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11.11% Marvel : The Green Lantern Might / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 The Brightest Day
Marvel : The Green Lantern Might Marvel : The Green Lantern Might original

Marvel : The Green Lantern Might

Autor: irfane_mohamed_mou

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1 The Brightest Day

If an Otaku is asked if he want to go to his favorite anime, serie,manga or comics. Most of the time, he will say yes.

Unfortunately not only I wasn't part of the yes community, but I wasn't even transmigrated into my favorite universe.

My name was Eric Sanders, and when I was 21, I died at the wrong time and was transmigrated into a version of the MCU with some cheats as a compensation. And for some reason younger by 6 years.

The only problem being that apart from Doctor Strange and No Way Home, I've only watched the Avengers Movies. And I don't even remember them very well.

It's not that I don't like Marvel stuff, it's just that I had other anime to watch.

But now, because of that mistake. I, newly named Edward Elric, tributed to my favorite manga, was now a transmigrater wandering in one of the most dangerous multiverse with a broken meta knowledge.

Furthermore my cheat, while useful, and I think surely overpowered, was useless because I had it!

Of the cheat I received : The Golden Rule and the Unique Green Lantern Ring bound to my soul. The ring being my most powerful weapon, was also the most useless one on me.

Why? Because while it was apparently the first and only created Green Lantern Ring in its own universe with Ion, whoever this is, and an intelligent computer inside, I knew absolutely nothing about Green Lantern except that it was a bad a movie from DC.

And even when the ring itself explained to me it's general functions, it didn't really matter because my willpower and concentration was only enough to let me scan something or construct small things like a saucepan. Because I wasn't from the D family or had a brother trapped in an armor for life.

But willpower wasn't the only problem. Apparently to construct powerful things I had to know how they work exactly or their compositions. Clearly, that wasn't something a normal guy like me could know.

As for the Golden Rule. It's only function was to make me lucky when it comes to money. So no matter what I would never lack of money.

Because of that, after creating a legal identity through the supercomputer of the Ring, for a year, I lived in Marvel as a normal person with nothing to lack.

...Well almost normal.

For one, I had a 'caretaker' of the name of Jessica Jones.

Caretaker being a big word because while she was a brilliant private eye, she had almost no money. And because of that, I was the one who provide for the two of us most of the time.

And why almost normal? Because this broke caretaker actually had superpowers. Super strength more precisely. Strength that she had almost no shame in using recently to jabs infidel people.

As for how met... Well, it actually Involve my first superheroing act against a pheromones controlling guy 2 weeks after arriving in marvel.

It actually because of that guy, that I discovered that my Ring could filters the harmful substances for me in the air. And that I could beat someone with a saucepan.

And after I saved Jessica from that...body controller? She took me in after knowing that I was alone.

And honestly, after a year living with her like a little brother/ none payed secretary / banker, I thought that our monotonous life would continue like that. But I forgot in which universe I actually end up in.

You could say that even though it been a year since I start to live in this universe, my 'story' only actually begun on that brightest day.

That day, for once we were actually in our house. And for once, Jessica wasn't drinking too. Honestly that should have been a tell.

"So, is it done?" Asked Jessica behind me for the 9th time in five minutes with a mix of curiosity and a bit of excitement.

But honestly it's not like I couldn't understand her. Who wouldn't be a bit excited of wearing his first superhero suit?

Because that was what I was trying to create right now with the help of the Ring.

while all the previous limitations of Ring still held true, I found some kind of loophole thanks to my encounter with the guy who could control people, Killgrave.

Few days after meeting him, I thought of something. If the Ring could filter things and it worked on a metaphysical thing like willpower, then it should also be able to filter metaphysical energy, right? And if it can filter it, it should also be able to concentrate those things.

So with the idea of trying I create a small green sphere in the air and will my Ring to only let magical energy enter inside that sphere.

Honestly I didn't think it would really work, but a few seconds after creating that sphere I felt my energy draining a little bit periodically. Honestly, if I wasn't really focused on my task, I would probably never noticed. But I did! And I confirmed that it was actually possible!

But while possible, I immediately encounter a problem. Even though my sphere was only 5 centimeter in diameter, in 2 hours, the red colored magical energy only filled half of it.

Clearly, while my method worked, it wasn't effective enough, and it was also too time consuming. Especially because I had to stay focus on the task for two hours straight. Otherwise the filtering thing would stop the moment I lose my focus.

Moreover the next day after that, I discovered that because I was internally against waiting two hours for so little gain, the efficiency of the filter got lower. So I decided to stop trying to harness magical energy all together.

But I also couldn't let my effort goes to waste like that, so after compressing the magical energy, it became somehow liquid. Not knowing what to do with it, I simply keep it in a little transparent jar for latter use.

However after this experimentation, I threw away the metaphysical harness of things and turn to the physical one.

But obviously I didn't want to to chose a normal thing like gold or sapphire, but unfortunately I didn't know any unusual materials, so I turn to the Ring. And after searching in the Ring database for a while, I did found a a particular metal named Nth metal.

That metal, could make someone fly, absorb energy to use later, possibly reincarnated and resurrect people and do other nonsense of the same type. Most importantly it was a soul-bound growth type metal. Meaning that after it bond with you, it can't be used by others without your permission and as it stay with you, it's powers will grow.

There was also a metal above called Xth metal, but it properties were so metaphysical that I gave up instantly. I mean that metal could literally bend reality, and held the power of creation! Clearly I didn't possess the necessary will to create something so amazing!

My plan, at first, was to use the Nth metal to try if it was possible to enhance my willpower. Because of its possible power over reality after it grew enough in power. However after 7 months of hard work, I was only able to create two armband of Nth metal. And, it wasn't pure in quality!

But for my plan to work I needed pure metal that could cover me from head to toe. Which was proven to be once again a task too hard for me.

And when I didn't know what to do with the armbands, Jessica took fancy of them. And that gave me the idea of creating a superhero suit for her.

Because gathering Nth metals (even the impure one) took too much time, I opted for a mix of 8th metals and synthetic fibers.

The 8th metal was apparently used by Hephaestus to create godly weapons and sometimes Amazonians too. But to truly bring out the power of the 8th metal I would have to know magic. Something I couldn't do, so I just created it for it's basic properties: durability, night indestructible and mild absorption of some metaphysicals energy that could be ejected later.

As for mixing it with synthetic fibers, it was just a test, but it worked again. What can I say, I'm very lucky. The idea of choosing synthetic fiber was to use its flexible properties so that the suit won't be rigid, making it impossible to move when wearing it.

Thanks to this new idea, the production went way faster, and today, after the annoying nagging of Jessica, I finally finish it.

Because one of the metal of the production was used by the Amazon, I based the suit on Wonder Woman. I said based because except for the breastplate, bracelets and tiara/domino mask, the rest was completely different.

Not only I added a vest of the same style Jessica wear everyday, but I also added a pants jeans style with military boots. Because Jess refused the classic skirt.

"Okay, it's done. Now take it and get out!" I said, feigning annoyance, but actually I was also very excited to see the result.

So after 10 long minutes of waiting, Jessica finally came back with the suit on. And I have to say, it did look good.


"So ? How is it? Looking superhero enough." She asked, smirking. Unfortunately she wouldn't get that answer she wanted from me.

"Well, I saw better. And by better I mean : you're not good looking enough to wear my work." I replied with my own smirk. Which result in a head-shot by pillow. And even if she threw it 'gently' it still hurt a little.

But well, it couldn't stop me from trash talking more. That is until she catch one of my arms and start to slowly turn it in a wrong direction.

"Okay, okay I give up! You're a bad ass superhero in that suit! Happy?!"

"Very." Jessica smile contently as she let go of my arm.

Even though I couldn't stand her proud smile I still wanted to survive as a whole.

'Damn, savage woman. I will have my revenge one day.' I thought bitterly. As of today, I could only admit defeat.

"By the way Ed, why did you put a 'W' on the breastplate?" Asked Jessica curiously.

"That's for your superhero name: Wonder Woman." I reply casually, when the truth was that I was too lazy to change the design of Wonder Woman's original suit.

"You do know that I don't really want to be a super hero right? I have better things to do than 'saving the day' like Ironman." She said with a mocking tone.

"I know. But if I do something, at least I have to do it well. The name is just that. It doesn't mean that you'll have to use it though." I replied casually.

Actually I knew that once upon a time, Jess did want to become a super hero. But that was before she ended up being controlled because of that Heroic spirit.

But I also knew that even if she now mock those things, deep down, she still dream to become one. Otherwise she wouldn't have accepted the suit in the first place.

"Well whatever. Get up, we have to go to Manhattan today, Jeryn has a new case for us." Said Jessica while removing the domino mask and zip up the Jacket. Covering up the red and golden breastplate. Which earn a questioning eye from me. To which she replied :

"I'm too lazy to change again."

"Fair enough."

Both of us were going out in hope of handling a new case, but after leaving the subway, I knew that it would be impossible to do so that day.

It appears without any warning. Above the the newly constructed Stark tower a giant blue portal suddenly appeared that day. That portal wasn't only a statement to humans, to tell them that they weren't alone. But it was also a wake up call for me, to make me remember were I was. In what kind of world I landed in.

"Is this... Tony Stark new invention?" Asked Jessica curiously waking me up from my daze.

"Jess, let's go! We can't stay here!" I shout at her as I start running from Stark Tower opposite direction, and after a second of hesitation, she followed after me.

But even so, it was still too late to run away. Being only at 2 street from the tower, the aliens who were already getting out through the portal on their flying vehicles, were way faster than us with our legs.

So within a few seconds after running two Chitauris were already starting to shoot at people behind us.

"What in the actual fu..." Murmured Jessica, as shocked as I was, when we turned our head to see a massacre behind us.

While not two minutes ago there was a street full of lively people, it now transformed into some kind of hell.

We could see people running like headless fly, some with an arm missing other limping on the ground for their lack of legs. But other than the cries, what stood out the most, were the bodies.

Dead people on the ground. It only took two minutes to see hundreds of dead people. And that body count wasn't stopping.

I was not as shocked as the first time I met my first super villain. And that almost cost me.

"EDWARD BE CAREFUL!" Looking at the side, I saw a Chitauri pointing its gun at me and fire without a second thought.

Honestly, I didn't even have the time to process the information, before Jessie stood in front of me and block the laser bullet with her bracelets.

And then with a fury never saw on her, she run at the alien with an incredible speed before exploding his upper body with a single punch.


Unfortunately, while that punch was indeed powerful and quite impressive, it drew attention on us from the nearby Chitauri.

One by one, they started to approach us and try to encircled us, but Jessica didn't let that happen.

She dash towards one, catch him by his head before violently throw him towards two other. The power of the throw momentarily made them fall. Truly waking me up at the same time.

Activating the Ring I constructed a small sword that peirce through the brain of the three Chitauris, taking them down for good.

On the other side, Jessica was getting more and more efficient. From just punching and throwing the Chitauri, she learned how to redirect their shoot with her bracelets by absorbing the energy before redirecting it to them taking down three to five foe in a few seconds.

But the fact that there were still many others, made all distractions I had gone. Instead, I start to focus on my own enemies while finding a way to survive.

Perhaps it was because of my unwillingness to die, but as the battle progress, my power, or more precisely my constructs began to become more and more powerful.

From one small swords, to three, to four broad swords to finally be able to directly shoot lasers from my Ring. That was a true evolution.

And I noticed that this leap of strength always happen when I was in a though spot and thought I was going to die. Like a certain dragon mage from a certain guild.

But even though I was indeed gaining strength quickly, I knew that it wasn't fast enough, because the more we fought, the more aliens start to gather around us.

For every two Chitauris we killed, five more appear to take their place. Honestly I while I wasn't really worried about Jessica, I knew that I, myself might not be able to hold on for long.

[Well, that's for sure. It's already a miracle that you've been holding on for so long like that without unlocking the true power of the ring.]

'Huh? Who's talking?'

Looking around while dodging a laser and retaliating with my own. I tried to search for the owner of that child like voice, but found none.

[Don't try to look for me, I'm inside your Ring.]

After the voice said this, I suddenly remembered that, indeed apart from the computer, there was supposed to be someone inside my Ring.

'You are... Ion?' I asked hesitantly.

[Indeed. I am Ion the embodiment of Willpower. Honestly I was a little afraid that you'll take decades before strengthening your will to this level. In which case, it will have take a long time before being able to hear my voice.]

'Well, while I'm glad to able to talk with you, can you please tell me how exactly I unlock that ring's true power? Because, you know, I might die the next second?'

[Are you sure that's what you want? Because by unlocking the true power of Ring you'll have to do the duties that comes with it, you know. And from what I saw of you, you don't seem to be the type of person who'll run into danger that have nothing to do you with you or is not in front of you.]

Ion was right, I wasn't that kind of protagonist that will change his routine just because he heard that some accident happen somewhere.

It didn't mean that I didn't care or something, otherwise I wouldn't have saved Jessica. But it just mean that I was a lambda human.

I would run when there's danger, save a person if he was in front of me and shout help when I needed to be rescued.

This was who I was. A normal human. Not a superhero material like Jessica or Tony Stark.

While that was the case, but after watching the fifty or something Chitauris approaching after we just killed the last group us I made up my mind.

'Honestly at this moment when I can die at any time, I don't really care about that kind of thing. So just tell me what to do.'

[Well, if you're sure. In that case repeat after me : 'In brightest day...]

"In Brightest Day"

"In Blackest Night"

As I start to recite the oath, my Ring start to shine brightly, illuminating the street with green.

"No Evil Shall Escape My Sight"

Part of the green light start to converge to create a spherical shield around me and Jessica as the Chitauri caught up and start to bombard us.

"Let Those Who Worship Evils Might"

While I couldn't see it, I could feel the green light thickening around us. I could also feel my willpower strengthening. And for a moment I think I could even feel the will of those Chitauri...wavering. But that feeling just went and go so fast, that I wasn't even sure about it.

"Beware My Power"

My clothes start to change on their own for a green theme one with a domino mask as a bonus.

"Green Lantern's LIGHT!"

It was during one of the brightest day that New York has ever seen that, their eyes also witness for the first time the Green Lantern's might!

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