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Capítulo 2: Chapter 2

An/ I am making some changes in this chapter, instead of thing taking place in his tenth birthday it will instead be during his fifteenth birthday. I will add the missing birthday rewards at the end.

Today is my and Riser's fifteenth birthday and in true devilish fashion we invited every one of note within the underworld, from the Four Great Satans to the 72 Pillars and their children of similar age, all were invited. 

In truth this event shouldn't have been so grand but due to me reaching the ultimate class at such a young age everyone within the family wants to show me off to the others. At the same time, I was the one who asked mother to invite so many important figures so that I get in touch with Rias and start my plan to turn the heiress of Gremory into my queen.

This way I won't have to marry her and instead turn her into my servant. Sorry Rias lovers but she is not wife material, too much of a spoiled brat but at the same time I still want her, and so I will get her come what may!

Riser's betrothal with Rias is still intact and given her character she will do anything to get out of it. 

This also brings up the question, who should I marry? My mom warned me that my dad started looking for a bride for me. In truth I am not against marriage but that's mostly to establish a hierarchy, servants at the bottom, mistresses in the middle and my wife or wives at the top ruling over the rest and creating order. 

To be a wife she would need to have a certain demeaner innate to them, leaving me with two choices Seekvaira Agares and Sona Sitri. I personally know them both and I consider them both as friends, especially Seekvaira we knew each other since I was four. 

I laid back on my bed next to my sleeping mother, caressing her until she awoke.

"Morning darling."

"Morning mother, about our talk last knight I've made my decision, I will marry both Seekvaira Agares and Sona Sitri, I hope there is no problem with that." 

I could feal her going stiff and I understood her thoughts for one marring two pure blood heiresses won't be easy and for two she is displeased since I did not mention either her nor Ravel who I told her I would marry when she comes of age so that no one could get their hands on my little sister. 

"I will do my best, although I can't promise anything in regard to Sona, her sister has been shielding her from any marriage proposals." She sighed. "I wish I could tell the world that I am yours, if only as your mistress."

"Worry not, though this child will also be acknowledged as my brother I intend for the next to be born within my inner world, I am close to upgrading it and by doing so I will have a greater control over time within it." And that's true, instead of allowing my world to grow any further I have poured all I have day and night to upgrade it to Lv2. According to the system when I do my control over it will skyrocket, to the point of turning a week into a decade. That way I will be able to bring her within and start creating a real population within it. We've made a schedule where she would bare me at least one child every three years. This way she would be satisfied as a breeder, and I can keep our little secret. 

I stripped the upper part of her garments and started drinking my breakfast. At the same time, I could feal my fountain of milk opening the fossettes, both those above and the one bellow. 

"Yes, drink mommy's milk and grow strong my darling. Reaching the peak of Ultimate class at fifteen you truly are my pride and joy…"

I ignored her ramblings and instead focus on finishing up quickly so that I can get my day started.




Twenty minutes later I was done sucking her dry and, on my way, to see the newest member of my peerage. It's been about five years since Akeno joined as my bishop, she was all depressed at the time, but she found a friend and a sister in Tsubaki along with protection within the Phoenix clan. 

She started smiling a lot more recently. I imitated the Gremory way of adopting my peerage members, that's why I pushed my mother to treat the girls as her own daughters. And indeed, it worked. 

Although if there is one thing, I am dissatisfied with is the headache Baraqiel made after he learned that I took in his daughter as a peerage member. 

The sky on the border between demon and fallen was covered with clouds with the sound of thunder and lightning bolts shooting around. People were scared that the fallen would declare war.

I was even visited by Sirzechs Lucifer trying to convince me to give Akeno back to her father. This is something that wouldn't have happened if he was the one who got his hand on her which is why I ignored him entirely. At the end he annoyed me so much that I blew up on him and told him to do his job as Lucifer and piss off. 

That was the funniest moment of my life, I threw him completely off guard and managed to break Sirzechs' mask. Imagine being scolded by a ten-year-old when you are acknowledged to be the strongest of your race. The look he gave me is right up there with the first time I watched my mother undressing all shy and blushing. 

No matter, hypocrisy is in our blood. 

As I entered the garden, I found Akeno and Tsubaki playing whilst Artoria watched over them. They were so cute that I burned the sight into my mind. I joined in the fun for a while until we had to get ready for the party. 

Usually, the maids are the ones that would dress me for such an event however mother insisted on doing so herself, even when pregnant she looked absolutely stunning in her dress. Maybe I should say that because of her pregnancy she glows the way a Phoenix should. Given how hard it is to give birth for devils people really do envy her. 

"Oh, my little Revy you look so dashing in your suit."

"So do you mother, so do you. I can only imagine how many women are in envy of you right now." I smirked.

"That's all thanks to you, I don't know if I told you but there are a great many devils who become dedicated breeders and never get to have more than one child." She got closer and whispered, "Yet here I am being turned into a breeder myself, to think the son I birthed would plow his own mother like a broodmare and turn her into his own Lilith, sometimes I wonder if I didn't just give birth to the reincarnation of Lucifer himself."

She might just be right.

She took my hand and brought it up to her bulging belly before lowering it to her pussy. "In truth I wouldn't mind, if anything I hope you use me as much as you can. If anything, I am still willing to kill your father and brothers if it makes things easier." She looked at me with puppy dog eyes, but I just shook my head.

"We can't do that, at least not until I enter the top ten of the rating games. Once I do you will poison father and I would have married Seekvaira Agares and Sona Sitri making me the lord of both houses, that way you could move in with us and the children that will be born within my inner world will be free to enter the wider world if they so wish it."

"You and I will repopulate the phoenix clan all our own, I will do the same with my wives and even the Gremory girl. At that point all the clans who are in need of repopulating will come and offer me their daughters which I will accept on the condition they make one of my children the heir of their house. By then the entirety of the high-class devils will share me as an ancestor. Thus, making me the de facto leader of the devils, not even Zekram Bael would have as much sway as I would." My plan is both devilish and pleasurable.

We finished dressing and made our way to the ball room. There we greeted our guests following which I joined those in my age group.

Sadly, the moment I came close I found Raizer making a fool of himself whilst annoying the Gremory heiress. I ignored him for the moment and instead joined Sona to present the idea of us marrying. 

"I am not saying no however you will have to defeat me in one contest of my choice, if you do, I will agree to marry you and will even abandon my ambition to join the rating games and create an academy." She looked at me seriously whilst articulating every word. 

"So, what you're saying is that If I defeat you, you will become a proper housewife, is that it?" I couldn't help but give her a funny look. In truth I never intended to make her quit but if she's offering then I am most definitely partaking.

"Indeed, defeat me and I am yours, do with me as you wish. My parents have long wanted to betroth me to a pure blood devil, I also understand that I have no choice but to do so at some point. That's why I decided to stop running and honestly, I rather marry you than some imbecile like your twin, he must have been dropped on the head as a newborn." 

"Why not just accept my proposal? I don't mean to brag, but I have it all, wealth, power, intellect, and as the cherry on top I am hell a handsome." I gave her a cocky look to which she giggled. 

"Yes, yes you are all you say you are but I… I…"

"You what?"

"I want to be dominated; I want my husband to prove that he is better than me in what I am best at." She said all flustered, "In truth becoming a housewife is what I want but at the same time I want to be allowed to participate in the rating game, those things run contrary to each other and yet I want them both." 

"Hmm, I understand then I am guessing your challenge will be related to intellect."


"Then I have no doubt I will win, so let's talk about what comes next." I took her hands and dragged her with me towards the garden for some privacy. "Tell me Sona, can I trust you with a big secret? This secret is related to our future as husband and wife so be honest."

She quickly answered, "Of course you can, we are best friends. I wouldn't betray your trust as you said the challenge between us is mostly a formality, if you lose then you would have done it on purpose."

I dragged her closer and enacted a voice canceling barrier, "I have a way to guarantee pregnancy and as my future wife I intend for you to bare me a great many children. I will also marry Seekvaira so you should know that the two of you will become sister wives and breeders." She gulped, "If you want to prove yourself in the rating games then I will grant you permission but once every three years you will have to bear me a child, this is non-negotiable. During your pregnancy you will be forbidden from participating in the rating games. Once you recover following your delivery you can rejoin the games."

Sona straightened up in my arms and spoke formally, "If that is your wish lord husband then so it shall be. I am grateful for your leniency." Then she bowed her head. Formally acknowledging her first directive as my future wife.

"Now, now, none of that, at least not when we're alone, although I should add that I intend to take your friend Rias as my queen, I wander if you could help me with that?"

"You intend to make Rias, a high-class devil, the Gremory heiress, and the sister of the Lucifer himself your queen? Have you gone mad?"

"Well look at it my way she is a hot-tempered brat who does not wish to marry my brother…"

"Who does?"

"Exactly, and although Sirzechs is her brother he cannot intervene directly leaving him only indirect involvement through others, unrelated to him at that, to assist her. That leaves an opening, one that I can exploit to force someone with destruction to subordinate herself to me and by extension you." I explained my plan to Sona and explain that all I ask of her is to plant the idea in her mind so that when she turns truly desperate, she will not only think of it as a possibility but rather as her only way out of a loveless marriage. 

And let's be frank, if Sirzechs can stomach having Essai Hyoudou of all people as Rias' partner simply because she wanted it then I have nothing to fear from him. 

After coaxing Sona a bit more she agreed to my plan. Betraying her friend for her husband, although she made me promise that she would have authority over Rias, which I found hot, imagining Sona dragging her best friend Rias towards me through a leash whilst she is on all four then commanding Rias to beg for it with a whip on Sona's hand... That is paradise. 

Having finished my talk with Sona we returned to the ball room and separated so that I can start my plan. 

As I thought Rizer was still making a nuisance of himself, but that's fine it works in my favor. 

"Greetings lady Gremory, it has been quite some time since we last met." I gave her a small nod of my head in greeting.

She couldn't keep the relief off her face and almost jumped onto me. 

"Hello Revy, it's been too long, how about we catch up." She ran my way, took my hand and dragged me to the other side of the hall.

"Well, I am not against having some fun together but doing so in front of your fiancé didn't cross my mind." I teased her.

"Oh, please don't mention him in front of me, you know I am against marrying him." She snorted in displeasure. 

"I am sorry about that, although I might have a way for you to end the engagement… actually I doubt it would work, just forget it." And here it begins.

"You do?! Please I would do just about anything!"

"Well, you see, if you subordinate yourself to a devil of greater status, such as an Ultimate class devil, you could ask them to intercede on your behalf. If they get the approval of the four Satans then they could in theory force a rating game on Rizer. If they win, then you would belong to them, and you will not have to marry anyone your family forces upon you." 

She was so hopeful in the beginning but subordinating herself to another is too much for her to accept, at least for now. After all subordination in devil society is no different to selling oneself into slavery. 

What I just offered her was indeed a way out but one that would cost her just about everything else she has. 

"I… I can't do that…"

"I know, that's why I said it wouldn't work, you would first need to find someone willing to take you in, which wouldn't be much of an issue usually but with Sirzechs as Lucifer I doubt, they would want to anger him in such a way. Then again you could try to force a rating game between you two and as long as you have a good enough peerage you might win your freedom yourself."

Then again, I already took her queen and although Koneko has yet to join my peerage officially, she is still under my roof taking her out of the equation. 

"I heard you are assembling your own peerage, could you tell me about it, I will of course give you the information I have about Rizer's peerage." 

Let's see what she got her hands on. 

"Hmm… Yes, I currently have one knight, a boy with the Sword Birth Gear. He's quite skilled both in its use and as a swordsman. My Brother recently brought a vempire boy who I turned into my bishop; he possesses the Forbidden Balor View although he suffers from some issues when it comes to control. But my most powerful servant is my Queen…" Interesting Akeno's replacement. "Raynare a former fallen angel turned devil…" 

Ok wow, the butterfly effect is strong on this one. How in the world did Raynare, the one who should have killed Issei, now a part of Rias's peerage?

I was so shocked that I tuned her out. I never intended to steal the boosted gear, but I still kept an eye out for Issei, however I now know that the story is likely a lot more messed up then I first thought it would be. 

After recovering from my shock, I told her about everyone of Rizer's peerage and made them look weaker than they are. I mean they really are weak with only Yubelluna as average, but I wanted Rias to underestimate Rizer. 

Name: Revy Phoenix

Age: 15

Race: Part Devil, Part Fallen

Points accumulated: 273,100.

Racial traits: Great Demonic Power, Immortality, Hell fire, Light manipulation

Secondary traits: Perfect Memory, Magic Eyes, Chastity-Chastity Fruit 

Affinities: Life affinity, Fire affinity, Wind affinity

Resistances: Light Resistance, Holly Resistance, Demonic Resistance


Tier 2 according to current world: Ultimate class 

Ranking in the Rating Games: N/A


Available subsystems: Life Simulator System, Breeding Subsystem, Summoning Subsystem, Childcare Subsystem

Available Worlds: Tensura Subsystem, Fate Subsystem, One Piece Subsystem, Planetos Subsystem (12,600 points), Food Wars (4,170 points)

Tensura Subsystem acquisition: Unique Skill: Parallel Existence


Marked as Important in inventory: Inner World, infinite bag of cookies, Heal-Heal Fruit, Phoenix tears, Broadsword, jewelry subsection, wealth subsection. 



Lady Phoenix (2), Daenerys Targaryen (2), Artoria Pendragon (1), Erina Nakiri (1), Alice Nakiri (1), Margaery Tyrell (1), Sansa Stark (1), Missandei (0)


Revy phoenix Peerage:


Rias Gremory as Queen (pending)


Akeno Himejima Bishop 1

Tsubaki Shinra Bishop 2


Artoria Pendragon knight 1 

Xenovia Quarta Knight 2 (pending)


Kuroka Rook 1 (pending)

Rook 2


Rossweisse Pawn (pending)

Ravel Pheonix Pawn (soon)

Asia Argento Pawn (pending)

Koneko Toujou Pawn (Maybe)

Yubelluna Pawn (Maybe)

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