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Capítulo 36: Telling Dora Everything

Everyone was wondering what Agustus would do next.

He raised his right hand, and most of the third years closed their eyes, fearing the worst. In their minds, Hermione was going to get the same treatment as Ash Bruke.

But Agustus did something unexpected. He patted Hermione's head like he was petting a cute dog.

Hermione, who had seen Agustus's hand raised, was terrified and closed her eyes. She felt a hand on her head and looked up to see Agustus smiling at her. She was confused.

"You're one curious cat, aren't you, Miss Granger?" Agustus said. "You should learn to mind your own business. Not everyone is as kind and forgiving as me."

Everyone in the Great Hall looked confused at first, but after hearing Agustus, they just gave him a deadpan expression.

Agustus who had beaten the shit out of a fifth year was patting a girl?

Dora, on the other hand, was enjoying the show. She didn't like her boyfriend patting another girl, though. She looked annoyed and thought of punching him in the Room of Requirement.

She didn't know what Agustus had done, and she was in for a lot of trouble. She might outright break Agustus's bones when she finds out.

Agustus ignored them all and looked at Hermione, who had forgotten that Agustus was still patting her. He said, "So, Miss Granger, do you really want to know what punishment I got for beating a student in the Great Hall in front of everyone?"

In the Great Hall of Hogwarts, everyone wanted to know that. Some students even nodded.

Hermione, who was still being patted, nodded at him. She was still lost in what was happening. She had ignored his hand the entire time.

Agustus then stopped patting her head and paused for a second. He spread his hands outwards, smiled at her, and said, "Nothing."

Hermione tilted her head cutely and repeated, "Nothing?"

Agustus nodded his head.

Everyone was silent, knowing this. There was not much reaction to this, as most students already knew that.

Hermione realized what he said and asked, "But how? The Headmaster should have given you a punishment, right? You're just a student, how did you avoided that?"

Agustus sighed and looked into her eyes. He spoke in a calm but cold tone, "Miss Granger, let me ask you a hypothetical question. Suppose a prime minister was elected by the votes of the cabinet ministers, and someone wanted to become the prime minister. What would he have to do?"

Hermione answered quickly. "He would have to persuade them to vote for him, just like in the British parliament."

Agustus chuckled and nodded. "Correct. Now, suppose the candidate succeeded and became the prime minister. Would he act against the interests of the cabinet minister who gave him that position?"

Hermione thought for a moment and said, "No, of course not. But... the other cabinet ministers would protest if he did, right?"

Agustus glanced around the room and said, "I don't hear anyone, do you?"

She followed his gaze and saw the other students avoiding eye contact with her. They were all terrified of him and his power.

Agustus smiled at her and said, "Miss Granger, you are a smart girl. You should know better than to meddle in things that don't concern you." He waved his hand dismissively and added, "Now, run along and mind your own business."

Hermione, who looked back into Agustus's eyes, understood that this was the line that she should not cross. She still bravely huffed at him and glared at him defiantly.

Agustus, who saw this, grabbed her Little nose and said, "Now go back, all right? I don't want a cute girl like you to lose her nose, you already know Headmaster won't punish me."

She looked at him for a second and said, "Don't bully me. Let go of my nose or I will go to professor McGonagall."

Agustus didn't let go her nose, seeing this she hurriedly said "alright I would go back, please let go. I'm sorry" she looked at him teary eyed.

Agustus sighs again he didn't wanted to make her cry but the girl is so rigid, and let go of her nose and Hermione started walking back to her gryffindor table rubbing her red nose. Agustus returned to the Slytherin table.

As Hermione reached her table, Ron was smugly looking at her. Hermione, on the other hand, was really angry. Nobody had talked to her like that before. He had patted her like a dog and grabbed her nose. Looking at Ron, she didn't stop at the table and went back to the Gryffindor common room as she didn't wanted to talk to him.

Ron, who was quite happy with Agustus's answer, looked at Harry and said, "Told you, mate. Slytherin wizards are all evil, and the heir Peverell was known as the prince of Slytherin House. How much black magic can he do? We can't imagine."

Harry, who saw Hermione going to the common room, nodded at Ron.

Agustus sat down between his friends, to which George said to him, "It seems our violent prince has lost his touch."

"You're right, George. Did you see him? He was patting a first year girl who questioned him. Where did the angry, young Agustus go?" Said Fred

"I remember young Agustus would've talked like 'How dare you talk to me like that' and proceed to beat them" said George

Seeing the twins making fun of him, he looked at them with a blank expression and said "what do you think of me? I don't go beating around 11 year old girls and she asked out of curiosity alright, which you already saw in train.", Hearing him, Cedric and the twins laughed at him.

Meanwhile, Dora looked at Agustus with the same blank expression. Agustus looked at her and smiled mischievously. He kissed her on the cheek and ran away.

Dora, who was stunned, got angry at him and chased him out of the great hall.

The students in the Great Hall paid no attention to them as they ran past the tables. This had happened too many times for anyone to care.

Agustus, who was being chased by Dora, turned around and grabbed her hand. He dragged her towards the door that led to the Room of Requirement.

Dora, who wanted to talk to Agustus, complied with him and ran along. She wondered what he was up to this time.

As they reached the door, it opened for them and they entered the Room of Requirement. Agustus let go of her hand and looked around. The room had transformed into a cozy lounge with a fireplace, a couch, and a bookshelf.

Dora wasted no time and punched him in the stomach. Agustus barely flinched. He was used to her temper.

She glared at him and said, "So you are now patting girls in front of me?"

Agustus smirked and said, "Oh, and what are you going to do about it?"

Dora gave him the same smirk and said, "I'm going to tell mom about this. She's going to give you a sermon."

Agustus sighed and hugged Dora. She wasn't expecting the hug and was a little surprised, but she didn't push him away. She wrapped her arms around him and returned his hug.

Agustus held her tightly and said, "I want to talk to you about something."

Dora, who was now a little anxious, said, "About what?"

Agustus felt guilty of breaking her trust, but he didn't regret anything he did. He loved Narcissa and there was no two ways about it.

He gathered his courage and said, "You have an aunt, right?"

Dora relaxed a little in his embrace and said, "Oh, is it about that? I was worried for a bit, you idiot. Yes, my mother had two sisters. One is in Azkaban and the other is married to the Malfoys."

Agustus lifted both of them off the ground and flew them to the couch. He laid Dora on top of him, as they continued their hug.

Dora paused and settled in his arms. She continued, "But I've never met her. The Malfoys and the Blacks despised my mother for marrying dad. But why are you asking me about her?"

Agustus looked into Dora's eyes and said, "Well, you know I'm part vampire, right?"

Dora nodded. "You told me that on my eleventh birthday. You said you were descended from Ancient Vampire Drakul."

Agustus then proceeded to tell her about the mate system and soulmates.

Dora listened to him with a smile, but her eyes had a dangerous look. She said, "So you're telling me I'm not your soulmate, and you have two soulmates. I'm not one of them. You're playing with me. You'll leave me when you find them. Right?"

She tried to break free from Agustus's grasp and run out, but Agustus held her in place firmly.

She had tears running down her face by the end. Agustus felt really bad and said, "Do you really think I would leave you?"

She looked into his eyes and calmed down a little. She wiped her tears with his robes. She had said those words in anger, but she knew he wouldn't leave her. He loved her.

She looked at him in anger and said, "So what? You think I would want to be with a guy who is going to marry two girls?"

Agustus looked at her and kissed her forehead. She didn't resist. She had stopped resisting him a long time ago. He said, "Oh, but I'm going to marry three girls, you know. Including you."

Dora looked at Agustus's shamelessness and said, "But I'm not going to marry you. Let me go."

Agustus then smiled at her and removed his hands. He said, "If that's what you want, you can go out of that door and I won't stop you. But know this, I love you. The moment you go out of that door, you won't be able to see me again. I know what I'm doing to you is painful and it hurts me too. I wanted to save you, not hurt you. So you can go now."

He sat down on the couch. He didn't show his emotions. His occlumency was running in full power. The pain he felt saying those words was like someone had shot his heart with an AR.

Dora was a crying mess. She slapped Agustus, multiple times with her morphed hand, she used her powers to make a hugh fist. She punched him. He didn't fight back or protect himself with his Power of Destruction.

After a few minutes of beating, Dora's hands were bruised. Agustus healed them with his POD and kissed her knuckles.

She looked at his beaten face that she loved. She brought his face closer and looked into his eyes.

She took his lips fiercely. She bit on them. She tasted his blood. Her hands were wrapped around his neck tightly, as if he would leave if she let them loose.

Agustus was taken by surprise when Dora kissed him back passionately. They stayed locked in a heated embrace for a few minutes, until she pulled away and headbutted him lightly.

"If you ever say something like that again, I'm going to beat you up again and you will have broken bones next time," she said, her eyes shining with tears. "I'm never leaving you, okay? Saving me? You've ruined me, you idiot. I can't live without you."

Agustus smiled tenderly at her and said, "I love you, Dora."

She smiled back at him and said, "I love you too, but I hate you, you idiot."

Agustus chuckled and said, "How does that even work?"

She laughed and said, "I don't know. It just does."

Dora then looked at him seriously and said, "So, that first year is your soulmate?"

Agustus waved his hand dismissively and said, "Nope, she's not. But she's like a cute cat, I'll give her that."

Dora then punched him on the gut, making him groan.

"Heal yourself, and I have some conditions before we go further," she said, crossing her arms.

Agustus healed himself with POD and looked at Dora earnestly. "Dora, I will accept your conditions if I agree with them, but I won't ask for your permission to talk to a girl, you understand that, right?"

She nodded and said, "Fine, but you're going to marry me first, you're not going to neglect me, and... and..."

She looked shy and Agustus said, "And what?"

She blushed and said, "You're going to sleep with me first."

Agustus felt a surge of desire and pulled her closer. "That's not a condition, that's a reward," he said, before capturing her lips again.

After half an hour of kisses after the fight, She hugged him and said, "I will talk to mom and dad about this. I will have to convince both of them, and dad might try to kill you, scratch that he will definitely want to kill you. Mom would be kind of happy, she would have more daughters, as she considers you as her son, I think she has few screw loose, are all Black's like her? So, did you find out who your first soulmate is?"

Agustus then scratched his right cheek with his right hand and smiled awkwardly. "About that, huh? It's your aunt Narcissa."

She didn't respond for few seconds after that, Dora's mouth hung open and she shouted, "What the f*ck!?"


The longest chapter I have written, already apologise for typos, will fix them.


Vote for Which fic you would like to read?

1. Harry Potter fic with OP character, No Harem, but fast paced.

2. Titanic fanfic, smashing Winslet, saving our little bro jack. More of wish fulfilment. Normal paced.

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