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57.69% Level Up in Highschool of the Dead / Chapter 14: 13.High School of the DEAD

Capítulo 14: 13.High School of the DEAD

I'm sorry for the delay, had no time to write. Now this is the biggest chapter yet.


After a night in which, thanks to Kyoko's help, Kazuki, who felt the weight of the knowledge of the events that were about to come, consolidated his conviction, the morning sun brought with it a feeling of embarrassment for him.

'Dude, I looked like an emo protagonist yesterday. If it wasn't for Kyoko, who knows how I would have ended up, that was close. I have to be careful about my mental state,' he thought to himself.

While lost in his thoughts, a voice brought him back to reality.

"Good morning, Kazuki," Kyoko said, her eyes filled with affection for him. Seeing that whatever was bothering him yesterday had disappeared, she was happy and at peace at that moment. "Maybe he remembered his parents," she thought.

"Good morning, Kyoko. Thanks for yesterday. You're the best," Kazuki replied.

"Whenever you need to rest, I'll be there for you, my love," Kyoko said warmly.

Kazuki felt deeply grateful for the opportunity the universe had given him to reincarnate in this world.


After a few moments of flirting in bed, they both took a shower together and shortly after, Kyoko went to prepare breakfast while Kazuki went for his morning run.

Kazuki returned home after an hour, as it was almost time for the order he had placed to arrive. Upon entering, he was greeted by the divine sight of Kyoko wearing an oversized white shirt that reached her thighs and black lace panties. Her milky-white thighs and buttocks were clearly visible as she moved around the kitchen, reaching up on her tiptoes to grab ingredients and bending down to retrieve some pots from the cupboard.

Kazuki was mesmerized by the scene, and his trance was only broken by the sound of the intercom ringing, announcing the arrival of the deliveryman. It was only now that Kyoko noticed Kazuki staring at her intently with a hungry look in his eyes.

Smiling, she said, "Hi Kazuki, can you answer the door, please? Only you can see me like this."

Returning the smile, Kazuki said, "Stay hidden here, I'll go outside to receive the delivery. I don't want to be forced to bury the deliveryman." He then turned around, grabbed her car keys, and went out to receive the packages.


After depositing everything in the trunk of Kyoko's car, Kazuki then took a shower with Kyoko, and this time they almost ran late for school.

"Kazuki, what are these things you've been buying lately? And I don't see them around the house, where are you keeping them?" Kyoko asked.

Kazuki had already thought of an answer to this question a while ago.

"Oh, I'm really interested in camping and medieval stuff, you know, so I took advantage of the fact that there are many things related to that in Japan, and I had some money saved up, so I bought a bunch of things."

"Oh, don't waste your money, Kazuki! Let me know what you need, and I'll help you buy it later. I would love to go camping with you. Just imagining the two of us looking at the starry sky, listening to the crackling of the fire, gets me really excited about it. Why didn't you tell me about this before?"

"I was going to tell you, but I wanted everything to be ready first. After all, I didn't know if you would be interested in traveling with me around the country during the holidays, you know? I may have gone a little overboard with the shopping too, haha."

While they were talking, a car suddenly veered out of its lane on the street for a few seconds and almost collided with their car, forcing Kyoko to make a risky maneuver to avoid the impact.

The out-of-control car zigzagged down the road until it veered off the road and hit a pole about 200 meters behind them.


"Phew, that was close. I think the person fell asleep at the wheel; at least I could tell they were unconscious," Kyoko said, still with her heart beating rapidly, after pulling over to calm down.

"Man, do I have a target painted on my soul to attract so many out-of-control cars? Damn it," Kazuki muttered, sweating coldly.

Hearing his complaint, Kyoko shrank back, saying, "Sorry, I should have been paying more attention to the road."

"No way, it's not your fault, Kyoko. That person might have had a sudden illness or fallen asleep at the wheel. Forget it, let's just go to school now, or we'll be late," Kazuki reassured his partner, bringing the focus back to their primary goals. But in his head, a thought began to form. 'From absolutely NOTHING, someone fell asleep at the wheel? I don't buy that.'

Kazuki started to feel a little apprehensive, but at the same time, he felt his blood beginning to heat up.

After a few more minutes of silent travel, they finally arrived at school, and still in the car, noticing that Kyoko seemed a little downcast, Kazuki approached her, squeezed her right breast, and pinched her nipple, forcing her to moan in surprise. As she turned to him, Kazuki gave her a tongue kiss that seemed to want to suck her soul out. After a few minutes of kissing, Kyoko's breathing was heavy, and her thoughts about what had happened during the journey were no longer in her mind.

"Better now?" Kazuki asked with a smirk.

"Hm," Kyoko replied, blushing as she rubbed her thighs.

"When we're home, we'll continue, okay?" Kazuki said with a smile, and before leaving the car, he added, "Rest in the infirmary with Shizuka if you're still not feeling well. And for today, let the other teachers handle the problems, okay? Okay, bye."

Kyoko, who was speechless at what had just happened, blushed violently, staying in the car for another five minutes before composing herself enough to get out.

"He didn't even let me answer... I turn into clay in front of him, my dignity as the older one doesn't exist~" Kyoko smiled before continuing with her day, thinking that the almost accident in the morning would be the strangest thing to happen today.


After teasing Kyoko a bit, Kazuki picked up a long bag from the trunk. The bag was relatively heavy as it contained the katanas he had bought online for Saeko, Miwa, and Shura. And, closing the trunk carefully, Kazuki headed to the Kendo club.

After a few minutes and arriving outside the club, Kazuki was somewhat surprised not to hear the sound of wooden swords clashing or the excited shouts of the club members. Upon entering, he only saw the three girls he had agreed to meet.

"Hello ladies~ What a blessed morning to see you all so early," Kazuki arrived, breaking the ice and interrupting their conversation.

"Heey Kazuki, where's my present?" Shura was the first to respond, skipping the usual greetings and going straight to asking about the gift.

"Good morning, Kazuki-san," Miwa said in a more reserved tone, but Kazuki could see the curiosity in her eyes.

"Good morning, Kazuki-kun, so you really brought presents? And from the bag, it's something big... I told you it wasn't necessary," Saeko, as always, maintained her ladylike demeanor.

"Haha, all in good time, Shura. And just because you didn't even say good morning, your gift will be delivered last," he replied to Shura, who started pouting, before continuing after nodding to Miwa, "Kasumi and Saeko, I thought we agreed to drop the suffixes, right? Every time you use them to talk to me, I feel like a skeleton is about to come in through the door out of nowhere, call me a smelly otaku, and challenge me to a fight." Kazuki spoke, almost laughing, but trembled as he remembered that just like the world of HOTD is real, all other worlds are probably real too, and nothing prevents the skeleton from existing.

The three girls tilted their heads in a clear sign that they didn't know what Kazuki was talking about. And he, noticing the strange looks and the typical atmosphere when you tell a joke that only you understand, cleared his throat to break the mood.

"Harrumph, in the end, just don't use the suffix and everything's fine."

"Oh-okay?" Kasumi replied, still somewhat disoriented.

"Hm, I'll try. If the suffixes embarrass you, I'll make an effort not to use them," Saeko concluded.

"Okay, okay, enough, time for presents! We have little time before classes start," Shura urged them on.

Kazuki, looking at the excited girl, couldn't help but laugh a little.

"What's up, Kazuki, are you going to make fun of me? You're going to be my training partner this afternoon, you know?" Shura said with a sinister gleam in her eyes.

Feeling a sudden chill down his spine, Kazuki looked around, but seeing nothing strange, relaxed his guard and put the backpack on the ground.

The sound of metal inside the backpack piqued Saeko's curiosity. From the sound, the three of them had an idea of what it could be, but couldn't believe how Kazuki could have gotten it.

He, seeing that he had gotten the attention of the three, began to drum on his chest quickly to emulate drums.

"Turururururu, let the drums roll~ For Kazuki's gift show, is about to begin!" Stopping the improvised drums, he smiled at the three and, stooping down, unzipped the bag, taking out a sheathed katana from it. And upon hearing the sighs of the three girls, his smile widened even more.

"This first katana is my gift to Kasumi, please step forward. Miwa almost shouted with joy, she was very excited about the gift, the sword looked beautiful and suited her, she took a step forward and extending both hands, received the katana from Kazuki's hands.

"Wow, it looks amazing! Can you tell me more about it? Where did you get it? Won't you have trouble with the police? It's beautiful," said Kasumi Miwa after unsheathing a bit of the blade.

Kazuki's response to the question of where he got it was simple, "The internet is a pathway to many abilities some consider unnatural."

"HAHA! I got that reference!" Shura retorted.

"Pft... haha." Saeko also laughed, breaking her serious and almost apathetic persona.

'Why am I not surprised that Saeko is a fan of space samurais with laser swords that slice people?' Kazuki quickly thought.

"Cough, cough, getting back to your question Kasumi, we'll only have problems with the police if you show this katana to someone, it's just a 'decoration' object," he continued, "This katana is made of manganese steel. The blade is sharp by default and is a single-piece forging with a full tang, ensuring stability and resistance. It's suitable for everything from collection decoration to daily training and even outdoor survival."

"Impressive. What about the details?" one of them asked.

"Well," grabbing a paper he recited, "The blade is 73 cm long, 3.6 cm wide, and 0.5 cm thick. The tsuba and accessories are made of metal alloy. In total, the katana measures 107 cm, with a handle length of 31 cm."

"And what is the handle made of?"

"The handle has a wooden core covered with leather. Additionally, the sheath is made of wood, with fish skin on the inside and wrapped in a black non-slip leather cord."

"It's wonderful. Thank you, Kazuki!" Kasumi said and, in a rare moment where she couldn't control her emotions, jumped into Kazuki's arms while still holding the sword in its sheath.

"Oops, careful." Kazuki took the opportunity to hug her too, Kasumi still in the height of happiness kissed Kazuki on the cheek, and stepped back. But shortly after stepping back, she froze, her face turning as red as a ripe tomato.

"Oh, I think Kasumi.exe stopped working, Kazuki. You can leave her be, she'll be back in a few minutes. Now continue with the gifts!" Shura said, noticing Kasumi's overheated state.

"Right, right, the next katana is Shura's!" Noticing her surprised look, Kazuki laughed and stooping down to the bag, took out the second katana. "I thought this sword would suit you as soon as I saw it."

"This katana is handcrafted just like Miwa's and has embedded 'bamboo nails' that can be individually removed."

"Cool. And the blade?"

"The blade is folded steel. The pattern visible on the blade comes from the repeated folding process during forging, if memory serves me right it was about 13 times, the seller said it resulted in about eight thousand layers, I don't know if it's true, I don't know much about swords, I'm just repeating what I read. According to the ad, it's sharp enough to cut fruit, bamboo, water bottles, etc."

"Sweet! And the handle and sheath?"

"Both the handle and sheath are made of solid wood. And the accessories are made of metal alloy."

"It seems a bit smaller and straighter than Kasumi's, what are the dimensions?"

"It is 103 cm in total length, with a handle length of 26 cm, a blade length of 71 cm, a blade width of 3 cm, and a blade thickness of 0.7 cm. It weighs approximately 1.25 kg and has a hardness of 60 HRC, whatever that means... I hope you like it."

"I'm speechless, Kazuki. I love the gift, you're much closer to your goal after this, you know?" She said with a mischievous smile on her face.

"What goal?" Kazuki asked genuinely curious.

"Heh, obviously it's your goal to make the Kendo club your harem!" Shura said with a wide smile on her face, surely Kazuki's dumbfounded reaction was everything she wanted and more, pulling out her smartphone she quickly took a picture of his face.

Kasumi was still out of orbit and Saeko only hid her smile with her hand.

After a few seconds, Kazuki was back.

"Ah come on, Shura. You can't do that." Kazuki facepalmed looking disappointed, and when he noticed that both Saeko and Shura were stopping laughing he continued. "If you spill the beans, it won't come true! How do you think I'll win over Saeko if she's on high alert?" He said in mock indignation.

"Pffffft, hahahahaha." Shura couldn't hold it and fell on the floor laughing her open blouse flashing glimpses of her red bra.

Saeko blushed a little. But now she was curious to know which sword he would give her.

"Kazuki, a real man doesn't keep a woman waiting too long."

"Ah, even Saeko is more interested in the gifts than in me, oh life, oh heavens!" Kazuki theatrically enacted a drama and took the sword he would give Saeko from the bag.

Her eyes were fixed on his hand, she didn't expect much, since she was raised in a dojo and lives with swords of extremely superior quality to the one Kazuki bought on the internet, but this was the first time she received a real sword from someone. And looking at the appearance of the sword, she was sure that Kazuki knew her tastes well even though they had met recently. This Katana had a more traditional appearance, which suited Saeko's style more.

Kazuki then made the presentation of the sword, "It's also handmade, forged from high-quality manganese steel. The Full Tang design is to ensure sturdy and durable construction, and the blade is extraordinarily sharp."

"This purple tone on it is known as 'Roasted Purple', and it reminded me a lot of you. It serves both as a collector's item and as a functional weapon. Of course, you've probably seen better swords, but I would like you to accept this gift of mine." Kazuki said, without mentioning the details like for Miwa and Shura, only after saying all that he remembered that he just had to hand them the store papers.

He then, holding the sword horizontally in his hands, passed it to Saeko's outstretched hands, who looked seriously into his eyes.

"You know the significance of this gesture, don't you?" Saeko asked now in a slightly provocative tone.

"Do I know? No, unfortunately, I don't~ I just wanted to give you all presents because I respect your skills~"

"Hmm~ Someday I'll tell you then. Let's go as the bell rang almost half an hour ago.

"Shura, wake up Miwa and take her to the classroom please."

"Sure thing, buchou."

Saeko then after grabbing a shinai bag from the club warehouse to hide the sword, returned to the classroom side by side with Kazuki. They talked and laughed as they arrived at the classroom.


After a brief complaint from the teacher, they watched the classes quietly while Kazuki frequently updated social media and news sites. Time passed so quickly that he didn't even notice the lunch break approaching.

Kazuki spent lunch with Kohta and found out that some third-year students could skip specific subjects, like Saeko, who didn't need to attend Koichi Shido's Sociology class and therefore spent time in the dojo.

'That explains why she had a Shinai in the anime, she was in the club.'

On his way to his class, Kazuki took the opportunity to exchange messages with Miku, receiving some relatively tame but provocative cleavage photos from her.

'Talking to her made me change my view a bit, she's not an irredeemable slut after all. I can work with this.'


After opening the door to his class, Kazuki came face to face with one of the biggest scumbags in this school. 'Ahh, I'm late for this asshole's class, this is going to take a while...'

"Excuse me, teacher, may I come in?"

"Student Kurosawa, can you inform me why you were late?"

"Bathroom break."

A smirk of scorn appeared on his face, "Very well, you may sit, but in a little while I will need to get some materials, and as it is heavy, I will need help to bring it, you will come with me."

'Ah damn.' He thought, "Alright." He said monotonously without showing any feeling.

Kazuki continued to ignore the class and check his cell phone until an update on Twitter caught his attention.

[ Dafuq! My neighbor just bit the throat of the mailman! ]

Clicking it, he saw a lot of answers to that tweet, many were incredulous and sure that he was lying, but now and then, a person would tweet strange happenings around them, like a cashier biting the hand of a paying customer in a coffee shop, an out-of-control truck that after hitting a tree, its driver crawled out without both legs missing.

'It's HERE.' Thought Kazuki.

"STUDENT KUROSAWA!" The loud shout finally made Kazuki stop looking at his cell phone and notice that Shido had been calling him for some time. "Besides being late, you also spent the class using your cellphone, I will be forced to confiscate it!"

Kazuki just laughed, "Hahaha, the day you touch anything of mine is the day I'll be dead and lying on the ground. Let's go get those boxes you said were on the other floor." Kazuki's defiant tone, without a hint of respect, left the whole class in shock.

At this point, Shido wasn't even angry, he was happy because now he would have a way to destroy this gaijin.

"Heh, disrespectful to your teachers, aren't you? But that's okay, I'll take care of you later. Follow me."

No one in the room dared to say a word as the two left. And after they both disappeared down the hallway, a cacophony ensued in the room. Where everyone discussed what would happen to the new student.


"Is this the last one?" Kazuki asked after counting 4 boxes in his arms. They were quite heavy with several reams of paper inside, he could hardly see the way. At every moment, Shido kept a shit-eating grin on his face.

However, his smile turned to agony when after stepping on the first step to go down the stairs, Kazuki's foot with all possible force stepped on his heel, more precisely on his calcaneus bone.


"AAA-" Shido began to scream with one of the greatest pains he had ever felt in his life but his scream was suddenly cut off, since when he stepped on the step awkwardly, he fell rolling down the stairs.



KanmuruZ KanmuruZ

Hello guys!

I didn't post on monday but today I compensated!

I'm sorry for the delay, had no time to write. Now this is the biggest chapter yet.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

i hope you all like this chapter and please comment and give me some stones please.


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