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71.92% Uchiha Giyu / Chapter 122: Chapter 122 Wood Style (Part 3)

Capítulo 122: Chapter 122 Wood Style (Part 3)

Chapter 122 Wood Style (Part 3)

The nine mist ninjas were not traveling as fast as expected in the banyan forest.

First of all, it's because when ninjas are chasing enemies, they also follow the rule of "don't enter the forest" to prevent accidentally triggering the enemy's trap, so they can't move forward at full speed.

Secondly, it was due to the perception ability of their guide, Special Jonin, his perception didn't catch the target. But this isn't the first time.

"What's going on?"

Seeing Seigi frowning and closing his eyes, looking constipated, Gen Shinichi immediately felt something was wrong and waved everyone to stop.

"Could it be that they have escaped from your perception range?"

Seigi's perception range is not large, but it is still a full 800 meters.

A person without chakra dragging a wounded burden shouldn't be able to escape so quickly.

"No, it's due to the environment. There's really something wrong with this banyan tree..."

"Environment?" Hearing this, the youngest Ninja boy raised his head and glanced at the banyan tree branches above his head that were intertwined like capillaries, and The wavy leaves on the outermost layer are overlapping and airtight, shielding even the sun.

Coupled with the low brightness, he suddenly felt as if he had accidentally entered the belly of a giant creature and had become a meal on the plate.

The young man swallowed his saliva, then lowered his head and looked straight. As he looked, he saw thousands of dark green aerial roots, hanging down like the beards of giant whales under the canopy like the roof of the palace, as if they might entangle them at any time. These people's necks had their cervical vertebrae broken.

The boy with a sword felt a chill pass through his body, and he couldn't help but think of what the old man in the village often said - the banyan tree is an evil tree.

In the process of expansion, the banyan tree will use the aerial roots hanging from the branches to strangle other trees to steal nutrients and territory. Once the rattan-like aerial roots take root, they will form a new trunk, just like a branch of a chain fast food restaurant, ready to continue to strangle other peers further away.

The plants in the ninja world have always been much larger than those on Earth. Therefore, the current canopy coverage area of this banyan tree is at least the size of ten football fields, or one hundred and seventy basketball courts. The entangled aerial roots that have become solid wood and turned into tree trunks are as thick as a three-person hug. You can imagine how many other types of trees have been deprived of life here.

Under this moist shade of trees, I am afraid that it has long been the most suitable battlefield for the brutal fighting of life.

Let's talk about the Sensory ninja who thinks there is something wrong with the banyan tree.

Gen Shinichi, who was leading the team, urged: "What's wrong?"

"Let's not talk about how many creatures in this forest are interfering with my judgment..."

Seigi did not open his eyes. While maintaining his hand seals, he explained bitterly: "My technique relies on airflow as a medium to sense chakra, but this banyan forest is too dense, and the aerial roots are also absorbing nutrients from the air, causing the gas flow rate to be too slow. In this case, even if I can sense their position through the air flow, I am afraid it is already information from twenty or thirty seconds ago."

In other words, his detection ability is limited to this banyan tree. There was extremely high latency. A delay of twenty seconds is enough for the opponent to change their escape direction several times.

Gen Shinichi rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Just like at the waterfall yesterday?"

Yesterday, four fugitives from the Kaguya clan hid in a cave behind a waterfall. Because the waterfall itself prevented the connection between the air inside and outside the cave, Seigi's perception was interrupted once. But there were only a few hiding places in that area, and They easily found Kimimaro and the other three.

But it's different now. This forest is larger than all the training grounds in the Kirigakure Village combined. There might be someone hiding behind every tree trunk, so Gen Shinichi feels a headache just thinking about it.

"In that case..."

Gen Shinichi pondered for two or three seconds before making a decision.

"If you have difficulty sensing the air, you don't have to probe too accurately. You can just indicate the approximate area and direction they passed. You probe every ten seconds. If the direction of their movement changes, correct our route."

"Alright." Seigi nodded approvingly, thinking it was a good solution, so he pointed, "Let's go this way first."

"Move in a spread formation."

Gen Shinichi commanded, "Increase the search coverage area, in case they suddenly turn."

"Yes." Everyone lined up, each of them moving forward in a straight line with a distance of seven or eight meters apart, neither fast nor slow.

About half a minute and a second later, Seigi made a new discovery: "Two consecutive detections found that they were in an area, directly in front, about thirty meters away."

"They stopped?" Gen Shinichi squinted his eyes. , reminding everyone, "The other party may be hiding, but it may also be a trap. We move silently and carefully search all possible hiding places."

Everyone did not speak, responded with gestures, and disappeared into the forest one by one.

But except for the ninja boy who was the only genin, most of the others didn't take it seriously.

It's just an ordinary person plus a kid with his hands removed. It's a problem whether he can even use the bloodline limit, so the search is inevitably a bit careless.

In particular, Jonin is not good at fighting, so he follows Gen Shinichi.

He silently counted down the time in his mind, and when ten seconds came, he immediately planned to start the next investigation.

But at this moment, an extremely shrill scream came from not far away, interrupting his seal.

"What's going on?"

Even though Gen Shinichi was a veteran Jonin who had participated in the third ninja war, he was still frightened by this heart-rending sound, as if he had returned to the time when he fought with the Konoha Uchiha clan in the mist. He was stunned for two or three seconds before running towards the place where the sound came from with a calm expression. Seigi followed closely behind.

[Despite my warning, has any waste fallen into the trap? ]

[Why did the screaming stop suddenly? Is the person dead? ]

When the two arrived with questions, there were already three chunin waiting there.

They crouched down with their heads lowered, their eyes filled with fear and anger at the same time.

The fourth chunin, surrounded by three people, was sitting under the tree leaning on the bloody tree trunk, waving his blood-covered hands indiscriminately, as if he had countless pains that he wanted to express, but he couldn't say anything. No words came out, only some messy and sharp breaths kept pouring out of his throat. His face was extremely wild and pale, and his chest was rising and falling violently and irregularly like a bellows.

"What's going on?" Gen Shinichi walked one meter in front of the injured person and found that the other person did not look like he had been caught in a trap.

"It was like this when we arrived." One of the three people replied, "We tried to ask but he was just like that and he didn't say anything."

"Look at the situation." Gen Shinichi raised his chin and immediately said to Seigi.

It turns out that in addition to being a sensory ninja, this special Jonin is also a medical ninja.

The three chunin stood up silently, made space, and started groping around, checking the injured person's body.

"The situation is very bad. Judging from the fact that he didn't even take out his weapon, he must have been attacked by a sneak attack."

A few seconds later, Seigi shook his head gloomily, "The other party first used some kind of extremely slim weapon. It pierced his abdomen and palms at the same time; after he screamed, the other party used kunai to destroy the trachea and lungs, making him unable to make a sound. The two wounds on the torso were both fatal, and the organs were seriously damaged."

He opened the injured man's clothes and pointed at the wound on the latter's stomach that was no bigger than a little fingernail.

"No matter who did it, they must understand the human body better than ordinary ninjas. Otherwise, it would be impossible to use such a thin weapon to cause such precise fatal injuries, while allowing him to survive until now." Gen Shinichi squeezed his lips hard, "You three are closer to him. Didn't you see anything when you rushed over?"

The three chunin's eyes touched each other and shook their heads with sadness.

[What a waste! ]

Gen Shinichi was annoyed. At the risk of his life, he couldn't even find out the enemy's intelligence.

"Can you cure him and let him speak?" This sentence was said to Seigi. Although Gen Shinichi also knows that there is little hope.

Seigi shook his head: "Unless Konoha's Tsunade-hime comes in person, he will definitely die."

Upon hearing the doctor's verdict, the injured person's eyes filled with intense despair, and he cried out almost silently, stretching out his hand as if to pull him, but couldn't bend his fingers. At the same time, his face was gradually turning purple due to lack of oxygen, and there were already blood stains in his eyes that stained the sclera. In other words, he already had a dead look on his face.

"Wait a minute," Seigi noticed this scene and immediately grabbed the wounded man's blood-stained hands, suddenly as if his blood was gone: "And here..."

At this time, the other people finally rushed over. I happened to see a scene that made me feel chills all over - every finger of the injured man's hands was twisted like a twist at the joints connecting the palms. The fingertips and palms were actually facing the completely opposite direction. No wonder he can't even bend his fingers to grab someone else's clothes!

As the saying goes, ten fingers are connected to the heart. Onlookers don't have to experience it personally. They can already feel the unspeakable pain just by taking a look at the chunin's experience. But because of the damage to his lungs and trachea, the injured man couldn't even howl out to vent, so he acted so frantically and desperately.

The youngest ninja boy among them looked away and tensed his chin.

He found that even though he was in a humid forest, his mouth felt unexpectedly dry.

His hands dropped to his sides, tapping his thighs repeatedly to soothe his uneasy emotions.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or something, but he still remembered that when these seniors had a heated discussion on how to torture the two children under Haku's care, the unlucky guy in front of him said that he would break their fingers one by one. As a result, the same thing happened to him now.

The young genin was the only one who didn't participate in the discussion at that time, so he remembered it very clearly.

[Is there really no connection between what this man said and the torture he suffered? ]

Unfortunately, his naturally cautious character prevented him from expressing his thoughts in front of everyone.

"Give him a good time."

Gen Shinichi said coldly.

He understood clearly that whoever did these things wanted this chunin to die in pain, and then let this face be deeply reflected in the hearts of others and disrupt their positions.

This is a very simple and very effective method, and it is a common trick used by their mist ninjas. This cruel method of fighting the enemy, combined with the Kirigakure technique, can make the enemy fall into a strong fear of the unknown and the future. It is part of the psychological tactics.

They just didn't expect that it would be used on themselves today, and it had even achieved certain results.

Just like now, after hearing Gen Shinichi's order, the Mist ninjas who were known for their cruelty in the past all took a step back, and then looked at each other like sparrows, planning to wait for others to take action first.

After all, there is a completely different feeling between executing an enemy and executing one of your own - when hurting an enemy, there is no sense of empathy.

In the end, it was Gen Shinichi's fellow Jonin who pulled out a kunai and stabbed the wounded man's heart, ending his painful life.

At this point, of the nine people who entered the forest first, there are still eight left, but everyone is feeling a little uncomfortable.

Think about the opponents we have to face - in less than ten seconds, they risked being discovered and attacked one of them, and broke all the fingers of this person one by one, but no trace was found.

For the Mist Ninja, who had only been tasked with cleaning up the bloody civilians for several years, this enemy was too ruthless and decisive. No one wants to encounter such an opponent alone.

They can do cruel things to others, but if they want to experience it themselves, then forget it.

"This kind of scene is something you should have gotten used to long ago. Don't be affected." The Jonin looked around and warned the others on behalf of Gen Shinichi. But then he glanced at the corpse who had fear in his eyes. He shuddered and added viciously: "When we catch those two guys, we must make them feel this kind of torture ten times! Do you hear that?"

Before the Mist ninjas responded, a strange voice came from the forest: "Oh, is that what you think?"

The voice was a little sharp, different from Haku's voice. It should be another person they were tracking. It sounded like a woman. Of course, it is not ruled out that it is Haku's disguised voice.

When everyone heard the noise, they immediately raised their weapons as if they were facing a formidable enemy. However, they could not find the specific source of the sound. They could only turn around like a rotating dining table and carefully scan everything in sight to find enemy.

"Not only did she not run away, but she also wanted to provoke us?"

The Gen family's Jonin was furious, with flames flickering in his eyes: "Seigi, now that we are so close, we should be able to find her, right?"


When Seigi was about to re-form the seal, the enemy appeared.

In the dim area more than 20 meters away, a light-colored figure flashed between several aerial roots. It also made the unique sound of clothes moving, and the sound was getting farther and farther.

It seems like the other person is afraid of being found out, so she wants to escape as soon as possible.

"Everyone, divide into the left, middle and right sides to surround them. Don't let them leave!"

Gen Shinichi gave the order one by one, and the eight people immediately divided into three groups and launched the pursuit.

On the left are three chunin and young genin, including the middle-aged ninja; in the middle are Gen Shinichi and Seigi; on the right are the Gen clan Jonin and the two-handed sword chunin.

During the journey, they were inevitably separated from each other by huge tree trunks and strips of aerial roots.

It was at this time that a sweet song sounded in the forest, echoing ethereally in the stagnant air.

"When will the caged bird come out?"

The voice sounded like it was above the head or in the distance, gentle and beautiful.

The clear voice of the girl was different from the sharp voice before. Among all the people, only the boy with the ninja sword and the chunin with the two-handed sword felt familiar, but they couldn't figure out who it was for the moment.

But at this moment, none of the pursuers paid extra attention to the singing.

Because the sound of the clothes beating was still ahead, and occasionally a passing shadow could be glimpsed.

When they think about it, if they catch that girl, they don't have to worry about encountering the same torture as the unlucky guy before. It's that simple!

Anyway, they already know that the other person is also a sadist with cruel methods. What's so strange about singing when being chased?

Kirigakure has no shortage of such characters.

[You really don't take us seriously...]

As soon as Gen Shinichi heard the singing, the veins in his forehead beat, and his pursuit speed became faster than before.

But this also meant that the distance between him and the other two groups, especially the weakest group, suddenly widened further.

And this is exactly what the person who set the trap wants to see.

"At dawn in the night, the crane and the turtle slipped..."

Whether in the ninja world or the neon lights of the earth, the very famous nursery rhyme "Kagome Kgome" continues to echo in the forest.

Only this time, the singer's voice reached the ears of the quartet at an extremely close distance.

Their bodies seemed to be held down by invisible hands, and they froze in place briefly. Especially the middle-aged ninja walking at the back, he felt his heart suddenly stop and then start beating violently again, as if he was trying to break a way out of his throat and escape.

"Who is behind you...?"

The last line was sung.

Kocho Shinobu walked out of the hollow of a tree trunk.

She didn't wear the butterfly-patterned fabric, but the standard high-neck short-sleeved shirt (without family mark) and shorts worn by Uchiha boys, which didn't feel out of place.

A slender ice spike exuding a deep cold air was held in her hand, with an innocent smile like a naughty boy catching crickets in the forest.

The four of them turned around in shock, but it was too late.

Kocho Shinobu stretched out her legs, hooking and kicking the middle-aged ninja's knees and heels, making the uncle who had not yet stood firm spread his legs wider, so he simply did a 180-degree vertical split with a squeaking sound. It hit the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the latter's face showed the painful mask that a person of this age should have when his crotch is violently opened.

The remaining three people only felt creepy. But judging from the sound just now, if there was no accident, the two thigh bones of the middle ninja might have been dislocated.

The two chunin had no time to shout a warning, and they waved their kunai at the same time, bypassing the middle-aged ninja and stabbing Kocho Shinobu from both sides.

"It's too slow."

With a faint laugh, Kocho Shinobu grabbed the middle-aged ninja's left shoulder joint with her left hand and pressed it gently, removing it with a crisp sound.

At the same time, she used the opponent's shoulder as an axis, raised her body like a windmill, and stood upside down to avoid the flanking attacks of the two chunin kunai. At the same time, the ice spike in her hand penetrated the side ribs of the person on the left like a phantom, and stained the side of the person on the left. Dark red blood leaked from the other side of the ribs.

In less than half a second, both lungs of this man had suffered severe damage, and his body fell towards the tree trunk nearest to him.

The next moment, Kocho Shinobu pulled out the ice spike with her right hand and threw it to her left side. At the same time, she changed her hand to hold the middle-aged ninja's right shoulder, and removed the joint in the same way. The moment she took the weapon with her free left hand, she scraped the cold tip again on another ninja's throat.

The latter was shocked and hurriedly backed away, covering his neck with his hands and not daring to make a sound. He carefully touched the wound with his fingers in a panic.

But in fact, Kocho Shinobu just scratched his skin and left some blood on him.

And this was less than three seconds before Kocho Shinobu appeared.

The face of the middle-aged ninja who was forced to have his hips spread and his shoulders removed turned red. It was so painful that he no longer cared about anything else and just wanted to shout out to vent.

But Kocho Shinobu had already turned to the front of his body and landed in front of him nimbly.

"Just feel what you have done to others, and don't share it with others casually."

The girl smiled softly, stretched out two fingers to pinch the middle-aged ninja's Adam's apple and pressed hard, forcing him to swallow the sound that reached his mouth. The latter's body twitched and he rolled his eyes, and a gurgling sound like drowning came from his throat.

Unfortunately, because his legs were maintaining the split motion, it was difficult for him to even fall down at this time.

Finally, the only boy with a sword who was not injured finally reacted.

His hands and feet were cold, and just when he was about to pull out his weapon to defend himself, Kocho Shinobu was already facing him from the side, pushing the ice spikes covered with white mist between his eyes.

The scarlet blood hanging from the tip of the ice spike dripped coldly on the tip of his nose, but he couldn't smell it.

The boy didn't dare to move, let alone make a sound. His throat had shrunk to the size of a needle.

His tongue felt like a pile of coins stuck together, and his knees felt like jelly.

He never expected that the enemy ambushing them in the woods was actually the little girl who was almost "beheaded" by him yesterday!

Kocho Shinobu ignored him and took away the boy's ninja sword with her free hand. Then she turned to look at the chunin whose skin was scratched with a smile.

Her probing eyes lingered on the other person's covered neck, as if waiting for something interesting to happen.

The way she looked at the Chunin made the chunin who was being stared at by her feel terrified.

"This child is silent because I put a weapon between his eyebrows, so he is too scared to move."

She asked in a friendly manner: "But I am so far away from you, why don't you shout? Your companions will come to save you. Or will asking for help affect your self-esteem as a ninja?"

"...With your speed and a distance of two or three meters, you can kill me before I open my mouth."

The chunin swallowed, and he still doesn't know what happened in those few seconds.

Although he spoke sincerely, his left hand quietly untied the straps of the broad blades behind his hands as he spoke, obviously preparing for the worst.

"So I guess, since you didn't stab my throat directly just now, you must have some other purpose."

Glancing at the middle-aged ninja who rolled his eyes and foamed at the mouth, the ninja's eyes focused more on the reason for his lungs. Another companion who had a pierced penis and was speechless. Obviously, he cares more about this person.

This kind of concern was also seen by Kocho Shinobu, "You are very smart."

" In this world, smart people can live longer."

The chunin licked his chapped lips and said softly: "Whatever request you have, we can discuss it. When they tortured that brat...that boy before, I didn't even touch him with a finger."

"Oh?" Kocho Shinobu looked very surprised. The naughty purple eyes suddenly brightened, "Do you mean you want to get along well with me?"

[Is there something wrong with this kid's mind? I wish a meteorite would fall from the sky and kill you...]

Seeing Kocho Shinobu, His attitude became more and more friendly. The chunin suppressed the desire to complain and nodded quickly: "Yes, let us get along well. There is no need to fight to the death like this."

"In that case...I have a small wish, can you fulfill it for me?"

Kocho Shinobu thrust the stolen ninja sword into the ground and tapped the tail of the ice spike with her right hand.

"I don't know how to use chakra, so I have always envied you ninjas. I really want to know what ninjutsu other than ice release is like. I wonder if you can demonstrate it to open my eyes?"

This is the truth. After coming back to life, Kocho Shinobu had only seen Haku's Ice Release, and was curious about all other ninjutsu.

"Ah?" The chunin was confused, not knowing what kind of wish this was. It sounds so unreliable.

[Is this the reason not to kill me? ]

Think about it carefully, among the chunin present today, except for this middle-aged man who was split, he is indeed the only one who has mastered the most ninjutsu.

When they captured four Kaguya clan members yesterday, he helped a lot with his ninjutsu.

[But there's no reason for her to know this, right? ]

There are so many problem children in Mist Ninja Village, but this is the first time he has seen one like this.

In fact, what he didn't know was that before Kocho Shinobu took action, She had heard Crow En tell all the information she knew, including the weakness of the special Jōnin's perception Ninjutsu, and the roundup of the four teenagers by these people yesterday. What methods did each use?

"Isn't it possible?"

Kocho Shinobu's eyebrows drooped pitifully, and her disappointment was evident, which actually shocked the chunin.

He quickly said: "Okay, okay, but I only know water release. What kind of ninjutsu do you want to see?"

At the same time, he was thinking anxiously: [What on earth are these people doing, and why haven't they come yet? Didn't you notice that a few of us didn't keep up? ]

"What are the specific requirements..."

Kocho Shinobu thought for two seconds and said seriously, "As long as it is a jutsu that consumes a little more chakra."

"That's right," She then tilted her head again, her eyes filled with meaning she added: "Your companion is right behind me, so you didn't take this opportunity to use any offensive ninjutsu on me, right?"

For some reason, the two people who were still awake at the scene both I think this "right" word has a strong seductive meaning.

[Is it true that you have never seen ninjutsu before, or is there some other trick? I have to think this kid is playing tricks on me...]

There are many smiling tigers like this among Kirigakure, and she absolutely cannot be trusted.

Looking at Kocho Shinobu's thin and fragile body, and the boy behind her who dared not move a ninja sword, the chunin's eyes gradually darkened, and he was eager to take the opportunity to attack Kocho Shinobu.

Although the boy was a mist ninja, it was the first time he saw him yesterday, so he couldn't even be considered an acquaintance. If he accidentally kills the other party as well, he won't have any psychological burden.

[This kid... underestimates the speed of ninjutsu. ]

[Since you gave me the opportunity, if I didn't cherish it, I would be very sorry for myself. ]

"Then let's take the water formation wall."

"Okay." Kocho Shinobu nodded with satisfaction.

The chunin gave a stiff smile, faced in another direction and began to form seals.

It's just that his Water Formation Wall seemed to have an unusually large number of hand seals. When he completed the last seal, he loudly said the name of the ninjutsu: "Water Release·Water Formation Wall!"

But the next moment, he Suddenly he turned around, puffed up his cheeks, and spat out a transparent water bomb in the direction of Kocho Shinobu that was even bigger than Kocho Shinobu!

[Water release·Water Cannonball Technique! ]

This is a B-level offensive water release ninjutsu.

The power is not as powerful as the water breaking wave, but the strike range is enough to cover the small body of Kocho Shinobu, and the flying speed is more than three times that of the ordinary chunin throwing kunai. At this distance, ordinary Jonin may not be able to avoid it. .

But Kocho Shinobu had already expected that this could happen.

No matter whether the opponent would attack her or not, she would concentrate the power guided by the breathing method on her legs just before the opponent completed the seal.

"Hey, what a pity, we have become enemies again."

Kocho Shinobu sighed, and the figure disappeared in the blink of an eye. The cannonball hit the young ninja behind her without any surprise, he flew far away, until his back hit another tree trunk hard and broke it, and the water ball disintegrated and scattered.

"Damn it!" the Chunin cursed viciously. This was his fastest water release ninjutsu, but she still dodged it so easily.

He did not hesitate to wait, but directly drew out the broad-bladed sword from behind, and subconsciously launched a vicious vertical slash behind him.

But it wasn't until the blade struck the soft soil that he suddenly realized that he had misjudged the location where Kocho Shinobu might appear.

Something cold and sharp gently poked his waist.

Only then did Kocho Shinobu's voice come from behind him: "You don't seem to be suitable for playing hide-and-seek games!"

After being teased again, the chunin's mentality collapsed. He swung the sword wildly and slashed horizontally towards the side of him where the sound came from, his speed was much faster than normal.

But just as he turned around, his eyes blurred, and he saw Kocho Shinobu jumping lightly and standing in the middle of the broad blade.

The little girl's eyes looked down at him, full of teasing malice, but there was also a little bit of disappointment in the malice. It seemed like a certain expected scene didn't happen as planned.

The chunin held his broadsword flat, dumbfounded.

He didn't feel the weight of Kocho Shinobu at all. It was as if she were a light leaf.

"The movement just now was a bit too loud. I can't play with you anymore."

Kocho Shinobu took two steps back on the blade as if walking on flat ground, came to the position of the blade, and stepped down heavily with her toes.

At this time, the chunin finally felt the normal weight coming from the broad blade.

The tip of the blade, which was lowered by Kocho Shinobu, tilted his entire upper body forward and downward, and stabbed towards another chunin who was hugging a tree and gasping for breath!


Kocho Shinobu jumped over his head and stepped on his back, causing him to move forward faster off balance, and there was no way to turn around.

The ninja whose lungs were damaged and hugging a tree and panting seemed to feel something. He turned his head with frightened eyes, and was immediately stabbed straight into his neck by a broad blade. Blood surged out, staining the front of the chunin who accidentally killed his companion all red.

Since the width of the broad-bladed blade was no less than a person's neck, this blow was tantamount to slowly cutting off the head of his companion.

The latter was already dumbfounded and did not dare to pull out the blafe, otherwise he would really see the scene of human heads being separated.

After all, this time he did not intentionally "manslaughter", but was the result of being manipulated and guided. The person who was killed was an old acquaintance who often cooperated with him, and even drank together...

"You are not good at hide-and-seek, but you are very good at dealing with teammates. Not only did I use ninjutsu to knock one away, but now I personally cut off the cervical vertebrae of another one. You heard it, the sound of the bones being separated..."

Kocho Shinobu appeared at his side unexpectedly and said jokingly: "This man said before that he wanted to chop off my head and beat it like a baseball. But he was not very happy just to have his head chopped off. Look at his last expression, he is blaming you."

"You..." The chunin's lips trembled, his eyes widened, and he looked at Kocho Shinobu with an expression as if he was looking at a ghost that appeared during the day.

He growled in a hoarse voice: "What do you want? Why don't you just kill me?!"

"Don't be so angry. I just want to do to you one step ahead of what you plan to do to me. Once again, just to see if you will feel happy. In the end, you can't stand it, right? Since you can't stand it, why would you want to do such a thing to others?"

Kocho Shinobu blinked, Then she pressed her lips with her left index finger and said slowly as if recalling: "I remember that the suggestion you made at that time was to dig out my heart. Did I remember correctly?"

After she said this, She stared at Chunin's chest thoughtfully, and then raised the ice spike in her hand with some annoyance.

"Alas, it's a pity that the tools in my hands are not right. It must be very difficult to do what you said with such a bladeless weapon, but if you are willing to cooperate, I would be willing to spend more time..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw the chunin taking out a kunai with a pale face.

He glared at Kocho Shinobu hatefully, and then stabbed the kunai into his heart with great determination and speed.

"You... devil..."

leaving his last words, the life in his eyes extinguished little by little, and he fell to the ground. This is the person who died in the best condition so far.

"I have many friends who work in hell, I will think of it as a compliment."

Kocho Shinobu smiled and disappeared, leaned over to explore the wound on the man's neck for a while, and murmured: "It seems that boarding use of chakra in the body is not a trigger. It is such a strange substance. How can we stimulate its vitality?"

She danced her sword to throw the blood on the ice spikes to the ground, and also shook out some of the green liquid she had asked Haku to hide inside the ice spikes. The liquid did not directly merge into the blood, but had some limited reactions, and stopped there with clear boundaries...

Then, Kocho Shinobu stepped over the middle-aged ninja, allowing the latter's trachea and body to be blocked by the foam he vomited. Trembling wildly, she walked slowly to the young ninja.

The boy was hit by a water cannonball, and his sternum and ribs were almost completely fractured. He was already seriously injured, but he did not vomit blood, indicating that the collapsed bones did not damage his internal organs. It seems that the ninja just now have not mastered this technique yet.

When he saw Kocho Shinobu approaching, he couldn't help but want to retreat. But there was a tree trunk behind him, so there was no way to retreat.

Seeing Kocho Shinobu squatting down and staring at him with a joking look on her face, the young man was filled with fear and a strong desire to survive in his eyes.

"I, I don't have any ideas."

He said in a panic, "Also, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. I wanted to stop him..."

He was naturally referring to the two-handed sword ninja.

At this time, through what Kocho Shinobu had done before, the boy had confirmed his previous guesses - the guy who said he wanted to break other people's fingers had his fingers broken; the guy who remove the beautiful boy's arms had his arms taken off, even the legs fell off from the hip bones; the guy who said he wanted to chop off other people's heads was beheaded by his own people...

This girl who looked extremely friendly was targeting them based on what they said before.

"I know."

Shinobu said with relief, "You are very young, and you are the only one among this group of people who feels guilty about torturing others. Since you have been punished, I will not punish you. How about it? Compared to those people, I hope you can live as long as possible."

"Then...thank you?" the young man said in a questioning tone.

At this time, there was a strange sound above the two of them.

En, who turned out to be a Kocho Shinobu, grabbed the butterfly pattern Haori and penetrated through the leaves to reach her.

"Lord Ninja, the other party has discovered that I am a bait and is on the way back."

"I understand." Kocho Shinobu stood up and said condescendingly to the young man: "If you are lucky enough to survive, just stay at home with your sister. Don't Come out and be a ninja again."

"Otherwise, with your character, you will be coerced into becoming someone like them sooner or later. When we meet again, you know what will happen, right?" Um? "

It's unclear what the young man will think in the future, but at this moment he nodded wildly with deep understanding.

"Then, I hope we won't see each other again in the future. "

After Kocho Shinobu said the last word, she struck the young ninja on the side of the neck with a blade and knocked him unconscious. Then she neatly put on the butterfly pattern haori and disappeared with the boy's ninja sword and En. It took more than ten seconds.

Finally, when Gen Shinichi appeared with the other three, the middle-aged ninja had choked on his own spit and suffocated to death. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he "drowned".

One died in a very miserable way, and the other was chopped by his own people. His head was lost, and another one apparently committed suicide, with his hand still tightly holding the kunai handle that was stabbed into the heart.

This unknown enemy only left one person alive, but he was also dying and could not even speak. .

"It seems that the girl used crows to lure us away in order to defeat us one by one." Gen Shinichi suppressed his anger and said through gritted teeth.

When he thought that he was deceived by a talking bird holding a coat, he became furious. This is simply a stain on life. It was a great shame and humiliation.

The two-handed sword chunin's eyes swept across the scene, sweat dripping from his forehead.

If he hadn't followed behind the Jonin of the Gen clan in order to flatter him, I'm afraid he would have ended up in a similar situation at this moment.

Over there, Seigi lifted the seal and worriedly said Said: "Captain, based on my previous combined judgments, Zabuza's follower has probably escaped from the coverage of the forest. But the killer without chakra, she was still staying nearby, but her position was constantly changing, probably to delay the escape of the kid before. Now, should we stay here and deal with this person first, or should we go after Zabuza's followers?

"Delaying time? "

Gen Shinichi's voice suddenly rose, and he stared into Seigi's eyes gloomily, "Look at these corpses, is she trying to delay time? She has already made a declaration of war, and it is clear that she wants to kill us one by one and catch us all in one fell swoop! This girl is taking revenge on us for what happened to her companions, don't you understand yet? "

His fellow Jōnin's teeth were clenching, and veins were pulsing on their foreheads.

"Does a mere bug without chakra dare to make trouble on the head of a ninja now? We are really being underestimated. Tsk, what an incredible ambition. If she was not an enemy, I would admire her courage."

"From your tone, it sounds like you look down on bugs? "

Kocho Shinobu's voice echoed in the forest.

This time she didn't sing. The two-handed sword ninja completely heard this voice. It was definitely the girl he almost killed yesterday.

A strong fear mixed with the bitter smell of bile filled the air. He got entangled in his mouth.

[No wonder she's not afraid of me at all, she doesn't take me seriously at all!]

In just a few minutes, one of the ninjas who entered the forest had already been seriously injured, one committed suicide, and three more was almost tortured to death, and even ordinary Jonin could not do these things so quickly.

It seems that Zabuza's follower clearly saved his life yesterday!

"Do you have any comments or thoughts? To avenge your friend, you can come to me and say it. "

Gen Shinichi looked around, but didn't follow the sound like last time. Compared with the Jonin of the same race, he still showed restraint.

"With your talent, if you learn to master chakra, even in Kirigakure Village There are also good prospects. Don't you think it's a pity that you can be a lion or a tiger, but you have to hide in a dark corner like a reptile? "

What Gen Shinichi said at this time may not be his true intention.

Anyway, so far, those who have died are just minions who have just been conquered. The other party has not taken action against the three jonins, probably because they understand their own lack of strength. After all, there is a qualitative gap between Jonin and chunin.

Think about it, judging from her voice, this girl is not too old.

A genius who could pass the chunin exam without chakra, and who also had ruthless traits, was a most precious piece of jade to Kirigakure. If she could be controlled by the Gen clan, he could wipe out all the previous unpleasantness.

After all, as long as no real "own people" are lost, Gen Shinichi feels that everything is negotiable.

"Hey, you mean you want me to be a lion or a tiger? Like you?"

Kocho Shinobu's tone was naughty, and her voice sounded like she had changed her position.

But at the same time, there was the sound of clothes flapping in the woods again, but it could be said that it was the sound of crows flapping their wings, but it was difficult to tell which one it was.

In short, the remaining four people remained unmoved and tried their best to avoid falling into the opponent's trap again.

"The reason why you haven't dared to appear directly in front of me is because there is an irreparable strength gap between us?"

Gen Shinichi said loudly: "You also know, right? Before absolute power, these little tricks are useless after all. You can't even imagine the various training we have gone through."

"Really?" Kocho Shinobu's voice was full of doubts, "But every year, because of Obviously there are so many lions that have died from infectious diseases caused by lice. I occasionally heard that the silk threads from some spider webs occasionally entangled passing eagles and vultures..".

Shinobu paused for a moment, "It can be seen that , as long as the right tools and strategies are used, a small insect can make the overlord of the grassland and the sky die silently and inexplicably. Don't you want to try this feeling? "

The Gen clan's Jonin frowned fiercely.

"It seems that you are determined to become our enemy."

"I didn't say that. I want to live well, who wants to have a few more enemies for nothing. "

Kocho Shinobu said slowly, "I am not willing to accept your proposal, but if you are willing to agree to my proposal, we can still get along well. Do you want to hear it? "

"Yes, I want to hear it. " Gen Shinichi listened carefully, still hoping to solve it properly. From the current point of view, with the opponent's speed and hiding methods, if she wants to run away, he may not be able to catch up.

Only this time, Kocho Shinobu changed her previous tone, Becoming cold and decisive.

"My proposal is - if you are willing to chop off one of the hands you use to make seals, and promise not to be a ninja again…"

"I will let you live."

(End of this chapter)

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