I managed to get the hyperventilating cat girl to calm down for now.
Seriously though… I now understand why the ship is special but I don't think people would respond like this right?
If someone else told me they had a time machine in the shape of a certain car, I would just ask to see pics of it and that would have been enough.
I then explained to Ries that we were keeping away from the ship now because of some circumstances and we needed to wait for some time before we could return to it.
She was obviously not that happy about it but at least she's no longer looking like some crazy girl that was starved for several days.
"How long would you be away from the ship then?" She asked as we continued looking around the rest of the floor.
"Honestly, we were planning to stay here for maybe two or three days before heading back."
"Nngghh… That's so long… Could I just go take a look at it myself?"
Captain's Log:
Ok, so I guess we'll just take her on and see how she works first before deciding if we're going to hire her fulltime. Guess I have to go draft out an employment contract for her. Is there any that I can use for reference since I don't know the current employment standards?
Amber Log:
This girl is fun~ I'm sure we'll have lots of fun with her~
Lea's Log:
Captain is most probably going to get her to bunk with me. I'll need to make some adjustments to the room in that case.
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