound of a breeze rang out as the Teleportation magic circle shone brightly.

Shuri continued to stare at Ken and Grayfia, before they finally disappeared from her sight.

With those two gone, Shuri then went back inside to wait for her son's return.

Really... Shuri was indeed a good wife and obedient to her husband.

It was fortunate for Ken that Baraqiel had failed to keep a woman like Shuri for himself.

Ken did not feel the slightest pity or sympathy for Baraqiel, because in his own opinion, Baraqiel did not deserve Shuri.

From the beginning of his meeting with Shuri, then when his wound was treated by Shuri, to having a daughter with Shuri.

Baraqiel will never be able to repay Shuri's kindness in the slightest.

What made Ken hate characters like Baraqiel even more was the fact that Baraqiel couldn't even protect him until the end.

Knowing this fact, Ken wouldn't think twice about snatching Shuri away from Baraqiel.

If Baraqiel can't protect her to the end, Ken can do it easily.

Let Shuri be by his side with the comfort she never felt and her ex-husband never gave her.



In the Underworld.

Ken and Grayfia emerged from inside the Teleportation magic circle.

In a place, which was one of the small research branches of the Naberius clan.

A sizable building was seen on fire and chaos was spreading everywhere.

Demons were seen running here and there and busy with their business.

"Tsk! I'm a little late for the show." Ken clicked his tongue and said with some annoyance.

Meanwhile, Grayfia who was beside him could only stroke his back to calm him down.

"Let's go, the white ones are in a safe place and have been taken by the right people, while the black ones are not." Ken said.

"The white one and the black one?" Grayfia asked in confusion.

"The one I'm referring to and the one I asked Serafall to find are two cats." Ken told her.

"Cats?" Grayfia became even more confused.

"Yes, the two cats are black and white, the black one is named Kuroka and the white one is named Shirone." Ken said.

"You'll know when you meet her later, let's go." Ken added.


Ken stepped on the ground and jumped to fly into the distance.

The ground beneath him cracked like a spider web from the impact of his jump.

Hearing his words, Grayfia took out her demon wings and flew after Ken.

Meanwhile, Ken wasn't like Grayfia who relied on wings just to fly.

Ken only used his mind to make himself fly.

Ken could have created the ability to fly and such, but it was still not needed for now.

For now, Ken was only focused on finding the black cat and bringing it to his side.

Because Ken himself knew that if he was too late, the black cat would most likely join someone else.

Ken certainly wouldn't be happy if his target was captured or stolen by someone else first.

With his current speed and with his senses covering this entire world, Ken found Kuroka's location in an instant.

"Over there." Ken whispered softly and darted off in a direction.

Grayfia nodded her head towards Ken and shot off at the same speed as Ken.

If Ken hadn't adjusted his speed so that Grayfia could follow him, Grayfia might have lost him long ago.



The impact of Ken's feet shook the ground and made a hole from the impact of his shooting star-like landing.

"Yo! Introductions, my name is Ken, and the woman beside me is Grayfia." Ken said cheerfully and walked out of the hole.

Not far in front of him, there was a young woman who was not wearing any clothes, which showed all the curves of her body that had 'grown' very well.

The girl in front of him looked like she was fifteen or sixteen years old.

When he saw the young girl in front of him, Ken immediately recognized her as Kuroka.

'Damn! Even at her young age, Kuroka has quite impressive growth! Ken said to himself.

Despite her youth, Kuroka was a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body shape.

She had long black hair with parted bangs, and golden brown eyes with cat-like pupils.

Ken immediately assessed her overall figure.

Her body measurements were immediately known, for chest, waist and hips, Kuroka had measurements of [B90-W52-H81 cm].

Her height is about 159 cm with a body weight of 46 kg.

Considering that the current Kuroka is a younger version of herself and not as seen in the 'anime' version, Ken can understand why her body measurements are slightly lower than her original size.

But hey! For a teenage girl who is fifteen to sixteen years old, that kind of body size is amazing.

When the 'plot' starts later, Kuroka's body size will change again and become 'bigger' like in the original story, so don't worry about this kind of trivia.


When she saw someone coming, Kuroka became alert.

Kuroka stood not far from the corpse of the demon who was trying to chase and bring back herself.

Kuroka was currently seen licking the blood on her hands.

Because after all, Kuroka had just killed the courier who was sent to chase her after killing her master.

Although her master was just a demon from a branch family of the Naberius clan, the Naberius clan could not tolerate Kuroka's actions that were considered traitor-like.

Therefore, they sent people to chase Kuroka and capture him to be held accountable.

However, the people sent by them were killed by Kuroka.

One of the proofs can be seen from the corpse of a demon not far from where Kuroka is currently standing.

But this is all only from the Naberius clan's point of view, from the point of view of Ken who knows the true story behind Kuroka's actions, Kuroka is completely innocent.

The Naberius clan is one of the 72 Pillar Houses in the Underworld created by the demon king Lucifer.

Just like the other clans, the Naberius clan serves Lucifer directly.

However, during the civil war, the Naberius clan became one of the supporters of the direct descendants of the [Four Original Demons].

Therefore, after the civil war ended, this led to the Naberius clan being exiled to an area on the outskirts of the Underworld.

For that reason too, it made the Naberius clan one of the clans that belonged to the [Old Demon Faction].

Since the direct descendants of Lucifer, the Rizevim, were not interested in their father's politics and position, they intended to create [Super Demons] after their defeat in the civil war.

This made them focus on research which eventually led them to an encounter with Kuroka and Shirone.

In short, after Kuroka learned that they wanted to experiment on her sister, Kuroka immediately stopped them, which made Kuroka have to kill her own master.

Because after all, Kuroka knew that this experiment would end up with Shirone losing control of her powers and that would of course be very dangerous for her.

Therefore, Kuroka firmly made her own choice.

That choice was to stop her master by killing her.

Because only in this way could Kuroka save her only sister.


"Did you come with the same goal as them?" Kuroka asked while pointing at some corpses beside her.

Hearing her question, Ken smiled so charmingly that it made the black cat blush slightly.

'Isn't this young man too handsome for someone of the demon race? Damn! Kuroka said in her heart.

Ken smiled wider and revealed all the charm he had been holding back.

Instantly, his aura and charm changed as if Ken had transformed into another person.

The perfect handsome face, with his abyss-like black eyes made Kuroka stunned for a moment.

This change also made Grayfia's cheeks blush and become excited as her heartbeat began to race.

Looking at Kuroka who was staring at him in a daze, Ken sighed helplessly.

"Uhhh... Hello? Are you still there?" Ken said and waved his hand.

After seeing that Kuroka still didn't hear him, Ken held back his entire aura and lowered his charm to a certain extent.

"Ah! Did you say something?" Kuroka asked and woke up from her reverie.

But the blush on her cheeks could still be seen faintly.

Her eyes looked at Ken with a slight glaze and lowered her guard.

"Yes, I told you that I wasn't one of the ants you killed." Ken said.

"Really?" Kuroka asked and raised her eyebrows.

"Of course, I came to see you just to tell you something, your sister is in good hands, so you don't have to worry." Ken said softly.

"Is that so? Thank goodness if that's the case." Kuroka replied in a soft tone.

Her eyes were also looking into the distance when Kuroka said that.

"Come home with me, your new home won't be like your old home." Ken said.

"Hehe~" Kuroka giggled.

"Do you know the meaning of what you're saying? I'm sure, soon all the higher-ups in the underworld will label me as a fugitive." Kuroka said with a cheerful face at first, before her face turned serious.

Hearing her words, Ken of course understood what Kuroka meant.

"What do you mean 'Lost Demon'?" Ken asked with an amused expression.

When Kuroka heard his question, she just nodded.

"Heh- you don't know this, but if I prove your innocence, then everything will be fine." Ken said.

"What do you mean?" Kuroka frowned and asked.

"Did you know that the hairpin Fujimai gave Shirone is proof of their crime?" Ken asked Kuroka back.

"You... how did you know my mother's name?!" Kuroka asked with her aura exploding.

"Hm... it might seem strange to you, but to me... it's a common thing." Ken replied calmly.

"I even learned that they're doing experiments to create 'Super Demons', am I right?" Ken asked with a bored face.

Kuroka calmed down after hearing his words and thought that this handsome young man in front of her might have been watching her all along.

But what Kuroka was still confused about was how Ken knew her mother.

'Is this young man an acquaintance of mom's? Is he mom's friend? Is he mom's distant relative? Or is he mom's enemy? Kuroka wondered in her heart.

As if knowing her heart, Ken could only shake his head.

"I only know him, I'm not your mother's friend, nor am I your mother's distant relative, let alone your mother's enemy." Ken spoke.

Kuroka panicked when she heard Ken's words that showed that the young man seemed to have read her heart.

This made Kuroka feel a little uncomfortable, as if she was becoming naked under his gaze and had no secrets.

"Okay, the decision is yours, if you come with me, I can guarantee to make you much stronger, restore your relationship with Shirone to what it was, and lastly... I can resurrect your Nekoshou clan." Ken said.

Hearing his words, Kuroka twitched her ears and became interested.

Moreover, Kuroka became even more tempted when she heard the young man's last sentence.

'Resurrecting the Nekoshou clan? Isn't this tantamount to saying that you'll give me many children?! Kuroka said with astonishment in her heart.

Yes, that's right, Kuroka did say the right thing about what Ken meant in his last sentence.

In the original story, Kuroka once asked Vali to give her a child, but was refused, then Kuroka did the same to Issei.

Therefore, since Ken knows this fact, Ken will say it first and promise it.

Because after all, Ken and Kuroka have a goal that can be said to be almost the same.

That goal is to create a 'Big Family' in the future.

And so, after thinking for a moment, Kuroka came to a decision.

"I agree." Kuroka replied.

"Good, I'll make sure that your choice won't go wrong." Ken said.

"Alright, since you've introduced yourself to me, let me introduce myself to you two." Kuroka said.

"Go ahead." Ken agreed.

Grayfia, who was beside Ken from the beginning, just kept quiet and nodded her head.

"My name is Kuroka, I'm a Nekomata of the rare species 'Nekoshou', nice to meet you Nya~" Kuroka introduced herself.

(A/N: to add a feline feel, Kuroka often ends her sentences with "Nya~" (にゃ), imitating a cat's meow)

"Nice to meet you." Grayfia said.

"Nice to meet you, Kuroka." Ken also replied.

"Well, since you've made your choice, we can leave here now, before the ants keep coming." Ken said.

Hearing his words, Grayfia and Kuroka nodded in agreement.

Ken then took out a robe to cover Kuroka's naked body.

Ken couldn't stand looking at her any longer, so he decided to 'go on a rampage' and 'vent' his desires when he returned to Shuri.

Without much delay, Grayfia, Kuroka and Ken disappeared from there.

But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below



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