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4.54% What If Naruto Had The Six Eyes & Limitless Curse Technique / Chapter 4: Uzumaki Clan [Edited]

Capítulo 4: Uzumaki Clan [Edited]

4. Uzumaki Clan

[ Okay last chapter I made a mistake by calling the six eyes & the limitless technique the same which is not. Both are different things actually but let's say Naruto has both the technique, six eyes as well as limitless technique. I know the Title is more of What if Naruto had Six eyes but hey we can adjust right ]





The next morning after the Bell test....

In the Hokage's office, Naruto...

The early morning sun peeked through the window of the Hokage's workspace, illuminating Naruto. His vibrant orange outfit was just as lively as his wide, passionate grin as he handed over his profile to the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"Gramps Hokage, I'm done with it! I'm aiming to be the best ninja ever!" Naruto announced, his voice filled with an unshakeable resolve.

Hiruzen perused the profile, his gaze gleaming with a quiet understanding of Naruto's singular brilliance. "Best, huh? Considering your talents, that's an apt aim. However, remember, strength isn't solely about might. It's about the spirit, and how you channel that might."

In the middle of their discussion, a young lad stormed into the room, trailed by a man, "Duel me! Old man!" with his mentor huffing behind him "not this again!"

Naruto was left puzzled, questioning who the boy was and why he was invading the Hokage's office in such a manner.

Meanwhile, Hiruzen let out a weary sigh, thinking "will this... ever stop..."

The boy stumbled over his own feet and grumbled in pain "ouch"

"Who's the prankster that set a trap?" The boy grumbled as he got back up.

"Who's this tiny... lad, gramps?" Naruto asked Hiruzen.

"Ah, I haven't made the introductions yet, have I! This is my grandson, Sarutobi Konohamaru."

Ebisu, the mentor trailing behind the boy, cast a glance at Naruto, thought, "So this is the kid with the Nine-tails..."

Naruto caught his look and knew exactly what he was thinking. But Naruto was used to such gazes, so he didn't let it bother him, instead he shrugged it off as he always did.

Despite the commotion around him, Konohamaru focused on Naruto, "Hey you! Who are you? You're the one who set that trap, aren't you?"

Naruto sized up Konohamaru, got up from his seat, and sauntered towards the boy.

"What are you trying to do...." The boy began to feel a bit uneasy as Naruto approached him.

Naruto lightly smacked him on the head and stated, "You fell over on your own! Don't pin your own clumsiness on me."

"Ouch!" Konohamaru winced as Naruto hit his head. "He's different from others, he doesn't care if I'm the 3rd's grandson or not."

Seizing the opportunity, Hiruzen said, "Perfect timing. Now that you've handed in your profile, I'll enter it into the database. In the meantime, why don't you take Konohamaru with you? Maybe you can teach him a thing or two and have some fun."

Ebisu grumbled, clearly unhappy with the situation, but Hiruzen spoke with authority, silencing him.

"Naruto, can you do this?" Hiruzen asked.

"Why not?" Naruto replied nonchalantly. Turning to Konohamaru, he said, "Hey Konohamaru! Let's go, want to learn something?!"

"Yes, Boss!" Konohamaru nodded, his excitement visible. Naruto was the only person who didn't treat him like he was someone special...

"Boss?" Naruto echoed, surprised.

"Boss, huh! I guess he has a lot to learn from you, Naruto." Hiruzen said, a smile tugging at his lips.

As Naruto and Konohamaru headed outside, Konohamaru asked, "Why are you wearing that cloth over your eyes, Boss?"

"These are blindfolds. As for why I wear them..." Naruto explained in a way that was simple enough for Konohamaru to understand.

Seemingly understanding, Konohamaru nodded. "Yes, Boss! Understood.And don't hold back on me, boss! I want to learn everything you know!" Konohamaru exclaimed, his eyes shining with admiration for the exceptional ninja standing before him.

Naruto smiled, his gaze softening at the young boy's eagerness. "Alright, but remember being a ninja isn't just about knowing jutsu. It's also about having a strong heart and a sharp mind," he said, his voice carrying the wisdom that came far beyond his years.

Together, they ran through the village, Naruto deftly navigating their path with his extraordinary sight, pointing out unseen flows of chakra and unique aspects of the village that only his special abilities could perceive. Konohamaru hung onto his every word, absorbing as much knowledge as he could.

As the day turned into evening, Naruto imparted on him the true meaning of being a Shinobi, sharing knowledge appropriate for Konohamaru's age.

From a distance, Ebisu watched, his initial impressions of Naruto slowly changing. The boy was not as he seemed. He was simple, good-hearted, and possessed knowledge far beyond his age.

Hiruzen too, watched, impressed by Naruto's teachings and the way Konohamaru absorbed them.

Eventually, Ebisu approached them, "Honorable grandson, it's time to go."

"Bye, Onii-chan," Konohamaru waved goodbye to Naruto.

"Thank you for teaching him things even I couldn't," Ebisu admitted.

"It's nothing... Just call him by his name," Naruto suggested. "It will make him happier and more likely to listen to you."

Ebisu acknowledged Naruto's advice with a nod and left with Konohamaru.

After grabbing a bite to eat, Naruto headed home. It was already late afternoon by the time he ran into Shikamaru and his group. Like any other day, they spent some time together, chatting and having fun. When they eventually parted ways, Naruto returned home. After taking a bath, he settled in for a good night's sleep.





The following morning...

Kakashi summoned his squad to the training grounds right at the crack of dawn. It was the kick-off of their journey as Konoha's ninja.

However, they soon realized that the tasks assigned to them were a far cry from their preconceived notions of what a ninja mission entailed. Their initial assignments were mundane tasks, such as locating lost pets or aiding in the cleaning of rivers.

Naruto, scrubbing away at the pond, voiced his frustration, "Why are we stuck with these D-rank missions? We're way beyond this level of work."

Sakura responded to Naruto's query, "We need to complete a certain number of D-rank missions before we can take on C-rank ones."

Naruto paused his scrubbing, "But we're more than capable. These tasks are beneath us. We're just wasting our strength and potential."

Kakashi, in the meantime, was comfortably perched on a tree branch, engrossed in his favourite novel.

Growing more restless, Naruto approached Kakashi, "Kakashi-sensei, you've got to see it from our perspective, these missions... they're just too simple! We've outgrown these petty tasks. We need something that'll challenge us!"

Sasuke chimed in, "Hn. For once, he's making sense. The current mission quality doesn't match our skill level. It's squandering our abilities."

Seeing Sasuke agree with Naruto, Sakura also nodded her approval.

Kakashi, closing his book, acknowledged their concerns, "I see where you're coming from. Your feelings are justified. However, don't forget, every task, regardless of its scale, serves the village."

Naruto voiced his frustration, "But sensei, we've been pushing ourselves to our limits! How can we prove our worth with these... these trivial D-rank missions?"

"It's like the village is oblivious to our progress." Sasuke added.

"Kakashi-sensei, we're not trying to whine, we just want our skills to be put to better use, to truly feel like accomplished shinobi." Naruto elaborated.

Kakashi offered his perspective, "Being a shinobi isn't solely about seeking the toughest encounters. But I get it. You want to push your limits. To improve. Remember though, every mission is a chance to learn something new, even if it's just patience."

Sasuke interjected, "Just make sure the next mission is a better fit for our skills."

Kakashi replied, "I'll strive to do so. But for now, let's concentrate on executing our current task as efficiently as possible. Shall we proceed?"

Sakura responded, "Understood, sensei. We'll give our all, no matter the task."

Kakashi encouraged them, "That's the right attitude. Maintain this mindset, and I'm confident the Hokage will acknowledge your readiness for tougher assignments."

Naruto, invigorated, exclaimed, "Alright! Let's knock this mission out of the park and prove our mettle!"

Sasuke: *Quietly nods in concurrence*

Kakashi: *Grins concealed by his mask* "Alright. Onward, Team 7."

Thus, Team 7 proceeded with their mission, filled with resolve, placing their faith in their mentor to stand up for them as they sharpened the endurance and tenacity required of a true shinobi.

Meanwhile, Naruto was unable to further enhance his strength. However, his Ninjutsu skills were commendable, far superior for his age.

This was also attributed to his six eyes, providing him with the capacity to swiftly comprehend and learn Jutsus. This could empower Naruto to dominate advanced Ninjutsus such as the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu, enabling him to train with unmatched proficiency.

In terms of Genjutsu, Naruto hasn't fully mastered the art of ensnaring someone in a Genjutsu yet. But his six eyes could bestow upon Naruto a unique awareness that could render him almost invulnerable to Genjutsu, as he could penetrate illusions with greater ease.

In the realm of Taijutsu, Naruto's prowess had seen significant growth. He could easily pose a tough challenge to any seasoned Chunin in a one-on-one combat.

Thanks to the Six eyes, Naruto's battle intellect was skyrocketing. This greatly assisted him in making swift decisions and actions during combats or missions.

[Apologies for not mentioning these aspects earlier, it slipped my mind. Well, I'm still getting the hang of it. Hope you can bear with me for a while]

Finally, they accomplished the mission assigned for the day. The afternoon sun was high by the time they wrapped up.

Suddenly, Naruto recalled promising Ino to train with them, so he headed towards the designated location.

Upon his arrival, Team 10 was already gathered, engaged in a lively conversation. Naruto approached them, his signature blindfold in place and a gentle smile playing on his lips.

Upon sighting Naruto, Ino along with Shikamaru and Choji, called out with a grin, "Hey, look who's finally decided to show up."

Naruto responded with a nod, "Wrapped up early. What's on the agenda?"

Shikamaru lazily gestured, "Well, since Konoha's number one prodigy is here, some shadow training could be fun."

Choji clapped his hands in anticipation, "And a BBQ afterwards?"

Shikamaru let out a sigh, "Our meals should not dictate our schedule, Choji."

Ino moved closer to Naruto, her voice laced with playful taunt, "I was hoping you could demonstrate some of your moves, Naruto. I'm sure there's a lot I could learn from you."

Upon registering Ino's closeness, Naruto responded with a knowing smirk, "Guess I can't decline. Where should we begin?"

Shikamaru intervened, "How about not initiating with flirting, Ino?"

Ino shot Shikamaru an annoyed look, "I'm just being sociable. Isn't that right, Naruto?"

Naruto chuckled in response, "Absolutely, friendly training is the most effective."

Choji, eager to diffuse the tension, asked, "So, are we doing one-on-one spars or team tactics?"

Naruto proposed, "Let's opt for team tactics. Ino, you'll team up with me. Shikamaru, you and Choji should lead the offense."

Ino responded with a bright smile, "Perfect! You won't even see what hit you, Shikamaru!"

Shikamaru smirked, "Troublesome. Don't get distracted now."

Choji let out a rumbling laugh, "I'll simply follow Shikamaru's plan."

Naruto, his blindfold standing in stark contrast to his relaxed expression, stated, "Ready when you are."

Ino leaned in closer to Naruto, whispering, "I bet you look even more remarkable without that blindfold."

Naruto retorted quietly, so only she could hear, "And I bet you're even stronger than you let on."

Ino giggled, and then shouted, "Let's show them!"

The conversation was swiftly replaced by the fluid movement of bodies as Team 10 dived into their practice session, their proficiency shinning through, a result of countless missions and training sessions.

Naruto's movements were effortless and intuitive, a clear display of his superior senses and skill. Without once raising the cloth covering his eyes, he moved with the precision and grace of someone seeing the world in a clearer light than anyone else.

As the daylight dimmed, the laughter of sincere attempts, jovial exchanges, and a shared sense of fellowship echoed across the training ground. It was a moment where the art of being a ninja transformed into a conduit for bonding.

Following the conclusion of their team training, even though it was all in good fun, if there was to be a declared victor, it would undoubtedly be Naruto and Ino's team.

INO, with a spark of admiration in her eyes, approached Naruto.

"Naruto! You were incredible out there. How do you always manage to stay a few steps ahead of the rest of us?" Ino asked, admiration shining in her eyes.

Naruto flashed a smile, turning his blindfolded face towards her.

"Ino, it's all about sensing and anticipating movements."

Shikamaru, hands casually tucked in his pockets, decided to join the conversation.

"Sure, 'anticipating movements', as if it's as simple as taking a breath." Shikamaru commented.

Naruto gave a cheeky grin, "Well, for some of us, it is."

"I'm certain we won. Our team is the best," Ino declared, glancing at Naruto.

"I could really go for some ramen right now, I'm famished," Naruto interjected, interrupting Ino's enthusiasm.

"Me too, I'm starving. Let's get going," Choji chimed in. "Let's race to see who can get to the shop first," he suggested, brimming with excitement.

"Sure, see you at the shop," Naruto responded, using the Body Flicker Technique to disappear from the spot.

"Why did you even suggest that... Such a bother," Shikamaru sighed, as he yawned.

Upon arrival, they found Naruto already there, patiently awaiting their company.

They took their seats at the counter, the warm glow from the hanging lanterns creating a welcoming atmosphere. The sounds of noodles being slurped filled the room as bowls of ramen were served to each of them.

In the midst of their chatter, Naruto turned to Shikamaru, curiosity twinkling in his eyes. "That technique you used during training, it's shadow manipulation, isn't it?"

"Every clan has its unique technique. Ours is Shadow Manipulation," Shikamaru replied.

Naruto, briefly distracted by the steam rising from his bowl, nodded in understanding.

"Right, figured as much. Every style has its unique essence, doesn't it?"

Ino, intrigued by Naruto's words, decided to join the conversation.

"Ever wondered about your clan's unique technique? Isn't that something a genius like you would be curious about?"

With a mischievous smile dancing on his lips, Naruto lifted his ramen spoon. "Some things are better left discovered than explained. And some things - like a hot bowl of ramen or a day spent with friends - are best appreciated as they come."

He slurped his noodles with evident enjoyment, emphasizing the simple pleasure of the moment.

Shikamaru, a smirk playing on his face, leaned back in his chair, casting an observant eye on the playful exchanges between Ino and Naruto, which Naruto seemed to dismiss.

"Even if it's troublesome, sometimes the fun is in not knowing," Shikamaru mused to himself.

Amidst laughter and shared tales, the ramen shop wrapped around them like a familiar friend, and the day's training gradually melted into an evening of companionship, leaving the mysteries for the next day to unravel.

Exhausted from the day's events, Naruto headed home. Once there, he took a soothing bath to wash away the day's fatigue before succumbing to a well-deserved rest.





The following day, just like the previous one, Naruto and Team 10 had wrapped up their D-rank duties and proceeded for training. However, Naruto managed to finish his training session earlier than usual.

Bathed in the soft afternoon sunlight seeping into the Hokage's office, Naruto stood, a blend of eagerness and impatience clearly evident in his demeanor.

"Naruto, why the unexpected visit today?" Hiruzen greeted, a smile playing on his lips as he sensed the boy's brimming curiosity.

Naruto shuffled, the blindfold on his eyes contrasting vividly with his spirited aura. "So, Jii-chan, I've been pondering. Every clan has a unique jutsu, right? This got me wondering... what's the Uzumaki clan's distinctive technique? What's my signature jutsu?"

Hiruzen reclined in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Ah, the Uzumaki clan... they are famed for their unrivaled expertise in a very intricate art."

Naruto edged closer, practically buzzing with anticipation. "Intricate art? What's that?"

"The art of sealing, Naruto," Hiruzen disclosed softly. "Your forefathers could seal almost anything with their seals. Their techniques were... deep, often intertwined with their very existence."

"Does this mean I can learn sealing jutsus too?" Naruto questioned, curiosity sparkling in his eyes.

"Yes, you can. But remember, sealing jutsus or Fuinjutsu, as they are known, aren't necessarily Ninjutsu. They are complex and require a high level of accuracy and chakra control," Hiruzen explained.

"I want to learn them, I believe I'm ready for the challenge," Naruto declared confidently. "So, can you teach me Fuinjutsu?"

"I will, but not right now. For now, I'll help you improve your chakra control, you might already be good at it knowing your potential. I'll drop by your place in the evening to teach you," Hiruzen promised.

With a nod, Naruto headed home. As was his routine, he ate and then retired to bed, ready for the next day's challenges.

[Yeah I'll end The chapter their, But I've two confusion. So, tell what do you think

1) Who should be Naruto's Love Interest, like first I thought it should be Hinata but than now I'm leaning towards Ino. So give me your opinion.

2) as Naruto is a genius is this story, should I make him know about his parents early unlike Canon and should I give him the Fuinjutsu technique

I'm confused so help is appreciated.

[Mistakes are human nature so if you pick any mistake in this chapter in writing or any plot hole , feel free to comment down below.]

Lastly, if you want to show support drop power stones and vote .... That gives a lot motivation.....

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