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15.62% Playing With Magic / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Essence

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3: Essence

A/N: Looking back, 80% of this chapter was unnecessary. I wanted to show the fact that his mind was improved etc, but it ended up being some kind of philosophical rant that went on too long. Read it and love it or skim it and put it behind you...or just skip it up to the part that tells you about the essence. You can still see the essence in the auxiliary chapter.

Read at your own discretion.


Last time, on Playing With Magic.

The thought of graduating high school earlier, at the age of 11, sparks a new level of ambition and complexity within me. As I carefully plan my non-magical life with a focus on academic excellence and personal development, the idea of accelerating my education gains prominence.

It's not just about preparing for Hogwarts; it's about carving a unique educational path that sets the stage for an extraordinary transition into the magical world.


Location: London

St Mary's Hospital - Neurology Ward

Name: Jonathan Grey (MC)


In the quiet recesses of my mind, I turn my attention to the familiar mental interface that will become my companion on this journey – the system panel. With a determined focus, I decided to check my current status, hoping to glean insights that will aid in my strategic planning for the future.


Of course, not much has changed since my little toilet break. Oh wait, well would you look at that?

[Currently Assimilating: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Dragonborn) 12%(New)]

'System', I thought. 'How come there was such a big jump in assimilation? I've not even been here long.'


Hmm, guess the system will only be giving me the absolute vital information and nothing more.

I would still consider this vital information. But what do I know?

I'm going to take a guess and say that it probably has something to do with the soul aspect of being Dragonborn.

From what I remember, in the context of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the Dragonborn has the unique ability to absorb the souls of dragons. Which is an ability that comes from being blessed with the soul of a dragon, which grants the power to absorb the life force of defeated dragons.

Considering the fact that I have an adult-sized soul that transferred from one body to another, it might have helped give me a minor push in the assimilation process. Even though being Dragonborn gives me the power to use the dragon's language, Thu'um, which is a form of powerful shouts. I don't plan to test any of that now. In a hospital of all places. Way too many things could go wrong.

In the quiet moments of contemplation, I stumble upon a fascinating realization—thanks to the transmigration and the peculiar attributes bestowed upon me, I find myself capable of harnessing the basic novice spells from all schools of magic, much like those witnessed in the world of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

The potential for wielding the arcane is both intriguing and empowering, especially if I doing it without a wand. They may be iconic, but I always hated the idea of having magic but being basically useless without a want.

A surge of curiosity prompts me to address the system, seeking confirmation of this newfound ability. 'System, display the novice spells available across all magical schools.'

This should at least be part of the character's abilities so it would make sense if I could view it. 

[Destruction: Sparks, Flames, Frostbite

Restoration: Heal Other, Healing Hands, Lesser Ward

Illusion: Clairvoyance, Courage, Fury

Alteration: Oakflesh, Candlelight, Mage Light

Conjuration: Raise Zombie Conjure Familiar, Bound Sword, Bound Dagger]

In the stillness of my thoughts, a spark of realization ignites. The notion that I can now wield the basic novice spells from every school of magic, akin to the enchanting world of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim stirs a mix of curiosity and contemplation within me.

A sense of awe washes over me as I consider the depth of my newfound magical repertoire. The prospect of wielding spells from diverse schools of magic, each with its unique nuances, feels both empowering and humbling.

This is going to be awesome.

Yet, a note of caution creeps in. The understanding that such magical feats are not commonplace in the non-magical world tempers my excitement. I contemplate the consequences of openly practicing these spells and the potential ramifications of revealing my magical prowess.

With a measured decision, I opt to bide my time. The enchanting allure of magic beckons, but discretion becomes my ally. I acknowledge that, for now, the clandestine nature of my abilities is a strategic advantage, a secret reservoir of power waiting to be explored.

Thoughts turn toward the future. I envision Hogwarts as the canvas where I will hone and unveil these magical skills. The non-magical world remains oblivious, while within, a wizard's potential takes root and patiently grows.

A sense of gratitude accompanies the realization. The extraordinary nature of my existence becomes more apparent, and with it, a commitment to navigating the delicate dance between the magical and non-magical realms.

In this moment of self-discovery, the novice spells from Skyrim's magical realm become not just a novelty but a testament to the enchanting journey that lies ahead. With patience and strategic intent, I carry the arcane potential within, a wizard in waiting, poised to unveil the magic that courses through my very being.

In the quiet moments of reflection, the weight of my newfound magical abilities rests upon my shoulders. The allure of power, potent and mesmerizing, dances at the periphery of my thoughts. As I navigate this extraordinary existence, a philosophical undercurrent takes shape—a resolve to avoid the pitfalls of power that history, fiction, and tales of wizards have often warned against.

Basically, don't be a dick. Otherwise, the universe will find a way to slap you in the face....hard!

I ponder the age-old wisdom that power has the potential to corrupt. The echoes of characters from shows, movies, and games who succumbed to the intoxicating influence of their abilities reverberate in my mind. It's a cautionary tale woven into the fabric of countless narratives.

The introspective journey takes root, prompting me to confront the question of how to wield this newfound magic responsibly. I acknowledge that power, like a double-edged sword, can shape destinies and alter realities. The key lies in the choices I'll make.

Drawing from the wellspring of philosophy, I contemplate the teachings of moral and ethical thinkers. The notion that power requires restraint, coupled with the understanding that true strength lies in tempered wisdom, becomes a guiding principle

The appreciation for my abilities is heightened by the stark contrast with my previous life—a life devoid of magical wonder. I cherish the intricacies of each spell, and I'm thankful there are no incantations, recognizing them as privileges earned through the unique journey of transmigration. Although, there may be some cast time due to the low percentage of assimilation.

As I steady myself against the allure of unchecked power, a commitment takes root—a commitment to remain vigilant against the shadows that power can cast. The lessons of humility and empathy become my shields against the potential corruption that might lurk in the wake of magical prowess.

In the delicate balance between power and restraint/control, philosophy becomes a guiding light. The narratives of caution and redemption, drawn from tales both fictional and real, shape the path ahead. In the embrace of magic, I find not only a source of wonder but a canvas upon which to paint a story of resilience, virtue, and the unwavering commitment to never succumb to the shadows that power may cast.


In the tapestry of my contemplations, the threads of philosophy weave a pattern that resonates with a familiar echo—the concept of balance in the Force, a principle from a galaxy far, far away. As I ponder the responsibility that comes with wielding magical power, I find striking similarities between my own convictions and the ancient teachings of the Jedi.

The realization dawns like the rising sun on a distant horizon. The Jedi, in their pursuit of balance in the Force, sought a harmonious coexistence of light and dark. This echoes my own philosophy—an understanding that magic, like the Force, demands equilibrium and judicious use. Or rather, Those with power of some kind, regardless of what form that power takes.

Just as the Force yearns for balance, so too must I navigate the currents of magic with a mindful equilibrium. The dichotomy of power requires an unwavering commitment to balance, avoiding the pitfalls that imbalance can bring.

The magical schools, each representing a facet of arcane potential, align with the multifaceted nature of the Force. Destruction and restoration, alteration and illusion, conjuration—all akin to the ebb and flow of light and dark within the Force.

I have no doubt I will get some blowback from Dumbledore if I ever use my magic to raise the dead, don't want to seem dark now do I? He's basically a Jedi who never tolerates anything that may come even close to being dark, I'm surprised constantly says "no emotion" or speaks in broken sentences on purpose at this point.

Although, Just as the Jedi emphasized the importance of wisdom and restraint in the use of the Force, I recognize the need for these virtues in my magical journey. Although I always preferred the Je'daii code.

"There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no fear; there is power. I am the heart of the Force. I am the revealing fire of light. I am the mystery of darkness, In balance with chaos and harmony, Immortal in the Force."

In this parallel realization, the connection between my philosophy and the Je'daii Code becomes a guiding force. The lessons of balance, wisdom, and restraint, drawn from a galaxy of myth and legend, find resonance in the arcane realms that await my exploration. As I navigate this magical odyssey, I am mindful of the echoes of the Force, finding solace in the timeless wisdom that transcends galaxies and realms alike.

Wait, why is my mind moving like this?

As I navigate the labyrinth of magical potential and philosophical reflections, a subtle awareness dawns upon me—an acknowledgment that my mind is not merely a vessel for thought but a realm transformed. The cognitive landscape is marked by refined thoughts, in perpetual motion, each idea weaving seamlessly into the next. It's a mental symphony, an intricately choreographed dance of ideas that feels distinctly different from the cognitive patterns of my previous life.

I find myself marveling at the newfound intricacy of thought, the refined nature of each idea, and the fluidity with which my mind processes information. It's as if the transmigration has bestowed upon me not just magical abilities but an enhanced cognitive architecture—an intellectual metamorphosis.

The cadence of thought has changed. Ideas flow with a refined precision, a dance of intellect that feels both exhilarating and profoundly different from the cognitive patterns of my previous existence.

How do I know I am thinking differently? Well, I never used to think like that. Don't get me wrong, I was a nerd. No denying that. But, I was just a little… slower. Not dumb, just average really. But now it's almost like…

Hmm, let's see…

[Essence of Archmage]

[You get perfect memory with infinite storage and genius-level intellect.

You also gain the capacity to learn any 'magic', even unique ones, upon seeing it once or

understanding enough about it. This also includes things like Ki, Chakra, soul power, etc.

This Essence will give you a supernatural reactor that can adapt to any supernatural energy to fuel spells, enchantments, powers, etc. This reactor provides a steady supply of power that will grow over time. You will not automatically have an energy reserve equal to a person who has trained countless years to grow their reserves.

Thanks to this Essence, you can teach the Magic Systems you've learned to others, even if they previously lacked the capacity. You'll also be able to combine your Magic Systems with enough mastery of them and experimentation.]

[Benefits Include:

Perfect memory with infinite storage

Beyond genius-level intellect

Capacity to learn any 'magic' even unique ones upon seeing it once or understanding enough about it. This also includes things like Ki, Chakra, soul power, etc.

Possess a supernatural reactor that can adapt to any supernatural energy to fuel spells, enchantments, powers, etc. This reactor provides a steady supply of power that will grow over time, right now you could use high consumption abilities with wild abandon and still not make much of a dent after a few hours.

Can teach others systems even if they previously lacked the capacity.

Manipulate entire systems or combine them with experimentation.

Capable of casting any spell as long as you have the energy not requiring any extra element like a focus or materials. The time required to cast if any remains, however.]

[Essence of Blank]

[You gain but one benefit:

Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes.]

'OH SHIT!!!'


The revelation that the system has bestowed upon me the Essence of Archmage and Essence of Blank is like unlocking hidden doors to the vast realms of possibility. As I absorb the essence of these extraordinary gifts, a profound understanding begins to dawn, connecting the dots between my current reality and the exceptional capabilities I now possess.

Perfect memory, genius intellect, adaptability to any supernatural energy, and the capacity to teach and combine magical systems—I won't just be a regular wizard, I'll be able to stand toe to toe with people like Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Grindlewald, the possibilities are limitless.

The benefits outlined in the Essence of Archmage paint a vivid picture of my newfound capabilities. Perfect memory and intellect serve as the foundation, while the supernatural reactor provides an unending wellspring of energy. The ability to teach and combine magical systems opens avenues for collaboration with any summons I have and some experimentation, expanding the boundaries of magical understanding.

I always used to think fuin-jutsu was the chakra version of runes, now I can see how similar they actually are.

The Essence of Blank emerges as a singular gift—a key to unlocking the boundless potential within me. With this essence, the limitations of conventional learning crumble, and the horizon of possibilities expands infinitely. Any discipline or skillset becomes within my grasp, a canvas upon which I can paint the strokes of mastery without forgetting.

The synergy between the Essence of Archmage and Essence of Blank becomes evident. Perfect memory and genius intellect align seamlessly with the limitless potential granted by the Essence of Blank. The ability to learn and master any discipline or skillset, combined with the magical prowess of the Archmage, creates a harmonious fusion of knowledge and power.

In the union of these essences, I find not only the capability to wield magic but also the boundless potential to explore and master any field of knowledge. It is a convergence of intellect and versatility, a manifestation of the extraordinary gifts bestowed upon me.

As the realization sets in, I stand at the precipice of an extraordinary journey. The gifts of the Essences elevate me beyond the realms of ordinary wizards or sorcerers. I am an Archmage with a blank canvas of limitless potential—a confluence of magic, knowledge, and the uncharted territories of what lies beyond the known.

The wisdom encapsulated in Jordan Peterson's words— "Be a monster, and learn how to control it"—takes on a profound resonance in the context of my newfound magical prowess and the responsibility that comes with it. As I delve into the intricacies of magic and the potential for immense power, the essence of this advice becomes a guiding principle, shaping my approach to my new life and the arcane arts.

In the canvas of magical potential, I acknowledge the truth embedded in Peterson's words. Magic, like a formidable force, has the capacity to unleash both benevolence and havoc. The acknowledgment of this potential becomes the first step in understanding the essence of being a "monster."

Magic, in its boundless potential, is basically reality warping at a small scale. To recognize this potential within myself is to confront the 'monster'—the latent power that lies beneath the surface.

The term "monster" is not one of condemnation but of acknowledgment—a recognition that power, when untamed, can manifest in unpredictable ways. Embracing the monstrous potential within becomes a conscious acceptance of the vast capabilities magic bestows.

To be a 'monster' is to accept the full spectrum of magical potential within, acknowledging the capacity for both creation and destruction. It is an embrace that allows for a deeper understanding of the forces at play.

Peterson's counsel echoes with the imperative to learn how to control the 'monster' within. The journey into the magical realms is not merely an exploration but a disciplined pursuit of mastery—an endeavor to wield power with precision and purpose.

To control the 'monster' is to master the art of magic. It is a disciplined journey that involves honing skills, understanding the intricacies of each spell, and learning to channel the boundless potential with precision and intent.

The parallel with the concept of balance in the Force and the Jedi Code becomes evident. Learning to control the 'monster' involves maintaining a delicate equilibrium, ensuring that power is harnessed judiciously and with a profound sense of responsibility.

In the pursuit of control, balance emerges as the guiding principle. To navigate the realms of magic is to dance on the edge of power, maintaining equilibrium and preventing the 'monster' from veering into the realms of chaos.

The amalgamation of Jordan Peterson's advice and the philosophical underpinnings drawn from the Jedi Code and magical teachings forms a cohesive approach to the challenges posed by immense power. It's an integration of wisdom, discipline, and the acknowledgment of the potent forces that reside within.

To be a 'monster' is not a condemnation but an acknowledgment of potential. To learn how to control it is to embark on a journey of mastery, tempered by wisdom and guided by the timeless principles that govern the responsible use of power.

In recognizing the profound meaning behind Peterson's words, the journey into the realms of magic becomes a conscious embrace of the 'monster' within—a journey marked by discipline, responsibility, and the relentless pursuit of mastery over the boundless potential that lies at the core of magical existence.

Basically, be capable of being a badass when necessary, and don't be a bitch with your power. Hehehe!


"Be a monster, and learn how to control it"

- Dr. Jordan Peterson


Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC and ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners.


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Don't forget the stones🪨

Thank you for reading.

Until next time.

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