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82.82% Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel. / Chapter 82: Machine Man 80: Rise of the new Hero Team.

Capítulo 82: Machine Man 80: Rise of the new Hero Team.

As the group gathered in the center hall of the secret base, Splinter then began to explain how they came to be. His gaze settled upon Spider-Man, Nightbird, and Sand Man, his eyes reflecting a lifetime of wisdom and experience.

Splinter's voice carried the weight of years gone by as he recounted the tumultuous events of his past. "I was once a human, known as Hamato Yoshi, a ninjitsu master, part of an old clan in Japan who used to serve the Emperor, long before feudal times," he began, his tone tinged with nostalgia. "But after World War II, our clan was abolished, deemed no longer useful to the Japanese regime."

Spider-Man listened intently, his mind racing with disbelief at the revelation of Splinter's origins. "Wait, so your clan used to serve the Emperor of Japan?" he interjected, his voice tinged with astonishment.

Splinter nodded solemnly. "Yes, my young friend," he replied, his gaze distant as memories flooded his mind. "But our clan's vision and drive shifted when Oroku Saki my adoptive brother, now known as Shredder, sought to replicate Captain America's serum, hoping to gain the honor and prestige that we once had."

Nightbird nodded, recognizing the ongoing pursuit of replicating the Super Soldier Serum. "It makes sense," she murmured, her mind absorbing the implications of Splinter's revelation. She herself had inadvertently gained incredible strength and lizard-like regenerative abilities, by doing the same thing. While Sandman stayed silent, his expression unreadable as he absorbed the gravity of Splinter's words. The notion of such potent forces in motion sent a shiver down his spine.

"And so with the resources of the Foot Clan, we hired Eric Sacks and Dr. Kirby O'Neil," Splinter continued, his voice steady despite the weight of his memories. "They began to create a new form of super soldier serum by mixing human DNA and animals, hoping that with this we can get back our clans' honor."

Splinter continued, his voice soft yet filled with emotion. "And the experiment continued on for days to months, years…" he explained, his words tinged with sorrow. "Sacks were experimenting with chemicals, testing them on animals with the help of April's father. They were trying to create a compound called mutagen."

Spider-Man, Nightbird, and Sandman listened intently, hanging on every word as Splinter recounted the events that had shaped their destinies. They could feel the weight of his words in the air.

Splinter's voice trembled with emotion as he delved deeper into his harrowing tale. "Saki wanted to test the compound they had created on humans," he explained, his words heavy with regret. "But Dr. O'Neil warned him that the experiment was not ready, that it would have irreversible effects."

Spider-Man's brow furrowed in concern. "Irreversible effects? That sounds... ominous," he remarked, his mind racing with the implications of Shredder's reckless ambition. While Sandman's eyes flashed with anger at the mention of human experiments he knew people can be abhor, he just did not expect someone to go that far. While Nightbird remained silent, as she did the same experiment albeit to her own body.

Splinter nodded gravely. "Indeed," he replied, his voice tinged with sorrow. "I tried to reason with Saki, to prevent him from descending further into darkness. But his thirst for power knew no bounds." He then continued with the story, "He wanted to use the mutagen to create an army of super soldiers," he interjected, his voice tinged with righteous indignation. "To seize control of Japan and become its ruler."

Splinter's gaze grew distant as he recounted the tragic events that had torn their bond asunder. "Our paths diverged when Saki's ambition turned to madness. I tried to stop him, but he betrayed me and killed my wife Tang Shen as a warning to my actions…" he continued, his voice filled with sorrow. "But I can't let the clan fall further from grace, so I fought alongside April's father to thwart his plans, April's father set fire to the lab and delete all the data regarding the experiment, while I fought with my brother hoping to end his madness. "

Splinter's voice trembled with emotion as he recounted the fateful events that had shaped their lives. "Although successful, Dr. O'Neil was caught and killed by the Foot Clan's ninjas," he continued, his tone heavy with sorrow. "And it was then that Oroku Saki unleashed the experimental compound in its toxic state on me, hoping to end my life."

The group listened in stunned silence as Splinter described the harrowing moment, the lost of his wife, the betrayal of his adoptive brother and clan. They can't begin to imagine the emotion that Splinter must have felt and have been carrying all these years. Splinter continued, his voice tinged with sorrow. "The ooze spilled onto me and onto a group of baby turtles nearby."

Sandman listened in somber silence, his heart heavy with empathy for Splinter's plight. "I can't imagine what you must have endured," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "To face your own brother, family, clan and your loss..." Splinter's expression softened, his gaze meeting each of theirs with quiet resolve. "It was a dark chapter in our history," he admitted, his voice filled with quiet determination.

Splinter's voice trembled with emotion as he recounted the fateful events that had shaped their lives. "After the fight, I was battered and wounded, but my first priority was ensuring April's safety, it's the least I can do for the man who sacrifice so much for us." He confessed, his tone heavy with remorse. "It was then that young April, with her courage and determination, appeared. She secured the turtles, covering them in cloth and putting them in a container," he recalled how the young girl bravely saved the helpless turtles from the flames, "While I was badly wounded, I ensured that April would not be harmed in the ravaging fire." April nodded in silent acknowledgment, her eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and understanding as she relived the memories of that fateful day.

Spider-Man, Nightbird, and Sandman exchanged solemn glances, their hearts heavy with the weight of Splinter's revelations. In his words, they found echoes of their own struggles and triumphs, a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

"I was afraid that the mutagen might be toxic and if the Foot Clan knew I was still alive it might endanger little April, and so I left her in the safe hands of the authorities, I retreated into the shadows, carrying the young turtles who started glowing," Splinter continued, his tone growing more animated as he spoke of their journey. "It was in the depths of the sewers that the mutagen began to work its miraculous transformation. The turtles and my DNA mixed, and they turned into what you see them now. But it was also during this time that the mutagen combined my DNA with that of a rat from the sewers, and I was transformed into the creature you see before you." Splinter's words hung in the air, carrying the weight of a lifetime's worth of regrets and redemption.

The group listened in rapt attention as Splinter recounted the miraculous metamorphosis that had shaped their destinies. His words painted a vivid picture of growth and evolution, of embracing their true selves in the face of uncertainty and doubt.

"I saw April's fatherly loved and I knew I had to show that same love to the turtles," Splinter explained, his voice filled with paternal warmth. "And thus, I became their father, and they, my sons," Splinter concluded, his voice filled with paternal warmth. "Together, we faced the trials of the world above, guided by my ninja way of love and loyalty."

Spider-man, Nightbird, and Flint Marco nodded in understanding tearing up, you can even hear Spider-man blow his nose with a tissue, exposing half his face, their respect for Splinter deepening with each passing moment.

After Splinter's story had settled within the hearts of those gathered, Specter, the enigmatic figure who had brought them together, stepped forward. His presence commanded attention, and a hush fell over the group as they turned their focus to him.

A few hours passed and with everyone calmed down from Splinters emotional story, Specter who have gathered them together spoke gathering their attention. "Some of you might be wondering why I've gathered you all here," he began, his voice steady and authoritative. "The answer is simple: to form a new team."

His words hung in the air, weighty and profound, as each member of the group processed the implications of his statement.

"With the rise of new superheroes, the number of villains is also increasing, so do… the threat they possess." Specter continued, his tone grave. "To deal with that, we need to forge a team to tackle the new challenges that lie ahead." The group nodded in agreement, their recent encounters with villains have been challenging due to their enemies' forming groups of their own.

As the group mulled over Specter's words, Spider-Man, ever the nerd and self-proclaimed comic connoisseur, suggested a name for their newfound team. "How about Justice League?" he proposed, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Specter chuckled at Spider-Man's suggestion. "That's quite original, Spidey," he remarked, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "But does anyone have any other ideas? We can't go with that since it's a famous group in the comics." He pointed out that the suggested name came from a notable comic book.

The group fell into a spirited discussion, each member offering their own suggestions for the team name. Leo, the disciplined leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, suggested "Shadow Guards," reflecting his stealthy nature and formidable combat skills.

Donatello, the brainy inventor of the group, proposed "Tech Titan," highlighting his expertise in technology and gadgetry.

Raphael, the tough and fiercely independent turtle, offered "Crimson Avenger," embodying his relentless pursuit of justice and unwavering determination.

Mikey, the fun-loving and adventurous member of the team, suggested "Super Friends!!, it's a good name" capturing his carefree spirit.

Sandman, with his formidable control over sand, proposed "I think, Earths Mightiest Guardian, has a good ring." Symbolizing his commitment to protecting Earth and defending the innocent, feeling proud the name he suggested.

Nightbird, with her mastery of aerial combat and martial arts, suggested "How about, Sentinel Wings," reflecting her role as a winged guardian, the protector of those who can't protect themselves.

Finally, Spider-Man, ever the witty and quick-thinking hero, put forward "How about, Web-Warrior?" Paying homage to his iconic web-slinging abilities and unwavering dedication to justice. Specter hearing this can't help remember his past life when he read a wiki about a group with the same name and shook his head.

They offered their own suggestions, but they were met with mixed reactions from the group. Specter hearing all this think some of the names are actually good, but most of them are over the top and it doesn't actually embody the group as a whole, they need an easier to remember name. Something which they can stand by with.

Just when it seemed like they were at an impasse, April stepped forward, her gaze thoughtful. "Why not Overwatch?" she suggested, her voice soft but confident. "With so many of you working together to protect the innocent, it seems fitting."

The group fell silent, considering April's suggestion. After a moment, Spider-Man nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Overwatch sounds like a good name," he agreed, a smile spreading across his face. "But why Overwatch? What inspired you to suggest that?"

April smiled back, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "It just seemed to fit, with many of you watching over the city. Doesn't that feel like the villains are being 'over watch' now?" she replied cryptically, a playful glint in her eye.

Specter nodded in approval. "I like it," he declared, his voice filled with certainty. "Overwatch it is. But you got something wrong," he added, prompting a furrow of confusion on April's brow.

"What did I get wrong?" she inquired, her tone betraying a hint of concern.

Specter offered a reassuring smile before addressing her question. "I'm planning to make it big," he explained, his words carrying a sense of determination. "It will not end with just us, we will recruit more heroes into the fold and we will not limit ourselves to the city. Our target will be the protection of the whole world."

As Specter spoke of their mission to protect the world, the atmosphere in the base shifted, as if awakening from a slumber. The central supercomputer hummed to life, emitting a soft beep that drew the attention of everyone present. A holographic projection materialized before them, depicting the globe in vivid detail.

Different regions were highlighted with varying colors: green denoted stability and safety, yellow indicated minor disturbances that local authorities could handle, while red illuminated areas in need of urgent assistance. The display painted a stark picture of the world's current state, showcasing the myriad challenges that awaited them.

His gaze lingered on the projection, his eyes tracing over the areas highlighted in ominous black. These were the regions where the challenges seemed insurmountable, where the threats loomed large and could endanger anyone on the group but himself. He knew that their team, as it currently stood, was not ready to face such formidable adversaries. So, he made sure to keep this to himself for now.

He knew how these heroes usually suffer alone, doing everything they can to help those in needed even if they don't have to and he knew that he cannot force most in the group to stop. So, he hoped that now that they are in a group that the responsibility that rested on their shoulders, can now be shared and handled better in a group

But he also understood the limitations of their small fledgling team, the need to grow and strengthen their ranks before taking on more significant challenges. Sandman, who is eager to redeem himself and show his daughter he can do better, voiced the question that lingered in everyone's mind. "Boss, how are we going to get there?" he asked, his tone tinged with uncertainty, pointing out locations from different parts of the world.

Specter turned to face him, his eyes reflecting a sense of determination. "We have a means of transportation," he assured them. "Follow me." The group followed Specter towards the hangar where the Pelican ships are dock, their curiosity piqued by its futuristic design. April's eyes widened with wonder, while Spider-Man and Nightbird exchanged impressed glances. Even Sandman seemed intrigued, this is way better than the old HK-Aerial his boss was using with large twin turbines, the aircraft before him looks more sleek, militaristic and stealthy. His gaze fixed on the vessel before them.

Spider-Man's curiosity piqued as he gazed at the sleek spacecraft before them. "So, what's the specs on these babies?" he inquired, his eyes scanning the vessel's exterior.

Hearing his question, Skynet activated a holographic display, projecting an image of the Pelican ship. The group gathered around, their attention captured by the display as Skynet began to explain the ship's specifications and capabilities.

"Alright, listen up, everyone," Skynet began, her digital voice resonating with authority. "This is the Pelican ship. It's capable of handling over 10-15 people at a time."

As Skynet continued to detail the ship's capabilities, Spider-Man and the others listened intently, absorbing the information. The holographic display highlighted various features of the spacecraft, from its advanced propulsion systems to its cutting-edge stealth technology.

"The Pelican has full stealth capabilities, operating at Mach 3," Skynet explained. "However, if you push it to Mach 5, the stealth function will be compromised."

Her warning hung in the air, a reminder of the limitations they would face as they embarked on their journey. Skynet's digital avatar flickered slightly, conveying the gravity of her message.

"And one more thing," Skynet added, her voice tinged with caution. "While the Pelican can go to space, I wouldn't recommend it, even taking it to the moon will be ill advice. If you're thinking about Mars, it'll be a long journey. With its Mach 5 speed, it would take approximately 1,500 days to reach Mars." While thinking they can't go there without her authorization anyway, specially when she and her father have found out that there are humans with advance technology living in the moon.

As Skynet elucidated the specifications of the Pelican ship, Specter couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. This we're old vessel once used by his praetorians. Since it's no longer needed and their obsolete, he left them in this old base. The ones being use in Arcadia are more advance and can easily perform a warp jump from Earth to the Mars in just minutes.

Hearing how impressive the ships capabilities are even its maximum speed of mach 5 which was unheard of before. Donatello and Ralph whistled in admiration, impressed by the ship's sleek design and impressive specifications.

Turning to Specter, Donatello voiced the question on everyone's mind. "So, we can fly them?" Specter nodded in affirmation. "Yes, you can," he replied. "But first, you need some practice, you can run a simulation in the danger room."

He gestured towards a nearby door, leading the group towards the simulation chamber. Inside, they found themselves surrounded by advanced technology, with robots of unknown makeup and illusion projectors lining the walls.

"This is the danger room," Specter's voice resonated, commanding attention. "Here, we can simulate real-life scenarios with different environments and test your skills in a safe environment."

The prospect of testing their skills in a simulated environment intrigued them, and the mention of facing off against their old foe, Shredder, only added to their eagerness. "You can even fight Shredder in his mechanical suit if you want, all without worry of dying," Specter explained, his tone confident yet reassuring.

Donatello couldn't help but gulp at the thought, his mind racing with the possibilities. "Dying, so broken bones are still a possibility?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

A mischievous grin played across Specter's face, hidden behind the visor of his cobalt helmet. "Of course, broken bones are still on the table, pain is the best teacher after all." He replied, his tone teasing. "But fear not, we got medical robots on standby. We even have a healing bay that can mend any injuries you sustain during your training."

Relief washed over Donatello's features as he processed Specter's words, reassured by the knowledge that they would be safe even in the face of danger. But he still can't help but winched at the idea of fighting shredder and having a few ribs broken again.

With their fears allayed, the group listened intently as Specter outlined the purpose of the danger room, emphasizing its role in their training and preparation for the challenges ahead. Each one in the group nodded in understanding, a sense of determination burning bright in their eyes.

As they stepped into the simulation, the air crackled with anticipation, the thrill of adventure coursing through their veins. Together, they would face whatever obstacles lay in their path, united by their shared purpose and unwavering commitment to justice.

With their team name decided—Overwatch—the group shared a moment of camaraderie and unity, knowing that they stood as a beacon of hope in a world filled with darkness. And as they embarked on their journey together, they did so with courage, determination, and the unshakable belief that they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

Ashinydecapod Ashinydecapod

My bad had to redit the chapter, thanks again.

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