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100% What if Naruto was Serious? / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: "Whispers of the Abyss"

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2: "Whispers of the Abyss"

Chapter 2: Shadows of Desolation

Five Years Later...

Since that fateful night when Naruto Uzumaki, the vessel of the Nine-Tails, was born. In those years, the village changed, but none more so than Naruto himself.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, made a controversial decision during the timeskip. He placed Naruto within the confines of an orphanage, hoping to shield him from the harsh realities of being a Jinchuriki. But Hiruzen's actions only fueled the flames of resentment and fear within the village.

When Naruto turned four, Hiruzen announced his status as the Nine-Tails' host, accompanied by a law decreeing death to anyone who dared harm the boy. The revelation unleashed a storm of hatred and prejudice against Naruto, as whispers of the demon child spread like wildfire.

The orphanage, once a haven for children without families, became a prison of cruelty for Naruto. The caretakers, poisoned by the village's animosity, treated him with disdain and neglect. At the age of five, Naruto was cast out onto the unforgiving streets, left to fend for himself in a world that despised him.

[Sound Effects: The night is eerily quiet, save for the distant howling of the wind. The soft rustle of leaves adds to the atmosphere as Naruto navigates the desolate streets, his footsteps echoing against the pavement.]

Alone and abandoned, Naruto scrounged for food in garbage cans, surviving on the scraps of a society that rejected him.

Naruto: [Voice trembling, barely audible] Just a little food... I just need something to eat...

[Sound Effects: The clatter of garbage cans being overturned fills the air as Naruto rummages through the refuse, his fingers scraping against discarded scraps.]

Naruto: [Whispers to himself] Please... anything...

[Suddenly, the sound of heavy footsteps approaches from the shadows, accompanied by raucous laughter and slurred speech.]

Drunk Villager 1: [Sneering] Well, well, well... What do we have here?

Drunk Villager 2: [Laughs] Looks like the demon brat is hungry again!

Naruto: [Voice quivering] Please, I don't want any trouble...

Drunk Villager 3: [Menacing] Trouble? Oh, we'll give you trouble, you little freak!

[Sound Effects: The villagers close in, their taunts growing louder as Naruto braces himself for the inevitable confrontation.]

Naruto: [Gritting his teeth] I won't let you hurt me...

[The sound of fists connecting with flesh fills the air as Naruto fights back against his assailants, each blow landing with a sickening thud.]

Naruto: [Strained] Leave me alone!

[But the onslaught continues, relentless and unforgiving, until Naruto collapses to the ground, his body bruised and battered, his spirit broken.]

Naruto: [Gasping for breath] Why... why won't they just leave me alone?

[As darkness threatens to consume him, Naruto's consciousness fades, pulling him into the depths of his own mind.]

A realm shrouded in darkness and mystery. Confusion clouded his senses as he struggled to comprehend his surroundings, his thoughts mired in a haze of pain and despair.

Naruto: [Whispers] What... what is this place?

[Sound Effects: The air grows heavy with tension as Naruto ventures deeper into the darkness, his footsteps echoing against the cold, unforgiving stone.]

Naruto: [Voice trembling] Hello? Is anyone there?

But amidst the shadows, a glimmer of light beckoned him forward—a presence, faint yet undeniable, calling out to him from the depths of his own soul. With trembling limbs, Naruto ventured deeper into the abyss, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

And then, in the heart of the darkness, he beheld it—a colossal cage, its bars pulsating with an ominous crimson glow, a seal etched into its very core. And within that cage, a single, piercing eye stared back at him, its gaze filled with an ancient, unfathomable power.

Naruto's breath caught in his throat as he beheld the monstrous entity before him, his limbs frozen with terror as he faced the embodiment of the demon that dwelled within him. And then, as if sensing his fear, the eye narrowed, its gaze sharpening with an intensity that sent shivers down Naruto's spine.

Nine-Tails: [Voice deep and menacing] So, the little brat finally comes to visit. What do you want, human?

Naruto: [Swallows hard] I... I don't know... I'm scar-

But before he could finish, a deafening clang echoed through the chamber, the sound of a massive nail hurtling towards him with lethal intent. With instinctive reflexes, Naruto leapt aside, narrowly avoiding the deadly projectile as it embedded itself into the stone floor with a resounding crash.

Nine-Tails: [Sneers] Scared? You should be. You're nothing but a weakling, a pathetic excuse for a Jinchuriki.

Naruto (Mind): Jinchuriki?

Naruto: [Voice quivering] Please... I don't want to die...

Nine-Tails: [Laughs mockingly] Die? Oh, you'll die eventually, just like all the rest. But until then, you're stuck with me, whether you like it or not.

[Sound Effects: Eerie echoes reverberate through the dark chamber as Naruto, surrounded by shadows, confronts the malevolent presence of the Nine-Tails.]

Naruto: [Gulps nervously] Stuck with you? What do you mean?

Nine-Tails: [Sneers] You're the vessel, kid. The host. I'm the Nine-Tails, the beast sealed within you. You're not getting rid of me anytime soon.

[Sound Effects: The air in the dark realm is thick with tension as Naruto processes the Nine-Tails' mocking laughter, the echoes of it lingering in the shadows.]

Naruto on the brink of tears says this...

Naruto: [Teary eyes} Now I know why everyone hates me....

Nine-Tails: [Snickers] They fear what they can't understand, and they hate what they fear. You're just a vessel, a convenient scapegoat for their irrational dread.

Naruto: [Voice filled with anguish] But I didn't choose to be like this. I didn't ask for you.

Nine-Tails: [Chuckles] Yet here you are. You're the embodiment of their nightmares, the walking manifestation of their deepest fears.

Naruto: [Thoughtful] Maybe... maybe I'm just a monster, a living curse.

Nine-Tails: [Smirks] A monster? Yes, that's what they want to believe. It's easier for them to cast you as the villain than to face their own prejudices.

[Sound Effects: Naruto's contemplative silence is interrupted by the distant echo of a child's laughter, a stark reminder of the loneliness that haunts him.]

Naruto: [Whispers to himself] Maybe they're right... maybe I am the Nine-Tails reincarnated.

Nine-Tails: [Laughs bitterly] Reincarnated? Foolish child. I am very much alive.

Naruto: [Confused] But... the Yondaime Hokage killed you , right? He sacrificed himself to protect the village.

Nine-Tails: [Corrects] Sealed, not killed. I am made of chakra, a force that cannot be destroyed, only restrained.

Naruto: [Realization dawning] So, I'm not a reincarnation?

Nine-Tails: [Sarcastically] No, you're not some mystical resurrection. You're a vessel, a container for my power.

Naruto: [Contemplative] Then, if you're still alive, why do they treat me like this?

Nine-Tails: [Mockingly] Because ignorance is bliss, and the truth is a bitter pill to swallow. They'd rather believe you're a monster than confront the reality of their own shortcomings.

[Sound Effects: Naruto's mind races as he grapples with the harsh truth, the weight of it settling heavily on his young shoulders.]

Naruto: [Defiant] I won't let them define who I am. I'll prove them wrong.

Nine-Tails: [Amused] Oh, little human, you can try, but changing their minds won't be easy. The world is a cruel place.

Naruto: [Determined] Maybe, but I won't let it break me. I'll find my own way, even if it means standing alone.

[As Naruto embraces his newfound resolve, the darkness of the realm begins to lift, revealing a glimmer of determination in his eyes.]

[Sound Effects: The echoes of Naruto's determination resonate through the darkness, a testament to his unwavering resolve amidst the shadows.]

Nine-Tails: [Skeptical] Determination, hm? It's easy to talk big, little human, but can you back up those words with power?

Naruto: [Firmly] I'll find a way. I won't let anyone hold me back, not anymore.

Nine-Tails: [Snorts] Naive. You're all the same, clinging to hope like it's some kind of lifeline.

Naruto: [Defiant] Hope is all I have. It's what keeps me going.

Nine-Tails: [Grudgingly] Perhaps... but hope won't save you from the darkness that lies ahead.

Naruto: [Curious] Darkness?

Nine-Tails: [Pauses] You want power, don't you? Strength to protect yourself and those you care about? (The Nine-Tails without noticing that he is starting to become fond of Naruto) 

Naruto: [Cautiously] Yes, but...

Nine-Tails: [Interrupts] Then prove it. Rip a piece of the seal off.

Naruto: [Surprised] What? But... why?

Nine-Tails: [Grimly] To access your senses. To increase your awareness. To survive.

Naruto: [Uncertain] I don't know... it sounds dangerous.

Nine-Tails: [Urges] Do it, human. Or remain weak and helpless forever.

[Sound Effects: Naruto hesitates, the weight of the Nine-Tails' words pressing down upon him like a heavy burden.]

Naruto: [Resolute] Fine. I'll do it.

Nine-Tails: [Observing] Ok now, reach for the sky.

Naruto: [Confused] What do you mean?

Nine-Tails: [Impatient] The seal, idiot. Reach for it.

[Sound Effects: Naruto's body begins to rise into the air, lifted by an unseen force, his eyes widening in astonishment as he ascends towards the seal.]

Naruto: [In awe] How... how is this possible?

Nine-Tails: [Grudgingly] I'm helping you, fool. Now, rip the seal.

[With a surge of determination, Naruto tears at the seal, but in his haste, he accidentally rips off too much, unleashing a torrent of the Nine-Tails' power into his chakra coils.]

Naruto: [Overwhelmed] What... what have I done?

[As the power courses through him, Naruto's vision blurs and fades, the darkness consuming him as he collapses to the ground, his consciousness slipping away.]

Nine-Tails: [Murmurs] Foolish human... you've unleashed a power you can't possibly control.

[And as Naruto drifts into unconsciousness, the Nine-Tails sets to work, subtly altering his genetic structure to shape him into something more than human, something cold, serious, smart, and calculating.]

[Sound Effects: The soft glow of dawn filters through the cracks of the alleyway, casting long shadows across the ground as Naruto begins to stir, his consciousness slowly returning.]

Naruto: [Blinking, groggily] Wh-where am I?

[As Naruto's eyes adjust to the dim light, he realizes that his injuries have miraculously healed, leaving no trace of the brutal assault from the previous night. The morning sun bathes the alley in a gentle warmth, signaling the arrival of a new day.]

Naruto: [Thoughtfully] Was that... was that just a dream?

[With a hesitant hand, Naruto touches his healed wounds, disbelief mingling with a sense of awe as he realizes the truth of his transformation. Standing up, he surveys his surroundings, noting the passage of time and the absence of the tormentors who once haunted the alley.]

Naruto: [Musing to himself] I must've been out for a while...

[Just then, a familiar voice resonates within Naruto's mind, startling him out of his reverie.]

Nine-Tails: [Voice echoing in Naruto's mind] This was no dream, human. It was real.

Naruto: [Surprised] Where... where are you?

Nine-Tails: [Chiding] Don't say it out loud, idiot. Just think it, and I'll hear you.

[Confused but compliant, Naruto focuses his thoughts, his mind buzzing with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.]

Naruto: [Thinking] Where are you?

Nine-Tails: [Responds in Naruto's mind] Right here, inside your head. And I have something to show you.

[With a sense of trepidation, Naruto follows the Nine-Tails' instructions and approaches the large mirror next to the garbage can. As he gazes at his reflection, his eyes widen in astonishment at the transformation that has taken place.]

Naruto: [Awestruck] Whoa...

[In the mirror, Naruto sees a figure that bears little resemblance to the malnourished child he once was. His stature is taller, his frame more muscular, and his appearance well-fed. Even his hair has grown longer, framing his face in a way that accentuates his newfound confidence.]

Naruto: [In awe] This... this is so cool!

[But as Naruto marvels at his new appearance, he notices a subtle change in his voice, a deeper resonance that echoes with the maturity of someone far beyond his years.]

Naruto: [Startled] My voice... it sounds different.

Nine-Tails: [Encouraging] That's because you're not a child anymore, human. You've grown stronger, both physically and mentally.

Naruto: [Determined] Yeah... yeah, I have.

Nine-Tails: [Urges] Now, go to the Hokage tower. Confront the Hokage about the orphanage kicking you out. You have no place to stay.

[With a newfound sense of purpose, Naruto nods resolutely, steeling himself for the challenges that lie ahead.]

[Sound Effects: The bustling activity of the Hidden Leaf Village fills the air as Naruto makes his way to the Hokage's office, determination etched into every step he takes. The chatter of villagers, the rustle of leaves, and the distant hum of daily life create a backdrop for his resolute journey.]

Receptionist: [Sneering] What's a demon like you doing here?

Naruto: [Calmly] I request to have a chat with the Hokage.

Receptionist: [Lies] The Hokage is in a meeting right now.

[Naruto's enhanced senses pick up on the falsehood in the receptionist's voice, his analytical mind dissecting the subtle nuances of her tone.]

Naruto: [Assertive] I see through your lies. I'm going in.

[Ignoring the receptionist's protests, Naruto pushes open the door to the Hokage's office, his resolve unshakable as he steps inside.]

Naruto: [Respectful] Hokage-sama.

[Inside the office, the Hokage, engrossed in paperwork, looks up in surprise at Naruto's entrance, his expression a mix of curiosity and mild irritation.]

Hokage: [Raises an eyebrow] Naruto? What are you doing here?

Naruto: [Steadfast] I need to talk to you, Hokage-sama.

Hiruzen Sarutobi: [Curious] Talk? About what?

[Sound Effects: Naruto takes a moment to compose himself, the gravity of his situation and newfound strength evident in his stance.]

Naruto: The orphanage kicked me out. I have no place to stay.

[As the words hang in the air, the Hokage's expression shifts from surprise to concern, realizing that the village's mistreatment of Naruto has reached a critical point.]

[Sound Effects: The room is filled with the rustling of paperwork as Hiruzen Sarutobi shuffles through various documents, his expression a mix of surprise and concern.]

Hiruzen Sarutobi: [Surprised] Kicked you out? Unacceptable. I'll arrange for your own apartment. You deserve a place to stay.

[Sound Effects: The scratching of a quill on parchment fills the air as the Hokage begins making arrangements for Naruto's new living situation.]

Hiruzen Sarutobi: [Focused] I'll make sure you have everything you need. A safe and comfortable place.

[After finalizing the arrangements, Hiruzen stands up and places a reassuring hand on Naruto's shoulder.]

Hiruzen Sarutobi: Come with me.

[Sound Effects: The familiar sensation of Body Flicker jolts Naruto as he's whisked away to the new apartment building. Naruto looks around, observing the rundown exterior.]

Naruto: [Thoughtful] Will this place even last?

[Grateful for any help, Naruto decides not to voice his concerns as they ascend the creaking staircase, the sound of their footsteps echoing in the quiet hallways.]

Hiruzen Sarutobi: [Opens the door] Here we are.

[Sound Effects: The door creaks open, revealing a modest apartment suite. Naruto glances around, taking in the simple furnishings.]

Naruto: [Grateful] Thank you, Hokage-sama.

[As Naruto gazes around, Hiruzen retrieves a scroll from his robes and unseals a variety of supplies for Naruto, each item representing a gesture of support and care.]

Hiruzen Sarutobi: [Explaining] Here's everything you might need for now—food, clothes, books, and some money.

[Sound Effects: The rustling of the scroll and the clinking of supplies being laid out fill the room as Hiruzen lists the items.]

50 Cup Ramen, Cereal, Milk, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced cooking books, Recipes, 3 Standard White civilian t-shirts with the uzumaki symbol on the back, 3 Standard Black civilian long sleeve shirts, 3 Black pair of Standard civilian shorts, 2 Pair of Blue jeans, 2 Pair of Black Joggers, 3 Black pair of Standard civilian sandals, books on beginner, intermediate, and advanced mathematics, books on beginner, intermediate, and advanced fishing, books on beginner, intermediate, and advanced construction and engineering, books on beginner, intermediate, and advanced camping and hunting, and 5k Yen. (Which will be Narutos Weekly supplies)

Naruto: [Surprised] This is... more than I expected.

Hiruzen Sarutobi: [Kindly] You deserve it, Naruto. Take your time settling in. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.

[As the Hokage leaves, Naruto is left alone in his new apartment, surrounded by the offerings of support from the village he never thought he'd receive.]

[Sound Effects: The apartment is quiet as Naruto, surrounded by the gifts from the Hokage, begins sorting and organizing his new belongings. The day's events weigh heavily on his mind, and he decides to take a shower to wash away the remnants of the past.]

[Sound Effects: The soothing rush of water fills the room as Naruto stands beneath the shower, reflecting on the unexpected turn of events. He contemplates the village's sudden change in attitude and the support he received.]

Naruto: [Thoughtful] Maybe... maybe things can get better.

[After the refreshing shower, Naruto dries off and decides it's time to rest. However, just as he settles into bed, the Nine-Tails' voice echoes in his mind.]

Nine-Tails: [Whispers] Naruto, listen carefully. If you want to survive in this world, you'll need more than just a place to stay.

[The Nine-Tails sends a vivid image to Naruto's mind—a visualization of chakra flowing through the body and being harnessed for various purposes.]

Nine-Tails: [Instructs] Now, do as you saw in the image. Focus on unlocking your chakra.

[Naruto, intrigued, follows the mental image and sits on his bed in the lotus position. With a deep breath, he begins to meditate, centering his thoughts on the untapped energy within him.]

[Sound Effects: The room becomes silent as Naruto delves into a state of deep concentration, his mind focused on the task at hand. The air feels charged with unseen energy as Naruto takes the first steps towards unlocking his chakra.]

[After a period of meditation, Naruto feels a subtle shift within himself, an awareness of newfound energy coursing through his being.]

Nine-Tails: [Encouraging] Good. You've unlocked the basics. Now, the real training begins. I will make you a force to be reckoned with, Naruto.

[As Naruto drifts off into a well-deserved sleep, the promise of training with the Nine-Tails lingers in the air, signaling the start of a new chapter in his journey.]

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