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4.09% Uchiha Giyu / Chapter 6: chapter 6 Melted Test Paper (Part 1)

Capítulo 6: chapter 6 Melted Test Paper (Part 1)

Chapter 6 Melted Test Paper (Part 1)

Although Konoha is a village, it is not a small one.

The Uchiha clan's clan is located at the very edge of Konoha's inner circle, squeezed into the southwest corner by the Hyuga clan, next to the village boundary.

The No. 4 training ground that the three children were going to was located due north of Konoha, on the high ground behind the Hokage Rock, outside the barrier circle.

This means that if the three of them want to get there from the Uchiha clan, they must first pass by the Hyuga clan's mansion and walk along the Konoha River, passing by the police station, the Hokage building and the Sarutobi clan. group of mansions, and then climb half a distance of Konoha from the ramp behind the ANBU base to enter the training ground.

Going around like this is not counting climbing, but there is still a distance of four or five kilometers to cover.

For Uchiha Itachi, this was only a matter of less than ten minutes, because he could easily use chakra to attach to the soles of his feet and walk in a straight line all the way "over mountains and ridges".

But for Sasuke, who had just come into contact with ninjutsu, and Giyu, who couldn't extract chakra, they could only run along the road in pain.

In other words, only Sasuke was running in pain.

Holding the lighter food box in his hand, he ran to the Konoha Security Department and was already panting like a mammoth about to die of thirst.

But for the sake of being carried home by Itachi, and because of Uchiha's characteristic super pride, he had no intention of giving up at all.

He stared closely at Uchiha Itachi in front of him, imitating the opponent's ninja running posture——

Lower your upper body, lean forward, and raise your hands back like bird wings. Your feet are not large, but they step frequently, pushing your body forward like a shooting arrow.

It is said that the reason why ninjas run in this posture is, firstly, to reduce the resistance caused by the air to the advancing person; secondly, to lower their body position, narrow their target during pursuit and escape, and make it less likely to be discovered by the enemy.

Of course, this kind of action is also convenient for the ninja to take out things like explosive tags or kunai (and the artist does not have to consider the complex hand movements of people when moving at high speed).

But look at Giyu beside him. It's exactly the same way an ordinary person would go to the market to do some shopping——

The upper body leans slightly forward, almost straight. Although the stride is long, it rarely uses force to push on the ground, but keeps stepping forward.

If he hadn't been holding the lunch box firmly in his hand, this running method would have looked quite impressive, but it had nothing to do with ninjas.

What Sasuke couldn't understand the most was that even though he was already using the most standard postures described by his brother, he still couldn't distance himself from Giyu.

No matter how fast he increased his speed, Giyu always maintained his position relative to him and Itachi. From the moment he left the house to now, there was no change at all, as if he and Itachi were leading him forward!

What made Sasuke even more speechless was that unlike him, who was already suppressing his blush, Giyu, who was holding a heavier food box, had a normal expression.

When he noticed Sasuke's gaze, he turned around and asked while still moving at high speed: "You must be very tired. Do you want me to get it for you?"

He naturally referred to the food box in Sasuke's hand, and he said it out of concern.

Giyu observed with his world-clear vision that Sasuke's heart rate, due to the constant acceleration on the road, had reached more than three times the normal level.

Although he knew that the physical fitness of humans in the ninja world was very good, the heart rate was already dangerous, and Sasuke was only a child, so he was a little worried.

However, any words of concern paired with his plain face would make people feel like he was mocking!

Even though he knew that Giyu probably meant no harm, Sasuke still gritted his teeth.

["Did you learn this to light candles?"] The feeling of humiliation came to my mind again.

In addition, he also saw the Uchiha clan emblem painted on the clothes of several people in front of him.

[This is not far from where dad works...]

If I give the lunch box to Giyu and my father happens to see me at work——

"I don't want you to bother me!"

He yelled at Giyu and continued to accelerate as if he was desperate. Uchiha Itachi didn't say anything when he saw this. Sasuke accelerated and he joined him, and Giyu had no problem.

In this way, the three brothers maintained a dynamic balance, like three dark winds passing through the main streets of Konoha, and met a watermelon-headed man wearing green tights, who was clapping and beating wildly at them.

"Come on! This is the passionate youth! This is what you have to do, work hard and sweat!"

Uchiha Itachi nodded to the other party and said hello.

Even though Sasuke was about to die, he still covered half of his face with one hand in shame.

Giyu glanced to the side and felt that if Rengoku Kyojuro was resurrected, he would be very close to this person.

After all, they are the type who talk to strangers without any scruples, and their voices are very loud.

This kind of courage makes Giyu very envious.

[It should be easier if Rengoku completes the task of resurrecting everyone. ]

Might Guy saw the three of them leaving without looking back, and continued to say encouraging words, causing the vendors on the street to cover their ears and roll their eyes.

"Keep your voice down, people still have business to do."

Kakashi fell from a high place, yawned and poked the green man in the back.

"Oh, Kakashi, there's nothing youthful about dozing off so early."

Might Guy showed a literally shining smile, "If there wasn't another mission, I would have to compete with you to see who can climb up the Hokage Rock first with only hands!"

"But speaking of it, the three kids just now look very similar. And I always feel like I've seen the ping-pong paddle-like logo on their backs somewhere -"

The three patrolling security team members turned their heads sharply and looked at him fiercely.

But when they saw Kakashi standing next to him with a Sharingan eye, they snorted and turned around.

They were the lackeys around the third hokage. The patriarch had told them not to conflict with each other.

Vendors and pedestrians on the road moved out of the way, staring at the guardsmen as they left with all kinds of complicated looks.

"That's the emblem of the Uchiha clan. Please don't show your forgetfulness so loudly in front of the guard station!"

Kakashi held his forehead speechlessly, "If a Jonin in the village says something like this, others will think you are deliberately mocking them!"

[If Guy becomes the trigger of the conflict between the village and Uchiha, then I really don't know what to say. ]

"Because this mission is all in my mind, so I have cleared out all the things I don't need."

Guy raised his head and smiled brightly, "But we are all passionate young people, and you won't misunderstand me just because of this!"

"If I thought like you, I wouldn't be so tired."

Kakashi raised his eyebrows and changed the topic: "By the way, what do you think of those two brats just now?"

After a night shift, Kakashi met Giyu again.

Yesterday, he was curious about whether the other party's strength was a little too strong.

As a result, I saw the other party again today. He could run so fast in his normal posture, but he didn't even have any signs of breathing disorder.

But there is indeed no chakra in the opponent's body, and Kakashi will not be wrong about it.

Are civilians as good as ninjas?

Among the people he knew, Guy was probably the only one who had such a physique when he was young.

"They're all pretty good. Especially the boy on the right..."

Might Guy touched his chin, "His physical fitness is very suitable for practicing physical arts. It's just that there is no sparkle in his eyes. He doesn't seem to be a very enthusiastic child."

As he said that, he turned to look at Kakashi's exposed dead fish eyes, "It's different from yours, it's a pair of eyes that have no light at all. But then again, he gave me a feeling that he is very reliable, I don't know what's going on."

Kakashi nodded.

For Might Guy, who has no spare brain when performing tasks, intuition is his most accurate decision-making tool and is more trustworthy than a ninja dog who likes to exaggerate.

After all, for a ninja dog with limited power, most things related to people are dangerous, so that's why he said that.

Last night, he wanted to report the child's special characteristics to the third hokage. After all, "gloomy and indifferent personality" + "Uchiha" + "extraordinary talent", it is really difficult for people to ignore it.

But once Danzo finds out, something unpleasant will inevitably happen.

But since Might Guy said so, he didn't bother to meddle in this nosy matter, so he just regarded it as a favor to Shisui.

From now on, his mission is to monitor and protect Naruto, and everything else has nothing to do with him.

At the same time, the three security team members who had just passed by returned to their offices.

After the three jounin said goodbye to their two subordinates, they went all the way to the top of the guard team, where the captain's office was located.

When Jonin opened the door, Uchiha Fugaku was standing by the window with a cup of tea, staring coldly down. He didn't take a sip until Kakashi and Guy disappeared around the corner of Ichiraku Ramen.

"What's up?"

Fugaku walked to the desk and sat down, asking in a calm tone.

"Clan leader, have you heard the news that Shisui has become the temporary captain of the ANBU directly under the Hokage?"

There was a hint of anger on the face of this Jonin, "This guy! He has chosen to stand on the side of the village openly."

"How many times have I told you not to call me clan leader when I'm in the guard, and don't talk about family affairs."

Fugaku glanced at him, "This is just your idea and has not been verified. And you also heard that Shisui is only the 'temporary captain'."

"Don't you doubt that guy at all?"

The jonin frowned.

"So what if we are suspicious? Doesn't he also reveal to us the situation of the village's senior officials from time to time?"

Fugaku shook his head, picked up a document on the table and shook it, "Besides, as long as you give Itachi and... give Itachi enough time, Shisui's power will not be as important as before. As soon as I got here, I received a notice from the Third Hokage asking Itachi to take the Chunin Exam."

"A ten-ten-year-old chuunin?"

There was a gleam in the Jonin's eyes, "This kid Itachi is really amazing."

Fugaku used his tea cup to cover the rising corners of his mouth, "Actually, he was qualified to participate two years ago, but considering that becoming a chunin would require him to perform tasks outside the village and not have time to accompany Sasuke and Giyu, he never went. But next year In March, it was time for Sasuke and Giyu to go to school, and he had no reason to refuse this time…"

"However, with Itachi's pride, he probably won't choose to form a team with others. Taking part in the Chunin Exam alone is very dangerous. It's better to confirm his level first."

"What do you think?" the jounin asked.

"I remember..."

Fugaku made a recalling expression.

"The junior who almost had a conflict with Itachi at the clan show before was called Uchiha Flame, right? Many people have come to me recently to tell me about him. This child is very restless."

"Is that?"

Jonin nodded, "Not long ago, he took part in the Jonin examination organized by the village. He was targeted because of conflicts with other candidates, so Homaru, who was in charge of scoring, did not let him pass. During this time, he has been A little annoyed, eager to do something to prove himself, but among his peers in the clan, he can't find anyone, and Itachi deliberately avoids him..."

"Fifteen years old, at the level of a jounin, he can be considered a genius."

Fugaku pondered for a while, then tapped the table with his knuckles, "It's him."

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't he looking for Itachi?"

Fugaku looked at the jounin and ordered: "Go find him at noon, hint to him or let him hear it on purpose, just say that Itachi will be training at the No. 4 training ground in Konoha today. Based on his mental state, He will definitely go to fight Itachi. When the time comes, I will secretly observe how far Itachi's strength has reached now."

"That's fine."

The jounin didn't hesitate.

The Uchiha are a clan that longs for power, and they are also a clan that longs to test their own strength. It is their nature to be warlike, and fighting is their way of proving themselves.

"I'll do it right away."

After the Jonin left, Fugaku picked up the pen and pointed at the family photo on the table, and lightly tapped Giyu's forehead.

"Giyu, after today you will understand that you cannot take good care of Sasuke just by doing housework."

"In this world, only power can give people a stable life."

Uchiha Fugaku didn't tell the jounin just now.

That is, from noon to afternoon today, Itachi still has a C-level task to complete, which will take about one to two hours.

By then, only Sasuke and Giyu will be left in training ground No. 4.

"Ho, ho, ho!"

When the three brothers were about to start the last third of the climb, Uchiha Sasuke was already panting like a bellows, as if there was a ball of fire in his chest but couldn't spit it out. His free hand pressed tightly on The location under the ribs.

In order to show off in front of Schrödinger's father, he had just sprinted continuously for a distance of more than 500 meters, which had exceeded the limit that he could achieve at his age.

Now, the consequences of overloading exercise have bitten his immature body.

But Sasuke still endured the pain without saying a word. He didn't want Giyu to see him vulnerable and in pain when he followed him to training for the first time.


Giyu stopped Itachi who was running in front, and grabbed Sasuke who was still trying to show off his strength.

Before the two of them could react, he slapped Sasuke directly when he was angry.

This not only startled Sasuke, but also Itachi.

They had never seen Giyu hit anyone, let alone Sasuke.

"what you do..."

Sasuke opened his innocent eyes, holding his stomach and taking two steps back.

But the next moment, he noticed that his abdominal pain, which was originally a bit painful, actually returned to its original state in just a few seconds.


He felt his breathing suddenly become smoother and asked in surprise: "Giyu, what did you just do to me?"

Same question, but the tone and intent are completely different from before.

"Your breathing is so messed up."

Giyu didn't answer. He grabbed the food box in Sasuke's hand and said, "And it's very inefficient."


When Itachi heard this word, he looked thoughtfully at Giyu's steady chest, and his eyes turned red.

He observed quietly for a while, and then he was surprised to find that Giyu's breathing rhythm was indeed very different from theirs.

Each time he inhales and exhales, it lasts for more than ten seconds.

After exhaling, there will be a longer breath-holding time, more than thirty seconds.

Wait a moment!

Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes wide.

This means that Giyu almost only breathes every minute——

once? ? ?

The reason why Itachi didn't notice it in the past was because Giyu was too quiet and never made any obvious breathing sound!

And their family is used to it.

Now that I think about it, has he been "breathing" at this pace for so many years?

How much lung capacity does he have to do this?

While listening to Giyu's instruction on Sasuke's new breathing method, Itachi carefully watched Giyu's fingers place precise explanations on Sasuke's lungs, trachea and heart.

This shows that Giyu has an extremely good understanding of human structure, far exceeding the average level of Ninja School students.

In fact, in Giyu's eyes, Sasuke is no longer a cute boy, but a human tissue model composed entirely of bones, blood vessels, muscles, fat, fascia, and skin.

Under the "transparent world" view, not to mention breathing, which is an activity that obviously expands the lungs, even the direction of blood flow, and every contraction and stretch of muscles, Giyu can clearly see.

Moreover, when the transparent field of vision is turned on, all movements captured by the eyes will be slowed down by about half, which is enough for Giyu to accurately capture every movement in Sasuke's body.

"It's right this time."

Seeing that Sasuke had mastered the most basic breathing rhythm, Giyu nodded calmly, then looked at Uchiha Itachi: "we can go now."

There are no Demons in this world, and there are no demon slayers.

However, as someone with the title of Water Hashira and the qualification of being exempted from all exemptions, he should have no problem teaching basic non-lethal breathing techniques to his family.

He felt a little unhappy when he thought that Sasuke also aspired to become a ninja like Itachi, and he only hoped that Sasuke could learn more practical things and skills.

Regarding this point, Giyu and Uchiha Itachi had the same idea, but the way of realizing it was slightly different.

After this small scene, the next journey to the No. 4 driving range was relatively smooth.

Sasuke mastered the new breathing technique. Although it was uphill, he was overjoyed by the increasing effect of breathing on his physical strength, and he ran extremely happily.

"This is Training field number four."

Uchiha Itachi pointed to the wide field with hundreds of earth walls erected, and there was a medium-sized lake in the depths, which was very similar to the Uchiha training ground.

Those earth walls are the products of earth, each with different thickness and size. They are used to test the power of offensive ninjutsu. Even if they are destroyed, ninjas who practice earth release will come and replace them, so they are recycled.

"Rest for a while first."

Itachi used his ninja sword to cut a piece of earth wall into squares of different sizes, which he used as temporary tables and chairs.

The chakra of a ninja is transformed from the physical strength extracted from the cells. After running for so long, it may be a bit dangerous to let Sasuke practice ninjutsu rashly.

But in the blink of an eye, Giyu had already taken out the picnic tablecloth from the top of the food box, spread the snacks he made in the morning on a "table", and had three large bowls of covered fish soup. Although it is made from the leftover food from last night, it still has a mouth-watering aroma.


Uchiha Itachi, who usually only brought rice balls, blinked.

I hope I won't be seen by any familiar ninja coming to eat and drink.

Glancing at Sasuke who secretly caught a few fried shrimps to eat, Itachi sat next to Giyu and said, "While Sasuke is eating, let me teach you how to refine chakra first."

Before Giyu said his refusal, Itachi quickly added a few words: "Giyu, I know you don't want to become a ninja, but your Sharingan is likely to open automatically due to emotional changes. Without chakra, you will faint again. You don't want me, Sasuke and mother to worry about you, right?"

Giyu's expression changed slightly.

Itachi knew that what he said was listened to by Giyu.

"Furthermore, chakra is not exclusive to ninjas, and you do not have to become a ninja if you have chakra. For example, the warriors of the Iron Kingdom also use chakra to use sword skills. Of course, if you don't like fighting, There are other things you can do with chakra."

"For example, if you learn the art of Summoning, you can ask your cat to go out and buy groceries for you, and then summon it to save time; if you learn the most basic sealing art, you can put the food into a scroll to save space and weight; If you learn more carefully, you can even walk on the water, wouldn't it be very convenient to catch fish?"

Itachi knew very well that whether Giyu learned or not, his father would definitely find a way to force Giyu to become a ninja on his own. Uchiha has longed for strong combat power so that he can show his fangs to Konoha for too long.

But right now, he can't control that far. He must first solve the hidden dangers of Giyu's Sharingan. He can only say what he likes to hear first.

Giyu was silent for a long time, and finally nodded.

Just as Itachi said, if you accidentally open the Sharingan and faint, it will waste a lot of time and make his mother worry about him. This is not what Giyu wants.

More importantly, he wanted to know whether that inexplicable voice could analyze anything from his own chakra.

Unlike yesterday's Giyu, today, he has a clear goal of resurrecting his teammates.


Itachi finally breathed a sigh of relief when Giyu agreed.

Although Giyu is difficult to communicate with, he is at least reasonable and very different from the stubborn ordinary children.

"Before I teach you how to transform chakra, I must first explain to you what chakra is."

Itachi used his ninja sword to draw a human shape on the nearest earth wall, and then drew two circles on the abdomen and brain of the figure.

"Giyu, the chakra, is an energy transformed from human physical strength. Physical energy is a mixture of physical energy extracted from 130 trillion body cells and spiritual energy from spiritual practice experience. When you use taijutsu, your physical strength will be directly consumed; but if you want to use ninjutsu or sharingan, your physical strength must be processed and converted into chakra."

With that said, Itachi formed the Yin Seal with his hands and blew out a ball of red fire. Giyu once again gained 0.02% of the resolution of the Flame Breathing.

"Through the seal, the attributeless chakra you transform through physical strength will be further processed into the form and properties required for ninjutsu. This is what my father called the change in the nature and form of chakra at home, that is, the release technique."

"However, we don't have to think that far today. What you need to understand most now is how to refine chakra and convert it into the eye power necessary for the Sharingan."

"Let's get started."

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