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81.35% I became an NPC in The Great Tomb of Nazarick / Chapter 47: Fun activity!

Capítulo 47: Fun activity!

As Carne "Village" prepared to face the Imperial knights, within the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Foresight could be seen hiding inside a small stone room with but a torch to light the area.

Aarche, the blonde wizard of the group, could be seen sitting on the floor, her skin sweaty and her breathing heavy, tears had gathered at the corners of her eyes, filled with fear and regret.

Imina, the elf ranger with purple hair, could be seen sitting down while tapping her thick leather boot on the stone floor impatiently, she would pace around, but conserving their strength matters more now. She can be seen looking at Hekkeran with concern, concerned for her lover's health.

Hekkeran, the also blonde fighter, is holding his hip, which is slightly bleeding. His face is slightly contorted in pain as he is leaning on his back, not fully sitting down since that hurts more than standing.

Roberdyck, the blonde paladin and the only member with plate armor, though it still lacks a helmet, is currently attempting to heal Hekkeran with the remains of his holy power. His brow is furrowed and sweaty as he squeezes out whatever magic he still has in him. However, his magic is effectively gone. With but a few droplets left, there is only so much he can hope to accomplish.

Aarche couldn't help but feel a lump in her throat as her frustration grew, she just wanted to save her sisters, did she ask for that much? Just this job, the last one, and she could run, run, and never return, find some peaceful hut, and work there with her magical abilities, but no, the four great Gods had other plans it seems.

Or the 41 Supreme Beings, that religion is becoming a hot topic nowadays, with the former Theocracy now starting to preach it to the masses in the Kingdom.

Who knows, maybe she should try praying to them. Might work better.

She scoffed, no God could save her here she feared.

The hordes of undead were flimsy at first, Roberdyck obliterated them all with a wave of his holy symbol, but that did not last.

Oh, by the Gods, how she wishes it did.

At first, it was the occasional magical item, good things, they could take them and sell them on their way out, but then they got durable armor, and then... Their bones became stronger than any weapon any of them had ever seen.

They were unstoppable, ruthless, and unrelenting. They were driven deeper and deeper into the Tomb, each step to safety dooming them in the longer term.

They tried to enter some doors, take some shortcuts, do anything to get further away, but as they got close to certain doors, they locked, shortcuts disappeared, and teleportation circles, which most likely once served as traps, did not activate for some reason.

Either way, here they are now, all in one peace.

Maybe Roberdyck's consistent praying has paid off? She giggled at the thought.

Her giggle in the desperate situation and the silent room caught everyone's attention.

"The hell is so funny Arche?" Imina snapped at her, her tone filled with spite.

Aarche shrunk, once again reminded this whole thing was her fault.

"Now, now," Roberdyck spoke, his tone gentle yet firm, "We should try to be positive like Aarche-" (Roberdyck)

"Positive?!" She pointed to Hekkeran, absolutely outraged, "Hekkeran is going to bleed to death for fucks sake! And even IF he doesn't, he's gonna be so weak, the undead will slaughter him!" (Imina)

"Imina," Hekkeran spoke his tone firm, "Enough. Keep shouting and I might as well cut my head off to make it quick."

"I-...Haaahh, I'm sorry, I'm not doing well mentally for obvious reasons." (Imina)

Everyone nodded, understanding the short fuse.

"I-" Aarche suddenly spoke up, "I'm sorry guys..." Tears filled her eyes, "I-Fuck...! I didn't want to drag you all down with me..." She then hugged her knees, unsure of what to say.

Everyone glanced at each other, this situation is Aarche's fault in a way, but can she be blamed? Resolutely not, she is not responsible for her stupid parents, they are at fault for this.

Imina sighed, her outburst probably triggered this, so she would take responsibility for it.


Suddenly, the thick wooden door to the small chamber started buckling as something slammed into it.

"Oh no..." Roberdyck gasped as he looked at Hekkeran, who was still bleeding slightly.

The door cracked as whatever is on the other side giggled playfully, as if ecstatic at their fear.

"Oh yes~" Shalltear Bloodfallen giggled once more, intentionally taking her sweat time breaking through.

She had one simple goal, get them to the teleportation circle to the Arena as according to Thoth's wish, and that she would do...

...But nobody said she can't have FUN doing it!

Her tongue lengthened as she licked her lips, her sharp teeth ready--- Desperate to dig into some juicy, blood-filled flesh, but no, her Thoth wanted these in one piece, and she would provide them like that.

Without realizing that she had referred to Thoth as hers, she kicked down the door with a gleeful scream, her red armor adorning her childish body.

From Aarche's perspective, she was looking at a monster.

Her eyes glowed with a red hue, and within them, only pure joy could be felt at the terror her prey felt.

Her smile, as wide as the Grand Canyon, gave her goosebumps as her primal instinct screamed in fear, already aware of its impending death, which was now sealed by this creature.

Shalltear stepped to the side, giving an encouraging smile.

"Run." (Shalltear)

Foresight stood there, stunned, but not for long as Shalltear spoke again, impatient.

"Five... Four...!" (Shalltear)

The group dashed outside, with Roberdyck carrying Hekkeran on his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.

Hekkeran drew his sword, protecting Roberdyck's back from any incoming attacks.

A lovely yet pointless action.

The group ran and ran until Shalltear counted down to zero.

With a rush of wind, she appeared directly behind Roberdyck, Hekkeran felt his mind reel in shock and fear as what was empty air in one second became a monster in the next.

Had he blinked a second later, he would not even see the damned thing appear.

Shalltear intentionally missed, cutting through Roberdyck's ear and then disappearing as Hekkeran moved not even a mere millimeter with his blade.

"Fuck! She's too fast, I couldn't even see her!" (Hekkeran)

"Damn it!" Imina shouted as some skeletons appeared on a left turn, forcing them to continue running forward.

Like this, they continued to run, accompanied by the sickening giggle of a murder-happy loli.

Truly, Peroroncino would be proud.

Either way, soon, they saw a room ahead of them, and with nowhere else to go, they ran inside.

"Awww~ I guess this is where we depart-" (Shalltear)

The monster's voice was interrupted by the teleportation activating, drowning the whole group in a blinding white light.

"Hold on everyone!" Hekkeran shouted before they were teleported.

Shalltear entered the room, pouting slightly.

"Haahh... Now I'm in the mood for some fun..." a wicked grin blossomed on her cute face, "Oh my dear brides~" She hummed as she skipped back to her abode, the horrors committed there shall remain unspoken.

Foresight appeared in the middle of an immense Amphitheater, their faces full of fear.

They immediately pressed their backs to each other, with Roberdyck putting Hekkeran down and allowing him to lean on himself for support with his blade drawn.

All of them stood, tense and fearful-

"Boo!" (Thoth)

They all jumped in fear as they heard a childish voice ring out from straight above them, Aarche felt a chill go up her spine as she recognized it first, and so did the others.

Their fears became a reality as they saw Thoth, the blessed child, hovering in the air.

His head is being held up by his hands, with his legs swinging in the air him. As he saw their horrified faces, he pouted.

"Whaaat? Shouldn't you be, I don't know, happy I'm here?" His voice whined like a child, but Aarche felt something was wrong.

How the hell did he get here? It's impossible, one cannot teleport into the Tomb, they tried it, and besides...

She gulped as she remembered her feelings from the outside.

'He is not what he claims to be.' She re-affirmed to herself, resisting his deception.

"UGH! No fun!" He shouted, and the air trembled as he did so, causing them to gulp.

"FINE! We'll be all SeRiOuS since that's what you want so bad!" Thoth then clicked his fingers and an immense pile of new world Gold appeared.

Foresight stared in awe at the mountain, with this much wealth, they would never have to work for 1,2,3... A lot of lifetimes!

Thoth gave a mischievous grin as he rolled in the air, circling the group.

"You want it right! It's okay, I know you aren't greedy. I know who is though..." (Thoth)

Foresight stared in horror as something squirmed beneath his skin as his tone dropped from that of a child's to that of some infernal demon.

It then returned to normal as he spoke once more.

"You can have it! For just one little favor~" He smiled as he whispered in Aarche's ear.

"Or you could sell your sisters to slavery instead~" A childish giggle escaped his lips as Aarche turned to him, outrage in her eyes.

"Mhmhmhm! Sorry sorry, that was a bit too mean, not something a precious angel should do hmmm?" Nobody responded, so Thoth rolled his eyes.

"OKAY! Just serve my master Ainz Ooal Gown, master of this tomb and you can have anything you want! Not even a God can give you what we can, also, you would all need to begin worshiping the 41 Supreme Beings."

Foresight glanced at each other, questioning if they even had a choice in the matter.

"You do~" Thoth smiled, "And no, I did not read your minds, you are just super predictable!"

The arena fell into silence as Thoth waited for them to decide between themselves, which they did after a few minutes of nothing happening.

They huddled close to each other on the other end of the Amphitheater, Hekkeran had also stopped bleeding, though none of them noticed this since his clothes were still red from the old blood.

"Guys, this is insane, we can't sell our damn souls to these... I don't even know what the fuck this is!" (Imina)

"Yeah, but again, what if we refuse? What will they do to us?" (Aarche)

"I agree, we don't get a say in this, we have to live first." (Hekkeran)

"I-..." Roberdyck could be seen with a conflicted expression, "I will refuse. Allow me to approach him separately and see what happens if we say no, decide depending on that."

He turned to walk to Thoth, who had noticed his approach since could also easily hear their whispered conversation, but his wrist was grabbed by Hekkeran.

"You will not move a damned inch." There was no negotiating with that tone, yet Roberdyck stood firm on his decision.

"Someone needs to risk it, and I would rather die than abandon my faith." He then ripped his hand away from Hekkeran and walked to Thoth with determination.

Hekkeran watched with horror as he ran after him, only for Roberdyck to be teleported to Thoth, now too far to drag back.

They watched in horror as Thoth and he conversed.

Roberdyck looked the child dead in the eyes, his fear strong but faith stronger.

"I refuse your offer." (Roberdyck)

"I see, is it because of your faith?" Thoth said this as he leaned toward him with a grin.

"Yes. I apologize for intruding upon your home, but I simply cannot abandon my ideals." (Roberdyck)

Thoth's grin grew wilder as he walked behind Roberdyck, grabbing his cheeks and lightly shaking them.

"Oh, you silly goose! HAHA! I was not joking when I said I was an angel you know~?" He then whispered in his ear, "Want to see?"

"W-What?" Roberdyck felt confused. An angel? But angels look completely different, at least those who he had seen did...

"Yeah! I'm super fucking cool! Let me show you my half-transformed form m'kay?"

With that, Thoth took a step back and unfurled his wings.

Roberdyck watched with horror as Thoth's skin squirmed and opened up, revealing hundreds of eyes that scanned all around him and then focused on him, his wings, glorious white, made the entire area feel holy and sacred, suppressing all evil.

Roberdyck felt his mind quiver as he saw the most holy creature a mortal could ever witness, an angel of the highest class, a Seraphim.

Roberdyck fell to his knees, tears pouring down his face as he felt the weight of his sins crush his heart, he took deep breaths, but they did little to calm him down, even as the eyes watched him with nothing but patience, he could not help but shake in fear.

"Gods, oh great 41 Supreme Beings, I was wrong!" He bowed to Thoth and to the Gods who were no doubt looking down upon him.

"Forgive this foolish sinner, I was unaware of my wrongdoings!" Tears began pouring down his face.

"Awh no don't cry! They aren't mad don't worry..." Thoth then gently patted his head, careful not to crush his skull.

Roberdyck took a deep breath as Thoth returned to his humanoid form, his mind unstable yet now enlightened.

"So, tell me, priest of the great 41 Supreme Beings, do you wish to serve Nazarick and he who remained, Ainz Ooal Gown, God of Gods?"

"I DO!" He shouted with a tone filled with determination and desire to work, his mindset completely turned.

The rest of foresight watched with fear as Thoth turned to them and shouted: "Are you done deciding yet!?"

Hekkeran gulped.

"W-W-We h-have t-to say y-yes!" Imina barely managed to speak through the clattering of her teeth, her body shaking violently at what she had just witnessed.

Aarche was not fairing better, for some reason, she could not see the creature's magic power, but she had seen a couple of eyes outside, so she kind of knew what to expect.

This did not mean that her mind was not quaking, oh no, an earthquake was still destroying her will, but she managed to speak semi-coherently unlike Imina.

"Y-Yeah." She raised her tone slightly, "W-We agree!"

Thoth suddenly appeared in front of her and petted her head.

"Good girl, now, I will teleport you all outside to the camp, ignore the carnage to the best of your ability okay?" (Thoth)

They nodded fervently.

"Oh, you won't get teleported to the camp Aarche." A wicked grin blossomed upon Thoth's lips.

"H-Huh?" Aarche shrunk in fear.

"Don't worry, we are just going to pick up your sisters..." A creepy giggle escaped Thoth's mouth involuntarily as his skin squirmed in expectation, "Hehehe... I have two sinners over there to punish too..."

Aarche gulped. Her parents will not live.

She almost felt bad. Almost.

With a wave of his hand, Thoth teleported the rest of Foresight to the camp, taking Aarche with him to her parent's house.

The mansion, located in the Baharuth Empire, is adorned with gaudy and extremely expensive decorations, ones which they certainly cannot afford anymore.

Thoth clenched his fist imagining those delusional parents, so desperate to continue their hedonistic lifestyle after being stripped of their nobility by the current Emperor Jircnive Rune Farlord El-Nix due to their incompetency.

Instead of adapting and saving money, living more humbly, and so on for their long-term benefit, they instead intentionally spent more to show their Emperor that they would not be bullied, and also because they are morons.

"Get your siblings and wait outside, don't worry, I'll make sure you and them won't see a thing." Thoth now sounded calmer and more reasonable, his child act lowered due to the sheer rage he felt.

Aarche nodded and walked inside with him.

The second she entered, her father walked up to her.

The man has blonde hair and a blonde mustache along with blue eyes, he is dressed in a fancy-looking green vest with a darker undershirt and brown shorts.

"Aarche! Where the hell were you!?" (Mr. Furt)

He ignored the child she brought with her, he did not matter to him.

"The debt collectors were mad! Where is the money you got from that worker group!?"

"I don't have any," Aarche spoke with no fear of her father, especially now.

"WHAT!? You parasite! We feed you and you don't even contribute to the family!?" He then raised his hand and gave Aarche a crisp slap that resounded across the hall.

Mr. Furt then opened his mouth and shouted, only for no noise to come out.

Thoth motioned for her to go get her sisters, which she did.

Mr. Furt looked around, searching for the source of this issue, only to eventually settle in on the child.

Now aware that this child is probably a powerful caster, he became a lot more amicable, trying to apologize through gestures.

Thoth removed the silence, allowing himself and the man to speak, but the noise from inside the house would not be heard outside.

Aarche ran by with her sisters in hand, quickly glancing back at her father. She then left without a word.

Her father was going to speak up when he saw her leaving, but Thoth flexed his throat, bringing the man's attention to him.

"Oh, I apologize young one! I was rather distressed, would you like some tea?" (Mr. Furt)

"Hmm... No, but I do want something else." (Thoth)

"And what would that be?" (Mr. Furt)

Thoth suddenly grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to the floor.

"Your screams." (Thoth)


Excessive violence, torture, and blood/gore ahead, read at your discretion.

If you hate these MFs as much as I do, (don't worry, the mother will get it too in this chapter) then you may consider this therapeutic, though again, I do not intend on holding back my hatred for this couple.

NOBODY beneath the age of 18 should read what is below this point (No smut dw, just the gore stuff), I know you will read it anyway since no one can stop you, but again, for I don't want to get banned purposes, you should NOT read what is beneath.


Thoth dragged the man to the living room, where a large amount of jewelry, gold-covered lamps, expensive curtains, and other such things could be seen.

An expensive white table is in the middle of the room, surrounded by white couches, on this table a large lamp is.

Thoth decided to start there.

He quickly cast a silence spell around the room as the man protested, saying things such as "Unhand me at once!" or "I shall have you arrested for this!"

Thoth grabbed his leg and slammed him down onto the table with all his might, breaking the table, lamp, floor, and all of the bones in his body in one swing.

The man died instantly, but with a wave of his hand, the man was alive once more. Now down in the cellar.

Thoth stood over him, his childish figure looming over him far taller than any demon could ever hope to.

"W-WAIT-" (Mr. Furt)

He did not wait.

Thoth grabbed his head and threw him through the floor back to the first floor. shattering his skull and breaking his spine in all possible places.

Once again, he revived the man.

Now sobbing and crawling away with desperation, he begged for his life.

Thoth ripped his lower jaw off and then ripped out his tongue.

"I do not wish to hear your rabble." Thoth's skin undulated, his angelic nature screaming in joy at the sinner's suffering.

Thoth spoke, his voice now shaky and his pupils tiny.

"Fuck... You are good for one thing aren't you?" The noble shook in fear as he stood and ran, Thoth's wings unfurling from his back as his eyes stared at the man, all filled with immense fury.

"You are so good at testing my self-control..." hundreds of voices, all coming from Thoth in a terrifying symphony, spoke.

The noble opened the door, only to see Thoth on the other side of it.

He grabbed the man by the cheek and dug his hands into his flesh, like a hot knife cutting through butter, he felt no resistance.

"Tell me, did it feel good? Ruining the lives of your children because of your stupidity? Oh, your precious little mind put up so many delusions and lies to hide the truth..."

Thoth then kicked the man straight in the balls while continuously healing him.

"Gods! It feels so good to watch you realize how badly you fucked up! HA!" Thoth took a deep breath.

"Man, I should have been a devil, I am way too good at punishing people, now imagine me if I was a sadist! But luckily, Shalltear already had that..." Thoth then broke every bone in the man's body and dragged his dump of a body around the house, searching for the mother.

Ah, don't worry, the man is still most certainly alive! Continuous healing of all the critical organs is keeping him conscious and with some more magic... He can feel all of the pain, no shock.

He would scream, but with no tongue or jaw, which then caused blood to pour down his throat, all he could do was madly gurgle.

Thoth did not mute this, again, he took satisfaction in his suffering, something which as a human he certainly would never do, but hey, no reason not to make this guy suffer right?

Eventually, he found the mother sleeping in her room, the gurgling woke her up, and she screamed in horror.

"Good morning Miss!" Thoth then threw the man into the woman, leaving their bodies attached with their ribcages forming one messy, broken, container of flesh.

In this state, Thoth cast revivify.

Oh, the screams... What a melody.

Shalltear would be so happy to see this...

Thoth then had an amazing idea.

With a quick message spell, he contacted Ainz.

"Lord Ainz, could you send Shalltear over to my location? It's not an emergency, I just thought we could have fun together punishing Aarche's terrible parents." (Thoth)

The couple continued to scream and scream, but luckily the message spell picked up only the user's voice.

"Of course Thoth, I'll send her over right away." (Ainz)

"Thank you Lord Ainz!" Thoth happily said and then cut the line, waiting for Shalltear to appear.

A few minutes later, Shalltear appeared next to Thoth.

She looked at his 'creation' and gasped in surprise.

"Oh my gosh Thoth... You did this?" (Shalltear)

"Yeah, I punish those who deserve it! And since I was at it, and I have a whole list to go down now with the worthy workers joining us, I thought you might want to come with me since you find this fun." (Thoth)

Shalltear gasped, to think Thoth would invite her to do something like this! And here she thought he would never do something so evil and vile~

Is the angel a bad boy-?

Thoth, sensing her thoughts, stopped her.

"No. I am only doing this because they are evil and I hate them on a fundamental level, if they weren't human sacks of ew then I would never do this."

Shalltear pouted, "Aww okay okay! I expected that much... Still though..." She bit her lower lip while looking at his... uh... 'creation?' Either way, the sadistic vampire was clearly into it.

"One rule! One rule." (Thoth)

"Heh?" (Shalltear)

"You cannot screw the people we are going to be punishing, that would make me VERY uncomfortable." (Thoth)

"Heee!? But-" (Shalltear)

"No buts!" (Thoth)

Shalltear made puppy eyes at Thoth, but the man was not gonna waver to that.

There is not a single part of his angelic being that wanted to see *THAT* kind of stuff in this context. He is here to punish them yes, but that other kind of punishment.

"Mh! Fine! I still have so many ideas... Oh, you can heal them for a while, right?" (Shalltear)

"Sure I can." (Thoth)

The two then had plenty of fun. Sure, there is nothing but pain in the minds of the couple, but who cares? They were terrible people anyway.

While the two were at it, they gathered a bunch of not-ready, evil "bowling pins" and turned them into proper "bowling pins" to be used during bowling.

And they played a bunch of other, terrible games too, but either way, after three hours, they were done and teleported to the happy farm, though Shalltear was interested in the amalgamation for some reason...

...Thoth did not question it. Just to be safe.

Oh, and Aarche was teleported to the camp after they remembered she existed, which was roughly an hour after Thoth decided to punish the two sinners.


An extreme chapter for sure huh? Hope you liked it either way! Those 4248 words took me like 4 hours of nonstop writing! xd


SUPREME BEINGS (2): ElusiveBucket, shadowlord0474 (6 USD/month)



NAZARICK NPC's (1): Jorge _2602 (1 USD/month)

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