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5.35% The Enlightened One (Senju!SI) / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3

When I woke up I found myself back in the orphanage with a bandage over my head. Everyone was sleeping in the room which means it must be deep in the middle of the night or early morning.

I wiped my eyes tiredly and got out of bed. Heading for the door I walked out of the room, then out of the orphanage completely.

I'm boned.

Royally and completely fucked.

I'm honestly surprised I didn't wake up within the underground hideout of Root, but judging by my luck thus far in this world, it's only a matter of time.

Having a seal put on my tongue that won't let me speak, becoming a slave for one of the worst men in the entire world, and not being able to save the world as I know it. These are just a few things that will soon become my reality and that is just unbelievably, mind numbingly depressing.

I dropped down to my ass in the middle of the orphanage's garden. My eyes slowly glossed up to the full moon shining brightly in the clear night sky as liquid slid down my cheeks.

It's a bad day for rain. It's raining and no one can tell me otherwise. For the first time in both lives I feel one hundred percent completely helpless. Not only can no one help me, no one will help me.

My eyes closed slowly as quiet sobs left my lips as my cheeks grew wetter and wetter. I felt my chakra start to circulate through my body violently which only increased my despair.

A whole fucking year and six months tip toeing in everything I did. Taking baby steps so I would never look out of place in this world! So I would never look like an outstanding prodigy. What was it all for? Fucking nothing!

The night was filled with nothing but the sounds of crickets and my pathetic sobs. You're a fucking grown man Lei, stop crying. I can escape Danzo. Getting captured by him isn't the end of the world, plus there are some bright sides to joining Root. I can train and grow to the strength of a jonin by the time I'm thirteen under Danzo's tutelage. If I'm lucky I can end up like Sai and be put on Naruko's team later since we had a bond.

Yeah, it's not all bad.

I inhaled deeply as I opened my eyes and my world stopped as I stared at my surroundings. Plants.

I shouldn't be surprised since I am sitting in a garden, but these plants, these…saplings. They weren't here before. No one would plant these here, they would destroy the orphanage if they grew here.


I held up the hand sign Kaito-Sensei taught us for infusing our chakra. I started circulating the chakra through my body, all the while focusing on the saplings. My eyes grew to the size of saucers when they grew.

I bolted.

Never in both of my fucking lives have I ever ran so fast. I dodged and weaved through the alleys and past the buildings with one destination in mind.

The Hokages' Mansion.

For once since I reincarnated, I'm important, and not just important. One of the most important people in the village. The Hokage would have to see me, even if it is early morning!

I burst through the doors which ended up being a bad idea as five anbu dropped down on me with their weapons drawn.

"Who dares enter the Hokages' place of rest in such a manner?" A man with a boar mask asked.

"I-I'm Lei Kazumi, I-I need t-to see L-Lord Third." I stammered out completely over my whole important person bullshit.

"Lord Third is resting, he's a very busy and important man, he doesn't have time to answer every individual's problems." A woman with a fox mask answered.

Translation: You ain't shit. Get lost.

"T-This is not just my problem, but a matter regarding the entire village's future!" I bit back, finally getting a bit more confidence.

The anbu looked between one another before looking back at me

"And what is this problem that regards the future of Konoha?" Boar asked, and I couldn't help but notice all the anbu dropped into their stances as if a wrong answer meant my death.

"I-I can't tell you." I mentally cursed myself, but there was a chance these people were Root disguised as anbu. If that were the case all of this would have been for nothing. Call me paranoid, but don't call me a fucking Root Member.

"This secret is deemed too dire for even the Anbu to know." Fox asked sarcastically, but I could tell even though she was trying to shed a joke of some kind, the mood did not change, they would kill me if I didn't spill the beans.

"That's enough, wouldn't you say?" A familiar elderly voice announced from the darkness

The anbu turned and dropped to their knees.

""Lord Third."" All five of them said in unison.

He waved them off, his eyes never leaving me as he walked into the light.

"Lei Kazumi you said your name was? You have awoken this old man from his beauty sleep, I pray you do have some information that truly concerns the village's future?" He asked with a small smile as he took a puff out of his pipe.

Despite the smile, I could read his feelings from his posture.

If I have nothing important to say, I'll be punished.

I'm not stressing, because I do have something very important to announce.

"Ahem, thank you for humoring me Lord Third, I won't waste your time. This morning I was sitting in the garden practicing chakra control exercises that we learned from the academy recently, and as I did saplings for mighty oak trees grew beside me. I believe I possess the wood style kekkei genkai" I explained as much as quickly as I possibly could.

The very powerful man didn't even bat an eye as he listened to my tale before taking another drag from his pipe.

"Let us take a walk outside, I wish to see if your words hold merit." He said after a moment with an even wider smile than before.

I'm almost certain he thinks I'm bullshitting.

I nodded and walked outside the way I came as he and the five anbu followed. I heard the anbu murmur and a hushed murmur of a response from the God of Shinobi but I didn't even attempt to listen in.

Maybe I should have thought this through a bit more.

When we reached a grassy part of the mansion's perimeter I stopped and turned to Lord Third whose experienced eyes danced over my face and down to my body, sizing me up before waving his hand as if to tell me to continue.

I heeded his silent command and started infusing my chakra, all the while praying I wasn't just in a state of delusion before.

The chakra started circulating in my body as I eyed the ground. Then I felt it. A small thing but a powerful thing. Life itself be created beneath me. Something I only should be able to sense in sage mode.

Nature energy.

Two saplings appeared on either side of me and my eyes drifted towards Hiruzen who's eyes widened minutely. It was so small I barely even noticed the shift in his features, but his shock had been seen. I had been a witness to it. I had succeeded.

The saplings grew to about three feet before I stopped infusing my chakra and locked eyes with Lord Third who was silently pondering what he just saw. His eyes closed as he removed his pipe from his mouth but not before blowing the rest of the smoke he drew within his lungs out of his nose.

"It seems you were truthful, Young Lei Kazumi. If you would please join me within my office that would be greatly appreciated." Hiruzen smiled at me, and not the same sort of fake smile, but one that seemed genuine.

Though I could still tell he wasn't asking for my presence, it was a requirement.

"Yes, Lord Third." I bowed and followed the old man as he leisurely walked back into the building and up the stairs to his office.

When we entered he took a seat at his chair and my eyes wandered around the hokage's office.

My eyes strayed to pictures and drawings of all the former hokage before finding purchase on the powerful old man's form. He was currently shifting through files of some kind, it seems he found the one he needed as he pulled one specific file out while the rest disappeared in a puff of smoke.

He silently read through the file for a couple of minutes before his eyes locked onto me and the same warm smile adorned his face.

"Sorry for the wait, child. I'm sure you're rather curious about this newfound ability of yours."

"Yes, Lord Hokage." I hurriedly answered.

The old man noticed my haste and chuckled, his eyes softening ever so slightly.

"Then I won't waste any more time. It seems you do in fact possess the unique kekkei genkai of wood style. This leads me to question how much we actually know about your family tree. Wood style is a Senju exclusive kekkei genkai with the only wielder in known history being Lord First, Hashirama Senju…well at least by natural means." Hiruzen explained before shaking his head.

"Then…do you believe I possibly have a connection to the Senju clan?" I asked as I nervously twiddled with my fingers.

"I do. However we can only know for certain if you submit yourself to a blood test."

A blood test? I get how they could test my blood to see how it compares to a Senju's blood, but how do they still have Senju blood?

"If it can help in finding the truth, I'll do it." I allowed a cautious smile to slip onto my face. The old man's smile grew in response to my own.

"Very well. Report to the hospital before you go attend the Academy today. There they will draw some of your blood and the tests should be returned to us within the next three days. Give or take." Hiruzen explained, earning a nod and a small bow from me.

"Thank you for your time Lord Hokage, could you call me when the test results come back?"

"Of course, thank you for telling me about this as soon as possible. I will summon you immediately once I have your results."

I didn't want to waste Hiruzen's time anymore so I made my way to the door and walked out of the hokage mansion as quickly as possible.

A deep happiness bubbled in my stomach as I broke out into a sprint towards the hospital.

I'm not some useless clan kid! No, I'm a goddamn Senju! Not just any normal Senju, but one with Wood Style. I'm basically the second coming of Hashirama or even Ashura Otsutsuki if I play my cards right.

Which means I can make an impact! Fighting the likes of Madara, and Obito Uchiha won't be a complete massacre but instead I'd be one of the people at the front of the charge!

Sounds scary in theory, but it would be absolutely exciting if I could surpass Hashirama by then. A tall task, but now entirely doable.

I reached the hospital fairly quickly, and opened the door to see a receptionist look up at me.

"Can I help you, young one?" She asked in a baby voice.

I ignored her tone and got to the point. "I was ordered by Lord Hokage to report here so you can take my blood for a blood test."

The lady raised an eyebrow as she got up from her seat and examined my face closely.

"If it is by Lord Hokage's will, then we'll just have to get on that, little cutie." She giggled before leading me to one of the rooms. "Please have a seat in here, one of our staff will be in momentarily.

I nodded and she left the room. I couldn't help myself from falling back into thought.

Now that Hiruzen knows I possess wood style, Danzo won't be able to nab me, and since he can't nab me, I can start my chakra control training! Finally I can get ahead of my class by a longshot! Hell if I'm good enough I may even be able to water walk by the time I turn seven.

Which would put me massively in front of peers, but wouldn't make me two extraordinary among geniuses.

Like Itachi who had graduated the academy at seven or eight, was chunin by ten and an anbu by eleven.

Seriously, that guy is a beast.

If Obito and Danzo weren't the fucking mistakes that they are, Itachi would definitely be the number one candidate for fifth hokage right now, and knowing Minato, he'd definitely give the hat to him.

The door was abruptly opened by an older man wearing a medical mask and gloves. In his left hand he carried a suitcase which I can only assume is filled with very sharp needles.

"Your name is Lei Kazumi, correct?" He asked, earning a nod from me. "We just got Lord Hokage's message. I am Medical Nin Junsuke Tsuhara, I'll be in charge of this entire fiasco, taking your blood, running it through scans and all that boring stuff. You have to go to the academy in a few hours, correct?"

"Yeah." Was my curt response.

"Alright, then let's hurry up and get you out of here." He said, and I could tell there was a smile underneath his mask. He put his suitcase on the desk and just as I thought, he pulled out a very sharp needle and some disinfecting wipes. He began wiping down the needle before attaching it to his syringe. He then pulled out a blood bag.

"Are you afraid of needles?"

I shook my head no, knowing damn well I was lying.

His mask crinkled into a wry smile as he took another disinfecting wipe and gestured for me to give him my arm. I complied and started wiping down my forearm where he would extract the blood sample.

"Are you ready?" He asked cautiously and I only nodded before gritting my teeth in preparation.

As he stuck the needle into my vein, I once again cursed the heavens for making me a child again where my pain tolerance was nonexistent. I watched as the syringe filled with my crimson gooey blood.

Once he got an amount he deemed necessary, he carefully removed the needle from my arm and wiped it down with a cloth. His hand reached into the suitcase again and he pulled out a small white bandaid. He put it on my arm and rubbed it a couple of times to make sure it was absolutely secure.

"All done, good job, Lei." He praised me as he pulled down the medical mask and for the first time I saw his smile.

"Is that all then?" I asked, hoping I could get back to the orphanage and get a headstart on my chores.

"Yes, that is all. Be sure to stop at the receptionist's desk to get yourself some candy." He chuckled before patting me on my back and packing his equipment.

"I definitely will." I promised. "Thank you Mr. Junsuke."

"It was a pleasure, Lei."

"Satsuki beat you up bad huh?" Kuzan asked as he munched on his breakfast.

"Mhm." I hummed as I stuffed my face.

"She'll never let you live that down you know?" He warned.


"Hurry up and make your way to the academy kids!" Mama Reiko ushered us.

Not wanting to ever get on the bad side of Mama Reiko, I vacuumed all the food into my mouth, chugged my glass of water and was up and out of my seat. Kuzan is just seconds behind me.

"Seriously, you eat more than three kids combined, how are you not fat?" He asked me as we started making our way to the academy, this time it was just us two and one of his other friends, Taro.

"I train a lot, also I think I just can't get fat no matter how much I eat." I answered. In truth I knew that my metabolism was just unnaturally high. Now that I'm almost certainly a Senju, it makes more sense. Senju's have strong bodies and strong wills.

We arrived at the academy and entered the classroom and took our seats. I noticed the gaze of several kids we played with yesterday, but did nothing regarding them.

They'll all see soon.

"Lei!" Naruko shouted as she entered the class room and practically jumped up to our table. "Are you alright? Satsuki beat you up pretty bad." She asked, her hands stretching my face out before touching my bandaged head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry, Naruko. I'll admit Satsuki got a pretty good hit on me." I assured the worried girl gently.

"Hmph." Satsuki snorted from in front of us, her head held up high as she faced forwards.

"We thought you were dead." Shikamaru yawned before giving me an almost unnoticeable grin as he eyed me.

"I tried to feed you some chips while you were out, they always wake me up." Choji added as he munched on his barbeque flavored chips.

Did this overweight fuck put his slobbery chip dusted hands in my mouth while I was unconscious?

"Thanks for the offering of goodness and health Choji, but please never do that again." I respectfully told the chubby boy while giving him a twitching smile.

"Your loss." He shrugged.

"Alright class." Daiko-Sensei walked through the door of the class with a stack of papers. My eyes narrowed slightly as I realized just exactly what day it was.

"I hope you all have prepared for your first exam. This will be a written only exam reviewing everything you've learned since the start of the year. You have an hour and thirty minutes to complete the exam." He explained as he walked through the aisles, handing packets out to each student.

When he reached us he gave Hinata and I our packets and was starting to walk away without giving Naruko hers.

"Daiko-Sensei, you forgot Naruko." I pointed out with a small frown. This had been a usual thing with him. If Naruko had a question he wouldn't call on her. If she blurted out her question he wouldn't answer it. If no one was paying attention in class he'd randomly call on her to embarrass her.

Naruko had noticed but downplayed it, much like she downplayed the treatment she was getting from the entire village. I'm sure she does that so I don't follow the trend and start treating her badly too.

Watching Naruto get treated like that in the show is one thing. Seeing it in person is another.

"Yes, how could I forget." He turned around, slapping Naruko's packet on the table before walking to the front of the class. "You may all begin."

I observed the questions and fought the urge to facepalm. The questions were so easy a third grader who knew some Naruto lore could answer it.

Well we are six…

I need to stop having such high expectations for these exams.

Within the first fifteen minutes I was done. I walked to the front of the class and handed Daiko-Sensei my exam. He eyed me for more than a few moments before taking my exam and starting to grade it.

As I walked back I noticed the annoyed looks from everyone in the class, Naruko included who looked like she was struggling with the exam.

I nonchalantly returned to my seat and closed my eyes.

As the hour and thirty minutes passed, the kids started gradually turning in their exams until everyone had finished.

Daiko-Sensei handed us back our exams about fifteen minutes after we finished. I didn't even bat an eye at my perfect score but instead looked at Naruko's.

She failed…

How the fuck did she fail?!

"Ahh!" She shouted, scratching and clawing at her hair. "Why did it have to be so hard?!"

I ignored the girl and looked at Hinata. "What did you get, Hinata?"

Hinata nearly jumped in surprise before hesitantly showing me her paper with a big fat hundred at the top.

"Nice, at least two of us are literate." I snorted which transformed into laughter when Naruko looked at me in confusion.

She doesn't know what literate means yet.

"Most of you passed, and few of you failed. The level of testing will only grow harder as you continue your journey through the years of the academy." Kaito-Sensei explained with a hardened gaze as his eyes moved through the crowd of students. "I expect everyone to study well in the second half of the year so you all pass with flying colors."

""Yes, Sensei."" Everyone chorused.

The class was let out and now I found myself walking alone with Naruko. I had told the girl to follow me to a training ground so we could actually begin the path of bettering ourselves.

Now that I didn't have to worry about Danzo being the king of dickheads and kidnapping me, I was free to work on chakra control as I pleased, and since I'd be doing it anyways, why not have my favorite blonde here working with me.

Lord knows she could use the training.

"Why are we out here, Lei?" Naruko asked, her eyes lazily scanning the trees of the training ground.

"To train in chakra control, and I have just the exercise we can do." A knowing smile worked its way onto my face as I stopped walking. "Learning to control one's chakra is the most necessary thing for all shinobi to learn. Getting a headstart on it is what separates the average from the geniuses."

Naruko tilted her head in confusion. "What's so good about being a genius?"

Right, she is still a bit slow on these things.

"Think about it like this Naruko. You know how there are different shinobi ranks, Genin, Chunin and Jonin?" I started explaining, earning a slow nod from the blonde. "Well if we start this training, when we become genin, we could possibly have the chakra control of a chunin, or even a jonin!" I finished dramatically which definitely got the gears turning in her head.

"So what you're saying is we'll be super awesome ninja while everyone else will just be normal ninja?!"

I crossed my arms and smiled. "Not just a super awesome ninja, but the super awesome ninja."

Her eyes sparkled in excitement as she started jumping around the training ground.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's start!" She ushered and my smile widened a great deal more at her enthusiasm.

I can work with this!

"Right, so the first chakra control exercise we should do is this." I bent down and picked up a leaf. Naruko looked at the leaf with a confused expression which I had to admit looked incredibly cute on the little girl.

I sat down and stuck the leaf on my forehead and focused on my chakra to keep it there. Naruko watched as I pulled my hand away from the leaf and gasped when the leaf stayed stuck to my forehead.

This was the first time I was trying the leaf concentration practice, and I had to admit, it was harder than I thought.

I kept the leaf stuck to my head as Naruko watched in quiet fascination. This lasted about a minute until I accidentally put too much chakra and the leaf blew off my head.

"What I just did is called the leaf concentration practices. It's the exercise that most shinobi use to start learning chakra control. I believe we were going to learn about it later this year, but better to get ahead and start early." I grinned, handing the leaf to Naruko. She immediately snatched the leaf out of my hand and put it on her own forehead. When she removed her hand, it was instantly blown off.

"Uwah?! How did you do it so easily?" She asked as she got up to grab the leaf again.

I chuckled as I walked over to grab another leaf. "I've been practicing feeling my chakra ever since we learned about the exercise three months ago. I have a better feel for it than you. However, if you keep trying, you'll get it sooner or later."

I placed the leaf on my head and started my concentration again. Naruko absolutely wouldn't get it soon. The Kyuubi simply messes with her chakra control too much, but I'm sure after a month or two she should be able to keep it on her forehead for as long as she's focused.

It really sucks that her control is naturally so awful, with the same amount of time I'll definitely be able to keep it stuck to my head as if it was second nature.

Though having the power of the most powerful bijuu at her disposal later sounds like a great tradeoff.

Three days have passed since Naruko and I started training our chakra control. We would practice it everywhere. At home, walking to the academy, during classes, in the training grounds and before we go to sleep.

Within the three days, I've been able to keep the leaf on my head for about ten minutes normally, and I have a bit of 'chakra memory' regarding it, so I can pay attention during class and do it as well.

Kaito-Sensei noticed Naruko and I doing it, and while expecting him to stop us simply because Naruko was doing it, he surprisingly left us alone.

Perhaps Lord Third told him about my new development and not to impede my growth? Or maybe he's turning over a new leaf.

"Lei!" I heard my name being called by Mama Reiko from downstairs. Currently I was sitting in one of the cabinets training my leaf concentration.

"Coming!" I shouted back as I made my way down to her. All the while keeping the leaf stuck to my forehead.

When I reached the common area, I saw Mama Reiko standing next to the same boar masked anbu guy.

"Lei, this shinobi says Lord Third is summoning you." The orphanage's matron said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Probably should have told her about it.

"Oh, alright. I'm ready now, I'll be back, Mama Reiko." I smiled nervously, stepping past her and walking out of the orphanage. Boar right behind me.

He grabbed my shoulder, and a bunch of leaves appeared around us. When the leaves parted we were right outside of the hokage mansion.

So that's the body flicker…badass!

He immediately started walking into the mansion and I followed after him closely. We arrived at the door to Hokage's office and he opened it, dropping to one knee the second he stepped into the room.

"Lord Hokage, I have brought the child you summoned." Boar's gruff voice announced.

"Good, leave us." Hiruzen answered with a smile.

Boar got up and walked right out of the door, closing it behind him.

"Hello, Lord Hokage. It's a beautiful day isn't it?" I asked hoping to make a bit of small talk.

"That it is, Lei." He smiled and gestured for me to approach. I heeded his sign and walked forwards until I was about a foot away from his desk.

"Your blood work came back."

"I figured as much, what were the results?"

"Well, it's just as we believed, it appears you do in fact possess Senju blood." He confirmed, his smile growing a lot wider than I've seen so far.

"Oh! That's great!" I cheered, even though I already knew it for a fact, hearing it being proven without a shadow of a doubt does get my blood rushing a bit.

"Yes, and there's more."

Oh that might not be good…

"Well considering you're a Senju we decided to dive deeper into your family tree to see just where your Senju blood comes from. From the original test we learned that twenty five percent of the blood in your veins belongs to the Senju line, while seventy five percent lies in the civilian side." He grinned as he pulled out a file and slid it over to me.

I looked at him cautiously before grabbing the file.

"It would seem your father was the one who possessed Senju blood. He is a man I knew quite well although never did we suspect him to be a Senju, in fact he was my first son's jonin sensei."

My eyes widened slightly as I glanced up from the file and looked at the old man in shock. His first child wasn't mentioned much in the show, all we know about them is that they are Konohamaru's parents, I guess now I know that they is a he.

I finally scanned my eyes through the document and-

The paper fell out of my hands and my body froze in shock.

"Quite fascinating isn't it. Never in my wildest dreams did I think Tobirama-sensei would ever have a child." Hiruzen chuckled.


Tobirama is my father's father according to a DNA test they ran.

…Which would make him my grandfather.

"I can see your confusion is high, don't fret, I wasn't much better myself." The old man's chuckling increased in intensity as he eyed my dumbfounded face. "This village does well in taking everyone's DNA whenever we can and storing it in an enclosed area. This is mainly so if we ever find traces of someone's body we can identify the person as soon as possible. Because of this, we kept several DNA samples from both your father and Lord Second and many other long deceased shinobi and civilians. I can confirm without a shadow of a doubt you are the grandson of my sensei. I made sure to have this test run three times to ensure no lies could be told."

I took a deep breath to regain my composure. This changes absolutely nothing. Tobirama being my grandfather is completely irrelevant to my current situation. At the very least, it can't be a negative thing. Most of his enemies are long dead, after all from what I remember, the Second Hokage died when Hiruzen was young.

"Let me tell you a tale." Hiruzen's smile immediately dropped as he reminisced. I could practically see the darkness within his eyes, the years of fighting and surviving he had to go through to be sitting in the seat he is right now. "You're still a bit young so I will try to water it down."

"When I was seventeen years old, myself and five others were chosen by Lord Second to join him on an assault mission during the First Great Shinobi War. We successfully completed the mission, and on our way back to the village Tobirama-sensei stopped us…He informed us we were surrounded by twenty shinobi. The mission was tiring and all of us were so exhausted we could barely even perform jutsu much less fight. It was then one of my teammates suggested someone stay behind and act as a decoy. It was one of the hardest choices of my life, but I decided to step forward and be the decoy."

Hiruzen paused and eyed my reaction. I was a bit surprised since I hadn't had so much insight into the mission, but I knew this story from the show. It seems Hiruzen noticed my lack of true reaction, but didn't vocalize it.

"Tobirama-sensei told us that he would be the one playing decoy and that I would be the next Hokage. We all retreated…that was the last time I saw my sensei." His eyes grew solemn as he closed them, his head tilting up. "I didn't know then, but several months later your father would be born. I did not know who his mother was. If I remember correctly she died when he was very young during the war."

Hiruzen shook his head. "Perhaps I'm telling you all of this too early. You are still just a young boy after all. Why don't we move onto something else." He suggested.

"Alright, what did you have in mind?" I asked as I scratched my arm nervously. The room's atmosphere was tense and depressing as is, and I felt really small right about now.

"How about we talk about you? Now that Senju blood is surely running through your veins you have the option to take the Senju name as your own, and move into the Senju compound. The only other living Senju that we know of is Lord First's granddaughter, and my student Tsunade. However she long since left the village meaning you are the sole Senju remaining in the village. If you wish, you may take the title of Head of the Senju clan. I doubt she would contest such a thing."

"I accept." I answered instantly. The weight that came with bearing the Senju name alone is already great, but to be able to throw around the title of Head of Senju clan is something completely different. Tsunade used to be called 'Princess' by all the villagers, considering she's my second cousin, wouldn't that make me 'Prince?'

"That was rather fast." He chuckled. "Although I can understand why someone your age would so willingly accept such a thing, be warned there is quite a bit of paperwork that must be done and reported to me by our village's clan heads.

"Of course, Lord Hokage." I bowed.

"Good, the change to your file should be finished by the end of the day, congratulations, Lei Senju."

Chapter End

Couldn't make the video a spoiler, don't know if that's just a me thing. Also there are times where random lines get bolded, even though they weren't when I uploaded it.

A ton happened in this chapter, but the biggest of all being Lei's family tree. I honestly was torn between making him just some random Senju's grandson and Tobirama's. In the end choosing Tobirama just makes the story flow better, and opens new avenues I can use with Hiruzen, Koharu, Homura, and Danzo.

Lemme just go into detail since I won't be bringing it up much in the story.

Kishimoto's timeline is a bit confusing so I'm changing it for my own sanity.

The leaf was founded 63 years ago at this point in the story.

Hashirama was about 25 and Tobirama was 23.

Hashirama served as first hokage until he was 34 years old (9 years served) before stepping down due to his weakened state post Madara fight. He then died six years later at the age of 40 from old age surrounded by his loved ones.

Tobirama served as hokage for ten years (from ages 32 - 42) then died at 42 just four years after his older brother's death.

Hiruzen became Hokage the day after Tobirama's death at age 17 making him the youngest hokage ever.

Lei's dad, Renji Miyamoto (his dad didn't know he was a senju) was born seven months after Tobirama's death.

Hiruzen trained Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade (They were all 6) at 19 years old while he was Hokage.

Hiruzen named Minato as Hokage when he was 54 and Minato was 23.

Lei was born when Renji was 38. Which means Hiruzen was 55.

Obito attacked the village, Minato died, and Hiruzen retook the position within the same year. Minato died at 25.

Hiruzen is currently 61 and will be 68 by the time og naruto starts.

The three sannin are 48 and will be 55 by the time og naruto starts.

I think I fucked this up a few times, so I'll definitely come back to edit it later. Honestly, I give up, I'm too tired for this lmao.

Kakukami Kakukami

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