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36.36% Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel. / Chapter 36: Machine Man 35

Capítulo 36: Machine Man 35

The next day, I found myself in my personal office at the Arasaka Tower, sitting behind the desk, the panoramic view of the cityscape stretched beyond the glass windows. Tuning into various channels, a new footage played across all stations, bearing the tagline "The FANTASTIC FOUR." Appears on the screen as it transitioned to an interview about the newly hailed heroes known as the Fantastic 4.

It covers the recent incident involving a New York Fire Department ladder truck. The perspective offered a bird's-eye view, laying out the sequence of events that led to the tragedy. Rather than delving into the accident that occurred, the tale emphasized the super powers exhibited by each member of the Fantastic Four.

On the screen it showed Susan Storm taking the spotlight, as she created an invisible shield, encapsulating an explosion, preventing the tragedy from escalating further. The footage then shifted to another scene where Johnny protected a child from flames, showcasing his ability to manipulate fire. The attention then turned to the collaboration between Specter and Ben Grimm, as they successfully lifted a 30-ton truck, averting disaster and ensuring the safety of those involved.

The footage painted a picture of the heroic deeds performed by this newfound team together with a veteran hero, solidifying the new comers in their place as the Fantastic Four. Fresh new heroes in the eyes of the public.

The scene unfolded with the fire department chief inquiring about the leader among the four. Johnny, always eager for attention, enthusiastically declared, "That would be me." The chief chuckled but pressed for a serious answer. "No, seriously."

Reed, recognizing the need to stepped forward. However, the chief, seemingly unimpressed, challenged him with skepticism, questioning, "What, you didn't even do anything?"

"I, I uh…"Seeing Reed stammer and looking indecisive, the fire chief turned his attention toward Sue, acknowledging her pivotal role. With no other option, Sue stepped forward, fixing her hair as she prepared to address the questions that awaited her.

The reporters fired off inquiries about the bridge incident, each one seeking to peel back the layers of the Fantastic Four's abilities and experiences.

"What happened on the bridge?" asked one reporter, leaning forward with anticipation.

Another, intrigued by Sue's extraordinary ability, inquired, "How can you turn invisible?"

A third reporter, perhaps skeptical about Johnny's powers, wanted to know, "Are you really on fire?"

A woman among the press, curious about the team's rumored ability to fly, asked, "Is it true you can fly, like Specter?"

In the midst of the questions, Johnny interjected with a grin, "Yeah, I'm working on it. It's actually really difficult." The conversation unfolded, revealing more about the Fantastic Four and their extraordinary abilities.

Before Johnny could continue, Susan cut him off, saying, "No, actually, we do not know much more than you do at this point. During our recent mission to the Von Doom space station, we were exposed to as-yet-unidentified radioactive energy."

Sue, assuming a more authoritative tone, continued to diagnose their condition, explaining, "Which is why we need to go directly back to the lab where we can diagnose…"

A reporter, alarmed by what she said, quickly interjected, asking, "Is this some kind of disease?"

Johnny, ever the showman, stepped up on the plate, dismissing the notion, "No, no, no, it's not a disease. If having special powers is a disease, then, yeah, we got it bad."

Another reporter, skeptical, pointed out, "Excuse me. That thing doesn't look so fantastic."

As Ben Grimm stepped to the front, a massive humanoid boulder standing 7 to 8 feet tall, way larger than his movie counterpart, Reed quickly cut in to defend his friend, asserting, "Ben Grimm is a genuine American hero."

Another curious reporter inquired, "And you, sir, what can you do?"

Overwhelmed by the sudden barrage of questions from different reporters, Reed found himself overwhelmed by the inquiry of reporters. Johnny, ever the eloquent one, chimed in, "He can stretch any part of his body. You know what that means, ladies. as he winked at them. And as for this big guy here, every team needs a mascot." Johnny tried to playfully swing his arm up on Ben, but with Ben being too tall, he could only manage to put his hand on his shoulder, tapping him a few times awkwardly.

The crowd erupted in laughter, and Sue quickly chastised her brother Johnny. Ignoring her, Johnny soaked in the fanfare, declaring, "A new day is dawning. The day of the Fantastic Four!" As Johnny continued his speech, reveling in the praises of the people, the atmosphere buzzed with both excitement and skepticism about this newfound team of heroes.

In a burst of excitement, Felicia rushed into my office, the sound of her high heels clicking hurriedly on the polished floor. With a swift motion, she scanned her badge at the electronic lock, granting her swift access. The door slid open, and she entered with a sense of urgency, ready to share the latest news.

She quickly asked, "Boss, have you seen the news?"

Looking at her with a raised eyebrow, I replied, "What news?"

"The one on all the channels," she pointed at the TV, noticing that I was already tuned into the news.

Turning back to me, Felicia caught me smirking, as if poking fun at her. She sighed, "God, you can be so insufferable at times."

I stopped my work and looked at her, "Well, I am only human."

Felicia, finally getting back to her purpose, asked, "Sooo? Do you have any? Did you get powers too?" 

I replied, "Well, I actually did." Standing up, I reached out from behind her ear, producing a coin that I had absorbed earlier. "Ta-da!" I said, presenting the coin. 

Not very amused, Felicia responded with a sarcastic remark, "Haha, very funny. So, what is it actually?"

I chuckled, "Okay, okay, but don't tell anybody, okay? It's sorta embarrassing." Felicia, her ears perking up, asked with sparkling eyes, "So go on, show it."

Showing my right hand, I internally modified most of the parts, especially my finger, turning it into a machine that can vibrate at an incredible speed while still maintaining a ganic look. Letting my hand rest on the table, it quickly created a very rhythmic vibrating sound.

Felicia, seeing this, couldn't help but feel disappointed and said, "That's it?"

I replied, "What do you mean, 'that's it'? I can do this in every part of my body. It will greatly help me when I finally find a lover."

Hearing this, Felicia quickly blushed from the sexual innuendo I just made. She threw the paper she was carrying at me and stormed out, slamming the door before saying, "I hate you!"

She then opened the door again while still blushing, peeking with just her head and said, "Sorry, you won't fire me, right?"

Seeing her antics, I said, "Don't worry. You are the best secretary I could ever wish for. Why would I do that?"

Felicia, going out, said, "Good," and then slammed the door again.

After the brief and lighthearted exchange with Felicia, the atmosphere in the room shifted to a more serious tone. I reached out to Skynet.

"Skynet, deploy some bee drones to the Baxter Building. Make sure they are equipped with EMP shielding; we don't want them to drop down like flies."

Skynet, through the coms, said, "You really like to tease the future carrier of your child?"

Stunned by what Skynet said, I replied, "It's not like that. Let's get back to business and deploy the bee drones."

Skynet, who seemed to be getting the hang of emotions, playfully remarked, "Do you want me to spy on one of the candidates we have chosen to bear your offspring?"

Sighing, I said, "You know it's not that, stop with this offspring thing. I need to check on the four of them, if they have develop any dangerous symptom or develop something we might need. From what I remember, Reed should be able to develop two particular things that I'm greatly interested in."

The next day, under the clear skies of New York City, I strolled out in my sleek Model-A Alvarado car. The sun cast a warm glow on the bustling streets as my loyal bodyguard, Flint, took his usual post in the driver's seat. His demeanor, usually stoic, seemed a bit more relaxed today, perhaps due to the anticipation of uncovering details about my personal life rather than my newfound powers.

Flint broke the silence, his voice reflecting a hint of curiosity, "So boss, mind telling me why we're going to this place again?"

I glanced at him and replied, "I need to check with Reed and the others to see if they've figured out what's happening to our bodies."

Flint, ever the joker, playfully suggested, "Are you sure it's not about Miss Storm? I would prefer if you just go out and ask Felicia rather than going through this."

With a chuckle, I responded, "As I said before, it's not about that. We have a chance to befriend them before they ever make anything of themselves."

Flint continued, "You know, boss, Felicia seems to really like you. I hope you see that."

I met his gaze and replied, "I know, but you and I know we have a mission. As you've seen, there are now four people with powers known to the public, and then there's me and Victor."

Our conversation took on a more serious tone, reflecting the weight of our mission. Flint, displaying unwavering loyalty, nodded in understanding. "I understand, boss. It's just that it would be such a shame if you break the lass young heart."

As we approached the iconic Baxter Building, its towering structure loomed overhead, showcasing the architectural grandeur that had weathered the passage of time. The building's exterior, while a bit worn, retained a certain antique charm.

We parked the Alvarado, and the streets were alive with activity. A crowd of people and news reporters surrounded the building, eager for a glimpse of the Fantastic Four. The air buzzed with anticipation, creating an electric atmosphere.

Amidst the reporters and curious onlookers, I found myself facing a microphone-wielding reporter. Flint moved to intercept, but I signaled for the reporter to continue.

The reporter seized the opportunity, asking, "Mr. Arasaka, you were one of the people in the space station. Many are speculating about the powers each of you might have. Can you shed light on what it might be?"

Stepping closer, I replied, "I'll be honest. It seems I didn't receive anything. As you can see, I still look the same, prosthetic and all." With that, we left the crowd and entered the Baxter Building.

Feeling a little disappointed with the brief interview, the reporter's head drooped slightly as I turned away,

Entering the Baxter Building, the interior spoke of a bygone era, with vintage elements blending seamlessly with modern technology. The lobby, adorned with marble and mahogany, exuded an air of sophistication.

I turned to Flint, "You can go back and take the car. I'll stay here for a bit and find out what's going on."

Flint nodded, "Sure thing, boss. Call if you need anything."

As Flint headed back to the Alvarado, I took a moment to soak in the atmosphere of the bustling lobby. The vintage, if you could call this crumbling building that, was evident, especially with some of the wall's paint seems to be peeling off, although the building is old it's still standing strong.

Walking further, I noticed a commotion near the elevators. A group of people, likely employees or visitors, engaged in animated conversations. I approached, curious to get a sense of what was happening.

As I neared, snippets of conversations became audible.

"...Did you see the Fantastic Four?..."

"...Incredible powers! I heard Sue Storm can turn invisible..."

"...That guy with the prosthetic, Alex Arasaka, he looks the same, though..."

As I stepped into the elevator, an old mailman shuffled out, looking just like Stanley. He looked at me smiling like an ever-so-friendly grandpa.

Stanley quipped, "Who are you calling grandpa? Oh right, it's me. I'm the grandpa!" He chuckled, giving my shoulder a friendly pat. "With great powers comes great responsibility. And no, it's not just a line from a comic book."

As if time stop there for me, my heart beat wildly both fear and somehow excitement budding in me at the same time. As I tried to move to inquire if his the one who brought me here, I momentarily blank out. 

Like a movie film that suddenly cut off, I wake up from my musing not remembering what happened when I step in to the elevator. (There will be a time where he will remember this incident but for now his far to weak to know about such things.)

Next thing I know I quickly found myself in the midst of a heatwave caused by the Fantastic 4 testing Johnny's ability. The heat was so intense I feel like I would melt If I didn't do anything.

Reed called out, "Okay, Johnny, back it down."

Johnny, in his characteristic enthusiasm, screamed, "I can go hotter!"

Sue intervened, "Johnny, just back it down!"

Marveling at the display of power, I activated my Kiroshi eyes to detect the heat coming from the titanium isolation device that Reed had cooked up. The temperature reading spiked to 3,297 Kelvin and quickly rising. I muttered, "Is this guy nuts, trying release more heat with just titanium shielding?"

I quickly transformed my gold and silver prosthetic arm into a freeze ray. I set the energy level low to avoid endangering Johnny and turning him into a human capsicle. I released a blast of freezing ray at the same time Reed activated a system to launch cooling foam, dousing Johnny and preventing him from endangering the whole world.

Exiting a room that looks like a military bunker room for testing ballistic, Reed and Sue looked shocked, not just by Johnny's stunt, but also by me standing there enduring the heat and the transformation they witnessed in my cybernetic arm. 

The room was a mess, with cables entangled everywhere. Random scientific lab equipment sprawled across the space, and at the center was the titanium heat shielding that resembled a metal box bunker now destroyed where Johnny had been confined.

Amid the chaos and the aftermath of Johnny's intense display of power, Susan rushed over to me, concern etched on her face and ask "Alex, are you okay, the heat was so intense are you hurt anywhere? That freeze ray, I didn't expect that… Are you hurt? She quickly barrages me with a lot of question like a worried mom."

I shook my head, assuring her that I was fine. "No, no, I'm good. Just adapting to the unexpected. Your brother's quite the live wire, huh?"

Susan laughs "Yeah, you could say that. Sorry for the surprise. We're still figuring out the extent of his abilities."

Observing the damaged sleeve on my suit and my hand, now transformed back into a prosthetic but still emitting a chilly breeze due to its recent freeze ray configuration, I couldn't help but crack a joke about Reed's unconventional testing methods.

"You really should put up a sign, 'Nuclear Testing Site Ahead,'" I quipped while thinking I really need to make a UMF suit for daily use, good thing I already got the formula from Victors database.

Reed, trying to process the unexpected outcome, stumbled over his words. "How did you... how did that happen?" he questioned.

Sue, sensing Reed's confusion, jumped in to smooth things over. "I'll make a note of that. Sorry for the trouble," she said.

Johnny, still covered in foam, kept his cool with a touch of humor. "You guys are ruining my style!" he exclaimed.

Sue redirected the focus to the potential danger we narrowly avoided. "Johnny, you were at 4,000 kelvin, a little more higher and you could have gone supernova!" she informed him.

Johnny in his childish antics responded with a simple "sweet!" 

Alex chimed in, saying, "In layman terms, what she meant was, any hotter and you could have cooked everything, including this planet."

Johnny, hearing the consequence that could have happened. Responded with a nonchalant "Got it, supernova, bad."

Examining the ice forming from my prosthetic, Johnny made a playful comparison.

"So, you're like Iceman, opposite of me?" he mused.

Reed, the perpetual scientist, clarified the nature of my abilities. "No, it's fascinating. he turned his prosthetic arm to something else a cryogenic freezing ray, which should be scientifically impossible specially since it needs a power source and" 

Johnny, cutting Reed of and connecting the dots, playfully compared me to another superhero.

"So, you're like a Machine Man?" he suggested. I, amused by the comparison, agreed. "Yeah, like Machine Man," I affirmed.

Sue, intrigued by my transformation, approached me with curiosity. "So, just your arm, or..." she trailed off.

I, teasing her, smirked. "What? You wanna see it?" I teased.

Stunned by the suggestion, Sue was about to respond, but I beat her to it. "Actually, I haven't checked. That's why I'm here, to see if you could shed some light on things."

As the banter continued, the room became a blend of scientific curiosity, jokes, and camaraderie among these extraordinary individuals, navigating the challenges and surprises of our newfound abilities.

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