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77.77% Fate/Stay Cursed: Cursed in the Holy Grail War - Itadori in Fate Zero / Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Brotherhood

Capítulo 20: Chapter 20: Brotherhood

After Itadori left, the only people left at the base were Irisviel and Maya... But something unexpected happened, someone broke into the base and kidnapped Irisviel.

The figure was tall, huge, and difficult to make out. The kidnapping was quick and Maya was unable to stop it, she ended up dying during the attack.

The only one who returned to base was Kiritsugu who witnessed the last moments of Maya's life.

About that...

Saber ran through the streets of Fuyuki with his motorcycle at high speed. The golden-haired girl was chasing Rider who was seen from afar.

Rider jumped from building to building while carrying Irisviel. Knowing increased speed.

"I lost their signal" - Saber said, losing sight of Rider. - "If I can't see them, I'll feel them."

Saber used her presence to find Rider, who this time is seen using his cavalry.

"I got you, Rider!" - Saber said, increasing speed.

Waver feels Saber's presence. - "Rider, look. She's following us, isn't she?"

"Now now, if it's not Saber... Saved us the trouble of looking for her. Too bad the boy with the scar isn't with her... Hey, kid, are motorcycles usually this fast?" - said Rider.

"Is that a motorcycle? No, it's impossible. But with Saber's riding ability... I think it's possible." - Waver said in disbelief.

Rider smiles. - "Interesting! In this case, I'll play with her... Change of plans! I should use a race to sort things out with the girl." - said Rider, making his cavalry descend until he reached the road.

Rider ran as much as he could with his cavalry.

"Okay, but take it seriously, okay?" - Waver said worriedly.

"Don't worry. Nothing in Heaven or Earth can stop me!" - said Rider, whipping his cavalry.

"That way I won't reach them ..." - She said. - "I had an idea."

The motorcycle of knowing began to change shape, increasing its power. Knowing how to handle the bike with unparalleled accuracy, each movement calculated to optimize its speed and maneuverability. The motorcycle snore and fires through the streets, jumping over obstacles and sliding in closed curves. Knowing how to keep your eyes fixed in Rider, which moves with grace and speed in the air.

Rider, aware of persecution, uses Pegaso to fly over the buildings, creating a complex escape route and hard to follow. She goes up and down quickly, trying to mislead with unpredictable air maneuvers. Rider also takes advantage of the advantage of altitude to observe the movements of knowing and planning counterattacks.

Knowing is not intimidated. It adjusts its position on the motorcycle, leaning forward and increasing the speed further. When Rider descends to a lower level, trying to cross an avenue, knowing how much he accelerates, closing the distance between them.

Rider throws her chains to try to disturb knowing, but the knight, with sharp reflexes, wipes agilly, using the motorcycle as an extension of her own body. The currents ricochet on the asphalt, creating sparks and holes in the way.

The persecution leads both to a high bridge. Rider, seeking advantage, makes Pegaso fly close to the bridge floor, increasing his speed. Knowing follows right behind, getting closer. The bridge becomes a battlefield where to know with the motorcycle, undressing with Excalibur in an attempt to reach Rider.

Rider responds with agility, diverting and counterattacking with his spear and chains. The battle is fierce, with sparks flying and roars of engines and hooves echoing in the night.

"She doesn't give up! ... I know!" - Rider said having an idea.

About that...

Memories invade the mind of the boy Itadori. Memories of the last time he saw his brother alive.



"What are you doing?!"


"You can't do this!..."

"I sorry, i was useless during training. You big brother tends to do things instinctively..."


"Thank you, Yuji. Thank you for being my little brother."

".... Thanks."

His brother was back, right in front of him now.

"Big Brother...."

Itadori's words left his mouth without realizing it. But it was so inaudible that Choso couldn't hear it.

"I saw you fighting a while ago... Not just anyone can use the blood manipulation technique." - Choso said, getting ready to fight.

"Someone told me that you are someone dangerous, so... Do yourself a favor and die here and now!" - said Choso, bringing his palms together and compressing the blood.

A trickle of blood comes out of Choso's palms towards Itadori, who easily dodges it.

'Why is he attacking me?!' - Itadori thought as he walked away from his brother.

Itadori hid behind some rubble. The brothers were in a vacant lot with an abandoned building.

'It's true.... I'm in the past, so Choso's memories of me are blocked...' - thought Itadori while looking at the abandoned building behind Choso.

'I need to do something to make Choso remember me!' - thought Itadori, moving forward.

The land is large, full of rubble and surrounded by abandoned buildings. The sun was already setting and the moon was beginning to illuminate the area, creating dramatic shadows.

Itadori was determined to make his brother remember him again. Choso, with his serious and resentful look, is already waiting, his body tense and prepared for combat.

Itadori runs towards Choso, his fists clenched and ready to attack. He throws a series of quick punches. - "CHOSO!"

The pink-haired boy shouted his brother's name, which scared the older brother. - "HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!" - Choso said, irritated by this information.

The older man dodged every blow from Itadori. - 'I forgot how good Choso is in melee... He's awesome!' - thought Itadori.

Itadori walked away again. - 'I have to bring him to a more closed environment...' - Itadori thought.

After Choso dodges each of Itadori's blows, He responds with a jet of compressed blood, attempting to pierce Itadori.

Itadori jumps to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack. He uses his brute strength to pick up a metal beam from the ground and throw it towards Choso, trying to knock him off balance. - 'I have to bring him into that building!' - thought Itadori.

Choso uses one of his blood techniques to create blades of blood that extend from his hands, cutting the metal beam in half before it reaches him.

Itadori, undeterred, channels the cursed energy into his fists, increasing the power of his attacks. He runs towards Choso again, this time using unpredictable movements.

Choso tries to keep his distance, firing more blood projectiles. However, Itadori deftly dodges, each time getting closer.


This shook Choso a little, but he didn't let it put him off. - "WHO IS KENJAKU?!" - Shouted Choso

The two are face to face, exchanging fierce blows. The ground around them shakes with the intensity of the battle.


Itadori takes advantage of an opening and lands a powerful punch to Choso's stomach, which sends him backwards. Before Choso can recover, Itadori grabs him and throws him against a concrete wall.

But Itadori feels a stiffness when he hits his brother, Choso shielded his body with blood. But Choso didn't just think about that.


Itadori turned away from his brother. - 'I will break the chains that imprison you, Choso!' - thought Itadori.

"You really are a danger to my brothers." - said Choso, creating a blood spear.

Itadori runs towards the abandoned building and Choso goes after him. The building is dark and claustrophobic, with narrow hallways, dilapidated rooms, and rubble everywhere.

Moonlight dimly filters in through the broken windows, creating a dark and desolate atmosphere. - 'I'm not going to use Sukuna's techniques against Choso, I don't want to kill him' - thought Itadori.

After the two entered the empty building, they were both visibly tired, but each of them had their own determination at this point.

Itadori strides through the dark corridors, his breathing heavy. He knows that Choso is somewhere in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to attack.

Choso, taking advantage of the darkness, hides in the shadows, using his blood manipulation ability to create traps along the way. He waits patiently, trying to buy time to recover.

Itadori moves cautiously, his senses on high alert. He notices a suspicious pool of blood on the ground and quickly jumps back, avoiding a spear of blood that emerges from the liquid.

'DAMN IT! I thought he was going to use the spear in his hands!' - Itadori thought quickly.

The pink-haired boy feels his brother's presence behind his back. - "I won't fall for that again!" - Itadori said, preparing to take the blow from Choso's spear.

But Choso's spear crumbles and explodes in Itadori's face, blinding his younger brother.

Choso stabs his brother in the stomach. In the past, Itadori would probably die there, but not now... Itadori retaliated by punching his older brother in the face, throwing him away.

Itadori uses reverse cursed energy to heal himself.

"From the looks of it, you know how to use reverse cursed energy." - said Choso.

"I learned from the best...." - Itadori said smiling at his brother.

Choso doesn't respond, just advances with a series of quick attacks, using blood blades formed in his hands. Itadori dodges and counters with his own punches and kicks, each movement calculated to maximize impact in narrow spaces.

The fight intensifies when they enter a room full of rubble. Itadori picks up a piece of broken concrete and throws it towards Choso, who deftly dodges it.

Choso, using the blood spread around the room, creates blood whips that he wields with dexterity, trying to trap Itadori. Itadori, with his agility, jumps and rolls to avoid being captured, using the rubble as cover.

In one swift movement, Itadori uses the cursed energy to destroy part of the wall, creating a wave of debris that hits Choso.

Both are visibly tired, but their eyes show that the fight is not over yet. Choso decides to use his most powerful technique: "Blood Flow - Crimson Blast". He concentrates all the blood around him into a sphere, preparing to launch it at Itadori.

'the density of the blood is so great that it could pin me to the wall or-...' - Itadori's thought is interrupted with the ball of blood expanding and throwing Itadori against the wall that explodes.

The room collapses, throwing Itadori out. Choso uses another blood sphere. Itadori, knowing he needs to act quickly, focuses his own cursed energy. He moves forward, ignoring the pain and tiredness, towards Choso.

At the exact moment Choso throws the sphere, Itadori uses all his strength to dodge and, in one fluid movement, hits Choso with a devastating blow infused with cursed energy.

Choso is thrown against the wall, the sphere of blood dissipating, creating a smaller explosion that lights up the room for a brief moment. He falls to the ground, exhausted and unable to continue fighting. Itadori, panting, slowly approaches.

Itadori: "You fought well, Choso. But that fight is over."

"....You.... Are strong..... But you haven't spoken yet.... Who is this Kenjaku?...." - said Choso, sweating heavily.

"Kenjaku is the Man who deceived you, Keshizu and Eso..." - Itadori said.

'How does he know about my brothers' names?!... It's not possible... Maybe...' - thought Choso.

"But you may know him as Kamo Noritoshi." - this surprised Choso.

"Our father!" (or mother)

A spark messed up Choso's mind. - "STOP LYING TO ME!" - Choso shouted while using his blood manipulation.

A line of blood spread around the brothers in the shape of a circle. The empty building had several floors. - "Be careful with the head." - Choso said

The circle of blood propelled the platform to the top floor. Itadori punched each ceiling to avoid being crushed.

The platform was in the sky, the closest thing to them was a crane.

About that...

Saber had finished using her Noble Phantasm to attack Rider. - "Tsk.... Where is Itadori at a time like this..."

Saber had realized that Rider was no longer with Irisviel, something happened. - 'That's what I thought.... I was fooled. I'm not going to waste my time with him now, I need to find Itadori.' - Saber thought.

Saber turned his bike around and left, leaving Rider and Waver confused.

"She just leaves?" - said Rider confused.

"Really.... I don't understand what happened." - said Waver, just as confused.

About that...

Itadori dashes forward with impressive speed, his fists coated with cursed energy. He throws a punch straight at Choso's face, but he manages to dodge it at the last moment, countering with a side kick that sends Itadori flying to the edge of the platform.

Itadori Yuji and Choso stare at each other with determined eyes, each breathing heavily as the tension between them grows. They stand on the edge of a narrow platform, a deep chasm below.

Choso, with his blood manipulation skills, launches a flurry of blood blades towards Itadori. Itadori narrowly avoids it, feeling the air cut close to his face.

The two collide, exchanging quick and precise blows. The ground beneath them shakes with the force of each impact. A particularly strong blow from Choso hits Itadori in the stomach, causing him to stagger backwards, nearly losing his balance and falling off the edge. Itadori recovers at the last second, his boots slipping off the edge of the cliff.

'Choso... It won't be long before I free you.' - thought Itadori.

He charges forward again, using his superior speed to surprise Choso. Itadori throws a series of punches, forcing Choso to retreat. But Choso is not easy to beat. With an agile movement, he dodges and counterattacks, catching Itadori by surprise with a kick to the side, which knocks him to the side of the platform.

Itadori grabs the edge with one hand, his legs dangling in the air. Choso approaches, thinking the fight is over. But Itadori, with one last effort of strength, propels himself back up, using the momentum to throw a powerful upward punch that catches Choso in the chin, sending him reeling.

Now it's Choso's turn to almost fall. He struggles to maintain his balance, his boots scraping the surface of the platform. Itadori wastes no time. With a quick movement, he grabs Choso's arm and pulls him close, their faces just inches apart.

"We can't continue like this" - Itadori says between heavy breaths. - "But i wont give up."

Choso is tired, but he doesn't give up.


Several blood bubbles appear across the scene, Itadori sees no other way out but to escape from there. The pink-haired boy jumped onto the crane closest to him. The full moon illuminates the top of a tall, precarious crane located at the abandoned building's construction site.

Choso, seeing that his attack didn't work, jumps to the crane that Itadori was on. The wind blows strongly, shaking the metal structure and increasing the tension in the air. Itadori Yuji and Choso, both injured and exhausted, now find themselves in even more treacherous terrain.

Both face each other at the top of the crane, knowing that any false move could be fatal. The wind howls around them, and metal creaks beneath their feet.

"Choso, let's end this once and for all!" - Itadori said.

"Only one of us will be victorious." - said Choso.

Choso runs towards Itadori, his steps are steady despite the unstable structure. Choso attacks first with a powerful punch, which Itadori blocks with difficulty.

'I need to prepare my last attack, this time it will be a Kokusen, this should wake him up' - Itadori thought.

Choso uses his blood manipulation technique to create a long spear, which he uses to attack Itadori. Itadori deftly dodges, moving with precision over the crane's narrow beams. The crane swings violently as Choso trades intense blows. Itadori manages to grab Choso's spear and breaks it with one swift movement, forcing Choso to use his bare hands.

"I didn't ask your name.." - Choso said while attacking Itadori.

"It's Itadori Yuji." - Itadori said, dodging the blow.

Choso focuses all of his remaining power into one last blood technique. He creates a circle around him, ready to explode in a wave of lethal blood. Itadori realizes the imminent danger and knows he needs to act quickly.

With a blast of cursed energy, Itadori leaps over Choso, avoiding the initial blast. He comes down with a final blow, concentrating all his strength and energy into a single punch.

Itadori's punch hits Choso with devastating force, breaking Blood's defense and sending him flying backwards. Choso is thrown against the structure of the crane, the energy of the impact reverberating through the metal.

The crane creaks and sways dangerously, with clear signs that it is about to fall. Itadori Yuji is trying to save his brother, Choso, who is being manipulated by Kenjaku.

Itadori is on top of the crane, with Choso standing in front of him. Choso's eyes are filled with confusion and anger, clearly under Kenjaku's control.

"Choso, you need to wake up! Kenjaku is manipulating you!" - Itadori said, trying to wake up his brother.

"Shut up!.....I'll end this, now." - said Choso in a cold and distant voice.

Choso attacks with renewed fury, using his blood manipulation techniques to create projectiles and blades that he hurls at Itadori. Itadori nimbly dodges, trying to find a way to free his brother from manipulation.

Itadori spits blood to distract his brother. The crane begins to tilt dangerously, the cables and metal structure giving way. Itadori and Choso fight atop the swinging structure, each movement now a fight against time and gravity.

Itadori blocks an attack from Choso and uses the opportunity to get closer, trying to reach his brother with words. - "Choso, you don't have to do this! Kenjaku is using you! After he finishes using them, all ten of our brothers will be discarded!"

'How did he-?!' - Choso's thought was interrupted. Choso hesitates for a moment, but his mind forces him to continue, making him attack with even more ferocity. Itadori realizes that there is no other option but to fight with everything he has.

Suddenly, the crane starts to collapse. Itadori and Choso fall along with the structure, struggling as they fall. Itadori clings to a metal beam, holding Choso with his other hand.

'Choso, I'm going to get you out of this!' - thought Itadori. In a desperate move, Itadori uses his "Dismantle" to destroy a part of the crane, to prevent the crane from falling on them.

They continue to fall, as Itadori approached Choso, the pink-haired boy prepared his final blow.


They land on the ground with a violent impact, but Itadori rolls to absorb the shock, quickly getting up to face Choso. Kenjaku's manipulation begins to weaken upon impact, and Choso appears momentarily confused.

"Now is the time, Choso! Fight it!" - Itadori said encouragingly.

"W-Why don't you kill me?" - Choso asked.

"What a stupid question.... Because you're my brother."

Choso falls to his knees, panting, as Kenjaku's influence dissipates.

Choso's expression was scared. He writhed on the ground, as if memories of him with Itadori came back.... His memories of a past that never existed.

In his memories, Choso and his brothers, along with Itadori, were sitting at a table eating.

Itadori picked up a fork and twirled a noodle around and handed it to his younger brother Keshizu.

"That damn thing..... KAMO NORITOSHI!!!" - Choso said, shouting in anger.

Itadori approached his brother. - "What's up? How's your head feeling now?" - Itadori said smiling at his brother.

His smile fades when he sees his older brother crying.

"I-I... Tried..... to kill my brother...." - said Choso crying. - "I do not believe that!..."

"It's not your fault, Choso... " - Itadori said, comforting his brother.

'This time will be different, I won't kill my brothers again... When this war is over, I will come after you, Kenjaku.' - thought Itadori.

Choso got up and hugged Itadori as he cried a lot.

"Glad you're back... Big Brother."

End of chapter 20

AoiroHikari1 AoiroHikari1

We have finished the fourth and penultimate volume. starting next week, we will start the fifth and final volume, and I will post two chapters a week. (THE MAN IS CRAZY!)

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