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50% Femboy maker, becoming a system Operator / Chapter 6: The wave mission (R16?)

Capítulo 6: The wave mission (R16?)

Sasuke uchiha are training his body on the uchiha training ground

He is panting heavily doing weighted push up with a boulder on top of him

But he does not seems like he is stopping, the joy of becoming stronger and stronger is catching up to his fatigue as he keeps doing his exercise

One day a wandering god decide to help him in his quest for power, and it sells him divines artifacts.

Which consist of woman panties and bras.

Weird as it sounds, all of them does works,

So he have been wearing them 24/7 since then, the god said it will increase his divinity so he have no choice

Even if it's uncomfortable and embarassing at first, he still wear them as he needs to get stronger

One day Kakashi sensei decide to give them D-rank mission, which is more like a glorified chore than an actual mission

They are sent to the field to plant some rice for the farmer, which means water,

It's good thing his clothes are not see throught when they are wet, and the muddy water also help concealing his underwear

But for someone who looks very very closely, they would've noticed the shape of a bra on his shirt

'Good thing Kakashi sensei are often too busy reading his smut, if not then he will obviously notice it'

Oh yeah, talking about smut, Sasuke has been showing an interest towards them,

wearing the underwear has awakened something inside of him, he become more and more arroused as time goes, every movement he made he can feels the texture of the underwear rubbing itself on his body

He is too embarassed to ask his teammate and his sensei is absolutely a no go either.

So he search for it himself, trying to find anything to help him

And he found it

He was wandering around the plaza, trying to find anything to help him,

And he found them, the book that Kakashi sensei often reads

At first he doesn't know what it is, he thought it must be an important book because Kakashi-sensei always reads it,

So he bought them, took them home so no body can peek it

He opens up the book and along with, comes a brand new world

The pictures, the words, all of them are so enticing

His heart beat furiously, sweat coming out of his body as he feels a sudden heat coming on him

His breath became shaky as if he has been running for miles, his eyes are glued to the word on the books while his imagination gone wild

He keep reading it, despite his mind telling him it's wrong his instinct took over, suddenly his hand found it's way to his crotch,

He don't know what to do, no one ever told him anything, so he just let his instinct guide him

He rubbed his crotch without even pulling down his pants, he just keep rubbing it against his panties, doing anything that makes him feel better

And it works, the more he rubbed his crotch the more the feeling in his heart increase

"Haah~ haah~"

His breaths becomes heavier, sweat keep pouring out of him while the heat increase,

His hand are going numb but he keeps rubbing, he can't stop, he doesn't want to stop, he wants to feel this pleasure forever

The words, his imagination, the sensation on his crotch, all of that come crashing down on his uneducated mind in a violent explosion


For the first time in his life, Sasuke Uchiha as come

The aftermath of such a violent orgasm left him exhausted,

He lay down on his bed, closing his eyes as he leave the conciouss world,

A few days after that event, he has been feeling more and more free,

His movement becomes faster and more relaxed, his body more flexible as they do what he commanded them to do

Without any suspiciouns whatsoever, Sasuke just keeps exercising happily, chucking it down to him getting stronger

With the help of the divine artifacts his body has grown stronger and stronger everyday, the growth set really does help him as he can feels himself getting stronger

Both of his teammate notice it also, before this he has always been stronger than both of them but now? They don't stand a chance

Even the overly stubborn Naruto with his stupid army of blondes could not defeat him,

And yet

'It's not enough' Sasuke thought as he finished up his exercise,

Sure he is stronger than most genin for now and his chakra capacity has grown a lot

But is it enough to kill his brother? Absolutely not

'It's been a week and i haven't heard anything from the god' he is starting to miss the god, not the god himself but his power ups,

[Check the store, i get something new for ya] today, he got a new message from the god

And it was a new artifacts, he then hurriedly take the money he has been saving up from his missions and check the store,

[The smell of nature] containing elemental boosting perfumes

[The smell of chakra] containing chakra boosting perfumes

[The smell of muscle] containing physical boosting perfumes

[The smell of mind] containing genjutsu boosting perfumes

Unlike the usual, the first list cost 1000 ryo each, the next two cost 10.000 and the minds cost 20.000 each

'It's getting more expensive' Sasuke thought as he look at the list

'that's to be expected, these are powerfull artifacts so of course they are expensive'

"I think i only need the fire perfume, chakra and physical needs to be permanent so i am just gonna get the panties and bras to do that" Sasuke decide on only buying the fire perfumes

He click buys and a bottle of red perfume appears on his hand,

He sprayed it on himself and smell it

'Tomato' weirdly enough, it smells like fresh tomato

'Maybe i need to ask sensei if he knows anymore fire jutsu'

Sasuke notice the time and start walking towards the usual training ground


"I am done with this useless stuff!" A blonde loud mouth are screaming inside the Hokage office

"Old man! Gives me a C-rank mission!" Naruto Demanded the Hokage to give him something that can potentially kill him

"Naruto! You are talking to the Hokage! Be respectfull!" Iruka sensei use giant head scolding jutsu,

It was not effective

"But sensei! We have been doing nothing but D-rank missions for a week! how can i be Hokage if i only know how to plant Rice or paint fences?!" Naruto complained like a pro and Iruka sensei sighed

"Naruto, those D-rank mission exist for a reason, it's to strengthen the bond between the civilian and the ninjas,

also usually genin did not take any C-rank mission on their first month" Iruka explained to Naruto

But Naruto decide to ignore it

"But i want a harder mission! I am not moving until i got at least a C-rank" Naruto throw a tantrum and sit down with his legs crossed

"Naruto! What are you doing?! Get up!" The sound of the howler are once again heard filling everyone's ear.

Those highpitched sound always manage to make even the seasonal shinobi flinched

"Sensei, i believe we are ready for stronger mission" Sasuke decide to side with Naruto as he is also getting bored of pulling weeds

"What about it Kakashi? Do you think they are ready?" The Hokage asked for the Sensei opinion as he should knows better on what level are his students

"I believe so, they should be able to handle themself on a C-rank mission" Naruto look at his sensei with stars in his eyes

"Alright, i'll trust your judgement, send him in" Naruto jumped up from his sitting position while screaming in joy "Alright!"

The door opens up and came a greezy old man

"What? I ask for ninjas and i got brats? What can these squirts Even do?" The rude old man said as soon as he sees the team

"Who do you call brats you old geezer!" Naruto are about to throw hands at the client but Kakashi stopped him

"Naruto, you are suppose to protect the client not attack him,

And sir, don't worry i am sure my students are enough to protect you, and if they can't i will help them, i am their jonin sensei after all" Kakashi tried to defuse the situation while holding the feral Naruto that are trying to bite his way out of Kakashi's hold

"Well, fine then, i'll leave it to ya"

"Thank you, if you are ready we can leave today, it's better to go while there is still sunlight as night time will be quite dangerous" Kakashi asked the old man and he nodded

"Alright team, meet me at the gate in 1 hours, we are leaving for a few days so pack your rations, clothes, and gears, make sure you have everything you need as to not become dead weight

Meet you at the gate" And Kakashi dissapear

Tazuna look at where Kakashi used to be in amazement while the other ninja in the room just ignore it and do their own thing

"Sasuke kun, do you want to shop for supplies together?"


And Sasuke walk away



"There is no way"

"Impostor!" The three ninjas all react towards their sensei not being late

"Maa my cute genins, you are breaking heart here, i can be on time if i want to"

"Impossible, you will manage to get late to your own funeral" Sakura did not pull any punches and deliver her jab while her teammates nodded at her making her sensei popped a vein

"Any how we are all here so let's get going" and the team 7 began their journey

A few minutes later

"Hey Tazuna-san, are there any ninjas on wave?" Sakura being the bookworm that she is tried to find any information anout the client

"No, our land are consist of fishermans and builder, that's why most of us relay on other ninja villages for protection" Sakura keep asking question and chatting while Sasuke and Kakashi notice something

'Yeah, that's not natural' they look at the puddle Infront of them and prepare themself

And soon as Kakashi reached the puddle


2 ninjas emerge from the water wearing a black robe

They wrapped a chain around Kakashi's body and then pull it sending His body to bits

Naruto and Sakura look terrified, Kakashi has just been butchered into chunk of meats

"3 more to go" the 2 ninjas said menacingky through their mask, sending shivers down team 7's spine

But not Sasuke

Suddenly Sasuke appeard behind the two ninjas and knock both of them unconcious

It doesn't take much, one kick to the head for each of them are enough to send them both to oblivioun

They don't even have time to attack the other 2 people as Sasuke swiftly knock them out

"Good job Sasuke" Kakashi appeard beside him

"Kakashi sensei!" Naruto and Sakura are both surprised and glad to see Kakashi still alive

"Don't be too surprised, if a trap like that can get me then i would've died much sooner"

"Naruto, Sakura, next time something like this happends, do your best to not freeze up like a chicken, in a battle between ninjas, 2 seconds are enough kill the other" Kakashi scold the two of them for their uselessness

"Sasuke, good job taking care of them swiftly, and they are still alive so we can get informations

Tazuna-san, i need to speak with you" Kakashi said menacingly to the old man

Naruto look down, he is ashamed of himself that he can't even move while Sasuke manage to handle them swiftly,

Even if they are both fresh graduate without any experience on real fights, Sasuke can move swiftly to knock the two ninjas unconcious

And yet, Naruto can't even move

"Are you okay over there?" Naruto look at Sasuke, his smug face mocking him

"You big chicken?"


'Ohhhh so the wave mission has started' In a classroom, our protagonist are looking at the transparent panel

No body else can see it, as it is something super natural

'hmm, Sasuke is stronger than in the series, he dispatched the ninjas with pure strength alone' He look at Sasuke moving swiftly as he knock the ninjas out

'But this is boring! Is there something else i can make him do?' Tatsuya look at the screen trying to find anything interesting.

'oh?' and he found it

[Quest!] His face grinned as he look at new section

He look at it and found something much much more interesting than he thought



Hand-holding for 5 minutes

Req : Feminity lvl 1

Reward : 1 C-rank jutsu

Hug a man for 1 minutes

Req : Feminity lvl 2

Reward : 3× chakra capacity panties

Kiss a man for 30 seconds

Req : Feminity lvl: 3

Reward : 1 B-rank jutsu


Wear headband on your neck

Req : Submision level 1

Reward : Chakra locator headband


Wear a Sakura flower hairpin

Req : Humiliation lvl 1

Reward : Sharingan 1 tomoe

Wear a Sakura shaped earings

Req : Humiliation lvl 2

Reward : perception boosting earings


Read your adult book outside

Req : Depravity lvl 1

Reward : 1-D rank genjutsu]

'AHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAA!' Tatsuya laugh in his mind

He is trying his best to hold his laughter as the teacher are still in the class

"Pfft" he can't hold that 100% so he let out his laugh without his control

"Is there something funny mister Hoshin?" The teacher look at him while glaring

Tatsuya has been a model student,

A model of bad student that is

He never pay attention to the class, most of the time he spend his time sleeping,

But everytime they ask him to answer a question, he can answer them perfectly so there is nothing they can do

And now he laugh at her? Who is this kid think he is?

"Sorry Kirisu sensei, i was uh.... Remembering something funny" Tatsuya tried to compose himself to make sure the teacher have nothing else to scold him

"Oh? And can you share with the class what's so funny?" 'You really wanna do this?'

"Sure, one day i was going to a Sawcon and i saw a bird" Tatsuya layed out a trap clearly infront of her face

All of the student who has been a victim of those trap look at him with wide eyes

'Don't do it'

'you crazy motherf*cker'

'he is... He is doing it'

The face of his classmate are filled with all kind of worries and amazement

"What's a Sawcon?" Soon as they hear Kirisu sensei's reply, they know, they know where this is going

The bait has been bited, she has been caught and there is only one last thing to do

And it's not going to end well

All of them wait in anticipiation, the tension are so thick you can cut with a knife!

They all wait, all of them are waiting his responses,

There is only one response to that bait

"SAWCON THESE C- You know what? I am just gonna laugh myself out in the bathroom, see you later sensei!" And he run out of there soon as possible

His classmate look at the disapearing figure of the madman

Even him, the madlad, doesn't have enough balls to pull that one on Kirisu-sensei

They all sigh in relieve, if he dares to pull that one then nobody knows what would happend to this class

"Can anyone tell me what is a Sawcon?" Turns out this is not the first time somebody ever tried to pull that one on her.

But eveytime, they always pull out at the last moment and leave her hanging

So to this day, she still have no idea what is a Sawcon

Everytine she asked someone, they always evade her question

'...' the students are quite, they are in a complete silence as to not provoke the wild beast and force her to give them the question

"What is a Sawcon?"


"AHAHAHAHAHHAHA" if anyone are in the bathroom right now they would've testify that they hear a weird sound of a man laughing his ass out

"Oh my god! Oh~! KIRISU SENSEI! Just how innocence are you?! Oh my god, if i pull that one on her, her world would've crumbled" Tatsuya hoshin are laughing his ass out while wiping his tear after his previous stunt

'Sasuke's speed are amazing, i can run out of there without anyone noticing' he keeps laughing while checking his quest screen

'ehehehe, ahh~ alright, focus now' he check the quest screen again and he tried to find any additional information



Hand-holding for 5 minutes

Req : Feminity lvl 1

Reward : 1 C-rank jutsu

Hug a man for 1 minutes

Req : Feminity lvl 2

Reward : 3× chakra capacity panties

Kiss a man for 30 seconds

Req : Feminity lvl: 3

Reward : 1 B-rank jutsu


Wear headband on your neck

Req : Submision level 1

Reward : Chakra locator headband


Wear a Sakura flower hairpin

Req : Humiliation lvl 1

Reward : Sharingan 1 tomoe

Wear a Sakura shaped earings

Req : Humiliation lvl 2

Reward : perception boosting earings


Read your adult book outside

Req : Depravity lvl 1

Reward : 1-D rank genjutsu

Quest are the easiest way to improve your characters stats, once they have finished their quest level the stats would automaticay level'd up,

You have to find a way to make your character do any of the quest without him knowing about it, persuade them with your own reward or, just give them a sweet talk

The reward will be given directly to your characters] Tatsuya look at the extra information,

Now you might be thinking, 'hey what's that got to do with him? Sasuke will be the one getting all of this'

Well did you forget that he is linked to Sasuke? Everything Sasuke received, every equipment Sasuke wears,

He will gets all of the benefit of it without the side effects.

So if Sasuke gets stronger, he will also becomes stronger

'Let's see what i can do to make him finish his quest' Tatsuya grinned and open the chat function

~~~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~

Here it is, you crazy b*stards

70 Powerstones in 2 days?! Fuck that's more than what i usually get in a week!

And the views!? My most viewed fanfiction only have 66K views, and they have been for over a year!

Well i have never upload on those account again so maybe that's also why,

But still! You guys are crazy! Thank you!

Don't expect this to be normal, i am spoiling you with 2 chapters a day, this should've been for tommorow

Anyway See you later!

P.s the poll will be there for a week, after that i'll cut the poll and see who wins

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