The bright light of the sun woke Hanabi up. She wondered why the bed was so hard and why the sky was right above her, then she remembered that she had fallen asleep on the roof.
Hanzo wasn't there and Hanabi slipped back in her room through the window. Kanamoto saw her and said, "I thought you went down, but you're on the roof?"
"I couldn't sleep and went out for fresh air," Hanabi said.
Hanzo came into the room without knocking, and Hanabi yelled, "Give us some privacy, you idiot!" Hanzo just smirked. "You do that all the time too. Later, just cooperate with me."
"Why? What's happening later?" Hanabi asked. "You don't need to know," Hanzo said, which earned him a smack on the head. "Then how do we cooperate?"
Meanwhile, the demons from the Seimei Umbrella had found Hanabi, and also Hanzo. Kagura looked at Hayabusa and said, "They're in Kyoto again."
"Then let's go." Hayabusa said, and they headed for Kyoto.
When they reached, they sensed Hanzo and Hanabi's aura at the same inn. Kagura had a bad feeling about this and when they walked in, they saw Hanzo, Hanabi and another lady. The inn was empty, otherwise.
At the same time, two hooded figures stepped in, and before Kagura and Hayabusa could turn around, they attacked. Kagura used the Seimei Umbrella to block the attacks, and Hanzo smirked, "I didn't expect you two lovers to come too."
He held the Ame No Habakiri in his hand and swung it towards the hooded figures. "Did you think I wouldn't know, Hitome?" he said, as he exchanged a flurry of attacks with the woman. Ryu tried to ambush him from behind, his katana slicing through the air, but Hanzo dodged it.
Kagura and Hayabusa were confused, but decided to focus on their mission. Hanabi was wearing the same expression as them as she held Higanabana, ready to defend herself. She saw Hayabusa and Kagura coming towards her and decided that she should leave with them.
"Hanabi! Come with us!" Hayabusa yelled. Hanabi came, dragging the lady behind her.
Seeing them, Hanzo gritted his teeth and quickly finished Ryu off. Ryu dropped onto the ground, dead. Hitome was filled with anger as she saw her little brother dead.
"Hitome, you must put Ryu as your priority, even your life is not as important." Her mother's voice echoed in her ears and memories flowed back. Her parents had died in a war when she was young, and they entrusted Ryu to her as she and her little brother watched them take their last breath. From then on, she taught herself how to use a katana and protect Ryu until her last breath, her last drop of blood.
"Ryu!" she screamed, and gripped her katana, her name carved into the blade. She attacked Hanzo again, but only lasted for a while before Hanzo just stabbed her like how he stabbed Ryu and she hit the ground.
She stared at her brother's lifeless body, and tears welled up in her eyes. "I'm sorry," she cried softly. "I couldn't protect you..." Then she breathed her last breath, gone.
Meanwhile, Hayabusa, Kagura, Kanamoto and Hanabi left the inn. Hanabi noticed an empty carriage left outside, and climbed on. "Is that yours?" Kagura asked, while the rest climbed on too. "Nope," Hanabi said, and whipped the horse.
Hanzo watched them and changed his mind. He could catch them, but he was getting impatient and he wanted the final battle to begin soon. Hanekage appeared and Hanzo smirked, "Get ready, demon. You can go all out soon."
Kanamoto introduced herself to Hayabusa and Kagura, while Hanabi was thinking about something.
Haruto had seemed worried ever since Hanabi proved capable of wielding the Higanabana and was the one who would become the leader of the Scarlet Sect. When one day, Hanabi asked him about it, he said, "Hanabi, you must never swear allegiance to Higanbana for more power. Never." Hanabi asked why, but Haruto didn't respond. Hanabi was curious, but didn't say anything else.
All that Hanabi knew about swearing allegiance to Higanbana was that she would gain more power from it. Was that how Hanzo got his power? By swearing allegiance to Hanekage?
When they reached the Shadow Sect village, everyone was already there, waiting and ready to attack. "Keep her safe," Hanabi said to one of the best ninjas, pointing at Kanamoto. The ninja nodded and motioned for Kanamoto to follow him.
Haruto looked relieved that Hanabi was safe, but it was short-lived. They felt Hanzo's aura, more importantly, Hanekage's aura. The skies darkened, and Hanabi said, "I know how to defeat Hanzo. But I need you guys to distract him until I'm ready."
Hayabusa didn't look convinced. "The only way to stop him is to kill him and that's practically impossible." Hanabi glared at him. "You got a better idea?"
Hanzo walked towards them, the Ame no Habakiri in his hand. Hanabi didn't know if her plan would work, but it had to. Everyone was counting on her. One versus hundreds. One worth hundreds.
Hanekage appeared in his demon form, excited. He could go all out now, and many would die, making him even stronger. He zoomed towards the village, and everyone attacked, the place becoming a blur.
They only had one target - Hanzo.