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Capítulo 9: Chap 8: Magic in the air


This was concerning to say the least.

He hoped that he can develop potent countermeasures to counter Zane and not just hypothesis, in case he went rogue or compromised or worse. The clone, hybrid, man's mind is beyond what he thought not just from the intelligent or analytical side, which he proved even more in his foreshadowing of us bringing Artemis and his doubt about the team probable future conflict about her identity and her own conflict with her self, and investigation of the recent dr. Roquette case further proved his competence and efficiency. But what is more concerning is him gaining telepathy out of the blue according to what J'onn has informed him, but he was sure he had it from the beginning and was just hiding it and decided to expose it only now for some reason, and his recent visits and talks to multiple professors and scientists is no doubt for him to use this power to extract knowledge. Which in itself is beyond concerning, why the need of all this information and what is he intending to do with it?

While he shows serious care and a good mentoring ability to the team that even made Batman slightly impressed it still doesn't erase the fact that he might become a threat, a very dangerous one.

With a set of mind like that and the abilities he has shown so far, Cadmus had truly created the Ultimate weapon this time.

Just what can his purpose be and what is he planning to?


[Salem, August 19]

Me and the team exited the Bioship, now standing in a grassy clearing.

"There's nothing here" Superboy said in confusion but i was more focused.

I spread my mind, my mental perception trying to find something, and i immediately found what i was looking for, with a simple hand gesture i twisted it and then looked at a certain direction and declared: "i found something"


Inside an abandoned theater not so far from where the team is, a tall thin man with a black ponytail hairstyle was standing on stage, beside him an oldery man strapped to a chair looking exhausted.

While Abra kadabra, the faux mage, kept torturing and interrogating the eldery man known as Kent Nelson they suddenly heard a shout from their only spectator.

A craggy boy with a weird short black hairstyle ressembling two horns, or maybe they were.

"NO! WHAT'S HAPPENING TO MY BODY" screamed Klarion in shock his body fading in and out.

His scream alerted his partner Abra who looked around nervously even Kent was left speechless not knowing what's happening. And before Abra could ask the obvious question Klarion shouted again.

"No Teekel where ar...-" before he could continue, his body lit in fire and in his place a blood red gem appeared floating in his place before it shot to the roof passing throught it and disappearing.


"It's here" i said gesturing to the desolate old theater.

"It's an old theater, it has been abandoned for years" remarked Robin while folowing behind.

On their way in, Megan and Artemis let out a small gasp as they looked at a unique cat with tiger stripes and ginger fur indicating some kind of special breed. But what drew everyone attention was it head unnatural 180° in the wrong direction wich indicated it crushed neck.

"I guess cats are not welcomed here"

commented Superboy with a barely disturbed look.

"Who would do that?" "It's really awful" wondered Megan in sad voice contrary to Artemis slight disgusted expression.

'Who indeed'. "Let's focus" i said entering the theater looking at the still dazed Abra with slight panic on his face, before even attempting to question Nelson for explanation i was on him hand on his neck and before he even understood what happened i gave him a weak punch that sent him to the dream world and turned my attention to the old man.

"Kent Nelson i believe" i asked while the rest of the team made it to the stage and helped the eldery man from his binding.

"Correct, and thank you for the help" Kent answered moving his aching body a bit before continuing "i believe you dealt with Klarion too?"

Megan and Robin had a confused look on their face, while Zane and the rest stayed passive till Megan asked: "Who?"

Kent eyes silently scrutinized them before i gave Aqualad a look who understood the meaning and then said: "Batman sent us to find you and make sure the helmet is fine"

Kent's eyes landed on Zane's figure who continued "I am Zane and i act as a kind of a caretaker for the young team, i normally don't join but was interested in meeting a true magician as yourself so i tagged along, nice meeting you Mr. Nelson"

Kent looked at Zane's outstretched hand for a second then shaked it and said:" the pleasure is all mine, it's refreshing to see the face of young new heroes."

The talk went on asking him about the incident while informing Batman about the successful mission.

While all that happened i was making sure to take all the useful memories of Abra, he is one of the reasons why i came, after all Abra is supposed to be from the 64th century and his 'magic' came from advanced technologies so imagine the advancement of said century. I also got information about some of his hidden bases where he keeps said technologies, now i have several places to visit and more stuff to study that will help me dearly. The amount of mechanical knowledge he has is really astonishing, apparently he came to this century of his own choice, escaping to learn real magic but he doesn't own the time machine or the method it used to come here as he came 'illegally' so to say. A shame but his knowledge is a considerable help nonetheless.

Sadly Kent is not a Homo-magi so i can't get a magic affinity from him and i don't believe a host for an agent of order doen't have his mind protected, beside he is also a professional magician himself so i didn't even think about it. I would have liked to ask if i can learn magic from him but i left the thought out of my mind for now, one for it is not yet the time for it as i have better things to do and i don't want to alert Batman even more than he already is. I am sure my actions are making his paranoia sense tingle at him fiercely by now and i don't doubt he is most probably upgrading my contingency plan after the reveal of telepathy and piecing stuff together to figure what i am exactly.

Good thing he won't find it easy as there are no existing data of me since i deleted and destroyed everything about it in Cadmus, it's better if he thinks i am just a clone of Superman and maybe a Martian for now.

And i already have some knowledge from Kaldur after copying his Atlantean lineage but he only stayed less than a year at school so beside some water party tricks you can't really call it a knowledge but patience, everything with time. I should really get me some hypnosis power to deal with those with considerable mind defenses or probably build something that can copy memories of off their head. Ideas ideas....

Kent did show us the tower and led us inside, it was really cool to be honest he then led us further and 'introduced' us to the Helmet of Fate that's disbanded in the air above an Altar and that was it. Guess Kent will have to live another day before meeting his Inza. And Wally is still a non believer.

Should i interfere when the time for Zatara to wear the helmet come? Zatanna really doesn't deserve all that pain.

Guess we'll have to wait to see.

But i could swear i felt the helmet vibrate or something maybe some magical effect to 'awe' the audience?

And that how my first mission with the young justice ended, anticlimactic if you ask me i mean sure i just took Klarion out of the equation before he even knew it, i would have actually liked to face him and maybe adapt to chaos magic but i just didn't want to risk it with the kids around, who knows what will happen so i will just take nothing happening today as a win. In your face fate and in the presence of doctor fate himself ha, how ironic.


I somehow find my self with Serly again, in her apartment. She got herself a new one after she started working in Wayne-tech, and it's close to her work so it's convenient.

We are obviously not doing anything dirty just hanging out, she telling me about her day and how she's adjusting and she has no friends to talk to well ovious. And since she has my number she texts me All the time.

I swear i didn't plan this, i actually never thought about having this close relationship with anyone yet, especially a normal human at that.

It all started with that date of ours.



After staying the night with Serly again, forced this time may i add, we went actually shopping she told me she need new stuff since she didnt go to her apartment yet after she was told to wait for the investigation to finish less she finds a bomb there or something. So she decided i should go with her with an all sweet smile that looked nothing sweet to me. And since i'm free i went, totally not because her looks gave me chills. Yep it's all because of my own will.

"Woman, i'm telling you they are litterally the same thing but different colors just take them both if you can't decide"

"But what if i never used it?"

"Then you'll have another one just in case"

"But, i'm not sure"

"If i buy it for you will you take it?"

We were at that for one hour now and we only visited two stores in FOUR hours, and she insists on trying everything, ugh man i have a perfect memory with all the small details that i remember seeing in both lives, but i don't remember shopping with a woman to be so painful, boring yes but not painful, wait they are coming back b-but how...?

Two and half hours later you can see me walking beside a happy Serly with my both hands full, she even made me buy stuff i don't believe i will ever need!

"You're a demon you know that right?"

"Huh what are you talking about, i don't remember the last time i had this fun"

"Sure sure, if torturing me is what's fun for you!"

"Oh yeah that's too" the cheeky of this woman, she's even stucking her tongue out at me.

*sigh* "Women" *giggles* yeah yeah laugh you little evil. Listen here boys, no matter how strong you are, no matter how super genius you are, you will never and i repeat you will never be able to understand a woman so don't even try it, i'm talking out of experience here.


"It's a nice place you picked " said Serling taking a seat in the nice restaurant i chose for our date.

"Yeah they had good reviews, and i asked an acquaintance of mine for some advice since i don't know my place around here that much." i said after taking my own seat, i did ask Dinah for nice places for dinner and she enthusiastically told me of couple of places.

"Oh your league friends"

"Yeah no, more of an acquaintance at best i am not that close to them i didn't even meet or speak with most of them yet." And it's true beside Batman, Arrow,  Dinah and J'onn i didn't really talk with anyone else, and even that is superficial. Oh and Tornado too but he doesn't speak if not spoken to or it's something related to the team so let's just ignore him.

"What, they find you annoying too" she said with a smirk while looking at me from behind her menu.

"Ha Ha no, it's just i'm kinda new"

"Oh but i thought you train the young sidekicks" she said with interest.

"Nah it's more like, i'm just keeping a watch on them, the training part is for my amusement only, and don't call them sidekicks or they will get annoyed at you"

"Sure sure Mr. babysitter" before i can answer her the waiter came and started taking our order.




"... because i was focusing on my graduation and after that i threw myself at work so i don't have much friends nor the time for fun"

"Seems lonely to me Serly, is it worth it?"



"... i love my job so that's drive me anyway, but we talked a lot about me why don't you tell me about yourself or trying to act mysterious"

"Hhaha nah, it's just there isn't much to tell" she looked at me deeply and frowned.

"Fine keep your secrets, or is it one of those rules where you can't say stuff to protect your identity or something" she...pouted and said.

"Haha, no there is no rules for me i can do whatever i want but believe me Serly the less you know the better for now, who knows what might happen in the future after all." I laughed at first but then turned serious at the end of it. There might really be some possibility in the future that she can be used against me or to bait me, from both parties. I should start being more careful from now on.

We continued the night like that and i walked her home since i don't have a car and it wasn't that far, when we reached there she kept looking at me deeply. *sigh*

"You know you have to get used to being home alone at some time now right?" She looked a bit sad and disappointed.

"Can't you stay for a drink then leave?" She asked me hopefully, haah how do i break it for her now without hurting her?

"*sigh* Serly, i really don't want to sound like an asshole right now but you know it won't work between us right?" I heaved a sigh internally and put my hand on my hair and pulled it back.

"*sigh* i know, i just had good time with you and it's been really fun" said Serling understanding my point.

"I enjoyed my time with you too Serly, and i like your company but you will be busy with work soon enough and i have other stuff to take care of, it's just won't work in my opinion, but we can still hang out or have fun when we have time if that's fine with you, you know like friends and stuff"

"*giggles* yeah and stuff huh" and she laughed then showed me a wide smirk with her teeth full on display.

"Now now you naughty women you know what i mean" like i will let her get a hang on me.

"Who's naughty you pervert bad boy, you will be lucky with just a kiss"

"Yes yes i will be the lucky one, woman you are all heels on me"

"Pft keep dreaming" we both looked at each other than laughed out loud, couple of seconds later we stopped then looked deeply at each other than she slowly kept etching closer and closer while i kept watching, you know what just fuck it.




Waking up, naked and in Serling's bed looking at my side i had just one thing to say "well fuck"

"Well fuck indeed" said the equally naked Serling with her disheveled hair and satisfied wide smile on her face.

(Flashback end)


Remembering that night and looking at Serly sitting beside me working on her laptop in short shorts while her legs on my lap i laughed a bit internally.

I honestly don't regret a single moment of what happened, i just want to do whatever i want and have fun the way i want and i won't let some silly stuff hold me back, if i end being a villain, a hero an asshole it doesn't matter. And the sex was good. Too bad she could only go for couple of hours only.

We obviously talked about it later it's not a tv drama where two ignore what they did and keep going like nothing happened till shit happens. We both agreed at staying friends and let it flow she even joked a bit saying 'maybe friends and stuff' is not a bad idea after all so yeah we hang out mostly at her apartment and we have fun sometimes. Just keeping it simple.

Did i mention i have a certain control over my body so that my sperm doen't get her pregnant? No babys for me sir Naah.

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