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75.51% Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel. / Chapter 74: Machine Man 72 Military Reacts

Capítulo 74: Machine Man 72 Military Reacts

In the sleek, modern meeting room of Arasaka Towers, Alex Saburo Arasaka sat at the head of the table, his expression composed as he listened intently to the discussions unfolding before him. Around him, a diverse group of individuals from various departments within Militech and its affiliates gathered, their attention focused on the matter at hand.

Felicia Hardy, clad in her signature sleek attire, sat beside Alex, her keen gaze sweeping over the assembled group. She exuded an air of confidence and authority, her presence commanding the attention of all those present.

As the discussion turned to the recent surge in popularity of Militech Robots, Alex leaned forward, his interest piqued. "It seems that the Militech Robots have transcended their original purpose," he remarked, his voice measured yet authoritative. "No longer just tools of the military and police, they have become status symbols among the wealthy and elite."

The IT head nodded in agreement, his fingers flying over his tablet as he pulled up data on the growing demand for Militech Robots in the private sector. "Indeed, sir," he confirmed. "We're seeing a significant increase in sales to affluent individuals who see these robots as indispensable assets for personal security."

A program specialist chimed in, her voice tinged with excitement. "And it's not just security," she added. "With their advanced AI capabilities, these robots are being utilized for a variety of tasks, it seems your decision to have different data functions from household chores to personal assistance, have been well received sir."

A robotic specialist nodded in agreement, citing examples of how the robots' versatility was being leveraged in various industries. "Their adaptability and efficiency make them ideal for a wide range of applications, especially with the recent data shards we have been selling," he explained. "From construction to healthcare, they're revolutionizing the way we work and live."

As the discussion continued, representatives from the PR department outlined strategies for capitalizing on the growing trend, while those with connections to the police and military discussed potential collaborations to further enhance the capabilities of the robots.

As the discussion about the popularity of Militech Robots continued, Felicia Hardy, the COO of Arasaka Industries and Militech, leaned forward elegantly, her gaze fixed on Alex Saburo Arasaka with a serene yet determined expression.

"Alex, I have some additional information to report," Felicia began, her voice smooth and composed. "Our Militech Robots have been instrumental in uncovering various instances of misconduct within police precincts."

Alex's interest was immediately piqued, with the data being generated by the robots and all of the work being done by all the AI, Alex is now capable of comprehending and processing all of the information, this is due to the fact that Alex now had 666 satellite acting like super computers like an array of extra brain, assisting him with his thinking process. Although he really doesn't want to have this turned on all the time, because it has some minor complications, one major factor is that time seems to come to a halt for him, everything he sees; is in slow motion, even his movement can't catch up to his thinking process unless he turns on Sandevistan. Going back to the topic at hand, his gaze lock onto Felicia with keen attention. "Please elaborate," he urged, intrigued by the implications of Felicia's revelation.

Felicia nodded gracefully, her eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and determination. "Our robots have recorded evidence of egregious behavior, ranging from acts of racism to abuse of power and other forms of corruption," she explained, her tone firm yet composed.

Alex raised an intrigued eyebrow, captivated by Felicia's refined demeanor. "That's quite an unexpected development," he remarked, his interest piqued. "But it's a positive outcome nonetheless. It demonstrates the effectiveness of our technology in promoting accountability and transparency within law enforcement."

The IT head chimed in, providing additional details on the specific instances of misconduct uncovered by the robots' recordings. "The evidence is undeniable," he confirmed, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "And with our advanced AI algorithms, we can ensure that these recordings are admissible in court, leading to swift and decisive action against those responsible."

Felicia nodded, her eyes sparkling with pride. "Indeed," she replied with poise. "It's not only good to our companies image, it's also good for the common people as well. And with our army of lawyers at the ready, we can ensure that any legal challenges arising from these incidents are swiftly and effectively addressed."

As Alex is hearing this, he can't help but think about the money this is costing him, but it's all worth it. From the politicians he bribes and all the incriminating evidence he can use to black mail people. It will secure a foundation for his bigger plans in the coming future, something that will make the Earth more Super.

The IT head chimed in, offering additional insights into the technological advancements that had enabled the robots to detect and expose corruption within police ranks. "Our latest software updates have significantly enhanced the robots' ability to identify suspicious behavior and gather evidence," he explained. "It's truly remarkable progress."

As the discussion unfolded, Felicia gracefully guided the conversation, her demeanor exuding confidence and sophistication. She seamlessly integrated input from various departments, ensuring a cohesive and strategic approach to addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by the rise of Militech Robots.

As for Alex while the meeting is happening, his mind is on another matter. For years, he had been obsessed with the idea of unlocking the secrets of a certain green behemoth's incredible strength. The notion of channeling and amplifying emotions to enhance its capabilities had consumed him, driving him to push the boundaries of technology he can create to their limits.

With his thinking process, enhance by satellites like Zea acting as his secondary brain and vast resources at his disposal, Alex had developed the Ark Satellite—a revolutionary device capable of gathering and amplifying negative emotions on a massive scale. Some may laugh at the notion of Zero One but Ark is whole different branch of the technology. And now, with multiple versions of the Ark Satellite deployed in orbit, he stood on the brink of powerful breakthrough something that will provide him with no limits.

As he monitored the data streaming in from the satellites, Alex's excitement grew. The Ark Satellites was functioning flawlessly, its advanced sensors capturing the swirling currents of malice, fear, rage, hatred, despair, conflict, murder, ruin, extinction, destruction that permeated the world below. With each passing moment, the satellite gathered more and more of these potent emotions, feeding them into Alex's intricate network of algorithms and processors.

But Alex knew that he needed more than just raw data to achieve his ultimate goal. He needed the key to unlocking the true potential of negative emotions—the secret to harnessing their power and channeling it into a force to be reckoned with. He already has the means to create a powerful Ark Driver source to handle this, but he needs something more world breaking level.

And he can do that with the help of a Singularity, the living AI, by meticulous studying Skynet's ever-evolving programming, he had gleaned invaluable insights into the nature of living artificial intelligence and its capacity for adaptation and growth. Armed with this knowledge, he was confident that he could devise a means of imbuing himself with the same unstoppable resilience and power that defined the Hulk.

If that won't work, he still has another option. Something of a last resort, as he really don't want to go that route since it is uncontrollable. With the help of Predator Technology one of the highest DNA technology available, he can infuse DNA of other creatures into his own body, like the Hulk. But he wish he will never go that route, not only is it as the Chinese say poor peoples choice like mutation, he also deemed it inefficient.

With the Ark Satellite gathering negative emotions and his advanced AI algorithms poised to unlock his true potential, Alex knew that it was only a matter of time before his power surpassed even that of the Hulk and Thor. And when that day came, he would be unstoppable—a force to be reckoned with in a world where the line between man and machine had been blurred beyond recognition.

In Another Location, one of the Military Facilities.

In the dimly lit Strategic Operations Command Center of the army base, General Ross sat alone amidst the quiet hum of machinery and the glow of computer screens. The late hour found him weary but vigilant, his gaze fixed on the wall-mounted TV tuned to the NEWS.

As the TV broadcast unfolded, a reporter stood on the edge of the Culver University campus, reporting on the day's events. The sound of distant explosions reverberated through the room, accompanying footage of a dramatic battle.

"Rumors continue to swirl about a violent clash between forces of the US Army and an unknown adversary on the campus of Culver University earlier today," the reporter's voice echoed through the room.

The screen then displayed grainy footage of the Hulk amidst the chaos, captured by a cell phone.

"Very few outside the military got a first-hand look at their rumored adversary. Sophomores Jack McGhee and Kevin Feige were coming home from a hike and witnessed some of the battle. McGhee captured this on his cell phone," the reporter explained.

McGhee and Feige were then prompted to recount what they saw.

"Dude, it was like a huge and green... Like a Hulking figure. I mean like the way Steve Nash looks standing next to Shaq... Shaq would look like that standing next to this," McGhee described in awe.

Feige added, "Dude, it was so big. It was like this huge... Hulk."

The reporter nodded, taking in their descriptions before continuing with the report.

"Further search for the mysterious 'Hulk' was delayed by powerful thunderstorms in the Smoky Mountain National forest," the reporter concluded.

In the dimly lit Pentagon offices, General Ross watched the news report with a mix of frustration and determination. Clutching a pen tightly in his hand, he muttered under his breath, "Damn it..."

Standing up from chair, Ross's expression grew grave as he considered the implications of the runaway Hulk. His plan to make a super powered soldier army slipping from his hands, he needs to prove to the rest of the army that he can make America's army great again, "Soldiers should be the one fighting the battle, not some nerd behind a computer using robots!". He said, as he made his way to Army Base Hospital Ward cast a cold glow over the sterile hallway as General Ross and Cabot hurried down its length, their faces etched with concern. With each step, Ross's expression grew grimmer, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of the injured soldier they were about to visit.

As they reached the ICU door, Ross's voice cut through the tense atmosphere. "Has anybody found out if he has next of kin or family?" he inquired, his tone heavy with worry.

Cabot nodded solemnly. "You can ask him yourself, his heart and will is like a machine. I've only seen the same thing from horses." he replied, his voice tinged with amazement.

Pushing open the door, they entered the ICU to find doctors and nurses gathered around a bed at the end of the room. As they parted to reveal the figure sitting up on the bed, Ross's eyes widened in astonishment.

Pushing open the door, they entered the dimly lit ICU. The scene before them was one of controlled chaos, with medical personnel tending to the soldier lying battered and broken on the bed. Despite the machines humming softly around him, Blonsky's condition was grave. His body was a canvas of bruises and lacerations, his face swollen and bloodied. With only one eye open, he glared at them with a fierce determination that belied his weakened state.

Ross approached him, a mixture of awe and disbelief coloring his expression. "Good to see you, Soldier," he greeted, extending his hand in a gesture of camaraderie.

Blonsky grinned like a cat as he shook Ross's hand, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Pissed off and ready for Round 3," he declared, his eager to get back on his fit and have a fight with the Hulk again, to prove his metal to show his the best soldier and not some scientist who got luck with a mutation.

Ross clenched his jaw, his mind racing with thoughts of the Hulk, he will do anything to get that specimen under his hands. He needs to control that power that shock him a power like that of a God. With each passing moment, the urgency of the situation weighed heavily on him, driving him to action.

Turning to Cabot, Ross's voice was firm and resolute. "Get me access to the remaining super soldier serum," he instructed, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Blonsky needs to stand up again and fight. We'll do whatever it takes to capture the Hulk."

Cabot's eyes widened in surprise at the magnitude of Ross's request, but he knew better than to question the general's orders. With a silent nod, he hurried from the room, determined to carry out Ross's directive.

Alone with Blonsky, Ross's gaze lingered on the soldier's battered form. In that moment, he saw not just a man, but a symbol of unwavering dedication and sacrifice in the face of unimaginable odds. And as he watched Blonsky's chest rise and fall with each labored breath, Ross knew that he would stop at nothing to ensure that his soldier was given the chance to fight once more.

Meanwhile in a Pentagon.

In the dimly lit conference room, high-ranking military officials from various branches gathered to discuss recent developments in advanced armor technology. Among the topics of discussion were the Iron Man armor and the Zero One armor of Alex Arasaka.

General Mitchell, a stern-faced man with decades of military experience, cleared his throat to address the room. "Gentlemen, as you all know, we've been closely monitoring the capabilities of the Iron Man armor, developed by Tony Stark. Its impressive combat prowess and defensive capabilities have certainly caught our attention. It was even able to play with our best pilots and easily destroyed terrorist camps."

The room murmured in agreement, with several officers nodding in acknowledgment of the Iron Man armor's reputation on the battlefield. But it seems the one who always clamor about super soldiers is missing, "We're is General Ross sir"? One of the ranking officers in the room ask.

General Mitchell replied saying, "His on a wild goose chase with a monster he created. But right now, this is more important to us and to our country's defenses," he intoned.

"I know some of you are already up to date," General Mitchell continued, "but to let everyone in the room know, recent reports indicate that a new player has emerged on the scene: Alex Arasaka and his Zero One armor. From what we've gathered, this armor goes beyond anything we've seen before. Nano machines, space folding, warp technology... It sounds like something out of a science fiction novel."

A murmur of intrigue rippled through the room as the officers exchanged skeptical glances.

"I don't need to remind you all of the potential implications of such advanced technology falling into the wrong hands," General Mitchell said gravely. "Our enemies could gain a significant advantage over us, and we cannot allow that to happen. Although Arasaka is selling us Militech Robots, we must make sure that the armors he will be making will be on our hands only."

Colonel Reynolds, a seasoned tactician known for his strategic thinking, spoke up. "General, do we have any leads on acquiring either the Iron Man armor or the Zero One armor for our own use?"

General Mitchell sighed heavily, his brow furrowing with concern. "Unfortunately, our attempts to acquire the Iron Man armor have been met with resistance from Stark Industries. As for the Zero One armor, it seems to be closely guarded by Alex Arasaka who have politicians under his pocket. Even the president gave us a cease-and-desist order with regards to this matter, as he is afraid of pushing this golden egg to another country. We'll need to explore all other possible avenues of obtaining their technology, even if it means using underhanded means."

Colonel Reynolds, known for his meticulous planning, interjected. "But sir, Alex Arasaka and his Militech company have been providing as with new arms, I think there is a high chance that he might consider selling us the armor, by giving him some benefits? And if he did, how can we ensure that he won't peddle it to other countries?"

General Mitchell nodded, acknowledging the valid concerns. "We've been monitoring Arasaka closely, and there are indications that he might entertain the idea of selling the armor. However, we need to ensure that if he were to sell a Zero One Armor, that the United States is the sole beneficiary. We cannot risk allowing such advanced technology to fall into the wrong hands."

The room fell silent as the officers contemplated the implications. Acquiring the Zero One armor could tilt the balance of power significantly, but it also posed numerous risks.

"We'll must to approach this cautiously," General Mitchell continued. "We'll open negotiations with Arasaka, emphasizing better compensation for his company like land or private islands. Will even offer better benefits emphasizing on partnership. But behind the scenes, we'll ensure that our interests are protected. If Arasaka agrees to sell, it will be under the condition that the technology remains within our borders."

Colonel Reynolds nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Understood, sir. I'll begin drafting a plan for the negotiations immediately."

"Good," General Mitchell replied firmly. "We cannot afford to let this opportunity slip through our fingers. The Zero One armor could be instrumental in maintaining our military edge in an increasingly uncertain world."

As the military leaders reconvened to discuss the latest developments regarding Arasaka's technology, their focus shift on another matter, something more tangible and can be easily acquired.

General Mitchell wasted no time in switching on another matter, addressing the pressing matter at hand. "Gentlemen, we've just received latest intel, suggesting that Arasaka is preparing to release the Mark 4 Militech Robots onto the market. This presents us with a new set of challenges and opportunities that we must carefully consider."

"Here are the files detailing the capabilities of this new Robot, sir." a female office personnel, dressed in a smart office attire, approached with a stack of files in hand. With a polite nod, she began distributing the documents to each officer seated around the table.

Colonel Reynolds, voiced his concerns. "Sir, while the Militech Mark 3 Robots have proven to be formidable adversaries on the battlefield, should we really prioritize acquiring them over the Zero One armor? We've seen firsthand the capabilities of Arasaka's armor, and it far surpasses anything the Mark 3 robots can offer, it even outclasses the armor made by Stark."

General Mitchell nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging the valid point. "You raise a valid concern, Colonel. The Zero One armor undoubtedly represents a leap forward in military technology. However, we cannot discount the potential advantages that the Mark 4 robots could provide on the battlefield." He said, as he goes over through the files detailing the capabilities of the new Robot.

Another officer chimed in, offering a different perspective. "Sir, intelligence reports suggest that the Mark 4 robots will come equipped with limited flight capabilities, giving them a significant advantage in terms of mobility. Additionally, they will be more heavily armored and possess increased firepower, making them formidable opponents even for anti-tank personnel, even enemy tanks would look like a small jeep infront of it."

"Sir, in addition to their enhanced aerial capabilities and armor, the Mark 4 robots will also be equipped with an array of new weaponry," the officer stated. "They will have shoulder-mounted smart weapons like rockets and missiles, significantly increasing their offensive capabilities. Furthermore, their standard-issue weapons will be upgraded to deliver more firepower, and rapid fire allowing them to engage targets with greater precision and lethality."

General Mitchell nodded, absorbing the information. "That's a significant development, it seems the new robots will be geared for war." he remarked. "The addition of advanced weaponry will undoubtedly make the Mark 3 & 4 Militech Robots even more formidable on the battlefield."

The officer continued, "Additionally, there's a new function that's been added to the Mark 4 robots called the 'suicide bomber' mode, significantly more powerful than their counterpart Mark 3. In this mode, the robots are programmed to self-destruct, utilizing a small hydrogen fuel cell to create a massive explosion. This capability is designed to neutralize heavily fortified enemy positions, such as platoons of tanks or naval vessels as a last resort."

General Mitchell mulled over the information, weighing the pros and cons of each option. "While the Mark 4 robots may offer certain advantages, we must also consider the broader implications of acquiring them. By investing in Arasaka's technology, we inadvertently strengthen their position as a global military powerhouse. We risk becoming overly reliant on their equipment, which could compromise our national security in the long run."

However, another officer countered, "Sir, with the rise of robotic warfare, we cannot afford to be left behind. If we do not acquire the Mark 4 robots, we risk being outmatched on the battlefield by adversaries who possess superior technology. We cannot allow Arasaka to dictate the terms of modern warfare."

General Mitchell nodded in agreement, acknowledging the urgency of the situation. "You make a compelling argument, Colonel. We cannot afford to fall behind in the arms race, it seems we really have fallen in a deep pit called the Capitalist Emperor Arasaka. We will proceed with negotiations to acquire the Mark 4 Militech Robots, but we will also continue to explore avenues for obtaining the Zero One armor. Our goal is to maintain a balance of power while safeguarding our national interests."

With a plan in place, the officers dispersed, each tasked with their part in securing the future of the nation's military prowess. The race to acquire Arasaka's cutting-edge technology had begun, and the stakes could not be higher.

Ashinydecapod Ashinydecapod

I see some people questions like the insight project and hellicarrier but I really don't wan't to give out spoilers. I have not gone that far into writing yet, I'm still in Thors first appearance. But I have big plans for Hydra x Shield. And as always, Thanks for liking this half arse fanfic. Cheers~

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