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40% Shinobi Gamer in Marvel / Chapter 16: May the force be with you.

Capítulo 16: May the force be with you.

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Two days later Leon sent his ninjas to subdue the Manisarera Cartel and other missions. Later getting some much-needed rest, founding himself submerged beneath Revy and Balalaika, lying on top of him.

The two little mixes made him use the Multi shadow clone jutsu, so there were four of him when he was screwing them.

By the end of their hour-long session, his private room was a complete mess, smelling of sex with clothes scattered everywhere and stains of their body fluids too.

By the time Leon arrived at the private room, he left Roberta and Garcia the past days, they were both asleep. Exhausted from all the sexual intercourse they had for the last two days, even though they completed their goal on the first day, they still kept going. 

At first, Roberta felt shame, for taking advantage of her young master. But having discovered the pleasures of sex, Garcia lost himself in her body.

Refusing to let her go, he continued their intercourse, barely having enough time to eat and drink the food that was brought to them, compliments of the continental. Leon wouldn't be surprised if Garcia put multiple children in her.

Still clung to each other, which was understandable considering everything they did. He got them woken up, fed them then dragging their feet, biding their farewells he sent them to the airport back to their home.

So Don, Diego Lovelace takes over the continental after he informs him of Roberta's pregnancy.

"With that, I have saved the Yellow flag from being destroyed."

[Take out or beat Abrego] [Super rare reward] [Complete]

[Receiving Super rare Silver grade item Solar Powered]

+Solar Powered: Increase Strength and Endurance by 60%. Regenerates your lost Health and heals your radiation damage.

"Lookout world! I'm budget discount Superman! This upgrade is gonna be awesome."

- One week later-

After all the assigned missions were, complete Leon had received 3.4 million 800,000 MSP. From the continental, he received 13 million and He earned 300,000 from Facebook. Unfortunately, he was being sued by Zuckerberg for $65 million in mediations.

Trying to forget his issues, Leon went to check on Revy in the room, he gave to her in the Continental. Entering he heard the TV was on. 

"-unmitigated tragedy. Sources at the scene tell us that not much remains of the embassy. What we know so far is that thirty-seven embassy employees have been killed and another one-hundred and fifty were wounded. The DRC military is currently continuing with its rescue efforts. Directly following the bombing, a terrorist organization calling themselves "the protectors of the Islamic Front" have claimed responsibility for the bombing."

Room service kept Revy's room clean and tidy, unlike her previous apartment, her room was a mess. Bullet holes close to everywhere, on the floor, are used cigarettes, beer and alcohol bottles, and bullet shells.

He found Revy sleeping In bed peacefully while only with her black tank top and her grey panties, her Walkman was next to her, but her earphones were out of her ear. he then started to call out to Revy.

"Revy are you gonna sleep all day? you have a job. Dutch says it's an emergency."

Revy started to wake up, barely waking her eyes, and was groggily from a hangover, talking weakly.

"That you, Leon?"

"Yeah, it's me."

Said Leon as he started to walk up to Revy.

"I guess it's a last-minute request. His exact words were 'Wake her the hell up!' So, I ran down from my room."

Leon Opens the current dining light shine in the room, causing Revy to hiss at the light hitting her, fully waking her up.

"Goddamn it."

Revy loudly muttered, as she lifted her body up and started yawning before talking to Leon.

"This job…who's it from?"

"Mr. Chang. You know, from the Triad."

Leon answers, as he gives Revy a cigarette into her mouth and lit it.

 In the room of the Lagoon Company's Office were Benny, Dutch who was making coffee, and the Triad leader, Bai Ji-Shin Chang along with his men, with a cigarette in his mouth sitting on the couch relaxing and being a bit bothered.

"I've been waiting for quite a while now."

Said Chang.

"What do I have to do to get a cup of coffee around here? Honestly Dutch, is this what you call 'service'?"

"It's my mistake for not knowing we were running a café."

Answered Dutch with a witty remark.

"You do know why I own a torpedo boat don't you Mr. Chang?"

"Dutch, now that's just cold... Our place just burned down, and we came straight here. I'd say the very least you could do is offer us a better cup of coffee."

"That's some bad luck, Mr. Chang. I hear you lost half the building."

"Yeah, I got to say they hit us hard."

"Was it the Russians?"

"Nah, that's impossible. We've always been very friendly with Ms. Balalaika and company."

After that, Revy and Leon with some of his ninjas in suits came into the room which got everyone's attention.

"Hey! Glad you could join us!" Said Chang.

"Someone wanna fill me in? Did I miss much?"

Revy questioned after waving to everyone.

"No, we're just getting started. This briefcase is the cause of everything. But, that just proves how valuable it is. I took this off an incredibly stupid Bulgarian who was trying to make a quick buck in my territory... Here's the thing. I don't recall permitting to sell weapons to anyone, other than good old Yolanda from the Rip-Off Church."

"But for some reason, this guy thought he'd give it a try anyway. He was casually selling guns on the street like he was running a hotdog stand or something. What's worse, he mistook all of my warnings for some kind of crazy joke."

"Although, eventually he did understand, and made a deal. Right around the time, we told him we were going to crush his balls like nuts."

Revy and Benny gave out short laughs. 

"Unbelievable…I mean the guy was a real idiot. But it turns out he had a very interesting job."


Dutch questioned.

"He works for Bulgarian Intelligence. This city is a comfortable place for folks for that too you know. Normally a guy like that would be very useful to us. But…you can only play with fire for so long before it gets out of control. What do you suppose he offered us in exchange for his balls? Well, Dutch…Documents."


Questioned Dutch.

"The hiking routes of a friendly little organization we all know of. I'm sure you've heard of them. If I'm not mistaken, the little job they did before hitting us has been on TV all morning."

"The US embassy!"

Benny said remembering the US Embassy bomb attack on the news.

"Sounds dangerous to me…"

"Sounds like a fucking terrorist attack…who else wanna bomb an Embassy?"

"Turns out that ball boy's real job was actually with them."

Said Mr. Chang.

"Apparently the world's full of people who want 'Uncle Sam' to disappear. They're just the latest ones to try. Anyway, I decided to get in touch with one such group. I told them that they dropped something important. But as soon as I quoted these guys what it would cost them, they told me to get the hell out of there before they burned my ass alive."

"Not very nice…So this is how I answered… 'Fine, have it your way, I'll go elsewhere then'…Thanks to that…My office was blasted all the way to Jordan today. And as predicted, my ass did nearly become a roast before I got here, so it wasn't just talk."

"These guys really don't have a sense of humor... So Dutch, here's the deal. I want you to deliver this. Five teams will leave Roanapur at the same time. But here's the thing. Each of them will have a different destination. There are five cases, but only one jackpot."

"So it's a feint."

Dutch guessed.

"Yep, as insurance of course. Your destination is the military base on Basilan Island. You have two days. After that, my company contacts will have left Basilan."

"Chang, my man, two days does not give us enough time."

"There's never enough time is there, Dutch?"

While the conversation was still going a few jeeps showed up parked next to the apartment. Coming out from the jeeps were men wearing ski masks, green battle-dressed uniforms, black combat boots, and carrying AK-47s. They were ready to storm the building.

"Last night's embassy bombing is just the first in a series of events." Two days from now, the next schedule will set to begin. Let's put it this way. When they're done hiking this time, there's gonna be a new president."

"'Uncle Sam' came to me because their embassy went up like the Challenger. If they knew how to deal with this, we wouldn't be having this conversation. We will provide you with a getaway driver and a guard once you get to the Island. I'm counting on you Dutch."

While the conversation was still continuing, Revy felt something off and decided to check outside through the window. Leon knew what was going to happen, looking as she walked up to the window and checked out what was going on.

Taking a peek through the window Revy noticed the unknown group of armed men about to start the raid. She then noticed one of them was armed with an RPG aiming at the window where she was peeking from.


Revy yelled as she ran from the window ducking for cover over the couch.

The apartment window was hit by the rocket of the RPG almost destroying the room where Lagoon Company and the Triad are in its explosion. Afterward, everyone began to recover, Mr. Chang was already standing from what was left of the couch.

"Well, they don't waste any time. They're already here!"

Said Mr. Chang as he stood up and got upset because of his ruined cigarette.

"{Boss are you alright?!}"

Asked Mr. Chang's right-hand man as he came up to his boss to see if he was alright.

"Your information's leaked, Mr. Chang. We're gonna have to cancel this one."

"Are you gonna quit?"

Asked Mr. Chang as he received his custom dual stainless Beretta 76s with pearl grips and another lit cigarette from his men.

"I hate to see you're stuck with the repair bill for this. Anyhow, the least I can do is escort you to your boat. But first…I have to admit it's been a while since I've been in the field."

"Emergency exit?"

"I'll show ya!"

Said Revy with her smile as she pulled out her two Cutlass pistols.

"Follow me!"

"A little guided tour huh? Great…"

Before a group of masked gunmen could breach the room where Lagoon Company and the Triad are, Mr. Chang and Revy kicked down the door without any warning. They started shooting every gunmen they came across, showing off their marksmanship and shooting skills.

Mr. Chang showed his shooting skills were leagues above and better than Revy's. They were both clearing the way out for the others to escape. As they walked through the hall, a grenade was tossed to them.


Said Revy when she saw the grenade.

"Don't panic, Two-hands."

Said Chang with his calm tone.

"In this situation…"

Chang paused as he kicked the grenade back to the gunmen. The militia were too slow, dying from the explosion of the grenade when it was kicked back to them.

"If you hesitate, you lose."

"Chang's cleared the way for us! Now let's go!"

Yelled Dutch.

"Yeah! I'm on it!"

Said Benny.

Dutch, Aaron, Benny, Mr. Chang's men, Leon, and his ninjas rushed out of the room. with Leon holding the briefcase containing the documents.

While Revy and Mr. Chang were taking care of the gunmen, Revy noticed a gunman about to shoot Chang on the upper floor next to the stairs but saved him, killing the gunman as he fell off and landed on the ground hard.

"Careful, boss man!"

Said Revy.

"Don't get cocky Two Hands!"

Said Chang as he saved Revy's life by killing a gunman on a different upper level next to the stairs, falling off dead like the previous gunman that she killed.

"No one would say you don't have the skills, but you fail to see the bigger picture."

"True. I can admit I'm not at your level yet. I just hope I'll get there someday."

"Now that's a good answer."

"A car outside! It'll get you to the harbor!"

"Fucking great! What are these days are like a job where I don't get shot at!"

"Quit your bitching Dutch! We are doing all the dirty work here anyway! Hurry!"

Chang's men and himself covered the Lagoon Company escape. The lagoon crew finally made it to the back exit to their parked cars outside next to the emergency stairs.

"I'll leave the rest to you, Mr. Chang!"

Dutch said after he jumped over the rail of the emergency stairs to the ground, which was two stories high.

"This is a major pain in the ass!"

Benny screamed as he was running away from the gunfire.

Leon carried Benny and threw him inside Dutch's car like a sack of potatoes safely. Getting himself and his ninja into his 1967 Chevrolet Impala, while Revy was rushing to Dutch's car where the rest of the lagoon crew were. Over the balcony, Mr. Chang started shouting at her about something.

"When you get there, don't forget the password okay? The password is-"

After Chang gave out the password, Lagoon Company starts to drive off to the Black Lagoon boat.

Name: Leon Uzumaki/Leon Petrov

Kekkei Genkai: Uzumaki, Wood Release

Elemental Affinity: Wind, Fire, Earth, Water, Lighting, Yang

Chakra level: Jonin

Chakra Control: Rank A

Taijutsu: Power Rank A, Technique Rank A

Shurikenjutsu: Rank A

Kenjutsu: Rank A

Fuinjutsu: Rank B

Genjutsu: Rank E

Ninjutsu: Rank A


+Naruto Uzumaki, Genin, Rank C

+Asuma Sarutobi, Jonin, Rank A

+Yamato, Jonin, Rank A

+Harold Finch, Rank S Mechanical engineering and Rank S Computer science

[Take over Roanapur] [Ultra rare reward]

[Take out or beat Mr. Chang] [Super rare reward]

[Take out or beat Abrego] [Super rare reward] [Complete]

[Take out or beat a main Antagonist] [Super rare reward] 

[Destroy Roanapur] [Ultra rare reward]

[Let the story take its course] [Normal reward]

Cash: $25,330,000

MSP: 800,000 MSP

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