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80.55% Tvd /The Originals : Harper Freed / Chapter 29: chapter 29 : Rose-Marie

Capítulo 29: chapter 29 : Rose-Marie

Dinner ended and as Harper, Alaric and Damon went to get drunk at Mystic Grills, Mason followed them to intercept the group in the parking lot.

 Alaric: Mason ?

 Damon: Hey, our lone wolf wants to join the drinking pack ? You like whiskey I hope.

 Mason: You know very well why I came to find you here.

 "Rick, do you know what he's barking about ?" Damon asked Alaric in a tone that was both mocking and confused.

 Alaric: Not at all.

 Harper: Why are you here, Mason ? 

 Mason:…you mentioned a moonstone. How did you get it?

 Harper: I manipulated your nephew's mind to bringing it to us. Tyler is a really nice boy, he has a little trouble managing his anger but he's nice.

 Mason: I want the stone.

 Damon: We'll return it to Tyler when we finish breaking the curse for us. 

 Mason: Stop Damon, this is not a joke. I-(interrupted)

 Damon: You're not here for the stone but to mourning the good old Richard, right ? You were sincere so you'll have the stone when we break this curse. 

 Mason: Okay, you win, I'm here for the moonstone.

 Harper: You lied to us and implicated your late brother in your lie ? 

 Mason: I...I don't want any trouble guys, just the stone.

 Damon: Listen buddy, you only pose a potential danger once a month and that's over. I could swat you like a fly now but I'd rather give you some advice instead. Katherine is not worth the effort you are making for her, stop being her puppet and start acting like a man, not a boy.

 Harper had a smile listening to Damon, he was so proud of him and even Alaric applauded. 

 Mason: So that's it uh? Are you jealous of her and me? She told me about you Damon, the obsessed idiot who searched for her for 145 years. She never wanted you man.

 Damon: You're not teaching me anything about , I finally realized what kind of bitch she is and I hope you do later but you can believe me, she's playing with you. You won't get that moonstone, buddy.

 Mason: You might regret this, Damon.

 Damon looked at him for a few seconds, he wanted to rip his head off but he resisted his urges.

"Cry for your brother and take care of your nephew, this kid is lost in his emotions. As for Katherine, tell that bitch that the next time I see her I'm going to rip out her practically non-existent heart." Damon told him calmly in a threatening tone.

Angered by Damon threatening the girl he was in love with, Mason felt anger growing inside him and his eyes turned golden yellow.

 Damon: You're far from your best now. You've already attacked me once and I let it go, but do it again and I'll rip your head off no matter what form you take.

 "I'll take this stone back Damon..." Mason said before leaving and later in his car he dialed the number of Jules who was in California with the rest of their pack to inform them that the moonstone that was in the possession of the vampires in Mystic Falls.

He told them to meet him in Mystic Falls before the next full moon to take the stone back by force, break their curse and stop the mutation during the full moon. This was of course a lie and he intended to run away with the stone and Katherine.

 (several days later)

 "Breathe, your body has already been initiated into a better communion with the spirits of nature. Immerse yourself in the energy of fire and channel it into yourself, you could do it before with candles but now you'll do it with much greater efficiency." Harper said to Abby and Bonnie sitting in front of the fireplace when suddenly the fire in front of them became much bigger and intense to the point of scaring Jamie but the magic kept the blazes under control.

 "Yes, that's it. Keep it up, you must meditate regularly with the element of nature with which you are most comfortable to strengthen your magic receptors. The more you meditate the more you will be able to manipulate more power coming from the spirits. You will be much more powerful than your ancestors were." Harper said with satisfaction.

 Abby: Where did you learn such a method?

 Harper: I didn't learn it but created it. This is only useful for you, in my case my magic does not come from the spirits but from myself. My powers are mine and I don't need to develop a connection with spirits to use their full potential. I wanted to teach it to Sheila but even though she loved me, she was too proud to accept my teaching because I am a vampire.

 Abby: You knew my mother well.

 Bonnie: That's totally Grams.

 Harper's phone rang and it was a call from Lexi informing him that an old friend of hers was there and requesting an audience, she told him that it was very important and that it even involved the original vampires .

Harper's face became very serious and he told the two women that he was leaving even though they were quite surprised by this since he had only been there for 30 minutes.

 Bonnie and her mother had come to be very comfortable with the presence of Harper who was Sheila's love interest and now an extremely competent and experienced counselor and instructor.

He had given the Bennetts the rights to acquire two successful restaurants in the city to allow Sheila's descendants to live with dignity, so he was a very special person to them.

 Harper returned home to be greeted by the butler who gave him an update on the situation in the house and he thanked him for his work, managing almost 200 members of staff was a special task but this place was too big and it took a lot of people to take care of it.

 Lexi came to him and took him to the large reception room where visitors were admiring the room with a little stress.

It was precisely Rose-Marie or Rose and her friend Trevor who, upon seeing Harper arrive with Lexi, quickly bowed before him with a certain fear.

He looked closely at Rose and started to smile because in his premonitions about Damon, she was the woman he had next to him in his vision.

She was the woman who was made for his friend and he was delighted at her coming.

 Harper: Please, respecting me and having politeness under my roof will be more than enough so you don't need such formalities. May I know who you are and how I can help you?

 Rose: We thank you for your welcome and consideration, Lord Freed. My name is Rose-Marie, I am an old acquaintance of your wife and this is my friend, Trevor…

 Trevor: It's an honor to be in your presence, Lord Freed.

 Harper: My wife's friends are my friends. Tell me how I can help you, Rose. (to a servant) Please bring us a drink, fresh red will be perfect.

 "Right away, sir…" The man left to get blood and cuts for them, all the staff were under a spell and aware of his nature so they were aware of his Special Diet .

The Freeds had created a foundation in town to help, care for, welcome and feed the homeless in the city but they had to donate blood every month for the town hospital and part of that blood went to his mansion. for his diet now.

 Rose: We know that you have faced the original vampires and are powerful enough to stand up to them. We beg you to please offer us your protection because we have been fleeing the originals for more than 500 years.

 Harper: What is the cause of their wrath upon you ?

 Trevor: A long time ago, I was in their service but I betrayed them by freeing a woman they were detaining out of love for this woman without even realizing that she was playing with me. Katherine was very important to the original lords' plans and my betrayal was a death sentence. Since then, Rose has covered me and we have been on the run for over 500 years.

 Rose: We're exhausted from running around without a place to settle down and breathe. When Slater out of pity for us informed us that the Regulator was married to Lexi and settled in Mystic Falls, we thought of coming here and asking for your protection.

 Harper: Katherine? Again and again Katherine! I have the impression that she makes every man she meets completely crazy. (to Trevor) I'm sure if a human betrayed you you would kill them without the slightest hesitation. Why would I protect someone who betrayed my old friends ? It doesn't matter that love is the reason for your treachery, you are a traitor and you didn't betray just anyone but the original vampires.

 Trevor: I...I was-(interrupted)

 Harper: You knew what they were capable of and what they would do to you, but that didn't stop you from betraying them, even if it meant putting your only friend in mortal danger. You deserve to die, Trevor.

 Rose: Please Regulator, I helped Trevor of my own choice. I helped him and followed him in his escape by my own will.

 Harper: They would have interrogated you anyway through a very long torture before killing you because you are his friend. 

 Rose: are our only hope...

 Harper: Why is everyone so sure of my power when I'm practically only 170 years old? What details give you hope for me?

 Rose: 170 years old ?!!

 Trevor: Are you kidding?

 Lexi: He's telling the truth.

 Trevor: We came to humiliate ourselves here for nothing...

 Rose: But then...all these rumors...Why...?! How… ?!

 Trevor: Rose we exposed ourselves for nothing, let's leave here and take the opportunity to take Petrova's double, according to Slater she would be here. Your friend Lexi lied to us saying he could help us.

 Rose :…

 Harper: Trevor, I urge you to beg my wife's forgiveness by taking back what you just said before I kill you.

 "One more word and I'll-(interrupted)" Trevor couldn't even finish his sentence when at a speed he couldn't keep up with, Harper came suddenly and grabbed his neck with one hand. to strangle him and suspend him above the ground. He tried to remove his hand by force but it was impossible.

 "TREVOR" Rose screamed and tried to rush at Harper but she immediately lay down screaming in pain as Harper without even looking at her inflicted a powerful pain curse on her.

Trevor tried desperately to get out of Harper's grip but it was purely unavoidable.

 Harper: It is true that I am a young vampire but my power is well and truly above that of the originals. Now, traitor, I will ask you to make a choice. For offending my wife, I'm going to ask you to choose between you and Rose who I should kill. As for the survivor, you have my word that he will have my protection against the originals.

 Lexi: Please, show mercy. Rose is my friend...

 "Don't waste my time and choose quickly or I'll kill you both..." Harper said coldly to Trevor ignoring Lexi's pleas.

 Trevor: It's my fault...I'm the guilty one can kill me but...but please...Rose has suffered enough because of me...spare her and protect her...please, Regulator. 

 Harper: Is that really what you want ?

 Trevor: No, I...I don't want to die but Rose...she doesn't deserve all this...please kill me but not her.

 Harper, after a few seconds of observation, released him, also freeing Rose from her torment.

 Harper: Forgive me for this painful step, I had to know if you deserved to be protected or not and you convinced me. Pure, willing loyalty is a very rare thing for members of our species. Trevor, Rose, welcome to my mansion, I give you my word that the originals will not reach you here and my protection extends to the entire city of Mystic Falls where you can move around without fear. Lexi will give you a summary of the rules to follow regarding all vampires in my town.

 Trevor who had Rose in his arms looked at Harper with gratitude and fear as he thanked him.

 "Please forgive me for the torment I have inflicted on you, Rose-Marie. My wife holds you in great esteem and so do I. Now you both know why I'm being compared to the originals." he said, moving closer to Rose and help her up while looking into her eyes, Harper himself had to admit that Rose was really very beautiful.

 He let Lexi talk to them and get them settled while his phone kept buzzing with calls from Damon telling him he was late for their night of drinking at Mystic Grills with Alaric.

He arrived there quickly while his two companions were already at the counter with Matt as Bartender.

 Damon: You're late.

 Harper: I had urgent things to do.

 Alaric: (to Damon) He too complains about you being late at his office for your psychology sessions.

 Harper: Thanks Rick.

 Damon: (to Rick) Jenna is also complaining about you being late for your dates .

 Matt: And his lateness to class sometimes…

 Damon: Donovan, you deserve a tip. (to Harper) So? What was my psychiatrist doing that was so urgent ?

 Harper: Ahem, dear friend we have new guests in town. Do you remember the woman I told you about? The one you had to wait for... 

 Damon: I still don't believe it...

 Harper: There she is, my friend.

 Alaric: Can someone enlighten me ?

 Harper: Our companion here has always suffered from lovesickness which has tormented him for a long time. He never had the chance to be fully in a relationship with the girls he had feelings for without knowing that there was a woman somewhere made for him and now she is here.

 Alaric: And how do you know she's made for him ?

Damon : I warn you, it's complicated. 

 Harper: Premonition, I can see fragments of someone's future. It's quite complex because the future can depend on the subject's current decisions and it changes constantly. A mentally different Damon wouldn't fit this girl mentally compared to ours.

 Alaric: Wow, that's complicated.

 Damon: I told you. Finding true love is no longer my priority anyway. I'm going to watch over my little brother and his well-being with Elena, there are things about him that I really didn't care about, such as his problems with human blood. Even though he is almost able to eat normally, I know that this problem isn't yet resolved. In the end, I didn't need a romantic relationship but serious counseling to resolve emotional problems.

 Alaric: You are certainly no longer the vampire who bit, killed and transformed my wife.

 Damon: Wrong, Rick. Becoming more reasonable and thoughtful does not erase my past mistakes, a turd is still a turd even if over time its stench fades.

 Harper: Interesting analogy. (to Matt who was taking care of other clients ) So, Matthew and your relationship with Caroline ?

 Matt: Oh, Caroline is a little weird and distant, she's possessive, jealous and sometimes a little aggressive since her rehabilitation. Honestly, I don't know where we are in this relationship anymore.

 Damon: Don't worry, she'll be fine. You know there is a period in the month where women have-(interrupted)

 Harper + Alaric: DAMON!!

 Damon: What ?!

 Matt: It's okay, I know these things.

 Harper: Maybe you need therapy, you and her will come to my office this Tuesday at 4 p.m. We will do a session…

 Damon: Hey, Jiminy Criket i remind you that you are MY psychiatrist. 

 Harper: Well, you'll come later, you'll be late anyway.

 "Ahahahah Excellent…" Alaric laughed at Damon and they continued drinking throughout the evening talking and laughing about certain topics while the three had fun giving Matt advice about women.


Hello guys, Sorry for my delay in updating but I am currently in the hospital since December 31st because I was stabbed in the abdomen to protect my mother. Because of the exhaustion I'll slow down a little and keep writing to ignore this excruciating pain. I wish you all a very happy New Year 🙏🏾

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