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62.5% Pokemon: Trainer SI / Chapter 29: Chapter 29 : New Found Strength

Capítulo 29: Chapter 29 : New Found Strength

News Anchor: "Ladies and gentlemen, breaking news in the Pokémon world! Archer, the prodigious breeder and rising star of the Pokémon Alliance, continues to captivate our attention. Today, we bring you an exclusive look at the awe-inspiring evolution of Electabuzz into the mighty Electivire, a momentous event that has left trainers and researchers alike in utter astonishment! Why do you ask my friends? Because this Electrivire is a newly discovered Pokemon."

Video Clip: The television screen displays the evolution, capturing the essence of electricity surging through the sky, shattering the roof, and darkening the surroundings. The winds howl as the intensity of the evolution reaches its peak, leaving viewers in awe of the spectacle.

News Anchor: "The evolution, triggered by a refined Electirizer, which showcases a new step in Poke-human Relations. Because this Electirizer is a man-made device.

That's right people, this device is made by the new genius Archer for his starter. According to him, he took inspiration from old legends of select Pokemon evolving in the wild under the bonds of their family.

So, out of his love for his friends, He sought to do the same, a childish dream for everyone. But, this genius succeeded.

The man-made device proves to be a game-changer in the evolution process, and the alliance between trainer and Pokémon reaches new heights. But that's not all!"

Video Clip: The newsman transitions to footage showcasing Archer's journey, from his early days as the youngest breeder to his multiple degrees and groundbreaking discoveries. Viewers witness the videos of Kleavor and Annihilape fighting under Archer's guidance, marking the revelation of three Pokémon evolutions by the youngest star in the Pokémon Alliance.

News Anchor: "Archer, dubbed the youngest breeder with an impressive academic background, has become a cause of talk for news every day. His discoveries in Pokémon evolution have sparked intrigue and admiration, making him a prominent youth figure in the Alliance like Elm, Steven Stone, Brich etc.

Let's take a moment to hear what our viewers are saying!"

Video Clip: Comments from viewers flood the screen as Archer is surrounded by his Pokémon – Electivire, Kakuna, Eevee, Kleavor, Annihilape, Slaking, Charmeleon, Rookidee, and the rare Rotomdex. The passerby's diverse reactions range from admiration for Archer's skills to curiosity about the mysterious Rotomdex.

Viewer Comment 1: "Archer is a Pokémon prodigy! That Electivire evolution was mind-blowing!"

Viewer Comment 2: "Who's that adorable Eevee? It is so cute!"

Viewer Comment 3: "That Rotomdex is intriguing. After all, Rotoms were said to originate in Sinnoh, but wildly populated in Unova. But, Rotomdex as a creation was wildly researched in Aloha. Now, with this one, Kanto has thrown a ring for the debate among the regions, each competing to include it under their Region Pokedex. It is matter a of pride for each region since the Regional Pokedex entry of this Pokemon can only be allotted once. "

Viewer comment @@@@: Comment 3 is to info heavy, fuck off. Kanto is the greatest. Oak is the sex. That is the truth. You can see my Hard Dick for confirmation. @((**#&$)

News Anchor: " Ahem, the censored words aside.

Well, folks, it seems we have an inquisitive viewer asking about Aloha and the exciting prospects it holds for the Pokémon Alliance. Now, to address your question, viewer number four, Aloha is a region that has yet to form an official Pokémon Alliance. However, our sources indicate that this might change sooner than expected. We're looking at potential developments within the next decade!"

Viewer Comment 4: How so soon?

News Anchor: "Excellent question! The reason behind this accelerated timeline seems to revolve around a key figure—none other than Professor Oak himself. Yes, you heard it right! Professor Oak, the venerable Pokémon researcher, is playing a crucial role in bringing the regions together, fostering collaboration, and, of course, establishing alliances. His efforts are set to usher in a new era of cooperation, unity, and exciting possibilities in the Pokémon world.

So, stay tuned as we anticipate the unfolding of this remarkable journey. Back to you and keep those questions coming!"


ROUTE 7, ON THE WAY TO CELADON, One month after the incident.

I closed the news app on Rotomdex, contemplating the increasing attention and fame that came with my recent discoveries. The convenience of Rotomdex, functioning as a more advanced version of the smartphones from my previous life, made me think of it as an opportunity for money.

Sure, the technology can easily be reverse engineered but the usage of it has been experienced by me for decades. Just the aspect of social media is enough to kick back for me.

Look at Rotomdex, I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for those stuck commenting from their homes or offices, tied to their computers or laptops.

I chuckled at that. I then got to the news revealed based on my comment- "Comment no.4."

The news about Professor Oak being the representative for Aloha didn't surprise me, especially considering his cousin's already established presence in the region. It seemed like the pieces were falling into place for the Aloha to open up in the expected time frame, as per canon. A decade or two. 


Turning my attention to the source of the sound -Electivire, I observed as he energetically challenged all the other Pokémon on the team, even gesturing at the usually laid-back Slaking with a "come on" motion.

There was a sense of arrogance in its demeanour, but the researcher in me couldn't help but be curious about the potential power that Electivire possessed.


Electrivire stood his ground as the rest of the team faced him.

The battle started with a shadow ball that came from a surprising source- Eevee. Something that surprised me, because it meant that my little princess had trained during my hospitalization for her to learn this move.

Trust me, only I know the pain in the ass she was about battling.

 Rotomdex added from behind me "She has been using my services to train with all her might to finally catch up with the team. "

 My heart moved to see the princess changing after the incident with Zapdos.

But unfortunately, the gap of years is not filled in a short time. It is not just Eevee but most of the team is behind Electrivire in terms of experience or training.

As if to prove my point, Electrivire used a thunder punch to casually deflect the Shadow ball.

Rookidee took advantage of the distraction, diving at Electivire with a powerful Drill Peck. The electric Pokémon leapt skilfully, dodging the attack, but it left him momentarily vulnerable to Charmeleon's Flamethrower.

In a surprising turn, Electivire countered with a Thunderbolt of incredible speed and strength, reminiscent of the Zapdos encounter that had left me scarred. The scars on my body tingled at the sight, a painful echo of that incident. But felt such pain was worth it, as I saw the Thunderbolt overpower Charmeleon's Flamethrower, hurtling towards him.

I was expecting it to knock down Charmeleon but to my surprise his Tail glowed white, indicating the Iron tail. He used to send the Thunderbolt to the ground as if it were a lightning conductor, a move reminiscent of Ash's Pikachu in anime.

While easy to say, it is tough to execute as the timing has to be perfect. I am impressed and internally note to encourage Chameleon's curiosity towards the exploration of moves and tactics

Rotomdex then said, "Here he comes."

I turned to see Kleavor sending Rock Tomb hurtling at my starter.




Well, the Boulders are easily crushed by Electrivire's Focus punches. But then Rookidee came flying through with a speed, that set the air on fire. As I watched him passing over me, I couldn't help myself from blurting out, "Brave bird."

Rotomdex proudly said, "It is just the beginning look."

Eevee, I don't know when has sneaked up on Electrivire and used Bite to hold his Leg to hold him down.

Then Electrivire calmly smirked and a ball of transparent green light covered him, making me exclaim "Protect. Seriously did everyone learn something new in the time I was in Bed."

"That's Right."

I looked in fascination as the protection held against the Brave bird which sent waves of force.



Kleavor then attacked with an X-scissor from behind while the clash was ongoing. This attack finally broke the Protect. The bug type then used the opening which Electrivire is distracted, to close the gap.

"Rotomdex, note the Electrivire training plan update: Protect."

"Roger sir. And good to have your back."

"Me too Rotomdex, Though I must say it feels good to be out of the hospital."

I saw Kleavor using a close combat which Electrivre dodged easily weaving left and right. A sight that made me frown.

"What's wrong Archer?"

"It seems he grew too arrogant of his new strength. You know I said that Electrivire has more Training and experience than most of the team."


"Here is the one who has more experience and training than him."

Annhiliape, as if to prove their point, managed to sneak up on Electrivire and draw up fighting energy in palms, "Focus Blast."


Electrivire who realised this seemed to react but the Eevee who was Annhiliape back jumped to his shoulder and used "Charm."


Electrivire eyes clouded in love for his sister as Kleavor and Charmeleon sent their attacks from the back, Air slash and Metal claw. The force sent the Electrivire to the Focus blast that was finally released.




The blast sent him flying through several rows of trees.

Among the raining leaves and twigs, I stood up at the sight of my team displaying a teamwork that could only come through intense training.

"Awesome shot. They finally brought down the arrogant guy," I saw Rotomdex dancing here and there, a sight mirroring the rest of the team.

After all, Electrivire has been the goal of the team for a long time. Kleavor has evolved to fight Electrivire. Eevee and the Rookidee admired their big brother. Annihilape was plain angry at the fact the strength of Electrivire surpasses him. Then little Charmeleon just worships him.

It then made me remember to finally start on Annihilape combat style training to incorporate his versatile moveset.

"Maybe then Annhiliape will have a way to compete with Electrivire."


I smiled at Rotomdex and explained the reason behind my muttering, "While they all are frustrated, it is nothing compared to the frustration of Electrivire who has been training and bred by me for years since a baby. He saw first Kleavor giving him a challenge, then Annihilpe and then Slaking. He has his pride after all. Not to mention the important fact."

I saw Thunderbolts flying into the sky, that rapidly made their way to the battlefield. Rotomdex gulped at the sight.


"Evolution is a miracle wielded by miraculous creatures called Pokemon. It is affected up by numerous factors -species, breeding, training, the emotions of Pokemon and the way of evolution. Electrivire and I have spent all his life from the stage of Elekid to prepare for his final evolution."

Clutching my arms around the scars, "Even to the point of getting myself nearly killed."

My starter came through the blindside, covered with electricity aiming for the trickiest one Annhiliape and hitting him with a Wild charge.


Then Thunder Bolt at Kleavor to make space for manoeuvring. He soon breathed into himself all the air he could, and his fist glowed hard, swirling star-like energy spread throughout his body with which he jumped into the air, His eyes scanning the ground as he descended.

He is the only one I knew the progress of. The only one who didn't hide his progress to surprise me. Because he knew we were partners. Such things don't matter.

I couldn't help myself from shouting, ""Giga Impact"""""""""""""""""""""""



The calm peaceful forest shook in waves of force that uprooted the nearby trees, and the dust that rose hundreds of meters settled to reveal a crater, in which my starter was standing proudly with a soft glow of rest covering him.


The rest of the team are in various places- Chameleon in the small holed-in nearby boulder, Eevee and Rookidee are hanging from a tree surprisingly evading the impact but Kleavor and Annhiliape, the focus of impact was in the crater.

Electrivire walked while using Rest, albeit at a slow pace that can easily be overtaken by a 5-year-old. But it an insanity for those who know the difficulty of moving while using Rest.

It is essentially being able to move while taking a dozen sleeping pills.

Speaking of sleep, I looked towards the one Pokemon that Electrivire wanted to fight the most. The only one who came close to shaking Electrivire's position at the Top of the pyramid in the team.

He was simply seeing the battle till now while resting sideways resting his head on his arm.

He slowly got up and moved to face Electrivire, each step shaking the ground.




Soon he stood in front of Electrivire, with a scary face that would have made his father proud.



Slaking vs Electrivire

The two Pokemon looked at each other with an intense gaze that almost made the air suffocate. In a single span of a moment, they both jumped to the other as if mirroring each other using the same move, "Focus punch."


The force of clash sent the waves of air throughout the area, sending Eevee and Rookidee almost flying into the air.

"String shot."

Kakuna, under my command, rapidly sent a string to the girls and brought them to my side. He then stuck more strings to the weakened trio of Annihilape, Charmeleon and Kleavor who are watching the battle with burning eyes.

I looked towards the Bug-type who has been a silent spectator since it evolved, not caring of the vastly increasing strength difference with the team.

His eyes are solely focused on Electrivire's back, taking in all the combat. Interesting.

According to the data, the increased activity of Kakuna suggests it is time to see, the so-called growth of Bug types under Evolution. Perhaps, in a few days.

I turned back to see Electrivire and Slaking punching each other in a slugfest of thunder punches, fire punches and Focus punches. Not bothering with the wounds.



Eevee and Rookidee shivered as they heard the bones breaking from the battling Pokemon. While for the rest of the guys, it might as well be the first time seeing Avengers descending in New York.


Slaking having enough, started running to the Electrivire, using his ace = Hammer arm.

Electrivire let out bursts of laughter as he crossed his fists to use protect. The Fighting type move slammed the green sphere into the ground. Each surge of energy from Slaking makes the crater bigger and bigger.

To my surprise, no, it should be correct to say- To my Shock. The behemoth jumped into the air using the counterforce of Protect, spun in the air with his leg glowing and descended just that rapidly to Electrivire

"Fucking hell! Mega kick."

The shield broke as the heavy kick landed on the crossed arms of Electrivire. I could hear the forearms of Electrivire creaking from the force. I was about to intervene until I saw Electrivire and Slaking smiling at each other.

Making me realise that Electrivire is using Endure.

Sparks came from various parts of Electrivire while Slaking roared out sending more and more energy to the kick, visible as the pulses of energy reached his leg. Electrivire kept enduring while charging until He let out a Thunder with Roar of his own.


The resultant build-up energy started making me see black and white cancelling all noise until it finally erupted in a wave that decimated the ground between us in the blink of an eye.


The rest of us screamed as we held the String from Kakuna, who seemed to have used Harden to stay unmoved from the spot we felt the power sending everything except as who were supported by Kakuna to be sent flying.

After some time, I strongarmed myself out of the sand to see the rest of the team goggling at the two beasts who seemed to be continuing.





I saw the Electrivire who was punched back to turn back around while using the next blow to set his dislocated shoulder. I saw the wounds on Slaking closing as the fight progressed. Those two are using Rest wholeheartedly while exchanging fists again.

I looked around to see decimation for hundreds of meters with broken trees, sand and dust that can form a miniature desert, with occasional boulders.

I saw it was enough and took both the idiots back into the Pokeball.


I shouted to the trembling Pokeballs, "Enough! I trained you idiots too well. Without significant power difference, it will take days for you guys to decide the match, so calm down."

I then shouted to Rotomdex, "Give me the reports of everyone now."

"Aye, Aye sir."


After wrapping up the healing session for my troublesome team, I set off towards Celadon with a sense of urgency to avoid being found responsible for this mess.

Paying the ranger corps for disrupting the local ecology wasn't exactly on my to-do list.

On top of that, Sabrina, in all her mysterious ways, apparently footed the bill for my hospital stay. I wasn't too keen on adding more numbers to my debt.


As I made my way to the gym, expecting to find the same old psychic vibes, I was met with a surprise. The gym had a new leader, none other than Sabrina's father.

The man exuded a calm and collected aura, a stark contrast to the usual eerie ambiance of psychic types.

He greeted me with a nod, saying, "She's embarked on a journey and left a message for you. You'll find her waiting at the Indigo Plateau."

I scratched my head, thinking, "Indigo Plateau, huh? Well, it seems like the tournament will be interesting with this monster also joining."









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