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42.85% The Knight of Ruin(DxD) / Chapter 48: Ch 48 Vampire Assault 1/3

Capítulo 48: Ch 48 Vampire Assault 1/3

Over the next 5 days, Romonus was hard at work as he wanted everything to go smoothly. He spent it planning out the attack in secret as he had a few goals to achieve. 

When the day that Romonus was set to retrieve Valerie came he was fully prepared. He wanted to save Gasper to give him to Rias as he had no desire to have him in his peerage. He was important to Valerie who was the most important Longinous user to his plans. 

With just one of the Three Grails of her Sub-Species Longinous, Rizeveim managed to turn Vampires into Evil Dragons and even make Trihexa Mass Produce Scail Mail armors. 

He wanted to use her power to grant him an immortal body along with his Soul Control. He could in theory make himself nearly unkillible to regular attacks that could not reach his Soul along with his Demon Physiology. 

She was the child of King Tepes who descended from the Male Vampire Ancestor. That meant she had the potentiol to become beyond mighty with proper guidance. Gasper and Elmenhilde Karnstein both gained power by drinking Issei's blood and his strength had come from Ddraig.

Since Romonus' Demon bloodline came from Sparda and it was passively getting stronger by his Demon Heart she could become a Demon Vampire. With the Seriphoth Grael, she had the potential to join his Peerage. If not as a Bishop, he still had his Mutation Pawn Piece. 

He didn't care if he had to start a war with the Vampires as Zekram had done the same 8,000 years ago. He would not be revealing who he was acting as a free agent. He was already wearing Archaon as he did not plan to delay for long. 

Serafall had left already as she was going to be busy in the coming days. Roygun also got called back to the Belphagor Clan because of her absence. This left just Akeno, Itsuki, Shirone, Miria, and Silvana. Latia was supposed to come later today so he was going to wait for her, but he could start the debrief. 

 Romonus waved his hand and created over 1,000 Spells and wards that glowed a dark purple to prevent his plans from leaving his room. The girls all watched in awe at the ease he could cast magic now. 

This was a result of the mutation his brain had undergone by the Mana in his blood during the Baptism. His Demon Heart constantly repurposed the Mana Archaon produced through the Dragon Heart fused into him. 

That was then fed to Archaon making the two stronger as long as they were linked.

 "I will be frank. My first destination in my travels is Romania and it is not going to be a peaceful trip. We are going to war." 

Miria crossed her arms as she could think of what he was going to do. 

"You plan to attack the Vampires right? For what reason?"

Romonus started to explain it. 

"Yes. I have kept it on the down low, but you all see the medallion on my neck? Inside is the soul of my distant relative Vespera Carmilla Bael. She is the great-granddaughter of Zekram Bael. Her Father was his grandson and her Mother was a Pure-blooded noble Vampire of the Carmila Facition. 

She was told that her Father forced himself on her Mother, but that does not seem to be the case. When she killed him in revenge, Zekram hunted her down and captured her. 

He turned her into Blood Drinker the Demon Sword I used to carry around. I managed to get her free and in this attack, I have three goals. The first and most important is to take the Dhampir daughter of King Tepes Valerie Tepes.

She is the possessor of the Longinous Sephiroth Graal. Second, is another Dhampir Gasper Vladi who is the holder of the Forbidden Balor View. He is just as important as the Evil God Balor is sealed inside his eyes. 

Balor is the grandfather of Lugh the Sun God of the Celtic Pantheon. Same Pantheon the patron god of Silvana, Arwan is from. The third is to capture the grandmother of Vespera as she is going to possess her body to reform her own. Any questions?" 

There were many because he was starting a War. Most of the members of his peerage were young, but he had done his best to get them ready. Itsuki as a former human was concerned. 

"Will we have to kill people?" 

Romonus nodded. 

"You will, but if you don't more people will die. We do this and we prevent what is to come in the future. This is something none of you know, but I can gaze into the future. If we do not do this Rizevim Livan Lucifer will extract her Longinous and kill her. 

He will use Sephiroth Graal to bring back a creature that God had to seal away, Trihexa. It is on the level of the Dragon Gods and it will devastate the Supernatural World. Worse of all, Trihexa is just the beginning because why do you think Great Red stays in the Dimensional Gap? 

Beyond the Gap, there are two races of powerful gods. The Evie, sentient machines with transcendent power, and the Atolde the Spiritual Gods. The Evie are conquers who only revel in war. They have wiped out all life in their universe and several other realms. Our realm, Dragon Deus is up next if they find it." 

That raised so many questions, but if what he said was true this would be necessary. Silvana pondered on things as this was a very good reason to start something like that. 

"Trihexa is on the level of the Dragon Gods? Why did God seal it?"

"Because he could not kill it. In the future, I saw that once it was released even Shiva could not destroy it. It devastated several Mythologies killing many gods. To just stop it the leaders of many pantheons sealed themselves to fight it. 

To name a few off the bat, Thor, Odin, Sirzechs, Serafall, Falbium, Zeus, Brahma, Azazel, Baraqiel, and Vishnu. Not to mention the peerages of the Satans including my three mentors. As such, I will not allow that to happen. I will not lose my brother, my girlfriend, and my mentors all in one go." 

Itsuki clenched her left hand. She had known Odin as a funny old man who despite being a pervert always gave the kids good advice in life. If kinda misguided she had to admit. 

"Got it. In that case, I can stomach this attack." 

Shirone stood up as she was also on board. 

"Got it. We save the world." 

Akeno felt horrified as she had come to terms that her Father was not responsible for her mother's death. She could not talk to him in person, but she texted him updates on her life. Thinking that he would seal himself away terrified her. 

"We can't let that happen. If that is the case I will go along with you." 

Miria chuckled at the young blood. 

"Man, I just joined your peerage you got me a war already. I knew you loved me." 

Silvana stood up and held her hand out. Her scythe which was propped on the wall flew into her hand which she started to twirl with ease. 

"In that case count me in as well. I have never been in a real fight before other than training matches with my Father and Mother. I am still a Death Magic user and I can get in close."

Romonus pondered on something as she was already in the Ultimate Class Middle Stage. She was blessed by a God of Death and War. Due to the nature of her birth, she had the lineages of two Noble lines of Supernatural creatures. 

Her soul had been formed by the Union of a Noble Dullahan and Avivoton so she was scarily talented. 

"If I can't find a second Knight after the first one I got in mind, remind me to ask you."

She smiled at the invitation. 

"I am glad you appreciate my talents." 

Romonus gave her a thumbs before he told them his goals. 

"Of course. It won't matter if we are discovered as the Vampires are not all that strong a faction or liked. We teleport near the castle of King Tepes first as Valerie takes precedence over anything else. 

I will create a massive Bounded Field to trap the Castle and town before we move in with full force. Once we have her, we assault the Carmila Faction for Vespera's grandmother. As for Gasper Vladi, we can try to extract him without a battle. He is a Dhampir and Vampires do not care for their half-breed children. Any more questions?" 

Shrione, Akeno, Itsuki, Miria, and Silvana all seemed perfectly ready. Even Kharn with his fancy Victorian Hat was jumping ready for battle. They would leave if Latia had not asked him to wait because she wanted to give him his gift. 

Before she arrived he continued to plan with the girls as each one was going to be in their first official battle except for Miria. She began to tell stories of the Great War and how many Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils she had slain. 

She even spoke of the Civil War briefly which captivated Kharn. The stories of her killing a Devil by bashing his head in with the head of his friend called to him. However, her story stopped when Latia teleported into his room as the wards did not stop her from entering. 

When she did so, she was carrying with her a conceiled pet carrier. Seeing everyone was still here she sighed in relief. 

"Good, you didn't leave yet." 

Romonus chuckled as he wouldn't do that. 

"Of course, we didn't. You said you were making me a gift, so I would not leave without it. Is that it?"

Latia set down the carrier before she looked up at Romonus. 

"It was not easy to give him life, but in the end, it worked. I would like to introduce your new pet." 

She opened the door and out came out a quite large 4-legged animal. At first glance, it looked to be a regular Wolverine as it was sniffing around like one would. Romonus walked over and picked him up. 

He could see a powerful Purple Soul showing it had been made from Devil and Human Souls. Demonic Power flowed through the living machine. He felt alive, he was breathing, and smelling. 

"You made him?"

Latia nodded with a smile. 

"He is made of living metal which I needed my Uncle to help me make. He might as well be a mix of a Golem, Robot and a homonculus with a soul. He can eat, drink, and do anything a real one can do. He will also regenerate from damage done to him.

If I am not mistaken he might even be able to grow stronger on his own. I made him so you can sign a contract with him." 

Romonus was already grinning as he looked at the fuzzy living machine. He began to pet his fluffy head which he seemed to enjoy.

"How you made him doesn't matter, all that matters is that he is alive now. You need a name big fella. If Kharn was named as such because he was insane, I will name you Grimaldus." 

'In honor of one of the most cracked-up Black Templars around.' 

Latia began to geek out as he referenced Warhammer again. 

"Hey, now you got the Kharn the Honey Badger, and Grimaldus the psycho robot Wolverine. How is that not awesome?"

Romonus activated the pact with Grimaldus who had quite a powerful soul. When he did so, he understood what kind of miracle they had created. They had made life from a machine meaning that Science and Magic could compete with the work of God. 

Romonus set him down on the floor and watched as Kharn and Grimaldus began to sniff each other. Both looked at each other with strange respect. Kharn tipped his little hat and Grimaldus gave a nod of the head. 

Romonus chuckled as he walked over to Latia. He couped her pretty face, and kissed her. She had to stand on her tippy toes, but she enjoyed the kiss. She smiled as she looked up at him. 

"Call often ok?" 

"Of course. I will make sure he has a good life." 

Latia smiled at the promise. 

"Please do, he is like my baby." 

She walked over to Grimaldus and ran her hand down his head. 

"Have fun in your war path." 

The Wolverine licked her hand before walking over to Romonus. His peerage and Silvana all stood next to him as he created a mass teleportation array. 

"If you ever want me to visit, just call. Or come with me when I return." 

With that, he teleported away to Romania as he was not going to delay any longer. It was time for him to unleash his power on the world. When he was gone, Latia sighed as she wanted to go with him.

However, she knew that he had his own goals and she had hers. She teleported back to her workshop where she was currently working on her next project. It was to take her Aritificer work to the next level. Grimaldus was just the first step. 


As for Romonus and his peerage when they appeared in Romania they did so a distance away from the Castle of the Tepes Royal Family. The Castle was in the middle of a large Medieval Town of enslaved humans. While the Castle and Town were warded and protected for a being nearly in the Super Class it might as well not have been. 

Romonus turned to his peerage and his two pets. 

"You all ready for this?" 

Miria pulled her giant Ōdachi from her Spatial Ring before equipping her armor from the Wars she had been in. 

"Let me at 'em, it's been centuries since I had a good fight." 

Romonus chuckled as Archaon encased his head, instantly their senses synchronized perfectly. 

'Armored, let us reap bone and skulls.' 

'Of course.'

Romonus opened his hand as his sword Ruin Maker appeared in a burst of purple energy. The sword seemed to constantly burn with purple flames and since his natural path was that of the Spellsword it was also his magic focus.

Romonus raised the massive sword into the air before he began to channel a tidal wave of Demonic Mana into it. As he prepared to cast a massive multilayered Bounded Field, Itsuki summoned the Boosted Gear on her left hand. 

She took a deep breath and with glowing green eyes spoke as one with Ddraig. 

"Balance Breaker." 

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker.]

In a burst of Dragon Fire, the Scail Mail Balance Breaker appeared over her body encasing her in red armor. It was no different than the original which was good because he would have been pissed if it had been a bikini armor or something retraded like that. 

When Romonus was finished he slashed Ruin Maker which burst with a deep purple glow encasing the town and castle with a titanic Bounded Field.

As soon as the Field was created hundreds of magic circles appeared on every section of the field increasing the power in it. Vampires could not enter or leave it while his allies would be enhanced by it. 

Everyone felt the power of the field increase their strength, speed and endurence.

"There we are, nothing will get in or out. You know the plan, now get going." 

From his back, 3 pairs of Demonic Wings all covered in Runic Tattoos emerged. Before he flew off Kharn and Grimaldus lept onto his back and held on. The two Mustelids were already excited for the carnage that would begin. 

Romonus took to the sky, flapped his wings, and charged toward the castle. He already felt the high of using his power as he moved through the air at mind-shattering speeds. 

 Miria grinned as the sky began to fill with purple Demonic Lightning. She charged forward on the ground as a bolt of purple lightning. It had been way too damn long since she had been allowed to let loose. 


Once the two Battle Maniaches were gone, Itsuki flew into the sky after Romonus as backup. Shirone and Akeno both choose to fly after Miria as she was going to be holding off the massive army of slaves of the Vampires. 

They would be better as mob clearers while Itsuki and Romonus would face the elites. That just left Silvana who spun her scythe a few times as from her back a pair of wings formed of Black Fire and Death Magic. She held her hand out and from her shadow, a black Skull Helmet was spat out. 

She paced it on her head which would not be coming off because of her necklace. She flew into the sky after Romonus and Itsuki. Miria, Akeno, and Shirone would need to hold off the servants, Thralls, Undead, and human slaves while they assaulted the castle. 

Already the Vampires inside the Castle were moving because of the sudden Bounded Field. King Tepes had never expected to be attacked and he did not know who was attacking. As he was getting his thralls and soldiers ready Romonus reached the Castle. 

He raised Ruin Maker and with ease created 15 large Orbs of Destruction and 15 small-scale Blackholes. He smashed 1 of each orb creating rapid-fire End Orbs. With a thought, each orb hit its mark and burst open. 

Entire sections of the Castle were reduced to nothing while the rest started to crumble from the gravity. Just as he launched the first attack, Itsuki and Silvana reached his side. Both girls looked at the devastation, but they did not stop. 

Itsuki raised her left hand and started. 

[Boost, Boost, Boost, Boost, Boost, Boost.]

64 times her original strength she activated a magic circle from Demonic and Draconic Aura together. A flame formed of both burst forward as a tidal wave. When it struck the castle the wards and stone all caught flame.

Silvana took a deep breath as she held her scythe with both hands and swung her blade down. Death Magic and Berith Flames fused and when they struck the castle with interesting effects. Berith Flames were cold black flames that destroyed the energy in what they touched. Death Magic was necrotic, toxic, and destroyed what it touched by rotting it. 

Put the two together and it became a truly deadly siege weapon. Just as Romonus took in the devestation they released a Vampire lept from a hole in the castle toward him. 

Romonus just held his shield arm in front of him and caught a sword strike from the Vampire in full plate armor. The Vampire's glowing red eyes were visible behind the helmet, but Romonus was unimpressed. 


Before he could respond the Vampire felt a sickening feeling deep in his chest. He imploded into the Gravity orb Romonus created inside his chest. In his place was just a small orb of flesh and armor. 

Itsuki and Silvana shuddered at the sight as that was just gross. Romonus though was glad his technique had worked. 

"We better be quick. Akeno, Shirone, and Miria will hold off the town. We better be in and out before casualties get too bad. They will be more mad then." 

"On it." 

The three of them and his two pets entered the castle through one of the giant holes in it. When they landed, Kharn and Grimaldus jumped off his back. Romonus looked down at the two psychos. 

"Go on you two, search and destroy. Stay together and fight as one." 

Both animals started running through the halls of the castle together. Once they were gone, Romonus began to move through the castle. He extended his senses through the castle and he had already found Valerie in the servant's quarters deep in the castle. 

'Found you.'

"Move fast and efficiently." 


Standing on either side of him Silvana and Itsuki walked like escorts. It was not even a minute before over 50 Vampires in full armor were running toward them. Vampires were famed for their breakneck speeds and it was no joke. 

They were more armored blurs than anything, but Romonus and Archaon were hungry for battle. Romonus moved forward and is moved with God Speed. He was faster than these Vampires, stronger than them, better equipped, and better trained. 

With a single hand, he swung the Ruin Maker through the vampires armor with ease. He was not using any abilities held by Ruin Maker just using it as a sword. When he cleaved through a Vampire nothing seemed to happen for a moment. However, a purple-burning slash split the vampire in half. 

He weaved through the Vampires speedy and flashy sword slashes with ease. He tilted his head to avoid a Rapier before he stabbed his blade straight through the chest of 3 Vampires. They exploded into purple dust and slag in moments. 

In the meanwhile, Silvana moved faster than these Vampires and began to slice and cleave with her scythe to deal death. She took a deep breath as her Undead heritage calmed her nerves. Her eyes glowed a deep yellow as she moved alongside Romonus. Scythes were terrible, unyielding weapons, but she made it look like it was a sword. 

She held the scythe in both hands and began to cleave a bloody path through the Vampires alongside Romonus. Both of them moved so quickly that the 50 Vampires were dealt with in moments.

Itsuki did not even get to kill one which made her sigh. 

"Leave some for the rest of us." 

[The art of the kill is about who is first.] 

"Yeah, yeah I hear you." 

Romonus roared to the sky causing it to echoe through the castle and town. He felt alive more than ever, if only these Vampires could make him use his Devil Trigger. 

'Armored, the souls.' 

'Ah, yes.'

He held his Sword out and dragged the Vampire Souls into it. It was a good place to store them for when he needed them. Once the first skirmish was finished he felt his soul sing with joy, This was it, this was what he had been desiring his whole life of training. 

'12 years of nonstop studying the Magic Arts, the Path of the Sword, and the Brawler. All worth it.' 

"Let's move." 

Both Silvana and Itsuki began to run with him as they moved deeper. They were not Devils right now, just killers. 

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