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100% HP: DRACONIC RAVENCLAW / Chapter 1: It's my destiny!


Autor: And_Ofc

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: It's my destiny!


-3-person view

"10% with me and 90% with you!" says an angry boy who has just had his 11th birthday and is arguing with his parents.

"Darling, you need to understand that these percentages are very high, I'm trying to help you here! Your father wanted you to have just 1% and I managed to convince him to increase it to 3% !!!! Please understand my situation." Said the boy's mother.

"Mom, you have to understand that this is too little! How about this, you give me 10% total and an initial limit of 5% for the first 2 years and from the 3rd year onwards you increase the limit by 1% until it reaches 10%! Sounds good, doesn't it?" Said the boy, trying to get as much out of the situation as possible.

"NEVER, look here kid, just because you turned 11 today doesn't mean you're an adult!" Shouts the boy's father, losing patience.

"Honey, how about this: you start with 3% and every year you increase it by 1%! Sounds good, doesn't it? That's the limit your father and I are willing to agree to." Said the mother as she looked at her son with a sweet gaze while pretending not to hear her husband's murmurs of complaint.

"That's fine, mom, that's fine with me." The boy finally agreed with his parents, perhaps because he had wanted to from the start? or because his mother was looking at him with a look that said that if he continued the argument he would lose everything he had fought to have so far? Only he knows.

"Then go and pack your things, you little pest!" His mother said cheerfully again.

and so the boy ran off to his room to tidy up, while his father sat in his chair with a tired look on his face and said.

"If this boy carries on like this, I'm going to die in a few years".

The mother laughs slightly and says, "Darling, he's only just entering puberty, you should take it less seriously."

-pov ladon-

"I need this, this and I can't miss THIS!" Said Ladon to the boy who is now looking at what he should take to the school where he will live for the next 7 years, HOGWARTS!

Ladon has been looking forward to going there for a long time, why do you wonder? Quite simple really, Ladon is a reincarnate and has always loved the Harry Potter books and when he found out that he had come to the world of his favorite book he couldn't stop thinking for a second about what it would be like to live in that magical castle! Well, that's what I wanted to tell you.

"Will she like this? Or this? I'd better take both," Ladon said to himself in his room as he thought.

'I'm finally going to meet her, the love of my life!' That was all Ladon could think about, after all, since he was born, he had always dreamed of the same thing, the same GIRL, that's why he was going to Hogwarts! His parents noticed his peculiarity as soon as he was born, after all, as his father himself said.

"Our family is special and we've seen a lot of people like you in our ancestral tree, there's no need to be nervous, those who are born like you have made a special book to calm down future generations! "And so he received the necklace with a crystal book in the middle, he always carries this necklace with him in case he needs help with anything, I'm not going to say much about it because there's nothing special about it, they just said not to interfere in major events in history that I know of and one thing they all left in common is that if any of them were born at the time of the beginning of Harry Potter, don't try to interfere and leave Voldemort alive or something, otherwise death itself would come after whoever did it and erase that person from existence.

Well, back to the main subject, I'LL FINALLY MEET HER! LUNA LOVEGOOD! I always loved her in the books and as soon as I realized I was reincarnated here I always wanted to be with her, too bad I don't live on the European continent, otherwise we'd already be engaged of course, if you're wondering, I live in a hidden place in the middle of the Amazon rainforest between the borders of several countries, my family is very powerful you know, half dragons and etc... I'm not going to go into too much depth, after all the important thing is for me to tell you my plans for how I'm going to meet her and it's going to be like this: ...

(What? Did you think I was going to show you that? You're going to have to read the 30000000 extremely slow novel chapters I've prepared to find out, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha[Consider that an evil laugh] COF COF, I'm just doing this text here to make a few things clear and the first is: this story will have 100 chapters maximum, I don't want to drag it out

Second: I'm going to try to make the chapters as long as possible, if I can't get to the ending I want by 100 chapters I'll go over that limit, so don't worry!

And lastly and most importantly: by chapter 7 I want them to be dating, no later than 10. Well that's it, ENJOY!)

10:40 a.m. September 11, 1992

-3-person view

"Are you sure you've got everything there? I still think you should use a wand, after all that's what they use around here" said Elysia the ladon's mother as she was getting worried and heartbroken that her little kid was leaving the nest.

"I'm fine mom! I've looked at everything and I don't want a wand! I don't find it practical at all, I prefer my bracelets, besides being a better magical catalyst. I doubt those idiots know what spell to use to get the bracelet off me!" Ladon said a little nervously because it was almost time for the train to leave and his mother was stopping him.

"The boy's right, Ely dear, you need to calm down and let the boy go or he'll miss the train!" Dad said as he took out a sheet of paper and handed it to Ladon "This paper is for you to show to those goblins when you need something, and here's a bag with some galleons." He said as he pushed me onto the train without letting my mother get in my way.

"Bye mom, bye dad!" I say as I rush onto the train and the door closes.

"At last that little pest has gone and I can have some peace," said Fafner, Ladon's father, before being elbowed by his wife.

"I'm already in a bad mood, don't irritate me any more, let's go home! I need a second son!" Said Elysia as she done a continental apparation and headed home.

"You talk as if it's easy to have the first one!" Fafner says as he runs to avoid annoying his wife any further.

-pov ladon-

'Well that's it I guess, maybe a brother or sister will come along for me next year the way Mom was mad at Dad!' I think as I walk down the train corridor looking for Luna or an empty seat.

Looking for a place to stay, I bump into a blond boy with green eyes and two big boys with silly faces.

"Watch where you're going, if you don't I'm going to make my father kill you," said the boy, and as soon as I heard his voice I realized who it was, Draco 'my father is going to kill you' Malfoy.

"Well I'm sorry I bumped into you, I'm a bit lost looking for someone, it's my first year, could you help me? My name's Ladon too, what's yours?" I say while trying to be polite, a lot of people hate the boy just for being a spoiled brat, I don't particularly mind and I think I can change him to be more bearable.

"So you're a first year? Well tell me who you're looking for, I have a lot of contacts and I can help you find them, what's this person's name?" Draco said as he looked at me and noticed the quality of my clothes and how strange my indigo blue dragon eyes were.

"Luna LOVEGOOD! I don't know if you know her, I really hope you can help me find her" I said as my draconic eyes sparkled with the hope of meeting her sooner.

"Lovegood you say? I don't recommend you get close to her, she's a bit strang..." he stopped as soon as I started looking at him with a look that promised a painful death.

"Well, I saw her looking for some imaginary bugs three carriages away, maybe you'll find her there?" said Malfoy as he walked as fast as he could with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

3 carriages, she's only 3 carriages away from me! I've never been so close to her!!!!!!!

I start running through the carriages and dodge everyone until I get to the 3rd carriage and I... I DIDN'T FIND HER! That malfoy is going to suffer for lying to me, well at least there's an empty carriage here.

I don't have any suitcases because my dad gave me a ring that has 100m³ of space inside to store anything I want, so I just sit in the seat by the window and watch the train start to move. (Interesting fact, ladon used 90m³ of the space just storing presents he thinks Luna would like! How about you guys give me some ideas of what he could get her? It has to be silly and cute things, no clothes or anything like that because it would look weird).

"Well, it looks like I'm going to have to wait until it's time to choose the house for that hat, if it doesn't put me together with Luna I'm going to burn it." I said as I looked at the beautiful mountains in the landscape.

While I'm lost in my thoughts, there's a commotion in the train corridor.

"Look! Look out there! There's a flying car!"

What a beauty, a flying car, who could it be? I'd forgotten that this year is full of mischief from the golden trio.

While I'm reminiscing about everything that's going to happen this year and losing my good humor over an annoying old snake that, thanks to Merlin, won't get anywhere near my dear Luna!

After the car had left, the commotion died down and everyone went back to their carriages, because it was time to get dressed and enter Hogwarts and no one wanted to be late for that moment, not even me!

A few minutes later the train stops and everyone hears a voice shouting.

"First years! All the first years come here!" This is Hagrid the Hogwarts janitor, a half giant and a great worshiper of Dumbledore.

"Hey boy, come here! I can see by your clothes that you're a first year come here!" As Hagrid calls out to a lost boy, I walk over and stand next to the rest of the staff.

"He's so tall." everyone around me says.

I don't mind too much because I've seen real giants while traveling with my parents, I'm more worried about where Luna is, I thought it would be easy to find her but I don't see her anywhere, I'm losing my patience here!

"Come here and sit in those boats, come on! Come on!" says Hagrid as he sits in the boat.

"No more than 4 people!" he says as he sees 6 children trying to get into the same boat.

"Come on! Let's go! You don't want to be late, do you?"

And so everyone gets organized and we cross the great black lake of Hogwarts, it's really beautiful when you see it up close. Dumbledore must have spent a lot of mana to make this scene of the lake water being still even though several boats are moving.

When we reach the end of the lake, Hagrid waits for everyone to leave and says, "Is everyone okay? So I'm going to call Deputy Headmistress McGonagall now."

Then he turns around and knocks extremely hard and loudly on the Hogwarts gate.

And as soon as he's finished knocking, the gigantic doors of Hogwarts open and an old lady with the face of a granny who bakes cookies at Christmas comes in and says: "Thanks Hagrid, I'll look after them from now on!"

"All right then, McGonagall," says Hagrid and then he goes in to get his dinner, someone like him must eat a lot.

McGonagall explains what we should do while I ramble on about how much food Hagrid had to eat to be that fat, even though he works with so many animals and walks through the Forbidden Forest every day looking for magical beasts.

Soon we arrive in the great hall and McGonagall looks at all of us and says: "I'm going to call you up in alphabetical order, so get organized so you don't embarrass yourselves!"

And so the roll call begins, I'll just list the important ones here: LUNA LOVEGOOD and that's it, I think Abote?Nabote? I don't know his name is also getting in this year, honestly I don't care, thanks to Merlin my name is after her and I'll get to see her first.

While I'm rambling, McGonagall calls the students to sit down and wear the hat until she says her name.

"LUNA LOVEGOOD! Luna lovegood come here" says McGonagall and my heart starts beating fast as I see that cutie climb up on the chair with her curious face and the hat is placed on her head.

'How I wish I was that hat right now!' I think as I look at that hat with extreme envy because it's going to touch Luna before I do.

"RAVENCLAW" says the hat and as incredible as it may seem my name is called soon after.

"Ladon drákōn Caesaris!" says McGonagall as the teachers at the table go quiet and all the children from the 28 holy families of England go absolutely silent and look at the hat waiting to see who the boy who would sit there is.

I soon sit down on the stool and McGonagall looks at me stunned as she lowers her hand to place the hat on me while only one thing is going through my head.

'burn the hat with the flames of purgatory if he doesn't leave me with luna, burn the hat with the flames of purgatory if he doesn't leave me with luna, burn the hat with the flames of purgatory if he doesn't leave me with luna, burn the hat with the flames of purgatory if he doesn't leave me with luna.'

Before he even touches my head, he screams as loud as he can while trembling deeply:


Everyone is amazed while I just get up and go and sit as close to Luna as I can without breaking the division between the genders, fortunately she sat on the boundary between boys and girls and I sat right next to her.

After that, the roll call of the other students continues and the teachers and students calm down a bit after being startled by the hat's cry of despair.

Soon afterwards Dumbledore gives that speech about the forest being forbidden and the flinch prohibited items and blah blah blah, then he asks us to sing the Hogwarts anthem and everyone starts singing it out of sync and shrill which hurts my ears, fortunately soon afterwards he says what I've been waiting for!

"Now, *fingers snap* you may eat," says Dumbledore as the food appears on the large Hogwarts tables.

As soon as the food appears and Luna and I sit down, I turn to her shyly and introduce myself:

"Hi, I'm Ladon, looks like we're from the same house! How about us being lov-cof COF friends? I'm sorry my throat's a bit dry, and I'm also sorry for my rudeness, I didn't ask what your name is miss?" I say as my voice shakes a little and I look at her with my eyes shining with joy.

"You're funny, my name is Luna Lovegood, and of course you can be my first friend!" She says in her cheerful and calm voice.

And with that sentence my blood pressure drops and I almost faint in the great hall of Hogwarts.

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