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7.69% Harry Potter: The Feathered Serpent / Chapter 1: Onboard The Hogwarts Express
Harry Potter: The Feathered Serpent Harry Potter: The Feathered Serpent original

Harry Potter: The Feathered Serpent

Autor: Vedros

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Onboard The Hogwarts Express

The anxious pacing of his wife attracted Stuart's attention to her once again, and he put the book down with a soft sigh.

"Calm down, Rosie, it's all gonna be good," he consoled, sighing when his wife didn't stop.

It had been like this for an hour or so. Ever since that letter arrived.

"The man said that they would be arriving in an hour, and it's barely over 11. They will be here soon."

Rose Wilson turned to look at her husband with a worried frown.

"Couldn't they have told us anything in that letter? What was so important that they had to come in person? I can't help but fear the worst, Stuart," she whispered. Stuart closed his eyes.

"Let them come, Rosie. They will explain whatever the matter is."

Right then, a soft knock sounded, and Rose looked at her husband before she quickly bolted. Her husband followed her at a more sedate pace.

The door swung open, and he saw an ancient man standing there with a tired smile on his face.

Rose quickly stood to the side, letting the man and his companion walk in, before shutting the door behind them.

"What happened? Are they okay?" She asked hurriedly.

The old wizard sighed.

"I'm afraid I have bad news, Rose," the old wizard began, and Rose staggered back.

"No…" she whispered, hitting the staircase behind her, and Stuart quickly grabbed her before she could fall.

The old wizard looked at her with sympathy before gesturing his companion forward. It was then that the couple noted what she was holding, or rather, who.

"Is… is that…?" Rose whispered, staring horrified at the small bundle in the old woman's arms.

"Indeed," the old wizard replied, "although his parents could not make it, little Hadrian here survived the killing curse from Voldemort."

Rose's eyes widened.

"The killing curse…" she whispered, horrified. "H-how?"

Dumbledore looked at her for a moment before sighing audibly.

"To be honest, I have no concrete answers right now. Although, I have a feeling that Lily did something to protect her son in the event of her death. All I have is a theory and nothing else."

"Lily always was the smartest," she whispered, choking back a sob as she slowly walked forward to where the woman was holding her nephew.

Slowly, she took him in her arms and looked at his sleeping visage.

"What is this?" She asked, her finger tracing the scar on his forehead.

"That is where the curse hit him," the woman intoned softly, "it's a rune."

"Sowilo, I know. I used to watch Lily study," she whispered, smiling softly. The woman's eyes softened a little bit as she placed a gentle hand on Rose's arm.

"She was one of the best witches to ever grace our halls, and an even more remarkable woman. You should be proud of her."

Rose could do nothing but nod emotionally.

Stuart pulled her in his arms as she wept softly, her face buried in his chest.

"Thank you for bringing him here, Mr. Dumbledore, madam," he nodded at them.

"Minerva McGonagall," the woman replied, and Stuart nodded.

"Thank you. You can be assured that we will take care of Harry. We have a boy too, and it would be good for him to grow up with his cousin."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he bowed his head slightly.

"I am thankful for that. And there is something else we must discuss."

Stuart and Rose listened as Dumbledore explained to them the necessity of the Blood Wards that he intended to put around their home and what their function was. Realizing the risk there was, the couple readily agreed.

Dumbledore took out a miniature trunk from his robes and enlarged it.

"This is the trunk they shared, if I am not mistaken. All the valuable materials that I could gather from their house are in there. I have taken liberty to add their schoolbooks and notes to the collection, including their journals for Harry to know them."

Stuart grabbed the trunk and pulled it to the side, nodding.

"I will ask you to keep Harry away from the Wizarding World until he gets his Hogwarts letter. The news that he was the one to vanquish Voldemort has made its way to the entirety of Wizarding Britain and people are worshipping him. I am afraid they would soon coin a term for the boy, and that is not an environment a child should find himself in."

The couple's eyes widened before they gave an understanding nod.

"Don't worry, headmaster. I know enough about that world to fill him in, and I'm sure their journals will also be helpful."

Dumbledore nodded at Rose.

"I believe that is all. I will install someone nearby in case you need to contact me urgently. They will visit you soon. Please do not hesitate to call me in for anything."

Rose gave a small smile and nodded.

The door shut behind them and Stuart leaned against it, wiping his face, and letting out a loud sigh.

"Come, Rosie. Let's tuck him in," he said, as he pulled his wife to the nursery, where Calum was sleeping. They tucked him beside their son, pulling the small blanket over them. Rose caressed their heads before they made their way to their bedroom.

That night, Rose Wilson mourned the death of her sister and brother-in-law as her husband held her all the while.


15 years later

"That was offside!"

"C'mon dad! That wasn't. He was through."

"You're saying this because you're biased!"

"As if you aren't!"

Rose sighed as she pulled the cake out of the oven. It was a recurring theme in their household. Every time there was a game between those two teams, her husband and her son acted like actual rivals.

She winced when her son shouted "GOAL!" and nearly dropped the bucket of chocolate.

"Calum! Keep your voice down!" She chided. Calum looked at her and winced, sitting down, and throwing a chip at his chuckling father. "And no littering."

He groaned, prompting more chuckles from Stuart.

"Honestly, you two! Why do you have to be so rowdy over a football match? Liverpool or United, who cares!"



The two stared at her, horrified as if she had uttered something blasphemous. Rose sighed and completed decorating the cake.

"Where's Harry?"

Calum snorted.

"I don't know. Probably with his tongue down some girl's throat," he snickered.

"Calum!" Rose warned.

"Oh c'mon, mum! Where else would he be other than his room? Reading up those big books? Nerd," he muttered.

"Go and tell him to come down. The cake's ready."

"Really? Can I- "

"Not before he cuts it. Go. Now!"

Calum groaned before getting up.

"I'm almost 17 and you still boss me around," he mumbled as he passed her.

"You turned 16 barely a month ago. And I'm your mother. I'll boss you around for as long as I wish. Now stop mumbling like a baby and call him."

"Okay, okay, calm down!"

Rose shook her head as Calum walked out.

"Every day, that boy reminds me that he's your son," she remarked, rolling her eyes when she saw her husband was glued to the match, which his team was losing at the moment. The serious look on his face was enough to make her chuckle.


"Hey nerd, Mum's calling. Your special cake is ready," Calum barged into the room without a care in the world.

A pair of striking emerald eyes were revealed as the boy put the thick tome down and stretched his back, groaning when he heard a few soft cracks.

"Holy shit, it's 7 already!"

"Yeah," Calum deadpanned, picking up a cold garlic bread from his plate and taking a bite.

"Oh, sure. Help yourself to my snack," Harry remarked sarcastically, and Calum simply gave him a middle finger.

"Get up already. Mum wanted you downstairs 5 minutes ago. You know how she gets when we delay things."

Harry sighed and nodded.

At 16, he stood at a respectable height of 5'11". Due to the constant exercise and fitness regimen that his aunt had put all of them through, he was fairly developed for his age. Although not bulky like his uncle, Harry and Calum were very fit. His lovely six packs were a testament to that.

Aunt Rosie had taken one look at her cousin's husband and decided that there was no way she was going to let her family go down that route. Yeah, there was bad blood between the two families. Harry had never seen Aunt Petunia, and Aunt Rosie had barely mentioned her over the years. The one time she did though, she had told him that it was their attitude that had made her put her foot down and cease any contact with that family. Yeah, bad blood.

Quickly putting the tome on his table, Harry pulled a t-shirt on and fixed his hair with his hands as best as he could before clapping Calum on the back and walking downstairs.


An hour later, Harry was helping his aunt in cleaning the dishes. Calum and Uncle Stuart were back to watching the game.

"I wonder how easy it would be to do these chores with magic."

Rose snorted.

"And they wonder why most wizards are unhealthy."

Harry chuckled. "True. I love reading mum's rants."

"No matter how much convenient things are, always keep yourself physically active. It will help you in the long run."

Harry sighed.

"I know, Aunt Rosie. I've heard this speech at least 50 times over the years."

Rose swatted his arm with a chuckle.

"Just reminding you so you don't forget when you go to Hogwarts for the most part of a year."

Harry sensed the shift in her tone and sighed. His Hogwarts letter had come in the morning mail, and it seemingly made it even more real for his aunt that he would be going away for almost 10 months every year.

"You knew this was going to happen one day," he intoned softly. Rose chuckled.

"Doesn't mean I have to like it. I've brought you up as my own, both you and Calum. And you're going away this year. In a year or two, Calum will move out, leaving us old people to ourselves," she replied.

Harry chuckled.

"You two? Old? Have you looked at each other? You're not even 40 for god's sake."

Rose chuckled.

"Doesn't matter. When children move out, parents feel old. It's kind of an unwritten rule."

"I bow to your wisdom once again," Harry mock-bowed, and Rose patted his back with a laugh.

"On a serious note, you should finish the shopping this week. The earlier you go, the less crowd there is."

Harry nodded. "You wanna come with me?"

Rose smiled.

"You don't even have to ask."


"I have read their journals over and over again, but I can't believe they never wrote how utterly weird this world is," Harry remarked as he turned off the ignition. They got out of the car and looked at the shady-looking pub. "The Leaky Cauldron," he read out.

"C'mon," Rose remarked, grabbing his arm and leading him forward. "Fix your cap, we don't want anyone to recognize you."

Harry rolled his eyes but complied. He had been told how his parents had died, how he had survived the killing curse that gave him his scar, and how he was somehow famous in the Wizarding World for killing off the dark wizard.

They entered the pub, and Harry was immediately hit with the musky smell. "Ugh, room fresheners please," he muttered. Rose chuckled.

"Believe me, they used to wear those robes back when your parents went to school. At least they've improved on that now."

Harry shuddered. He had seen his parents' school photos. Those big robes looked hideous.

They made their way to the counter where a bald man was tending to his drawer.

"Excuse me, can you open the way to Diagon Alley please?"

The man looked up and grinned when he looked at them. "Muggleborn, eh?"

Rose shook her head. "Squib and muggle-raised."

The man nodded in understanding.

"Alright, follow me," he smiled and started walking to the back of the pub. They followed. He took out a brown wand and tapped the bricks in sequence.

Despite having seen moving photos and mentions of spells that had devastating effects, Harry was still mesmerized when he saw the bricks moving in patterns before opening the way to Diagon Alley.

The man looked at him and smirked. Harry quickly schooled his expression.

"There you do, Diagon Alley. Ask anyone here to open the way for you if you don't get a wand. If you do, tap these bricks to open the way. Gotcha?"

Harry noted the pattern and nodded. He was going to get a wand, so why bother someone else?

"Thank you, Mr?"

"Tom will do."

"Thank you, Tom."

Tom bowed even lower and walked off.


Harry looked at his aunt with a smile and nodded.


"Alright, this might be weird, but it's also very cool," Harry admitted as he looked around the alley, and Rose chuckled.

"Believe it or not, Lily was the same."

"She was in Gryffindor, right?"

Rose nodded.

"Although I feel she would've been a better Ravenclaw. Although very brave, she was too sharp. Her mind was something else."

"Well, maybe I could be a Ravenclaw, you know, to balance things out."

Rose chuckled. "What's left now?"

Harry looked down at the list.

"Uniform, wand, and an optional pet."

Rose nodded and came to stop in front of a store.

"Twilfitt and Tattings. I remember they sell high-end clothing."

"Good thing we have this money pouch, otherwise we would've had to make a trip to the bank. I admit, this is ingenious," Harry remarked, holding up the money pouch.

"Yeah, I remember going there with Lily. We were really scared of those Goblins."

"Saves us the trouble of seeing them, I guess," Harry chuckled.

Rose looked at him for a moment before her eyes widened.

"Give me ten galleons," she asked. Harry pulled out the required amount and handed it to her.

"You go in and get your uniform from Twilfitt. I'll go and get you an owl. That way, you can send us letters."

Harry smiled.

"Okay, see you then," he nodded and walked inside the clothes store.

The first look around told him this was a place for the upper class. Everything was spotless, and the clothes on display all looked pristine.


Harry turned around and looked at a middle-aged woman. He nodded with a smile.

"This way, dear," she gestured for him to follow her, and Harry nodded again.

The lady summoned a measuring tape that started to measure almost every part of his body apart from his penis. 'It would've been hilarious if that happened though', he thought with a chuckle.

"Alright, your measurements are in. How many sets do you want?" She asked with a smile.

"I think three blazers and three pants will do. I'll have two ties and six shirts to go. Standard number for anything else."

The woman jotted it down and threw it behind her, and Harry saw it transforming into a paper plane and flying behind the screen.

"It will be done in ten minutes. You might either wait over there or come back if you have other work in the alley."

Harry shook his head. "I'll wait, thank you."

The woman smiled, and Harry returned it before walking to the waiting area. He reached there and saw one seat occupied. Abruptly, he stopped in his tracks.

It was a girl, but not just any girl. It was probably the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She was sitting straight, her honey-blonde hair framing her face and swept over one shoulder, leaving the other bare. Her skin was as fair as ivory, unblemished. His eyes took in hers, blue like sapphires, before dropping to her cute nose and pink lips. Before his gaze dropped further, she turned to look at him and raised a delicate eyebrow.

Harry instantly caught his bearings and smiled before walking over to sit next to her.

"Hogwarts, first year?"

She nodded. "You too?"

Harry nodded.

"I assume you're not from a pureblood family?"

Harry looked at her and nodded. He had read his father's journals and saw how disdainful he was towards the pureblood doctrine.

"My family is an old one, but I am a half-blood. Not that I care about that stuff."

"Be careful who you say these things to. There are people who won't take kindly to you just dismissing their beliefs."

Harry smiled.

"Something tells me you aren't one of those idiotic bigots."

He saw the first hint of a smile grace her lips.

"You didn't even introduce yourself and yet you're flirting with me?"

Harry shrugged.

"I'm Harry," he intoned, his hand forward.

She looked at him with a smile and shook his hand. "Daphne."

"That's a pretty name. Does your family have some tradition to name the daughters after beautiful flora?"

Daphne shook her head with a smile. "I have a sister named Astoria, so no, there isn't. Why? Does your family do that?"

"My mum's family used to."

Daphne nodded.

"Any idea which house you'll be in?" She asked, turning around slightly more to look at him. Harry smiled.

"I'm leaning towards Ravenclaw."

"Oh? I would've thought you'd go for Gryffindor given how upfront you are. Were your parents from Ravenclaw?" she remarked. Harry chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess Gryffindor would be nice too. My parents were from that house, but my mum was regarded as the smartest witch of her generation, so I feel Ravenclaw would be a good way to treasure her memory."

She frowned.

"I'm sorry for your parents. I didn't know," she smiled tentatively. Harry waved her off.

"It's alright, as you said, you didn't know."

She smiled, and they sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Although you were so casual with me, which was fine as I don't care about it, there are those who won't take too kindly to you forgetting the customs. You know that, right?"

Harry looked at her with a blank expression.

"Well, I have read up on it from my parents' journals, but they never went into any detail. So, yeah, I don't know much about these customs."

"Your guardians didn't teach you? You said you were from an old house."

"Raised in the muggle world. My aunt's a squib."

Daphne sighed. "That explains it all."

"Have you bought your books?" She asked.

Harry nodded.

"Alright. When you get out of here, go back to the bookstore and buy a book titled Wizarding Etiquette and Customs. It will cover the basics that you need to know."

Harry smiled.

"Alright, thanks," he replied, and Daphne's face turned slightly red when she looked at his smiling visage.

"It's fine. You can ask me anything you have any issue with. I know this stuff, so I'll help you out," she muttered, looking to the side.

Harry nodded with a smile. "Thank you, Daphne."

"Don't worry about it."

"Which house are you aiming for then?" He asked, leaning back, and looking at her.

"Believe it or not, it's Ravenclaw for me as well."

"Really?" Harry couldn't contain the excitement in his voice, and she must've noticed, as she chuckled.

"Mm-hmm. My mum is from Ravenclaw, and my dad is a Slytherin. If I went to Slytherin, I'll go mad with the bullshit of those pureblood bigots."

"Yeah, my dad's journal went into detail about how bad they were."

Daphne nodded. "Although my dad is from Slytherin, it's a relief that he hates the bigotry as much."

"That's a relief indeed," Harry remarked. "So, you done with shopping?"

She shook her head. "Only my wand left."

Harry smiled. "Wanna join me then? I'll go get my wand after finishing here."

Daphne chuckled. "Why not?"


"So, you're alone here as well?" Daphne asked as they put their shrunken bags in their pockets.

"Nah, my aunt's with me. She went to buy an owl for us to communicate when I'm away. There she is," Harry smiled, and Daphne saw a beautiful red-haired woman walking towards them carrying a cage.

"Done with the uniform?"

Harry nodded. "What took you so long?"

Rose sighed. "There was a crowd. But here she is."

Harry took the cage from her and saw the most majestic snowy owl with amber eyes staring at him.

"She's beautiful," Daphne smiled. The owl puffed her chest. "And prideful too."

"Harry dear, care to introduce us?" Rose asked with a smirk. Harry blushed slightly.

"Aunt Rosie, she's Daphne. She's also starting Hogwarts this year. Daphne, this is my aunt, Rose Wilson."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am."

"Call me Rose, dear."

Daphne smiled.

"Let's get going then?" Harry asked. Daphne nodded.

"Alright, let's get that wand," Rose chuckled. Together, they made their way to Ollivander's.

"382 BC. Damn," Harry whistled.

"Yeah, the family is ancient," Daphne nodded as they entered the shop.

They walked over to the counter, frowning when nobody appeared.

"Ah, I did wonder when I'd be seeing you, Mr. Potter," a rather calming voice sounded from the side, and Harry looked over to see an ancient wizard walking out of the door. Daphne's eyes widened and she turned to look at Harry, who saw her and smiled. She shook her head.

"Of course, it all makes sense," she whispered to herself.

"How did you know who I am?" Harry asked. The old wizard chuckled.

"There are many mysteries surrounding the Wizarding World, Mr. Potter. Mysteries which no one has been able to unravel yet. It might be because of a lack of imagination, or because of how closely guarded they are. But if you must know, it is a part of the Ollivander family magic."

Harry nodded. He knew what family magic was. After all, he had a bloody grimoire in his trunk at home.

"A great feat of magic you achieved that night, Mr. Potter. A feat shrouded in mystery, yet to unravel."

"How do you know I did something? For all we know, my mother could've done something to save my life?"

Ollivander nodded.

"Very plausible. But we are not here to go into the intricacies of what happened that night, are we? Let us proceed with finding your partner," Ollivander remarked with a smile, before looking behind Harry. "Oh, you have already met Miss Greengrass, I see. Come then, both of you."

Harry exchanged a look with Daphne as if silently asking what just happened. She gave a noncommittal shrug and walked with him to where Ollivander stood.

"Miss Greengrass, you first," Ollivander smiled, and Harry shifted a bit so that Daphne could come forward.

"Your arm please," he intoned, and Daphne put her right arm forward. Ollivander measured her palm from different angles and nodded before summoning a few boxes.

"Try it," Ollivander urged, opening the first box, and handing the wand to Daphne.

"No, that won't work," he muttered, taking the wand away when nothing happened. A few minutes passed as Daphne tried all the wands except one.

"Let us try this one," Ollivander remarked giddily. At least someone was enjoying himself.

The moment Daphne picked it up, sparks flew from the tip and her hair blew softly.

"Wow," was all she could utter, as she stared at the wand in wonder.

"Willow, eleven inches, with the horn of a Horned Serpent as the core. A truly magnificent creation, excellent at Charms and many intricate branches of magic which I'll leave you to discover on your own," Ollivander remarked. Harry gazed at the beautifully crafted wand and smiled at Daphne.

"My mum had a Willow wand," he remarked, and Daphne looked at him with a small smile.

"Take good care of that wand, Miss Greengrass," Ollivander whispered, and Daphne nodded.

"I will."

"Good. Mr Potter, if you will," Ollivander gestured, and Harry smiled at Rose and walked forward. Ollivander measured the palm of his right hand as well and summoned a few boxes of wands for him to try.

Safe to say, his trials went horribly, and no wand suited him. That had no impact whatsoever on Ollivander though, who was getting giddier by the minute. Harry looked at Daphne, who gave him a rueful smile.

"Fret not, Mr Potter. There is a wand for every wizard. All that matters is finding the correct one. Try this."

Harry gently took the ivory wand from the wandmaker and sucked in a breath. Ollivander's eyes widened and he grinned. Harry's hair stood at the ends, goosebumps spreading across his skin as he took deep breaths.

"This is it," he whispered, smiling at the wand.

"Indeed," Ollivander remarked joyfully, "Aspen, eleven and a half inches, with the horn of a Horned Serpent as the core."

Eyes widened, Harry looked at Daphne, who was looking at him in surprise. Rose also had her eyes wide open as she looked at the wand.

"It's fascinating," Ollivander whispered.

"What is it?" Harry found his voice.

Ollivander smiled.

"Wandlore works in mysterious ways, Mr. Potter. Your wand shall be remarkable in obscure magic, and I believe we can expect you to be excellent in combat magic. Duels, battling spells and other martial magic are the areas you should excel in. However, what's fascinating is that the horn used as the core for both your wands does not only come from the same Horned Serpent, but it is the same horn divided into two. Your wands are basically two parts of the whole. I am no expert in Divination, but I see an omen right here. The two of you shall share an incredibly close bond, of that there is no doubt."

Harry dared not look at Daphne as Ollivander continued, and he was sure she was doing the same. Behind him, he heard Aunt Rosie snort softly and he turned to glare at her, a glare that was expertly ignored.

"Well, that's fascinating indeed. It's a good thing you two made such good friends already."

"Aunt Rosie, not the time," Harry hissed softly, looking at Daphne out of the corner of his eye who was looking anywhere but at him.

'Great, it's all awkward now. Why did this barmy old man have to say all that!?'

"How much do we owe you, Mr. Ollivander?"

"All our wands cost 7 galleons, Mr. Potter. Take a pair of holsters for giving this old man such a unique experience."

Harry muttered his thanks and fished out 14 galleons, frowning when Daphne put her 7 galleons on the counter. He turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow, but she simple shook her head with a smile. Harry shrugged and put 7 galleons on the counter.

They left the shop in silence, and Harry knew he had to talk to Daphne and clear the air. There was an awkwardness now that he didn't want.

"Aunt Rosie, why don't you head over to the ice-cream shop over there? There's a book I need to purchase. I'll meet you there in a few minutes."

Rose chuckled internally, but nodded, leaving them alone.

"Shall we?" Harry asked once his aunt had walked away.

Daphne looked at him and nodded, and they made their way to Flourish and Blotts. Entering the shop, Daphne led the way to the back where the book was stocked, and picked out one, holding it out for him to take.

Harry looked at her and sighed.

"Daphne, can we just put it out of our mind?"

Daphne turned to look at him and sighed.

"You sure you can?"

Harry nodded.

"Yeah, we don't have to think about what he said. It might mean nothing for all we know. And if there's one thing I've come to believe, it's that there's no such thing as an omen. Our choices make us who we are, not something that might be pure coincidence. How about we let things progress the way they should and not let his words influence our actions?"

Daphne looked at him for a moment, before giving him a small smile.


Harry smiled.


It didn't take long for the fateful day to arrive.

September 1. The day he was to depart for Hogwarts. The past month had been filled with headaches for Harry, and it all had to do with that damned old man.

His aunt had told both Uncle Stuart and Calum about the wand cores, and there had been relentless teasing. He didn't think they would be stopping anytime soon.

The first time Calum had come to know about it, he had shed mock tears, proclaiming how proud he was that his little cousin was all grown-up now and had got a girlfriend the moment he stepped foot in the Wizarding world. Uncle Stuart was no better, telling him to bring the daughter-in-law home soon. Harry had banged his head against the wall when he heard that.

The worst had been Aunt Rosie, who had told him in an utterly serious voice, to make sure he didn't get the poor girl pregnant.

His mortified face had been a permanent sight for the entire evening, not helped at all by Calum's obnoxious laughter.

Not all was bad though. Daphne and he had started to write to each other every few days. He had not expected it at all, but two days after they met, he had woken up to the tapping of a majestic owl on his windowpane. He dared not tell anyone that he had been sharing letters with Daphne, fully aware of what would follow from the three jokers he called relatives.

The letters were fairly simple, talking random things, with Harry discussing some pureblood bullshit that he had no interest in, but knew would come in handy. It helped them get to know each other even better, although he preferred to talk to her face-to-face. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he really liked her, and wouldn't be opposed to giving them a shot, but he didn't want to rush anything or come too strongly.

They also discussed the pureblood scene in Wizarding Britain, with Daphne shedding even more light on what went on. She had mentioned a swine by the name of 'Malfoy' whose father constantly harassed her father for a marriage contract. The first time he had read it, he had broken his punching bag, shocking Calum and Uncle Stuart. Not even his budding Occlumency came to his rescue. One thing was for sure though, if he met this Malfoy douchebag, the cunt had a beatdown coming for him.

All in all, it had been some month for him; filled with anticipation.

"You ready, Harry?"

Harry looked at Uncle Stuart and nodded. He turned to give Aunt Rosie a hug, who had tears in her eyes.

"Oh c'mon, don't cry. Your make-up will be spoiled."

Rose laughed and smacked him on the chest as Harry grinned.

"I'll be back soon, Aunt Rosie," he whispered, kissing her forehead. She nodded, and Harry smiled.

"Don't give her trouble, moron," he said, punching Calum on the arm.

"And you don't get your girl pregnant in the first year, nerd," Calum retorted, causing Harry to flush.

"Must you go on with that!?"

Calum simply chuckled before clapping him on the shoulder.

"See you soon, smartass," he smiled. Harry chuckled and hugged him, patting him strongly on the back.

"Ow, okay. You've proven how strong you are. Now go away," Calum groaned, trying to rub his back.

Harry chuckled and pulled away. Walking over to the car, he got in the front seat and waved at them, ready to begin the new journey of his life.


Harry stood near the wall and simply stared. He had read about it in their journals, but actually seeing the Hogwarts Express was something else. The crimson train was massive, easily thrice the side of a regular train, and Harry took in the magnificence of the locomotive.

The platform was slowly getting packed, students running around, either finding their friends through the windows or looking for their parents to grab the stuff they'd forgotten. Harry saw little kids clinging to their siblings, some chattering excitedly while some were crying, requesting them to stay. It was both endearing and overwhelming.

It was 10:45, and Harry decided to board the train. He had already discussed where he would meet Daphne, and he walked into the wall, coming out of another wall near the back of the train. He had to commend the ingenious design of the platform – an alternate dimension in itself.

Harry entered the last compartment and started searching the cabins for any glimpse of the familiar blonde hair. He frowned when he didn't find her and entered an empty compartment. Taking the window seat, Harry leaned his head against the window and closed his eyes, quickly falling into the familiar trance.

Ever since he had started reading the newer journals of his parents, he had come across a sensitive branch of magic – one pertaining to the mind arts. His mother had starred the entire section, and Harry had to agree that it was important. For a few months, he had been practicing Occlumency, and he could already feel the improvement. Now if only he could find someone to practice with.

The door slid open with a bang, and only his grip on his Occlumency prevented him from jumping up and punching the hell out of the imbecile who had pulled it like a barbarian. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a red-haired boy entering the compartment.

"Hullo," he tilted his chin, lifting his trunk on the rack before sitting opposite him. "I'm Ron Weasley, what's your name?"

Harry was still leaning sideways and looking at him out of the corner of his eye before he sighed and sat straight. Unfortunately, that exposed his infamous scar.

"Blimey, you're Harry Potter!"

Harry, whose mood was already slightly down due to the absence of Daphne, frowned. He refrained from saying anything, fearing he'd say something wrong. He simple nodded and leaned back, closing his eyes.

Only for them to shoot open when the compartment door opened once again with a bang. Harry cursed mentally, but only glanced at the intruder out of the corner of his eyes.

A lean young man with light blonde hair was flanked by two guys who resembled gorillas more than humans. The blonde looked at him and a smirk crossed his face. Harry sighed.

'Great. Another one.'

"It seems what they were saying is right. Harry Potter has indeed come to Hogwarts."

'God, his voice is grating on my nerves.'

The blonde looked at Ron, who was looking at him with a sneer, and an equally disgusting sneer came over his lips.

"Hello Potter, I am Malfoy. Draco Malfoy, heir of the – "

He was cut off as Ron Weasley chose that moment to snort loudly. Harry looked at him neutrally, his Occlumency working overtime as he tried to calm down after hearing the cunt's name.

'So, this is the guy harassing Daphne.'

Malfoy slowly turned to glare at Ron.

"Think my name is funny, do you? Don't think I need to ask yours, with your greasy orange hair and that dirt on your nose. My father always said the Weasleys lived in a cave. Reckon he was right, eh?"

'Nice insult, to be honest.'

Harry watched as Ron's face turned red, and he brandished his wand. Malfoy and his goons weren't too far behind, and it was a one-on-three standoff. Harry sighed.

'Man, I don't want these idiots to kill each other on the very first day, particularly when I am present.'

"Now now gentlemen, this isn't the way we settle disputes. What would our esteemed ancestors think when they see their descendants pointing their wands at each other without following proper etiquette?"

Four pairs of eyes zeroed on Harry who was leaning back with his legs crossed. He didn't let them speak and continued.

"If any of you feel offended by the other, you can issue a challenge. Isn't this how things should be done? I believe the school shall accommodate your needs."

Everyone looked at Harry before Malfoy put his wand away and nodded for his goons to follow.

"There would be no need for a formal duel. I believe the trash bag will know his place and keep his mouth shut in the future. See you in school, Potter."

Harry internally sighed when he saw the mounting anger on Ron Weasley's face. This was going to blow up.

"A formal duel, one on one. Got the balls, Malfoy?"

Malfoy looked at Ron with disbelief, before he chuckled.

"You got it, trash bag. I'll be sure to send you packing to your mother. Then she can dump you with all other trash she has."

Ron Weasley glared at Malfoy, quickly pulled his trunk, and walked off without a second glance. Harry sighed.

"Good idea about the duel, Potter. You're good in my books. I'll see you in Slytherin," Malfoy smirked, and Harry glanced at him.

"Excuse me," a curt voice sounded from the entrance, and Harry's eyes shot open. A small smile crept upon his lips as the familiar visage of Daphne came into view. The two bookends shifted to the side as Malfoy turned with a smirk.

"Oh, hey Greengrass, how are you?"

Daphne gave him a deadpan stare to Harry's amusement and walked past him as Malfoy looked on.

"What are you doing here, Greengrass? My compartment has enough space for us."

Daphne sighed and sat down beside Harry. To the surprise of every single person in the compartment, Daphne scooted to her right and cuddled up to Harry, leaning her head against his shoulder as one hand came up to rest on his solid chest. Harry shivered under her touch.

'The fuck is happening!?'

"Does this answer your question?"

Malfoy sputtered.

"B-but you- Potter? Wha?"

Slowly, Malfoy's face morphed into a vicious snarl, and he brandished his wand.

"Really?" Harry asked, looking at the livid wizard with a bored gaze.

"You think you'd take my girl, and I won't do anything?" Malfoy hissed.

"She's not your girl and has the right to decide who she wants. I think it's perfectly clear who it is. So, sod off, you ferret."

Daphne snorted against his chest as Harry absentmindedly stroked her hair. Malfoy was livid.

"Don't start anything in the train, Malfoy. You already have a duel to fight once you get to school. You sure you wanna add another one? Don't forget who I am," Harry glared menacingly, tightening his arm around Daphne's waist and pulling her closer. He didn't miss how her breath hitched slightly.

Malfoy stared into his glowing emerald pools and involuntarily took a step back. Harry watched in satisfaction as his throat bobbed slightly.

"This isn't over," he hissed before turning around and darting out of the compartment.

"Go on boys, your master might need your services. He looked a bit pent-up to me," Harry jerked his head, and the gorilla duo shrugged before shutting the door behind them and walking off.

"You have made me a mortal enemy before school even started," Harry sighed, his body shaking as Daphne laughed silently. Slowly, she pulled away and looked at him with a wide smile.

"Good to see you too, Harry."

Harry could do nothing but shake his head in exasperation.

'This girl shall be the death of me.'

To be continued…

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