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3.84% Dark Darker and yet Lighter / Chapter 1: 001: Getting the ropes of things
Dark Darker and yet Lighter Dark Darker and yet Lighter original

Dark Darker and yet Lighter

Autor: DaoistqemBat

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: 001: Getting the ropes of things

Dreamur: So you are Oscar nice meeting ya kid old are you?

Hearing the voice I got up inspecting my surroundings finding myself in the presence of a tall skinny individual with a head a mixture of a ram and a Lion with a smile his presence was overwhelming until a shorter goddess since there is nothing that can compare to her since my time back when i had a body, she slapped the taller god? or demon as she came close..

Cronoa: Don't worry he is just excited to have his first soul to be given the gift of reincarnation congratulations its you.

Oscar: So I'm not in hell?


Oscar: So is that normal?

Cronoa: Give him a minute he will recover...

Dreamur: Sorry all who pass through my universal barrier and do not belong get their soul core're nothing but an inflated mass of memory's will and impurity your soul core was left behind where you died it was sent thru the process of reincarnation unassisted by my great self human.

Oscar: And so...this is my last run?

Cronoa: Stop you're scaring the boy, calm down the process just took the thing that Wood sent to be purified from the soul core before you would reincarnate a clean soul so it is better than losing yourself in the haven knowledge sea or the hells rivers of larva, now you got a choice since he will send you to a random world you need a body a soul core substitute and that's about it don't be greedy or he may give you something that may destroy yourself ...but don't be shy speak your mind.

Dreamur: Yeah speak your mind, Human.

Oscar:....I want to be a Ferry a dark Fey with an unlimited life span and illusion magic which I can turn solid mimicking the texture and materials I am aware of.

Dreamur: Good choices...I would have got

evolution and reactive adaptation. 

Oscar: Can I change my choices?

Cronoa: Sorry but no the changes are done already cant you feel your flesh and that empty feeling filled in? 

Yes, it is filling and nice...

Oscar: When do I go?

Dreamur: Right now!! Good luck with them...

Then I got the feeling of being spit out of that place...I landed on a large leaf...

This body is different small wings and feet like needles..torso hands have three fingers...with sharp tips...I got up...the environment was green and verdant nice and comfy but the light ... too bright... too intense...

And so moving the nearest shade and relaxing the wind picked up... I looked down.. that's a high fall...better try the wings...they resemble four leaves of black... no details or distinguishable features...

As I move white speaks flake off them...moving about I made some bravery and flew off... rising...and watching for Birds or other insects that might try eating me...

Passing through I found a cabin...of the house if you can call it that...

I rested in a hollow tree nearby and tried and say, Status.


Name:Oscar Eclipso

Race:Dark ferry






Magic type:Dark, Ilusion, Solid light.

Dreamur feedback:Weekleling try hard and survive grow and a gift at reaching 100 strength I will send you a gift...

Cronoa: It's a good one so do hurry I want to see you flourish little butterfly..]

I tilted my head as the Stats made sense...but what is the unit of measure?

{Status:1=strenght of an average untrained human...2=strenght of a moderately trained human 5=power level of a soldier and so on...good luck!}

Well, that tells me little...I have no idea how much an average person,s strength is...

Focusing I pulled out some energy it resembled mist ....flowing and following my will I made a ball of smoke changing the texture to that of a metallic structure then shaped it in a knife and tried to made a shallow dent in the cutting just like hitting the wood with a blunt thin blade I scratched my head and made a body...then changed it again... it's nothing specific...

The shadow cloud formed a mankin and it

Solid...the energy Regeneration was steady...I almost reached its limit...


Name:Oscar Eclipso

Race:Dark ferry






Magic type:Dark, Ilusion, Solid light.

Mp.Regen:2Mp/s ]

After the construction, the maintenance was cheap...a total of 1Mp per second... consumption of the energy was mentally consuming...the maintenance is a third less effort is bearable for a longer time...

From what I'm feeling Fling is consuming the same amount of energy as walking floating in one spot It is like standing and increasing my speed is like running...but more fun... Height has very little the consumption...

I went to the hut...inside I saw an Old man with a Child...he was Goku...and noticed the old man looking at me...I floated closer...and made a bow...he saluted me and tried speaking...I did not understand...hell, I need to learn the language, or... I focused...using the illusion and hard light I made a was such but understandable... A replay of where I arrived and how I ended up mention of the God?...thing that brought me here...

He scratched his head and then I felt a telepathic bond...a rudimentary use of ki...I felt it and using my mana built on the connection as I could a mind corridor.

Oscarix:A pleasure meeting you my name is Oscarix a Darkness Affinity Ferry.

Gohan: Hello my name is Gohan this here is Goku, my adoptive you can see he hit his head recently...but he is a good kid...

Oscarix:I see do you know what he is?

Gohan:Pardon I don't understand what are you referring to...he may have a tail but he,s I've seen it.

Oscarix:He is a Uzaru Ape...this form is his compact let me give an example...Werewolf...they exist here yes?

Gohan:We got Dog Men and ManDogs at Fool Moon they can transform into a human or a Woolf...respectively ...are you referring to them?...

Oscarix:I can work with that analogy...a long time Giant apes roamed one planet after time they grew and became intelligent... their massive forms became cumbersome so they changed to have human forms they still were bigger but less cumbersome they continued evolving as one of them a small body with the needs of a giant young Uzaru their massive body,s need a large quantity of food to function they heal faster and if they are week they will lose control when looking at the need to teach him meditation and keeping him from losing control ...

Gohan: Oh my that's unexpected... let's work together...with your illusions, we can safely train him...

Oscarix:Hopefully Yes...I took residence in a nearby tree and I don't know if I would get hungry or not this form is not easy to figure out hopefully it's similar enough to yours in food needs...

Gohan:How come you don't know?

Oscarix:Before I did not need food but since I came here things seem to change...

Gohan:I was preparing food, join us ...

Oscarix:Thank you Gohan.

Then we made the table...I was given a half portion to observe how much I could eat...and I could the end of the meal I was stuffed and a balloon I fell on my back and kept...full...and heard a ding...I read.

,[Trait discovered Impurity absorption,

Explication, you're a Ferry a dark one and your body was made by an Abominable existence he could not hold his hand from giving the rendition of your species an ability of his being consumption of Impurity found in living beings...gaining traits and stat points...have fun...also your mouth will change to accommodate live impurity extraction without leaving evidence behind...]

I felt my belly rumble my body growing from a thumb-sized fey to twice the size...


Name:Oscar Eclipso [Oscarix]

Race:Dark ferry






Magic type:Dark, Ilusion, Solid light.


Traits:Impurity Absorption, Gills]

I felt two sets of gills form between my ribs ...connected to my lungs and blood vessels...they immediately sealed to not dry out...

I looked at my hands and they slowly were changed with small transparent between them and the wings grew a little bigger i was I a lesser version of Parasite?...god...but the impurities don't mutate me out of control but grant me lesser traits of the things I eat...I opened my mouth and it spits into four ...creepy from the four and the tongue five thin needle-like proposes extended...I immediately closed my mouth and shivered...that felt even more creepy...

Gohan was surprised...and came to me to inquire about what happened...

Oscarix:It seems I unlocked a trait of my species, poison, impurity, and what can be considered ills can be extracted and absorbed as nutrients but the downside feels utterly creepy...

Gohan: Don't overthink it... it's a useful you want to test it?

Oscarix:Shure but on what?

Gohan:I have ki if you are not opposed we can test it on me...I can detect if anything negative happens and tell you to stop ok.

I gave a nod...and he showed me his wrist...I moved a bit after it to two bigger veins and inserted the sharp needle-like tongues one intakes the blood and the other four injects it back into the other this happened I was told it stung at first then it slowly became unnoticeable... Gohan observed as my belly was slowly growing...but the blood in his veins did you diminish...when I felt full I slowly pulled the needles out..yes il call them needles so it's easier to they left the skin five drops of blood followed but nothing more... I felt I needed time to digest it as the ki makes it both nutritious and harder to digest...

I saw Gohan looked better he was meditating as I felt his ki spike and stabilize...over time I heard notifications and my Status updated.


Name:Oscar Eclipso [Oscarix]

Race:Dark ferry






Magic type:Dark, Ilusion, Solid light.


Traits:Impurity Absorption, Gills, capillary hair, bipedal musculature, Gender Male, five-finger hands.]

As I saw the last I noted I have a thing dangling between my legs now...and with that I made a pair of baggy Majin pants costing me 5 mp and 0,01 Mp as maintenance, my hair grew to reach my back, and its silky smooth and compound eyes are like two marbles with hexagonal patterns as I closed my mouth I looked cute...and when I opened my mouth to the normal range I still was cute...but that was only 10% of how big it can open...I can probably bite a finger off if I do not gag on it night I hunted for mosquitos for their anesthetic trait...I took 10 different mosquitoes,s to get it...and along with that I got ...


Name:Oscar Eclipso [Oscarix]

Race:Dark ferry






Magic type:Dark, Ilusion, Solid light.


Traits:Impurity Absorption, Gills, capillary hair, bipedal musculature, Gender Male, five-finger hands, Mosquito proboscis, fling muscles, disease resistance, anesthetic saliva.]

I had returned to sleep along with Gohan and the morning they found me on the Dragonball pillow hugging it was at a nice temperature...I got up...and with Gohan, I asked where I find a city I wanted to find someone smart to request something... I was given a map and I said I would return soon...and to be sure I made a sleeping mask for Goku...for safety I tested it was utterly baffling as the more distance I put between me and the construct more mana it needed...I arrived at Satan's house...I had a 2 mp/s used to maintain that mask...even as small as it was.

I heard from a few that his singer wife is sick...I flew inside with my invisibility by refraction I took a seat on the corner of the bed...and reformed my pants...she blinked and saw me...

Miguel Satan: Hello little one who are you?

Oscar:You are dying do you want to make a deal...with a Dark ferry?

Miguel:Are you some kind of Devil?...

Oscar:Nope but I have the power to grant you a chance to be a family with your daughter and and die of old age...

Miguel:And what must I give in return?

Oscar:money, help, and a connection to the Brief I can get some things fabricated....I don't work with souls...I am a Dark Ferry i eat impurities in living things... which means illnesses as and your husband will sell my talents in exchange for large sums of money after I fix you...Deal?

Miguel: Alright...if it works, I will convince what you need to...

I flew to her and held her hand i found the vein and she saw me lick it she felt it go numb and then my five needles entered her vein and she saw through my neck a red liquid move to then pass through the other four back in her body...I kept at it she saw me sitting on her side she moved her other hand and touched the silk smooth hair and then gently touched the wings...even softer and yet very durable...she felt them twitch and move bitting at her hand she saw my black face have a lair of a purple blush...and my legs went crossed to stop her observing the erect member she chuckled and observed me more in detail...noticing the hexagonal pattern in my eyes...

And the difference between my chest to my lower body...with developed gluteus muscles...a body made for both flight and walking if needed...the chest more bulked up while the abbs and waist were thinner but not female...the mind bridge technical works...she understands and so do I to her....we kept chatting...her body was feeling lighter and a little bit numb...the sedsfive was working...during the feeding i sent pulses of magic finding a cancerous tumor...I saw her fall asleep.

I moved to the zone added the numbing agent and using my five needles injected the tumor with some fast-clogging agent...sealing it from the rest of the circulatory system i then injected a corrosive substance hallowing the bad flesh...I then tied the vein and finalized the project by getting the flesh tied it can heal...I closed the thin cut...I moved to another spot and rested near her ....Next day she woke...

Miguel: What a strange dream...of not...I feel better but ...ow there he is...

She saw me I was now about four opposable fingers tall...but there were changes...


Name:Oscar Eclipso [Oscarix]

Race:Dark ferry






Magic type:Dark, Ilusion, Solid light.


Traits:Impurity Absorption, Gills, capillary hair, bipedal musculature, Gender Male, five-finger hands, Mosquito beak, flying muscles, disease resistance, anesthetic saliva, Refined vocal cords, high body coordination.]

I woke as she made a small wine...

Oscar: Don't need rest and food were is Satan?

Miguel:He went with his men to find a good doctor...all the ones he knew did not have any cure ...

Oscar:Call him the process was a just need some company and rest...I will be here plus I need to extract the last impurity,s out of your bloodstream...

She nodded and I took my seat on her ribs and started working ....she now had a closer look again...her curiosity dragging her to ask more invasive questions...I ended the Satan entered he was surprised....and ran to his wife's side...looking at me and then at her...he tried grabbing me ....but she held his hand firmly....they talked...and he gladly agreed at the request and offered himself for testing the new treatment...

He took a seat and I sat on one of his legs as he hung a hand on it...I then started and entered his vein and started by an hour mark I was done...and I grew a thumb in two traits were assimilated...


Name:Oscar Eclipso [Oscarix]

Race:Dark ferry






Magic type:Dark, Ilusion, Solid light.


Traits:Impurity Absorption, Gills, capillary hair, bipedal musculature, Gender Male, five-finger hands, Mosquito beak, flying muscles, disease resistance, anesthetic saliva, Refined vocal cords, high body coordination, core muscles, inspiring voice.]

My body,s waist grew I looked more human...muscle proportion-wise.

My legs are still like needles...but blunt...I still have stick hands though...I need to get some muscle groups... which include arm muscles...I need athletes...if they use their hands the better...

Oacarix:Satan san...peach this treatment for people with good body,s and desire to improve...I am designed to clear blood and the marrow granting greater vitality...they can see improvements...if I keep a monthly treatment plan they will improve...they just need to train...

Satan:Great...before we continue what do you get out of be sure I get things right you see...

Oscar:I am a Ferri I am a creature of the old lore. I gain traits from the impurities that extensively imprint their desires...and muscle memory...which when removed allows the body to fill the occupied space and grow stronger and better ...faster...I will come here a day each week to treat you your wife my clients....done wasting energy pass me a cell phone that can be contacted at very large distances...

He nodded and passed me a satellite phone...and I made a pouch as I flew off...I got back...and with Gohan, we started training Goku...when he wood lost control we isolated him from the moon....after a few days, I was contacted by Satan.

Satan: Hello it's Satan we got in contact with a Brief family they requested a meeting face to face...

Oscar:Got it I am there in about five hours take care.

Satan:Yes thank you and my wife is feeling better the doctors told me she needs rest food and exercise and she sings like she did before...I am thankful...

The line closed and I gold Gohan I have business with some acquaintance he nodded.

Gohan:Take care...I will keep Goku training hopefully he gets the hang of it...

I smiled and waved...

Five hours of the flight passed...

*Nock nock*


Oh welcome get in we need to snack and we can drive over to the Brefe house...I entered the car and he drove the ride was fun...then at the parking lot he turned back and said.

Satan:They are the smartest people I met... behave, please...

Oscarix:Yea behave...

We then entered the door...I was flying to reach their faces...I smiled and waved...we were greeted and brought to a room for guests...Dr. Brief,s and Bulma waited for us...I waved and they were ferry form was odd and such...I made the mind spell an Aoe allowing me to get the words I needed to explain what I needed and for them to understand...

Dr.B:So what do you need?

Oscarix:I am Oscarix a ferry of the dark domain i need a room that allows no light...for myself to rest perfectly...while the other request is a room that can increase gravity on people... I have figured out this world and it's a Death means it's very I mean very prone to be destroyed and get the attention of evil beings and such... I need to train guardians to protect it and for that, I need to Benin in top I can help the heroes ....for that the gravity chamber is a good training tool and such... that's about it...

Bulma:And how can we believe what you say is true.?

Satan:Miss Bulma, please...

They were interrupted as they saw a variety of beings in line in front of them...from King Piccolo to Frieza...

Oscarix:These are the beings I am aware can destroy This planet with a flick of a wrist...but few of them have the potential to become guardians.....I highlighted Picolo Junior, Vegeta, Yamcha, and Nappa, and their power levels and they saw my base form and then the evolution I suffered as I continued.

Oscarix:These are from memory strength now is enough to mess with them but ultimately die in vain...I need a strong being with the potential to nurture and make a great guardian.... a good thing I found him as I I and his Grandfather are fixing his only downside....he,s his true form....

They saw Goku...then his transformation and power level...this illusion was simple...but educative...

I continued:The way to start the training is for Bulma here to get her hands on a dragon ball and build a tracker then find the other balls along with Goku and his grandpa Gohan...once you get the wish orbs I will need you to wish for any Sayan on this planet when mating with and bearing their children both the parents and Child will become full-blooded Sayans the aim here is to make more guardians and the Sayans keep staying in their prime until they are close to their deaths a thing you Bulma would appreciate...Also, it makes it so Vegeta will value the a place to make more Sayan,s...

Keeping it safe for us to grow our guardians...

Bulma:I can work with chance, you know when King Piccolo will attack?

Oscarix:After Goku enters his first tournament is my best guess he and another fighter would be a threat to King Picolo so targets are to be eliminated ....we have time... Until then I need to train him...

Satan:King Piccolo....he,s strong...I read of his exploits....hopefully, Goku will be ready...

Oscar:With the Great ape form of Goku we have secured victory...we just need for him to be sane...

Ok everybody agrees....

They all nodded and I went to get the attack pod that was goku,s ....for Dr. B. To learn and make a ship and the training room...

I was given five applicants in detoxify as they put it...the money was split 50-50 and I returned to the Mountain House...for more moon training...


Name:Oscar Eclipso [Oscarix]

Race:Dark ferry






Magic type:Dark, Ilusion, Solid light.


Traits:Impurity Absorption, Gills, capillary hair, bipedal musculature, Gender Male, five-finger hands, Mosquito beak, flying muscles, disease resistance, anesthetic saliva, Refined vocal cords, high body coordination, core muscles, inspiring voice, throwing musculature, leaping musculature, advanced lung capacity, fast metabolism, reinforced endoskeleton .]

The gains are form is now about as tall as a forearm and has more muscle, as my body contains no fat feeding most of the time only on impurity,s...

At the mountain, Bulma came as decided...she and Goku with Gohan and I left to find the dragon balls...

The four-star and the one Bulma both were the first two...then we passed by Roshi where we got the third the fourth was in some forest I did not pay attention to the fifth the first was at a village where the pig was messing with and the seven I think at the snow village harassed by the red ribbon army...I had with Goku cleared the base they left...but I kept searching and found Giro...he was working on an android that resembled his son...he saw me on the monitor...he was apprehensive...and worried...I walked in there under the solid illusion of an android 13...I knocked on the door...

Gero:Who are you why have you come to mess up my work?

Oscar:Come on you know I would never mess with my creations...not even with my son,s replica...

Gero was surprised it was his voice...his younger voice...he opened the door...and saw his young self...smiling...he walked ahead and touched his face...a perfect simulacrum I smiled and said.

Oscar:You discarded me from griff fear and arrogance ...sorry he got overwhelmed...the ferri had made a mind bridge...and your subconscious aka me got to the other side...I molded this form with its help...this is a wake-up call...humanity needs you and not as a villain...but as a hero...a guardian, not its destroyer... don't hate the boy he is being groomed to become a guardian as well you can fabricate synthetic life forms...we can clone useful individuals and modify them to increase their power....the z fighters will prepare for hostile can extend a hand in friendship by working with Bulma Brief,s and her father to Upgrade them willingly they will bring new perspective and accelerate your progress...I have discussed this with the fey and have concluded we can accelerate our plans with ease... make the ultimate androids...and be praised by humanity as this little fey has his hands on the most charismatic man on this planet...Satan Hercul ...mull it over we both know this is a one-lifetime opportunity.

As the words finished I appeared in front of him...

Oscarix:A pleasure meeting you my name is Oscarix a Fey of the Dark side of everything I feed on negativity impurity,s poisons, and malignant energy...I had been talking with your subconscious...he talked with for the life-extending method is just allowing me to filter the dead cells in your bloodstream scrubbing the healthy cells from poison and such then we can discuss the partnership and the revival of your son in that body you designed for him ...there are Dragonballs powerful enough in this universe to do so....but the opportunity has a small window...we need to keep the world safe its people and to spread the way of ki to the people such the mortal level may grow...

Gero:And how can I trust you...fey!

Oscar: That's it you just need to have a little faith I never expected you to be kind to Xeno life forms but know this I swear on my Dark magic that if you Dr. Gero join as my ally to save this world I will help you to the best of my abilities and in exchange you will not cause trouble for the residents of this planet may be alien or artificial residents, this is a vow and a magical contract if any of us breaks it we will suffer retribution from the concept of Dark Magic itself do you agree?

He mulled the words and sighed...

Gero:I Gero agree to this Contract...

As he said those words he felt in his heart a seal formed with a fey on it...and he saw a seal form under Oscar as it shrank it placed itself on his back a big glowing purple tattoo he understood I will lose my wings and he will lose his heart... an equal trade...

I flew to him and said.

Oscar: OK I'm done with the serious bisnous take a seat I need to feed and your old body is teaming with tasty well-infused impurities i wonder what will get from this meal...

He nodded and sat down...I took the armchair and bent over his shoulder...going for his neck...I cleaned and made the zone numb then I entered his veins and brought all the toxins and old unoxygenated blood i started the process...and after ten minutes he fell asleep since his body relaxed my magic permeated the cells and made the body sent the toxins and poisons in the blood to be easier expelled...aka my food...

After about two hours of work, I was done...I detached and he woke up he saw my bloated form...slowly slimming down...he was about to poke me...but he felt a big hand approach him as well mimicking his movement.

Oscarix:Poke me and I'll poke you back...

he understood I was not the type to be bothered while digesting...the process took two minutes.


Name:Oscar Eclipso [Oscarix]

Race:Dark ferry






Magic type:Dark, Ilusion, Solid light.


Traits:Impurity Absorption, Gills, capillary hair, bipedal musculature, Gender Male, five-finger hands, Mosquito mouth, flying muscles, disease resistance, anesthetic saliva, Refined vocal cords, high body coordination, core muscles, inspiring voice, throwing musculature, leaping musculature, advanced lung capacity, fast metabolism, reinforced endoskeleton, Enhanced logic cerebral system, enhanced optic color and pattern recognition.]

Gero saw the shift in my eye like a guy being able to see again...after a long time...and he heard.

Oscarix:No wonder you developed such cruel methods of work they were the most effective way to get things done...damn you're cerebral logic system is affecting me too much I need to find a cerebral emotional system on par with your logic to stabilize this undesired side effect...

Gero:So the impurities carried genetic markers your body stimulated to incorporate and develop a cerebral pattern similar to mine?

Oacsrix:More than the cerebral patterns I got your enhanced optic pattern and color recognition and analysis as it seems you are focusing on those two...more than any other body if you are willing to transform your body in an Android or upload it to a mechanical medium...

Sorry, I need to find Bulma she has the needed impurity,s...before I change to my core...that would make me a risk to you the planet and the rest...take this is my number and that of Satan and Briefs discuss with them the details...tell them you're the new Scientist to join their team....goodbye...and welcome to the team...

Immediately flew off at top speed followed by the feeling of my gift to Bulma to find her anywhere she goes to keep her safe ... I arrived at the house...I saw her eat..and I said.

Oscar:Bulma I require your brilliant mind as I hope you have the currently needed impurities to balance my newly gained Logical Cerebral pattern...

Bulma:Shure....come here...

I sat in her lap and attached myself to the veins circulating to her cerebral cavity...I finished in about fifteen minutes...I was buggy then in a minute, I was done digesting as I sighed in relief...


Name:Oscar Eclipso [Oscarix]

Race:Dark ferry






Magic type:Dark, Ilusion, Solid light.


Traits:Impurity Absorption, Gills, capillary hair, bipedal musculature, Gender Male, five-finger hands, Mosquito mouth, flying muscles, disease resistance, anesthetic saliva, Refined vocal cords, high body coordination, core muscles, inspiring voice, throwing musculature, leaping musculature, advanced lung capacity, fast metabolism, reinforced endoskeleton, Enhanced logic cerebral system, enhanced optic color and pattern recognition, Enhanced cerebral emotional system, fine nerve motion control.]

She saw the light in my eyes change...closer to what she knew before...

I relaxed and said.

Oscarix:thank god you're the emotional type of a brilient from now my I have the hardware to be able to do grand calculus and very extensive illusions will be very intricate...I am a very lucky male ferry...

She looked down at the obsidian-black sculpted body of a male with needlepoint feet hair reaching down to his tailbone its color purple...two obsidian-black eyes with white specks of light forming a honeycomb pattern a small nose and a mouth with four lines..hinting at the ability to open beyond normally possible...wearing baggy pants with no pockets humanoid hand witch also end in needle points ...

After some rest, we activated the wish orbs and she was asked for the wish I requested, Everybody was surprised as the dragon nodded and made it happen...

I captured the fourth and first star stone balls and gave one to Goku and Gohan and the other to Bulma...

Oscarix:Take care ...we will meet at the tournament I will be training hard...I will maybe join in as a human ...Bulma did your father manage to make the room?

Bulma:Yep your sleep room and the gravity chamber are ready... let us go...

Oscarix:Goku after you finish the training with both Roshy and the master of martial arts ...we can spar ...hopefully I am strong enough ... please give this letter to the martial arts master will the future...

Goku nodded and smiled as he flew on Nimbus cloud...

Returning to my rest and meditation room ... I started my journey to master the power of Darkness...

After a while the tournament happened I lost...King Piccolo came to kill any he had almost all the dragon ball....the events went as they should and King Piccolo so at his egg which I captured and made an illusion seem as if it shot out...

I left and prepared to hatch it... Taking a Namekian form I waited...and soon he hatched...cute little Piccolo...he was surprised to meet a Namekian...not the old king and nighter his counterpart...he saw my smile I grabbed him in a hug...a warm and could not resist and he hugged he fell in a slumber stape...I left and we got to a place near a water source... where we I started training ... I disclosed I am no namekian and that the old Piccolo,s desire can be bothersome...he told me he wanted to be the planet king...but ...i started telling him all that will takes to be not just a figure head king but a True ruler a Guardian and mannager....that took wind from his sail bowts...

Piccolo:Then il just be its ruler no managing they just need to acknowledge this planet is mine!

And for that, I need to be strong, strong enough to beat all...

Oscar: That's the spirit but don't forget some beings can destroy this ball of dirt with a flicker of their little fingers....that way you need to defeat or before them....for that you need strength and the knowledge to work on it...join the human z fighters after you show your strength befriend the natives and use them as training partners...they have a gravity chamber as well a tool to grow stronger...

Picolo's eyes were shown as stars of evil and an excited smile formed on his childish form...after a year he was the full size...we were sparing in complex techniques, and I finally taught him to use his regeneration as a weapon by accelerating his body blood muscle density... instead of growing bigger he was using the first gear...then he shifted to the second...he figured out what I told him...

During the days, that passed I absorbed many impurities,s, and poisons...


Name:Oscar Eclipso [Oscarix]

Race:Dark ferry






Magic type:Dark, Ilusion, Solid light.


Traits:Impurity Absorption, Gills, capillary hair, bipedal musculature, Gender Male, five-finger hands, Mosquito mouth, flying muscles, disease resistance, anesthetic saliva, Refined vocal cords, high body coordination, core muscles, inspiring voice, throwing musculature, leaping musculature, advanced lung capacity, fast metabolism, reinforced endoskeleton, Enhanced logic cerebral system, enhanced optic color and pattern recognition, Enhanced cerebral emotional system, fine nerve motion control, asexual reproduction, elastic musculature, photosynthesis, water-based feeding, complex, vascular system,]

I and Piccolo arrived at the tournament... I entered as a human and the battles,s followed...Goku and the z fighters are strong ...more than normal just like Goku and Now Piccolo with the new tecknick,s...

I have battled with a few of them...losing to Goku...I watched the battle as fun it was I helped the boy, I extracted the lactic acid and such...they were refreshed and pry..

As the battle ended Goku showed his compressed Uzaru form...and won...we made introductions and we took a break..

As I held the seven-star Dragon balls I safe-locked the possibility for random wishes... I felt the negative ki accumulating..and rapidly being assimilated by my magic...I feel my magic bloom... I am about as tall as the guy Chiaotzu but thinner and have more muscle,s...I wish the rest went on our way...Gohan kept watch so Goku was in shape meeting with Picolo for daily training

Bulma got bored of Yamcha...she tried getting Goku in the bed...but he was too dense...she grasped the opportunity with me ...during one of our scheduled maintenance of her body...*coff coff *perverted woman.

After a while at Roshy's house, we had a party for the success of the scientists in making the first five models of Bio-androids managed by satan for public appeal and maintained by the three brilliant scientists. I assisted as much as I could without cutting in my training and guiding time...

As the party was going we were met with Raddits...Goku with his grandpa and son ...SonGohan Raddits was surprised as two of the androids looked like Bardock and Gine the other three were Serres Victoria, Alucard, and Cellreal the ultimate Bio android a good friend and enjoyer of tasty food...he was designed with my gene sequence he is bigger less refined and a lot bodily stronger...he,s able to detoxify or drain creatures of they're most predominant traits the action my course random mutations that's why I am giving him weekly cleansing,s so he can stabilize at faster speeds...he is dependent on me as in exchange for more power he sacrificed safety mechanisms I own...he is at no risk of going insane or rogue ...

Raddits:Mom Dad?...Kakorrat what's happening here...?

Oscarix:Shut it get down here so we can talk like civilized natives...

He did so... I introduced him to Guardian B. and Helper G. Two androids made to take care of this planet...

He was dumbfounded ....H.G. Came and hugged him...a kind smile and a simple sentence of "Good boy" disarmed him ...then Son Gohan came to his feet he was surprised the kid was a full-blooded man and the woman next to his brother she as well is a black-tailed Human-Sayan Chi-Chi she smiled...Raddits were pulled from the realization there is something incompletely wrong here...I grabbed the scout as he talked with the fighters...

I called Vegeta...

Oscarix:Prince Vegeta I am Oscarix we seized Radits under our side...we of the planet where his brother was sent recognize that your species is useful as such made it so Sayan that merry and are fai6thfull to their partner will turn them in full-blooded says...I request you to battle with the strongest of our defenders this is for the right to rule over Earth and no we are not changing the name if you win...the challenge is that if you're defeated you will join our ranks to defend it and build a family of your own...

Vegetta:I the prince of all Sayans accept the Challenge and will win!

Nappa:Hellow so you're saying any woman I merry and we like each other will turn into a Sayan?... This is great the Sayans will grow once more more powerful than before....

Oscarix:I may be weak but know this Nappa I am the most dangerous of the Defenders as you can't stop the thing that you can't sense...

I heard a gulp and an attempt at retaliation....but it was closed...the call I mean...

Oscar:Guys Goku I need you to go and train with Elder North Kai Vegeta and Nappa will come to challenge you guys ....for the planet...the deal was easy since I worked on his pride as a Prince...

Goku:So he's here to not destroy the planet.?

Krillen:Thanck,s Oscarix this is good news...

Bulma:A prince! Is he handsome?

Oacarix:Short and arrogant but a good father after he is humbled you can charm him...and make more cute bundles of good people...

Raddits: What did you do?

Oscarix:Changed him to fight Goku and the androids maybe some of the stronger Z fighters...don't worry Goku will beat you into shape and you will find a strong woman to marry and have kids...and there is the pay for being a Guardian we may even revive your parents in that two Android body,s...

Raddits:I..Goku fight me show me you can reach Vegeta,s level! And win!

Goku: All right let's go up I don't need the party to be ruined...

They flew up and they battled .... it is not like I can follow them...I took a seat and rested...waiting for them to tier...

Reddit was beaten and tiers...I took the chance and fed on him... she got used to it as the only ones,s I did not feed were the Son family and Roshi...


Name:Oscar Eclipso [Oscarix]

Race:Dark ferry






Magic type:Dark, Ilusion, Solid light.


Traits:Impurity Absorption, Gills, capillary hair, bipedal musculature, Gender Male, five-finger hands, Mosquito mouth, flying muscles, disease resistance, anesthetic saliva, Refined vocal cords, high body coordination, core muscles, inspiring voice, throwing musculature, leaping musculature, advanced lung capacity, fast metabolism, reinforced endoskeleton, Enhanced logic cerebral system, enhanced optic color and pattern recognition, Enhanced cerebral emotional system, fine nerve motion control, asexual reproduction, elastic musculature, photosynthesis, water-based feeding, complex, vascular system, reinforcing recovery, lunar transformation, hype specialized nutrient managing blood circulation,]

He woke refreshed seeing my needle, left his hand painlessly, he then went to eat... asking what happened to him was normal...

As this happened, I felt changes happen to me...


Skills:Cleansing beacon, Sacrificial taunting Prey, Soul Debuff, Exolted Arsenal]

[Dreamur:These are copycat ability,s of Titania have fun...they are easily fit you. Have fun...]

From my seated position, I jumped and flew rapidly from my hands and vertically over my shoulder 48 thorns burst out forming 24 pares of wings small razer butterfly wings...each detachable and under my direct control....while from my tailbone two large tenocytes Bio Arkwings grew ...the virus found itself entering my body through the connection my black skin was covered by a obsidian lair of metalic substance...while my nerves shut down allowing the strain to be assimilated confortably my wings the hair even my hands became metallic my eyes now changed as well i had isolated myself from the others... I flew down as the Arkwings were making their last tuches...and i jumped to the ground making a cloud of dust...

Bulma:Oscarix are you alright ?....

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