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48.48% Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel. / Chapter 48: Machine Man 47 Meeting the Troops

Capítulo 48: Machine Man 47 Meeting the Troops

In the vast metallic expanse of one of Alex's hidden bases, he stood imposingly with his advanced Borg body. Now more robust, muscular, and larger than his usual form, the black and gold armored frame emitted an ethereal golden glow, symbolizing cosmic power. Intricately designed energy lines adorned his cybernetic form, creating a visual spectacle that resonated with celestial might.

The Praetorian soldiers, wearing the standard MaxTac Full Metal Gear Armor, saluted in unison. The sound of their right fists striking against their chests echoed through the militaristic chamber, accompanied by a collective shout, "The Praetorians greets the Emperor!" This disciplined unity defined the cyber-enhanced troops, numbering 50 in total.

Each Praetorian boasted unique cyber enhancements, from mantis blades to gorilla arms and high-powered launchers. Their MaxTac tactical helmets featured six green lenses, resembling insect eyes, completing their futuristic appearance. The Mark 2 Lancer Assault Rifle, modified for enhanced firepower, was their primary weapon of choice.

Despite Alex's ability to craft superior armor and gear, the urgency of the upcoming mission made their current equipment sufficient. Specially since their venturing to a land with Vibranium deposits, he'll be sure to upgrade their armor to something way better.

Addressing his troops with a voice carrying an air of authority, Alex declared, "My Praetorians, the time has come for us to embark on a mission of great significance. Skynet has unveiled a prehistoric land, we dub the Savage Land. Our goal is to explore and gather intelligence. We may encounter unknown challenges, but together, we shall overcome what lays ahead."

Rico, the esteemed commander, stepped forward, placing his fist to his heart in salute. "As the Emperor commands, we follow your will."

Among the troops, one individual stood out – Juan Rico Sanchez, the commander of the cyber-enhanced Praetorians.

During the simulation or as Skynet calls it "The Indoctrin" Rico had displayed an exceptional acumen for strategy and unwavering allegiance throughout the matrix simulations. Particularly in the fierce battles against the relentless Zerg forces.

Because of this, I choose to personally reward him by making his very own custom cyber enhancements, Rico's body underwent a transformation reminiscent of the formidable Jack 7. His limbs were replaced with state-of-the-art cyberware, the latest gorilla arms enhance with greater force than its counter part due to its massive size and pile driver function. Granting him abilities beyond the limits of human physiology, I could dare say if Captain America doesn't have that Vibranium shield, he can easily wipe the floor out of him.

His huge body is equip not with just subdermal armor, but actual titanium reinforce skin. If his ability and loyalty transition in real life like what he had done in the matrix. There is a high possibility that I will give him the same enhancement as the legendary Adam Smasher – a one-man army capable of facing any threat.

Alex nodded approvingly, "Rico, your insight is invaluable. As we delve into this unknown territory, remain vigilant." Then addressing the group I said, "My Praetorians each and every one of you plays a crucial role in this mission. Skynet has detected energy signatures and potential Vibranium deposits. Our objective is twofold – explore the Savage Land and, if possible, secure any valuable resources."

The soldiers responded in unison, "By your will Emperor! Our blood and steel as one." Their voice echoing in the compound.

With the troops ready and briefed, the Praetorians, clad in their cyber armor, marched with precision towards the Pelican Dropships. The metallic clang of their footsteps echoed in the vast chamber as they prepared for departure.

The ship underwent extensive customization, including the installation of upgraded engines and boosters, enabling it to achieve remarkable speeds of mach 3.5 while maintaining its stealth function and chameleon cloak. Disengaging the cloak unleashed its full potential, propelling it to speeds of mach 5. Each ship required a crew of three and one pilot to operate efficiently.

Each modified Pelican, capable of comfortably accommodating 15 passengers, retained the ability to carry a Warthog, ensuring versatility. 

The first four will be used to transport all the troops with me included. Each modified ship will be carrying the traditional Warthog, as for the fifth Pelican Ship its now carrying supplies and a 24 Mechanical Squiddy Drones that will be controlled by Skynet so we can prepare a base once we found a suitable place in the target area.

As the Praetorians settled into their seats, Alex initiated communication with Skynet through his neural interface. "Skynet, prepare the Pelican for departure. We're heading to the Savage Land. Rico, secure the troops and buckle up. We're in for a ride."

Skynet's digitized voice echoed in Alex's coms. "Acknowledged, Alex. Pelican systems are online, and departure sequence initiated."

Looking at the massive and reinforced doors, sealed shut behind them, the Praetorian settled into their seats. With a unified movement, the docking bay exit doors open up, the docking chamber began to be filled with water, creating an aquatic environment within the docking bay.

The Pelicans, equipped with submersible modifications, gracefully exit out of the base hidden tunnel beneath the sea. Upon exiting the docking bay doors closed

As the Pelicans navigated the underwater route in a slow, stealthy phase, the troops inside experienced only the subtle hum of the vessels. The journey beneath the sea was calm as the Pelicans glided through the open waters of America. 

As they had traveled far enough to ensure that no one can pinpoint their starting point and with no other vessels in sight, the Pelican airships quickly emerge from the water's surface creating a big splash.

Now airborne, the Pelicans flew through the skies, their MaxTac armor shining in the sunlight. Inside, the Praetorian warriors looked out of the reinforced windows, watching as the vast ocean disappeared beneath them.

As they journeyed through the skies, the Praetorians engaged in lively banter and strategic discussions. Rico, the esteemed commander, took charge of organizing the troops within the Pelican. "Secure your gear, Praetorians! We're entering the unknown, and I want everyone on high alert."

The soldiers, settled into their seats, conversed through their neural interfaces, exchanging information and observations. Alex, maintaining a direct link with Skynet, received real-time updates on the mission parameters. "Skynet, what's our ETA to the Savage Land?" he inquired.

Skynet's digitized voice responded, "Approximately 2 hours. Maintain readiness, we may encounter unpredictable atmospheric conditions."

As the Pelican cruised through the skies, the soldiers chatted about their past missions and guessed what they might face next. They were close-knit, having formed strong bonds through many missions in the matrix.

Amidst the discussions, Rico approached Alex, a holographic display projecting mission schematics in the air between them. "Emperor, we've identified potential landing zones in Antarctica which has the closest access to Savage Land."

Alex studied the holographic map, nodding in approval. "Good work, Rico. Let's ensure we gather as much intel as possible. We don't know what's waiting for us down there."

Rico addressed the troops, relaying the mission details. "Praetorians, we're approaching the Antarctica. Prepare for possible turbulence and remain vigilant. Our objective is clear – explore, gather intel, and secure any valuable resources. Stick to the plan, and we'll get through this."

"Hoorah!" The soldiers responded with determined salute and affirmative remarks through their neural interfaces. Skynet, ever vigilant, provided updates on the atmospheric conditions and potential obstacles they might face during the descent.

As the Pelican descended gracefully towards the desolate landscape of Antarctica, hovering over the coordinates Rico had identified as potential landing zones near a hidden cave entrance to the Savage Land.

The reinforced landing gears absorbed the impact with a series of hydraulic hisses. The Praetorians, led by Rico, swiftly disembarked from the airships, their metallic limbs clanging against the frozen ground. Alex Arasaka, the Emperor, stood at the forefront, observing the surroundings with a discerning gaze.

Rico signaled the troops to form a perimeter around the hidden cave entrance. "Secure the area, Praetorians! We need to establish a foothold before proceeding."

The Praetorians, armed with their advanced weaponry, fanned out in a strategic formation. The icy winds howled across the frozen landscape as they moved with precision and military discipline. Their cyber-enhanced senses, coupled with the MaxTac gear, provided them with heightened awareness of their surroundings.

Alex initiated communication with Skynet through his neural interface. "Skynet, deploy the shields and activate the holographic display. We need to conceal our presence and blend in with the environment."

Skynet's digitized voice responded, "Acknowledged, Alex. Deploying shields and activating holographic concealment."

In an orchestrated display of futuristic technology, translucent shields emerged from hidden compartments within the Pelicans. These shields, capable of generating electromagnetic pulses, enveloped the Praetorians and the airships, rendering them virtually invisible to radar and surveillance systems.

Rico, surveying the holographic display, nodded approvingly. "Thank you for your excellent work, Princess Sky. We're now concealed and ready to proceed. Let's move into the hidden cave entrance and begin our exploration of the Savage Land."

The Praetorians, now concealed by the shields and holographic camouflage, approached the hidden cave entrance with cautious steps. The icy cavern beckoned like a mysterious portal into the unknown. Alex led the way, his Borg body emitting a faint golden glow amidst the frozen surroundings.

In the dead of night, Ghost, the T950 terminator, stalked through the shadows of the urban jungle, following the directives of Skynet to hunt down the elusive mastermind behind the criminal organization responsible for the attempted murder of his creator, Alex.

Perched atop a towering building, Ghost activated his chameleon cloak, blending seamlessly into the darkness as he scanned the area for any signs of his target. Meanwhile, Skynet processed data streams from surveillance cameras and communication networks, analyzing chatter from the mercenaries involved in the operation.

Through the network, Skynet monitored the mercenaries' conversations as they discussed their opponent's reputation. One voiced arrogance, underestimating Ghost's capabilities, while another cautioned against complacency.

Mercenary 1 leaned in, his voice crackling over the coms. "Let him. He's used to dealing with street punks and untrained gangsters. Those small-timers from Hell's Kitchen might be shaking in their boots, but not me."

Another one, his tone firm, chimed in, "Hey, don't underestimate him. He might surprise us."

Another mercenary, sounding a bit more relaxed, joined the conversation. "Come on, guys. Those Hell's Kitchen folks are blowing this out of proportion. He's not some kind of bogeyman. Besides, he hasn't faced off with the big leagues yet."

As Ghost slipped through the ventilation ducts, he silently observed the guards stationed throughout the building. They were equipped like professional soldiers, likely mercenaries hired for the task at hand. But to Ghost and Skynet, their training and gear made little difference.

Ghost moved through the shadows with precision, swiftly incapacitating one guard with a well-executed sleeper hold. As the unconscious guard slumped to the ground, Ghost silently approached another who stood guard by a nearby door.

"This doesn't make sense," the mercenary muttered, frustration evident in his voice as he examined his malfunctioning scanner "It says the Specter is behind me!?". He attempted to jostle the device, convinced it was malfunctioning.

Unbeknownst to him, Ghost had already closed in on his position. With lightning speed, Ghost seized the distracted mercenary, delivering a powerful blow that sent him crashing to the ground, unconscious.

Sensing another threat approaching, Ghost reacted quickly, tossing a shock grenade towards the door where a third mercenary was advancing. The unsuspecting mercenary was caught off guard by the sudden explosion, staggering back in shock as he lay unconscious on the ground.

Witnessing his comrade's plight, another mercenary rushed to his aid, as the mercenary stumbled forward, he was met with a powerful pull from Ghost's grappling gun, drawing him towards Ghost and leaving him vulnerable to a decisive blow that rendered him unconscious.

Amidst the chaos, a group of soldiers swiftly responded to the commotion, their footsteps echoing through the corridors as they converged on the scene. With practiced efficiency, they fanned out, determined to locate the elusive Specter.

Unseen in the darkness, Ghost moved with stealth, utilizing his chameleon cloak to remain hidden from view. With a swift motion, he activated his grapple gun, pulling another unsuspecting mercenary towards him. The mercenary was caught off guard, unable to react in time as Ghost delivered a precise clothesline that sent him crashing to the ground, unconscious.

Witnessing their comrade vanish, the soldiers exchanged uneasy glances, their leader barking orders to regroup. "Halt! Gather in a group," he commanded, his voice filled with urgency as they prepared to confront the unseen threat lurking in the shadows.

As the soldiers gathered in the middle of the room, their nerves on edge, Ghost remained hidden in the shadows, poised for action. With a sudden rush of movement, he descended from the ceiling, launching a swift kick that sent one of the mercenaries sprawling to the ground.

Panic erupted as the mercenaries realized they were under attack. Two of them opened fire with their machine guns, sending sparks flying as bullets ricocheted off the walls. Ghost moved with lightning speed, dodging the hail of gunfire as he closed in on his targets.

With calculated precision, Ghost disarmed one mercenary, wrenching the gun from his grasp before delivering a powerful kick to another. As the mercenaries scrambled to regain control, Ghost took aim, targeting vulnerable spots where their armor offered no protection.

The mercenaries' composure shattered in an instant, their voices trembling with fear as they struggled to comprehend the threat before them.

"What the hell is that? That can't be human!" one shouted, his voice laced with panic as Ghost's figure emerged from the darkness.

"He's here! I can't see him!" another cried out, his hands shaking as he fumbled for his weapon.

As Ghost moved with eerie grace, his presence looming over them like a specter of death, the mercenaries' fear only intensified.

"I can't take this! I'm getting out of here!" one of them exclaimed, his voice choked with terror as he turned to flee.

With deadly efficiency, Ghost picked off the mercenaries one by one, his guns blazing as he eliminated any threats in his path. As the chaos subsided, Ghost continued his relentless advance, closing in on the room where the mastermind awaited.

As Ghost entered the room, his scanners on high alert, he was met with an unexpected sight. A group of individuals, dressed in a variety of attire, stood before him, their expressions a mix of curiosity and malice.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" one of the vampires sneered, his voice dripping with disdain as he regarded Ghost.

"Yes, it seems he's the one meddling in our business," another chimed in, his tone tinged with disdain.

A young man, adorned in a tattered cloak and bearing a menacing grin, stepped forward, his eyes narrowing with curiosity. "It seems we have estimated our little guest," he mused, his gaze locked on Ghost's form.

But it was the one in the late 19th-century attire, wearing a top hat; who commanded attention, his demeanor oozing with arrogance as he surveyed Ghost with a mixture of amusement and malice. "Ah, a powerful one indeed," he remarked, his voice laced with a hint of mockery. "How charming."

His voice carrying an air of authority as he addressed Ghost with a steely resolve. "Enough with this prattle, let finish him," he commanded, his words brooking no argument.

With swift movements, the group pounced on him, their attacks precise and rapid. Despite his cybernetic enhancements, Ghost found himself hard-pressed to fend off their relentless assault. 

These were not ordinary foes - they were vampires, creatures with supernatural strength and speed. As Ghost fired a storm of bullets at his enemies, he soon realized that conventional weapons wouldn't be sufficient to defeat these otherworldly enemies.

Their regenerative powers made them formidable opponents, seeing this Skynet understood that Ghost needed to adjust his tactics if they wanted to stand a chance of winning.

As Skynet analyzed the situation in real-time, drawing upon the vast repository of knowledge from Alex's intensive database, she recognized the threat posed by the vampires. Swiftly formulating a plan of action, she commanded Ghost to switch his ammunition to ultraviolet rounds – one of the most effective weapons against creatures of their kind.

With a deft motion, Ghost complied, loading his weapon with the specialized ammunition. As the vampires closed in, their feral instincts driving them onward, Ghost met them head-on, a machine of unrelenting resolve as he unleashed a hail of ultraviolet bullets upon his foes.

With each shot, the vampires faltered, their supernatural resilience no match for the deadly power of the ultraviolet rounds.

"What sorcery is this?" one of the vampires exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief as the glowing bullets pierced their undead flesh with deadly accuracy. Burning parts of their bodies, with more bullets fired of them, their bodies turned to ashes like paper burning.

One by one, they fell before Ghost's onslaught, their monstrous forms crumbling to dust as their undead essence was extinguished.

The vampire in the top hat, sensing the tide of battle shifting against him, fought with renewed ferocity, his claws slashing through the air with lethal precision.

Shockingly ghost armor got tattered as evidence by the visible claw marks on Ghost's outer titanium armored shell.

But Ghost was relentless, with precise movements he countered each attack with calculated precision.

In a final, desperate gambit, the vampire lunged forward, his fangs aimed for Ghost's exposed neck. But Ghost just let the creature bite at him. The Vampire screamed! "You! Your not human!" As expose parts of Ghost neck now showing, he then grab the vampire and delivered multiple gunshots, then ending it with a powerful kick, sending the vampire crashing to the ground in defeat.

As the vampire lay defeated at his feet, his once-arrogant demeanor replaced by a look of desperation and rage. "Deacon Frost will kill you for what you've done!" he spat, his voice filled with venomous fury as he cursed Ghost with his dying breath.

In the end, Ghost the T950 emerged victorious, his mission accomplished despite the formidable odds stacked against him. And as he surveyed the scene before him, Skynet's voice echoed in Ghost's mind, a reassuring presence in the face of danger "Get back to base, I will repair and upgrade your body and armor".

Together, they had faced another anomaly of the mystical side, but this time they have emerged triumphant, with that Ghost vanishing from his spot and with Skynet ready to upgrade his body and armor once again.


Surprise chapter! its a long one too. Hope you guys enjoyed it. This should be the longest one i have made so far.

And God was that annoying to edit in webnovel, the spaces got removed when I pasted the chapters here.

Additional Note:

His current troops are 50 right now, it will increase in due time.

And no Skynet won't go rouge.

Ashinydecapod Ashinydecapod

The next chapters are mostly gonna cover savage land. I've already finish that part and it has around 14 chapters in total.

Hope you guys won't get board reading through those. After that will be hitting canon. Thanks again.

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