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57.14% Draoi (Teen Wolf Fanfiction) / Chapter 8: 7. NIGHT SCHOOL

Capítulo 8: 7. NIGHT SCHOOL

My heart felt like it was going to explode as we ran inside Beacon Hills High School, slamming the doors shut. 

"Lock it! Lock it!", Scott shouted. 

"Does it look like we have a key?!?", I yelled back. 

"Grab something!", he said, desperately. 

Stiles, an expression of realization on his face, jumped up. Scott and I, immediately stood from our spot, already knowing what the guy was thinking. 

"Stiles, no!". 

Not even heeding my cry, he pushed opened the door, making his way towards the set of bolt cutters while Scott and I peered outside. 

"Maybe he's gone?".

Gripping Scott's arm tight, we stared in horror as the Alpha emerged from behind the Jeep, catching sight of Stiles. Scott and I screamed for him to come back, rattling the doors, to try and gain his attention. Hearing us, he turned to where we were pointing just to see the Alpha charging towards him. 

Stiles grabbed the bolt cutters and dashed inside. Quickly placing them it in between the doorhandles, him and Scott peeped out the window trying to check out whether the Alpha was there.

Taking a step back from the door, the boys glanced at each other and then to me. 

"That won't hold, will it?", Scott asked the obvious. 

A chilling howl echoed from outside and we took that as a signal to run. Dashing into the nearest classroom, I shut the door while Scott and Stiles bolted towards the teacher's desk. They were about to move it when the truth dawned on us.

"Stop, stop. The door's not gonna keep it out… It's your boss, Scott.", Stiles stated. 

Scott shook his head, but Stiles was convinced.

"Deaton? The Alpha? Your boss… Yes! Murdering psycho-werewolf.".

My entire body trembled as my mind immediately jumped to the worse possible conclusion- we were going to freaken die.

"Oh, come on! He disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air? That's not convenient timing? He killed Derek!", Stiles argued. 

"No, Derek's not dead. He can't be dead. Lorelai?". 

The image of Derek's body being lifted up in front of me, blood spewing from his mouth flashed before my eyes.

"I… I… I don't know…", I stuttered.

I was in too much shock to think clearly.

"Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next!", Stiles cried.

"A plan. We need a plan!", I said quickly, clicking my fingers.

"We get to my Jeep. We get out of here. Scott seriously thinks about quitting his job.", Stiles answered, breathing heavy, fear evident in his eyes.

"Thank you, Stiles… Any thoughts on how the hell we're going to get to your Jeep?!?", I snapped before pacing around the room.

Stiles gave me a sarcastic smile as he and Scott ran to the window, spit balling more ideas that had a zero percent success rate like breaking the windows and running really fast. I started scratching my arms again while I approached them. It felt like a million ants were running up and down underneath my skin.

"Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your Jeep?", I asked softly.

It looked as though someone had forced it open. 

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong…", he said defensively, coming closer. 

The poor guy's expression changed into panic after Scott mentioned that the hood was bent, and he noticed the damage. Suddenly, something crashed through the windows, sending bits of glass everywhere and we fell to the floor. The object landed a few feet away from us. 

"That's my battery…", Stiles gasped, shining his flashlight on it. 

"Wonderful…", I mumbled.

"He could be right outside!", Scott shot back. 

"Now would be a perfect time to bust out the druid powers!", Stiles directed at me while Scott scouted for the beast through the window. 

He cocked his head towards the door and the three of us rushed out, making our way to the locker room, thinking it would be better to hide somewhere with less windows. 

I scratched my neck as we scurried through the hallway. The itching was spreading, and I had no idea what was going on with me. Scott suggested that Stiles call Mr. Stilinski explaining there was a gas leak or a fire, maybe the cop cars would scare off the Alpha.

"What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad?", Stiles said, shooting down Scott's plan. 

"They have guns!", Scott defended.

"Still wouldn't work… It's an Alpha, Scott. They're gonna need a freaken tank or something!", I added. 

"Yeah! Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow him down, you remember that?", Stiles pressed on, scrunching his eyebrows. 

"Wait… What about his car?!?", Scott suggested.

"We have to find him first to get the keys, the guy was literally thrown in the opposite direction from where we were standing…". 

They groaned at my statement but at least we had some sort of plan. I agreed with Scott that we take Derek with us, although Stiles was not happy with that idea. We entered the locker room when a loud distorted voice shouted inside my head.

"You can't run forever!".

My head shot in the direction of where it came from when Scott gripped my shoulder.

"Shh… I think I heard something!". 

"The voice spoke to you too?", my eyes widened.

"What?", he was confused at my question, but a fearful expression flashed across his face. 


Stiles immediately shoved himself into a nearest locker while Scott and I scrambled around for a few seconds until we came across two empty ones. Breathing heavy, I covered my mouth as the shadow passed by my locker. Stiles' screaming immediately pulled me out of my panic and I jumped out, stumbling right into the janitor. 

"Son of a bitch!", he yelled. 

Scott hissed for the janitor to be quiet, but it just made him mad. 

"Quiet my ass! What the hell are you trying to do, kill me? Three of you, get out!".

The boys were still busy arguing with the janitor when the ringing blasted through my ears.

"Shut up!! I mean sorry, Mr. Janitor. But we have to get out now, he's here!!!". 

Scott and Stiles were gob smacked by my outburst, and as for the janitor, he didn't care and shoved us out of the locker room. Literally two seconds after the janitor shut the door, the Alpha emerged, attacking the man, his blood spluttering all over the glass. 

Scott moved forward, trying to open the door to help, but Stiles pulled him back before grabbing my wrist, the three of us running to get as far away as we can. When we reached the back exit doors, they wouldn't open- something was blocking our way out. 

"What the hell?!?", Stiles yelled.

Scott stuck his head through the gap, "It's a dumpster.".

"He pushed it in front of the door to block us in. Come on, help me!". 

Stiles and I pushed with all our might, but it still wouldn't budge. I ran my fingers through my hair out of frustration and let out a puff off air while Scott hauled Stiles away from the door.

"I'm not dying here. I'm not dying at school.", Stiles cried as we searched for another way out.

"You're not going to die, we won't let that happen…", I reassured him, squeezing his shoulder. 

"God, what is he doing? What does he want?". 

He swung his arms in the air, still holding on the flashlight as we briskly walked through the hallway.

"Us! Derek says its stronger with a pack… Especially with Lorelai…", Scott sighed before looking in my direction. 

"Oh, great! A psychotic werewolf who's into teamwork. That's, that's beautiful.". 

Stiles never failed to lighten the mood with a sarcastic comment, stopped abruptly in his tracks. 

"Wait, wait. Lorelai, how did you know he was here?".

"Funny story… Uh when something weird is about to happen, I get this high pitch ringing in my ears and uh…", I drifted off, staring out the window. 

There, blatantly watching us was the Alpha, perched on the rooftop on the other side of the school. I tugged Stiles' arm. 

"Guys… Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing that.", I squeaked.

Hearing Scott and Stiles' gasps, the Alpha ran towards us at almost a lightning speed, crashing through the windows. Screaming as loudly as we could for the second time that night, we raced down the hallway, keeping our eyes out for any possible safe haven. 

We burst through a side door, sprinting down the stairs and entered the basement, hiding behind some old lockers. Scott was the one closer to the end and he poked his head to check if the Alpha was still there. 

The look on his face when he turned around was a clear indication that we were not alone, "Go.".

Moving as quickly as we could further from the doors, we heard the Alpha topple over something. 

"All right, we have to do something.", Stiles jittered, jumping at the sound. 

"Like what?", Scott and I asked at the same time.

"I don't know! Kill it. Hurt it. Inflict mental anguish on it. Something!". 

Stiles was practically shaking, the beam from the flashlight bouncing all over the place. The three of us backed up against another opened door and into the room. I started scratching my arms again, this time lifting my sleeves to get better access.

"Come on! The desk!", I heard Stiles shout. 

Helping them push it up against the door, the Alpha growled loudly outside, trying to get through. Breathing heavy, we glanced at each other, realizing that this was the one barrier he couldn't move. 

"It spoke to me…", I whispered in between breaths. 

Glancing from the struggling monster and back to me, Scott and Stiles were struggling to process my news. 

"What do you mean?", Stiles questioned.

"The Alpha's voice… Was inside my head…".

Their eyes looked like it was about to pop out of its sockets. 

"This just keeps getting better and better… The Alpha has telepathy… I wanna see him.", Stiles said casually. 

I stared at the guy as if he was mad.

"Are you crazy?!?", Scott pulled him back.

"Look, it's trapped, okay? It's not gonna get out.", Stiles justified, owning this sudden surge of confidence as he approached the door, jumping over the desk.

"Lorelai, what's wrong with your arms?", Scott pointed out my furious scratching, his eyes wide.

Looking down, I gasped at the color of my veins. They were black, just like Derek when he got shot with the poisonous bullet.

"What the…".

Scott frowned before directing his gaze to Stiles who decided to run his mouth.

"Yeah, that's right! We got you.". 

Stiles shone the flashlight through the little barred window located in the middle of the door. Scott told him to shut up, glancing from him to me, a concerned expression on his face. 

"I'm not scared of this thing!". 

Just as the words came out of Stiles' mouth, the Alpha thumped the door hard, sending Stiles sliding backwards and off the desk in a fright. I quickly pulled down my sleeves to cover my arms, hiding my skin from Stiles. This was a later problem, the main priority right now was to try and survive the night.

"I'm not scared of you. Right? 'Cause you're in there, and we're out here.", Stiles taunted. 

Scott glared at him as he continued his ranting. There was a sudden crash followed by a creaking noise coming from above our heads. Shakily, we moved away from the sound, and the ceiling tiles fell to the ground, causing us to bolt out of there as fast as our feet could take us without looking back.

"You know, I always had a feeling Stiles Stilinski's big mouth was going to be the reason for our early demise!", I scoffed.

"Now isn't the time to point fingers!", he shot back. 

"Wait, do you hear that?", Scott stopped, quietening the two of us. 

"It sounds like a phone ringing.".

I recognized the sound, rubbing my itchy arms up and down. 

"I know that ring! It's Allison's phone!". 

Our situation just got a whole lot more complicated.

"What the hell is she doing here?", I snapped. 

Out of the three of us, Stiles was the only one with a working phone.

"You're gonna tell me why you've been clawing at your arms all night?", Stiles asked while Scott was on the phone with Allison.

"I get itchy when I'm anxious.", I lied, looking away from him.

Scott whipped his body in our direction, "We need to get to the lobby.". 

Stiles, definitely not buying my lie, didn't get a chance to press further as we followed Scott. We got to the lobby at the same time as Allison.

"Why did you come? What are you doing here?", Scott interrogated his girlfriend. 

Stiles and I were a foot behind him. 

"Because you asked me to.", Allison answered, confused by his questions.

"I asked you to?". Scott was just as baffled as she was when she held up her phone, showing us the text.

"Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this message?". 

Allison's gaze moved from Scott to Stiles and then to me. I gave her a helpless expression as we all tried to decipher what the heck was going on.

"Did you drive here?", Stiles quickly butted in. 

"Jackson did. And Lydia. What's going on? Who sent this text?". 

There was a slight quiver in her voice as she questioned us. Just when Scott was about to answer, her phone rang, followed by Jackson and Lydia bursting through the door.

"Finally! Can we go now?", Lydia whispered. 

Out of all the people in the entire world, it just had to be those two. A thud in the ceiling made my heart jump, along with the ringing in my ears and I gave my two friends a knowing look. 


As the six of us bolted out of the lobby, the sound of the ceiling tiles crashing to the ground urged us to move faster. I could almost feel the Alpha breathing down our necks while we raced to safety. Finally reaching the cafeteria, we scuttled inside and started barricading the door. Fear was eminent in everyone, including myself, as we grabbed whatever we could to keep the Alpha from breaking through.

I turned around to find another chair to push up against the door when I noticed Stiles trying to get our attention, pointing at something we totally missed. We seriously couldn't catch a break. Deciding to help him out, I let out a loud sharp whistle making everyone freeze.

"Thanks, Lorelai… Okay, nice work. Really beautiful job, everyone. Now... What should we do about the twenty-foot wall of windows?", he asked sarcastically, his hands waving at the glass squares. 

"Mother trucker…", I mumbled under my breath, running my fingers through my now loose messy hair. 

Quickly bunching it all up, I tied it up into a pony, trying to formulate a plan. 

"Can somebody please explain to me what's going on, because I'm freaking out here. And I would like to know why… Scott?". 

Allison trembled as she looked to her boyfriend for answers, who was even more afraid now that we had three extra people to protect. He moved away from her, shooting Stiles and I a helpless expression.

"Somebody killed the janitor.", Stiles blurted out, walking closer to them. 

While they processed the news, I used that opportunity to get a quick word in with the anxious werewolf. 

"Lorelai… How are we going to get everyone out of here alive?", he asked softly, panic thick in his voice. 

I gnawed my bottom lip as a plan started to formulate inside my head. It wasn't a good one, but it would give everybody else a chance to escape. 

"Remember I told you I heard the Alpha's voice inside my head? As well as every time he's about to attack us, I hear this ringing in my ears? Maybe there's a way I could somehow track him, then we'll be able to get a head start…", I whispered.

Scrunching his eyebrows together, he stared at me, "But…".

"Scott, we don't have any other options. I just need time to figure out how to do it.".

He was still unsure, biting the skin on his thumb nervously as we overheard the ramblings coming from Lydia and Jackson.

"Scott!?! Lorelai?!? What's happening?!?", Allison frantically questioned us.

"I, I don't know. I, I just… If, if we go out there, he's gonna kill us.", Scott said hesitantly, looking to me and then back to the floor. 

He didn't even turn around when he spoke. 

"Who? Who is it?". 

"It's Derek. It's Derek Hale.", Scott answered hesitantly.

Stiles and I both stared at him in surprise. Everyone began questioning him, whether he was sure and how did he know. I physically removed myself from the limelight and approached Stiles, who shrugged at me.

"And if we don't get out now, he's going to kill us too.". 

Scott finally turned around I assume for dramatic effect. If Derek was alive, I had no idea how he was going to get out of this one. Well, his first move would probably be to murder the three of us. 

"Call the cops.", Jackson demanded, looking at Stiles. 

He seemed to be doing a lot better than when I saw him in the hallway earlier that day. Stiles refused to comply and made a move to stop Lydia who jumped at the opportunity, pulling out her phone. Jackson moved forward to keep him away, while Scott rushed to his friend's side.

Lydia ignoring Stiles, dialed 911. 

"Yes, we're at Beacon Hills High School. We're trapped, and we need you to-". 

Judging by the look on her face, something didn't seem right. After cutting the call, she glanced up at us. 

"She hung up on me… She said they got a tip warning them that there are gonna be prank calls about a break-in at the high school. She said if I called again that they're gonna trace it and have me arrested.". 

Lydia and Allison were starting to get hysterical. We had no plan and time was running out. I made a move towards the barricaded doors. I figured while they were distracted, I'd try and find a way to activate my useless druid powers in hopes of feeling out the Alpha. 

Turning my body away from them, I breathed in deeply, closing my eyes, allowing myself to focus on the ringing. At first, nothing happened, but then I heard it- the deep growls that made the hair on my neck and arms stand up. As if on impulse, my body jerked slightly forward, my fingers digging into the back of a nearby chair. 

"You can't hide forever!!!", the Alpha roared inside my head.

It felt like my brain was being liquefied as the ringing reached a point where it physically hurt, while my arms felt like it was on fire. I collapsed to the ground, falling to my knees, the pain so unbearable, I couldn't even scream.

Two pairs of arms took hold of me from either side, helping me up, while I tried to catch my breath. Opening my eyes, I saw Scott on my righthand side, and Stiles on my left. 

"Your ears…. There's… There's blood…", Stiles stammered.

Using the sleeves of my shirt, I wiped it away before whispering to Scott that the Alpha is coming. My eyes fell forward, straight at the three people gawking at me in confusion. Stiles kicked something away from my feet as Allison came rushing towards me. It seemed that I had gripped the back of the chair so hard, I broke off a piece.

"Oh my god, Lorelai are you okay?", Allison shrieked. 

"Yeah, just a small anxiety attack.", I winced. 

My head was pounding, and I was feeling a bit lightheaded, but the pain subsided.

"Okay, now that drama queen over here is clearly fine…", Jackson snapped, pointing at me before returning his attention to Scott and Stiles, "Assheads! New plan. Stiles calls his useless dad and tells him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that?". 

He twirled around the room, trying to get the rest of us on his side. Stiles was the only one not on board with his idea and as Jackson made a grab for his phone, he punched the jerk hard in the face. Allison gasped, leaving my side to check on Jackson. From the corner of my eye, I saw Lydia cowering behind us. 

My breathing now back to normal, I approached her while Stiles pulled out his phone to get a hold of his dad, trying to walk of the strange feeling my body was going through.

"Lorelai… It wasn't a mountain lion…", she whimpered, her body shaking in fear. 

Suddenly, the doors rattled, and I pushed Lydia behind me. The whole group moved backwards as it became clear that our barricade wasn't going to work. 

"The kitchen. The door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell.", I said quickly. 

They gave me a confused look. 

"I made friends with the lunch lady.".

"But it only goes up.", Scott reminded me. 

"Up is better than here.", Stiles retorted.

"Come on! It's not going to hold any longer!", I shouted as I led the way, pushing open the door to the entrance of the stairwell. 

We raced up the stairs and into the hallway. Luckily for us, Mr. Harris left his classroom unlocked. We all rushed in, and Scott placed a chair in front of the door. 

Knowing well that wasn't enough, we held our breaths as we heard the Alpha approach the door, growling softly. My eyes darted from Scott to Stiles, then back to the shadow that lingered for a few seconds outside. After what felt like forever, it disappeared. 

"Jackson, how many people can fit in your car?", Scott whispered.

"Five, if someone squeezes on someone's lap.".

Allison gave him an incredulous look. "Five? I barely fit in the back!".

"It doesn't matter. There's no getting out without drawing attention.", Stiles added. 

Scott spotted a door on the other side of the blackboard. 

"What about this? This leads to the roof. We can go down the fire escape to the parking lot in, like, seconds.".

"That's a deadbolt.", Stiles interjected. 

Realizing that the janitor was the only one who had a key, I came up with another plan.

"Scott, you need to figure out a way to use your werewolf strength to break down that door. I'm gonna try and buy you some time.", I whispered to the two of them.

"Well, gee, that sounds like an incredibly terrible idea. What else you got?", Stiles muttered.

I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Stiles, seriously? I have an advantage, remember? I know when he's close by. Distract them while I sneak out!", I argued. 

"Hey! Dumbasses! What's going on?!?", Jackson interjected. 

I cocked my head towards the door. We were out of time trying to come up something rational. My instinct to protect my friends took over my fear of death.

"I'm getting that key!", Scott dramatically announced, gaining everyone's attention. 

I slowly moved away from him while Allison, Jackson and Lydia kept their focus on him. I caught sight of a broom near the blackboard, not the most ideal weapon, but at least it was something. Taking a deep breath in and out, I moved the chair away from the door, opening it. 

"Lorelai, what are you doing?!?", I heard a very freaked out Allison softly call out from behind me.

Spinning around, I glanced at Scott. 

"Scott, now!". 

I dashed out the door and Scott slammed it shut. I didn't turn back and moved quickly through the dark hallway. As I made my way down the stairs, it felt like I was wading through thick mud. My heartbeat increased with every step, and I pushed away all thoughts of how this could end badly. 

Muttering words of encouragement and bravery that did absolutely nothing, I found myself in the gymnasium where I was hit by a strong metallic scent. Blood.

Moving closer towards the bleachers, my eyes fell to the ground, landing on puddle of a red liquid which I almost walked into. The smell now overpowering, I dry heaved as I lifted my gaze above. There, hanging from the bleachers was the janitor's mauled up bloodied body, the keys dangling from his belt, completely out of my reach.

A wave of nausea hit me, and I held back a choked scream. The subtle ringing in my ears returned as a soft growl echoed through the gym. The Alpha was here.

"You can't keep fighting the inevitable, Lorelai Maolán. Once your power is mine, I will get my revenge!!!", the Alpha shouted.

At first, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, but the bleachers began to fold into itself, and I realized that if I didn't move in the next few seconds, I was literally going to turn into human minced meat. 

"LORELAI!!!", a voice shouted. 

Scott sprinted towards me, grabbing my waist, and landing us both on the other side, just as the bleachers closed shut. Breathing hard, we stared at each other, wide eyed. 

"Y-you saw the Janitor too, right?", I stammered. 

He nodded as he helped me up. I was still holding the broom and I quickly snapped off the brush. It was now a very long stake. I shoved Scott, glaring at him. He knew why I was mad however we didn't get a chance to argue. 

The Alpha, his eyes glowing its bright horrifying red, was standing across the gym, his gaze lingering on us before charging. Scott had a beaker in his grasp which he threw at the beast but was disappointed with results when nothing happened. He shoved me out of the way as the Alpha pounced on him, knocking him to the ground, its claws around Scott's throat.

"SCOTT!!!", I screamed as I lunged towards the Alpha, afraid that he was going to kill my friend. 

He stuck out his giant hand, his claws swiping me away like I was nothing, digging into my stomach and flinging me across the gymnasium. I landed hard on my back, sharp jolts of pain shooting through my body. 

It hurt to move as I experienced both hot and cold flushes. Dots formed before my eyes. The Alpha let out a deep roar causing the ground to vibrate underneath me. 

Something pulled at my heart as I turned my head to see if Scott was okay. Unfortunately, the guy was fully wolfed out. It seemed that he wasn't strong enough to fight the Alpha's control over him.

"Scott… No…", I gasped, as he ran off.

It didn't take a genius to figure out what the Alpha wanted him to do. I felt the beast approaching and he crouched over me, tracing my right cheek with one of his claws. His features were fuzzy and out of focus.

"Your friends are dead, Lorelai… And… YOU'RE NEXT!!!", his monstrous voice boomed before he sank his teeth into my shoulder for second time.

As I let out a blood curdling scream, my left hand brushed against something that felt like a piece of wood. I couldn't believe that my makeshift weapon was still in my possession. 

He roared again after removing his fangs from my flesh, curling his claws around my throat. I mustered up every ounce of strength I had and thrusted the broomstick into his bicep. He howled, squeezing my throat harder.

I could feel the effects of oxygen deprivation slowly take over my body. My life was literally flashing before my eyes. I could see faces of the people I met since coming to Beacon Hills, my mom and then my dad.

I couldn't die yet, not when the person responsible for my dad's death is still out there. I had to keep fighting, for myself, my friends, my mom, and to get justice for my dad. 

I felt that familiar electric tingle in the air around me, and immediately, my fingers grabbed at it. I don't how this happened, but it was like I had summoned a strong wind which helped me push the Alpha off my body. He landed on the side of the gym.

The both of us stunned by the turn of events, he gave me one last glance, letting out a loud roar before running off. My mind, still processing what had just happened, realized that no one was safe yet. Scott was out there, fully turned with the intention of murdering someone. Regardless of the agony that ripped through my body, I pushed myself off the ground, screaming as I made my way to Mr. Harris' classroom. My injuries weren't healing at its normal fast rate, and I could feel the blood dripping all over the place.

The stairs tired me out completely and when I finally managed to get the floor where our chemistry class was, my legs gave out and I collapsed. My breathing ragged, my eyes focused on the silhouette that lingered outside the classroom door. 

I called out to Scott, my voice weak and raspy. His head shot in my direction, fully shifted, eyes glowing golden yellow. 

"You are not a killer, Scott…". 

He snarled at me, tilting his head slightly, as if he was deciding whether I worth the kill. Confliction flashed across his face as he returned his attention back to the door. 

I choked out his name again, my heart feeling the same familiar tug. When he turned to me again, he was back to his normal self, but he was really scared. Noticing the condition I was in, he rushed over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh my god, Lorelai… W-was… Was it me?", he trembled. 

Before I could answer, we heard the sound of sirens and beams of police lights shone through the windows. 

"You need a hospital!", Scott cried as we hobbled away before anyone saw us.

"No! Speed healing, remember?", I protested. 

"The back entrance, hurry!". 

Confused by my request, he didn't question it, and tried to get me out as fast as he could. Luckily, the cops hadn't reached that area as yet and Scott helped me into a sitting position on one of the stairs.

The effect of my injuries catching up and the adrenaline wearing out, my body felt as though it was thrown into a pit of lava and ice, along with needles and glass stabbing and piercing me all over. 

"You need… You need to go… Cover… For me…", I gasped in between words, struggling to breathe.

"Lorelai!!! Are you insane!?! I can't leave you like this!!!". 

Scott was horrified.

"I'll heal… Come get me after you've spoken to the police… Go!". 

I honestly wasn't sure whether that was true or not, but if the two of us were missing, it was going to look suspicious. I jerked to the side, throwing up a disgusting black liquid. Panting hard, my head leaning against the railing, I was convinced the pain was going to kill me. 

The sound of a dog barking not too far from where I was, caused me to panic. I lifted myself up slowly, hoping to at least try and get to the trees so I could hide, but I threw up for the second time and was barely able to hold myself up. 

My body went into shock, and I braced myself for impact, however, instead of hitting the ground, I fell into someone's arms. Struggling to keep my eyes opened, I caught a glance of what broke my fall. More like who…

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