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10% Mistaken Identity || Star Wars Fic / Chapter 3: Chance for a New Life

Capítulo 3: Chance for a New Life

Jaden stalked through the slums of the undercity, he wasn't quite sure where he was at the moment so he was hoping to find a terminal somewhere so he could get his bearings, most of his tech was destroyed in the fall so he couldn't do much with it apart from trying to salvage what he could.

"Jaden why do you still have the Holocron open should you not focus on escaping?" Satele asked as they both walked through the badly formed streets of rusted metal.

"I was hoping if I get attacked by a corridor ghoul or another swarm of hive rats they'd go for you and I'd escape." He said bluntly.

Satele sighed "I truly fear for the future if this is what the next generation of Jedi are like," she said with a huff.

Jaden laughed "Hey I never said I'd be a Jedi, from what I heard they do all sorts of weird stuff to you after they take you." He said to her giving her a look of disbelief.

"The Jedi do not do any 'Weird stuff' to people, we recruit them to become peacekeepers of the galaxy and to defend people against the Sith!" She explained.

"The Sith? You mean the Sith Empire?" Jaden asked with a small amount of confusion.

"They haven't been around for thousands of years, jeez how old are you," he said with a bit of a chuckle though he seemed to miss the thoughtful look that Satele had on her face.

"It seems it is much later than I imagined..." Satele said almost morosely.

Jaden however was brought out of their conversation as he heard shouting and screaming, with his enhanced body he managed to run to the nearest building and jump off the ground grabbing onto a pipe which he then swung off onto a higher one. Crouching on the pipe he looked down as he saw a green Twi'lek woman running down the section that Jaden was just in. Though she wasn't running for long as she was shit in the leg by a blaster bolt making her collapse to the ground as she screamed in pain grabbing her leg.

Jaden deactivated the Holocron making Satele disappear as she'd just give him away. He watched as a group of rough-looking men approached the Twi'lek, Jaden almost recoiled in disgust at the men who approached her, they were disfigured and pretty hard to look at, and they had black growths on their bodies and faces that pulsed with a red glow.

Jaden couldn't hear exactly what they said but they seemed to be laughing at her as she begged 'None of my business,' he thought to himself as he went to go and climb higher up the piping to leave.


Jaden paused as he heard her plea, it wasn't directed at him but it did manage to make him stop "Kriff..." he whispered to himself as he knew he wouldn't be able to leave, there were many times in his life where he wished someone would stop and help and they never did. Jaden got straight to work and out of his pouch on his belt he brought out the scraps, wires and old power cell from SD8, he didn't have much time but this wouldn't be too difficult.

"SD give me some covering fire," he said to his friend who beeped before climbing off his body and scaling down the building quietly. In less than a minute Jaden had constructed a makeshift bomb, while the circuits of the power cell were fused there was still fuel inside so he could still make use of it this way, however, he wouldn't have much time between throwing it and the bomb detonating.

Jaden jumped down quietly to a lower pipe that was behind the small gang, there were around seven of them though only three of them looked armed. At this moment he wished he'd equipped SD8 with better weapons as the blasters he'd equipped him with were only really suited to animals, though those were the only ones he could find at the time.

"Alright here we go," he said before throwing the bomb, as it clunked onto the metal ground a few of the members turned around to see the power cell rolling towards them. It ended up hitting one of their feet and he reached down to pick it up, however before he could the bomb went off and while it wasn't big it managed to force most of them off their feet. SD8 immediately started firing at them from above and Jaden jumped down from the pipe and rushed towards the helpless Twi'lek on the ground. A few of them were still up and Jaden knew he'd have to take them down quickly, every second counted in this situation.

Jaden jumped up and drop-kicked the first man while he grabbed the second man's head while still midair. The first man was kicked into a wall while the second one got his head slammed into the floor, Jaden groaned slightly as he felt his bones protest at such strenuous activity. He got up however and quickly rushed towards the girl "Come on let's go!" He shouted while grabbing her hand, however, as he went to run with her she gripped him with both hands and stopped him from running.

"What are you doing we need to go!" He said desperately as he turned back around. However, as he did he had a moment of realisation as he saw the malicious smile on her face 'How could I have been so stupid,' he thought to himself as he tried to pull his hand back. He couldn't help but feel a massive surge of anger both at himself and the people in front of him as they got up from the ground blasters pointed at him, though a few at taken to firing at the spot where SD8 was. He slammed his fist into the girl breaking her nose and making her loosen her grip on his arm before kicking her away, though before he could do anything else he was tackled into the wall by one of the others more followed and they had him pinned against the wall.

A rough-looking human who was sung from the explosion walked up to him as he struggled to get out of their grasp "Looks like we are eating well tonight boys!" He said before laughing in a disturbing high-pitched wail. Jaden tried struggling but even with his enhanced body the group of men were able to overpower him, a few of the others were still shooting at SD8 "Get off me!" He said as he tried pushing them away, his desperation increased as the leader of the gang brought out a Vibro knife and was about to gut him.

"Stop it! Get off!"


A massive shockwave of force exploded out of Jaden the whole gang were thrown a dozen metres away before hitting the metal walls and pipping on the opposite side. Jaden breathed heavily as he tried to calm himself down but it was no good his anger was overwhelming him and he walked over towards the leader of the gang who was just about to gut him and reached out clenching his fists. The human was grabbed off the ground and lifted into the air, he grasped his throat as he started to choke while Jaden just looked at him callously.


His lifeless body hit the ground and Jaden got to work scavenging their bodies, he grinned as he managed to find a personal data pad on the leader, he opened it up and had a look at where he was. It looked as if he was a few levels down, luckily there was a republic checkpoint close by, of course, they wouldn't let him pass without any identification but he reckoned he could sneak in their transport and get back up, maybe even hitch a ride to the surface.

Jaden stood back up straight "SD you okay buddy?" He asked as he looked up to where the little droid was positioned.

"Beep Boop beep beep beep!"

"You're right I'm sorry I'll make sure to ask sooner next time," he said as he signalled for the droid to follow him.


"Master... this place is quite ominous," a young Padawan said as he walked with his master through the slums of Coruscant, they had been assigned a mission by Master Windu to find a force sensitive that they believed to be on this level. But right now all they had found was creatures and criminals.

"I sense it too Darben, there is a disturbance in the force coming from somewhere on this level." He replied as a frown marred his face. While he did not want to doubt the abilities of Grandmaster Yoda, he had not sensed any kind of force sensitive on this level. The only feeling he'd been getting was a Dark and Ominous one, one which he'd have to report to the council as soon as he got back from attempting to find the force sensitive though how a child survived down here was a mystery to him.


"I see them."

Master Quel quickly ignited his lightsaber as blasters fired on them from hidden alcoves in the street, his green blade deflected each of the shots effortlessly. The ambushers screamed and yelled out as both Master and Apprentice made short work of them, Master Quel then flipped over one of the attackers before reversing his grip and stabbing him in the back.

The fight was quickly over though

Padawan Darben looked concerned as he crouched down and had a look at the culprits, they all had pulsating black growths on their bodies. When he reached out to touch them his wrist was grabbed by his Master who shook his head "Best leave those alone, that is no normal infection," his Master stated. His concern was growing even more as those pulsating masses were radiating dark side energy, which was something he'd never seen or heard of before. He reached for his communicator though as he attempted to activate it he saw he was getting no signal 'Our communications are being jammed... but by who?' He thought to himself before putting it away.

"Come Padawan we must leave, the force sensitive will have to wait there is more going on down here than meets the eye," His Master said though before he could explain any further he sensed another disturbance, one that his Padawan also sensed as they both ignited their lightsabers.

"You're right... there is more going on here... more than you could imagine, which is why you won't be leaving," a dark ominous voice said from further down the street. Down in the lower levels, the lightning got progressively worse until you had to rely on your light source to navigate.

Master Quel tightened his grip on his lightsaber as he pointed it forward "Show yourself!" He said sternly.

"Very well..." the voice replied.


The sound of a lightsaber igniting caught their attention and a red blade was now shining in the dark. Master Quel was concerned that he'd have to fight a Sith warrior but between himself and his apprentice, they should prevail.








Jaden had been in the shadows walking towards his destination, he'd managed to avoid everyone until he reached what looked like a large-scale battle that had taken place as there were burn marks on the ground and walls as well as a lot of dented metal and destroyed terrain. In the centre were two dead men, though what was curious was that there were no wounds on their bodies.

He approached them and in each of their hands was a cylindrical device, he had to peel back their fingers but once he did he grabbed the surprisingly heavy device, on the side was a button and once he pressed it a green beam of light shot out of the end "Lightsaber!" He said to himself in awe, he waved it around before turning it off and inspecting the dead Jedi. One of them was a human male, he wasn't very big Jaden was probably around the same size as him despite the man's apparent age, and the other one was a younger human. Jaden guessed that this was a Jedi Master and his Padawan, though he could only speculate on whether they were here for him or not.

He deactivated the lightsaber and crouched down looking at the two Jedi and for a moment he paused, then his mind began to race with possibilities 'No one would ever question me if I was a Jedi, especially not with the war going on...' he thought to himself as a smile spread across his face. He inspected the bodies and was once again puzzled as he couldn't find out what the cause of death was, it seemed like they just... died.

Stripping the corpse of what he presumed to be the master he took off his clothes and put them on but he made sure to keep his backpack full of credits under his robe, he couldn't bring himself to get rid of so much money. He took both lightsabers and clipped one to the front of his belt while he concealed the second, he now just had to move the bodies somewhere out of sight. He lifted his hand and tried to grasp their bodies with force and while he was able to for some reason they wouldn't budge. He tried again greatly straining himself to move the bodies but they wouldn't lift, it had been so easy before when he reached out and grabbed the other man and snapped his neck, so he wasn't sure why it was suddenly so difficult.

He sighed before giving up and dragging them by their feet off the street and into a small shack, they'd be found eventually or what would most likely happen is that they'd be eaten. But it wasn't Jaden's problem he would be long gone well before anything could be traced to him. He crushed both of their communicators under his foot and he quickly left the scene heading for the checkpoint.

It didn't take him long to reach the checkpoint as it was pretty much built like a fortress, for the lower levels checkpoints became more about keeping things in than letting them out, though nowadays the checkpoints were all manned by clones who couldn't be bribed and would shoot with no hesitation.

"Halt! Identify yourself!" A clone shouted from the stop the wall, the dozen or so Clones defending this section all had their blasters trained on him.

Jaden held his hand up "Stand down Troopers I am Jedi Knight Jaden Katarn," he said holding his lightsaber up.

"Stand down!" The Clone Commander shouted as the ray shield that blocked the entrance to the checkpoint was deactivated. Jaden walked in while clipping his lightsaber back to his belt, his heart was beating out of his chest though he was doing a good job of schooling his features.

"Sir!" The Clone Commander saluted Jaden as he walked into the checkpoint. "I wasn't aware there were any Jedi down here other than General Quel and Commander Darben."

"I wasn't originally on this level but my investigation led me down here, now I need to get back to the surface, will that be a problem Commander?" Jaden stated trying his best to emulate what he imagined a Jedi might be.

The Clone saluted again "No Sir please follow me!" He replied and he led Jaden through the checkpoint. They quickly arrived at the edge of the level, Jaden could see thousands of levels up and down as a massive circular space was carved out to allow ships to move between levels easily.

Jaden stepped onto the ship they had stationed and sat down "Where to sir?" The pilot asked.

"The temple," Jaden replied as he couldn't think of anywhere else that wouldn't seem suspicious, he could get his bearings once he was on the surface. The excitement started to fill his heart as this would be the first time he'd be on the surface and not seeing it through a holo screen.

The ship started to move and Jaden could no longer contain the grin he'd been suppressing, things had gone from bad to worse to better than he could've imagined in such a short space of time. Jaden leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes finally taking a moment to rest when he heard the pilot get an alert.

"Sir we've gotten orders for all non-essential troops to make their way to the Venator Class Cruiser Defender and await for further orders." The pilot stated as he turned the ship up and increased speed.

Jaden cursed to himself "Is that necessary trooper, I do need to report to the council as soon as I can," He reasoned trying to get back on course.

The pilot shook his head "I'm afraid you'll have to use the communicator on the ship, these orders come straight from the Chancellor." The pilot explained removing any opportunity for argument. Jaden just sat there as he considered the predicament he was now in, if he didn't find a way to escape he'd be found out or worse he'd end up being drafted into a war he wanted nothing to do with.


(AN: Alright so here is my three chapter introduction for my new fic, finally done, btw the people who killed the Jedi and how they were killed will feature in a future arc though you're welcome to guess. Also I have mentioned certain things about Jaden that are different than a regular person, feel free to speculate on that too. I'm open to harem suggestions though I'll have to make Ahsoka part of it cause I just do.)

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