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90% Dc: start in Young Justice / Chapter 25: Chap 24: Space and base

Capítulo 25: Chap 24: Space and base

Gotham is... well how to say it without sounding rude? It's just a disgusting place quite honestly.

Oh am I being rude?

I don't care.

I see the similarities to Midnight city in Invincible universe. But really how dark is this place it's like the sun just decided to turn a blind eye here.

Hmm... is Gotham really cursed? I mean I know in some universes it is, but is it cursed here too? I don't think so, I don't feel any curse or any disturbance in the air nor magic but again maybe I am too inexperienced when it comes to centuries old wide-ranging curses so.

Doesn't matter anyway I am not here to hunt demons nor to purify this place. But the more I spend time here the more I want to go. How can people live here? Yeah some have no other choice but how can someone willingly stay here?

If I was in Batman's place I will just bring this place to the ground and build it anew, like there's no alley without crime. I see drugs, weapons, someone beating the shit of someone, kidnapping someone and... rape.

Huff... I obviously saved them, just a telekinetic nudge and the criminal either kissed the floor or hugged the wall. But I am glad I don't want to be a hero nor have this hero mentality. I am not saying humans are a lost cause and not worth it or don't deserve it or something but it's too much trouble.

How long has Batman been around?

Around 10 years.

10 years till now and Gotham hasn't changed even a bit. Yeah I read the history books and saw news from Batman's first appearance and all the crimes since he began till now. It didn't change it got worse.

Not to antagonize the guy but the 'Justice' he's preaching about is just a peeps dream at this point.

I wonder how he's reacting to my visit, he's probably following my every move. Well if the moving satellites are anything to consider.

Does he get jealous with how easily I'm solving crime in his city? Or maybe angry that I am not really putting in the effort?

Meh again, not my problem. Despite all that there are some smart minds in this place. Not bad but their personality is shitty compared to others I already met, and doctors and scientists already have shitty personality if they don't know you so...

But it's understandable seeing where they live, you can't be a pushover and expect to survive here.

Since I am in Gotham it's a rare chance to visit Arkham Asylum. I want to know what they do in that place, it always felt more like a hotel or time-out for some villains than actual rehabilitation institution.


Yeah Arkham is a disappointment. It just shows you the darkness in Gotham runs deep. Corrupt doctors, guards and system. No wonder very few got healed or are on parole. Well only those who really want to mostly but that just it.

The most interesting thing here was actually the head psychiatrist, Dr. Harleen Quinzel and she is the most honest worker there from what I observed although too 'enthusiastic' about the job is what I noticed. I don't know if she's destined to become Harley in this universe or not but I won't be surprised if it happens, the environment around her and her own interest in crime psychology is enough for it to happen.

She's a beauty too, almost look like Margot Robbie with slight differences. I never met the actress obviously so I can't really compare them.

I wouldn't mind having a chat with her honestly, she probably won't even mind if I kidnapped her. Heh she will very likely get interested and start some kind of observation and psychological analysis, get excited and boom you have a Harley. But maybe less crazy or suicidal without Joker's influence.

Hmm... am I interested in scientists too? No probably just the crazy and smart part of her.

Yep always liked them crazy and strong, nothing wrong with smart too but not that necessary. They are more fun.

Should I do something about her probable transformation?

Nah who am I to stop someone from living their life the way they want. Hahay.





Now that all is settled it's finally time for me to move, I told Serly I am going on some space journey for some time, she wanted to come with me but I managed to convince her by saying we need a spaceship, preparations and time bla bla bla.

I already have one in [FD] but she doesn't need to know that for now. But I gave her a nanosuit more advanced than what I gave the little team, but this one is just for protection and not to fight it has auto-defence mechanism so she won't need to do anything I also left her a smarter AI not the basic one so she can access whatever she wants and have all her questions answered about the tech. I made it in the type of necklace, like the one black panther uses.

Anyway with that out of the way let's go.


You know how all these fanfics makes it easy to venture in space and then after awhile you will 'suddenly' find a blue sun or white sun or some kind of a meteorite full with rare metal never seen before? Yeah I call bullshit.

First of all if not for the Viltrumites smart atoms or my ability to open portals I am sure I will be lost. There's no right and left up and down sense here, you just measure your speed and how many lightyears something is far and that how you travel in space. And planets are not really that near each others it does take time from one place to another.

They make it look like Mars and the Moon are neighbors but that can't be far from the truth.

So after weeks of traveling and choosing a suitable place I finally settled on one. It's just a planet nothing really special about it, it gravity is the same as earth maybe a little bit higher the farther you go out but just a little, the air is not poisonous nor there are any harmful radiations on the surface.

It's a barren planet with no life and it sun is also not that near, still visible but not like the earth sun so the planet was a little bit colder all around but that was the best I could find that satisfy all my requirements, atleast the soil is good for farming but whether it will prove healthy and edible later will have to wait for some experiments, so overall the planet will need a lot of work to make it suitable for humans or any other species that needs to breath drink and eat to live here.

It wasn't just me who was searching mind you, I deployed about 20-30 androids and drones to search and map the area and that's the best for now.

Anyway I'll mark the place first and teleport to earth for a bit, I can't always stop and mark some place to go and come so sometimes it takes me days to go back and since I found what I need I can spend a day or two chillin and planning.




"Alright let's make a Wakanda out of this planet"

First I started by using Eve's powers to terraform the planet surface by making it flat as it was all rock, some high like a hill or you'll find a hole here and there or some weird shape and that won't work. I used this as a chance to train my powers after all it's rare for me to go all out on them and I have to say I was having fun.

It's like playing a crafting game but well you know it's not a game and you are actually personally doing it, with powers.

It reminds me of my brother playing Fortnight and Minecraft while yelling at the game.

I went all out using fire to heat some places, water to clean others, Aerokinesis and telekinesis to move things around, Eve's powers were the most useful in this situation by releasing carbon dioxide trapped in the planet surface to thicken its atmosphere and warm the planet. This will provide the necessary conditions to sustain liquid water on the surface plus make it more warm considering the planet is on the colder side due to the distance of the sun.

I even used Electrokinesis to try and sense the gravitational force around and advanced quite a bit in it not enough to be called magnetism or gravity control but it's a progress. I couldn't do much with the Chlorokinesis power since this planet didn't have plants from what I observed in it but that's an issue I will be working on as I want my city to be eco-fururistic in shape and design.

My androids and drones were circling the planet searching for any plants or metals or anything useful in particular that can be of use, and the Fog was helping me in minute details so I won't miss any spot or in case it's not as flat and straight as it's supposed to be.

The Fog main program after all was to deconstruct and destroy and after my upgrades it went up a notch and is capable of reconstruct and a lot of stuff. I should really change its name.

With every area finished a lot of nanobots were exiting a portal from the [FD] and started building. First making a layer on the ground/earth to strengthen and stabilize it, doing some infrastructure to make sure no earthquake or whatsoever is possible to happen for any internal or external reason.

I wasn't going all out on the whole planet after all I doubt it will gather enough population to fill even half of it even in hundreds of years, I took only about the size of a continent in the center of the planet for now the rest can be done slowly in the future.

The second step was to build my base of operations, my home, I wanted something fancy for myself but at the same time not something extravagant or with a sign of superiority or anything but it has to be a symbol, something different.

So I build a floating island, how to keep it afloat is by using anti-gravity tech with some propulsion and special drones for maximum safety in case one malfunction I have two extra safety net in place.

The island will have a big castle like structure as my base or home and around it will be facilities to manage the continent, defence be it internal or external will be done by me. Like hell I will let anyone protect my planet other than me in fact no living being will actually be responsible for any decision making position here I am going all dictatorship on this, my planet my rules.

I ofcourse needed energy source for all that and the first thing that came to my mind was an Arc reactor like Tony stark but even though it was technically infinite clean energy it was still not efficient enough to power a continent and I didn't want to build multiple multi-size Reactors and that took me time in [FD] to figure out, I tried multiple thing like solar energy, wind energy, kinetic and more. I even tried to merge them or creating something entirely new out of them and after much work and time I was able to come to sensible energy, a very complicated process that works by having a core made of the most hard and durable material I could find that is fueled by everything that can be sensed from heat to motion, that is even more precious because now any action that will happen inside the range of my device will become energy to fuel it, if someone decided to break the sound barrier by flying or running the released and wasted energy will come back to my device, any fight or training in the future wont harm or destroy the earth nor the buildings because everything will be connected to it and redirected to it further fueling it.

For now that is a very good thing but in the future when there are more people living and producing energy there might be an issue by overfeeding my energy core and as much as I can make it wistand and fill if it somehow happen to someday have a lot more energy than it will ever spend and somehow by some miracle something happen to it then, well I don't want to imagine it, it's like the explosion of a sun if not a galaxy so I have to limit it capacity to store energy or find something else to do with this energy.

For now I will have three cores one for the island one for the continent itself and one for the protective shield of the city/continent which will hide everything inside to the outside world. I didn't say I'll make a Wakanda out of nothing.

A shame there's no vibranium in this universe but maybe I can do something with Nth metal for now.

The shield won't just hide and protect everything it will have a lot more functions one of them being able to observe everything inside and ouside the dome so nothing can escape my sight no unregistered entry to my land, no violence or breach of rules and security this will be my Utopia after all.

Hmm... should I name my city Utopia and the planet Eden? Sound kinda cliché to me. I am bad with names so I am not sure maybe I will think about it after I am actually finished with everything.

Aside from that there will be hard-light tech, the shield like I said is invisible from the outside but from the inside I will make it produce images or illusions like a night and day cycle, emergency messages or something special like the northern light or the galaxy and stars and more.

After working on the floating Island and the shield the next step will be the buildings inside, from residents to entertainment and stores and even my currency. I am thinking about some point system like you earn what you do? Everyone will receive enough points monthly to live comfortably like having enough to feed and drink and have clothing and a roof over their heads but not enough to live extravagantly and become lazy.

This is honestly an issue because I am planing on using tech to produce food and clothes, tech like 3D printers and atoms and molecules reconstruct.

The points still can be earned by doing missions but what kind of a mission can I assign normal powerless beings when I have an ever growing army of androids? That will need a lot of thinking on my part along with the rules.

Man having your own planet is a drag and a lot of work. Anyway to hold all that together and help manage everything I am building a super AI as my assistant, that will need to be very carefully made and coded I don't want an Ultron or a sentient AI that will one day decide I am not competent enough to rule my own place but it still need it to be smart and ever upgradeable else it won't be of any help.

I think the core of it creation will be: I am Nr.1, my orders, decisions and safety will be its main core of creation the second will be to assist me in ruling the planet and more strict command like not going out of it own to make decisions behind my back never betray me or do something I don't order or approve of even if it's advantageous to me I don't want that shit.

And to never want to have a body so it can feel or understand the living, I hate this cliché. Like I said there will be hard-light technology all over inside my dome so my AI can be everywhere so I don't see why it will need a body.

I can't stand those Mc that turns their AI or systems to a living women honestly, you can't score yourself a real woman so you build one? Like if it will be more helpful to have a body then okay but not with feelings and romance!!

Anyway I don't want to be like that now and change my opinion in the future and sound like a hypocrite maybe there's something I am missing or don't understand? So I'll leave it for the future and see what will happen, if despite everything I am coding and writing and it still advance enough to want a body and feeling and whatsoever then I'll see.

Next I and my nanobots started working on the soil to find the best way to make it flourish and grow plants, trees and herbs. I have seeds of different plants and tress I gathered from around the world here, from [FD] and Invincible earth, growing them won't be a problem but I want them to reproduce on their own but not to cover my buildings but in a way the buildings and nature will become one.

Every house will have green in it and around it, which is also not a problem but like I said keeping them this way may be if not periodically tend to, and I can't alway make time for them. I might actually need help with that.

Should I hire Ivy? I don't like this version of her much, she's not that bad maybe? I don't know much about her really maybe I should observe first and put her on probation then decide if she can stay. Food for thought.


[The Light]

Days after the fight between Zane and the League...

"Where we able to find about the one who defeated the League?" In a surveillance room filled with screens all over the place watching the fight between the League and Zane -their mysterious figure- asked Vandal Savage.

"Yes and this will be a big opportunity to us, or a big disadvantage." replied Lex Luthor, a frown on his pondering face.

"Oh, et pourquoi you think so Lex?" asked the Brain intrigued.

Lex sensing everyone's gaze on him, thought a bit to formulate his words then answered: " This is Cadmus project [UP], the first and oldest project honestly if I am not seeing it on the screen with my eyes and after all the investigation I have done I wouldn't believe it."

"And why is there such a hidden weapon and we don't know about it?" Asked Ra's Al Ghul with a bit of anger, he has lived long and lead the league of shadows for a long time now and having something or someone unknown to him left a bitter taste in his mouth.

He wasn't the only one wandering such question and all looked back at Luther for answers.

"Because he's a failed experiment"

"Doesn't look like one from what we are seeing" said Queen Bee with a sneer.

"Well if you allow me to continue you will know" was Lex's answer

"Please continue, this matter is of utmost importance to us" said Vandal.

"Ohhh, it was getting fun" said Klarion while petting his cat.

"As I was saying he was a failed project, we didn't have the resources and technologies we have now back then so just making his body was a miracle, he was perfect in every way but... he never woke up no matter what we tried he never woke up, even cloning or taking samples didn't help us eventually we lost hope and he was forgotten and after project Kr even I forgot about him"

"Interesting" it was not only Vandal who was impressed but everyone once they took a look at the file Lex gave them about Zane's information.

Queen Bee: "He will come handy once in the Light's hands, I assume the instilled orders are still there?"

Lex: "That is were the disadvantage comes from, I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Asked Ocean-Master.

"A lot have been happening since the Cadmus incident, and we just blamed the Justice league or their junior team but now after seeing him a lot makes more sense"

"Do you mean he has a relation to the setbacks we were experiencing lately" asked the Brain now more interested than before.

"I believe so, the missing data in Cadmus, the discovered mole and more small details that's not something both the Justice team can figure out alone even Dr. Ivo's incident is not a coincidence"

"He's acting on his own" said Queen Bee

"Exactly" answered Lex

"It doesn't matter once we catch him we fix everything with him hahahah" said Klarion laughing.

"Indeed project UP is now an important piece to our plan and recovering it, is of importance." said Vandal as if it's a matter of when and not if.






I am not satisfied with this chapter, I wanted to write more about the planet terraformation and building and everything in more details... but I don't know how.

Huff I am going to just put some pictures of what I would have liked them to look like but you can imagine them as you like or offer some of your own pictures and we can choose something later.

Honestly I may go in more details in another chapter about the whole construction and building but for now, what do you think about everything in general? What can or could I do better? I know it was all over the place but bear it with me.

Sorry for the late chapter by the way.

Like alway (I am getting tired of this phrase) your comments, reviews and ideas.


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