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67.74% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 83: Chapter 30 Part 5

Capítulo 83: Chapter 30 Part 5

I smirked as I looked back at Guy. The two of us had been exchanging blows for several hours now, though neither of us had received much damage. Sometimes I would land a stray punch, other times Guy would. Our wounds were already completely healed with Infinite Regeneration.

Our clothing is also quite damaged at this point, and that's saying something seeing as both of our outfits were God Grade Equipment created with Material Creation.

Of course my energy levels were still topped off.

Heh, why don't I give him a taste of his own medicine? Let's see how he liked dealing with those annoying Spiritrons.

I pull on the faith of my subordinates and begin to cast the Holy Magic Disintegration, except I focus the Magic into my arm. All of this takes place within milliseconds.

I hold my arm to my side and then swing it as if my arm is a sword. "Excaliburrrrrr!" I yell out.

A large beam of pure light was sent out from my arm towards Guy. The beam I just sent was capable of disintegrating someone down to their very soul.

Yes, I wanted to recreate Artoria's famous move, sue me.

Of course there was no sword used in this since weapons were banned from this fight.

The ray of Disintegration consumed Guy's Magic that he sent at me, right as it's about to hit Guy he teleports to the side.

Something that I expected seeing as I planned to get truly serious now instead of the games we were playing before. Now I decided to pull out the big guns.

I had Odin activate Future Attack Prediction which could also be used to predict Guy's own movements.

I followed the rays of light which only I could see showing me where exactly Guy would appear.

Throughout this entire process I have continued to draw on Satanael, at this point I was using about 70% of its power, something even Milim would be wary of.

Right when Guy appeared at the predicted spot I landed the perfect punch right on his face causing a sonic boom as I sent him flying. Of course that punch wasn't one that would take him out for the count so I followed him at my max speed and began giving him a barrage of punches which he wasn't able to properly defend against.

Each time he would attempt to block I would read it with Future Attack Prediction and target somewhere else.

He was acquiring more and more wounds, but he was healing just as quickly. My attacks were even damaging his Spiritual Body seeing as my punches were being reinforced by Satanael.

All of a sudden a far more intense Aura began seeping out of Guy, an Aura I recognized. I needed no warning as my Ultra Instinct blared at me. I quickly attempted to teleport back trying to avoid his predicted attack.

Unfortunately even with my Thought Acceleration I was unable to react on time and was punched straight in the face and sent flying into the very edge of the barrier before catching myself.

Thankfully I didn't have to deal with the inevitable pain such an attack would cause thanks to Pain Nullification.

I focused back onto Guy who was radiating a crimson Aura, I could tell he was getting angry.

Of course he has Satanael, it doesn't surprise me that he copied it from Milim, it's a busted Skill after all. That also means he has Magicule Breeder Reactor. And it looks like he already activated Satanael to at least 70%. He's still sane but I'm not going to rely on him to not take things too far.

Heh, that's perfect, I haven't had a life or death fight like this in a long long time.

"Heh, I guess that's enough of holding back on you Felix, get ready." Guy said as he took his stance.

"Sure sure." I smirked at him.

Unfortunately before we could resume or fight we were uninterrupted.


Guy froze, I was only able to prevent myself from being frozen thanks to a timely warning from Odin and Ultra Instinct.

I turned to look at Velzard who I noticed watching us for some time now. Before she was on the other side of the barrier but for some reason she wanted to stop this spar of ours.

Velzard looked at me with interest. "You weren't affected, hmm? I wasn't going all out but still impressive."

She turned to look back at Guy and she sighed. "You weren't even able to sense my attack incoming Guy, that should be more than enough to tell you that you are close to losing yourself to that Skill. Besides this barrier you placed is beginning to break, it isn't meant to contain such a high level battle, and I don't want my castle that I spent so much work designing to be ruined for the second time."

Right after she finished talking Guy broke out of her attack as he visibly reigned in his Aura.

Ultimate Skill: Gabriel, Lord of Patience analyzed.

Ultimate Skill: Gabriel, Lord of Patience acquisition successful.

The moment I acquired Gabriel I could feel something had changed, before I even got the chance to figure out what happened I was interrupted,

'Query. Can Odin use the Ultimate Skill: Gabriel, Lord of Patience to upgrade the Ultimate Skill: Ouroboros, Lord of Infinity?'

'Hmm? If you think it is worthwhile then sure Odin, I trust you.'

If Odin thinks something will help me, I don't doubt that she will be correct. One shouldn't doubt their partners after all.

'Notice. The Ultimate Skill: Ouroboros, Lord of Infinity has gained multiple new sub-skills. Odin has also developed more useful abilities for the Master.'

'Huh? That was quick.'

Holy shit, from a quick scan of my Skill it has gotten far more useful.

I'll have to do a detailed analysis after I deal with this mess.

'Good job Odin! Explain to me all the new abilities you added later.'


Guy sighed. "Yeah you're right Velzard, I haven't had such a fun fight in a long time. But it's best if you stopped me there, who knows what would happen if I lost control like Milim did." He must be talking about her Harvest Festival.

He turned to look at me with a smirk. "Ghaha, that was the best fight I've had in over 1,000 years Felix, you should be honored!"

I rolled my eyes. "Sure sure, and I was looking forward to fighting you going all out."

"Heh, maybe another time when I'm not worried about losing control. That Skill of Milim's is incredibly useful but also a pain." He shook his head. "Over 2,000 years and I still can't fully control it."

2,000 years?! Fuck I'm really lucky that I have Odin to control it for me. If Guy's been working on it that long who knows how long it would take me.

He sighed. "Well now that we've had our fun why don't we go back to the Ice Palace hmm Felix?"

I nodded. I've already gotten far more than I expected from coming here, two new Ultimate Skills is a massive boon.

Guy snapped his fingers and transported the three of us back to where Guy and I had our discussion earlier.

It's already night time so the view is a tad different, though the blizzard storms are still consistent.

Guy and I took our seats opposite each other while Velzard took a seat on Guy's armrest.

Yeah, she's definitely into Guy.

"Would you like to eat something Felix?" Guy asked.

Hmm, if he is serving food on the level of what was served at The Walpurgis then I'm in.

"Yeah, sure." I responded.

Guy clapped his hands causing both Misery and Rain to show up.

"Prepare a meal for the three of us." Guy ordered.

They both bowed. "Yes Master."

Guy then smirked at me. "So Satanael huh? I wonder how you got your hands on that?"

I could tell Guy was trying to fish for information. Unfortunately for Guy though he isn't getting any.

Maybe I can spin it so that there are certain conditions required for me to copy Skills.

After all, if I knew someone could copy my Skills I would either get some countermeasures like what I had Odin do, or just not show off my Skills to that person.

"Milim and I are awfully close you know? She didn't mind me using her Skill." Not a lie seeing as Milim didn't care when I brought up that I had her Skill. But this way he might consider that my close relationship with Milim is what allowed me to use her Skill. There are all sorts of Skills out there after all.

Guy's facial features didn't shift but I could tell he didn't get what he wanted. He didn't push further though.

"I see." He responded.

I turned towards Velzard, after all Veldora had a lot to say about her. The one conclusion that I came to was that she was a shit sister.

"So you are Veldora's sister?" I try to start a conversation.

She looks at me interested. "Oh? Has my rebellious little brother mentioned me? I hope he hasn't been causing trouble or I may have to discipline him again."

I rolled my eyes. "He's been doing fine, though he did have a lot to say about you."

"Oh? What did he have to say?" She asks.

"For one he hopes he never sees you again. Being constantly killed by you has traumatized him to the point he freezes up when your name is mentioned." I ignored Velzard's twitching brows and Guy's amused smile and continued. I do want to help my buddy Veldora out after all, if I can get his sister to stop being a bitch to him then why not?

"Honestly I'm pretty sure he hates you." And that's what ticked her off the most.

I might be stupid for challenging the so-called strongest True Dragon like this, but if Veldora can't stand up for himself then, as his honorary brother, I can.

All of a sudden an absolutely massive Haki descended on me. I of course didn't just take it, I released my own Demon Lord's Haki to contest it. The entire area around us was completely destroyed by our classhing Haki, though Velzard's caused far more damage to the surroundings.

This was by far the most powerful Haki I've ever felt, I was only barely able to match it with my own Demon Lord's Haki.

Velzard is likely capable of casually killing average Awakened Demon Lords with this Haki.

Fucking True Dragons.

I noticed Guy appear to the side, he was protecting himself with a Barrier. But that was all, it seems he was just going to watch for now.

'Analyzing Dragon Spirit Haki. Dragon Spirit Haki is an Intrinsic Skill of the True Dragon race, it is impossible for any other race to possess. It allows a True Dragon to imbue their Aura with various magical properties and physical properties allowing it to both exert a powerful spiritual pressure over their targets, inflict them with potentially lethal magical effects and cause them actual physical damage. When used to its fullest, it allows the user's aura to shred anything it comes into contact with.'

Damn, that's far better than Demon Lord's Haki which only lets me impose Spiritual pressure on others, of course this can still kill others or cause others to go insane, but it isn't as versatile as Dragon Spirit Haki.

The only reason I am able to oppose Velzard's Haki is due to Demon Lord's Haki scaling with my own strength.

"Just because Guy favors you does not mean you can speak whatever you wish." Velzard spoke in a chilly tone.

"Am I wrong though? After all you've continuously killed Veldora for centuries whenever he messes up, instead of lovingly teaching him as a sister should you choose the easiest method." Of course it would be foolish to push my ideas onto a True Dragon, but from what I have seen Velzard seems to genuinely care for Veldora, she just has a shit way of showing it.

If I can help my friend reconnect with his family at no cost then why not?

"I'm pretty sure Veldora misses his elder sister in his own way, he is just too afraid to try and connect to you out of fear. He has really changed you know, he even reads books now." If you can call manga books.

"All it took was for someone to guide him the right way properly." I don't even blame Veldora for being the way he is, he is the incarnation of Chaos after all, it would be foolish to expect him to obey the natural Order of the world.

I'm not really sure why Velzard's solution was to keep killing him. Maybe she hoped one of his rebirths would have a suitable personality?

All of a sudden Velzard's Haki receded, I took that as the cue to contain my own as well.

"I can see why Guy favors you Demon Lord Felix. Not many would have the guts to talk to a True Dragon like me in such a way." She sent me a smirk. "I'm glad that my brother has such friends. I will be visiting my brother myself sometime to truly see this so-called change you have spoken of." 

Oops? Sorry Rimuru. 

And was all that annoyance for nothing? I swear strength really does do all the talking in this world. It makes everything simple if you are strong, but life must suck for the weak.

But that's just how this world is.

"I'm glad I could help. I'm sure you'll like the new Veldora, rather than a natural catastrophe, he's more of a goof and a NEET now."

"NEET? That is the term you called me yes?" Fuck, she was listening.

"Uhh… yes?"

"Ghaha, I'm glad you two were able to sort out that mess. Watching a fight between you two would have been fun but I would have probably had to intervene so the world isn't destroyed!" Guy interrupted.

"Thanks for your help Guy." I said sarcastically.

"Heh, I knew you could handle it Felix." Guy said with that infuriating smirk he always wore.

Velzard sighed. "Now I will have to rebuild part of this castle."

"Blame yourself, your bullshit True Dragon Haki is what caused the physical damage." I teased. I was already feeling more comfortable with Velzard after that interaction, I felt like I could understand her just a little bit more.

We had a clash of Haki, One Piece style.

She giggled lightly. "Yes, that is true. Though I have never heard of my abilities as a True Dragon referred to in that way."

"Hah! What else would you call them? You True Dragons are born at the top of the world, your very existence allows you to contend against Ultimate Skill wielders at minimum."

She smirked. "Well we are not our brothers greatest creation for nothing. And you are quite impressive yourself Felix, for your mere Demon Lord's Haki to be able to contend against my own if only barely is quite impressive. I can only think of two others capable of a similar feat, Guy and Milim."

"Well I aim to please, especially a beautiful woman like you." Nothing is wrong with some innocent flirting, I'm definitely interested in tapping that but I'm pretty sure I should stay away.

I do not want to get involved in Guy and Velzard's… situationship. But maybe if I ever beat Guy making her subservient to me Velzard can come in the package?

Food for thought.

She giggled. "Ah, you truly are a tease."

I turned towards Guy to see if he had an issue with my flirting but I shouldn't have bothered. Guy was now back in her feminine form and gave me a wink.

"The food will be ready soon, why don't we shift to another area seeing as this one is no longer sufficient." Velzard and I both nodded and followed Guy along while innocently flirting with each other.

Yes, innocently.


I have a discord server, come hang out if you want! I also have a channel in Shiro's Gaming Omniverse.

Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author's Note:

We finally got to read the confrontation between Guy and Felix. I'll go into detail about what Felix gained in the next chapter.

Velzard's flirting isn't really meant to mean anything, she is super into Guy at this point and what Felix has done isn't going to change that much.

At this point she is just internally comparing Felix to Guy while also attempting to make Guy jealous and failing. Of course she is interested in Felix, in the same way a True Dragon would be when someone strong shows up. But Guy is her primary interest for now, who knows if that will change though.

Anyways, thanks for reading, leave a like if you enjoyed.

Support me if you want on pat reon *.com* / theogbasilisk

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