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53.57% COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite / Chapter 15: Chapter 15 - Concluding

Capítulo 15: Chapter 15 - Concluding


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"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." ~Benjamin Franklin

"Yes?" I ask, answering the phone from Kikyo shortly after my outing with Yamamura.

"Hi, Eru Chan! I hope I'm not bothering you!" She says cheerfully.

"Not at all. I just arrived home, so it's fine. But why are you calling me?" I ask as I squat on the side of my bed to listen to her.

"Well, Ayanokoji and I confronted Sakura about the Sudo incident, and after a while, she confirmed Sudo's story."

"Did she have any evidence?" I ask her.

"That's why I'm calling you. She only admitted she saw the incident after we promised her we wouldn't get her involved, and Ayanokoji talked to her in private. She had an SD card with photos from a private photoshoot she was doing in the annex wing. In the background of one of the photos, you can actually see the three Class C students being rough with Sudo."

"I see. So what's the problem?"

"Well, with her face in the photo, it's hard to keep the promise we made to her… Ayanokoji said we should talk to you and Horikita-san to discuss what to do now." She says, sounding worried.

"It's not as complicated as you make it seem. Tell Ayanokoji I declined your request for help, and all I said is that the problem can be solved as it is now, with technical skills and points." I say, knowing that Ayanokoji would help Kikyo. He might want a normal life, but I had seen him work with Kikyo and Horikita to help the class before, so he shouldn't be against helping when it's the only option. He just needs a slight push, and I was using this scenario to see how big of a push is required to get his assistance now that he was involved. That was one of the reasons I didn't just give the "answer" to this situation to Kikyo.

"Ok, I'm sorry if I've let you down."

"Don't worry. I was honestly a bit surprised that you got this far without calling me for help. I thought Sakura would avoid you like the plague." I say, standing up from the bed and going to my fridge to get some ice cream.

"She was, but she seems to get along with Ayanokoji," Kikyo says.

"That's intriguing. I'll keep that in mind. Now, if that's all, say what I told you to Ayanokoji, and make sure to make it obvious that I have no plans to interfere with the situation."

"Alright, thank you, Eru Chan." She says, and I hang up the call and stare at my ice cream.

I was confident that Ayanokoji could deduce how I would solve this situation, even without my hints about using technical skills and points. But I gave them to him anyway, just to be safe. Sakura was not a reliable witness because she was biased as a member of our class, and Class C would exploit this weakness during Sudo's hearing. But if we could bribe some upperclassmen without apparent motive to testify for our class, then we would have a theoretically perfect witness. It was a common tactic among gangs to buy witnesses. That alone would not have been enough, but there was also photo evidence. If we gave that to the fake witness, then his testimony would become irrefutable, especially since Kikyo-san said that the three Class C students were being rough with Sudo in the image.

Of course, Sakura's face being in the photo was a minor problem, but not something that could not be fixed with some cropping of the image. It might degrade the quality or look odd, but that should not matter since Kikyo-san said that Sakura was doing a photoshoot and mentioned an SD card. That meant that Sakura was using a professional camera, and most modern professional cameras could take pictures in 4K quality. So cropping the image should not affect the quality too much, and even if it did look suspicious, so what? What would they say? "Hey, you weren't in the special annex, the photo is blurry!" That would be a nonsensical claim. Even then, the witness could just say that he had cropped the image earlier for visibility reasons. It did not matter. What mattered was the actions shown in the image, which the witness could confirm. If Class C tried to argue about the background or other details of the image, they would have to prove why those details were relevant, and most arguments they could make would be illogical, as the image would still be clear.

Well, there was no point in worrying about it now.


Most of the class D students were enjoying their break period, snacking, chatting, or using their phones. Soon, a knock on the classroom door interrupted their relaxed mood, and many students turned their attention to the door.

Hirata, who was sitting near the front, got up from his seat and went to check on the door. On the other side, he saw a girl holding her phone, looking bored. It was Yamamura from class A.

She whispered something to Hirata, but her voice was so low that it was hard to hear what she was saying. Hirata nodded and turned around to face the class.

"Eru, there's a girl from class A who wants to see you." He announced, causing some curious eyes to move between Yamamura and me as I stood up.

As I approached her, she spoke to me in a low voice. "I've been messaging you since lunch to eat with me."

"My apologies. I haven't checked my phone." I said, making her look at me with a blank expression.

"Okay, come with me, please." She said, as her eyes glanced at Hirata and some of the other class D students who were watching us.

"Alright," I said, following her out of the classroom. We walked down the hallway, with Yamamura leading the way.

"Do you want to eat lunch together tomorrow, then?" She asked as I nodded in agreement, having little choice. "I gave the letter to Sakayanagi. She told me to tell you to meet her at the library during this period. We're a bit late, but it shouldn't matter."

"I see. Did you manage to get her reaction when she opened the letter?"

She shook her head. "Sorry, I only saw her smile."

"It's okay," I replied as we reached the library.

"Now we just have to find her," Yamamura said.

"It's not hard. The library is big, but the whole point of our discussion is that it should be done in private. So she should be in one of the farthest corners of the library, away from the study spots, the librarian's desk, or any popular or important books." I said, walking up the stairs to the religious book section on the far left side of the second floor of the library.

"That took you quite a while," Sakayanagi said from a small circular table, smirking at me.

"I only just received your message. Well, that was my fault though," I said, glancing at Yamamura.

"I see. I received your letter. You have a very intriguing proposition," she said as I squatted on my seat, and Yamamura sat next to me.

"Yes. So, will you accept?"

"I'm not sure yet. You say you can guarantee me control over Class A, but how do you plan on doing this?"

"I think I described it sufficiently in the letter I sent you. I will destroy the Katsuragi faction."

"Yes, I did read that. But how will you do that? What makes you think I can't accomplish the same? And what do you want in return?"

"I have insight into the future class exams, and you will not be able to participate in them. I can guarantee you that," I said, looking at her cane. "That's how I know you can't accomplish the same as I can, at least within the same amount of time. How will I destroy the Katsuragi faction for you? Well, that is simple. If you just lend me some authority over some of your faction members, it will be easy. After all, if this is a class exam, there are class points at stake. So, if Katsuragi fails to perform during a class exam, Class A will begin to naturally doubt his leadership. All I need is some Class A students to provide me with intel on Class A and ignite a fire in Class A once the damage is done. As for what I want, you don't have much to offer me. If some in your class, maybe even in your faction, learned that your attack against Katsuragi also harmed the class, it would cause quite an uproar."

"I've never had anyone call me worthless directly to my face," she said, smiling.

"Of course, you aren't worthless. For me to say or think so would be foolish. But I don't know how much I can trust you. I would prefer to come to an agreement without a contract. So, how about something mutually beneficial?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"At some point, Class D will have to face off against Class B. And by causing Class A's failure in the class exam, the gap between Class A and B will be small. So, when the time comes, how about we both work together as something akin to allies to take them down a notch?" I told Sakayanagi.

"I see. Obviously, you would gain the most from this. But we would gain as well. I think it's a fair proposition."

"Then, all is in order," I said, standing up from my seat, and Yamamura followed me.

"Will you help me with my plan?" I ask Yamamura, who is looking at her phone.

"Do you want me to spy on the class?" She asks, now looking at me.

"Mostly, yes. Just when the time of the exam comes, and a bit afterward, on Sakayanagi. As discreetly as possible, if you are willing." I say as she nods her head, still looking at me.

"Well, then. We have to get to class." I tell her as we part ways.


"Where are you going, Eru Chan?" Kikyo asked me as I stood up to leave. Class had just ended.

"Classes are over, so what do you mean?" I asked Kikyo, avoiding her question.

"The hearing is today. I was wondering if you would make it. I would feel a lot more assured if you were there."

"I trust you and Ayanokoji have handled the situation properly. I don't think my presence is necessary." I said, reaching into my bag for some candy.

"I understand." She said, sounding disappointed.

"Before I go, if possible, for example, if Class D gains the advantage in the scenario and the Class C students risk suspension or even expulsion, I would attempt to negotiate for points."

"How many?"

"It would depend on the situation and how much of an advantage Class D has, as well as how desperate Class C is. But 400k would be a good starting point, considering that's nearly how many points were withheld from us because of this situation. And that's in the safest situation, so you will probably want to aim for more than that. Oh, and if you do receive the points, send them all to me."

"Ehh, but wouldn't the class react badly to that?" Kikyo asked.

"The solution to that is simple. Just don't tell them where the points are located. I don't plan on sharing my point balance with anyone. Plus, in that case, you can simply tell the class that the points are being kept somewhere secure for class purposes." I said to Kikyo, and she nodded.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later then, Eru Chan." She said, and I exited the class and made my way towards Class B.

I quickly arrived in front of the Class B classroom and opened the door to be greeted by a multitude of friendly-looking faces. And, of course, some were surprised to see me again.

I quickly turned my head to the left side of the class and met my eyes with Ichinose. "Ichinose, I was hoping to talk to you. It's a sensitive matter if you can."

At those words, Ichinose nodded her head and walked toward the front of the room where I was. "Do you want to talk outside, or…?"

"Yes, as I said, it's a bit sensitive," I said, and Ichinose and I stepped out into the hallway. "I want to make a deal with you and Class B."

"A deal?" She asked, sounding curious.

"Yes, I have a contract here," I said, pulling a paper out of my bag and handing it to Ichinose. "It's quite simple, no tricks, I promise. It simply states that if in future exams, in the presence of a teacher, I can provide you and Class B with direct assistance that could result in a class point increase, then 50% of the private points that can be attributed to my help will be sent to me monthly for the next three years by Class B. On the other hand, if I fail to provide any assistance that could be attributed to a direct class point increase, then I will provide Class D with 200,000 private points monthly for the next three years."

Ichinose's eyes scanned the contract until she put it down to look at me. "It's an interesting deal, Eru, but I think it's a bit too risky for Class B to accept."

I frowned at her words. "Risky? What risk are you taking? If anything, I am taking all the risk in this scenario. In the worst case scenario, you would lose a few class points, but every member of your class would gain 10,000 private points per month, which would be the equivalent of 100 class points."

"I understand that, Eru, and I hate to be a pessimist, but who's to say that you won't just run out of money to pay Class B? What then? I have to think about Class B."

"Well, I'm sure the school has scenarios in place for that. I would imagine they would expel me if my class weren't willing to pay off the debt. But we could discuss this with the teachers if you want to sign the contract. Either way, I doubt Class D, even with how much most of them dislike me, would let me get expelled. You would receive your points if my conjecture is accurate."

"Would you really force your class into a situation like that?" Ichinose asked me, looking worried.

"I don't plan on doing so, no. Because I am sure that I will be able to provide you with assistance as specified by the contract," I said, holding the paper in my hand.

Ichinose looked over the contract and muttered the words "direct assistance." It was a safeguard for Class B so that I couldn't provide general intel and claim that their success was attributed to me. "If you are that confident, I'm willing to accept. But it's something I would have to decide with the rest of Class B," Ichinose said, looking at me. The contract had a confidentiality clause between me and Ichinose. I guessed I couldn't prevent her from talking about the contract before signing, but…

"If you leave or talk about the contract now, the deal is off the table, Ichinose. I will work with the other classes as planned instead," I said, in a way that was both a threat and a half-bluff. I was only working with part of Class A, and I had no plans to work with Class C.

Ichinose looked at me with her soft eyes, then said, "I can't make a decision like this without my class."

"Yes, you can, Ichinose. I know you have control over your class's funds," I said, continuing to bluff. I didn't know for sure if Ichinose had access to her class's funds, but it would be common in the type of government Class B seemed to operate under. In many of the socialist communities of the past, things like grains or crops are collected from the people to be redistributed fairly among them. Given Class B's atmosphere, I wouldn't be surprised if something similar was happening in the class. But simply bluffing by saying I knew she had control over the funds should be safe. I didn't and couldn't know if she had direct access, but this assumption of some sort of control over funds, given the socialist dictatorship of Class B, would be a reasonable one. It wouldn't be weird if Ichinose were elected not only to "rule" but to redistribute the majority of the wealth of the class for the good of the class.

And as if spot on at my words, Ichinose's eyes widened. "How did you know? Did someone tell you?"

"No one told me, but it was quite obvious," I said, lying.

"Okay, I hate to make a decision without a class's vote, but…" Ichinose looked at the contract, "I'm sure this is for the good of the class." Soon after that, me and Ichinose signed the contract in front of Hoshinomiya and parted ways.

By the time I got home, I saw a deposit of 750,000 points into my account. It was quickly followed by a phone call from Kikyo.

"Did you see how many points we managed to get from Class C?" she asked, sounding excited.

"I did. Well done, Kikyo Chan," I said, using her nickname to keep up the friendly facade.

Kikyo giggled over the phone. "It was originally 1 million we got, but after the hearing, the witness we got made us hand him over 250,000 points to stay quiet, above what we agreed on at first. But Ayanokoji and I agreed we were better off just giving him the money since we could've gotten in trouble as well as Sudo if we declined."

"That's to be expected. I would've done the same in his situation. But don't worry, he probably won't bother us anymore."

"That's good. So… what now?"


I felt like this chapter could've been better or was missing something, but I'm not sure. I feel like, as the author of the story, it can be hard to tell, so let me know.

NOTICE: there probably will not be a chapter tomorrow (and maybe not Tuesday; we will see there is still a good chance there will be) with my plans collapsing at the last second. I don't have a chapter for tomorrow, and I am not confident I can write a good one from here to tomorrow, especially given I have an essay to write for one of my college classes and the Island Arc is coming soon. I just wanted to let everyone know.

MilkywayAndromeda MilkywayAndromeda

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