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Capítulo 4: Duel For Something More.

Time 09:00 PM.

''You both were awesome! you kicked their but!'' said the Blue Haired boy named Syrus.

''Yeah, it was totally Lisious!'' (Can´t spell it Lol, sue me.)

The gang was on their way back to thier doorm, Kyle was tired meanwhile Jaden seems to have infinite energy. lisious

''I think i will go to bed guys, thanks for the help Jaden.''

''It´s cool, not everyday when you get to tag duel and kick som Obelisk butt in the process.''

Jaden, Chumly and Syrus said goodbye to Kyle and went inside thier room.

"Do you think Kyle will be okay after today Jaden?" Syrus asked.

"That guy is a gonna be fine, you saw how he and Jaden won against the Obelisks." continued Chumley.

"It´s no big deal Sy, Kyle and i hade a good time. I saw it in his eyes that he was enjoying himself. i can´t wait to duel him some day!" Jaden explained his idea.

"Are you seriously going to challenge him? Have you seen how he duels?" It reminded him of Syrus.

"Yes, I know how strong he can be, but I don't back down, on the contrary it makes me want to challenge him. And then you know me, I never back down from a challenge." Jaden said smiling before being followed by his friends who also smiled at their friend.

"Well, if you're sure Jaden, then show him what you're capable of." Encouraged Syrus.

"Show him who you are." Chumley continued.

"Ha ha, I knew you'd understand me. Well, now it's time to go to sleep. Although I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep with the urge to duel that found me again." Jaden said before going to sleep to be followed by Syrus and Chumley.

What they didn't know though was that Kyle was outside their room door, listening to all of their talk.

"(I too can't wait to duel with you Jaden. It probably be a blast too)" thought Kyle as he tipped his hat to hide a smile of enthusiasm as he walked back to his room.



Time 10:00 AM.

It had been a couple of days since that scene with Crowler in class and the duel from the seniors of Obelisk Dorm. He has since been labeled a troublemaker, by both students and teachers from the Obelisk dorm. But he didn't care what others thought of him, he was to focused to get good grade and to go pro.

In these days he had dueled using his new built deck he had against other Obelisks and some yellow Ra. Except for Bastion and he couldn´t find Zane.

He had accumulated a huge amount of duel points that he didn't even use. He used them at most every now and then to buy packs of cards or to buy some sandwiches to eat, which he get´s unlucky everytime.

''Ugh, What is this green stuff? this can´t be food.''

After working on his deck and ate his mystery sandwich, Kyle decided to go out to get some air and take a walk before the next class. Leaving the room he noticed Jaden returning, along with Syrus and Chumley as usual. He decided to go to him to talk.

"Hey Jaden." greeted Kyle.

"Oh, hey Kyle, what are you doing here after class?" Jaden returned the greeting.

"Nothing special, just focusing on my deck, did anything interesting happen?" he asked.

''Naw nothing special, saw Chazz being Chazz again, nothing special.''

''Man, i wish to get a sandwish everytime he says Slifer Slackes, i would never worry about food again.'' Said Chumly.

Everyone laughed and after a few moments of laughter with his friend, Jaden pulled himself together, remembering why he'd already returned to the dorm.

''Oh yeah, Someone wanted to meet you!''

Kyle got confused on who wanted to meet him? then footsteps were heard approaching the group. When they turned around they saw that approaching was a girl with dark blond hair and hazel eyes, wearing an Obelisk blue girls uniform.

"So you're Kyle. The Slifer Newcomer who has earned the hatred of nearly every Obelisk blue in the academy." Said the girl turning to him with a stern look.

Kyle was unresponsive. He kept his gaze fixed on her.

Seeing things heating up between the two, Jaden stepped in between them. "Oh right, you guys don't know each other. Kyle, this is Alexis Rhodes. She's a very good duelist. I know since i dueled her."

Kyle smiled, of course he knew Alexis Rhodes, she was the girl in the group that was with Jaden´s advanture alot.

"Tell me one thing. Why are you so aggressive against the Obelisk blue." Alexis asked seriously.

Kyle got confused at first but in a few seconds he answered. "I'm just putting them in their place They think they're the best for grades they have when they don't even earn it fairly."

"Even if that were the case, that's no reason to act this way," she replied.

Kyle looked at her seriously, ''Then tell me, what should of i have done? let them teach me a lesson? let them bully others becase of their ego of being an Obelsik Blue?''

Alexis was stunned by Kyle´s respond, she had no retort to this becase she know he was right, if she was in the same situation, she would do the same.

Seeing that the situation was getting even worse between the two, Jaden stepped between them once more. "Hey, Kyle. Since Alexis is here, why not duel her!"

Both Kyle and Alexis looked at Jaden with confusion, as Jaden suddenly dragged Kyle out of his room, ''Come on! a duel always makes it better, also to tell you i was right for telling you she was good.''

Both Kyle and Alexis looked at each other, both agreeing to what Jaden said and went outside.

Both of them went to their corner and prepared thier Duel Disks,

''Im ready when you are!''

''Lady´s first.'' Smiled Kyle.

''How kind.''


Alexis: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 5]

Kyle: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 5]

"(I had heard rumors of a Slifer red duelist causing trouble and beating the Obelisks in a duel. So I came to see him in person to understand what was going on, i should of known that it was Kyle, he was a suprise at the exams and we did witness his duel with Jaden against our seniors, however i wanted to experiance his skills for myself.)" was Alexis thinking.

Alexis Turn.

''I draw, First i summon my *Cyber Gymnast* in defence mode, then i place 2 card facedown and end my turn.''

[Cyber Gymnast]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 800]

[Defence: 1800]

Kyle´s Turn.

''My move then, Draw, i first summon my *Mystic Tomato* in defence mode, then also place 2 card facedown. i end my turn.''

[Mystic Tomato]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 1400]

[Defence: 1100]

''Who do you think will win Jaden?'' asked Syrus.

''Who knows, both are very good duelists.''

Alexis: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 3]

Kyle: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 3]

Alexis Turn.

''Since you won´t go on the offence, i will i draw! i summon my *Etoile Cyber* in attack mode.''

[Etoile Cyber]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 1200]

[Defence: 1600]

''*Etoile Cyber* attack his *Mystic Tomato*!''

*Etoile Cyber* made a dancing spin attack and destroyed *Mystic Tomato*.

''I activate my *Mystic Tomato* special ability, when it is destroyed in battle, i can special summon a dark attribute monster from my deck, as long as it´s attack points is 1500 or below, i summon another *Mystic Tomato* in attack mode!''

''Well done, to bad he won´t be out much longer, i activate the special ability of my *Cyber Gymnast*, i can discard a card to destroy a monster that is in attack position, i discard my *Cyber Tutu* to destroy your Tomato!''

*Cyber Gymnast* jumps at Kyle´s *Mystic Tomato* and drop kick it and destroys it.

''With that i end my turn.''

''Wow, she just turned it around by sending them to the graveyard with her ability, making Kyle unable to summon any more monster using his Tomato´s special ability.'' said Syrus.

Kyle´s Turn.

''Impressive, however this game is far from over, i draw, first i activate my *Foolish Burial*, this card allows me to send any monster from my deck to the card graveyard and i choose my *Skull Servant*.

The trio watched Kyle´s play and got confused, ''What is he planning? why send his weak *Skull Servant* to the graveyard? anyone?'' asked Syrus.

Chumly just ate his sandwish at the duel and just skaked his head.

''No idea Sy, but whatever it is might not be good on Alexis.''

Kyle smiled, ''I then activate my facedown, *Call Of The Haunted* this allows me to summon any monster from my card graveyard and i choose my recent sent *Skull Servant*.''

[Skull Servant]

[Normal Monster]


[Attack: 300]

[Defence: 200]

''Im not done yet, i activate my other facedown, *Inferno Reckless Summon** when a monster was special summoned on my side of the field with the attack power of 1500 or below, i can special summon as many of that monster to the field, making me summon another 2 *Skull Servant* from my deck.''

''However, this allows me to do the same and i choose my *Cyber Gymnast* and as you summoned the monster, i activate my facedown, *Treacherous Trap Hole* this card allows me to destroy 2 monster on the field, however, in order to be able to use this card, i cannot have any trap cards in my graveyard.''

Kyle was suprised, looks like she knew his strategy, maybe she thought he had *Moisture Creature* in hand which would help him send his *Skull Servant´s* to the graveyard and also whipe her facedown.

''You are good Alexis, to think you knew i was planning.'' Said Kyle as he was faking it.

''Not much to think about, you used a similar strategy in the fight against Obelisk Seniors and almost made the same move everytime.''

''I see you have studied me, well let me suprise you, first i activate my spell card, *Lightning Wortex*, by discarding 1 card from my hand, i destroy all face-up monsters on your side of the field.''

''What!?'' said Alexis in suprise and saw lightning came from the sky and went towards her monster, destroying them at their place.

''looks like you are wide open Alexis.''

''Well i wouldn´t be so smug, you only have *Skull Servant* which has only 300 attack, that small amount of damage is not much to look at.''

''True, however i still have 1 card in my hand, i summon my *King Of The Skull Servant´s* in attack mode!''

[King Of The Skull Servants]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: ?]

[Defence: 0]

''What, it wasn´t *Moisture Creature in your hand!?''

Jaden and Chumly looked suprised at Kyle´s new monster, ''What kind of monster is that? isn´t it another Skull Servant?''

''Oh yeah, You came late to the exam Jaden, so you wouldn´t know, this is the card that helped Kyle win his duel in the exams.''

''Oh it´s more then that student´s.''

The trio looked back and saw Proffesor Banner, walking towards them.

''You see student's, this card is a rare card indeed, but it was not seen much play since it´s ability is linked to the weak monster *Skull Servant*, making it very hard to use and seen ussless by many.''

''But why Proffesor Banner?''

''As you can see, It looks like another *Skull Servant* monster, making it not as impressiv as other monsters, Like Kaiba´s *Blue-Eyes White Dragon* Or like *Dark Magician*.''

''So you are saying that becase it looked like *Skull Servant* people didn´t looked at it´s value, making them discard it? that´s messed up!''

''That is life my student´s, however im suprised that a student is using it, since all of them was discarded as a weak card.''

''I activate my *King Of The Skull Servant´s* special ability, for every *Skull Servant´s* in my graveyard, he gains 1000 attack points, making his attack 2000! *Skull Servant* and *King Of The Skull Servant*, attack Alexis directly.''

As the skeletons charges at Alexis, and was about to strike, ''Not so fast, i activate my facedown, *Negate Attack* as what the card says it negates your attack, ending the battle phase.''

''Oh well, I end my turn.''

Alexis: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 2]

Kyle: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 0]

Alexis Turn.

''My move then, draw, i activate my *Graceful Charity* this card allows me to draw 3 cards as long as i discard 2, i discard my *Blade Skater* and *Kanan The Swordmistress*, however they won´t be gone for long, i activate *Dark Factory Of Mass Production* this card allows me to add 2 normal monster from my graveyard and i add the card i discarded, then i summon my *Kanan The Swordmistress* in defence mode, after that i place 2 card facedown and end my turn.''

[Kanan The Swordmistress]

[Normal Monster]


[Attack: 1400]

[Defence: 1400]

Kyle´s Turn.

''My turn then, i draw! *King Of The Skull Servant*, attack her monster!''

As the *King Of The Skull Servant* attacked, destroying it as well, ''*Skull Servant, Attack her directly!

Alexis: [300 - 4000 = 3700] Life Points (LP)

''I place one card facedown and end my turn.''

''(He is good, every move has been well thought, i have to get through somehow.)''

Alexis Turn.

''I draw! i activate *Pot Of Greed* this allows me to draw 2 cards, then i activate my *Polymerization*, Fusing my *Blade Skater* and my *Etoile Cyber* to fusion summon my *Cyber Blader*!

[Cyber Blader]

[Fusion Effect Monster]


[Attack: 2100]

[Defence: 800]

''Oh that´s Alexis Ace Monster!'' said Jaden

''Kyle might be in trouble.'' said Syrus

''I activate my *Cyber Blader* special ability, depends on how many monster you have she gets an ability, since you have 1 monster she can´t be destroyed in battle, if you have 2 monsters, her attack power is doubled making her attack power to 4200 but im not done, i activate my facedown, *Fusion Weapon! i can equip only to fusion monster that is level 6 or below giving them 1500 attack points, making her attack power at 5700!''

''Oh no! if she attack his *Skull Servant* Kyle lose!?'' said Chumly.

*Cyber Blader*, attack his *Skull Servant* and finish this duel!''

As her attack was about to hit Kyle´s monster, she saw Kyle Smiling, ''(What is he planning?''

''I activate my facedown, *Crush Card Virus*, With this i can tribute one dark attribute monster with 1000 or less attack points. i picke my *Skull Servant*, Now all of the monster in your hand and on the field with 1500 or more attack points are destroyed and for the next three turns when you draw cards, you have to show me the card and and if it is a monster with 1500 or more attack points you have you have to send it to the graveyard." He explained, when his monster that looked like skeleton with robes disappeared. The trap card shooted small viruses, which infected Alexis monster, destroying it in the process.

''Oh no!?''

''Since another Skull Servant is in the graveyard, my *King Of The Skull Servant* gains another 1000 attack points, making it´s attack power 3000!''

''I... end my turn.''

Alexis: [3700] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 0]

Kyle: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 0]

Kyle´s Turn.

''My move, i draw, im sorry to say this is over Alexis, I summon my *Goblin Zombie* in attack mode.''

[Goblin Zombie]

[Effect Monster]



[Defence: 1050]

''*Goblin Zombie* and *King Of The Skull Servant* attack Alexis Directly!''

As both monster attack Alexis, winning him the duel. ''Aghhh!!!'' Alexis: [0] Life Points (LP)

As the duel was over, they heard clapping from the trio and Proffesor Banner.

''Proffesor Banner, When did you show up?'' asked Kyle as they walked towards them.

''I showed up in the middle but didn´t want to interupte the duel, very well played.''

''That was awesome you guys, you both were very impressive, i can´t wait to duel myself!'' Said Jaden with urge to duel.

The trio praised both of them which made Kyle embarresed for abit and looked at Alexis who was abit down after the duel, ''Well you are good Alexis, thanks for the duel, about the thing with the Obelisk Student´s, i know not everyone is like that, but i can´t just ignore when someone get´s bullied, as much as we are duelists, we are also people, many thing can get us down as much as we can get up.''

''Alexis looked at Kyle for a few second and smiled, ''I understand, you are a good duelist Kyle, i hope we get to duel more in the future.''

Kyle saw her stretch her hand forward which Kyle also did and both handshakes about it.

''By the way, You still had one card facedown, What was it?''

''Heh, it was another *Polymerization* i was trying to bait you to not attack me but looks like i didn´t think this through.'' as she said that with an embaressed smile.

''I told you Kyle, she is a good duelist.'' said Jaden with a smug face.

Everyone laughed with Jaden for his confident smile and walked togetrher toward the class.


Yo guys, hope i got the chapter more correct, i will hope you like the change.

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