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83.33% Modernizing a Fantasy World with a System! / Chapter 15: Brother's Birthday

Capítulo 15: Brother's Birthday

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Garrett Newbrough;


"Happy birthday!" I greeted my elder brother with a tight hug as he walked into the dining hall with mother. He laughed and hugged me back while mother looked down at us with a grin. "How does it feel to be nine?" I asked.

"I don't feel all that different, but it's cool to think about the fact that I've been in this world for nine whole years," Ravelus answered. "I'm just excited to see grandma and grandpa, more than anything."

I nodded in agreement. "I want to meet them, too!"

"They'll be here at lunch," mother ruffled the hair atop our heads. "For now, you two should eat your fill, so we can begin our plans for the day!"

Ravelus beamed while I smiled knowingly. I knew some of what mother and father had in store for Ravelus, as I had been minorly involved in its planning. They had kept me in the dark about a few things, though.

We had a wonderful breakfast, delicious as always, before going down into the courtyard, where Ravelus's three tutors were. Earl Frariel and Viscountess Klisnik, I knew. I had been to a few of Ravelus's lessons, in the past, and always made sure to leave an impression on them. Partly because the looks on their faces were always hilarious, but mostly because they would report my 'talent' to mother and father. Their praise was always worth the effort, in my eyes. The third tutor was a new hire, a retired professor from the academy, who offered to teach Ravelus after he returned to Eilon. He was a stout Elven man with broad shoulders, golden hair, and icy-blue eyes.

[Orir Harn]

Race: Elf;

Titles: Swordmaster; Academy Dueling Master:

Age: 297

Rank: Ice Spirit Avatar (1.8x)

Affinities: Ice;

Level: 401 (7%)

Health Status: 21650/21650

Mana Status: 14430/14430 (5.6/m) (7th)

Stamina Status: 21650/21650

Body: 2165(1203) (+3/)

Mind: 1443(802) (+2/)

Spirit: 2165(1203) (+3/)

Status: Curious, Joy, Content, Healthy.

Thoughts On You: Curiosity; Bittersweet Joy;

I almost choked on my tongue when I saw his level. He was the first person I had seen over level four-hundred, though I'd see several who approached that mark. His mana approached mother's, and he wasn't even a mage specialist! And twenty-one-thousand HP...?! He was the avatar for an ice spirit, too, which had to mean something, since mother was one, too. He eyed me as we approached, but turned his attention to Ravelus and nodded.

"Happy birthday, Your Highness," He said, bowing.

"Happy birthday, Your Highness," the Earl and Viscountess followed suit.

"Thanks!" Ravelus chirped before pausing and glancing at the Earl, who narrowed his eyes. Ravelus righted himself and spoke in a more formal tone, "I mean, your congratulations are appreciated." The Earl nodded in appreciation. "Sir Harn, I don't believe you've met my younger brother, Prince Alistair," Ravelus addressed his third tutor.

"No, I have not," Sir Harn looked me up and down visibly before bowing. "It is a pleasure, Your Highness. Your brother speaks of you often."

"Good things, I hope," I smiled and nodded to him. "It is my pleasure, SIr Harn. Thank you for taking the time to tutor my elder brother."

"It is an honor to serve my future king," Sir Harn said simply. "Now, I believe we had something to do, your Majesties?" He looked to Aedon and Rel.

"Yes," father nodded, looking to me. I nodded and raised a hand, prompting a silver crown to appear there. I handed it to father with a bow, to which he nodded in return before turning to Ravelus. "Son, it's time I gave you your crown. Passed down from generation to generation, much like that which I wear now. It is upon a royal child's ninth birthday that they receive this, and are expected to begin acting their role. In your case, it is as the Crowned-Prince of Eilon."

Ravelus could only gape in shock at the sight of the crown - a modest, yet regal circlet embedded with small blue crystals that glowed with a soft light. Soul gems, I was told they were. "With this crown comes an oath," father said seriously, yet gently. "To uphold our family code and that of our kingdom. To protect the innocent and weak, no matter the cost. To defend our borders and our principles with your very life. Are you willing to give your life for our nation, Ravelus?"

Ravelus paused, eyes glazing over as he seriously considered the concept. He knew he would one day be king. He had been told so and prepared for that inevitability from the moment he could comprehend speech. He knew of all the major conflicts between what would be his kingdom and those that sought to destroy it, chief among them being Axriel. He hadn't, however, considered the fact that he may lose his life in seeking to protect what was his.

He knew he would die to protect his family. Without a doubt.

He would die to save his friends, surely. They were like extended family to him.

He would probably die to protect the staff at the castle, if the need arose - not that he could do much, currently. He'd only begun sword training recently, after all, and his magic paled in comparison to his eight-years-younger brother.

For the kingdom? It was a big place, with millions of citizens. If he had to either die in their place, or fail in his duty to protect them, as their King… he would gladly die. 

At the same time, he knew that wasn't the only thing his father was referring to. The duties of a King never ceased. Day after day, Ravelus would spend the rest of his life seeking to ensure the happiness and prosperity of his people, barely having a moment to breathe before diving back into the sea of politics.

He knew a bit about the internal politics of the kingdom, being a smart lad. His father and mother often explained their troubles to him, in order to prepare him for what he would one-day face. It helped him develop his opinions, and he was glad for it. His sense of justice and charity came mostly from those sessions, as he offered his naive two-coppers for his parents to judge.

Long story short, was he willing to give up his life to the role of Kingship, even without giving up his life?

"Yes," Ravelus said. "I will gladly give up my life for this kingdom. For our cause."

We all smiled at his usage of the world 'will,' knowing that was the test, with this scenario. "Good," father said. "We have two years to prepare you for the academy; your training will begin in earnest. For now, however, you should enjoy your birthday." He knelt and rested the silver crown on Ravelus's head. "And wear this with pride, knowing you are worthy of the throne, at least in spirit. Your mind and body, will ripen with time. Fear not, you have many years to grow, before I secede the throne to you."

"Yes, fa-… Your Majesty," Ravelus bowed deeply.

A maid approached through the kitchens and bowed to everyone present. "King and Queen Ne'Zir have arrived, Your Majesties," she said.

"Early, as usual," Aedon muttered, getting a slap on the wrist from his wife.

"Come on, boys, let's go greet your grandparents~! You three are dismissed, but you'll be expected at the celebration!"

"Farewell, Your Majesties," Sir Harn bowed. The other two echoed his statement, bowing even deeper.

The four of us were led by the maid to the reception hall of the castle, Ravelus holding his head up high the entire way. He didn't have cat ears or a tail, like me, so the crown sat atop his head unobstructed. His fiery-red hair, like father's, had grown out a bit, falling down around his ears in a similar style to father's. It was an easy comparison, as they looked alike even with how young Ravelus was.

We waited for a few minutes before the broad doors to the front courtyard opened wide, admitting five people. The first was a massive man with proportionally-insufficient cat ears. His tail ended shortly after protruding from his dress robes. He had graying black hair, and his eyes shifted between green and blue. He wore a stoic expression as his eyes drifted across the four of us, lingering on me and my mother first, then upon Ravelus's crown.

[Revil Ne'Zir]

Race: Beastkin (Cat);

Titles: King of Rhana'Vi; Equalist;

Age: 68

Rank: Beastial Spirit Avatar (1.8x)

Affinities: Water; Nature;

Level: 391 (81%)

Health Status: 21110/21110

Mana Status: 21110/21110 (14.7/m) (8th)

Stamina Status: 14070/14080

Body: 2111(1173) (+3/)

Mind: 2111(1173) (+3/)

Spirit: 1407(782) (+2/)

Status: Excitement, Joy, Content, Healthy.

Thoughts On You: Curiosity; Joy; Excitement;

The second was a woman with as bright a white hair as mine and my mothers, though she had fox ears and a much bushier tail. She wore a smile, staring into my eyes the whole time as they approached. Her eyes flickered between gold and green.

[Levini Ne'Zir]

Race: Beastkin (Fox);

Titles: Queen of Rhana'Vi; Equalist;

Age: 67

Rank: Half Light Spirit (3x)

Affinities: Light; Nature;

Level: 203 (99%)

Health Status: 12180/12180

Mana Status: 18270/18270 (12.6/m) (8th)

Stamina Status: 12180/12180

Body: 1218(406) (+2/)

Mind: 1827(609) (+3/)

Spirit: 1218(406) (+2/)

Status: Excitement, Joy, Content, Healthy.

Thoughts on you: Curiosity; Joy; Excitement; Familial Infatuation;

Third and fourth were a younger couple - a bit older than mother and father, the girl with black hair and fox features, and the boy with blonde hair and patches of scales. They were focused on my mother, grinning.

[Allia Ne'Zir]

Race: Beastkin (Fox);

Titles: Crowned-Princess of Rhana'Vi;

Age: 34

Rank: Mortal (1x)

Affinities: Light;

Level: 106 (77%)

Health Status: 1060/1060

Mana Status: 3180/3180 (3.1/m) (5th)

Stamina Status: 1060/1060

Body: 106 (+1/)

Mind: 318 (+3/)

Spirit: 212 (+2/)

Status: Excitement, Joy, Content, Ill.

Thoughts on you: Excitement; Familial Infatuation;

[Zellin Ne'Zir]

Race: Beastkin (Snake);

Titles: Prince-Consort of Rhana'Vi;

Age: 32

Rank: Mortal** (1.4x)

Affinities: Darkness; Water;

Level: 191 (56%)

Health Status: 5340/5340

Mana Status: 2670/2670 (2.6/m) (5th)

Stamina Status: 5340/5340

Body: 534(382) (+2/)

Mind: 267(191) (+1/)

Spirit: 267(191) (+1/)

Status: Joy, Content, Worry.

Thoughts on you: Interest; Familial Infatuation;

The last was a small boy with the features of a fox and a snake - something I didn't know could happen. He looked cool, with slit pupils and big, fluffy fox ears. He beamed up at me, a few centimeters shorter than me, then at Ravelus. His smile was very earnest and adorable.

[Grein Ne'Zir]

Race: Beastkin (Fox); Beastkin (Snake);

Titles: Prince of Rhana'Vi;

Age: 5

Rank: Mortal (1x)

Affinities: N/A

Level: 4 (73%)

Health Status: 80/80

Mana Status: 80/80 (.8/m) (N/A)

Stamina Status: 80/80

Body: 8 (+2/)

Mind: 8 (+2/)

Spirit: 8 (+2/)

Status: Joy, Content, Ill.

Thoughts on you: Interest; Awe;

"Daughter," Revil said stoically, standing before his daughter and her family. "It is pleasant to see you again. I long for the days when travel was easier."

"Indeed," Rel said, maintaining a dignified pose for a few seconds before rushing forward and embracing the man. She quickly broke the hug and moved over to her mother and sister, wrapping her arms around either of their necks and squeezing. "I've missed you all! I can't believe it's been an entire year!"

"Sister," Allia patted mother's arm as she started to go blue in the face. "Air… Need… air…"

"Oh, sorry!" Rel gasped, releasing Allia and channeling healing magic on her throat. "I forget my own strength!"

"All of you people are unnaturally strong," Allia jested. "You make us normal folk look like children, before you."

"Oh, it's not that drastic," Rel waved her off, though she was immediately met with deadpanned gazes from everyone, save for Ravelus and Grein. "Okay, maybe it's an apt comparison…"

Levini coughed into her fist and grinned once more, rushing forward and snatching me up into a hug. I was shocked, for a moment, but eased and settled into it, wrapping my arms around her neck in return. I was still a bit irked by the action, though, as I believed Ravelus should've been addressed first. "Oh, your ears are so cute~! Just like your mother's!"

"Th-thank you, Your Majesty," I stammered, not sure what to do.

"I'm your grandma! You can call me by my name, no worries~!" She cooed.

"You haven't been introduced, dear," Revil said. "Hello, Alistair; I am Revil Ne'Zir, King of Rhana'Vi. The woman holding you is my wife, Queen Levini Ne'Zir."

"H-hello, it's nice to meet you," I said, trying not to make a bad impression despite my position.

"He's very polite," Levini said, looking to mother. "More so than your letters indicated."

"He's been doing better," Rel flushed at having been outed for her words about me. I sent her a subtle, half-hearted glare, which she received in kind.

"You always did have a habit of exaggerating things," Allia laughed. "Give him here, I want to see if sister has been taking care of his tail."

"A-Allia!" Rel flushed even further. I was passed over to my aunt like a cat, held under the arms with my legs hanging down below me, unable to move as I was handled by these people who were stronger than me. Technically, I was stronger than Allia, but I wasn't about to fight back against my extended family… I gave her a grin as she looked me up and down before turning me over and grabbing my tail. A jolt ran up my spine as all of the nerves within lit up like fireworks at the touch, making me shiver.

"Soft, with no knots. Good," she set me down. I was still stiff, stuck in the position I had been in while being held as I tried to process the sensation. I felt cold. Violated. Nobody had ever grabbed my tail before, and now I understood why it was such an issue in fiction back on Earth.

"You've gone and done it, now, dear," Zellin sighed, looking down at me, then at my mother. "Your sister might kill you, for that."

Grein came over to me and poked my cheek, scratching his chin with his other hand. "Are you alright?" He asked.

I eventually calmed down and nodded, not looking at anyone as I went and hid behind Ravelus, trying to hide my red cheeks as I did so.

"Now he's afraid of us…" Levini said in exasperation, glaring at her first-born. "I understand being worried about his hygiene, but did you have to be so rough…?"

She chuckled, looking at me. "I'm sorry, little one. That must've been the first time someone has grabbed your tail… I understand it's much more sensitive for cat folk than foxes like me."

' Why the hell isn't <Gamer's Mind> working?! ' I demanded in my head, forcing myself to calm down and come back around my brother. "It's alright, ma'am. I just didn't expect it, is all."

"He's had a bad experience with unknown women snatching him up and touching him," Rel was still fuming, but she held herself back. She was probably referring to Siv, which made me smile wryly. That scenario still haunted me.

"Does he? What have you allowed to happen to my grandson, Rel?" Levini demanded, narrowing her eyes at her daughter.

"It- It was his idea!" She pointed at me, panicked. I had never seen her like this before - it was somewhat entertaining, to be honest. Normally, she wore the pants in any conflict like this - even had her husband cowed to her demands. Her mother, though, seemed to surpass her in that regard. "He's the one that sent his attendants off, leaving him alone with that big-breasted bitch!"

"Big-breasted bitch!" Grein giggled. I had to stifle a laugh as mother's family glared at her. Father was smiling triumphantly, as if he'd won some great prize. He probably didn't see his wife like this, often.

"Don't say that, grandson," Revil said, getting a nervous nod from the boy. I'd be intimidated too, if this man ordered me not to do something. "Rel, you should know better than to swear in front of children."

Mother's face reddened. No wonder she cracked down so hard on Ilyor and Vaquin - her parents were the same way. Was she, perhaps, afraid they would find out about her children learning such words, and punish her like a child, herself? Like Vaquin, checking over his shoulder every time he cussed, just in case an errant stone struck his brow?

I could've done what I usually did, and pin my 'learning a cuss word' on mother to get a reaction out of her parents, but I thought she had been embarrassed enough in front of her family.

It would've been very funny, though.

"Anyways," Zellin grunted. "I believe we have a special someone in our midst… one whose head now carries a crown…?"

"Yes," Allia smiled, kneeling in front of Ravelus and pulling him into a hug. "Happy birthday, Ravelus! You look so regal with that crown on your head!"

"Thank you," Ravelus said, trying to remain dignified despite the blush on his face.

"Happy birthday, grandson," Revil barked, clasping his hands behind his back and nodding to the boy. Levini echoed his statement, smiling.

"Why don't we head to a sitting room, and get lunch called in," Aedon said, patting his tomato-red wife on the shoulder as he turned. "I'm sure you'd all appreciate softer seats than those in a carriage."

"Yes, I think that would be lovely," Levini said. "Oh, we have so much to catch up on!"


By 'so much' she meant me. I felt terrible, because for the next three hours, all of us sat in a room while my grandparents relentlessly asked about me. Today was supposed to be about Ravelus, yet he was sidelined because of me. I felt even worse, because I couldn't do anything about it. I tried several times to change the subject over to Ravelus's studies, his new tutor, his rapidly-developing magic, but they always shifted back to me. 

Eventually, I just got up and walked over to where he was sitting, and started asking him about what it was like to spar with Sir Harn. He grinned innocently at me and recounted the story of his first duel with the man, where he got his ass handed to him time and time again. Harn was fast and relentless, with the strength of an earth golem and the perception of a spirit. He used a blade of ice, too. One he generated with his magic.

"It was exhausting, but I actually enjoyed it a lot!" Ravelus said, thinking back fondly. "I get excited every time I think about picking up a blade again, because I know being like him is a thing that's actually possible for me!"

I smiled knowingly, but kept my thoughts to myself. He would enjoy what came later in the night, certainly. "I'm sure you'll be able to beat him in no time!" I encouraged him. "Maybe you can teach me, once you're good enough?"

"Yeah!" He cheered. "Then, you can teach me magic!"

"Gladly," I smiled.

[Ravelus Eil]

Race: Human;

Titles: Crowned-Prince of Eilon;

Age: 9

Rank: Nature Spirit Avatar (1.8x)

Affinities: Nature;

Level: 7 (33%)

Health Status: 370/370

Mana Status: 250/250 (.2/m) (1st)

Stamina Status: 370/370

Body: 37(21) (+3/)

Mind: 25(14) (+2/)

Spirit: 25(14) (+2/)

Status: Happiness, Sadness.

Thoughts on you: Familial Love; Joy; Admiriation;

He had actually leveled up twice since I first observed him, eleven months ago. A testament to the efforts he was putting into his studies. You see, I level up differently than other people. I have a numerical EXP threshold, which is just that, experience. Normal people gain experience by… experiencing things, while I do so though defeating enemies. This means I could level up faster than normal people, but to do so I had to defeat enemies, while normal people only had the option of doing so. They could earn EXP through studies, training, speech, and other such activities.

That's why a non-combatant like Allia could reach level one-hundred without killing - she was a very active voice in the Rhana'Vi political sphere. Now, all of those secondary methods paled in comparison to killing people and monsters, but it was still possible to reach high levels the pacifist route. I didn't have that option. I was, by the nature of my system, destined to be violent. A part of me hated that, but a deeper, sicker part of me reveled in it.

Apparently, I had been staring off into space for a while, because Grein hopped up onto the couch next to me and laid sideways, resting his head on my lap and staring up at me. This action caught me off guard, making me jolt in surprise. "You're big for being a baby," he said. "Mommy said I was tiny as a baby, but you're bigger than me!"

"Y-yes," I smiled down at him. "I grew quicker than most people. It's 'cause I have so much magic!"

"Magic is awesome," he beamed. "Can you show me something?"

"Uh," I looked to Ravelus, who shrugged. "Sure. What's your favorite animal?"

"A shark!" He exclaimed happily. I nodded and picked him up, then set him down as I got up. I generated a small flame above my thumb, then willed it to remain as I drew a shark. This was actually the first time I had ever used my skill <Mind's-Eye Replication>, drawing upon an image I had seen of a hammerhead shark in my past life to sketch a decent image of the same shark in three dimensions using flame. Three dimensions as in multiple layers, not an actual 3D shark.

[Skill <Mind's-Eye Replication> Leveled Up! (2/100)]

"Woah!" Grein and Ravelus gaped at the display. "What kind of shark is that?! I've never seen one like it!"

"It's called a hammerhead," I said. "Because its head looks like a hammer, like blacksmiths use. Its eyes are on the end, here, so it can see very broadly, and it can ram things."


"Having fun over there, grandsons?" Revil asked, standing to get a better look at the image.

"Yeah! Alistair has awesome fire magic, and drew a picture of a shark I've never seen before!" Grein said. "He said it hits things with its head, like a hammer!"

Aedon raised an eyebrow at me, and I nodded, confirming that it did actually exist. At least, it did on Earth.

"It takes quite a bit of control, to maintain such a picture," Revil hummed, inspecting the lines. "To focus, and create a coherent image takes skill."

Here they were, praising me again. I didn't know why- actually, that's a lie, because I did know why I didn't enjoy it as much as I did when mother and father praised me. However much my parents praised me, they praised Ravelus an equal amount. The affection was always level, in this family, with no favorites to be found. When it came to my grandparents, however, it was obvious that they favored me. Why? Because I was good at magic? No, their first-born daughter wasn't particularly gifted with magic, for her age, yet they treated her the same.

In fact, they didn't seem to interact with father a lot, either, as if they weren't fond of him. Was it because Ravelus had father's hair? No, I had streaks of red in my hair, too. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I couldn't help but feel like it had to do with the fact that they were fully Human. I tried to think of other reasons, but… none came to mind. Did my grandparents dislike Humans? That would be awfully awkward, considering they both have titles called 'Equalist'.

I suppose my subconscious caught on before my conscious mind did, and suppressed the joy I felt when they talked about me. Maybe that's why I felt compelled to frown when he talked about how good my mana control must be to achieve such a thing, so young. Why I flinched when Levini hugged me, while she hadn't touched Ravelus. It upset me deeply, to see my brother neglected. It was like he wasn't even there.

I felt calm wash over me as <Gamer's Mind> took effect. Why this time, and not before? I had no idea. Still, I frowned as I dismissed the art and returned to my seat next to Ravelus. I knew, then, why he was sad. He hid it well, behind his usual smile, but he longed for attention from his grandparents, and it was denied to him just because he didn't have animal features.

I decidedly ignored my grandparents for the rest of the time we spent in the sitting room, no matter how hard mother and father tried to get me to respond. If Ravelus wasn't good enough for them, then I wasn't, either. It didn't matter if they were the King and Queen of a sister nation. Nobody disrespects my family.

I did talk to my aunt, uncle, and cousin, though. They actually acknowledged Ravelus, and actively involved him in the conversation, whenever they could. Zellin in particular was very interesting. Apparently, reptilian beastkin were rare, and frowned upon within the community. He had been Allia's assigned knight, guarding her until the two fell in love and got married, having Grein a few years later. He seemed like a cool guy - nice to talk to and kind. He had some cool stories to tell, as well.

Allia was nice, too, despite her rather rough nature. She was as normal as normal could get, in my opinion. Average magic, for a beastkin her age, average bodily strength, but an above-average intellect. At least, as far as speech went. She was rather slow, when it came to the magical theory we ended up discussing.

Grein was simply adorable. That's all there was to be said about him.


The time for dinner came, and people started to arrive in the reception hall, where long tables had been erected. The noteable nobility were there, as well as a few of Ravelus's friends, like Kyun. It was fun, catching up with the bubbly girl. She was happy to hear about the success I'd found in my business, and in my magic practice. She, herself, had leveled up a couple times through the use of her magic.

Ravelus, Kyun, Grein, and I talked about random things in one corner of the room, occasionally approached by another noble child. The group grew, and Ravelus got some much-deserved attention. He was no longer sad, according to his status, so I was happy. I knew I'd have to do something about how my grandparents treated him, however. That shit didn't fly with me.

Everyone found a seat, father and mother at the head of the table with me and my brother on either side of them. Father then stood and cleared his throat, causing all conversation to cease as everyone turned their attention to him. "Today we celebrate the ninth birthday and silver crowning of my first-born son, Prince Ravelus Eil. To do so, I've had the kitchens conjure a mighty feast in his name! All of his favorite foods, served in four courses, followed by a special dessert! After that, he will open the gifts you all have so-generously brought. Then, finally, a dance!"

The crowd clapped politely, grins on their faces. It was well-known that the castle chefs were the best in the kingdom, even better than those in any Lord's manor, so the food alone was enough to crave an invitation. Aside from that, the political clout that could be gained from having been invited to such an event, and through mingling during the event would make most power-hungry nobles salivate. They spent exorbitant amounts of money on gifts, as if to bid between each other for the recipient's favor.

The food came out and was, as expected, delicious. Better than anything I had tasted before, in fact. It started off simple, with a beef stew, but it was seasoned to perfection. Then, a cut of lamb was delivered to every person, accompanied by a freshly-baked and buttered roll. The meat was tender and rich with flavor, and the roll crumpled satisfyingly beneath my teeth. Third, a salad mixed with magical herbs came out, and it was better than any Caesar salad I'd had back on Earth, even though it had no dressing. 

Fourth, slices of fish topped with rice, like reverse nigiri. I savored the taste, even as my stomach was filling up. Fortunately, each platter was sized accordingly, so all could be consumed in their entirety, according to the age of the recipient. All the while, everyone was supplied with wines and flavored drinks from distant lands, at which point everyone began to get very merry. Giggles, laughter, and conversation echoed through the hall. 

I maintained a conversation with Ravelus and my family, asking about birthdays of the past, and how this compared. Apparently, this party was poppin', yo.

' I hate myself for that, ' I scowled internally.

Once everyone had finished, and all of the empty platters had been removed and drinks refilled, bowls of a white substance were set before each person, then doused with liquid fudge. It was, of course, ice cream. Many foods I had enjoyed in my past life did not exist in this world. The technology and theory simply wasn't there, yet, so many of those things weren't yet possible. Something like ice cream, however, could be done with the ingredients and some ice magic. With permission from mother and father, I had taught the recipe to the kitchen staff for this night, to give my brother a surprise.

"This," father addressed the eagerly-waiting nobles, "is a dessert item my younger son Alistair devised. He calls it ice cream. It's best to eat it quickly, before it melts, but doing so too fast can give you something he calls a brain freeze, which is not what it sounds like, apparently. Either way, enjoy, and don't be afraid to ask for more!"

They were naturally hesitant to try a food item 'created' by an infant, but when they saw how Ravelus and Grein were devouring theirs, they came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be bad. Slowly, they began bustling with excitement as they tried the treat, awed at the flavor and texture. The biting cold milk, cream, and vanilla mixed with the warm, rich, chocolate-y fudge were among the best things they had ever tasted.

Soon, the servants were rushed to bring out bowl after bowl. And, of course, people who ate too much, too quickly, were met with a sharp, cold pain in their heads. I did warn them, so they couldn't blame me.

After everyone had their fill of ice cream and melted fudge, we began migrating to the throne room, where a pile of gifts sat next to a silver throne, which father had commissioned of the Andre's. Kyun and her mother looked on in pride as Aedon led Ravelus to the throne and helped him up into it. He took me onto his lap as he sat on his own throne, mother taking hers beside him with a pout.

"We shall begin with the gifts from our family," Aedon said, gesturing to a servant. "Starting with Alistair's gift."

A box was pulled from the stack and proffered to the young prince, who accepted it with a gleeful smile of anticipation. The ribbon was swiftly removed, and the lid handed away to reveal the garment beneath. Ravelus took it and held it out, revealing it to be the blue cloak I had bought, had embroidered and enchanted.

"I enchanted it, myself. Self-repairing, self-cleaning, defense, magic-absorption, comfort, and warming," I said.

"It's embroidered with our family crest!" Ravelus admired the cloak before standing and slinging it around his shoulder. "It matches yours, too!"

"I thought we could wear them together," I grinned.

"Thank you!" Brother exclaimed before remembering himself and acting his role. "Your gift is wonderful, brother."

I couldn't help but snort, earning a pat on the arm from father so I, too, could remember myself.

"Next, my wife's gift," Aedon said, nodding to the servant, who grabbed a smaller box. Ravelus accepted it and gracefully opened it to find a signet ring within, marked with the Eil and Ne'Zir family crests. The ring was silver, with accents of darksteel, and was rimmed with small emeralds.

"It is a crest ring, representing your heritage," mother explained. "It acts as a minor magical focus, and can store you mana, giving you a boost, if you need it."

"Thank you, mother," Ravelus grinned, putting it on. "Maybe… you could teach me how to use it, later?"

"Of course, son," Rel smiled.

"Mine is next," Aedon motioned again. The servant grabbed a long, thin object, which had two perpendicular outcroppings near one end of its length, making it obvious that it was a sword. Ravelus beamed as the package was carefully-rested in his lap, looking between the thing and his father, who nodded towards him with a chuckle.

Ravelus unwound the cloth wrapped around the sword with glee, revealing the hilt first. The guard and pommel were made of pure mithril, one of the rarest resources in the world. The wrap around the handle was wyvern hide, resistant to all elements and surprisingly comfortable. A large sapphire was embedded into the center of the guard, glowing mildly.

Next came the scabbard, which was made of a wood called 'sabrac limb.' It only grew in underwater groves, and was just as rare as the mithril that accented it at its tip and by the opening. Ravelus's name was engraved into the mithril near the opening on one side, inlaid with silver, while the Eil family crest occupied the opposite side.

Ravelus once again looked to father, who nodded, before standing and slowly drawing the blade. It was pristine, made entirely of mithril, sleek and long. To be honest, it was the most beautiful weapon I had ever seen. I'd have felt jealous if I wasn't happy for him. Ravelus took up a stance and held the sword out in front of him, then swung it horizontally before bringing it up and into its sheath at his side. He shut his eyes for a moment before nodding and bowing deeply to mother and father. "Thank you for this incredible gift. I will use it well."

"I know you will," father smiled. "Now, let us continue!"

The rest of the gifts, including those from my grandparents, were rather mundane. At least, by the standards set by me, mother, and father. Books and scrolls, clothing and other such stuff. I was greatly disappointed when my grandparents gave Ravelus a pouch of gold - ten pieces - between the two of them. They couldn't even bother to get him an actual gift for what was supposed to be his second-most-important birthday. Still, Ravelus looked happy to receive it, so I maintained a smile.

The time for gifts passed, and everything was brought up to Ravelus's room while everyone returned to the hall. The tables had been cleared out, freeing the large space. A small orchestra had set up along one edge of the room, with instruments I was happily-surprised to recognize. Violins, cellos, violas, trumpets, horns, flutes, a piano, and more. They started to play a pleasant melody as everyone entered. By then, the sun had begun to set beyond the massive windows opposite the orchestra, leaving the room to rely on candles. Only for a moment, however, as mother waved her hand and conjured dozens of balls of glowing mana, providing a cool light.

"Dance, and be merry," Aedon ordered, taking his wife by the hand with a grin on his face. "My son is a year older and wiser! Let us all become dumb, before this night is over!"

Everyone cheered and either took up their partners, or found someone to dance with. I stood awkwardly next to Ravelus as mother and father started dancing to the music, in a fashion similar to a square dance. It was cute, but that didn't make it any less awkward for me.

"Alistair~! Ravelus~! Kyun is here to dance!" Kyun approached with a goofy grin on her face. Her mother followed behind her, smiling abashedly.

"Kyun, you should know better than to call them that without permission…" she chided her daughter. "I apologize, Your Highnesses. She can be overeager."

"It's quite alright, Miss Andre," I said, happy to take this opportunity to alleviate my insecurities. "Kyun is more than welcome to refer to us informally. She is our friend, after all."

"Yes, it'd feel weird for her to call us anything else, after so long," Ravelus added.

"You're too kind," she smiled. "I don't believe we've met, Prince Alistair. My name is Jiria Andre, head smith of the Andre estate. I'd be remiss if I didn't thank you for your patronage."

"Your work is unequaled," I replied, holding out a hand for a shake. She took it firmly, squeezing lightly, though she did not realize it. She was a strong woman, though slight of frame. "I wouldn't be nearly as successful without your backing. It is my pleasure to meet you, and to see Kyun again."

"Enough chatting," Kyun said, grabbing my hand. "Kyun hopes you know how to dance!"

I smiled awkwardly, knowing full well that I couldn't dance for shit in my previous lifetime. Anne practiced with me before her wedding, but I always messed up. Fortunately, I now had my high dexterity stat, and the perks that came along with it, so I was able to keep up with Kyun as she danced sloppily, avoiding stepping on her toes and maintaining a proper posture. I mostly mimicked what I saw the couples around us doing, but it was hard with Kyun towing me around.

After the first song ended, she nodded approvingly and snatched Ravelus away from a conversation with her mother, dancing with him, too. I stood still for a moment, not knowing what to do next, before someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to see another girl, whom I recognized to be Duchess Ir's daughter. The thought of the girl's mother made me wince internally, but I didn't have anything against the girl, herself. She was just being used as a pawn by her mother, in her efforts to gain power. She had probably been sent my way by her mother, who was probably watching from a distance.

Still, I couldn't be rude to her, as she was a guest and had even bought her own present for brother - a charm created by a craftsman in her duchy said to bring luck to the person holding it - so I offered her a hand with a kind smile. She accepted it with pink cheeks, and we participated in a dance that was much easier to handle. I was able to keep up and maintain mine own and her dignity without much issue, despite her being a bit taller than me.

Even after so long, I was still getting used to being so short, again. I wasn't any potential basketball player, on Earth, but I wasn't a shortie, either. One could imagine how awkward it is for someone of my current stature to hold a sword like the <Yamato>. It was a miracle that I could swing it properly at all. Nevertheless, the song came to an end and the girl, Dreir, thanked me before skipping off into the crowd. I caught a glimpse of Duchess Ir in the distance, who had a familiar chameleon sitting on her shoulder.

I couldn't help but smile, wondering what mother was thinking, hearing the woman's thoughts.

Kyun came back and we danced again, and I was able to better match her pace. It was rather fun, honestly. I didn't think I would like dancing, but when it was with someone I enjoyed the company of, it was more than tolerable. Kyun bounced between me and Ravelus with every song, and people would approach Ravelus or me in the mean time, including my mother, Kyun's mother, and a few of the elderly noble ladies.

All in all, I had a lot of fun at Ravelus's party.

Mhiktur Mhiktur

Thank you for reading the fifteenth chapter of my story! Firstly, I have to apologize for being away for so long. Real life caught up with me, and I ended up forgetting about this story. I had this chapter - and the next two - written and awaiting editing, even; I just forgot to upload them! Anyways, I'm back. I won't be returning to the upload schedule I had before, because it put me under a lot of stress, so I'll just be uploading the chapters whenever they're ready, from now on. Sorry to those of you who expect a consistent schedule; I just don't have it in me.

What was your favorite part of this chapter? Mine is Kyun. I always smiled, while writing her. Her blunt and shameless attitude is very fun to write.

The gacha rolls are 100% random, drawing from a list we are still adding to! If you want to submit your own things for the gacha, whether that be items, skills, boosts, summons, or whatever else, make sure to check out our form at

Thank you for reading, and check out our discord at

See you next time!

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