While Duan Yixin was thinking about his suggestion, Xuan Ruiquan hesitated and said, "Xin'er, I have something to tell you."
Hearing this, Duan Yixin looked at him and asked, "Mhm? What is it?"
Seeing his serious and hesitant expression, Duan Yixin also became serious. After a moment of silence, Xuan Ruiquan said, "I am the owner of Chang Shou Pharmacy."
After saying that, Xuan Ruiquan lowered his eyes and waited for her judgment. He waited for a while but did not hear anything from Duan Yixin. He looked up at her and found that she was laughing.
Xuan Ruiquan blinked in confusion and asked, "Why are you laughing?"
Duan Yixin coughed and said, "I thought you had something important to tell me. Turns out you were just talking about it."
"Don't you blame me for keeping this secret?" Xuan Ruiquan asked doubtfully.
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