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Capítulo 3: Chapter 3

The party was a huge success, I got Sona's approval, planted the idea of becoming a peerage member in Rias, made a good impression on devil high society, and finally I introduced my peerage then announced my entry into the rating games. 

It was quite a bit of work; I think I should take a break within my inner world. 

In truth I never leave my inner world since I always keep my parallel existence active with my clone, but sometimes I just want to forget about the outside world. 

Once there I took in a deep breath only to choke due to the thick smell of sex in the room. 

On the bed I can see my other self surrounded by six beautiful women. Daenerys Targaryen, Erina and Alice Nakiri, Margaery Tyrell, Sansa Stark, and finally Missandei. Since I had the ability to purchase all of them, that's exactly what I did. 

The way the system works is both simple and yet complicated. The more powerful the world and the individuals within it, the more points it will cost me. In the case of universes with little to no powers their system can be purchased for only a few thousand points. 

For example, Planetos only cost me 12,600 points and that's mostly due to the dragons and the little magic within. Food wars on the other hand had been only worth as much as 4,170 points and that's due to the cooking skill of the people within. I found worlds worth as little as 10 points whilst others such as Tensura or gods forbid Marvel were in the hundreds of trillions. 

Now as for the characters they can, such as with Daenerys, cost almost as much as the world system itself. The original Dany alone set me back 9,000 points. But honestly, I say it was worth it. Daddy needed his mother of dragons.

Of course, I am not crazy enough to spent so many points without a way to make them back. 

Something I discovered after my mother gave birth to our first son is that I get points based on the child. The more potential it has the more points I get. 

My first son gave me 3,670 points, that gives him the potential to reach between the middle and the peek of ultimate class if he gives it his all. In comparison my daughter with Artoria granted me 98,220 points. Her potential is equal to that of the Heavenly Dragons. 

Daenerys gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. The boy had the potential to reach the low ultimate class (1,750 points), and the girl has the potential of a mid-ultimate class (2,110 points). 

With this rainfall of newborn children came the Childcare Subsystem as my fourteenth-birthday present. It granted me the ability to take care of my children without the need of ever interacting with them if I so wished it, not that I have. Children bring happiness into the world so of course I would take care of them myself, only I now had the ability to delegate the more tedious tasks to summoned maids and a couple of wet nurses.

I intend to buy a lot more women from the system, but I must accumulate as much as I can to strengthen myself and rapidly clime the Rating Games. I have a brother in the top ten and as powerful as I am I get my ass handed to me every time we spar. This of course isn't because he's stronger than I am, no, even if he has greater reserves, I am technically more than powerful enough to beat him however that would mean revealing abilities such as my Light manipulation, my Parallel Existence skill and my fallen angel powers.

I can't justify those powers and so I refrain from using them. 

Most of what I can show comes from my affinities, since I am a Phoenix, I can easily justify all of those powers, the problem is that whilst they can keep me in the game indefinitely, I just can't muster enough power to take down those who are on the same tier of power as me, not unless I make it a drawn-out fight. 

No matter I am here to relax so I should forget about all of that. 

Recovering from the smell I jumped at Dany and gave her a big hug. On my left is Missandei, one of two pregnant women on this bed. The other being Margaery with her second one on the way. 

However, I must have made too much noise since the doors to the room were slammed open, there came running Rhaella, my daughter with Dany, we named her after her mother.

'Uhh, I came to relax you take care of her.' I communicated with my other self.

He must have felt how tired I was since he would usually argue about it. 

"Say Dany, should I summon your mother and make her a part of the harem?" Mother daughter play is second only to cuckolding. Maybe I should also summon Jorah Mormont then tie him up in some corner and force him to watch as I screw his Khaleesi.

Yeh, now that I check he only costs 60 points, I don't mind spending that much for some enjoyment. The problem is that unlike those I summon with my breeder system Jorah could rebel. You know what I will do that next time. 

"My master, I would love to meet my mother and joining your harem would be an honor for the both of us." This being the real Daenerys Targaryen moments before her death, she believes me to be an all-mighty god who has taken pity on her and honestly, she isn't too far from the truth. Even if I am not all mighty the system most definitely gives me the potential to rise above all others. 

'Say system how much for Rhaella Targaryen?'

'The original is worth 3,780 points and 1,090 for a copy.'

(AN/ for those who don't get it the original means taking the real one out of her world and bringing her to the MC whilst a copy serves as a double created with all the memories and experiences, Dany is the real one who arrived moments before her death whilst the others are copies)

'That's a bit too much, I think all those with magic in their blood will have their value in the thousands minimum.'

"Well then if you please me and bare me another child I will reunite you with your mother." And I will enjoy you begging for more whilst she licks the cum dripping out of your hole.

No other words needed to be said, Daenerys turned into a wrestler, mounting me, and riding my dick with enough force to completely dismember anyone else. Having been turned into a devil, all the women here have enough power to kill any human by simply having sex with them. 

Then again this is what I wanted; I am too tired to satisfy them so instead I rather leave everything to them.




Our love making lasted for half a day, after which I received a notification that Dany has been impregnated. I took my time designing our daughter before I congratulated her. Immediately after I summoned a copy of Rhaella Targaryen and watched the teery reunion between them. 

I let the two of them get reacquainted and took my pet dog Sansa for a walk outside. 

This inner world of mine is simply splendid. No one to annoy me, a beautiful view filled with nature and women on their hands and knees serving me.

And to think that this will become the norm from now on. I am one day away from upgrading it to Lv2 and with that my authority over the time within will skyrocket. A single hour outside will mean a year and a half inside. 

That will give me time to truly enjoy my life whilst going on adventures in the outside world at my own leisure. At the same time, I can dedicate more time for studying and training, those are what grant me the most points outside of children which I will also work on since I intend to create a civilization made of only my descendants, all living within me. 

Imagine me being in a battle, outnumbered and outmatched only to turn all Gilgamesh on those fuckers but instead of weapons my portals will shoot children in the ultimate class and above. I can't wait for something like this to happen.




'Congratulations master your inner world has risen to Lv2.'

At the same time the system notified me, I readjusted the time variation to the max in favor of the world within. 

With this done I felt truly free, and to celebrate I decided to do something I wanted to do for a while now.

I opened the system, entered the breeder subsystem, selected Planetos and looked through the characters available and selected:

The original Cersei Lannister: 270

And copies of:

Lyanna Stark: 1,390

Rhaenys Targaryen: 6,900

Visenya Targaryen: 4,210

To celebrate I purchased all four of them for a total of 12,770 points, leaving me with 260,330 points. I had already decided to dedicate 60,000 points to characters from One Piece, so I changed the system specifications and started looking for those within my price range.

Alvida: 52,000

Baby 5: 29,000

Belo Betty: 49,000

Carrot: 60,000

Charlotte Galette: 56,000

Domino: 17,800

Kalifa: 46,000

Koala: 21,000

Kozuki Hiyori: 1,000

Makino: 250

Nico Olvia: 13,500

Portgas D. Rouge: 300

Sadi: 19,000

Shalria: 200

Tashigi: 60,000

The good thing about the breeder subsystem is that it allows me to buy the women with all the potential within them even if they themselves start off weak. 

To start with I selected the celestial dragon Shalria and Makino for a total of 450 points. Similar to Missandei they will be servants to the others. 

In my harem there exist a hierarchy, at the top are those to whom I grant the status of wife, this currently consists of my mother only since Sona has yet to join. Bellow that are the mistresses, women I enjoy spending my time with, I dote upon them and make their life the closest to heaven since my wives also have the responsibility to keep the harem working properly. This grants them total authority over the mistresses and the servants. If they so desire, they could punish anyone who isn't a wife in whatever way they please. Last are the servants, they are women to whom I put little value and so I will only rarely interact with them. Their role is to serve the others, making them a tool to instill a sense of power in the mistresses, whilst making their lives easier. 

Servants are usually assigned to a mistress or wife as in the case of Missandei who serves Daenerys. I have yet to get enough servants for the others but for them to instill a sense of power in those above them in the hierarchy they must have some import either to me or the one they are serving. Cersei will be the second servant assigned to Daenerys. I have no doubt that Dany will make her life a living hell but then again that's exactly why I got her the original. 

Don't forget I am a devil, the screams of torture is music to my ears, though Dany will need to wait to take her revenge since Cersei has yet to pay back what I spent on her.

Next, I selected Kozuki Hiyori and Portgas D. Rouge, I have yet to decide if they will be mistresses or servants but that doesn't matter right now since its time to spend big! 

Nico Olvia was my first proper purchase of over 10,000 though sadly for her she will be a servant. The reasons I bought her are two, first she no doubt carries great power within her and second her knowledge and willingness to learn will no doubt help me when I make her my secretary. 

Last was my most expensive purchase ever, worth more than I have spent ever since I got the system, pushing me over the spending limit, Charlotte Galette. Being the daughter of the strongest woman in her world of origin and retaining her devil fruit powers, I have no doubt that she will be a great addition. Although it's too bad for her since she will no doubt be a servant, same with most of her sisters when I get enough to buy the pretty ones. I will give her to either Erina or Alice since although they are both mistresses for the moment, I still make them cook for me and the kids, then again, it's something they enjoy so it might just be a reward for them. 

With Galette and her devil fruit at my disposal I might just enter the butter business since she can create literal tons of the thing. 

All in all, this spending spree came to 71,250 leaving me with 189,080 points. Seeing how much I ended up spending I almost had a heart attack. In truth not including the rewards from achievements other than children and birthday presents, I have spent more than I managed to earn through years of studying and training. 

At this point I might as well go all in and simply work on having as many children as I can. The only problem being the breeding system only guarantees a pregnancy once every three years and as a devil my chance for reproduction without it is simply abysmal. I even tested it out in the Phoenix domain, I bedded well over a hundred maids without the use of the system and not a single one of them ever got pregnant. 

Now that I think about it the system has always favored me being who I am. The rewards I get are all related to me being a devil with the blood of a Phoenix. Fire, wind and life affinity are all related to who I am. 

I am not supposed to be studious but instead I should have others work only for me to reap all the benefits! I am a Devil! I should embrace sin! 

'How stupid could I have been? This isn't a game; the system is here to please me not the other way around!'

'Indeed, master I am here to grant all your desires.'

Fuck it! That's exactly what I am going to do. 

Immediately after coming to that realization, I exited my inner world and rushed to my mother. As soon as I reached her, I shared my new plan with her and had her work on the details. I then rushed to summon my peerage and without explaining anything I sent them to my inner world.

This will be the first time for all except Artoria to be there, but I will explain everything once I join them. 

"It's done, I told your brother that we are going somewhere private to train you and your peerage. But just so you remember I need you to return me here so that I can give birth."

Nodding I quickly grabbed her and back to my own heaven we went.




 40-years later in my heaven:

"Darling it's time we return." That was Akeno whispering into my ear.

"Ohh nooo… Darling you can't leave, having only one of you here is simply not enough!" whined Rin Tohsaka.

"She's right, you should create more clones of yourself. You said you had a way to create abilities, please use it." Robbin why must you be so smart.

"Sorry girls I need to keep the third clone, I will be starting quite a few businesses in the outside world. But don't worry I will return the world's time to its previous state, only when there are two or more of us within will it return to its maximum variation." 

I can't believe I just spent 40 years in my own personal heaven. This has been the best decision of both my lives.

As I reflected on my time spent here both my mother and peerage surrounded me.

Artoria brought her hand to my face and nodded, "It's time we leave, don't forget we can comeback anytime you wish can we not? Traveling the multiverse and beyond. You can't do that if you don't even travel the universe you were born in."

"Yes, you're right it's time."

As I said those words, I activated the return function. 

Author's note: people asked if the MC will be clapped by other gays, the answer is a big fat Heeeeeel No. the way I imagine it was turning the MC into a girl for some occasional Yuri or even turning his girls into futas on occasion. Don't forget he is a devil sin is in his blood and depravity is his primary directive. I am ticking to character I am making rather than turning him into some emo kid lost between what he was and what he's become. And for god sake please don't ever mention Issei and the sleeping together, I feel like trowing up. not because of the questionable nature of the act which would fit the MC's character but because it's fucking Issei.

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