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17.77% The Betrayed Hero and the Idol / Chapter 8: chapter 8

Capítulo 8: chapter 8

Chapter 8 – Fallout

----- Ai POV -----

"Thanks, Cassius. I had a lot of fun!"

"Me too. We should do it again sometime."

"Y-Yeah, I'd like that."

Standing in front of my front door, I can't the torrent of thoughts running through my mind.

'We should do it again sometime.'

Is he inviting me on another date?

Are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?

Agh! I don't know!

But... that wouldn't be bad.

From our morning runs to the outings with my babies, and finally our first real date today.

...If you don't count karaoke, that is.

Every second I spend with Cassius, it feels... good.

Fulfilling, comfortable, delightful... all the kind words I could use.

As close to perfect as I know.

All the times when we're alone, I don't even wear my usual act.

And he still likes me!

Could it be possible?

That I don't need to lie to create love?

I... don't know yet.

Even if my lies could create genuine love from him, I would still need a ways to go.

Because receiving love, even if I understand it, is only one part of the exchange.

I return to the same question I've asked myself of my handsome neighbour.

Could he be the key to all the answers to love that I seek?

Again, I don't know.

But when he makes me feel so good... makes my children so happy...

Does it matter?

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow morning then."

Turning toward his apartment, I spontaneously grab his hand as he takes his first step.

W-Well, in a situation like this, aren't we supposed to kiss or something?

I don't think I could do that.

Not while I still don't know what love is nor while I still can't say it.

He's not my fan, and I've learned that I don't want him to be.

Like my babies, he doesn't deserve such lies, and he would be able to see through it anyways.

But, this wouldn't be too far, no?

Taking a step toward him, I grasp his shoulder while standing on my toes before pulling my lips to his cheek.

A small peck, only long enough to taste the lingering sweat from our activity.

But in that short moment, I felt a familiar sensation of overflowing heat.

When I first had my babies, when Ruby first said 'Mama', when my babies danced at my concert.

It's similar.

"Well~ I'll see you later, Cassius~"

To think you could make me feel this again...

Yes, I've decided!

Cassius Anemoi, I will make you love me!

I'll make you keep me!

And then... I'll make you teach me!

How to love!

How to feel that warmth!

How to give that warmth!

How to make you and my babies as happy as you do to me!

And then, only then...

Will I tell you 'I love you'.

Only then will my lifelong quest will come to an end.

And after that?

Well, who knows~?

But I'll make one thing certain.

I'm not letting you get away~

----- Aqua POV - 3 Hours Later -----

With Ruby asleep, Ai turned her entire motherly attention onto me, hence my current position, sitting in her lap while we idly watch TV.

"Hmhmm~ Hmhmm~"

It seemed that the date went well, at least.

Although Ai is always happy, her current aura feels more... genuine.

I know that Ai has something going on in her head, after all, I had not seen her break down or be upset once.

That's simply not human.

There's also the fact that she's never said 'I love you' to either of us

While I don't need the verbal confirmation to know that she does indeed love us, it's still... odd.

Well, considering the fact that her two children are reincarnated, I don't know what exactly counts as 'odd' in this household.

I wonder, if Ai and Cassius get serious, will he suddenly reveal a weird trait of his own?

Nah, what are the odds?

Suddenly, we hear our doorbell ring.

"Oh~? I wonder if it's Cassius~?"

Placing me on the ground, I follow slightly behind Ai as she opens the door.

"Ai... how are your twins?"

Wait, that doesn't sound like Cassius.

Nor the president or Miyako?

Ai stepping back, I see her white dress become dyed red, the blot growing larger before my eyes.

I then see the visitor, a knife hand tightly in his grasp.

No, why, is Ai bleeding?

"Does that hurt!? Huh!? Well, I hurt more! It was hell!"

Ai staggers backward, hunched over in pain as sweat begins to pour down her face.

"You're an idol! How dare you have kids!? You- You sold out your fans, you whore!"

Unable to react, I just stood there in shock as Ai leaned against the wall.

Come on! You were a doctor! HER doctor!

Do something, dammit!

"You disrespected your fans. I bet you were always mocking us behind our backs! You liar!"

Aimlessly standing next to Ai, I can see her body shake.

"You were all 'Love, Love, Love' all over the place, reeling us in! It was all a damn pack of lies!"

The blood, it isn't stopping.

Why!? Why isn't it stopping?

The stench of iron, it's unbearable!

"I-I've always been irresponsible. As people go, I'm hopeless. I don't really get what it means to love somebody, so... instead... I've always told pretty lies that will make people happy."

No, Ai! Don't talk!

"Someday... I hoped the lies would become true. I did my best. I worked hard. I died with everything I had."

Why are you still talking!?

The blood, now dripping through her dress, paints the floor a dark red.

"To me, lies are love. In my own way... I thought I was showing my love. I don't know if I managed to love you and the others... but when I sang those love songs... I was thinking that I wanted to."

Searching through my memories, I dredge up all the knowledge I could.

Dammit! A gynecologist like me knew nothing of treating stab wounds!

"I was hoping... that someday I really would. Even now... I'd like to love you."

"Liar... like you even remember me. You just want me to let you go-"

"You're Ryousuke, aren't you? You came to lots of our meet and greets."

Ai!? What are you doing!?

Keep pressure on the wound!

"Huh? Am I wrong? Sorry. I'm really bad with names. The star sand you gave me as a souvenir made me happy. It's still on display in my living room."

"W-What the hell? This isn't... That's not what I- Ahhh!"

The attacker running off, I can finally feel my voice return.

"Ai! I... I can call an ambulance!"

"Boy, did I mess up. That's what door chains are for, huh? They didn't teach us that-"

"Don't talk!"

Pressing my hands against her abdomen, the medical knowledge of my past finally came forward.

Abdominal aorta!? Fuck!

That's... that's lethal...

"I'm sorry... I'm pretty sure... they can't fix this..."

Huh? But... no...

They have to!

"And to think... I had just found the path..."

Hearing Ruby begin to pound on the door, I feel myself begin to tremble in Ai's hold.

"Ah, this really gonna mess things up for the president, huh? Apologize to him for me, okay?"

"Hey! What's wrong!? What's... going on over there?"

Hearing Ruby pound against the door, I barely am able to utter any words.

"Stay... stay away, Ruby."

"C'mon, tell me!"

No, it's hopeless...

The paramedics, they can't fix something like this... not at this stage...

Feeling Ai become colder, only one person comes to mind.

Why? He can't save her.

He's a martial artist turned musician that has gone on a few dates with Ai, so why would he be coming to mind?

Was it that odd feeling of warmth I felt with him?

That feeling of security? That everything would be all right?

Unable to hold it in anymore, I scream as loud as I can, the only person my 3-year-old instincts thought could fix this situation.


----- Ai POV -----

It hurts.

It hurts quite badly.

But still, this is nothing compared to the pain of being abandoned, of being unloved.

That and the numbing feeling crawling up my body is the only reason I could hold Aqua so calmly.

I don't understand love.

For the longest time, I thought I would never understand love.

Until the president showed me a way, to lie about love, and then... the lies may become truth.

I had spent these past 7 years honing my lies, perfecting my facade, if not to convince the fans, but to convince myself.

So when I said those three precious words, someday, it would be real.

Ah, and just when I thought I had found another way.

I'm sorry, Cassius.

I'm sorry, Aqua.

I'm sorry, Ruby.

...I have a lot of people to apologize to, don't I?

Looking down at my baby boy held in my arms, crying out to Cassius, I turn my head to see my sweet daughter through the glass of the door.

Feeling the warmth spread throughout my body once again, I can't help but smile.

So that's it, huh?

To think, it was so simple.

To think it was right in front of me this whole time.

Ah, I really am just a stupid idol, aren't I?

"I wonder what kind of adults you two will grow into? Ah, how I want to see your school entrance ceremony, to visit your class, to hear people say 'Your Mom is so young, Ruby, Aqua!'. I want to stay right here with you... and watch you two grow up."

Yes, I want all of it, all of those memories.

I'm such a greedy idol, aren't I?

I have so much to say, but as I feel my skin getting colder, I have to say this first, before anything else.

"Ruby. Aqua. I love you."

I said it.

I finally said it.

"I'm sorry. It took me way too long."

But I said it.

And those words were 100 percent, not a lie.

Ah, I feel like a burden has been lifted on me.

"Ai!? What the hell!?"

Cassius then kneels over me, pressing his hands over my wound.

You know, I am a little curious.

You helped me discover what exactly this 'warmth' was, after all.

Grabbing his face, I pull it towards me into a deep kiss.

The moment our lips touch, I feel the warmth, no, the love blossom throughout me, like warm sunshine washing away all my deceit and worries.

As I thought.

"I love you, Cassius."

Ah, love truly is a beautiful feeling.

And how blessed was I to be surrounded by it so, even if I never realised.

What a shame that it took so long for me to find it.

But thank you for the hint, Cassius.

As my mind runs through this past week, I remember how lovely he was with my babies.

Ah, they'll be sad when I leave, won't they?

They'll need someone...

I wouldn't want to leave them like my mother did, even if the circumstances are different.

"Please, take care of my kids, Cassius."

Feeling the numbing sensation spread throughout my body, I can only barely catch his words.

"Let's take care of them together then."

----- Cassius POV -----

Leaning back into my chair, I unconsciously raise my hand to caress my cheek.

Specifically, the place Ai had kissed just moments before.

Dammit, yeah, no matter what's holding me back, I can't deny that I really like her.

No... at this point, wouldn't it be closer to love?

The line between the two is blurry, more of a spectrum then a flipped switch.

But to think it would only take a week to become so infatuated with someone...

Am I that easy?

Perhaps it's her similar feeling of 'brokenness' in regards to emotions that attracted me so much?

Her strength of will to constantly put up her act, if not for herself, then the betterment of her children?

Or maybe it's just because she's really cute?

And hot.

Very hot.

Haa, but then again...

Does it matter?

I like maybe love her, I can find out exactly why in time.

So yeah, maybe I should be a little more aggressive in my affections.

Wouldn't be very funny if her ex slid back into the picture while I'm stuck hesitating.

Well, that can come later.

For now... it's music time!




That's... Aqua.

What the hell?

Is something bad happening?

Jumping out of my seat, I make my way over to Ai's apartment.

Wait, her door is open.

I don't like the feeling of this.

Looking in, I see Ai with her back pressed against the door, blood pouring out of her abdomen.

The familiar sight inciting an old memory, one I often see in my dreams.

A dreary sky, the falling rain.

The blood running through my hands as I try to heal my beloved.

The sickening scent of copper, the cooling body, the blanching skin.

Because she was a weakness of mine, and therefore her kingdom, she ran into the attacking monster's claw, unfortunately ridden with the curse of unhealing, the same curse that brought me to my end.


This isn't like before!

I can save her!

I WILL save her!

"Ai!? What the hell!?"

Running up to her, I try to assess the extent of her injuries before I feel my face being pulled towards her lips.

A euphoric sweetness, yet tainted by the taste of blood.

"I love you, Cassius."

Her eyes lighting up like a galaxy, I feel my heartbeat's pace quicken to what is likely an unhealthy degree.

Ai! Thank you, but now is not the time!

"Please, take care of my kids, Cassius."

Has she resigned herself to her fate?

Well, unfortunately for fate, I'm here.

And I will not let you die, Ai.

Because as tentative I am to admit it, I love you aswell.

And I will not fail my love again.

"Let's take care of them together then."

Pressing my palm to her wound, I flood her with solar magic infused with it's healing property.

Ripping open her dress, I see the wound closing before my eyes as her skin regains it's usual luster.

The coil of worry in my stomach unwinds.

Well, she should be fine now.

Pressing my hand against her forehead, I see that she has no fever, as expected, and her breathing has gone back to normal.


Turning to Aqua, I see that he's looking at me with awe and a little bit of fear.

Well, that's to be expected.

Bringing my hand to his head, I ruffle his hair.

"Well, your Mama should be fine now. How about we go inside and reassure Ruby? Oh, and let's keep this a secret for now, ok?"

Getting an absent nod, I close Ai's front door and pick up the sleeping beauty.

My smile dropping, I start unintentionally releasing my aura, causing Aqua to shiver in fear.

Now... who the hell dared to take away my Ai?

Who dared to take away my peace?

Well, that can all come later, but know this.

Forgiveness has long since removed from my traits as a 'hero', and you will find no mercy from my blade.

I will show you what making an enemy of a nightmare entails.

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