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Capítulo 6: Chapter Six

The noise was the first thing that got to Manny upon entering the warehouse.

Of course, this shouldn't have come as a surprise due to the kind of people Manny is dealing with—but somehow it just did.

A muscular man by the side was flexing his muscles at a woman who scoffed and flexed her bigger muscles with a mocking grin. Two men had their foreheads bashed together in an argument while those around chanted for them to fight each other. Loud clangs occasionally rattled through the warehouse as some of the Animals used make-shift materials to train themselves with…

Huh~ what a hardworking bunch.

A single sweep was all Manny did to perfectly count that the numbers present didn't match the data Sasha had with her—they were too many—although, the Netrunner did say she did have a plan for something like this.

'Then again, I can't see how they're supposed to go in gun blazing with a warehouse filled with over 180 thugs.'

It wasn't an outrageous amount when compared to the Animal gang as a whole, but it certainly was strange for such numbers to be gathered in a descript warehouse without the Alpha's knowledge…

'Heh, this Katz fellow sure is planning something.'

Manny felt a small smirk forming on his face.

Manny's foreknowledge of the Sasquatch still being the Alpha of the Animals even in the 2077s meant that whatever Katz was planning was a total bust.

It probably explains why Manny hadn't heard of Katz in-game.

This means Sasha and Maine were right in the sense that zeroing Katz was never the goal; rescuing Stella is. A simple evidence to the Alpha would be just enough to get her moving and sniffing.

Let the nature of Night City take its course…

But Manny had a different thought—a much more lucrative one.

Even now, there was this voice telling Manny that killing even if he came here on his lonesome and with them being prepared for his arrival was a piece of cake—him being in their midst without anyone the wiser of his intentions made it even easier.

Although, the later part could be attributed to him doing some Telepathic mumbo-jumbo to ensure no one notices his presence… At least, for now.

But killing wasn't the option—killing had never been the option.

This was Manny's day 1 in Night City, and he didn't want to end it on a bloody note.

Zeroing the gonks, saving the girl, and getting the kiss is nice and all, but that alone won't simply solve anything.

Sasquatch may be able to take care of the Katz's problem, but who says that would be enough to stop her if she gets interested in his plans?

What if she decides that following it up could just be worthwhile?

What if she decides that Katz's idea of having a certain Netrunner take the fall ain't a bad one?

There were many variables, and too many What Ifs? In a Universe like this one, one's just gotta' think hard and act smart…


'Killing them would just be wasteful…'

Manny, at the moment, is a Primarch.

A Warp-crafted being made to represent the Emperor of Man…

A natural-born leader.

And what's a Primarch without leading?

Soon enough, Manny huffed as he found the one he was looking for.


The sight of Pepe looking all miserable with bottles being his companions was enough to make Manny almost feel guilty—ALMOST being the keyword.

'After all, he did try to kill me.'

While Manny knew what he did was wrong and did regret doing it… At the same time, he doesn't want to die.

So if given the chance with NO other option left, he would do it again.

'Since… Since when did I start thinking like that?'

From the moment you knew the meaning of preservation instinct.

Manny shook away his chaotic thoughts as he put on his game face and ambled towards Pepe.

Time to put his plans into motion.


Pepe had once been a man of many dreams.

Then again, unlike many stories in this godforsaken city, Pepe's first dream hadn't been one of greatness: he simply wanted to see his mama stop crying and fuck up the gilipollas who saw himself as his 'papa'.

It wasn't exactly a grand dream, but it was a hard one to accomplish.

Back then, irons weren't as easy to obtain as they are now, and his erstwhile—what? Mama forced him to self-study—physique certainly wasn't going to do much against the big bastard—

—not to mention how cowardly he was back then.

It was always living in fear of the fist or leg. Grinding his teeth in anger at the sound of his mama being punched around like a boxer: all while festering in self-disgust at the fact that he wasn't man enough to go zero that fucker…

But those circumstances lasted until he met Katz.

Back then, Katz was the definition of a DMM (Daredevil Machinegun Motherfucker): he says whatever he wants to say to whoever he wanted to say it to, and he wasn't afraid to fight it out if you got a problem with it.

Add in his rugged charisma and it wasn't an exaggeration to say Katz was the uncrowned 'thug-king' of the neighborhood.

Back then, Pepe was also amongst the gonks who saw Katz as an idol—and when his idol advised him on his family's situation, Pepe took his words straight to the corazón.

[… Alright, listen up, baby thug. If ya want somethin'… Like really, really want it. Then ya better be ready to fight for it like an animal salvaje. It ain't gonna be easy. There ain't anyone who'd come n' kiss your booboos away if things don't go ya way. But we're Hyenas, motherfucker! So ya gotta cast all that little rational shit and do thin's the Hyena way.]


Pepe could still remember his 'papa's face as he clawed his throat that had been ripped open with a butter knife and the blank—but happy look on his mama's.

He could still remember telling his mama that everything's gonna be okay—that with that monster out of their lives, things are going to be turning out for the better.


Que chiste mas gracioso…

That fucking line of thought merely lasted a week before Pepe realized it was time to take some drastic actions of his own.

Even with the perro gone, that doesn't mean everything magically becomes fucking fine and dandy.

Food still needs to be put on the table.

It was time to clock out and finally be a TRUE Man of the House.

Perhaps… It was time to dream a little bigger.

Disregarding his mama's pleadings, Pepe upped and joined the Valentinos as their errand boy. Carting the little goods and keeping an eye on people of interest either to spy on them or simply to find out where they live.

It wasn't easy. It wasn't safe.

Being a low-level grunt means that the only thing that connects Pepe to the Valentinos are the scratches from the little jobs he did.

If anything goes wrong—unless you've got someone from up high—then don't bother expecting them to come bail your sorry ass out.

Pepe has seen many of his fellow gangoons being sent to follow some bastardo only to hear that they'd flatlined the next day.

Some of which didn't make for a pretty sight.

Nevertheless, due to how lucrative the jobs were, Pepe had no choice but to reign in his objections.

Food was on the table. Mama looked a little bit plumper. Tomorrow looked a little bit brighter.

Just a little bigger.

… But that only lasted until Katz came knocking and Pepe decided to dream a bit bigger.

See, Katz had this 'great' idea of selling out some detes to a rival Familia his own was coming into conflicts with. He reckoned doing so would earn him favors and a higher position from the bosses of the opposing Familia.

But to get a hold of the detes, Katz needed a partner-in-crime—a cómplice—helping him in his every step: and what better partner was there to have than the young stupid Pepe?

Pepe could have told him no—should have even gone and told the higher-ups about Katz's plans. There was a possibility that they would have rewarded him and given him a higher standing—a rep amongst the Valentinos.

Just a little bigger.

But just as Pepe had listened to Katz before, he couldn't help but listen to him again…

Then, everything went to hell.

Pepe still remembers the choking smoke—the unforgiving flames that burned down his home—of being tied up while his mama was forced to watch with a fucking iron pressed against her head.

Burn this into your soul, pequeña mierda… They said. Familia never betray one another.

Then silence…



The iron went off.

There Pepe's sweet mama lay on the ground—blood pooling as her body shivered and lips turned pale. Nevertheless, her lips never stopped moving: she was praying—praying for the wayward bastard called Pepe: praying that he lives a long and happy life in this goddamn city.

(I)Pepe had lost everything: his/my home, his/my job, and his/my mama…

Simply because he/I dared to dream a bit bigger.

Time and Night City went on living, as Pepe was just about done with his—but that was when he saw Katz passing by with the Animals hollering and whooping in enjoyment.

'He was STILL alive?! That cabron was STILL breathing while his mom was given the decency of being buried?!'

Hah… Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…!

Words couldn't describe how Pepe felt as he teetered by the edge of a bridge dressed in rags while Katz drive by laughing like the fucking madman he truly is.

Just a little bigger.

At that moment, Pepe once more, had a dream—a final fuck-you to NC.

Pepe will join up with the Animals. Build his way up to being Katz's right-hand man. Fill Katz's leadhead with all sorts of ideas and work to achieve them…

And as Katz is about to enter the high life of NC—just right when he's at that very door with that ravenous look that he always had on his face…

Pepe will be right behind the Hyena to take it all away.

Just a little bigger.

Pepe was of no illusions that this wouldn't end up with him lying in some unknown ditch motionless and cold… Like shit, Pepe would consider himself lucky if he goes out with an intact body.

But as long as he drags Katz screaming in agony with him.

As long as the failure, Pepe, gets to achieve JUST that and ONLY that.


"That'll be one nova way of giving this city the middle finger as I go."


"I don't care about flatlining, Señor Muerte. I don't care if I get done in and have my body sliced apart by fucking Scavs. I've got nothing else to live for in this city…"

With bleary eyes, Pepe turned to the figure of his imagination—the colossal representation of Death.

"But please, not now. Not when I've gotten Katz where I want him after 10 years. Just a bit more time. A bit more time to build him up some more… So I can send him crashing down even harder."

Death's fiery eyes of gold regarded Pepe for a few seconds before it sighed and propped its massive arm on the table.

"So... Is this what your mama wanted you to live for, Pepe? When she lay there dying on the cold hard floor she wasn't praying for you to go on some grand revenge. She was praying—hoping with all her heart that her son lives a life he doesn't deserve. A bright and colorful life NOT a life that'll spiral down to broken dreams and a wasteful death."

"News flash, Señor Muerte. Siempre he sido un hijo indigno. Not to mention Night City wouldn't let me anyway… I've gone too deep into this to back out now—I've got too much blood on my hands to start thinking of washing it off."

Pepe forced a hollow laugh as he blankly stared at the bottle in his hand.

"I know that Hell is waiting for me at the Otherside and I know I won't be seeing my mama ever again. But Katz… Just Katz, as long as I can drag him down with me. Then I'll be entering the Lake of Fire a happy man."

Death huffed, shook his head, and—placed its hand on Pepe's shoulder…












Like a malfunctioning Borg, Pepe stiffly moved his head to his shoulder to see that, yes, he could feel Death's warm—AND physical grip on his body.

It was at that moment, that Pepe realized that the Death beside him may not have been a figure of his imagination.

"Santa Madre de Dios—!"

"Keep it down. No need to react like you've just seen a ghost."

Death (?), did something as Pepe inexplicably found himself unable to move his mouth.


With panic in his eyes, Pepe wondered if this was some nightmare that he'd found himself in—but he immediately knew that wasn't true as he'd already experienced his fair share of it.

But then, what kind of Cyberware is this monster using to do this?

Like most members of the Animals, Pepe had forgone the use of Cyberwares for artificial muscle implants, and Booster Stims. But unlike most of his fellow Animals, Pepe has been keeping in touch with the latest Cyberware and Programs in the Market as well as installing the needed ICE to defend against it.

It was more of a precautionary measure against people Pepe couldn't physically see when he was in a fight.

But this though, whatever the hell this Monster was doing to Pepe, didn't seem to be like any of the Attackers he's seen before…

Fuck, it doesn't even feel like a Netrunning Program in the first place.

Is this… Magic?

Sighing, the Monster released its grip on Pepe's mouth as the Animal gasped and tried to regain its breath.

"Sorry about that, I'm still trying to get the hang of this. As you can see I'm not perfect. But that doesn't mean I want you to ruin my cover… Not unless you want me to run wild in here…"

Faced with an olive branch alongside memories of the Monster's illogical movements from before was enough incentive for Pepe to slowly nod in concession.

He doesn't want to die yet—at least, not now.

"So… Why are you here?"

"I think you know the answer to that more than anyone, Pepe."

With a jolting flinch, Pepe abruptly remembered the circumstances upon which he had first met him. Back when he was supposed to nab Sasha, the freelance Netrunner for the upcoming job.

"Did you come to free Sasha's sister? If that's what you're here for then I can help you do that immediately…"

"Hmm?" The monster raised a brow. "So you're not gonna fight or anything?"

Pepe laughed ruefully.

"Fight? I think you mean like 'offer myself up to die'. I'm not loco enough to fight someone with moves like you. Besides, my iron ain't on my hand right now, and I'd rather just give you what you want and go about this in another way… Sasha may have been one of our prime targets, but she isn't the only one."

The plan wasn't so weak that Pepe didn't have other alternatives to go about it.

"Yeah~ about that… Getting Sasha's sister out of here was merely one of my goals in coming here… I've got an offer for you… Choom. How do you feel about Katz losing everything he has right now and lodging a bullet into his skull in exchange for being my right-hand man?"

Pepe sat up with eyes narrowed in attentiveness.

"I'm listening…"

The monster smiled—

—two minutes later, Pepe was smiling with him.

If there was anything Pepe learned through his experience as a gangoon straight up to the right-hand of an Animal pack is that there is no such thing as a perfect plan.

All it takes is a 'little something' for Pepe's 10 years of planning to fall apart.

Whether Pepe liked it or not, he could see that the Monster was hell-bent on taking over this place—and somehow, he felt that was going to be an easy matter.

It wasn't a 100% chance that Pepe's plan would work anyway—but this… The plan the Monster offered was a simple one, but… Fuck, Pepe was sure the result was enough to make Katz go insane.

He loved it.

"Alright, Mr. Death—I mean, Boss. You've got yourself a right-hand man."

The Monster—no, Boss stood up with Pepe following him from behind.

"Boss, huh…? How about you start by calling me, Manny."


Here I am living the good life just like you've always said I would.

I've got the latest cars in my garage.

I've got a freaking mansion in Night City's topside.

I I'm to become a Father within the next 3 months, mama—even though that scares me more than I would like to admit—I'm hoping it's a girl so that she can have your name, but if it's a boy, no matter… I'll love him just like how you loved me.




I've done it, mama. Your Pepe's finally achieved the impossible.

I WON against freaking Night City.

All those dreams you had for me—your prayers and hopes, I've achieved all that and more.

Sometimes, I look back and wish the Dragon had come into our lives sooner.

Maybe you would have been with me to enjoy what you deserve. To see the life we've always dreamed of while on empty stomachs…

But that's just me festering on the What Ifs?

The past is a done-and-gone deal, and I can never change it.

I won't forget you, mama—I can never forget you.

All the memories; the good and the bad—they live forever in my heart.

So… Goodbye, for now, mama.

I hope you'll be proud of your boy when you see him again.


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