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61.53% Genshin Impact: No Limit / Chapter 8: The Wind Guides

Capítulo 8: The Wind Guides

We arrived at Starsnatch Cliff eventually, and Jean, Diluc, and Venti were already there.

"Yes, the Fatui diplomats stopped with their pressuring. Resolving this crisis will be far easier without them in the equation," Jean explained.

It seems the Fatui already left for their next destination. At least the main delegation did. Diluc didn't seem too happy about it, but nonetheless stayed quite and nodded along to Jean's explanation.

"We're here," Lumine said.

"Great! Now we can summon Dvalin." Venti seemed excited and full of life. A big difference to how he was yesterday when his Gnosis got stolen.

'I hope he's alright...' I don't regret what I did, but that doesn't mean I don't feel bad about it.

"Be prepared, everyone. I hope as much as you that it doesn't come to it, but we'll most likely have to fight," Diluc warned.

"I'm ready," Lumine said, her sword already drawn. "Go ahead, Venti."

Venti held the lyre tightly and started playing it. A soothing melody that could put even the most upset baby to sleep was played.

Wind surrounded Venti's entire body. At the same time, my body reacted as well. I felt as if I was connected to the wind itself.

'Wait, could it be...'

My train of thought was interrupted by the roar of a mighty dragon. Stormterror flew past the cliff, coming from below, leaving big currents of winds behind him.

Flapping his massive wings, Stormterror looked at us with reluctance. His stare was then directed to Venti.

Venti had a sad smile on his face, seemingly sensing the pain his old friend was in. The imponent dragon growled and in a deep and strained voice said, "What has been done cannot be undone."

I prepared myself for any kind of attack. Scanning my surroundings, I looked past Stormterror and saw a cryo Abyss Mage and a hydro one behind him.

Before Venti could answer Stormterror, the cryo Abyss Mage generated an icicle and launched it toward the lyre. Embuing myself with cursed energy, I felt as if I was enveloped by wind. I dashed and stepped in front of Venti, deflecting the attack and leaving behind a swirl of ice and wind.

Looking at my hand, I saw that the wind itself, Anemo, was enveloping my fingers. As I dispersed my cursed energy, the wind also faded away.

"Watch out!"

Before I could think about what happened, Lumine's screaming made me instinctively recoil. A blade grazed my cheek and I immediately jumped back a few steps.

The source of the attack was a being clad in armor. Its arms had blue streaks and on each of its wrists, a blade made of water was manifested.

Stormterror roared and flapped its wings, wind currents forming around it, before flying away.

The Abyss Mage that had attacked Venti prior appeared behind the Abyss Herald, together with the hydro Abyss Mage. Laughing maniacally, both Abyss Mages formed a shield of their respective element around them.

Everyone was ready for a fight, with weapons already drawn, it was a matter of who attacked first.

"Time for..." Diluc brought his claymore over his shoulder, and flames in the form of a mighty phoenix appeared. "...retribution!" Diluc sliced the air, and the giant bird made of flames was launched forward.

Both Abyss Mages had already teleported away, but the herald took the brunt of the attack. It didn't seem to receive a whole lot of damage, but I took the opportunity to dash forward, propelled by the wind, and pùnch the herald on its midsection.

Lumine had followed my charge, as she appeared behind the herald, slashing its back. I took the chance and lunged forward for another attack.

This time the herald blocked my attack easily. Grabbing my hand, he threw me at Lumine. She gracefully sidestepped before lunging forward with multiple slashes at the herald. Their blades clashed multiple times, sparks sent flying off from their brawl.

At a distance, I could see Jean, Diluc, and Venti fighting off the two Abyss Mages. Trusting that they would come out on top, I focused my attention on my fight with the herald.

Lumine and the abyssal creature kept clashing blades. Lumine used her Anemo powers to glide and dodge the herald's slashes while counterattacking with wind blasts and slashes of her own.

I waited patiently for an opening before coating my hand with cursed energy and slicing the air with it. A wind blade was formed and launched to the herald. The creature seemed to sense it, as it parried the attack.

With an opening created, Lumine stabbed the herald's torso and slashed diagonally. The attack left a deep wound, otherwordly purple blood coming out of it.

The herald groaned, but it seemed far from its limit. It dashed with immense speed toward me. In the blink of an eye, it was already in front of me.

Slashing his hydro blade downwards, I was able to sidestep it. The herald was aiming for this, as he thrusted with his other blade to the spot I sidestepped to, aiming for my stomach.

I managed to grab the blade before it made contact with me, but still received damage to my hand, blood pouring on the ground.

The herald didn't relent in its attack, as he brought his other hand down to my face. Grabbing its wrist, I headbutted his wounded torso before punching his face with all my strength.

The herald was pushed back a few meters and Lumine rode the momentum by charging at the herald. With wind covering her steps, she slid through the ground, kicking the herald's kneepits from behind, bringing it to its knees.

Lumine locked eyes with me, and I could tell immediately what she meant. I lunged forward and appeared behind the herald. With my legs, I latched onto him, locking his arms in place, while I grabbed its head, pulling it back to expose his neck.

Lumine leaped in the air, intending to stab and severe the herald's head.

In a split second, the herald spread hydro energy throughout its body. It released a big shockwave, sending Lumine several meters away and gaining a hydro aura that protected it.

I took the brunt of the shockwave. My entire body was aching but I kept latching onto the herald.

It stood up and tried to get me off of it but I kept tightly holding it in place. I grabbed his head and spread my cursed energy outwards, cutting winds forming around it. The hydro swirled. but otherwise my attack didn't do much damage.

Lumine, now recovered from the shockwave, rushed forward and slashed multiple times at the herald. The abyssal creature skillfully dodged everything, even while being restrained by me.

Dodging one of her slashes, the herald leaped in the air. Spinning around, my back was now facing the ground. The herald slammed itself on the ground, making my grip falter.

Finally breaking free from my grasp, the herald kicked my sides and sent me flying.

I landed and quickly stood up. Powering through the pain and with adrenaline at its peak I rushed together with Lumine from both sides, intending to strike the abyssal creature.

Feeling cornered, the herald slashed the air rapidly in multiple directions. Thankfully, I stopped in my tracks before getting too close. Lumine couldn't react in time and some attacks cut through her skin.

The herald finished off its attack unleashing multiple hydro projectiles in all directions. Lunging forward, tracing the projectiles' directions and dodging them all, I punched the herald's torso.

It was pushed back and I rushed along to continue striking at its body. Lumine came in from the side, slicing through the hydro barrier, causing a swirl reaction.

With my concentration and conviction at its peak, I jumped in the air, leaving room for Lumine to slash continuously at the herald. Extending my jump with wind, I kicked the herald's face.

'Black Flash!' Just as the kick landed, the sparks of black blessed my attack, giving it far greater power than it would've had normally.

The creature was sent flying. Rolling on the ground through several meters, the herald regained its footing once again.

The Abyss Herald seemed to be nearing its limit, but it still stood tall, preparing itself for another offensive.

"Try and keep up with me," I told Lumine.

Before I could listen to any retort she had, I rushed forward. Dodging the herald's blade thrusts, I threw multiple punches to its face. I could feel Lumine coming from behind, so I crouched, allowing her to slash the herald's torso. 

Following up her attack, I launched several wind blades toward the herald. Being overwhelmed, it only managed to block a few of them. Lumine took the chance to stab the herald's chest, its hydro protection now virtually useless. 

The herald roared in pain, his legs now trembling, on the verge of falling to its knees. I followed up Lumine's stab with a devastating hook to the herald's face.

And with one final punch...

'Black Flash!'

The herald was brought to its knees.

Me and Lumine were panting heavily. The herald was slouched, and his energy to fight completely vanished. Lumine pointed the sword at its neck.

"Any last words?" she asked, a smug smirk on her face.

The herald weakly laughed, the distortion on its voice only adding to its fragile state. "It does not matter if I die here... Our prince will be the rightful master of that dragon..."

Lumine didn't pay any mind to its words and sliced the herald's neck. Slowly but surely, the herald's body dissipated into blue particles, vanishing from this world completely.

She then looked at me, and said, "I knew it. You can also control the elements without a Vision."

"What, you already knew?" I asked.

"I used Elemental Sight on you when we were at the Statue of the Seven. The wind itself was molding to your body... You were just too dumb to notice it."

"Well, I didn't really feel anything at the time..." 

Our conversation was interrupted by some noise behind us. I turned around and looked at the source. At a distance, I could see Diluc, Jean, and Venti all running toward us. Once they arrived, I said, "Took you long enough. Two Abyss Mages can't be that hard to beat, right?"

"You can say that when you're getting wet and frozen from all angles!" Venti retorted.

"You guys don't seem that roughed up..." I remarked.

"They were far more coordinated than anything I've faced before. It was a tough battle," Diluc said. Pausing for a moment, his face contorted into a frown. "Still, we must pluck this problem at its root. Those Abyss Order bastards... They must pay."

"Well, it's the second time those abyssal pricks have ambushed us like that," I commented.

Jean hummed, deep in thought, and then said, "We'll reconvene at the headquarters tomorrow morning. We'll plan our next steps from there."

"That's fine by me," I said.

"We'll be there!" Paimon said, seemingly coming out of nowhere.

"And where were you when we busted our asses off fighting that Abyss Herald?" I asked, arms crossed.


"Paimon has her own space where she can go in when she wants. It's kind of like a pocket dimension," Lumine explained.

"Ah, very convenient. Then why can't you stay there all the time? You'd be doing us a favor..."

"Wha— You little—"

"We'll be on our ways, then," Diluc said, interrupting Paimon and leaving the scene with Jean.

"I'll be resting for a bit before the meeting. See you, guys!" Venti walked away, waving at us.

I sighed deeply and turned to Lumine. "Where are you going now?"

"I'm going to the church to get treated for my injuries," Lumine replied.

"Do you mind if I tag along?" I asked.

"Yes, I do mind. But you can come, I guess."

"Hngh, what a tsundere..."

"A what?"

Ignoring her question, I started walking, and said, "By the way, we make a good team, don't you think? We really dog walked that herald," I said, chuckling.

"Maybe. But I've had far better teammates." Lumine had a smug look on her face.

"Really now? Like who?"

"Like... my brother," Lumine said, her expression suddenly turning somber.

I didn't know what to say. I've always been bad at consoling people.

"...Well, I hope you can find him soon." Knowing the truth of their situation left my attempt at consolation feel like empty words.

Nonetheless, Lumine slightly smiled and said, "Thanks."


"Ah, you're here again," a familiar voice said.

I slowly opened my eyes. The familiar views of space with streaks of purple and blue greeted my eyes.

I was back here again. I remember going to the church, getting my wounds treated, then coming back to the inn and falling asleep quickly...

"Hey, Gojo," I said, slowly standing up and stretching.

"Oh, c'mon. Can't you call me Sensei, or Master, or something like that? Have some respect for your elders!"

"We're both in the same body. As far as I'm concerned we're the same age."

"Well, in theory, yeah, but..."

Interrupting Gojo, I said, "By the way, I have a few questions to ask."

"Well, ask away," Gojo said, sitting down cross-legged.

"I know that in rare cases cursed energy carries a special property unique to its user. I assume this is inherent, but can something like this be acquired?" I asked.

"Hmmm, not that I know of, no." Gojo then crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "But this world may have its own laws... Acquiring a special cursed energy trait doesn't seem that far-fetched."

Makes sense. The fact that I'm a Descender could be enough to explain why I can manipulate the elements, but it seems like my cursed energy itself has now the properties of wind.

"I see. Well, it seems my cursed energy now has the properties of wind. I noticed in my recent fight that my punches were now stronger than before..." I sat down in front of Gojo. "Maybe the air resistance is nullified now that my fists are basically imbued with wind...?"

"I'm no scientist but I don't think it works like that... I'm assuming the added strength to your attacks stems from your binding vow," Gojo explained.

"That was the other question I wanted to ask. What does my binding vow really entail?"

"I have a rough idea. The notion of 'being strong' or 'striving to be stronger' would be the focal point. It basically restricts your will to always strive to be strong. It may translate into things like participating in some form of training every day, or fighting opponents that are stronger than you."

Gojo took a pause and then continued explaining. "After all, fighting a more experienced enemy is when you learn the most, so it goes hand in hand with striving to be stronger. The vow itself is quite ambiguous, but I presume those are the restrictions..."

"And what would be the benefit? Stronger cursed energy output, more cursed energy, or what?"

"I assume it's like that, yeah."

We sat in silence for a bit, before I spoke again.

"Well, that's all." Having my questions answered, I stood up and said, "Can we spar now?"

Gojo stood up as well and laughed, "Are you that eager? Well, I'll have to match your enthusiasm!"

We both assumed a fighting stance and engaged in combat.

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