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35.29% The Knight of Ruin(DxD) / Chapter 39: The Profane Gear.

Capítulo 39: The Profane Gear.

Romonus allowed Akeno, Itsuki, and Shirone the remaining 2 hours to recover their energies while he pulled out his schematics. He had wanted to use Blood Drinker as material for his new sword, but Vespera had not managed to destroy enough chains to remove her soul. 

He placed a hand on Blood Drinker before sending his consciousness inside. When he saw Vespera several of the spiked chains that stabbed into her soul were broken. Over 2/5th of them were shattered especially the ones around her limbs. 

When she noticed him she frowned. 

"This is taking longer than I expected." 

He looked up and knew he could break them. 

"I mean, should I shatter them? I can do it, but what will that mean for your soul? Blood Drinker is keeping you here and I don't have a vessel to put it into."

Vespera squinted her eyes as she thought about it. They did not have a spare vessel, but they had something else. 

"Wait, do you have any Mithiril left over?" 

"Yes, a bit. Why?" 

She sighed that he didn't use it all. 

"Just make an amulet and keep my soul in there. When will you move against the Vampires?"

"In 25 days. Once I have my gear ready I will begin to make moves with intensity. They have the Holy Grail and I will need it along with the Essence of the Evil God Balor through their Damphars. 

In due time I will attack the Vatican because they without question are keeping several magical tomes of lost magic. Along with the Holy Swords which are going to be useful to me. While I am pushing for peace with Azazel, we can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs." 

Vespera nodded. 

"Ok, very quickly make a necklace from Mithiril and keep it on you at all times. Your Demonic Energy will allow my soul to have plenty of energy to heal a bit. I will be able to keep my soul in that state for an indefinite amount of time. Get a Noble Vampire female for me to possess and I will be able to warp her body to look just like me.

With your blood and my soul, I should be able to recover my Power of Destruction as I am still a Bael descendant. I also just happen to have one in mine, my grandmother." 

Romonus could already feel her malice so he nodded. 


He left the core of Blood Drinker and checked his spatial ring. He ended up not having much metal left at all because Mithiril was expensive. However, it was not bankrupting expensive. He still had about 100 pounds of the stuff so he cut off a small chunk before walking over to his forge. 

He activated the Tiamat Fire Seed and Volcano core before placing the Mithril in the forge. He waited until it got soft and malleable before walking over to his anvil. He set it down before reaching down with his bare hands and using his Demonic Energy he began to shape and warp a medallion. 

He chose something simple so he just picked a Bat to house her soul. Then he warped a chain to attach to the medallion before bringing it back to the forge. He placed it back in and waited a few moments until he felt the metal was saturated enough. 

He pulled it out as he powered down his forge before surging his Touki and Soul Energy into the glowing metal. He only needed to do this for a few moments before the Mithril warped and rapidly cooled down. 

He smiled as he blew on the Bat medallion before he placed it around his neck. Once the medallion was ready he sent his consciousness back to Vespera. She was gathering the Blood Magic and Demic Energy she had collected the past year. 

When she noticed the medallion around his neck she rolled her eyes. 

"Really A bat?" 

He shrugged his shoulders before walking toward her. 

"It suited you. Now hold still." 

Once he was in front of her he removed the medallion before placing it on her pretty neck. Once it was on she nodded and braced herself. Romonus raised his hands and with his Demonic Energy and Soul Energy shattered every chain at the same time. 

Luckily, Vespera was ready as she had been absorbing plenty of energy from him. She used that to protect her soul from the backlash and he also used his own Soul Energy to protect her soul from harm. 

It was a good thing she was still in Blood Drinker as it was what was left of her body. She took a deep breath and pulled out the spikes still lodged in her soul. 

"When I met you, I never expected you to keep your word. We have known each other for 1 year and I thank you from the bottom of my heart, but why? Why did you bother?" 

He pushed his hair back before smiling. 

"You are beautiful and family. My favorite sin." 

Vespera barely stopped herself from laughing before she walked over to him. Now that she was standing he could see that she was tall. Taller than him at that as she was at least 6'2.

When she looked down at him she chuckled. 

"Short boy." 

He did not take offense as he was going to be taller than her. 

"I am only this tall because I am a Devil, my desire propelled my growth. Give me another 2 or three years and I will be bigger." 

She knew that.

"True, so let me enjoy this while it lasts." 

Vespera instantly bound her soul to the necklace he made for her causing her to begin to be drawn inside it. While she did that she turned to him with a genuine smile. 

"Don't ever take me off ok?" 

"I won't." 

Once her soul was back in the necklace he reached out and put it around his neck. Instantly he felt her presence through their contract. Unlike usual she was not going to be very chatty for a while because she had to recover from her torment. 

She had been chained and tortured for over 9,000 years so this was expected. Either way, he was kicked out of Blood Drinker as her soul was gone. Now, it was just a sword made from the body of Vespera, Orichalcum, and Mithril.

He was going to be reforging it and the sword Latia gifted him along with the new material he had made beforehand. He reached down and broke off the tip of the blade as without Vespera as the core of the Demonic Sword it was just a chunk of metal now. 

He planned to use this to make her a necklace to keep a part of herself forever. Regardless, now he just had to wait for everyone to arrive so he returned to his room and checked and edited the plans a final bit.

He had several pieces to make, the helmet, pauldrons, rebrace, gauntlets, greaves, sabatons, bevor, Cuirass, plackart, faulds, cuisse, and the poleyn. A new sword, and a shield. It was a lot, but he had more than enough material. 

He probably had over 12 tons of metal 20 ingots which would be more than enough. If anything, he might have excess which he would have to plan what to make with. Regardless, just as he agreed when the 12 hours passed the time became 8 PM. 

He had spent the entire day hard at work and he and his Peerage were ready to go again. Though by this time everyone he had called to help him in this endeavor had arrived. Ajuka and Latia arrived together as Satan was very interested in helping.

MacGregor and Surtr came here at the same time as Romonus had informed them why he wanted Surtr to come along. While the Clone was weaker than the original, he was still a clone of Surtr who was set to destroy Asgard if Ragnarok happened as intended. 

The owner of the sword Laevateinn forged to end the time of the Norse gods. Regardless when Ajuka saw them he walked over to shake their hands. 

"Romonus called on you to help him forge his Profane Gear? He was very determined to name it as such." 

MacGregor shook his head and agreed. 

"He wants to prove that he can surpass the Sacred Gears that exist with his creation. We are just here to help him out." 

Surtr agreed as enveloped Ajuka's hand into his own. 

"As for me, he wants my fire. I almost feel emotional that he appreciates my power. Now then, why is the lass here? No offense?" 

Latia did not mind as she was 11, and her birthday was in 1 month. 

"I am here because he wanted me to add some tech to his gear. I am much better at technology than he is and he wanted a few things he could not do himself." 

Surtr hummed. 

"Interesting. Well, then shall we?"

As they were talking a guard of House Bael walked up to them before bowing. Ajuka was still a Satan and he was just a guard. 

"Lord Beelzebub, Young Master Romonus asked for us to lead you and your entourage to his room. This way." 

Ajuka turned to Latia before placing a hand on her shoulder. 

"Let's go." 


Together, the 4 of them were led to Romonu's room which was just down the hall from his Mother's room. Venelana knew what her son was doing, but since she had nothing to contribute she went to the Gremory Mansion for Rias' birthday. 

She knew it was his birthday too, but while she wanted to celebrate it with him he wanted to forge his gear. She had offered to help, but he rejected her offer. Sadly she was not going to be much help. She seemingly accepted that and left to see Rias.

However, that did not mean she was not bitter about it as she wanted to offer something. Regardless the guard knocked on the door a few times. He waited before the door opened and waiting for them was Kharn. 

He was floating in the air and used his paws to open the door. He hissed at the guard causing him to back away. However, when he saw Latia he landed on the ground and snorted in her direction before shuffling away. 

Latia scowled while Ajuka looked down at the small Weasle. 

"Kharn I presume?" 

Latia nodded.

"That angry little shit seems to have an issue with the world at large. Like existence is a sin and we sin against him with our presence. I don't like him at all as he never lets me pet him." 

Ajuka chuckled as he saw the Badger climb up a big Badger Tree rather than a cat tree. 

"Honey Badgers do act like they own the world. Though is that what annoys you? That you can't pet him?" 

Latia nodded. 

"It does. Romonus, why won't you make him like me?" 

Romonus was currently walking on the ceiling while scribbling in a journal. 

"Because it would be fake and earning his care makes it worth it. Been a month since we saw each other Latia. I missed you." 

She smiled as he dropped down and landed in front of her. She reached up and pulled him down to kiss him. 

"I did too, but I had training to do. I was preparing to help you out in this endeavor. We all have."

MacGregor cleared his voice to get attention. 

"I am glad you two are in love, but can we start forging? This is good research material." 

Romonus snorted as he looked at his British teacher. 

"Come on, weren't you young once?" 

"I was and I was popular among the witches of my time." 

Akeno shook her head as she reached up into the Badger tree to pick up Kharn. The Badger accepted this offense as she had sweets in her hand to sate his bloodlust.

"I don't believe you. You're creepy."

MacGregor was almost speechless. 

"Look at my dashing good looks, what part of this speaks lie?" 

Akeno gave him a deadpan expression before speaking. 

"You're British and Romonus said the British always lie." 

Romonus cackled as if it was true. 

"Yeah, just look at the way they took over India and their former Empire." 

MacGregor pointed at Romonus with an offended look.

"Hey, that was a sad time when we lost our Empire. Regardless is everyone here?" 

Shirone raised her hand. 

"Here, I am the Senjutsu user." 

Itsuki raised her left hand. 

"And I am the Booster I guess." 

Akeno smiled and answered. 

"I am the Lightning expert." 

Surtr grinned. 

"And I am the fire guy." 

Ajuka turned to MacGregor with a look of understanding. 

"Guess we are the magicians to enchant and Latia is the tech expert. Did you bring your equipment, Latia?" 

She smiled as this was why everyone who could afford it bought Spatial Rings.

"Of course, don't go home without it."

Seeing how everyone was ready Romonus led everyone into his forge. 

"Alright, this has taken me months of careful planning so nothing can go wrong." 

Ajuka instantly asked the questions to get a good feel for what they were working with 

"What fire are you using as a start?" 

"I bought a Chaos Karma Fire Seed from Tiamat and a Volcano Core from Hephestus." 

"What organic materials were added?" 

"Minokawa Flight Feathers, eggshells, Steel Dragon Scales, a Thunderbird Claw, and Blood Metal made from my blood." 

Ajuka pondered on this before he continued. 

"Forging equipment." 

"Made by Hephestus and blessed by him." 


"Mithril, Adamantium, Dark Steel, and Orichalcum." 

Ajuka walked over to the giant ingots that were resting in a pile in the corner. Each one was surging with power that seemed itching to move. MacGregor walked over and kneeled to observe them. 

"We have 200 Soul Stones to use here." 

Ajuka turned to the British mage with an inquisitive look.

"The source?" 

"100 Devil Criminals sentenced to execution and 100 human criminals. Not a single one was a good person. Of course, I fully purified the souls leaving not a trace of the original memories, desires, or grivounces." 

Ajuka hummed before turning to Romonus. 

"What other materials do you have?" 

Romonus had a few.

"Steel Dragon Blood, the still preserved heart of the same dragon, the venom of the Hydra. And some World Tree Sap." 

MacGregor started to think about it himself before he smiled to himself. 

"Ok, I got an idea. Once every piece of gear is made we will add an equal portion of Soul Stones to give it Soul Energy. You will have to do the heavy lifting while me and Ajuka ready the ritual to make use of the heart. 

Surtr, get ready to fire up that forge, you will need to make sure to not offset the balance with Tiamat's Fire Seed. That is money." 

The giant raised a thumb before nodding. 

"On it."

Ajuka rubbed his face as he thought about all the materials they had. 

"What will we use to quench this?" 

Romonus grinned as he pulled his phone out and pointed it at a wall. Instantly the Baptism tank came out hidden by another wall which made Ajuka smile. 

"Liquid Mana, Clever." 

Latia though was wondering what she could add. 

"What tech did you want in your armor? I think I am outclassed here?"

"In the helmet, once it is forged I want you to add different sensors in the eye sockets. As for the claws I plan to add them to the gauntlets they need to be monomolecularly-edged. Plus a tech console on the gauntlet won't hurt."

Latia smiled as she could do all that. 

"Got it."

Romonus turned to Itsuki who was going to be important for this. 

"Get ready to Transfer me your Energy again." 

She sighed as that was really tiring. 

"Yeah, yeah. Got it." 

He flicked her on the nose. 

"Without the attitude you cheeky girl." 

She rubbed her nose before he turned to the other two. 

"Shirone, Akeno you will need to do much of what you were doing before. This time for keeps." 

Everyone got ready to work as Romonus picked up the first ingot. He activated Tiamat's Fire Seed and the Volcano Core before he turned to Surtr.


"Got it." 

The Fire Giant aimed his big hand into the forge before he blasted his fire inside. His red flames mixed with the Volcano Core and Tiamat's turning the flames inside a bright purple. Romonus waited a few moments before he felt that the unity of the flames was perfect. 

"I am starting." 

He placed the first ingot of metal that weighed 1,200(544 Kg) pounds on its own. This single piece of metal would only make one part of the armor because of how compressed it was. 

He had 20 pieces in total for 12 pieces of armor, a shield, and a new sword. In theory, he would have 6 pieces left over, but he knew he might need more for the bigger parts of the armor. 

As the metal drew in the heat Itsuki began to Boost up with the Boosted Gear to the same level as before. When she gathered enough, and Romonus pulled the metal out to place on the anvil she placed her hand on his back.

She transferred her energy to him and instantly Romonus raised his hammer. He surged his Demonic Energy, Touki, Soul Energy, and the Energy from the Boosted Gear as he got to work hammering down to create the first piece. 

He started with the Helmet and to do this he hammered it into the shape not just with his hammer, but with many other tools. One of the best enchantments was in the Anvil that redirected the energy that hit it back into the metal being hammered. 

Ajuka and MacGregor waited patiently as Romonus crafted the first piece of his armor. All the while Akeno and Shirone constantly surged Holy Demonic Lightning and Senjutsu Ki and Nature Energy into it as he forged it.

Slowly, but surely the Helment was completed using an ingot in of itself. Before it cooled down, MacGregor and Ajuka together used 6 Human and 6 Devil Soul Stones to grant it the equilibrium Romonus desired. 

Once this was added, they activated The Baptism device which got to work compressing Mana into an Ice Water concentration they wanted. Together they dunked the Helmet into the Liquid Mana which cooled and solidified the Helmet. 

Latia was then given the helmet to add the sensors to the eyes that Romonus wanted. In the meantime, he worked on the gorget or the neck guard. He repeated this process from the head down. All the while Shirone, Itsuki, and Akeno never left his side using their power to help him. 

Surtr kept supplying his flames without complaint while MacGregor and Ajuka continued to use the Soul Stones to add their power to the metal. Romonus during this time went numb and only saw his armor. 

Nothing else mattered which caused him to enter a trance of Blacksmithing. Hephestus in Greece raised his head as he could feel his tools doing their duty. It brought a smile to his face that the young still followed the old art of Blacksmithing. 

Meanwhile, Romonus no longer had any clue how long he was hammering. When he finished one piece he passed it on to another before making the next part. When he finished the armor itself, he got to work on the shield he wanted. 

He wanted the shield to be able to turn into a cover for his gauntlet in case he just needed to punch someone rather than block. When that was finished he passed it on for it to receive the enchantments he wanted. 

Days after he began he added in the two ingots for the sword with Blood Drinker in the middle of them. He used two more than he would have needed, but this sword was going to be the sword that followed him through his Immortal life. 

It had to be the strongest so once the Ingots and the former Demon Sword were hot enough he pulled them out and got to hammering. By this point, Itsuki was running on fumes, Shirone was about to pass out and Akeno was light-headed. 

But for his sake, they used what they could and for an entire day, Romonus meticulously forged his blade. When it was finished, he handed it over has MaczGregor, and Ajuka used the last of the Soul Stones. 

Romonus reached up and rubbed his eyes as he looked at the armor scattered across the floor. 

"What day is it?" 

Ajuka answered him. 

"April 13th." 

Romonus sighed. 

"4 days, is everyone alive?" 

Ajuka pointed at Surtr who was sleeping while still blasting fire. 

"He is almost dead." 

Romonus walked up to Surtr and woke up him. 

"You can stop now." 

Surtr opened his eyes and cut the stream of fire. He instantly fell on his back snoring once more. Romonus walked over to Ajuka who was looking at the armor that was on the floor. 

"It is almost done, it is practically waiting to wake up. The materials." 

Romonus handed him the Dragon Heart, Blood, World Tree Sap, and the Hydra Venom. Over the past few days, both mages together had worked on a ritual to use all these materials. Once they had them in hand, Ajuka waved his hand and gathered every piece of Gear that had been forged and assembled them over the magic circle they prepared beforehand. 

The large suit of armor, shield, and sword hummed with Chaotic Energies as the two mages got ready to activate the ritual. Once they placed the materials down they did not delay and together they activated the formation. 

Every material surged through the gear and fused into it. Under the gaze of everyone except Surtr who was asleep, the Profane Gear warped, grew larger, spikes burst out of it and a dark glow surged in the eyes. 

Shockingly the armor began to move on its own as it seemed to observe itself. The armor locked onto Romonus before unsteadily walking toward him. 

"You? Creator? Me, armor? You wear?" 

Romonus walked toward the armor and held his hand out to the armor. 

"I am your creator. I am essentially your Father, I gave you life. To be my sword, shield, and second skin. My partner through the rest of eternity." 

The Armor held its hand out to him. 

"You name me?" 

"You want a name? In that case, I name you Archaon the Profane." 

"Archaon? I accept." 

Archaon held Romonus' hand and under the gaze of everyone, the armor began to dismantle him before surging over Romonus' arm until his body was encased in the armor. Once this Romonus was wearing Archaon, he felt his senses fully meld with the Living Armor. 

He could feel as the Profane Armor began to bind itself to his soul becoming a part of him. His other half, his partner, and hopefully friend. The moment the link was fully formed, a violent aura surged from him. 

Ajuka raised his hand to protect everyone from the force of it all, but Romonus quickly took control. 

'Welcome to the fold Archaon.'

'I will serve until the day the stars go out, Father. Accept my pledge of fealty.' 

'And I do. You and I shall carve a bloody path through this world and the many worlds of this endless existence.' 

'I can hardly wait, Father.' 

Romonus observed the new Demon Sword he had forged. Despite using over a ton of material in its forging to him it was light as a feather. Runes ran up the sword as it burned with a constant purple glow from the flames. 

The shield on his left arm suddenly broke apart and encased his left arm granting him a bigger gauntlet. Now this, was a Gear of Legend and he was the creator of that legend. 

(Image Here, Archaon The Profane.)

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