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Capítulo 10: Chapter 10

There are a few AU things like the Hightower layout...


As the carriage approached the city entrance Rhaegon could already see quite the amount of people gathered outside the gates, quite a good amount of guards controlling and separating the smallfolk, making a clean path in the road, where in the center of it where a large group waiting for us.

Rhaenya glanced outside, all the curious onlookers peering from behind the guard line who had gathered to catch a glimpse of them and their dragons.

"Look at them," Rhaenya said, her voice laced with a mixture of amusement and disdain. "All of them, gathered like moths drawn to a flame."

"They're here for the spectacle of it all," Rhaegon replied, leaning closer to the window. He was a little dissatisfied but he knew that in the future after his family conquered the realm this would be a normal occasion, so he needed to get used to it.

"Do you think they'll try something?" Vaenya asked, her brow furrowing.

Rhaegon shrugged, thinking about potential dangers. "They're curious more than anything. Fear tends to keep people at bay." He let the words hang in the air, knowing full well that fear had a way of shifting allegiances and also make people do stupid or senseless things.

As they approached the city gates, the carriage came to a halt. Rhaegon's eyes appreciate the grand procession awaiting them.

Two men were in front of a large group of people waiting to welcome them. The doors of the carriage swung open, and Rhaegon stepped out followed by his family, he could feel their gaze weighing on him, almost palpable in the air. He inhaled deeply, ready to embrace the attention.

When Aegon took the lead stepping in front of us, the two men in front on the other side approached. "Welcome, Dragonlords," Manfred greeted, his voice steady. "I am honored to receive all of you honored guests in Oldtown."

"This an epoch in the lives of the people in Oldtown, that will mark them for the rest of their lives, as for the first time they got to glimpse seeing a living Dragon and their Dragonlords in this city and Westeros."

"I am Manfred Hightower, Lord of Oldtown.

The doors of our city, one steeped in history and the Faith of the Seven is open for all of you." His eyes shifted briefly to the large crowd of smallfolk gathered behind the guards, noting their hushed murmurs and eager glances. He knew this was a moment they would speak of for generations.

With a graceful motion, Manfred gestured to the robed figure standing beside him. "May I also present His Holiness, the High Septon Alexander."

The High Septon stepped forward, his age evident in the creases of his face, yet his bearing was regal, clothed in white and gold robes embroidered with the seven-pointed star. His hands, covered in rings of silver and gold, were raised in a gesture of blessing.

"You are welcomed here under the light of the Seven," the High Septon said, his voice both soothing and exalted. "May their light guide your steps while you remain among us. We offer you our most sincere hospitability in the sight of gods and men."

The crowd, still uncertain but respectful, murmured in approval as the High Septon's words carried over them. Some whispered to one another about the majesty of the dragons and their riders, others stared wide-eyed, unsure of what to make of these visitors.

Aegon Targaryen, composed and dignified, took a step forward, inclining his head slightly to acknowledge the words of welcome. His silver-gold hair glimmered in the sunlight, and the imposing stance of his family added to their almost otherworldly presence.

"I am Aegon Targaryen of Dragonstone," he announced, his voice calm and strong. "And these are my family accompanying me, Visenya, my wife, and our children, Rhaegon, Vaenya, and Rhaenya."

The smallfolk erupted into a mixture of cheers and whispers as they witnessed the High Septon and their lord openly show respect and hospitality to these foreign Dragonlords.

Slowly, those in the crowd began to follow suit, emboldened by the acceptance of the leaders they revered.

Rhaegon was smirking inside at the wording of his father, if he said instead that Visenya was his sister and wife, and we children of that union the smallfolk and religious fanatics would go crazy cursing us of abominations of incest, maybe they would be bold enough to despise us openly excluding their fear, fuck, thinking about it he nervously put his hand on the pommel of the sword and was a thought away from calling Deathwing to burn this place to the ground.

Then Manfred to not annoy the Targaryens starts a simple ceremony under the eyes of all the people and sends a look to the High Septon who catches it and starts talking.

As the High Septon raised his hands, a hush fell over the crowd. "In the name of the Seven, may peace be upon this gathering."

"We gather here today to offer protection and goodwill to our esteemed guests. The House Targaryen is a part of Westeros as the lords of Dragonstone, and we honor their lineage by extending the sacred Guest Rights."

Aegon nodded, his expression relaxed but still solemn enough. The crowd was restless the majority, not even knowing until today the existence of House Targaryen or Dragonstone, after all, to this day and year the realm wasn't a single kingdom, there were multiples and in war, almost all the time, for the major part of the smallfolk has not left the Reach in their lives, some not farther away from Oldtown, if they knew they lived under their king Mern IX Gardener it was already worthy of praise.

A Septon carrying a golden tray that seemed to be completely gold with bread and salt approached and gave it to Manfred who stepped in front of Aegon.

"Bread and salt," the High Septon declared, gesturing toward the offerings. "With these gifts, we welcome you under our roof and into our hearts. May the Seven bless this union of hospitality."

As the ceremonial bread and salt were presented, Rhaegon stepped forward to partake in the ritual as the rest, while feeling the eyes of the crowd upon him and his every move. He grasped the bread firmly, the grains rough against his palm, and raised it to his lips, swallowing hard.

"May our bond be strong," he murmured, the words as much for himself as for the assembly.

The High Septon continued, his voice steady. "No harm shall come to you while you remain in Oldtown. This is a vow, binding us in honor and respect."

The crowd murmured in approval, some nodding, while others remained skeptical. Rhaegon could sense the tension; not all were convinced.

Once the ceremony concluded, the crowd erupted in polite applause, though Rhaegon noticed the subtle undertones of murmurs as they began to disperse willingly or not with the city guard at their back sending them away. He caught snippets of conversations that weren't to his liking and felt a flicker of annoyance.

Rhaegon exchanged glances with his sisters and they followed their parents while being flanked by the Hightower men, who separated and kept a watchful eye on the crowd while the Warrior's son formed a protective barrier around them.

"Do you think they'll really keep their word?" Rhaenya asked, her voice low as they stepped on the long main cobbled road going inside the city and appreciating the picturesque buildings around both sides of it.

"Only time will tell," Rhaegon replied, hand in the pommel of his sword to get hold of something as they followed Manfred and the High Septon deeper into the city. "I actually wish this is a peaceful stay, but also I'd rather not be caught off guard."

"Keep your head, Rhaegon," Visenya advised relaxed but still at arms away from her children in case something were to happen. "We need to appear diplomatic and generous. It's the only way to be well received."

Rhaegon while still accepting her advice still scoffed a little "Diplomacy doesn't guarantee safety always."

The city was alive, vibrant with the clamor of daily life, as the Hightowers led them through the winding streets filled with people, the smallfolk looking from their homes or in the road were curious and cautious as they passed.

Before long they stopped walking when they got near a crossroad where luxurious carriages were waiting for them.

As they walked in their direction, the High Septon offered invitations for a visit to the sacred heart of their faith in Westeros. "You must come to see our sacred ground the Starry Sept," he insisted. "We hope you will join us at some point during your stay."

"I would be honored," Aegon replied, his tone respectful, though Rhaegon could see that he wasn't very enthusiastic in his eyes. And because of that, he wondered why he let himself get crowned by the faith for the second time, maybe just to make his throne firmer across Westeros except for the North where they believe in the Old Gods.

Manfred then extended an invitation to visit the Hightower itself. "You and your family shall have the pleasure of staying with us," he said, his voice rich with hospitability. "We will ensure your comfort during your time here."

"Thank you, Lord Hightower," Aegon replied with measured gratitude. "We accept your invitation."

After that, they boarded the carriages along Manfred Hightower, and as they approached the Hightower, Rhaegon's gaze drifted to the towering structure. It loomed over the city like a sentinel, its shape unmistakable against the skyline.

A little amazed that they could build something that tall on that island with their technology. Supposedly being the tallest structure in the Seven Kingdoms, even higher than the seven-hundred-foot Wall, they must have used a damn good architect for it.

Once inside it was more pleasant to be, the castle walls blocking the sea breeze, as they entered the first floor of the main building, being a grand hall for holding court, with the banners of a tower and flames on top, with a modest seat two steps high from the ground.

Rhaegon took in the lavish decor where the Hightowers tried legal cases and offenses from the smallfolk and noble's houses subordinate to them alike.

They stayed there for a while as Manfred pompously introduced the place and their house history, before moving to the second floor, there was a ballroom and also a dining hall and kitchen connected through big arch walls to the terrace that goes outside atop the roof of the first floor, the Hightower was designed as a high cake, big circles of structure atop others as floors.

On the exterior of each circle, there was a garden and trees looming around it, with places to sit and enjoy the day observing the sky or the sea in the distance, he could see the same pattern repeating on the next floors looking up.

The next few sections of the tower going up there were living quarters until the top of the tower was the beacon.

"These servants will guide you to your accommodations" Manfred pointed out to a few girls waiting at the side. "Where you can rest if you wish or you can wander around the tower visiting the place."

"We are preparing a feast in your honor in the ballroom, where I would present you to my family and delight if possible with the entertainment of my court"

"We appreciate your warm welcome, Lord Hightower" Aegon smiled a little at the fawning.

"Not taking any more of your time, I would leave you to your devices, girls please show our esteemed guests their rooms," Manfred says with a smile before going away to the first floor.

"M'lords please come this way" One of the girls bowed her head while talking and then started going to the next floor as the other followed her, the hallways echoed with their soft footsteps as they led them up to the higher floors while the tower of the Hightower still impressed him as they ascended.

The one leading them, a young servant with flaxen hair and a timid smile, paused before a set of finely crafted wooden doors. "M'lord, m'ladies, these are your chambers," she said softly, gesturing to the twin rooms. "Lord Aegon and Lady Visenya are across the hall."

The chambers were opulent, with fine tapestries lining the walls and plush bedding laid out on a grand four-post bed. The maids began to explain the various accommodations, bathrooms, wardrobes, and sitting areas that are on the terrace of this floor of the tower.

He exchanged a glance with his twins, Rhaenya, as they stepped into their shared room. The moment the doors closed behind them, the two sighed in unison, their formal postures dropping.

"Finally," Rhaenya muttered, sprawling across the bed. "I thought that ceremony would never end."

Rhaegon chuckled, pulling off his boots. "Such a bother, but I guess at least we are now settled until we go back home."

They observed briefly around, appreciating the comfort of the room as they tried the bed relaxing on it but that peace was soon interrupted as Visenya swept into the room.

"Aegon and I are leaving for a short while," she informed them, her tone leaving no room for argument. 

Rhaegon raised a brow, already sensing where this conversation was headed. "And what about us?"

"You are to remain here," Visenya said, eyes narrowing as if anticipating their protest. "Do not cause trouble, and certainly don't go wandering about the tower. There will be time for that later."

Rhaenya gave a mock salute from her bed. "Yes, Mother."

Visenya didn't seem amused, but she chose to ignore the jab. "Stay in your rooms. The feast will be prepared shortly, and I expect you three to behave until then."

With that, she left them, the door closing softly behind her.

Rhaegon waited for a moment, listening to the sound of their parents' footsteps fading down the hall. Then, with a mischievous grin, he turned to his sister.

"You're not actually planning to stay here, are you?"

Rhaenya rolled her eyes. "Of course not. I want to see the top of this tower. The beacon... it's said to be the highest point in Westeros. We can't miss the chance to explore it."

"Exactly what I was thinking." Rhaegon grabbed his sword belt, fastening it securely. "Come on, let's go then."

But before he was about to get up the twins looked at each other then pulled him again into the bed and immediately jumped into his arms, giggling and planting kisses on his neck.

"Not so fast brother, finally, we're alone! We didn't get our kisses today!", Vaenya exclaims excitedly.

Rhaegon chuckles and wraps his arms around his sisters, hands roaming over their back backs before long groping their perky little asses encased in their leather pants.

He captures Vaenya's lips in a heated kiss, tongue delving into her mouth to taste her sweetness. Rhaenya whines and presses herself against him, wanting attention too.

"Mmmm, brother...touch us more! It feels so good when you kiss and grope us...", Rhaenya moans into his neck.

Rhaegon breaks the kiss with Vaenya and turns to Rhaenya, kissing her just as passionately. His fingers find the ropes of their tight leather tops and tugs it down. The garments fall away, exposing the girls' budding breasts. Rhaegon cups the soft mounds, thumbs flicking over their hardening nipples.

"Ah! Brother, that feels sooo nice! We're getting all tingly down there...", Vaenya gasps excitedly.

Rhaegon smirks and slides a hand into Vaenya's pants, finding her wet slit. He rubs slow circles over her sensitive pearl, making his sister moan and buck her hips.

Rhaenya watches with wide, curious eyes before Rhaegon's other hand delves into her pants too, stroking her pussy.

"Oooh! I've never felt anything like this before! It's so intense!", Rhaenya exclaims with a little trembling legs taking hold of his brother's arms for stability.

The twins writhe and moan as their brother works them closer to climax, inexperienced bodies quivering with pleasure.

Rhaegon's cock strains in his pants, aching to be free. He stops for a moment before he decides to finally guide the girls to kneel before him, as he sits in the corner of the bed and pulls out his throbbing member. The sisters gasp at the sight.

"Wow, it's so big and hard, brother! What should we do?", Vaenya with curiosity in her eyes asks.

"Can we touch it? I want to make you feel good too!", Rhaenya inquires while extending her hand mid-air.

Rhaegon nods, surrendering to his dark desires, eyes with lust. The twins tentatively reach out and wrap small hands around his shaft, stroking gently. Rhaegon groans at the sensation while feeling this immoral arousal, he is sure that if he dies he will go to hell in an express train.

"That's it, just like put your mouths on it.", Rhaegon teaches them how to follow up.

Vaenya and Rhaenya look at each other uncertainly before leaning forward and licking the tip of his cock, tasting the bead of precum, seemingly liking it as they get more enthusiastic.

They take him into their mouths, one on each side, and begin to suckle. Their inexperienced technique is sloppy and messy but feels amazing, he felt almost exploding right there.

Rhaegon's hips buck as he fucks their mouths alternating while the other licks his sides, grunting with pleasure.

The sisters gag a bit as he hits the backs of their throats but keep sucking eagerly. Rhaegon pulls out and strokes himself to orgasm, thick ropes of cum splattering the twins' faces and hair, admiring his artwork.

"Mmmm! So warm and sticky!", Vaenya and Rhaenya exclaim in unison.

The girls scoop the cum into their mouths and swallow it down, savoring the taste with dreamy eyes. Rhaegon pulls them up and strips off their remaining clothes before laying them on the bed. He joins them, holding the naked sisters close and caressing their bodies.

"You did so well, my sweet baby sisters. I love you both so much.", Rhaegon talks softly to them as he relaxes from that pleasure, there is nothing that compares to having your own beautiful sisters as lovers, the pleasure from such a sin, is a drug like no other.

"We love you too, brother! Can we do this again soon?, it's been so long since we did something like this", Vaenya asks giving him a cute look.

"Yes, please! That felt incredible! I never want to stop feeling this good.", Rhaenya agrees supporting her sister.

Rhaegon kisses them deeply for a moment and then says "You will feel more incredible in a moment" before he moves to kneel between Rhaenya's parted thighs, trailing tender kisses along the smooth skin of her legs, making his way slowly to her most intimate area. Rhaenya trembles in anticipation, inexperienced body aching for his touch.

Rhaegon inhales her musky scent before diving in, lapping at her wet folds with the flat of his tongue. Rhaenya cries out, back arching off the bed as shockwaves of pleasure course through her. He focuses on her sensitive clit, flicking the bud with the tip of his tongue and suckling gently.

"Aah! Ahh! Brother, it feels s-so good! Don't stop, please don't stop!", Rhaenya pleads.

Her hips buck against his face as he drives her higher, she quickly approaching the peak.

Rhaegon extends a finger playing with her clit, at the same time that he licks her folds. That's all it takes to send Rhaenya over the edge. She throws her head back with a silent scream, pussy clenching around his tongue as she comes undone.

Wave after wave of ecstasy crashes over the young girl as Rhaegon continues to lap at her spasming slit, prolonging her climax. He doesn't stop until her tremors subside and she collapses back on the bed, chest heaving. Rhaegon gives her mound one last kiss before moving to Vaenya, who watches with hooded eyes, aching for her own release.

He settles between her legs and begins the same sensual assault, licking and sucking at Vaenya's pussy like a man starved. Vaenya quickly loses herself to the intense sensations, hands fisting in the sheets. She grinds against Rhaegon's mouth shamelessly, chasing her rapidly building pleasure.

"Yes, yes, yes! Oh gods, brother, I'm going to...I'm...AAAHHH!", Vaenya screams.

Vaenya's climax hits her hard, pussy gushing and coating Rhaegon's chin. He laps it up greedily, helping her ride out the waves of bliss. When her orgasm finally ends, he crawls up her body and pulls her into his arms, cradling Vaenya against his chest.

Rhaenya snuggles in on Vaenya's other side, both girls basking in the afterglow. Rhaegon kisses each of them softly on their lips. His arms come around to cup their breasts as he holds them close, hands kneading the soft mounds.

"My perfect little sisters...I love you both so much. You're so beautiful and perfect.", Rhaegon whispers.

"We love you too, brother. Forever and always.", Vaenya responds.

"Yes dummy, we love you.", Rhaenya says while snuggling in his neck and kissing him there.

Rhaegon smiles, settling in the bed as his sisters curl around him intending to rest for a while before the feast starts.

Bobainox Bobainox

The next chapter coming soon...

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