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Wild Beast

"Master, I brought someone to join the sect." Entering the sect leader's office, Alex met with his master who was playing with a ring in between his fingers. the sect Leader of the Grand Lightning Sect looked at Alex for some time, before throwing the ring toward Alex, which Alex caught

"I'm guessing this is a storage ring," I said calmly, to which the sect leader nodded slightly. He was quiet for some time, before speaking.

"within, you would find resources, they were gifted to you." the sect leader said, leaving me confused. I wanted to know who it was, but the sect leader just shook his head slightly. this caused me to frown slightly, 

"The person asked me to not say. but they did say to tell you this... Fuck You." the sect leader said leaving me speechless. who was so nice to give their enemy cultivation resources? But I struggled while playing with the ring, quickly learning how to send my mind within to see what was within the storage ring. within, I saw a huge amount of cultivation resources, from pills, and even some items.

"Rily is the one you want to join the sect?" the sect leader asked leaving me confused for a moment, who did he know?

"you're my disciple, everything you do is under my supervision. I will have her talent measured, if she has no talent she can at most stay by your side." the sect leader said calmly to which I just nodded.

"Did you think of a name for yourself?" the sect leader asked, I couldn't help but notice how oddly the sect leader was looking at me. I guess the person he went to see is the reason why I got so many good things. 

"No, So I just came up with the name Blank. like in video games, but when my name pops up, it would be nothing. I also want a mask, Can I have one personally made?" I said with a smile, making the sect leader's face twitch slightly. 

"First, let's see if your cultivation has progressed." He said while reaching out, to which I just gave him my hand. so he took my hand and sent his Qi into my body to study it. after a moment, he stood there frozen like a statue. it was almost like someone had turned him into a statue at the fact he wasn't moving.

"... level 5 Body transformation?" he asked with a horrified look, this was too much. in less than 24 hours. Alex had comprehended what he needed to know about cultivation and went on to get a new cultivation art which he mastered, just to go on and break through 5 levels. was this not too shocking?

"I found that if I avoid rushing into cultivation and instead spend some time mastering energy control, I could greatly increase my cultivation speed. So, I took the time to first understand and master my energy control before anything else." I said with a smile, the sect master shook his head, too stunned for words.

"I see... then let's have your mask made. On New Year, there will be a tournament being held. you're taking part." he said to which I just nodded slightly. I went on to leave to take Lily to have her talent tested, and to the sect leader's approval she became an outer sect disciple

there were types of disciples within a sect. think of it like school, how those in lower grades can't learn the more core teaching of a subject unless they show the skills needed. outer disciples are like first graders within a sect, they only learn the basics, and once they pass a test, they can become inner-sect disciples.

Inner sect disciples were like middle school students, they got more resources, as well as a greater field of subjects, to learn from. 

above them were Core disciples. these were like high school students. they were the best the sect had to offer. they were either strong or had another field that trumped others below them.

above them were the elders, lesser elders who were like high school students. although they were elders, they were of the lowest grade and held little to no power. 

Above them were the high elders. they were like college students. this is only given to those sect disciples who showed high enough skills to be a true elder, but were just too young, or were lacking one thing.

above them were the true elders. they were the teachers. they knew many fields, and although not a master of everything, they knew enough to help others if they needed help.

above them were the supreme elders, these elders were like the vice principles. normally a sect has two of them. they stood only below the sect leader, who was like the principal of the school, running everything,

The sect currently only had around 100 sect disciples. there were no lesser elders or even high elders. there were only true elders and supreme elders.

So, I went on to go get my mask made. after that was done, the sect leader had me go to the battlefield to gain experience. after all, I couldn't just sit around all day and cultivate, I had to learn how to fight and get used to killing. but before that, I had to pick an item to fly on.

"Flying Sword, Flying brooms, Flying Carpets... wow, everything is here," I said while looking at the many items I could use to fly on. cultivators were not able to truly fly, instead, they used an item like a sword which they stood on. Of course, the sword would not be normal, as they used a technique along with the sword to be able to fly into the air.

'Now that I remember it, wasn't Asta from black clover flying on a flying sword? why am I thinking this?" I thought while walking up to a black flying sword. it was large, almost like a surfboard.

"Alright, you remember the techn..." the sect leader wanted to speak, but just went quiet seeing me sitting on the flying sword which floated above the ground. clicking his tongue, he went on to tell me of my mission

"you're to kill... 10 wild beasts on the battlefield at Sproul State Forest." He said while giving me a paper of the wild beast that could be found there. In the last 20 years, their survival instinct had kicked in, the animals had been mating a lot, leading to countless wild animals filling the forest.

the forest was far, but not too far. just about a 30-minute flight. to a car going at 60 MPH, that would have been more than double the time. but adding the fact I was faster and could fly straight, allowed me to be more than twice as fast

So, I flew off. pushing my speed to its limits, I reached speeds of over 120 miles an hour. Of course, if I was running my speed would have been lower. but flight speed was far greater, allowing me to quickly have such great speed.

'System, when I mastered this flying sword technique, I instantly mastered it to 12% instead of 10%, did the improvement to the [The End] Come when I broke through' I asked calmly, my comprehension speed had improved, 

{Yes. With every breakthrough in the Body transformation realm, [The End] would allow you to instantly master +0.5 of anything.} the system said while I smirked, too easy. Currently, [The End] allows me to instantly master anything by 12%. By the time I reach the peak of the Body transformation realm, it would be 15%. I was of course disappointed that [The End] had to be nerf, but I understood how broken it was.

It didn't take long for me to arrive before a forest. near the forest was a bunch of military vehicles, with cultivators sitting on the ground with crossed legs. behind them was a high road leading to a city, which they were defending. Looking down for a moment, I pulled out a mask from my storage ring. it was a perfect copy form the mask from Code Geass. the mask even opened up, when it neared my face, allowing me to put it on.

what was this you may ask? it turned out those cultivation clans had only allowed technology to bloom because they wanted to recreate the tech from another race. for the past 23 years, these clans have been using their knowledge and understanding of Qi to greatly boost their tech, 

as for stuff like the iPhone and such? they were the crumbs of their research, creations that didn't need Qi. form what the sect leader had told me, each clan had their creations and kept it hidden from other powers, fearing that they could be hacked or something.

This mask was created through a 3D printer. it even had its own inner space. so when I put the mask on, the clothing would appear above the clothing I was already wearing, leading to me looking like >>>>>>

Slowly landing on the ground, all eyes were on me. but seeing the clothing I was wearing which had the emblem of a sect, they understood why I was here. many sects managed to rise to power in the past few months since cultivation became public. The top 5 sects within the United States

at number was 1, The Adem And Eve Sect. the creator Iphone, this sect pushed for humanity's supremacy above all other ace. To enter this sect, one needed more than simple talent, but a pure human bloodline

At number 2, Holy Church. spreading the teaching of their god, this sect was highly skilled within the holy element along with many others. they had the most sect disciples as they were the sect that went up and above to make sure humanity didn't suffer too greatly with the return of Qi and even help people find a house. but there was so much one sect could do

At number 3, The Sect Of Witches. an all-female sect that only accepts females, they held a deep hatred towards males... well, if you look back in time during the witch hunt, you might understand why they hate males.

At Number 4, the Dragon Emperor Sect. a sect whose leader carries the blood of a dragon, It even said that his sect had a dragon that had been sleeping for thousands of years

At number 5, the house of vampires. Sect of vampires, unlike what is shown in TV or movies, vampires don't need blood to survive, instead, they seek it as a source of power to grow. so normal human blood meant nothing to them, instead, cultivators or even the beast's blood was more meaningful to them.

across the United States alone, there were thousands of sects. they tried to have a sect pro-city, but there were over 19,000 cities within the United States alone, and there was no reason they should stretch their resources that thin. so, everyone had come to an agreement that some cities just had to be lost, slowly reclaimed from the wild beast.

"i'm Blank from The Grand Thunder Sect." A deep voice came from the helmet, cutting off those who were just about to speak. stepping off the flying sword, everyone eyed the masked man as he put the flying sword away.

"What's your cultivation?" A middle-aged man asked calmly, 

"I'm at level 6 Body transformation realm. I was sent here on a mission to kill 10 wild beasts." I said calmly, the middle-aged man raised an eyebrow, who would send someone so weak to train on such a dangerous battlefield?

"I should be breaking through to level 7 body transformation in a few minutes. so I would like to go and cultivate." I said calmly, to which the middle-aged man just nodded. So, Alex went to find a place where he could be by himself.

Going through the storage ring that was given to him, Alex took out a bottle of pills which were called the Body tempering pills. these pills would speed up one progress within the body transformation realm. So, through the hole under the mask, Alex swallowed the pill and began to absorb heaven and earth energy to cultivate...

although the wild beasts were wild, they acted upon instincts. so they would not just rush at the death door, instead, they knew to attack in numbers. normally, among the wild beast would be a wise wild beast that could lead the others. The leader within this forest was a black bear, this was bad. as bears were extremely powerful. they had high attack power, they were fast, they were durable, and had powerful senses. giving them the intelligence of a human on top of that, and we had a problem. 

Can a human without cultivation defeat a bear that also has no cultivation? Of course not, you would need like 15 humans to kill a bear. now both sides had cultivation... luckily this Black bear had no cultivation art and was simply cultivating on instinct. but still, a small party would be needed to take it out,

So, Alex was in a hurry to break through right now. already on the way here, he had broken through to level 6, just a few minutes and he could reach level 7. he was in a hurry because the body transformation realm wasn't the highest cultivation realm reached. 

One should know during the 3 years the virus was everywhere, it was the best time for the cultivators to break through many cultivation levels without worrying about their cultivation becoming unstable. it was like the heavens were blessing them.

Above the Body transformation realm was the Qi gathering realm, and above that was the Core Formation. the sect master was at level 8 Core formation realm. to give you an explanation of his power, from what Alex had seen using [The Almighty], the sect master could call upon a storm that could cover a whole city and have the city be swallowed by a rain of lightning. 

he wasn't even the strongest, as he had an elder brother who was at level 10 core formation, and his brother wasn't even all that as there were powerful beings like the sect leader of Adam and Eve, who were above the core formation realm.

"Get ready, they're coming." a soldier roared while holding what seemed to be a laser gun. I looked at the gun, and using [the Almighty], I saw the gun futures. It was indeed a laser gun, it took a person's Qi, gathered and compressed it, before firing it at extreme speed. the power of this gun highly depends on who Qi is being used to fire it, even so, it could greatly increase one attack by more than 10 times.

Looking up ahead, I saw a sea of animals rushing forward, from snakes, dogs, cats, and even bears. they all ran forward. the snake was large enough to swallow a man, while the bear was as large as a bus.

the strongest among these beasts were at the core transformation realm, of course, there were people to deal with it. but the wild beast just ran forward with the weaker wild beast in front, this is where we body transformation realm cultivators stepped in. To make sure the core transformation realm experts on our side wouldn't tire themselves out, we had to kill them.

'I wish I could use my armor.' I thought while standing up, joining the body transformation realm cultivators to go attack the small fry. while lasers were being fired from behind.

I wished I could use Incursio. I have yet to summon the armor and try it on. I knew once I put the armor on, it would evolve to suit me, and enhance my capability. Plus, the best way for it to evolve should be through battle. 

Appearing before a snake that opened its mouth to try and swallow me, my palm seemed to be swallowed with the image of the Thunderbird claw. with a flash, I quickly swung forward, cutting the snake in half with great ease.

This was the Thunderbird claw, it was within the Thunderbird cultivation art. By gathering Qi into the body, one converts that energy into lightning. when one hand is swallowed within the Thunderbird claw, they would have completely mastered this technique.

In the body transformation realm, I was limited to techniques that infused lightning into the body. Like Thunderbird Flash, Thunderbird Scream, and many other

With a step, my claw shot forward, leaving behind a bunch of lifeless bodies all over the place. it was a bloodbath, which quickly made me become the center of everyone's vision, this was because as I killed, I grew better at it, as if I was learning. 

"Who the hell is that?" a soldier said seeing as Alex just kept flying around, lightning covering his feet to boost his speed, and with lightning to cover his hands to turn them into deadly weapons, this was a killing machine. 

what shocked them all was that from the aura Alex was giving off, he was in the body-tempering realm. it was hard to sense one cultivation when they were at level 1 to level 6, they would instead need to send Qi into one body to sense what state their body was within. but at level 7 body transformation, one could sense the state of one Qi, allowing them to guess their cultivation realm.

So, Alex who was at level 7 body transformation was killing the level 9 body transformation realm beast. They could all see the reason for this was his mastery of techniques and energy. allowing him to do all of this without leaving behind drawbacks to himself, but still... these were beasts and not humans. those wild beasts Alex was killing would need a group of humans of the same level to kill

'Just a few more than I will fall back.' Alex thought calmly, he wanted to show others that he could quickly master the way of martial arts. This way, he wouldn't have to worry about explaining to others how on earth he was so skilled in combat. because through the sect leader, he had mastered many forms of martial arts, be it through who the sect leader would be fighting, or himself. I knew it all and was planning on creating my martial arts which transcend all other martial arts.

"Woof!" a lord bark filled with Qi suddenly filled the air, everyone looked over and saw that a Qi-gathering realm dog was jumping towards Alex. Alex was paralyzed, it seemed like that bark carried a unique power that paralyzed Alex. Those core formation realm experts were about to act to save Alex, but they were caught off guard when Alex, moved to the side at the last moment, dodging the dog while clawing towards the dog's leg. blood flew into the sky, yet to Alex's shock, all he did was make a deep cut on the dog's flesh.

The dog landed on its feet while turning to glare at Alex, the cut Alex gave it was deep, but it was a wild beast. pain was something it could ignore. Alex on the other hand had to keep moving, as a huge wave of wild beasts was still attacking him, 

'I could skip 4 levels... thats good enough for now.' Alex thought while shooting towards the huge dog, the dog jumped towards Alex as well, only for Alex to slide under it, before jumping into the sky, and getting out of the encirclement he was in.

"Blank, you can return to the sect." from above, lightning flashed. A young man with a flying sword appeared, flashing before me. I was stunned for a moment, before realizing this was one of the supreme elders within the sect. 

"Thanks," I said before disappearing, the young man watched me leave for a moment, before looking towards the wave of the beast. above him, storm clouds gathered. their sect was mostly skilled with heavy and quick attacks, within this field they were unmatched.

from the heavens, lightning fell. seeing this, a huge bear roared at the sky, before it slapped its palm at the ground. its Qi shot into the ground, controlling the ground to shoot up into the sky to meet the lightning. 

"it's evolving to become an earth bear.." the young man said with a deep frown, as Earth bears were walking tanks. adding how wild beasts were stronger than humans at the same level, the young man knew this would be a long and hard battle.

as for why those above the core formation realm couldn't just come, there were 2 reasons for this. the first was that they were dealing with the wild beast with strength rivaling them or above the core formation realm near their lands. and second, why would they travel hundreds of miles from their land to help another land fight, leading to their land, and sect being defenseless? 

Wait, you thought the humans were united? Oh no, they simply shared a common goal, which was to stabilize things. give them an opening, and you would return home to find all of your clansmen slaughtered with everything they kept stored stolen.

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